
  A man of good business qualifications, with a keen appreciation of the elements that go to make up a successful career, J. W. Kaltenbach stands high among the well-known business men of Baxter Springs, where he has a well-equipped real estate, farm loan and insurance office. He has been engaged in this line here since September, 1917. He

Concrete Road Scene Near Riverton
is thoroughly posted on every detail connected with his calling and affords his patrons the mast reliable service at all times. He is a dealer in city property, farm and mining lands - in fact, buys, sells and exchanges real estate of every description; also makes farm loans and abstracts and writes all forms of insurance. He maintains his office on the ground floor of the Baxter National Bank Building, on 11th Street and Military Avenue. One of his specialties is Southeast Kansas farms. Since opening his office here, he has been instrumental in bringing many new interests to this community. He is full of "pep," energy and the go-ahead spirit, and never fails to do his share of boosting for his home town, county or State.


General Insurance.

  In all lines of insurance, Baxter Springs has representatives of the strongest companies, and thus our citizens have the best of protection from loss through fire, accident, etc. One of the oldest established, widely known and successful general insurance agencies of this section is that of Jack Spratt, located at 1032 Military Avenue, next door to the Baxter State Bank. Mr. Spratt writes fire, liability, accident, automobile, plate-glass, tornado, casualty and other forms of insurance, and represents many of the oldest and strongest companies in existence today. He has always made it a rule to offer his patrons a large list of reliable companies from which to select, and much of his business comes from people who have dealt with him for years. Service is a word that means much at this office, while his methods are open, modern and progressive. He is a firm believer in the future of Baxter Springs and never hesitates to put his shoulder to the wheel when it comes to a question of advancing the best interests of the community in any legitimate way.


  One of the strong and old established lines of business of Baxter Springs is the Glasgow Hardware Company, who occupy spacious quarters on Military Avenue, between 11th and 12th Streets. This company is incorporated with an ample capital and carries one of the best selected stocks of hardware, stoves, ranges, sporting goods, cutlery, etc., to be found in Cherokee County. They also carry a liberal line of Ford parts and other automobile accessories. From a comparatively small beginning in 1918, this firm has developed into one of the foremost retail houses of the city. It has always been known as a store of quality and one where a fair and square deal goes hand in hand with each and every transaction. This has made the house popular among all who like to buy the best in this line at economical prices.
  The Glasgow Hardware Company is under the able management of R. Glasgow. He is one of the most widely known and most energetic business men of the city. Largely public-spirited and progressive he takes a deep interest in everything that has a tendency to benefit the community and its people.


  At this very excellent grocery store one may obtain anything that is usually found in a first-class establishment of its kind. Cook's Grocery is completely stocked with staple and fancy groceries, fruits, produce, etc., each article and commodity marked down to a rock-bottom figure. This business is located at 935 Military Avenue. They are leaders in quality and moderate prices, and enjoy a premium trade among hundreds of the best families in the community. Goods are delivered promptly to any part of the city. This store is owned by J. W. Cook and his son, John C. Cook, two of the best known and most highly respected citizens of the city. They have resided here for years and have always given freely of their time and substance in helping in the onward march of progress of the community. J. W. Cook, the senior member of the firm, came to Baxter in 1892, and has been identified with the sale of groceries ever since that time. He has given twenty years of his life to the public, having served eight years as Treasurer of Public Schools, and is now serving his twelfth year as City Treasurer.


  In a neighborhood where there are many business houses of the same character, there has to be some sound reason for the success of any one firm. Among the facts that count chiefly with the public is reasonable prices and reliable foodstuffs, and when these rules are maintained there is every prospect that patrons will soon realize it and give their confidence and trade to the house that lives up to these standards. This is the reputation that G. T. Roach has earned during the 4 1/2 years he has been established at Baxter Springs. and at his store people are always sure of receiving the quality for which they are paying. He is a dealer in groceries, fruits, produce, fresh and cured meats, flour, etc., having one of the neatest, best-stocked and most complete establishments of this kind in the county. There are few men in the retail grocery business in this community who are better known that G. T. Roach. He is a man of energy and good business qualifications, and his success in the past speaks well for his future prosperity.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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