Gleanings from 1908 Graham County Kansas Newspapers

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SPECIAL NOTE..... The gleanings here come from microfilmed newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. Click HERE for more information on borrowing film from the Society.

Local newspaper offer a wealth of information and insight into the lives of our ancestors. We have here gleanings from Graham County newspapers for your perusal. Included here are marriages, births, divorces, departures, arrivals, special celebrations, tragic accidents, etc.

Most newspaper death notices or obits are located at Graham County Obituaries.

Also check out the Births and Marriages



HILL CITY NEW ERA -- Thursday, September 3, 1908
--Ed FORTUNE and family, of the Penokee country were callers at this office last Monday. Ed is one of the
Jewell County "boys" whom we have known for lo these many years and we'd have to prevaricate extensively to say anything bad about him. He was a resident of this county about 30 years ago at which time his father had a claim on Rock Creek but the family got discouraged and went "back east" while Ed was yet a wee kid. He has a good farm near Penokee and has, so he informs us, a regular Jewell County prospect for corn this year.

--Miss Birdie PIPES returned from
Kansas City, where she has been attending the fall opening of the large millinary establishments Saturday.

--Miss TOTTEN stenographer at the Graham County State Bank, returned Saturday after a vacation visit with home folks at
Washington, Kansas.

--Mrs. WILLIAMSON expects her son Bert and wife and a lady from
Hill City this evening. They will remain and visit her her and Byron during the Fair. --Norton News.

--Geo. CLARK is back again to this city after a visit of more than a year in
Rhode Island. He says he sees considerable change in the city even in that short time.

--Alva WHITE and family of Mountain Home,
Idaho, visited with friends and relatives here and at Hill City last week. Mr. WHITE is cashier for the Oregon Short Line Ry., which by the way is a responsible position and carries a nice salary. Mr. WHTE gets an annual layoff and free transportation and usually comes back to Norton County to visit the scenes of his childhood. --Lenora News.

--Harry BROWN of
Los Angeles, Cal., spent Sunday in Clay Center a guest of the home of Mrs. P. P. KEHOE. Harry formerly lived in this city some fifteen years ago and has many friends here who were glad to see him. He left Monday for Lawrence where he is to be married Thursday, August 27, to Miss Maud LONG also formerly of Clay Center...

--We are told that Ben S. SMITH retires from the Model Furniture Company today, having sold his interest in the business to W. H. HILL. We hope that Ben will go into some line of business and not decide to change location. The store has been doing good business and has been a drawing card for
Main Street.

--A young couple was recently married and the bride sent an invitation to her aunt to attend the wedding. The cards were swell affairs and the corners bore the inscription, "Children not expected." After looking at it the second time and thinking for a while the aunt remarked: "That all right but they'll have 'em just the same." --
Logan Republican

11:30 p.m. last Sunday fire was discovered in a partition in the Harvey restaurant and before the fire was brought under control the restaurant, SETCHEL's real estate office and the Progress print shop were in ashes. The three buildings were all small frame buildings and in the strong south wind which prevailed burned like tinder. Only the fact that the Dolton building presented a barrier in the way of the a high and heavy stone wall saved that store from the flames. The buildings were all owned by Mr. STOBER...

--Mr. RACHAU of St. Peter was a caller at this print shop Friday and while here he gave us a dollar to keep for our own in return for 52 copies of the New Era. Mr. RACHAU in 1868 came to
Jewell County with a cattleman who located there in the eastern part of the county. They had considerable trouble with the Indians in those days and Mr. RACHAU tho only a boy at the time well remembers all about it.

--Mrs. Kenneth KACKLEY and baby returned to their home in
Phillipsburg Tuesday after a two weeks visit with friends and relatives in this city.

--BROWN sold his auto to Harry WHEELER this week and Harry is going to do the lightning express act between this and neighboring towns. The car is in fine shape as BROWN had put in new roller jewels and two new hair springs.

--Misses Nettie and Lilly BYERTS came in Monday morning and are visiting at home this week. Nettie has a school at Pasadena,
California and will ruturn there is a few days. Lilly will go back to Gooding, Idaho, where she has real estate investments.

