Please share your Family Group Sheet information, Descendents Chart, Photos, etc. of a Elk county ancestor. Simply email your contribution to the Coordinator. Please allow us to include your email address for interested parties to contact you.
These old queries may hold a valuable clue for your family research.
ABBOTT, My g-grandfather, John ABBOTT, homesteaded land about 5 miles east of Howard on Busby Road about 1874. He is buried in the cemetery at Howard. His father, Silas Abbott, my gg grandfather also homesteaded land immediately north of his son at the same time, but I have been unable to locate his burial site. (They both received land patents to this land in 1874). He does not appear on the 1880 census of Elk County, so feel he probably died after 1874, but prior to 1880 and may be buried in the Busby Cemetery. Can anyone give me info concerning the Busby Cemetery, where it's located, present condition, etc? My father, Roy Abbott, left a note which stated "Only country school I went to, High Hill School about 10 or 12 miles east of Howard, Kansas, teacher Mabel Flory, 7th grade. This was School District 147, located in Elk County. 10 or 12 miles East of Howard would be near Busby. Any information concerning this school and its location would be appreciated. Thanks John Abbott 1/97
ABBOTT Looking for any information on ABBOTT, WEBB, MERRILL, and BECKNER families in ELK COUNTY during early 1870s to present. John Abbott 10/97
ARNOLD I am looking for anyone related to the ARNOLD and FOOTE families that lived in the county in the early 1900's to at least the 1950's. They lived in Howard, Moline and Elk City. Floyd ARNOLD married Florence WHALEY in 1911. Daughter Wauneta Marie born Elk Falls, 1913 married Clyde FOOTE 1930 in Moline. You related - we're cousins! Darrel Wood
BAKER Looking for any information available on George Washington Baker. He is in 1870 Montgomery County census with wife Sarah and children, William E. Baker, Charley Baker, Phoebe Charlotte (Lottie) Baker, and Frank Baker. Occupation is listed as blacksmith. In Montgomery County, he married Ruth Asuburn, Sept 14, 1875. The marriage licenses lists George's residence as Howard City, Kansas. In 1878, daughter Phoebe Charlotte married Samuel L. Swisher in Elk County. From the second marriage three children were born in Elk County, Elias A. Baker, Lewis Whitfield Baker, and Mina Adeline Barker. Elias Baker married Lura McKee in 1898 in Elk County. Looking for death date and burial location for first wife, Sarah. Also death date and burial location for George Washington Baker. Johnson 9/98
BARACKMAN, Kinnard Hamilton b 7 Mar 1833 Meadville, Crawford Co. PA; d 12 Aug 1912 Howard, Elk Co. KS. My records show he was buried in Grace Lawn Cem., Howard. Is this Green Lawn Cem.? Also any information on his father, Acqulla BARACKMAN or mother Rebecca HAMILTON would be appreciated. Thank you. Dan Barackman, the son of Donnel Lee Barackman b 22 Oct 1898 in Howard, KS. and Grandson of Thomas Aaron Barackman. 1/98
BARNEY, Lillian married 22 Feb 1888 Elk Co to Willard B. TUNIN Harold L. Dutcher 7/97
BARTON Looking for information on Helen G. (Barton) WILSON who lived in or near Howard in Elk County, Ks. in 1985. Would like to make contact with her or her descendants regarding a NANCE reunion to be held in Valley Center, Ks on Aug. 10, 1997.Robert Nance7/97
BAUMGARTEL, Otto. Born in Saxon, Germany ca. 1839. Family settled in New Albany, Floyd Co., Indiana. and his brother William Baumgartel, Born Clark Co.or Floyd Co. Indiana ca. 1854. These two brothers ended up in Howard, Kansas and supposedly both died there. Any information about them, offspring, burial locations, spouses, anything appreciated. May have spelled last name BAUMGARTLE.Thanks Glenn Vogedes 2/98
BETHEL My gggrandparents George BETHEL and Mary Jane (Polly) STITH BETHEL were in PawPaw, Elk Co. in the mid 1870s. Can anyone tell me anything about PawPaw? David Hug 6/98
BON JOUR I am looking for Bonjours in counties of Elk or others unknown. I know my grandfather was born in Moline KS and I would like to trace the family from there. Specifically, I am looking to start with Gerald Albert Bon Jour dob 12-15-1915 Thanks C Bon Jour 6/97
BRANT, Zimri b.1837 d.1891. Buried at Longton Cem., Longton KS. Wife Mary b. 1841 d. 1891. Am trying to make connection with Ervin Webster Brant 1860-1949, died in Winfield, Cowly Co. KS. Also need info on ancestors of Zimri. Suspect a Canoose-Brant connection in Longton.Dale Best 6/98
BROCK Looking for contact information on Holland L and Letticia HOUSE Brock who were in Elk Co. about 1872/3. Remained there until the first OK land runs when their sons settled land in and around Stillwater and Parkland OK. Willing to share any info I have in exchange for yours. Daryl E. Brock 7/97
