Montgomery County




William H. Brost (16 May 1857 - 07 May 1911)
& Mary Elizabeth Lay (28 Dec 1866 - 16 Jan 1921)
married Dec 16, 1883

William Henry Brost (b 17 Oct 1900)
& Elsie M Hopkins (b 24 Oct 1900) married Mar 17, 1921

James B. Lay (18 Feb 1837 - 04 Apr 1891)
& Priscilla Lay (20 Dec 1839 - 03 Feb 1889)
married Mar 28, 1866

Charles Lay & Anna married Oct 16, 1900

Contributed by Andrea Kemp

William L Manning & Minnie Lay (b 29 Jan 1877)
married Jan 13, 1897

[St] J. Stokes & Sarah married Feb 26, 1882


Lucy Lay, Apr 13, 1868 - Nov 20, 1868
John W Lay, Jan 15, 1869 -
Emma C. Lay, Feb 4, 1872 - Aug 20, 1873
Charles H. Lay, Jul 29, 1874 -
Infant, May 25, 1882 - May 25, 1882


[This Family Bible was found 11 Jul 1998 at an estate auction in Independence, Kansas.]
Contributed by Terasa Hodges


Father Spencer - June 16, 1838
Mother Spencer - March 6, 1859
Betta Spencer - June 15, 1881
Charley Spencer - May 3, 1882
Bessie Spencer - October 20, 1884
Willie Spencer - February 24, 1887
Berry Spencer - December 16, 1888

Mary Anderson - August 14, 1908
Robert Anderson - June 16, 1910
Francis Anderson - July 21, 1912
Margery Dyer - October 24, 1913

Father William Tharp - October 6, 1822
Mother Elizabeth Tharp - December 7, 1823
Eliza J Tharp - May 20, 1845
Elizabeth Tharp - March 4, 1847
George Tharp - January 24, 1849
Peter Tharp - June 24, 1857
William M Tharp - December 15, 1853
Mary E Tharp - March 6, 1859
Edward W Tharp - September 22, 1861
Henry V Tharp - July 15, 1865


W. E Spencer - May 18, 1905
Charley Spencer - March 21, 1884
Willie Spencer - November 21, 1888
M S Watkins - June 5, 1905
Father William Tharp - September 20, 1895
Mother Elizabeth Tharp - October 11, 1888
Eliza Tharp - July 27, 1909
Mary E Spencer - April 20, 1917
Bessie Spencer Dyer - October 7, 1924
Elizabeth Garrison - February 3, 1918
Peter Tharp - August 27, 1922
Eliza Tharp - March 20, 1934
William Tharp - June 13, 1928
Henry Tharp - February 8, 1936
Lydia Garrison Moffett - March 15, 1935
Nelle Tharp Woodfine - June 19, 1938
Eliza J Tharp - July 27, 1909


Robert E Spencer & Mary E Tharp - December 4, 1879, Lucas, Missouri
Edward Anderson & Betta Spencer - April 12, 1903, Hale, Kansas
Striet Dyer & Bessie Spencer - May 15, 1907, Hale, Kansas
Ed Holestine & Mary Anderson - March 28, 1933, Lamar, Missouri
Robert Anderson & Bernice Scott - March 8, 1939, Nowata, Oklahoma


Born at the Krugg hospital yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kubic of South Coffeyville, an 11-pound boy. His name is Henry H. Kubic, Jr.
Source: The Coffeyville Journal, Sunday, Wednesday, Mar 28, 1917
Contributed by Juanita Alloway


1880 WISE Family
DwlFamNameColorSexAgeRel.OccupationBirthplaceFather’s BirthplaceMother's Birthplace
Cherryvale Township
100 102 WISE,WilliamWM 43 saloonIL -- --
Addie WF 22wife KS IL IL
Luther WM 22 sonclerkILILIL
AlbertW M 20sonclerk" " "
JohnW M 14 son " " "
EdwardW M7 son KS " "
Myrtle E W F9/12 dau "" "
Liberty Township
8586WISE,William WM52 farmerINPA PA
Mary WF46 wife " KY KY
May W F22dau " IN IN
Elizabeth WF 20 dau " ""
Mary EWF18dau """
EstellaWF16dau """
RosanWF12dau """
ClaudWM2son KS""
Independence Township
2831WISEJaneWF44 farmerINOHPA
Annie M WF24 dau " " IN
Mary AWF 19dau " ""
Clara BW F 15 dau IL ""
MinnieW F 10dau " " "
CASLETRobertWM 22 nephfarm labor ILIN IL
Town of Independence
568 568 WISE,JosephWM53 dairyman IL PAKY
Frances AWF 47wife TN TN TN
WileyWM29son ILIL"
RosaW F 23wife TN TN "
Mary LW F5 dau KS" "
InfantW ?1/12--- " " "
IdaW F 20 dau seamstressIL IL TN
MaryWF 18 dau "" "
Lisa WWF 15 dau " " "
EmmaW F9dau KS " "
Lewis NW M11 son "" "

