plumbing and sheet metal works, 1 ice plant, 1 steam laundry, 1 overall factory and many first-class retail establishments engaged in all legitimate lines of commerce.
  Galena has the best of educational advantages, possessing an up-to-date High school and two grade schools. The town has the usual religious organizations, several owning imposing and costly houses of worship. The streets are paved with brick in the business part of the city. In the residence section they are graded and covered with white chat. It is a clean, healthful and well governed lit-
000.00; undivided profits, $11,359.93, and deposits of $427,468.25. The Bank is conducted on sound and conservative principles, and its management is characterized by sagacity, energy, and ability, coupled with liberality and honorable methods, closely identifying itself with the many improvements that have helped in the onward march of progress of the county and contributing liberally to its prosperity. The officers and directors are among the foremost financial citizens of this section and have always been commendably active in promoting the best interests of Galena and surrounding territory.
  OFFICERS: J. K. Wingert, President; A. Schmidt, Vice-President; R. A. Coles, Cashier, and Thos. O. Moeller, Assistant Cashier.
  DIRECTORS: J. K. Wingert, A. Schmidt, B. E. Stice, C. W. Squires, P. C. Millikin, and T. G. Senter.

Two of Galena's School Buildings
tle city possessing all the advantages of the larger municipalities. This is headquarters of The Home Telephone Company who operate well equipped exchanges at Galena, Baxter, Columbus, Scammon and Weir, Kans. Among the most important interests in this community might be mentioned mining, agriculture, horticulture, stock raising, dairying and poultry. Apples, peaches, pears, grapes, strawberries and other fruits are also grown in this community while the farm products comprise practically everything common to the temperate zone. Healthful climate and pleasant surroundings make Galena a most delightful place in which to reside.


  As a rule the important part played by a bank is not fully appreciated by the public. A majority look upon it as simply a place of safe keeping for money, and have no adequate conception of the fact that it constitutes an important factor in the success of all legitimate enterprises, and the feeling afforded to a business community by the possession of one or more responsible banks whose methods are founded upon broad experience and whose financial status is beyond question, may not be overestimated. Of such a character is The Galena National Bank, one of the oldest and most substantial financial institutions in Cherokee County. It was organized away back in 1877, and was Nationalized in 1892. According to its recent official financial statement it has total resources of MORE THAN A HALF MILLION DOLLARS; capital stock, $50,000.00; surplus fund, $50,-


  Strictly in line with the popular saying that "Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness," Galena offers, not alone to the city, but to all surrounding territory as well, an opportunity to live fully up to the above maxim. One of the chief factors by which a community becomes favorably known, is its facilities for making the lives of its citizens a source of pleasurable comfort, and as a very strong factor in this respect, we wish to call attention to The Troy Steam Laundry, an institution that for superior service is second to none in this section. This laundry was established in 1900. It is located at 411 Main Street, and owned by Jerome McCarthy. He is one of the best known citizens in the city, and has contributed much toward the upbuilding of the community. The Troy Laundry is equipped with the latest improved machinery and patrons are afforded the best of service at economical prices.


  The above named firm is well located at 710 Main Street. They are dealers in high-grade auto tires and accessories, oils and gasoline, etc., carrying one of the most complete stocks of its kind in the city. They feature the best of everything in their line and by selling honest goods at honest prices, they have built up a broad and growing patronage. Rohrbough Brothers started in business at Galena in 1918, and by perpetual progressiveness and by giving the public a little more than it paid for, both as to values and service, they have assumed a commanding position among the leaders in this branch of business in this section. The members of the firm are believers in good roads and other modern improvements, and are enthusiastic advocates of all measures advanced in the interest of the community.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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