BURSON, Glen and Luella--daughter of Fay and Cecile. There was also 2 sons of Fay Cooper. Janie Cooper Russell 6/98
BYNUM Myron "Ross" b. abt 1901 KS, parents & siblings unknown, d. ?. On 5 Jul 1922 in Sedgwick County, KS "Ross" m. Edith Leota MORSS b. 14 Aug 1900 at Howard, Elk County, KS; dau of Amos Melvin MORSS (1868-1962) & Sarah Belle LAWMAN (1870-1936). Amos later m. Nancy Gregory. "Ross" & "Leota" were divorced prior to May 1927 when she m. (2) Jacob ROUTH b. 9 Oct 1883 Charity, Dallas Co MO; d. 15 Oct 1954 at Buffalo, Dallas County, MO. He is buried at Oak Lawn Cemetery in Dallas County, MO. On 14 Aug 1968 "Edith" m. (3) Roy Calvin YARBERRY b. abt 1898, d. 1980 at Guymon, OK. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Joyce (Routh) Willhoit, 4500 N. Askew, Kansas City, MO 64117 or email to Joyce Willhoit 8/98
CAMPBELL, Henry Alexander who moved from Linn Co., KS in the 1880's and homesteaded just west of Western Park in Elk Co. Married Josephine HUTCHINSON in 1891. Children were: Lester who married Eva PHILIPI; Orville who married Susie ?; and Ruth. Thank you David Jackson5/98
CHAFFIN, Edward Ashby, David Chaffin, Myrtle Taylo, Laura Chaffin, Eva Chaffin in Elk County Kansas latter 1800's and early 1900's L. Tamblyn 9/97
COLYER, Colonel Edward born in Edwards Co ILL, mustered out of 38th ILL Infantry as Lt Colonel. Married Eliza Jane Newport. Lived in Carthage MO until 1870 when they moved into Elk Co KS. I am looking for census info on this family. Their children were E. E. Colyer, Frederick Colyer, Frank I Colyer, Lena Colyer, Mary Florence Colyer, Anna B Colyer. Col Ed is buried Howard Cemetery. Any info on the children or Eliza Jane is needed. Having problems locating children. My info is in a searchable database Thanks, Donna Colyer Hunt
COLYER - Lewis/Louis or Dolly Evalina, or Evalina - were in Elk Co KS 1910 & 1920 census. Evalina reportedly died 1925. Dolly Evalina born c1887. Louis born after 1861. Looking for anything at all on this line. They are my only missing Colyers in 9 generations. My info is in a searchable database Donna Colyer Hunt 8/98
CONNOR Seeking any information on Desdemona (DURYEA) (CORN) CONNOR, born 5 February 1826, Pennsylvania, said to have died in Howard, Elk County, Kansas, and her husbands (1) Austin CORN, of Wisconsin, by whom a son SANDS CORN, living in 1913 at Howard, Kansas; and(2) Noah CONNOR, by whom children: Nancy Connor, date of birth not discovered, died sometime before 1913; and Sadie Connor, date of birth not discovered, in 1913 living in California. Thank you for any assistance, Richard A. McCool
COOPER Decendents of Lycurgus and Martha COOPER. Married August 8, 1833, in Indiana. Had 15 children. John (married to Eliza A.), James B. (married to Permilda), Samantha (married to a Lewis Clement Driggs/then Joe Hurst), Alexander, Charles (Charlie) (married to Arminda/Minnie/Min Brown) and Leonidas were the children who moved from Delaware County, Ohio, to Mahaska County, Iowa, to Republic County,-Cowley County & Elk County, Kansas with Lycurgus and families. Looking for the children of these family members who settled in Elk County. If you have any information on these Coopers, I will be glad to trade for info I have. Janie Cooper Russell 6/98
COOPER, Albert Fay, settled in Longton, Kansas buried in Longton cemetery-wife Cecile. Son of Charles and Arminda (Min/Minnie) Cooper. Janie Cooper Russell 6/98
COOPER, Frank--lived in Longton and Grenola--son of John and Eliza A. Cooper buried in Atlanta, Ks. Mt. Vernon Cemetery. Janie Cooper Russell 6/98
COOPER, Asa & Alice- son of John and Eliza. A. Cooper. Has a daughter Leora buried in Mt. Vernon Cemetery also. Janie Cooper Russell 6/98
COOPER, Asy- Son of James and Permilda Cooper.(James is brother to John and Charles Allen). Janie Cooper Russell 6/98
CUMMINGS, John Marshall, b 1846 in Lewis Co. VA/WV married Mary Catherine ECKESS b 17 Dec 1850 in Lewis Co. They married in Weston, WV 19 Feb 1873 Mary died at Fall River 10 Jun 1926.She They may be buried in Elk Co. Do you have any information about this family? Mary Lee Eckess Henson1/98
DeWHITT I am looking for information on the DeWhitt (may also be spelled DeWitt) and McLEAN families, both known to reside in Elk and Wilson counties in Kansas in the late 1800s. My paternal grandfather, Joseph Henry DeWHITT, was born in Howard in Elk County, KS in 1876; my paternal grandmother, Mary Luella McLEAN, was born in Howard in 1880. They later moved to Buffalo in Wilson County, KS. Thanks ED DeWhitt 10/1996