--Rev. FREEMAN and his two little boys of Bogue were callers at this office Friday. Brother FREEMAN is the M. E. pastor at Bogue and is arranging for a tent meeting at that place. The meetings will commence Tuesday, September 15th...

from Togo locals section

  • Miss Ethel SHERMAN has gone to Hayes [sic! should be Hays] where she will attend school this winter.
  • A number from the neighboorhood attended the CAMPBELL Brothers show and the Old Settlers reunion the first of the week.
  • Lee WILLIAMS and Arthur SUMNER spent Sunday with Gordon HOSKINS north of Hill City.
  • Mr. George BLACKMAN of WaKeeney has been employed to teach Prairie Glen this winter.
  • Eiss [sic! Miss?] Mary DAZEY was a Hill City visitor Saturday.
  • Mrs. Hafry BELL is staying with her sister Mrs. Hiram PARKER this week.

from Evening Star Lights locals section

  • Prof. Wm HAWKINS, president of the State Normal [School] at Warrensburg, Mo., is here visiting his brother Albert Hawkins.
  • Roy ENGLISH threshed wheat Wenesday. The yield in the wheat crop is small in this locality on account of hail storms in June.
  • The baby of Frank FESLER that has been sick is improving nicely.
  • Lexie EATON will teach school in Oklahoma this year.

from West Belleview locals section

  • Zene WAIT of LaHarpe, Kansas, is visiting his father, Byron WAIT, Sr., also his brothers E. H. and Alpha, during his vacation.
  • Clark EPPERSON expects to move to Lenora this coming week to be near school during this winter.
  • Little Juanita and Kenneth GRAUTER [hard to read... GREUTER ?] have been on the sick list for several days past.
  • The BLAZIER Brothers are contemplating a trip back to their old camping grounds in Russel Co., in the near future, and to take in the carnival at Lucas while there, their wives having gone there couple weeks ago.
  • Miss Mary WOODS of Hill City was renewing acquaintanceships in this region the fore part of the week.
  • One of Robbie HESKETT's big gray horses died Saturday night. We regret to see misfortunes of this kind overtake any of our friends or neighbors.

from Studley locals section

  • Mrs. Charles HAZEN and mother returned from Coffee [sic!] County, Kansas, a week ago Saturday night and she reports crops there far behind the crops here except the fruit crops.
  • Miss Stella DAVIS and sisters are enjoying a visit with two of their cousins who have claims out in Colorado. The young ladies do not like it in Colorado. They will remain here until Friday, then go east to Iowa, before returning.
  • Mr. Fent PRATT and family left Saturday afternoon for Denver and other points in Colorado. They will visit the montains and will be gone from Studley about a month. They usually take a trip to the mountains every fall. We wish them a pleasant trip and a safe return. Mr. and Mrs. LLOYD are looking after the chores during their absence.
  • Mr. LLOYD will teach the Studley School again this winter which will begin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. LLOYD will occupy Grandma MORRISON's house after the PRATT's return home.
  • Mr. MORRISON doesn't think bachelor life is so nice. After all his wife has been gone over a month.
  • Mrs. Tom STOUT is slowly improving after her spell of sickness
  • Mrs. Hursal BROWN returned Saturday night from a visit to the East.
  • Miss EDDY returned to her home in Oklahoma Saturday morning. She has been out here visiting her father and brother Mr. Grandpa EDDY.
  • Miss Myrtle SHAPPLEY returned home Saturday from the Corner Hotel in Morland.

from Mt. Olive locals section

  • J. W. BERRINGER's having a new house built.
  • H. I. GEOKEN [GOEKEN ?] of Clifton is here visiting with his children.
  • Mrs. and Mrs. BAKER and family of Colby have moved into our mist. (Isn't this a rather damp location, Ed?)
  • Mrs. Libbie BRUATIGAM [BRAUTIGAM ?] and daughter, Florence, is visiting relatives in Cloud County.
  • Fred BEEBEY is hired to teach the Mt. Olive School this year.
  • Pete DEWITT is putting the finishing touches on Henry SHIVER's new house.
  • B. C. CALKINS has gone out to the western part of the state to see the country.
  • Henry JOHNSON's are entertaining some their relatives from Mitchell Co. this week.

