Ford County

1883 Pensioners

Ford County, KS 1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll

Contributed by Marcia Philbrick, October, 1997
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Cert#     LastName     FirstName    Middle Initial    Post Office   Cause    Monthly Rate      Date Original

205,391 Cline John A. Bellefont g. s. wd. of left hand & should. $11.25 Mar 1882

44,140 Zealy Elias Dodge City typhoid fever $18.00 Jun 1865

79,232 Owen Thos C. Dodge City not shown $6.00

139,145 Evarts Andrew Dodge City wd of r hand $8.00 Jan 1877

101,905 Ridenour Chas N. Dodge City chr diarrhea $8.00

109,675 Norwell Jas. M. Dodge City phthisis pulmonalis $12.00

67,482 Nottingham Geo. W. Dodge City wd. r. ilium & lft. arm $6.00

177,205 Quarles Jno. W. Dodge City injury left foot $2.00 10/1/1880

23,570 Miller Jno Dodge City g. s. w. lft. lower jaw $4.00

156,643 Wood Jas. M. Dodge City g.s.w. of head $2.00 Nov 1878

150,141 Pavne Emily Dodge City widow $8.00 May 1871

114,250 Miller Thomas Dodge City w. l. leg $6.00

180,144 Manly Andrew J. Dodge City diarr. & inj. head $4.00 Dec 1880

214,760 Leidigh Jacob M. Spearville g.s.w. rgt. side $6.00

112,381 Deitz John Spearville varicose veins both legs $12.00

35,382 Jones Deborah O. Spearville widow $8.00

19,163 Doty Wm. H.H. Spearville dis. of heart $4.00

Beebe Geo W. Spearville loss of toes on lft foot fm. frost bite $10.00

104,403 Winans Geo. S. Spearville g.s.w. rgt. shoulder $2.66 May 1865

127,419 Hines Michael Spearville g.s.w. lft. side $12.00 Mar 1874

131,111 Baird John R. Spearville inflamt. rheumatism $24.00 Dec 1875

11,701 Linscolt Nancy Spearville widow 1812 $8.00 Nov 1878

58,531 Van Vorhis Harvey B. Spearville w.r. shr $25.00

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