The Rexall Store.

  Few towns in Southeast Kansas of similar population contain as neat, commodious and finely appointed drug stores as does Columbus. Taking rank as one of the largest, best equipped and most complete drug stores in this section and one that is a credit to its owner as well as to the City, is that of Chas. E. Bartlett, located on the north side of the Square. For 28 years Mr. Bartlett has been one of
a success through his own efforts and ceaseless attention to even the minutest detail of his business.


  Symmetrical and beautiful in design, models of luxury and ease, speedy and dependable and sold for economical prices, the Studebaker automobiles for 1923 form examples of the finest pieces of workmanship that can be turned out. These well known cars are sold in Columbus by the Kammermeyer

One of Columbus' Churches and Public Library
the aggressive leaders in the drug business in Cherokee County. His store is a model of neatness, good taste and convenience. It is equipped with a large and handsome soda fountain, the fixtures are of modern design, finished in light oak, while the floor is laid with white tile. The house carries an exceptionally complete line of new and pure drugs, chemicals, proprietary medicines, toilet requisites stationery, novelties, school supplies, rubber and leather goods, cigars, tobacco, etc. If it is anything in the drug line you are almost sure to find it at Bartlett's and at a price as low as can be had anywhere. There are mighty few men in this locality who are better known than Chas. E. Bartlett and none more dependable for a fair deal. He is a man of high standing in the community and is strong for any measure advanced for the upbuilding of his home town or County.


  One of the leading and reliable grocery stores of Columbus is that of A. W. Karbe, located on the west side of the Square. From top to bottom this house can rightly be termed a store of quality. It is a headquarters for particular patrons, with a line so diversified that it meets the demands of all who must buy economically as well. Mr. Karbe began business at Pittsburg in a comparatively small way 13 years ago. By handling goods of dependable quality and adhering to honest methods his business grew and expanded and he later opened stores at Columbus and Fort Scott and a second store at Pitssburg.[sic] The Columbus store was founded three years ago, and has been a success from the beginning. It is managed by C. K. Barber, one of the most alert, far-seeing and progressive of the City's younger business men. This store is completely stocked with staple and fancy groceries, fruits, produce, etc., and is absolutely sanitary in every particular. Mr. Karbe, the owner of this business, is one of the most widely known retail grocerymen in Southeastern Kansas and has made
Motor Company, located on the west side of the Square. Studebaker cars are too well and favorably known the world over to need any words of description in this publication; suffice to say, however, they give the most positive satisfaction from every point of view and are noted for their riding and driving comfort, durability and low cost of maintenance. This firm carries a full line of Studebaker repair parts; also tires, tubes, accessories, etc. The service department is situated just across the alley from the salesroom and office. The latter is in charge of expert mechanics, and patrons are afforded the most efficient and reliable service. This business is managed by R. H. Kammermeyer. He is well known throughout this section, having made his home at Columbus nearly all his life, and is among the most progressive of the City's younger set of business men. He was formerly in the clothing business, but has been engaged in the present line for the past four or five years.


  A reliable headquarters for the supply of groceries, fruits, produce, etc., is the neatly-appointed and completely stocked establishment known as Gleason's Grocery, located on the southeast corner of the Square. This firm began business in Columbus on September 1, 1921, although was in the general merchandise business at Crestline about two and one-half years prior to that date. They carry a well selected stock of pure food groceries, fruits, produce, flour, feed, etc., in fact keep on hand any and everything one would expect to find in the largest and best house of a similar nature, with prices as low as consistent with quality. Their slogan is, "Aeroplane Quality at Submarine Prices." This store is owned by Will Gleason. He is well experienced in this important line and knows just what to buy in order to meet the demands of discriminating patrons. Mr. Gleason is a hustler in every sense of the word, stands high in all circles and is among the community's best boosters.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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