One might almost say that the modern spirit of a city was shown in the accommodation and conveniences it affords to the automobile trade, since this industry is one of the newest and most rapidly expanding ones of recent date. If the measure of a city should be taken through the facilities it affords in this line, Baxter Springs would stand forth prominently in this line, and this reputation would be particularly safe in making comparisons through the

Another One of Baxter's School Buildings
Studebaker Garage, located at 938 Military Avenue. This business is owned by E. H. Schloeman, and his son, Lambert. They are men of high standing in all circles and are counted among the city's most dependable boosters. They assumed control of the establishment in May, 1922, succeeding the Porterfield Motor Company. E. H. Schloeman & Son do a general repair and storage business and carry a line of greases, etc. A specialty is made of repair work on Studebaker cars, this being a service station for these well-known machines. However, they are thoroughly posted on all makes of cars and repair machines of every kind, as well as gas engines, tractors, etc. The mechanical department is under the direct supervision of men of the highest qualifications in this line and service is a word that means much at The Studebaker Garage.


A community is very often judged by the quality of its restaurants, and when these very necessary institutions are of that standard which characterizes the business conducted by the establishment named in the above heading it goes a long way toward convincing the casual observer that the town supporting it must be at least worth while. The Garrison Restaurant, located on Military Avenue, is without doubt one of the best equipped and most sanitary eating houses in Cherokee County. Quick to take advantage of any new idea that will add to the comfort and convenience of her guests and a lady of ripe experience in catering to the public, Mrs. Garrison, the proprietor, is well known throughout this section and stands high in the estimation of all. She employs only the most competent assistants and the service afforded is on a par with that of the best of establishments of a similar nature in the larger cities. Regular meals are served at the noon hour and short orders are to be had here at all hours and at popular prices.


  The automobile and accessory business is well represented in Cherokee County by a number of enterprising and progressive firms. An establishment that stands at the head of the list among similar firms of the district is the J. H. Auto Supply Company, located on 12th Street, near Military Avenue. They are wholesale and retail dealers in auto supplies of every kind and description, do steam vulcanizing, manufacture and repair auto, tops and curtains and assemble, rebuild, repair and recharge batteries. The beginning of the J. H. Auto Supply Company dates back to July, 1917. at which time the present concern bought out Sam Schafer, who was then doing business under the name of the J. H. Garage. After assuming control of the business, the present company was incorporated and now has for its officers Roy Van Horn, President; Iola Page, Vice-President, and R. B. Page, Secretary and Treasurer. They are all widely and favorably known in the district and have contributed much toward the onward march of progress of the community. This is one of the largest, best known and most successful auto supply houses in the Southeastern section of the State and, through conscientious effort and square dealing, it has built up a broad and growing patronage.


Real Estate and Insurance.

  There is perhaps no better exponent of the progress of any city or community than the activity displayed by the real estate and insurance firms. There are few men engaged in this line in this section of the country who are better known than G. E. Rucker, and none more dependable for a fair and square deal. This is the eleventh year that he has been operating at Baxter Springs, and from the very beginning he has enjoyed a liberal patronage and the fullest confidence of all coming within his scope of action. He is a dealer in city property and farm and mining lands; also writes practically all forms of insurance. A thorough knowledge of his line and an intimate acquaintance in the local field enables him to afford the public the best of service at all times. His policy is not to see how much commission he can make from a client or customer, but how well he can please both the buyer and seller when the transaction is consummated.


  Of all the great staple branches of business represented in Cherokee County, not one is more fully nor more richly developed than that of the lumber and building material trade. A leader in this line is E. C. Abernethy, who operates well-stocked yards at Baxter Springs, Kansas, Joplin, Mo., and Cardin, Okla. The local yard was established in 1918, and is located at 2146 West 12 Street. Here is carried a complete stock of rough and dressed lumber, sash, doors, shingles, roofing lime, cement, builders' hardware, paints, etc. He has the best of facilities for the handling of materials and patrons are afforded the most efficient service at economical prices. Mr. Abernethy is a prominent financial citizen of Joplin. B. E. DeVilers, of Baxter Springs, is local manager. He is a live "wire," and takes an active and spirited part in every movement for the betterment of Baxter Springs and surrounding territory.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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