HILL CITY NEW ERA -- Thursday, September 10, 1908

-- Mrs. H. E. DALE, mother of Mrs. W. W. CARNEY, is here visiting. Mrs. DALE's home is in

-- [Publication notice]:
Arnold H. VANDUYN, plaintiff, vs. Katherin C. VANDUYN, defendant. [divorce decree]

--Dissolution Notice: The firm known as FOSTER Bros. is this day dissolved. B F. FOSTER withdrawing from the firm and B. FOSTER retaining the business, paying all accounts and collecting all accounts of the former firm of Foster Bros. The new firm will read L. A. FOSTER & Co., L. A. FOSTER Financial Head and B. FOSTER, Co. and Business Manager.

-- Rev. W. S. HARPER was down from Morland Tuesday morning on business trip. A young friend by the name of MESSICK accompanied him.

-- Charles ANDREWS is converting the rooms next to this print shop into a garrage [sic!] wherin decrepit and broken down automobiles may be rebuilt and life put back into the buszzometers. He will use the basement for a storage room and the upper floor for a hospital.

-- Mrs. E. E. FLANDERS returned Friday night after a couple of weeks visit with home folks in

-- Hugh GILLEN is spending seom time down in the Nicodemus country this week. He says he is threshing and selling the wheat on his 'Deums farm but we suspect that he's building a little politcal fencing as a side line

-- We are indeed sorry to hear that the paper at Morland will be allowed to die.
BUTLER was getting out a little sheet which was a credit to the town and we hoped that arrangements could be made to replace the plant which was recently destryoed by fire and that the publication of the Progress would be resumed.

-- William NEAL, who has been here for some time visiting hid relatives, the SHOTWELL boys, returned home via Lenora to his home at Formoso to-day.

-- Gilbert and Ross CLAYTON Archibald MOYERS Ray GORDON and Geo. KNOUF all went to school Monday on the early train. All but Ross went to
Salina and he goes back to Ottawa. [compiler's note: I may have mixed up given names with surnames with this list of students as commas were not used in the paragraph]

-- Mr. and Mrs. ELDER, of Osborne, father and mother of the EELDER [sic!] boys, were here last week on a visit to the children

-- Mrs. MINIUM of Morland was in Hill City last week visiting her friend and former school mate Mrs. SCHILLING

-- Dr. Lottie FINDLY arrived last Friday evening according to schedule and is again busy with her patients.

-- Mrs. J. C. CARLISLE had her name on the sick roll this week.

-- H. L. LOHNESS has joined the home improvement club and is building a fine new frame cottage on his farm.

--Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. MUDGE, now of WaKeeney but formerly of this city, were visitors at the Hill home last Friday and Saturday.

-- Carr
DAVIS is building a dwelling on his farm in Pioneer Township which, it is said, when completed will be the largest and finest residence in the township.

-- We learn that Frank HENRY, of the north east part of the county, is down with a severe case of typhoid fever. We hope to soon learn that he is recovering.

-- On Monday morning Mrs. VAN WIE turned the management of the Pomeroy [hotel] over to Geo. ASHCROFT who will take up the landlord's burden and conduct the hotel. The Pomeroy is a neat and well arranged building and should do a good business.

-- Misses Louise and Nettie FLEMING, who have been spending some weeks with their aunt, Mrs. Alex NESBIT, returned to
Kansas City last Monday. Miss Louise will attend medical school at Kansas City and Miss Nettie will go to St. Louis where she has a position in one of the hospitals.

-- Mr. and Mrs. KELHER [sic!], otherwise known as as Myrtle and Clem, spent most of last week in Plainville visiting Grandpa and Grandma KELEHER.

-- Dr. Margaret BELL left yesterday for Kansas City where she will have her arm and shoulder, which were badly done up in a runaway last spring, looked after.

-- Mr. BARBEE and Fred SCHILLING are victims of the pedestrian fad it seems. They have an auto take them five or six miles out into the country and then they walk back to town.

-- Jas. SPUNAUGLE is seen every morning at day break up on the very tiptop of his house. At first we thought he was going to make a high dive but by close watch we discovered that his is building a [can't read this word] flue.

