It is impossible to make a thorough disclosure of the resources of Cherokee County without making a careful resume of its financial institutions, through the indispensable aid of which the prosperity has been promoted and made stable and secure.
  Guided, managed and upheld by citizezns[sic] of sterling worth, integrity and wealth, thoroughly describes the First National Bank of Columbus. The history of this institution since its inception has been one of steady advancement along lines of conservatism and good judgment and its splendid growth in the past gives assurance of its popularity
First National Bank Building
among individuals, firms and corporations of this locality. This bank was established in 1882 and Nationalized in 1902. It is the only National Bank in the City, and of the strongest and most successful financial institutions of the County. It is well located in a substantial structure on the northeast corner of the Square. The interior is conveniently arranged and provided with adequate safes and vaults, both fire and burglar-proof, which insures the most absolute safety. It transacts a general commercial banking business. According to its recent official financial statement, it has total resources of more than A HALF MILLION DOLLARS; Capital Stock, $50,000.00; Surplus and Profits, $43,910.92, and DEPOSITS OF $500,000.00. The officers are, H. A. Larue, President; A. H. Skidmore, Vice-President, and F. C. Hainer Cashier They are all widely and favorably known in this locality, are an honor to the community and have achieved success in all their undertakings. They are representative of Cherokee County's best type of citizeznship and occupy high positions in the commercial and social life of the community.


  With the widespread use of the automobile as a means of locomotion and transportation comes the simultaneous need for establishments for the upkeep and repair of these machines. A recognition of this necessity is found in the modern garage which is common in every community today. One of the rep-
resentative establishments devoted to this line at Columbus is that of Dell S. Heter, located at 213 E. Maple Street. He makes a specialty of intricate and difficult automobile repair work of every kind and description. He himself is an expert in this line and makes it a rule to employ only the most careful and competent assistants. He repairs cars, trucks, tractors, gasoline engines, etc., also deals in tires, accessories, oils, and gasoline, and furnishes taxi service to any part of the city or country. He has both open and closed cars in service which are in charge of careful and competent drivers and calls are responded to etiher[sic] day or night. Mr. Heter has been identified with this line for a number of years and is well and favorably known throughout this section. He is a fair-minded, reliable and progressive business man and has never failed to do his full share in every undertaking for the advancement of his home town or county.


Real Estate, Farm Loans and

  To those of our readers who in any way may become interested in Columbus, we take great pleasure in referring them to Chas. W. Taylor, who is in every way qualified to furnish the most authentic information possible upon all subjects pertaining to real estate and the many advantages to be derived through residence or investment in land in this prolific and rapidly developing section.
  Mr. Taylor deals in city property and farm lands; also makes farm loans, writes fire, life and accident insurance and surety bonds. His office is located on the ground floor of the Cherokee County State Bank building, on Maple street.
  Mr. Taylor is successor to H. B. Henderson, having assumed control May 21, 1921. He is well posted on real estate values in this territory and is a man who can always be relied upon for an absolute square deal, whether the transaction is large or small. He is a progressive citizen and is always interested in anything that has a tendency to make Columbus a bigger and better city.


  The rapid development that has taken place in Cherokee County with the consequent increase in the number of real estate transfers, has fostered the upbuilding in Columbus of one of the most up-to-date and finely equipped abstract plants in Southeast Kansas. We refer to the Jarrett Abstract Company, located in the Hood building, on the south side of the Square. They are bonded abstractors, furnishing complete abstracts of title to land anywhere in the County. The careful attention which they devote to the details of the business and their broad experience in this line is a guarantee that clients will receive absolute first-class service in the preparation of flawless and iron-clad abstracts of real estate of any kind, from the largest tract of farm land to the smallest town lot in the County. They do a general abstract of title business; also write insurance, representing a number of the oldest and strongest companies of the world. The business is under the capable management of Mrs. Pearl Jarrett. She is a lady of fine executive ability and high integrity, with 17 years of experience in title work, and stands high in the estimation of the public in general.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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