Furniture and Undertaking.

  Few stores interest men and women alike to the extent that a furniture store does. Both husband and wife are concerned as to what goes into the home, and to such stores men and women go shopping together. Reliability in the article, a reasonable price and a large assortment from which to select are the demands most frequently made on houses of this character, and all of these are fully met in the large and thoroughly up-to-date store of J. S. McAuley, located on the southeast corner of
McAuley Furniture and Undertaking
the Square. He is one of the pioneer business men of the City, having been engaged in this line here for the past 17 years. The business is situated in a large two-story brick building which is provided with balconies and completely stocked with parlor, bedroom, dining-room and kitchen furniture, including both high and medium grades; also phonographs, records, stoves, ranges, rugs, curtains, mattresses, etc. Another branch of his business is the undertaking department. This department is provided with all modern conveniences and is presided over by a licensed undertaker and embalmer of wide, practical experience. In the latter branch of the business he has on hand a full line of caskets and funeral supplies. This is one of the foremost enterprises of its kind in this section and, through conscientious effort and fair dealing, has developed a broad and growing patronage. Mr. McAuley is a liberal advertiser and a man who keeps well abreast of the times. He is a man of high standing in the community, and has always been counted as one of Cherokee County's most loyal citizens and most persistent boosters.


  One of the most necessary essentials to any town that would keep pace with the strides of time is the up-to-date garage. Columbus is fortunate in this respect and a firm that stands at the head of the list among the representative institutions of this nature in Cherokee County is Benham's Garage. This business is located one block west of the public square, in a spacious brick building, which is equipped with all modern conveniences for the expeditious handling of repair work and caring for the needs of local and
transient car-owners. They repair cars, trucks, tractors, and gas engines; store cars by the day, week or month; also carry a full line of tires, tubes, accessories, oils, gas, etc. The aim of the proprietor is to furnish the public the best of service at economical prices. That car-owners apprecaite[sic] this fact is shown in the substatnial[sic] business enjoyed by the establishment. For many years the name Benham has been synonymous with honesty and fair dealing in Cherokee County's business circles. This is one of the pioneer enterprises of the town and is owned by Mort Benham. He is too well known locally to need any words of introduction in these columns. Mr. Benham has made his home here practically all his life and has always been known as a faithful worker for the civic and commercial welfare of the commuity.[sic]


  There is to be found in every branch of trade, in every community, some house that stands out from the common level illustrating in its own way the high possibilities of its particular line, and as an example of this fact we take great pleasure in calling the reader's attention to the R. B. Jones Produce Company. This is one of the old established and successful institutions of Columbus. The business was founded in 1910, and ever since that time has been one of the aggressive leaders in this branch of business in Cherokee County. They furnish the local people a first-class market for poultry, eggs, cream, hides, furs, etc., paying the highest cash price for these staples at all times. The presence of the R. B. Jones Produce Company in this city has stimulated the poultry and dairy industry throughout all adjacent territory. The business is operated along modern, progressive and legitimate lines and has grown steadily in popular favor from the very beginning. It is located in spacious quarters at 122 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, and has telephone No. 210. R. B. Jones is manager. He is a man of the ripest sort of experience in this line, is courteous to every one and largely public-spirited, and enjoys the esteem and confiednce[sic] of the masses. Walter Schock, a nephew, is associated with Mr. Jones in the business. He is a young man of energy and keen foresight, and has many friends in this community.


  Throughout Columbus and surrounding country the name of Cline is synonymous with thrift, enterprise and prosperity, and in the mercantile interests of the community, especially, is the name well known, E. E. Cline being among the enterprising grocerymen of the city. He first opened his doors for business at Sherwin Junction in 1914 and moved to Columbus about three years ago. While at Sherwin Junction he carried a complete line of general merchandise, but since locating here has devoted his energies exclusively to the grocery business. This store is located at 202 East Maple street. Mr. Cline carries one of the most carefully selected and highest grade stocks of its kind in the City and his prices have always been as low as could with reason be asked. Everything in the line of pure food groceries is carried and efficient delivery service is maintained in the City. Mr. Cline is well known as a clear-headed and progressive business man and never hesitates to put his shoulder to the wheel when it comes to a question of advancing the best interests of his home town or County.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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