-- D. J. HANNA and wife moved out of their home last week, stored their goods and went down to Kansas City for a short visit with friends. Mr. HUTTON and family moved into the HANNA residence, which now becomes the HUTTON residence, and are now "at home."

-- Isaac LITTON and Grant LITTON, his son, both of Woodhull, Illinois, were visiting in this county this week. Mr. LITTON has bee the owner of a fine half section in Happy Township for several years and has always refused to sell and this week he exhibited still more faith in our county and bought a fine quarter down near Bert SHERMAN's.

-- Mrs. O. B. KACKLEY is in
Kansas City this week buying goods for the fall trade and seeing the sights of the city.

-- G. B. BROWN returned from his
Kansas City trip Wednesday. He says that the hospital people gave him considerable encouragement and that he already feel better.

-- Bill SHOTWELL is entitled to the title Watermellon King. He raised some fine ones this year and has disposed of several wagon loads of the fruit of the vines in this city. He had a load of big juicy corpulent fellows on the market yesterday.

from Buchanan locals section


from Mt. Olive locals section


from Prairie View locals section... by "Cleopatra"


from Prairie View locals section... by "Amos Harrowtooth"


from South Line locals section


from West Belleview locals section


from St. Peter locals section


from Stony Post locals section


Here and There locals section


from Millbrook locals section


from Morlan Township locals section

HILL CITY NEW ERA -- Thursday, September 17, 1908

--Mr. and Mrs. NORRIS, father and mother of Israel NORRIS, are here this week visiting their son's family. Their home is at
Minneapolis, Kansas, and this is their first visit to this county.
--We last week sold the north east quarter section 9, just west of the Garrnett schoolhouse, to Orvel W. HOUT of
Formoso, Kansas, who will improve the place and make money.
--Mrs. O. B. KACKLEY returned from
Kansas City last Friday night.
--Miss Ellen CHIPMAN is assisting her aunt, Mrs. HAWLAND, in the work of abstracting.
--R. J. COOP came down from Morland Tuesday to see his grandchildren, the GOODROW kiclets [sic!]
--Miss Nettie BYERTS who has been visiting here with her parents left Monday morning for
Pasadena, California, where she will again teach during the winter.
Hill City girls who are attending the Concordia Academy all went back to school the first of the week. Jennie KELEHER, Irene MULLANEY, Helen LANK and Theo EBNOTHER comprise the number.

--(from the "Here and There" locals section):
--Mr. and Mrs. WRAY and family have gone to Beloit, Kansas, to visit his aged father and mother and to attend his parents' 63rd anniversary.
--Grant BOOTHE is working for Mr. SWEENEY
--Mrs. LANGSTON, who went to Topeka last week to the hospital to have an operation performed for cancer is getting along nicely
--Little Bessie FAULKENDER had the misfortune to get one of her toes cut off while playing with a spade.
--(from the Penokee locals section):
--A brother of C. PAXSON is here visiting from
--The Sunday School convention held in Amos
Bell's grove was very poorly attended.
--A. BRINKMEYER and W. H. BELVEAL sold some cattle last week to Mr. LANK of
Hill City.
--Minnie CLARK who has been working in
Hill City returned home Friday night.
--Ed Grant's children visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. PAXSON, Monday.

--(from West Belleview locals):
--Samuel VAIL purchased a new Deering corn binber [sic!] in Lenora last week and is putting in good time in the corn, kaffir and cane patches.
--The report reaches us the Mrs. H. E. HAYES and her mother are having a pleasant time in
Nebraska and South Dakota.
--J. M. WOODS and son, Mordecia, will assist Carrie SMITH during the threshing season.
--Mrs. Clark EPPERSON visited relatives near Hoxie the past week.
--Sam WHITE is putting down a well at the
Mt. Olive school house.
--Mrs. Libbie BRANTIGAM and daughter
Florence returned from their visit in Cloud County last Saturday.
--Will WEIR and family, of Grand View, attended the
West Belleview Sunday School Sunday and visited Wm. BRANTS.
--We are reliably informed that Ira MILLER disposed of his farm the latter part of the week, for a consideration of $25000, and 40 head of
Hereford cattle.
--Mr. Will LAIRD will weild the rod in the West Belleview district this winter, beginning the 5th of October.
--Among those that took in the sights during the carnival at Lenora were Mrs. J. M. WOODS and son Mordecai, Johnny FREN and Ernie EMMERSON from this locality.
--Mr. and Mrs. Ira MILLER are the proud posessors of a fine new organ.