DONALDSON Looking for any information on James W. and Caroline Virginia Donaldson and her father Thomas LEISE. They were in the 1870 census in Neosho County and then moved to Elk County early 1870's. I can't find a death record for Thomas in either county although I am pretty sure he died there. The Donaldsons lived in Elk Co. until about 1880, had one son William Donaldson. James was a freighter, I found several articles in an old paper about him. They lived in Elk Falls too, I think. Any information on this family would be appreciated. Thanks, Hazel Hazel E. Thornton 9/97
DRISKILL Would like to exchange info on the DRISKILL and BEEM families that lived in ELK County in the late 1800s. Robert Lytal 4/97
DUNLOP My ancestors, the DUNLOP family lived in Longton, Elk, Kansas. The father, William DUNLOP was born April 1963 in Illinois, his wife is unknown. But she died between 1892-1900. They had three children, Clarence Oliver (b 11 Jun 1889), Thomas C. (b Dec 1891), and Claude T. (b abt 1892). William was the son of Andrew and Jane C. Dunlop. This is all the info I have. Would appreciate any assistance. Thanks, Geoffrey D. Rasmussen 8/98
DUTCHER, JOHN R. died 1892 Longton. Harold L. Dutcher 7/97
FOYLE, Robert, was born February 3, 1908 and married BERNIECE MORSS (birth date unknown in Elk Co). A son, ROBERT FOYLE (birth date unknown). Robert died December 10, 1971. Any information would be appreciated. Joyce Willhoit 8/98
FOX Seeking ancestors of John W. Fox b. 1863 MO, d. 13, Feb. 1901 at Howard, KS after cancer surgery. Buried Clear Creek Cem. near Howard, KS. m. 23, July 1887 at Howard to Evalena Blackburn b. 10 Aug., 1869 MO. d. 1 Jan. 1957, bur. Green Lawn Cem., Grenola. John W. & Evalena Fox lived at Cave Springs at time of his death. Widow, Evalena moved along with her children to Grenola. We have found a ref. to John W. Fox who was a minister at Methodist church in Grenola Mar. 1882 to Mar. 1883. Newspaper article said that he was from Chetopa, KS and that he had a family . Who is this John W. Fox and could he be the father of our John W. Fox? Joe & Pat Fox 9/98
GILBREATH, Joseph Benton - Would like to correspond with anyone researching the ancestors and descendants of this Elk County, Kansas settler. Born in Greensboro, NC in 1819, married Lucina SAYLES in Morgan County, OH in 1844, settled in northern Illinois before coming to rest in the former Howard County, Kansas in 1871. Surviving children are: Catherine "Kate," WICKERSHAM, Robert Madison GILBREATH, John Nelson GILBREATH, Mary Ann LAWMAN, and Orville GILBREATH. Served as Justice of the Peace in Paw Paw Township in 1887 and died in Paw Paw the same year. .Steve Johnson 4/97
GRANT Seeking info on families of Aaron Grant, and son Benjamin Stacey Grant. Lived in Howard KS from approx 1880 to 1940. The children of Benjamin included Nellie HUGHES, Daniel, Mattie BARACKMAN, Bessie G., Grace ELLEGE and Robert. Please contact Dennis Lewis 5/98
GROVER I am looking for information on the Grover family. We have no information beyond my granddad William Grover who was born at Longton in 1876. If you have information on Willim Grover or the Grover family, please contact me. Jim Grover 6/97
HARRINGTON Seeking information on Allen HARRINGTON b.05/17/1880 to Dick and Mary HERRINGTON. Married to Leatha HILL , daughter of William and Mary HILL on 11/07/1904. Allen died on 09/23/1945, Leatha died on 07/24/1933, both are buried at Moline, Ks. at the Catholic Cemetery. Allen and Leatha had 8 children: 1.Floyd HARRINGTON 2.Ethelene HARRINGTON 3.Joseph Truman HARRINGTON(married Dorothy SWEET from Grenola, Ks.) 4.Berle HARRINGTON 5.Bernice HARRINGTON 6.Maxine HARRINGTON 7.Milburn HARRINGTON 8.Robert HARRINGTON Allen HARRINGTON was raised by a GILLESPIE family in Moline, Ks.Joe Chrisman RR#2 Box 229 Winfield,Ks. 67156 1/98
HARRIS, J.C. and Sarah E.HOTCHKISS HARRIS in Elk Co. D.N.Brady 5/97
HIGGENBOTHOM. I am looking for information and decendants of Benjamin B. HIGGENBOTHOM and wife, Mary. They lived in Barton Co. in 1800 and in Longton, Elk Co. in 1900. In 1900, Benjamin is listed as 81 years old and Mary as 78 years old and Benjamin is listed as a United Brethern Minister. One daughter, Molinda, married Allen Dunlop. Are Benjamin & Mary buried in Elk Co.? What was Mary's maiden name? Sheila Brennan5/97
HOLDER , Harry, was born December 31, 1863. He married PHOEBE LOUISE MORSS (1906-1981). Their children: BEVERLY (birth date unknown) and BARBARA (birth date unknown). HARRY died July 31, 1971 and is buried at the Upchurch Cemetery, Norwich, Ks. Any information would be appreciated. Joyce Willhoit 8/98
