Building operations and city and farm improvements consume vast quantities of lumber and it would surprise even many of those connected with the trade to see the figures in detail. Among those engaged in the lumber and building material business in Cherokee County, none enjoy the confidence of the public to a greater degree than the M. Robeson Lumber Company. This business was established about 46 or 47 years ago, when Galena was a mere


  The popularity of the automobile has been one of the marked features of the past few years and there are few cities that do not show extensive accommodations to the "Knights of the Rubber-Tired Vehicles." Galena is not by any means behind the times in this respect, and one of the recognized leaders in this branch of business is the Galena Auto Company, situated at the corner of 5th and Main Streets. They do an automobile repair and storage business, deal

Wheat is a Profitable Crop in Cherokee County
village. The firm has kept pace with the growth of the community, and has been a powerful factor in the materail[sic] advancement of the city and district. They carry a complete stock of lumber, shingles, roofing, lime, cement, builder's hardware, etc., - in fact everything pertaining to this line. They have the best of facilities for the expeditious handling of materials and their large stock enable them to meet every requirement of the public in the city and surrounding territory. The active heads of this business are M. Robeson, M. L. Robeson, and F. F. Robeson. They are among the leading financial citizens of this section, stand high in all circles and have always been foremost in every undertaking for the welfare of their home town and county.


  A notable example of what can be accomplished in the face of the greatest opposition by a thorough knowledge of business and honorable methods is exemplified in the well merited success of Smith's Grocery, located at 417 Main Street. This business is owned by D. W. Smith, one of the most progressive of our younger business men, who is well known locally and has many friends in all walks of life. He opened his doors for business here on October 27, 1922, and by perpetual progressiveness and by giving full value for every dollar invested in merchandise at his store, he has built up a trade which places his establishment among the foremost enterprises of its kind in the county. Mr. Smith is a dealer in staple and fancy groceries and fresh and cured meats, handling a complete and up-to-date stock of everything pertaining to this line. He is a firm believer in high quality and prompt service, although his prices are as low as those of any similar firm in this section. Deliveries are made to all parts of the city and the same undivided attention is paid to telephone orders as those given in person.
in tires, accessories, oils, gas, etc.. buy and sell second-hand cars, also wreck cars and sell the parts.
  The Galena Auto Company has been before the public for about four years. Their aim is to afford local and transient carowners the most efficient and reliable service at all times and at right prices. A specialty is made of intricate and difficult repair work on cars of all makes. This business is managed by Bryce Sater. He is well known in this community as a man of superior business ability, is a live wire and stands high in all circles.


  Three substantial elements upon which M. Baum & Son have depended in achieving their splendid record as one of the foremost concerns of its kind in this section have been careful management, fair dealing with the public and close application to all details of business. It means much to the mercantile prestige of any town to be able to claim an enterprise of this kind which furnishes its patrons such good service as does M. Baum & Son, and at the same time rank as a real model in its methods of operation. They are dealers in hardware, miners' supplies, belting, musical goods, sporting goods, bicycle sundries, auto supplies, etc., and occupy spacious quarters at 415 Main Street. This business was founded by the late M. Baum in 1877, just two weeks after lead was discovered in this community, and at which time Galena was but a village. He brought his family here in 1878 and during his carreer in this community, he did much toward the onward march of progress of the county. The business is now owned by his son, David Baum, one of the most enterprising citizens of the city. Many of the patrons of the house have traded here for years and have always found the firm's methods open and above board, and their prices as low as consistent with quality.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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