--(from Prairie View locals):
--School was commenced in this district on last Monday with Miss Lizzie ROGERS in charge.
--Miss Myrtle FOX will teach the
Pleasant Valley school this winter.
--The young friends of Miss Lena CAFFERTY gave her a surprise party on last Wednesday night. Many were present and every one had a good time.
--Ira OLIVETT went to
Beloit Friday. Mrs. OLIVETT will go in a few days and will bring back with her little Willie who has been gone from home since last spring.

Morland Township locals):
--Howard Morris is quite sick with typhoid fever.
--Miss Bertha GISH is over in
Rooks County this week helping to take care of a nephew.
--Chas. MORRIS and family were callers at Mr. GUSTAFASON Sunday. Mrs. GUSTAFASON has been sick ever since her return home from
--Mrs. Jim FRAZIER's mother and niece of
Smith County [are here] this week.
--Little Ted SEEGRIST is having a tussel with the whooping cough.
--Mrs. Roy FOGY is on the sick list this week.
--Mr. NYLAND's little boy was seriously hurt by a horse Monday evening.

--(from Saint Peter locals):
--Little Flora MORGAN is very sick with spinal infection
--Mrs CASE and daughter, Lida, took in the Sunday School Convention at Amos BELL's grove on the 12 of September.
--Hugh ELLIOT and John EVERS were St. Peter visitors last Sunday.
--J. A. CASE was hauling wheat to Collier last week
--It is reported that Mr. STEBENS is going to leave us as he has rented a house in Morland.
--Miss VANDERPOOL, hello girl at the new central, is absent this week having gone to
Bethany, Mo. to visit her home folks. Miss Grace STUCHLIK is acting as central girl until her return.
--A PECULIAR CASE... On Monday, September 7th, the 15 year old daughter of Mack NEWELL of Damar country, was taken with a spell of bleeding at the nose. In a few moments she fell into a deep sleep from which it was impossible to arouse her and the sleep continued until last Monday, at
3 a.m. when she awoke. At the time she awoke she was too weak to speak and seemed to fail to understand what was said to her but after taking stimulants she regained strength enough to enable her to talk with her parents and those who were watching with her. She complained of severe pains in her head and said that during her long sleep of nearly six days and nights she had several times recovered consciousness to an extent that she knew and realized what was going on around her but was powerless to speak or even to open her eyes and she would soon drop back to sleep. The girl is still very weak and her recovery is still regarded as doubtful..

HILL CITY NEW ERA -- Thursday, September 24, 1908

Del LEMON of Graham County was an Osborne visitor last Thursday, the guest of F. S. LAMAN. He is an old Bethany Township resident and a brother of George LEMON who lives over there now. He lives four miles from Hill City now. He says corn is pretty good over in his county.
--from Osborne Farmer
--Miss Jennie KELEHER of
Hill City, who was the guest of Miss Hazel BALLEAU serverl days, left Monday for Concordia, where she is a student at the Nazareth Academy. --Osborne Farmer
Jefferson County, Nebraska, is here this week looking after his business interests. FAHRENWOLD owns a fine quarter of Bryant Township land and think this county soil is a pretty good one to tie to.
--Mr. MARSHALL who has for some time been night man at the U.P. has left
Hill City and gone to the small village of WaKeeney. There he will assist the R.R. agent with his numerous duties. MARSHALL is a good Indian and we regret to see him go hence.
--The new bell, purchased by the M.E. Sunday School as a gift to the church is now here and will soon be ringing out its calls to attend services. It is a large bell of fine quality.
--For sale. A second hand piano in good condition. Will sell on easy terms. Can be boxed. Address or see Miss Leora CARNEY,
Hill City, Kansas.
--Oakley OWENS is arranging to run a two chair shop in the time to come. He is now raising a young barber who came to their home last week.
--On last Saturdy forenoon, Mrs. Peter LARSON was shot and seriously wounded by Oliver SMITH. The shooting was the result of gross carelessness on the part of SMITH who took chances of killing the woman instead of, as it now seems, of only injuring her. [this is only a part of the detailed article on the shooting]