HOLMES, Elizabeth my great-great-great grandmother settled in Howard around 1875. She is the wife of Samuel Hanks Holmes. She was born Jun 12, 1818 in Burke county, NC and died May 26, 1906 and is buried in the Howard Cemetery. She is the daughter of Nathan GIBBS and Nancy Jane LIPPS. Her grandfather is John GIBBS, a Revolutionary War soldier from Pittsylvania Co, VA. Several of her children also resided in Howard: Alfred Holmes, Huldah Maloney, Zerilda Whitaker, Minnie Corder and my great grandmother, Emmeline Nancy Puckett. Two of her daughter, Emmeline and Zerilda also married Nathan KILLAM as second marriages. My great Emmeline Puckett grandmother married Nathan KILLAM Apr 12, 1896. She died in Howard, Apr 12 1899. Emmeline was born Oct 18, 1839 in Frozen Creek, Breathitt, Kentucky and married Benjamin G. PUCKETT, my great grandfather, Oct 18, 1855 in Breathitt County, Kentucky. She came to Kansas in 1865, settled around Lawrence, and went on to Silverton, Colorado in 1875. She came to Howard in 1895 to take care of her mother, Elizabeth HOLMES. I am willing to share information with any who are related to my Elk county ancestors and relatives. Edwin M. Puckett Edwin M. Puckett 10/97
HUTCHINSON, Abraham Dawson who married Sarah Jane McCoy in Peoria, IL and moved to Howard in Elk Co. by 1900. Their children who came to Kansas were: Jospehine who married Henry CAMPBELL; Sherman who married and lived in Arkansas City, KS; Daisy who married a man named OLIN and lived in Elk Co.; Alice who married a man named MAGERS and lived in Elk Co.; and Olive who married Bert RULE and lived in Elk Co. Thank you David Jackson5/98
INGLES Need to find the name of Jessie Nelson Ingles mother. She was a Cherokee Indian. Also any background on her family. Jessie Nelson Ingles had a son named William Theodore Ingle of Howard Kansas. Thank you for any information you can find on this family. Patricia Alley-Gaddie Wellington Kansas 11/97
JONES My grandfather, Charles Henry Jones was born in Elk County the son of Curtis and Elizabeth Lockard Jones and grandson of Cadwallader and Harriet Baker Jones. Would appreciate any inquiries. Joan Acridge 6/98
JONES, Clarence C. & wife Mary were residents of Longton in about 1915 until at least 1926. Their son, Floyd C. JONES', wife was Ethel, was operator of a grocery store and produce station and was Mayor of Longton from 2 April 1924 until the election on 6 April 1926. I would like to find out if any or all of these persons are buried in a cemetery at or near Longton. This is all that I desire at this time. We have been reading old newspapers for Longton [Gleaner, News, Elk Falls Reflector] and have not yet found an obituary for these persons. Would like to correspond with any relatives which may be living in/around Longton. Clarence C. JONES' sister, Louisa m. Andrew Jackson BRADLEY; they are my grandparents. Thanks for the time and effort. -- Jim Bradley, 13840 Hwy K99, Westmoreland, KS 66549-9707 (785-457-3579) 9/98
KERR I am looking for information concerning Laura Holland Kerr who was (is) a resident of Elk City. She may still be alive. I don't know her husbands name or whether she had any children. She was in Elk City by 1930. Her parents were Henry Alva Holland and Ida Mae Covert Holland from Hamilton. Any information on her would be helpful. Thank you -- James D. Holland in Salina.2/98
KINCAID, William M. - Looking to correspond with anyone researching the ancestors and decendants of this Elk County settler. Born in Bath County, Kentucky in 1853, married Sarah J. Kincaid in 1880, and migrated to Elk County, Kansas about 1883, with his sisters, Lou Ann CRAIN, and Nancy Ann DOGGETT. Children are Lillie Lee WEEKS, Effa Bell HUPP, Esrom KINCAID, Maggie DEEDS, and William S. KINCAID. Died in Howard, 1937.Steve Johnson 4/97
KITTERMAN Searching all Kitterman families and related persons. Henry T. Kitterman migrated to Elk county about 1871 from Wapello county Iowa. He died 21 Dec. 1876. Have much information and will share. Thanks, Virginia Perry, P.O. Box 797, Harrisburg, Il. 62946 5/98
KYSER Grandparents settled in Elk County outside Grenola around 1900. My father, John Lewis KYSER was born there in 1915 graduating from Grenola High School in 1932-33. Myrtle KYSER lived in Grenola until her death 1963. I am trying to see if anyone can help me trace any history of the early days of the Kyser's. Mike Kyser 10/96
KYSER Timothy H. and Delight A. Kyser, born in Pennsylvania, had three children (Esther E, Justin Edmond, Fremont). 1900 Kansas census has Timothy, age 69, living with Justin and Fremont in Elk Falls Township, Elk County. Justin married Sarah SULLIVAN in 1903, and Clarence Roland Edmond KYSER (my father) was born in Grenola, Elk Co. in 1904. 1910 Census has Justin, Sarah, Clarence Roland Edmond and sister- in-law Grace Sullivan living in Wichita. Justin lived in Tulsa OK and Salina KS until his death Jan 25 1933. Ed Kyser 6/97
