Scene on Spring River


  Galena people are very proud of the progress made by those who came here in an early day, saw the possibilities of this section and identified themselves with its growth and development. One of the institutions of this character is the store of Schmidt Brothers, located at 202-204 Main Street. They are dealers in hardware, queensware, household necessities, sporting goods, stoves, ranges, staple and fancy groceries, etc. This is one of the pioneer firms of the city, having been established about 30 years ago, and the house has always been known as a most safe and satisfactory place at which to trade. The premises occupied comprise a building about 50x110 feet in size with basement. The stock is neatly arranged and no detail is lacking to make of the firm a competent agency to meet all the varied needs of its field. The members of the firm are men of excutive ability and, during their long residence here, have contributed much toward the material advancement of Galena and surrounding territory. The future of the concern is based on the same solid ground on which its long and honorable past has built up a solid and permanent public indorsement.


  One of the most necessary industries of Galena, and one which is an important factor in the business life of the community it serves, is the Galena
Mill & Elevator, located just off North Main Street, on the tracks of the Frisco Railroad. This plant is modern in point of equipment and furnishes its patrons the best of service at live-and-let-live prices. The Galena Mill & Elevator is devoted to the manufacture of high-grade flour, meal, and corn chops. They furnish the farmers of this section a good and active market for corn and wheat; also do exchange business. In the sale of flour, meal and chops, they do both wholesale and retail business and draw trade from all surrounding territory. This business is owned by Paul J. Ruedi, who assumed control in March, 1921. He is well posted in this branch of business and thoroughly qualified to meet all the varied needs of the public in the territory in which he is operating. Mr. Ruedi is a courteous and straightforward business man and has many friends in all walks of life.


  Cherokee County is well illustrated in the scope and magnitude of its lumber trade, which is one of those staple departments of business which gauge the prosperity of the average community. This branch of trade is represented by a number of enterprising firms who carry as complete stocks as can be found anywhere in this section. One of the pioneers in this line is L. K. Moeller, located on West Third Street. This business was established in 1888 by Smith & Moeller and was operated as such until 1896 at which time L. K. Moeller became the sole owner. The premises utilized cover about one-half of a city block and all material is kept under rainproof sheds. He has the best of facilities for serving the public, and carries a full line of lumber, lath, doors, shingles, fire brick, fire clay, Portland cement, cement plaster, building paper, asphalt, composition roofing, paint, tile, sewer pipe etc. This business is managed by L. V. Moeller. He is a man of wide experience in this line, has resided here for many years and his name has always been prominently identified with worthy projects that have been advanced in the interests of the community.


  A business that is greatly essential to any community is the well appointed and efficiently conducted drug store, and in this respect Galena is indeed fortunate. One of the best equipped and most complete drug stores in the county is Wheeler's Drug Store, located at the corner of 7th and Main Streets. For many years this store has been a recognized leader in this branch of retail commerce in this community and has gained an enivable[sic] reputation for superior service and liberal prices. It is stocked with a comprehensive line of pure drugs, chemicals, proprietary medicines, toilet articles, stationery, rubber and leather goods, cigars, tobacco, etc., and is also equipped with a first-class soda fountain, together with neat serving tables. This business was established 16 or 17 years tgo[sic] and is owned by E. R. Wheeler. He is a registered pharmacist of the ripest sort of experience, is a man of marked business ability, and as a citizen he has always taken an active part in every undertaking for the moral and material betterment of the community.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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