Contributed by Frank W. Wise

1885 Census PERRY, HODGES, MARTIN Families

J. B Perry - 43 - M - W - 1
Olive C Perry - 35 - F - W - 1
Blanche Davidson - 16 - F - W - 1
Melvin Davidson - 11 - M - W - 1
Ida M Perry - 16 - F - W - 1

Contributed by Terasa Hodges

Robert Hodges - 27 - M - W - 1
Nannie Hodges - 26 - F - W - 1
Mabel Hodges - 3 - F - W - 1
Pearl Hodges - 2 - F - W - 1
Bert Thompson - 14 - M - W - 1

Thomas Martin - 44 - M - W - 1
Eunice Martin - 42 - F - W - 1
Jennie Martin - 20 - F - W - 1
William Martin - 18 - M - W - 1
John W Martin - 14 - M - W - 1
Benj Martin - 10 - M - W - 1





Licenses in the Coffeyville Daily Journal, Mar 28, 1917

Chester L. Piper, Parsons, age 22, and Lorraine Parsons, Parsons, age 19
Clyde H. Crimmel, Caney, age 22, Maybelle Wales, Mexico MO, age 20
Tom Clegg, Ada, Okla, age 22, Jewell Farel, Coffeyville, age 19
Alva C. Storey, Cherryvale, age 31, Fern S. Babcock, Cherryvale, age 21
Harry W. Kemble, Winfield, age 26, Margaret Lewis, Augusta, age 25
Malcom Webb, Wann, Okla, age 26, Rebecca Foreman, Wann, Okla., age 19

Contributed by Juanita Alloway

List of Marriages

Alloway, Glenn H. and Marilyn Jean Lattin married 5 Sep 1948 at Independence, Ks.
Armstead, Asal H., born 1853, and Anna R. Anderson, born 1864, married 1 Jan 1882
Bayless, Daniel, born 1849, and Dorcus L .Smith, born 1861, married 1 Dec 1880
Bayless, Lawson W., born 1849, and Jennie M. Stahl, born 1860, married 1 Apr 1881
Buckner, Abraham, born 1842, and Mary J. Hill, born 1859, married 1 Jan 1880
Carle, Richard S., born 1833, and Ella Post, born 1853, married 1 Dec 1880
Cates, Howard G., age 28, and Irma Osborn, age 25, married 28 Mar 1917, at Pueblo, Colorado
Ehrman, Harry H. and Bessie E. Duckworth married Mar 27 1917, at Coffeyville, Ks.
Erwin, Robert J., born 1860, and Amanda E. Kee, born 1864, married 1 Jan 1882
Gaskill, Jonathan, born 1850, and Myra Bradley, born 1859, married 1 Jan 1881
George, Andrew M., age 38, of Coffeyville, and Rettie Coons, age 28, of Coffeyville, married 15 Nov 1877, at Montgomery County, by R.M. Scott, Minister
Hobson, Joseph H., born 1852, and Flora L. Swalley, born 1862, married 1 Feb 1880
Krout, Frederick, age 52 of Coffeyville, and Jane Roberts, age 51, of Coffeyville, married 11 Apr 1886, at Coffeyville, Ks., by Hugh M. McBirney, Paster M.E. Church
Lampe, Frank A., born 1851, and Mary Blaes, born 1862, married 1 Feb 1881
Lanning, Charles S., born 1860, and Jennie M. Davis, born 1858, married 1 Feb 1881
Lawrence, William M,. born 1858, and Ida V. Phillips, born 1865, married 1 Dec 1881
Leggett, Millard F., born 1853, and Alice H. Broome, born 1853, married 1 Jan 1882
Lucas, Sumner E., born 1859, and Alice C. Russell, born 1862, married 1 Jan 1882
May, Samel D., age 22, of Onion Creek, and Maria Louisa Roberts, age 15, of Onion Creek, married 20 Feb 1871, at home of Capt. J. W. May, by T. S. Rodabaugh (?)
McConnell, Arthur, born 1848, and Eugene Bettendroff, born 1853, married 1 Aug 1881
Newman, Carl Franklin and Maudie Isabelle Downey married Mar 11, 1907, at Independence, Kansas
Phillips, William R., born 1858, and Alice M. Wingate, born 1864, married 1 Jan 1882
Rigs, David L., age 28, of Coffeyville, and Lucinda E. Coons, age 25, of Coffeyville, married 23 Oct 1881, at Independence, Ks., by E. Herring, Probate Judge
Roberts, D. L., age 34, of Coffeyville and Nettie Bonesteel, 18, of Coffeyville, married 28 Oct 1887, at Independence, Ks., by W. R. Brown, Probate Judge
Roberts, David L., age 23 of Coffeyville, and Julia Berrian, age 18, of Coffeyville, married 11 Mar 1877, at Montgomery Co., by H. C. Mayfield, Justice of the Peace
Ruttgen, Wayne and Frances Sullivan married 7 Dec 1962 at Oswego, Ks.
Temple, William C,. born 1852, and Leni L. Brown, born 1860, married 1 Jan 1880
Todd, Frank E., born 1859, and Minnie J. Coleman, born 1860, married 1 Jan 1881
Vancleave, James S., born 1859, and Mary G. Thornton, born 1861, married 1 Feb 1880
Walters, Jacob A., born 1849, and Emma F. Massey, born 1863, married 1 Apr 1882