LAWMAN, Sarah Belle, (born 1870 Ogle IL) was married May 12, 1889 to AMOS MELVIN MORSS (born 1868 at Galesburg, IL). Their children: CLARENCE HENRY (born 1895), LAWRENCE (born 1897), EDITH "LEOTA" (born 1900), HOBART (born 1904), PHOEBE LOUISE (born 1906), JOHN FRANKLIN (born 1908), and BERNIECE (born ?). Any information would be appreciated. Joyce Willhoit 6/98
LEWIS, I'm Dennis James Lewis, Born in Dec. 1945 in Moline Ks. My father is Merle Elbin Lewis and my grandfather is Elbin Orlando Lewis. I'm looking for my gr-grandfather's name and information about him, I think he may have been William Robert Lewis sometimes known as Captain White or Bob White Lewis. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks Dennis James Lewis 5/98
LONG I am looking for information on the Elisha H. LONG family who lived in Elk Co. from about 1779-1889. With him on the 1880 census was his mother Sarah (Hardin LONG) ORR who was my grgrgrandmother. Sarah's first marriage was to Harrison LONG (1803-1851), and after his death she married William ORR. Sarah and several of her sons, namely Elisha, George, and James LONG moved from Indiana to Illinois, then Sarah, Elisha and James moved to KS. James settled in Linn Co. KS. and Elisha and his family in Elk Co. Elisha was the "Doctor Long" who founded the town of Cave Springs. According to my grandfather, H.L.MARTS,(1862-1960)who was Sarah Long ORR's grandson, it was in her name that the land was preempted on which Cave Springs was built. If anyone has any information about Elisha or Sarah I would appreciate hearing from you. I also have an article about Cave Springs from the Wichita, KS., newspaper of April 27, 1938 if someone would like a copy. Ann Walenta 12/97
MARKLE and McQUILKIN Seeking Birth, Marriage, Death, Land Records of Harley G. Markle m. 1st Sarah J. Fullerton m 3 Jun 1869 Bowling Green, Clay Co, IN had one dau May b. Bowling Green 12 Mar 1870. He m 2nd Sarah J McQuilkin 1878 New Albany,Wilson Co KS. she was the dau of Samuel and Susan McQuilkin. they had Guert, Anna, Bertha, Harvey, Oliver, and Robert. I have in my Possession a letter written by dau May back to Clay Co IN ca 1885-1890. Cannot find them in the 1900 census. Anyone having knowledge of any of these please respond. Jim Markle 12/96
MARTIN - Ellen DUTCHER MARTIN married 21 May 1880 to John MARTIN in Elk Co Harold L. Dutcher 7/97
McCAIN/McCANN Looking for information on McCain family. Robert McCain married Rebecca Ann Elizabeth Waldon. Five of their eleven children were born in Kansas, Franklin Sergle McCain b 17 Jan 1863, Nancy McCain b 1869(?),Sarah Ellen Mccain b 26 Mar 1871, and twins Daniel Boone McCain and Samuel Brady McCain were born 1 Feb 1873 in Franklin, Crawford, Kansas. 1880 census for Elk County lists this family as McCann. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Pam Adams 6/97
MCCLURE, Warren and his wife Irene ALLEN were living in Howard County, Elk Falls Township in 1870 with the following children: Eliza A.age b.1848, Reader A. b. 1850, Helen M. b. 1852, Frances A. b. 1855, Ruth b. 1864 and Lena b. 1868. Warren McClure was from Sanford, Broome Co., NY. By 1880 Warren had moved to Rice County. In 1880 Reader A. MCCLURE was married and living in Elk County, Howard twp. with wife Liddie E.( possibly maiden name WORKERHEM) Lillie M., Flora E. and Thomas McClure. Would like to share with other McClure researchers. Louise Belsby
McDONALD, Aaron and Adia (EDDY) McDonald are my grandfather & grandmother. They are listed on the 1880 Elk Falls Township, Elk County, Kansas US Census Also listed are son, Louie, age 1 and daughter, Lillian, age 3, with a mother-in-law named Nancy Eddy, age 62, Widow. Do you have any info on what happened to these people? Thank you for any information. Kenneth W. McDonald, Sr 5/98
MCFARREN & COSHOW, My Great Grandparents were living in Paw Paw Township in 1890. They were David J. MCFARREN and Florence M. COSHOW, married January 1, 1890 also looking for info on George and Anna SCHOONOVER. They were Florence's adoptive parents. Joy Kersteter2/97
McNITT, Benjamin Brooks, died 1 Dec 1929 in Elk Falls. Married to Fannie (Butler) McNitt, she died 22 Jan 1936 in Neodesha but was buried in the Elk Fall cemetary (as was Benjamin). They raised their family in or around Elk Falls, and both were members of the Elk Falls Christian Church. I am mainly looking for information on Benjamin's father Daniel. He moved to Elk County around 1872 with Benjamin. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Clayton Robertson 6/98
