Ford County

1887 Business Directory of Ford County KS

Ford County, Kansas
1887 Business Directory

B. J. Hardesty, Vice-Pres. Bank of Dodge City. Representative in Legislature. Stockman Range Neutral Strip. Estab. 1880. P. O., Dodge City.

Geo. M. Hoover, Sunset Roller Mills. Estab. 1872. P. O., Dodge City. J. Collar, Coal Dealer (wholesale and retail), and Stockman Smoky Hill Range. Estab. 1872. P. 0., Dodge City.

B. W. Evans, Cashier Bank of Dodge City. Estab. 1872. P. 0., Dodge City. Bank of Dodge City. Geo. M. Hoover, Pres.; R. J. Hardesty, Vice-Pres.; R. W. Evans, Cashier. Estab. 1882. P. O., Dodge City.

Geo. B. Cox, Propr. Dodge House. Estab. 1873. P. 0., Dodge City. M. Collar, Hardware, Cutlery, Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery. Estab. 1872. P. O., Dodge City.

A. J. Anthony, Stockman, Range Buekner and Arkansas River Estab. 1863. P. 0., Dodge City.

W. C. Shinn, Real Estate Dealer. Estab. 1876. P. 0., Dodge City.

J. H. Crawford, Groceries, Provisions, Produce aud Queensware. Stockman, Range South Arkansas River. Breeder of thoroughbred Berkshire hogs. Estab. 1878. P. O., Dodge City.

Gaede, Baker & Co., Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes. Estab. 1881. P. 0., Dodge City.

H. B. Bell, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Also Furniture and Undertaking. Estab. 1875. P. O., Dodge City.

B. E. Rice, Mfr. of Saddles and Harness; also Saddlery Hardware. Estab. 1879. P. O., Dodge City.

Crumbaugh & Fitzgerald, Real Estate, Loan and Insurance. Estab. 1884. P. O., Dodge City.

Henry Sturm, Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Estab. 1876. P. 0., Dodge City.

H. L. Sitler, Brick Mfr. and Stock Farm in Chase County. Estab. 1871. P. 0., Dodge City.

J. 0. Jernigan, Register of Deeds. Estab. 1878. P. 0., Dodge City.

L. E. McGarry & Co., Law, Loan, Real Estate, Collection and Insurance. Estab. 1878. P. O., Dodge City.

L. E. McGarry, Clerk of District Court. Estab. 1878. P. 0., Dodge City.

F. C. Zimmermann, Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Stoves, Tinware, etc. Also Lumber. Kstab. 1872. P. O., Dodge City.

Finley & Milton, Attorneys-at-Law and Loan Agents. Estab. 1885. P. 0., Dodge City.

Jones & Whitelaw, Attorneys-at Law. Estab. 1881. P. O., Dodge City. W. E. Harris, Cattleman. Range in Neutral Strip. Estab. 1876. P. O., Dodge City.

S. Galland, Prop. Great Western Hotel. Estab. 1874. P. 0., Dodge City. L. K. Mclntyre, Dealer in Lumber, Lath, Doors, Sash, Blinds and builders' materials. Estab. 1884. P. O., Dodge City.

P. G. Reynolds, Dodge City and Fort Supply I. T. Stage Line. Estab. 1875. P. O., Dodge City.

Oreo S. Emerson, Wholesale and Retail General Merchandise.

S. A. Bullard, Stockman, Range rmney Uounty, South Arkansas River, opposite Garden City. Estab. 1878. P. O., Dodge City.

Wm. State, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Estab. 1878. P. O., Dodge City.

Geo. S. Emerson, Wholesale and Retail General Merchandise. Katab. 1876. P. O., Dodge City.

F. M. Reamer, Postmaster. Estab. 1883. P. O., Dodge City.

T. L. McCarty, Physician, Surgeon and Druggist. Estab. 1873. P. O., Dodge City.

Geo. Anderson, Director in Bank of Dodge City. Stock ranch in I. T. or No Man's Land. Estab. 1876. P. 0., Dodge City.