West Belleview locals section
--Jay HOWARD is purchasing the spring crop of calves in these parts and is successful in getting them therefore he must give the price.
--H. S. MORGAN of Fredericksburg, Iowa, visited his niece, Mrs. Bellw MOWRY, from Thursday until Tuesday.
--Alph BOGARD and wife of Lenora surprised their old time friend, W. H. WHITE, by dropping in Friday evening for a few days visit and the good time anticipated was fully realized.
--Mrs. H. E. HAYES is expected home from
Alliance, Nebraska, this week; her correspondence shows that she has had an enjoyable trip.
--While we were searching for items [to include in this report] L. J. BLAZIER informed us that he washed his feet Monday evening; we regret that this is such a rare occurence as to call for special mention.
--Mr. McCOY and family of Happy Top were visitors at Chas. FRANKLINs from Friday until Monday. Mrs. McCOY is a sister of Mrs. FRANKLIN.
--Floyd ADAMS and his cousin, Frank BROWN, arrived in old Graham County this last week from
Pennsylvania and will erect a sod mansion on the Adams 40, in section 34 T7 R 25. Floyd is one of the old time boys and will be welcomed back in our midst.
--Among those who dold their calves were E. H. WAIT, Byron WAIT and Wm. BRANT.
--Roy MOWRY is suffering considerably this week from a gathering in his ears.
--The young folks have had an enjoyable time since our last communication having had an ice cream party in honor of the 17th birthday of Charley MILLER; and Sunday evening they gathered at W. L. MOWRY's and had a good time until about midnight.

Morland Township locals section
--Mr. Geo. MEYER purchased a new wagon from Geo. TRIBLE Saturday.
--A brother of Tom BROOKS is here visiting from
--Mr. and Mrs. DRAGT of
Wisconsin are here visiting their son, Jake DRAGT and family; they intend to stay about three or four weeks.
--Mrs. Geo. KING of Gardin, Iowa, is here on a visit this week; it has been 4 years since she was here but she says things look natural to her. She was accompanied by her father to
Stockton Tuesday where she will remain a few days with her brother, H. MORRIS.
--Howard MORRIS is very low with typhoid fever; his fever has been 104 for three days.
--Will KALEY and family of Garden City were visiting friends here last week.
--Mrs. Geo. JACKSON came over from Rooks County Sunday to spend this week with the little with the little fellow's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. GISH.

From Prairie View locals section
--Malcolm NOLAND went to
Wallace County to do some work on his claim last week; his wife accompanied him.
--Miss Bessie BEEZLEY visited with the home folks a few days last week; she went from here to visit her sister in
Logan County.
--Miss Grace NOLAND began school in the Spring Creek District the 14 inst.
--Mrs. M. E. MERWIN is visiting in Goodland this week.

From Studley locals section
--Mr. and Mrs. Harry PRATT returned Monday morning from their long journey of a two weeks wedding trip. They report having a fine time and a pleasant tripand tonight the boys will have their fun with their tin cans. Mr. PRATT is our city lumber man while Mrs. PRATT is the daughter of one of our merchants. They will make their home in Studley.
--John RAWSON will finish threshing near St. Peter this week.
--Mr. Sherm SCOTT will also finish [threshing] and return to Studley for the winter.
--Tom STOUT is taking a 15 days lay off from R.F.D. carrier these windy days; his son, Earl, now carries the mail.
--Fred DAVIS is now cutting the last crop of alfalfa for Mr. Fent PRATT.

All of the newspapers articles entered here come from newspapers available on interlibrary loan from the Kansas State Historical Society. You can do an online search of Graham County newspapers on microfilm available from the Society by clicking HERE.

(Note: When you get to the Society's newspaper collection page keep in mind that the numbers off to right of the list are the reel numbers at the Society). For more information on borrowing these newspapers go to the Society's Interlibrary Loan page


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