MERRIFIELD I'm searching for the family of Linval Andy Merrifield who lived in Elk Co. in the 1880's. Wife: Mary E. Clark. They were married in 1882 in Potawatomie Co. Children: Evah B., Fannie M., Franklin, Grant. Thank you, Margaret M. Self 9/98
MILLER Sam Ralph born ab 1881-1882 died March 24, 1919. He married Lula Bell LORD. Their children- Thelma Beatrice and Jim. In 1914, the MILLER family moved to Claremore, Rogers Co, Oklahoma. After Sam Ralph died I don't know what happened to the family. I need Sam Ralph and Lula's marriage date, parents names, siblings, etc. Christina Madros 3/98
MOREHEAD, Melissa Relief, born 11 Jun 1893, Elk Co.,KS. Married William M. ALDERSON on 8 Aug 1910, in Fredonia,KS. Her parents were Joseph William MOREHEAD and Liza Jane WOLLEN, his parents were James ALDERSON and Sarah MOODY. Need information on both these lines. All help will be appreciated. Marge Fernandez 4/97
MORSS Seeking information on Edith "Leota" MORSS b. 14 Aug 1900 at Howard in Elk Co, KS, d. 5 Apr 1985 at Kingman, KS and is buried at Fairview Cemetery at Cheney, KS. "Leota" was the dau of Sarah Belle LAWMAN b. 20 Nov 1870 at Ogle, IL, d. 5 Nov 1936 KS and Amos Melvin MORSS b. 13 Jan 1869 at Galesburg, IL, d. 24 Jan 1962. "Leota" m. (1) Ross BYRUM; (2) Jacob ROUTH; (3) Roy YARBERRY. Siblings were: Clarence Henry MORSS (1895), Lawrence Lawman MORSS (1897-1978); Hobart MORSS (1906-1981); Phoebe Louise MORSS (1906-1981); John Franklin MORSS (1908-1979); and Berniece MORSS (1910-1983). Any and all information would be greatly appreciated. Joyce Willhoit 6/98
MORSS, Edith "Leota", was born August 14, 1900 at Howard, Ks and died on April 6, 1985 at Kingman, KS, the daughter of AMOS MELVIN MORSS (born January 1868 at Galesburg, IL - died January 24, 1962) and SARAH BELLE LAWMAN (born November 10, 1870 at Ogle, IL - died November 5, 1936, location unknown). "Leota" married: 1. ROSS BYNUM (date unknown). A son, JACK EUGENE was born April 3, 1922. m 2. JACOB ROUTH (born October 9, 1883 Charity, MO - died November 15, 1954 Charity, MO). A son, JAMES FRANKLIN born May 8, 1921. m 3. ROY YARBERRY (born abt 1898 - died 1980 at Guymon, OK). Any information would be greatly appreciated.Joyce Willhoit 6/98
MURPHY Looking for the descendants of Jeremiah Murphy b 11 Oct 1830 Ill m #1 Elizabeth Ann Siverly m #2 Sarah J. Greiner. Children of Jeremiah Murphy are: Sara Jane, John Edwin, George Winfield, Sherman, James H., Anna, Gilbert, Addison Perry, Emarillus, Clara Pearl, and Jessie Lora Dean Murphy. Came to KS in the 1870 settle in Crawford Co, KS then moved to Elk Co, KS in or around 1875. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated. Teresa Murphy 7/97
NEWMAN My dad recently came into possession of some tapes made with his aunt at the age of 94. In it she revealed some details of his Gr-Grandparents, that was previously unknown. Richard Lane NEWMAN married Edith Mae LUKE in 1887 or 1888 in El Dorado, KS. Richard is reportedly from Kentucky and Edith from Missouri. Their first children were twins born in El Dorado on 8/8/1889; Faith Taliferro Newman (my Grandmother) & Ruth Lane Newman. The next child, Hazel Edith Newman, was born 9/8/1890 in Junction, KS. Soon thereafter, the family removed to Texas. ANY information on ANYBODY here listed would be GREATLY appreciated. Apparently, not much of this family's history was related to dad or his older brothers and sisters, so very little is known. Don Watson11/96
OSBORN, John who married widow Martha (McHATTON) CAMPBELL in 1869 in Linn Co., KS and moved to Elk Co. with children: Elizabeth CAMPBELL who married John's brother, Enoch OSBORN; Emma who died as a teenager and is buried in Forrest Cemetery; Henry who married Josephine HUTCHINSON; and Edward McCord Jr. who married Molly ? and lived and died in Eureka. Thank you David Jackson5/98
PATE - seeking info on Binum W. Pate who married Sarah Pate (?) before 1869. They had 2 children - James Pate born ca. 1868 and Howard Pate born ca. 1871. Thanks Carol Ten Eick Ayers 5/98
PHILLIPS, J.W. died around 1925-26 at the home of his daughter Mrs. Spurgen (I think) who lived in Elk County, Kansas. J.W. was buried at the Cresco Cemetery in Elk County, Kansas. A year before his death at 92 yrs of age, an article was written stating that he was entered in a contest for the oldest living member of the Masons. His original membership was at the Twin Grove Lodge, #213 in Sevary, Kansas. That would be around 1884-6. Any information you might locate, or name of someone to help, would be much appreciated. I am having a lot of difficulty finding information on my great great grandfather. He was married to a woman named Ella. They had 2 sons and 2 daughters. One daughter lived in Elk County and one in Kansas City. His son William Thomas PHILLIPS lived and died in Fairfax, Okla. I believe the other son was named Jim who lived in Salt Lake City, Utah.Thank you Sharon Sherwood 2/98