A. Gluck, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Stockman and Real Estate. Estab. 1877. P. O., Dodge City.

John Ross & Co., Dealers in Lumber and general building materials. Estab. 1885. P. O., Dodge City.

J. M. Marshall, Blacksmithing, Wagon and Carriage Manufacturer. Estab. 1885. P. 0., Dodge City.

Wm. H. LyBrand, Dodge City Planing Mill. Estab. 1876. P. O., Dodge City.

Tilghman & Co., Dealers in Hardware, Brokers and Stockmen. Estab. 1881. P. 0., Dodge City.

J. P. Erwin & Co., Wholesale and Retail Lumber and Building Material. Estab. 1885. P. O., Dodge City.

Kirkpatrick & Dunn, Wholesale and Eetail Furniture and Carpets, Pianos, Organs and Undertakers' Goods. Estab. 1884. P. 0., Dodge City.

Webster & Bond, Prop. Palace Drug Store. Estab. 1871. P. 0., Dodge City.

C. W. Averill, Wholesale and Retail Lumber Dealer, Doors, Blinds, Shingles, Sash, Posts, Lath, Lime, Hair and Cement. Also a full line of Prepared Paint and Builders' Hardware. P. 0., Dodge City.

The Pioneer Loan and Tust Co. B. J. Hardesty, Pres.; J. H. Finley, Vice-Pres.; E. W. Evans, Treas.; B. F. Milton, Sec. Kansas Farm Mortgages a specialty. Estab. 1886. P. 0., Dodge City.

Milton, Brockman & Co., Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agents. Estab. 1885. P. 0., Dodge City.

R. M. Wright & Co., Dealers in General Merchandise. B. M. Wright stock and range on the Arkansas Biver south of Fort Dodge. P. O., Dodge City.

Merchants' State Bank. Geo. B. Cox, Pres.; F. C. Zimmermann, Vice-Pres.; James Langton, Cashier. Estab. 1886. P. O., Dodge City.

L. W. Cherington, Real Estate, Loan and Insurance. Estab. 1880. P. O., Dodge City.

W. J. Fitzgerald, Beal Estate, Insurance and Loan Agent. All manner of financial business transacted for non-residents. Estab. 1884. P. O., Dodge City.

"Dodge City Times," N. B. Klaine, Prop, and Editor. Estab. 1876. P. O., Dodge City.

Markam House, Edwards & Walden. Estab. 1886. Dodge City.

Gilbert Bos., Agents for A. T. & S. F. R. R. lands. Eureka Irrigating Canal Company. Estab. 1881. P. O., Speareville.

T. K. Stidham, Prop. Summit House. Estab. 1877. P. O., Speareville.

J. E. Van Voorhis, Real Estate in town lots and country. Estab. 1885. P. O., Speareville.

Geo. Hall & Co., Lumber, Hardware, Groceries, Implements, Bain wagons, Walter A. Wood mowers, Thomas' rakes, etc. Estab. 1877. P. O., Speareville.

Geo. Hall & Co., Dealers in Hardware, Farming Implements and Groceries. Estab. 1877. P. 0., Speareville.

Wm. H. Young, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Estab. 1883. P. O., Speareville.

H. M. Clark, Real Estate and Notary Public. Estab. 1878. P. 0., Speareville.

Geo. Hall & Co., Dealers in Hardware, Funning Implements and Groceries. Estab. 1877. P. O., Speareville.

Wm. E. Young, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Estab. 1883. P. O., Speareville.

H. M. Clark, Real Estate and Notary Public. Estab. 1878. P. 0., Speareville.

Cox & Borieson, Flour, Feed and Coal. Estab. 1885. P. 0., Speareville.

Walker & Brown, Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds and Building Materials. Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, etc. Eitab. 1885. P. 0., Speareville.

L. B. Huffman. Livery and Sale Stable. Estab. 1877. P. 0., Speareville.

W. S. Kline, S. E. Sec. 14, T. 26, E. 23; S. E. Sec. 36, T. 25, B. 23, total, 320 a.; est. val., $4600. Farming and feeding. P. O., Speareville.


Submitted by Sheryl on September 6, 2004


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