The presence of a first-class pharmacy in any community is a source of satisfaction. To the pharmacist, the physician looks for, the careful and prompt compounding of his prescriptions and the public looks for the many articles to be found only in the drug store. In Baxter Springs one of the most popular and up-to-date pharmacies is that conducted by the Jackson Drug Company at the corner of 11th and Military Avenue. This store is completely stocked with a comprehensive line of standard drugs, toilet articles accessories surgical appliances, stationery, fine box candies, rubber and leather goods,

Spring River Bridge at Riverton
cigars, tobacco, novelties, etc. This stock was selected with great care and good judgment, and is neatly arranged and displayed. The fixtures are of the latest and most modern type, finished in light oak, while the floor is laid with tile. The place is equipped with one of the largest and most up-to-date soda fountains to be seen in the district. The Jackson Drug Company is one of the foremost concerns of its kind in this section of the country. In addition to the business in this city, they have two well stocked stores at Joplin, Mo., and two at Miami, Okla. They also own the Missouri Wholesale Drug Company of Joplin. The Baxter Springs store is in charge of Hobart Hammar. He has had a broad experience in this important line and has all the details of the business at his finger tips. He is a "live wire" and a hustler, and takes much interest in the welfare and progress of the city and county.


  Enterprise, coupled with keen business foresight, have ever been one of the leading factors in the development of the natural resources of Cherokee County, and the community owes much to the ability and spirit of progress of those engaged in commercial lines. This leads us to speak of the Willard Coal & Ice Company, located in the western section of the city,, on the tracks of the Frisco Railroad. They are manufacturers of pure artificial ice and dealers in high-grade coal for steam and domestic use. This is one of the old estblished[sic] and successful concerns of the city. The business came into being about 18 years ago and since that time its growth and development has been almost identical with that of the community. The ice plant is equipped with the latest improved machinery, and their product is made from pure distilled water and absolutely free from germs and all foreign substance. They supply the local demand, also ship ice to the surrounding towns and villages. This company has the best of
facilities in each department and affords its patrons the most prompt service at economical prices. A. B. and L. L. Willard are the active heads of this concern. They are both men of superior business ability, are largely public-spirited and stand high in the estimation of all.


  Located at 1718 West 12th Street is the well-stocked establishment that forms the heading of this sketch. The Exchange Furniture Company opened its doors for business July 1, 1922. Although a comparatively new firm, the business has had a steady growth from the beginning and is today among the representative mercantile enterprises of the city. They are dealers in new and used furniture, carpets, rugs, curtains, stoves, ranges, and home furnishings of every kind and description. They buy, sell, and exchange furniture of all kinds. With a complete stock and prices as low as consistent with quality, this store has become a favorite trading place with hundreds of people in Baxter Springs and surrounding country. This business is owned by L. C. Davis and G. V. Vail. They are both men of energy and keen foresight and have many friends in all walks of life.


  Since the entry of the automobile into the field as a means of transportation, there is hardly a department of business activity that has not been affected to a greater or less degree by this important factor in traffic conditions. Every town worthy of the name now has its garages and salesrooms, and Baxter Springs is not by any means behind the times. One of the representative concerns engaged in this line here is the H. W. Price Motor Company, located on Military Avenue, between 12th and 13th Streets. This firm is agent for the famous Chevrolet automobiles, carry a line of Chevrolet repair parts, do a repair and storage business; sell, rent, repair, recharge and rebuild batteries; also carry a line of tires and accessories. This concern opened its doors for business in September, 1922. H. W. Price is the active head of the firm. He is one of the most enterprising of our younger business men and takes a keen interest in matters that promise improvement in conditions in the community.


  The grocery store is the housekeeper's first thought in the morning and her distress all day if the groceries are delivered too late for dinner. Parham Brothers have been engaged in the grocery and meat business at Baxter Springs three years, keep on hand the best groceries and meats that money and experience can bring together, are leaders in high quality and reasonable prices and enjoy a broad and growing patronage. Their stock is carefully selected and comprises groceries, fresh and cured meats, produce, fruits, etc. They make it a rule to carry everything that good housekeeping requires and have built up an enviable reputation for dealing in honest goods at honest prices. Parham Brothers are among the best-known citizens of the city and always respond generously when a project is launched for the advancement of the community. They were raised here and expect to remain in business and grow with the community.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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