RAMSEY Searching for siblings, other descendants, or ANY information on the following: John N. RAMSEY, b.11 Nov. 1831; m. 29 Mar. 1857, in Lawrence Co., IN., Lititia (PALMER) RAMSEY; d. 21 Dec. 1878, Howard, Elk Co., IA. This couple had four children: Mattie Catherine RAMSEY, b. 1859; William RAMSEY, Thomas RAMSEY, and John F. "Frank" RAMSEY, b. 7 Feb. 1865; m. 1890, in AZ., Ruth Jane GARDNER.6/98
RAWLINGS Looking for cemetery listing/death info on Benjamin Sands RAWLINGS, who was born 1858 in IN and died between 1900 - 1910 probably in Elk County (was living there with wife Mary around that time period). Any info appreciated. John Burdick 3/97
REYNOLDS We are seeking information regarding George Washington REYNOLDS born June 23, 1820 and died July 5, 1888 and buried in Busby (?) Elk County Cemetery. Believed to be a Civil War veteran from Indiana. Married Rachel Boone SHAW born 1843 and died 1915 buried in Busby too. She later married a LEATHERMAN. We know of seven children. Minnie Gertrude Reynolds ZOLLARS, Florence Reynolds Britian MEADOWS, Frank Reynolds, Burr Reynolds, Ike Reynolds, Ava Mae Reynolds, Ada Reynolds, Some of these are also buried at Busby. Scott Zollars
RUSSELL I am searching for any information on Edwin Russell and Anna Mary Mefford in Elk County, Kansas. They had a daughter Ruth whom was born in Howard.Jun 28,1893. Thank you. David M. Dunlop 5/98
SEWARD Looking for information of SEWARD's in Elk Co. around 1870-1900 Eva Seward 8/98
SIMS Looking for Algie & Jetta Sims of Howard Ks. and Eli & Louisa Sims who lived near Severy,Ks. A.F. Sims was an attorney who died in January of 1928. I was hoping to find old newspaper articles about him. This is my husband's grandfather. Thank you, Peggy Mills 5/98
SHELDON, Effie- Daughter of John and Eliza A. Cooper. Janie Cooper Russell 6/98
SLOOP Need info on Henry Nelson SLOOP & Sarah "Jane" CHURCH, who lived & married in Elk County, Kansas, 17 April 1884, at the home of Jane's parents, Norman Chipman & Harriett Lois (HARPESTHER) CHURCH. Henry was the son of Israel J. & Evaline (HIGHLANDER-MEEKS) SLOOP. In the year 1885 Henry & Jane owned land in Liberty Twp., Elk Co. Henry & Jane later moved to Cass Co., Indiana. Their children were: Henry Norman, Cynthia Furilla, Alice Levina, Nellie Rose, Bessie Lorena, Harry Dalton, Augusta Bertha, Nora Pearl & Frances Irene. Would love to hear from anyone who is researching or has information on any of these people. Thank you, Marie Bebeau 8/98
SMITH I am looking for any info: on Isaas SMITH (1853 Orange Township, Clark Co. IL. wife Martha SLUSSER. History book said (1883) said Isaas & Marth went to Elk Co. KS. Did the BOYERS family also move to Elk Co.? Hope to find cousins working on this VA. to IN. to IL. to KS/OK. Smith family. Donna F. Bowen 9/97
SNYDER I am searching for any information on the below listed family members. (1) John Wesley SNYDER b: Feb 1834 in Illinois d: Oct 30, 1910 in Oklahoma, +Mary Jane CATES b: 1836 in Illinois m: 1855 in Illinois; (2a) Joseph Martin SNYDER b: Apr 24, 1855 in Pappinsville, Bates Co. MO. d: Jun 07, 1908 in Finley, Griggs Co. ND. +Rachel N. MILLARD b: Jul 23, 1859 in Kalamazoo, MI m: Oct 24, 1874 in Howard Co. Kansas d: Nov 01, 1945 in North Dakota (2b) Mary Ellen SNYDER b: 1857 in Missouri +James S. DRISCOLL m: Aug 06, 1874 in Howard Co. Kansas (2c) John Louis SNYDER b: 1859 in Missouri +Ida SNYDER? m: in Oregon (2d)William Moses SNYDER* b: Dec 27, 1861 in Kansas City, Jackson Co. MO. d: Feb 24, 1928 in Yakima, Yakima Co. WA. +Ella Arminta JEWELL b: Feb 27, 1867 in Logan Co, IA. m: Mar 01, 1887 in Union Co, Or. d: Mar 26, 1941 in Yakima, Yakima Co, WA. (2e) Aaron SNYDER b: 1862 (2f) Martha Elizabeth SNYDER b: 1865 in Iowa (2g) Ollie SNYDER b: 1866 (2h) Joshua Franklin SNYDER b: 1867 in Iowa (2i) James Charles SNYDER b: 1870 in Iowa Additional information can be found at my web site Thanks Robert Snyder11/96
SWISHER, Thomas and his wife Louella WARE moved to ElkCo. KS between 1880 and 1890 from Illinois. In 1900 census, they are listed in Greenfield township. Thomas and Louella had four children, Richard (also called Roy, b. 1886), Leona (b. 1890) and twins Elva and Elvas (b. 1896). Thomas may be related to Abraham and Simon SWISHER also in Elk Co. Thomas Swisher and Simon Swisher families moved to Collinsville OK by 1910. I think Leona may have stayed in Elk Co or married. Richard Swisher married Beuleah PEVEHOUS and worked for the railroad in Coffeyville in Montgomery Co. in 1910 & 1920. Any help on any information would be appreciated, also information on farming community in ElkCo. and the railroad in Coffeyville during this time. Linda Allen 6/97
