One of the largest, best stocked and most complete grocery stores in Cherokee County and one that has built up an enviable reputation for handling the best pure food groceries to be had and selling same at economical prices, is The Economy Grocery, located at 201 Main Street.
  This concern has on hand a large, well selected and sanitary stock of all that is staple and desirable in the line of pure food groceries, table delicacies,
that type of American business man who never loses an opportunity to advance the best interests of his home town or county and is counted among the real live wires in Galena's commercial circles.


  As a sanitary measure for the promotion of health, the plumbing trade occupies a front position in the ranks of modern improvements, and the perfection to which this important industry has been

Two of Galena's Churches
fruits, flour, feed, etc. Each article and commodity is priced in plain figures and goods may be had at this store at as low rate as can be had anywhere in this section of the country. They do business on a cash basis and make deliveries to any part of the city. The firm offers one price to all and by doing business at a minimum of expense they are enabled to offer many articles and commodities at a lower price than most retail stores in the district. D. D. Crowell, the owner of this business, is one of the real live wires in the commercial circles of the city. He has made a success through his own efforts and natural business ability and stands justly high in the estimation of all who know him.


  It is almost an invariable rule that, in all centers of business, there are certain representative houses in each line of trade which stand pre-eminent and have built up, by close attention to details of business, a liberal and substantial share of patronage. Such an enterprise in Galena is the Lee Sharp Candy Company, located at 205 Main Street. They are extensive manufacturers and jobbers of fine candies of every description, and are the leaders in their line in this community. The business was first started on March 15, 1919, under the name of the Raible Candy Company and on March 15, 1920, was changed to the Lee Sharp Candy Company. The concern has gone steadily forward on a wave of quality and is now enjoying a broad and growing patronage among representative retail dealers in Southeast Kansas, Northern Oklahoma and Southwest Missouri. They manufacture a large line of candies of various kinds also do a considerable jobbing business in confectionery produced in other large plants of the country. The merchants of the surrounding territory are afforded the most prompt and reliable service, the majority of the deliveries in this section being made by truck. The business is managed by Lee Sharp, one of the foremost citizens of the county. He is of
brought is the best comment on the intelligence that has been devoted to it. In this significant department of industry, together with heating and tin and sheet metal work, Chas. O. Day, of Galena, has achieved a well-earned reputation, and his establishment has long been recognized as one of the leaders in its line in Cherokee County. He has been connected with this branch of business here about 30 years. That his work has always given the most positive satisfaction is evidenced by the fact that many of his patrons have been dealing with him from the date of his inception. He does plumbing and repair work, manufactures sheet metal products used in building construction, does sheet metal repair work, also installs heating equipment in homes, offices and business houses. He is an expert in this line and employs only the most capable assistants. Mr. Day is a "live wire" and has always been counted among the faithful workers for the best interests of his home town, county and State.


  One of the representtive[sic] lines of business in Galena is Gray's Service Station, located on West 7th Street. It is owned and managed by Harry C. Gray, a young man of modern and progressive ideas who is well-known locally and has many friends in all walks of life. This firm deals in gasoline, oils, greases, auto tires, tubes, accessories, etc. A few of their special and celebrated lines are "Red Crown" gasoline, "Polarine" motor oils, and the famous "Empire" tires and tubes. It was on June 1, 1922, that Mr. Gray opened his doors for business. He is a man who believes in quality above all else. He makes it a rule to handle only the very best of everything pertaining to this line and affords automobile owners a service that is in keeping with the best of establishments of a similar nature in the larger cities. That the public appreciates his efforts along this line is shown by the steady increase in his patronage.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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