[sic]ry a line of Velie parts, accessories, tires, tubes,
  A potent factor in the growth and development of the community of which it forms so component a part, and sharing in the prosperity that this community is at present enjoying, is the modernly equipped establishment of the firm whose name heads this brief sketch. This is one of the old established and successful institutions of Cherokee County, and has always been given a substantial patronage. The Filby Carriage & Auto Company are agents for the celebrated Velie automobiles, car-[sic]
springs for cars of all makes, also do a general re-
Campbell are the proprietors. They are both well and favorably known throughout the city and surrounding country and have many friends in all walks of life.


  The business circles of Columbus contain few cases of more uniform success than that attained by the W. T. Brown Grocery Company, who opened their doors for business here on November 3, 1917. Located at 134 East Maple street and carrying a stock so varied as to meet the demands of all classes of citizens. this store has been accorded a liberal patronage from the date of its inception. It is a store

Filby's Garage
pair and storage business, handle machine work of all kinds, rebore cylinders. do steam vulcanizing, repair and recharge batteries and have the agency for the well-known "Vesta" batteries. In the woodworking department they make a specialty of building pleasure car and truck bodies, cabs, etc. This firm has a special wrecker which is beyond question one of the best in the district. This business is located at 138 E. Pine Street. The firm is one of the largest of its kind in this section, and trade is drawn from all surrounding territory. E. F. Filby is manager. He is a live wire business man of excellent standing and has many friends in all walks of life.


  The West Side Bakery, located on the west side of the square, is an establishment of which Columbus may well feel proud, for here is manufactured a line of bakery products which, for purity and general excellence are not to be excelled by any similar establishment in this section of the country. You will undoubtedly claim that this is a very broad assertion, and in some respects it is, but it can be easily substantiated by any one who is not already a patron by a trial order of their high-grade bread or any of the numerous kinds of cakes and confections that are always to be found on or in their scrupulously clean and sanitary shelves and showcases. This establishment is equipped with all up-to-the-minute conveniences, among the recent installations being a new cake-mixer and elevator-sifter. They supply the local demand, also ship bread to the surrounding towns and villages. The business was established many years ago and the present owners took charge in December, 1920. Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
where a square deal goes hand in hand with each and every transaction and one where the dollar does its full duty. The house is filled to overflowing with pure food groceries, fruits, etc., and they also carry a liberal line of notions, dry goods and household necessities. W. T. Brown is manager. He is known as a man of energy and business ability and has the fullest esteem and confidence of all coming within his scope of action.


  There is no art that appeals more to the finer senses of mankind than music. An establishment here which caters to the musical world of Cherokee County is the McMillan Music Company, located on the south side of the Square. The constant aim of the McMillan Music Company has always been to carry the very best of everything musical. They deal in pianos, player pianos, phonographs, records, music rolls, and all kinds of musical merchandise. Included in their stock are many celebrated makes of instruments, among them being the far-famed W. W. Kimball and Bush & Gerts pianos and player pianos. They also have a large house of a similar nature at 715 Main street, Joplin, Mo., the latter being their headquarters.
  Although firm believers in printers' ink, they believe that a satisfied patron is the best kind of an advertisement and exert every effort toward that end. The Columbus house is managed by J. L. McMillan. He is one of the representative citizens of the City and in matters that have had for their aim the material advancement of the community he has always taken his part with zeal and substantial contributions.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

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