SWISHER Looking for any information on Samuel L. Swisher that married Phobe Charlotte Baker in Elk County in 1878. Obit states that he was born in Polk County, Iowa. How did he get to Elk County? Any other family members in the area? "Johnson's9/98
TEMPLER, George Washington TEMPLER and Eliza Jane CHADWICK moved their family to Elk County about 1878 from Iowa and lived near Cave Springs area. They had eight children, as follows: Serfona Belle, b. 1874 in IA; Charles Eugene, b. 1877 in IA; Viola Rose, b. 1880 in KS; Chester Arthur, b. 1882 in KS; Ada Alice, b. 1885 in KS; Wilson Kelso, b. 1886 in KS; John Carl, b. 1892 in KS; and Ernest Stanley, b. 1895 in KS. Would be interested in any information on this family, including spouses of children. Will gladly share what I have also. Other surnames include: McKEY, REDMOND, ROGERS, SHANNON, VESTAL, HILYARD, and HARRIS. Parents of Eliza CHADWICK and siblings also came to Elk County. Surnames of THOMAS, CHADWICK, MYERS, CRISMAS, and others are available. I have information from Elk County history book. Would like additional including anecdotal material. Charles E. Templer 11/97
TERRY I am researching the Joseph W. TERRY and Mary Jane HAWKINS families. Joseph Terry married Susan F. DAWSON in Kentucky and they came to Kansas by wagon.They settled in Grenola. Joseph was a carpenter by trade. Their daughter Olive C. married Nicholas Grant HAWKINS in Elk County in 1892. Nicholas was the son of John Wesley HAWKINS (Deceased abt1869-70 in Cedar County,Missouri) and Mary Jane LEWIS. He arrived in Elk County before 1880 with his mother and sister and brothers. Andrew B. was 23 in 1880 and listed as Head of Hsld. He has disappeared. William S. died Calif. 1927. Nicholas died Calif. 1940. Rebecca died Kansas as did mother in 1916. Appreciate any info. Thanks--Peggy 6/98
THOMPSON, Caleb Taylor and descendants. I have a booklet called the James Wood Family Record. There are 3 families listed there who lived around Longton in Elk County. If anyone is researching this family, I'd be happy to provide any information I have. Charlotte Babicki 8/98
TOMS Charles Hascal and descendants. I have a booklet called the James Wood Family Record. There are 3 families listed there who lived around Longton in Elk County. If anyone is researching this family, I'd be happy to provide any information I have. Charlotte Babicki 8/98
TRIPP John Labron and descendants. I have a booklet called the James Wood Family Record. There are 3 families listed there who lived around Longton in Elk County. If anyone is researching this family, I'd be happy to provide any information I have. Charlotte Babicki 8/98
WARD, Lue Elery. dob approximately 1895. His Spouse's name is DOZIER, Marie Bell. They had 5 children. 4 girls and 1 boy. I know of Hazel, Isabel, and Arlin. Arlin Elery WARD was born 24 February 1922, in Grenola, Elk County, Kansas. So I know that Lue Elery WARD and Marie Bell DOZIER lived in Grenola Kansas around 1922. They died when Arlin was in his 20's. So they died around 1942-1952. I would like as much information as you could possibly give. Please E-Mail me back or write me at: Heather Baldwin, 307 N Franklin, Anthony, Ks. 67003. or phone me at 620-842-5081. Thanks for any help! Note: If you respond to this email, be sure to include Heather's name in the contents of the message as the address is the Anthony Public Library, Anthony, Ks.1/98
WHITSITT I would like to exchange information with anyone having knowledge of Henry Clay WHITSITT, or Mary Catherine BOYD. Henry Clay came to Elk County in 1887 where he married Mary Catherine in the town of Howard KS on Nov 2, 1887. The marriage was conducted by one Judge Thompson. Henry Clay was born in Jefferson County Indiana. He served in 145th Ind Vol Infantry, Company F. Gordon K. Weddle 12/97
WINTER Would like to find any information available on Olive Lissa Winter, Born 10/14/1875,at Longton, Ks. Fathers name was Miletus C. Winter, Mother's name was Antoinette S. Johnson of Claridon, Ohio. Would also like to check any records on death of Miletus C. Winter or Antoinette S. Winter Thanks Charles R. Doyle9/98
WOOLDRIDGE/WOOLRIDGE, William, lived at Longton, KS in late 1800s. He married Margaret Belle ALLEN KELLEY of St. Joseph, MO on 15 August 1899 in Nodaway Co., MO. They lived at Longdon. Need information on his first marriage, children, ancestry and place of burial, dates, etc. Ruby Coleman 10/97
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