Below are the links to the cemeteries in Nemaha County, as well as some additional information about those cemeteries. If you do not see the cemetery linked to a page, I do not have any additional information. Please note: Most of the County cemeteries are only partially transcribed. If you do not see your ancestors listed on the pages, you can submit the information for addition to that cemetery.
Note: Gilbert's book is "Nemaha County Kansas Cemeteries, Volume 1", by Larry D. Gilbert, 1982.
Cemetery Name | Township | Twp | Range | Section | in Gilbert's Book | Photos |
Albany Cemetery | Berwick | 1S | 14E | 25 | Yes |
America City | Red Vermillion | 5S | 12E | 35 | Yes |
Apostolic Christian | Washington | 1S | 13E | 25 | Yes |
Ash Point | Marion | 2S | 11E | 8 | Yes | |
Baileyville City | Marion | 2S | 11E | 28 | Yes | |
Baptist Brethren (Rock Creek) | Berwick | 1S | 14E | 12 | Yes |
Barnes | Granada | 4S | 14E | 20 | Yes |
Bern City | Washington | 1S | 13E | 17 | Yes |
Bestwick | Berwick | 1S | 14E | 1 | Yes |
Bloss | Richmond | 2S | 12E | 1 | No | |
Brewer | Clear Creek | 1S | 11E | 22 | *Yes | |
Capioma Twp. | Capioma | 3S | 14E | 23 | Yes |
Centralia City | Home | 4S | 11E | 1 | Yes | |
Coal City | Nemaha | 1S | 12E | 22 | No | |
Coal Creek | Neuchatel | 5S | 11E | 23 | Yes | |
Corning City | Illinois | 4S | 12E | 36 | Yes |
Dennis | Mitchell | 3S | 12E | 3 | Yes | |
Emanuels Evangelical (Four Mile) | Washington | 1S | 13E | 10 | Yes | |
Fairview | Harrison | 4S | 13E | 23 | Yes |
Fidelity | Capioma | 3S | 14E | 13 | Yes |
Ford | Adams | 3S | 13E | 8 | Yes | |
Four Mile | Washington | 1S | 13E | 10 | Yes | |
Friedens | Nemaha | 1S | 12E | 3 | No | |
German Lutheran | Nemaha | 1S | 12E | 12 | No | |
Granada City | Granada | 4S | 14E | 1 | Yes |
Hannum (Rose Hill) | Reilly | 5S | 14E | 30 | No | |
Harris (Pleasant Hill) | Harrison | 4S | 13E | 20 | No | |
Hicks (Bloss) | Richmond | 2S | 12E | 1 | *Yes | |
Illinois Creek (Roots) | Illinois | 4S | 12E | 2 | Yes | |
Jonach (Joniah) | Capioma | 3S | 14E | 17 | No | |
Joniah | Capioma | 3S | 14E | 17 | No | |
Lincoln Townsite | Mitchell | 3S | 12E | 13 | No | |
Masters & Warden | Illinois | 4S | 12E | 13 | Yes | |
Mc Caffrey | Clear creek | 1S | 11E | 11 | No | |
Methodist Episcopal (Coal City) | Nemaha | 1S | 12E | 22 | No | |
Montrose (Albany) | Berwick | 1S | 14E | 25 | Yes |
Mulberry | Neuchatel | 5S | 11E | 8 | Yes | |
Neuchatel City | Neuchatel | 5S | 11E | 32 | Yes |
Oneida City A - L | M - Z | Gilman | 2S | 13E | 22 | Yes |
Ontario City | Wetmore | 5S | 14E | 31 | Yes | |
Pleasant Hill | Harrison | 4S | 13E | 20 | No | |
Pleasant Ridge | Washington | 1S | 13E | 33 | No | |
Presbyterian (Scotch Valley) | Nemaha | 1S | 12E | 15 | *Yes | |
Rock Creek | Berwick | 1S | 14E | 12 | Yes |
Roots | Illinois | 4S | 12E | 2 | Yes | |
Rose Hill | Reilly | 5S | 13E | 30 | No | |
Sabetha City | Rock Creek | 2S | 14E | 12 | Yes |
Sacred Heart Catholic | Marion | 2S | 11E | 28 | Yes | |
Scotch Valley | Nemaha | 1S | 12E | 15 | *Yes | |
Seneca City | Richmond | 2S | 12E | 28 | No | |
St. Augustine (Fidelity) | Capioma | 3S | 14E | 13 | Yes |
St. Bede's Catholic | Harrison | 4S | 13E | 6 | Yes | |
St. Bridget Cemetery | ||||||
St. John's Lutheran | Washington | 1S | 13E | 19 | No | |
St. Mary's Catholic | Richmond | 2S | 12E | 8 | Yes | |
St. Patrick's Catholic | Red Vermillion | 5S | 12E | 1 | Yes |
St. Peter and Paul Catholic
Cemetery0 A - D, E - H, I - L, M - R, S - Z |
Star (Barnes) | Granada | 4S | 14E | 20 | Yes |
Stoldt | Washington | 1S | 13E | 36 | No | |
Strahm Family | Berwick | 1S | 14E | 29 | No | |
Sts. Peter & Paul | Richmond | 2S | 12E | 27 | No | |
Tennessee Creek (Ford) | Adams | 3S | 13E | 8 | Yes | |
United Church of Christ (Friedens) | Nemaha | 1S | 12E | 3 | No | |
United Evangelical (German Lutheran) | Nemaha | 1S | 12E | 12 | No | |
Wetmore City | Wetmore | 5S | 14E | 2 | Yes |
Williams (Pleasant Ridge) | Washington | 1S | 13E | 33 | No | |
Wofley | Wetmore | 5S | 14E | 4 | No | |
Woodlawn City | Capioma | 3S | 14E | 16 | Yes |
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Co-Coordinator - Roger Goodman
Co-Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney
State Coordinators: Tom & Carolyn Ward
Asst. State Coordinators:
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please do not ask for specific research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Kansas and do not have access to additional records.