Combined contributions from Vivian Brinker, John Newman, Juanita Alloway, and Norma Hass


LATTIN-ALLOWAY WEDDING SUNDAY - Miss Marilyn Jean Lattin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lattin, Independence, became the bride of Mr. Glenn H. Alloway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alloway, 712 East Eighth, at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the First Church of God at Independence. The Rev. O. R. Carpenter, uncle of the bride, read the double-ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a princess street length dress of white French crepe. styled with a sweetheart neckline. Her headdress was a sweetheart halo of white roses trimmed with white nylon veiling. A single strand of pearls, a gift from the bridegroom was the bride's only ornament. On a white Bible, she carried an orchid bouquet with streamers of pink rosebuds.
Miss Barbara Lattin, sister of the bride was maid of honor. Her dress was a toast brown crepe with black accessories and she carried a colonial bouquet of yellow roses. Mrs. William Dillon, Jr., sister of the bridegroom was matron of honor, and wore a forest green crepe with black accessories, while Miss Lili Carpenter, cousin of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore royal blue crepe with black accessories. Their matching colonial bouquets were of pink roses.
Sheryl Alloway, small niece of the bridegroom was flower girl. She was dressed in a Parisian blue taffeta frock with a halo of pink rosebuds in her hair. She wore a matching wrist corsage and carried a basket of rose petals.
Mrs. Lattin, mother of the bride, wore a black crepe dress with black accessories and the bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue crepe, also with black accessories. They wore matching pink carnation corsages.
Mr. William Dillon, Jr., brother-in-law of the groom, was best man. Ushers were Messrs. Harold and Ralph Alloway, brothers of the groom. The wedding ceremony was followed by a reception at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lattin, Independence. A 3-tiered wedding cake centered the linen covered table. Pink tapers were used as decoration in addition to a garland of rosebuds around the cake. Assisting at the reception were Mmes. C. H. Jackman, O. R. Carpenter and E.A. Lattin, aunts of the bride. Mrs. Frank Lattin had charge of the guest book.
After the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Alloway left on a wedding trip through western states. For traveling, the bride chose a gray gabardine suit and black accessories. She wore an orchid corsage. Upon their return the couple will be at home in Coffeyville. Mr. Alloway is an employee of the city water and light department.
The bride attended the Independence high school. The groom is a graduate of Field Kindley high school here. He served nearly three years with the U.S. Navy in the southwest Pacific during the last war.
Guests at the wedding and reception included Messrs. and Mmes W. C. Brocaw, William Dillon and son, C. W. Thornton, Hugh Alloway, William Dillon, Jr. and Betty Jo Neese and Lee Steele, Coffeyville; Clifford Alloway and family, Normal Alloway and Misses Zelma Banzet and Jeannine Alloway, Edna; H. J. Alloway and family, R. H. Alloway and William Fouts, Wichita; Mr. C.E. Alloway, Parsons; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Frankenberger, Coody's Bluff, Okla.; Mr. O. R. Lattin and son, Havana; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jackman and family, Liberty.

Source: The Coffeyville Journal, Tuesday, Sept 7, 1948
Contribruted by Juanita Alloway


WINS COFFEYVILLE BRIDE - Harry H. Ehrman, a Santa Fe fireman working out of Chanute, and Miss Bessie E. Duckworth of this city, were married here last evening at 7 o'clock at the Christian parsonage, Rev. Arthur Long performing the ceremony. Immediately after the ceremony they left for Kansas City to attend a reunion of Mr. Ehrman's family. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Duckworth, 2 East Beatty street.

Source: The Coffeyville Journal, Wednesday, Mar 28, 1917
Contribruted by Juanita Alloway


Miss Irma Osborn to Wed - Friends here have received word that Miss Irma Osborn, formerly a clerk in the Logan & Stephens store here, who went to Pueblo, Colo. three years ago, will be married there today to a furniture dealer. Miss Osborn has been employed in a tea and coffee store at Pueblo.

Source: The Coffeyville Journal, Wednesday, Mar 28, 1917
Contribruted by Juanita Alloway


At home on Wayside Farm, four miles north of Bartlett, are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ruttgen, who were married Dec. 7 in the First Baptist Church at Oswego. The Rev. Rex Bear officiated at the 7:30 p.m. ceremony in which Mrs. Frances Sullivan became Mr. Ruttgen's bride.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sullivan of Oswego. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruttgen of rural Oswego are the bridegrooms parents.
Miss Janet Sullivan was her sister's maid of honor. J. D. Brooks, brother-in-law of the groom, served as best man.
Guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sullivan and Richard and Janet. Mrs. Jane Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruttgen, Mike and Mary Lou Ruttgen, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brooks and son.
Mrs. Ruttgen is a clerk in the Labette County clerk's office. Mr. Ruttgen is employed with Funk Manufacturing Company of Coffeyville.

Source: The Coffeyville Journal, Sunday, December 16, 1962
Contribruted by Juanita Alloway

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