Personally appeared before me, Watson Stewart,
Humboldt, Kansas of the Land Office, at Humboldt Kansas,
January 9th 1871
sas, Patrick Sullivan of Neosho County, State of Kansas, who, upon his oath,
says: That he is an applicant to purchase the North West 1/4 quarter of Section
11 in Township No. 30 south of Range 18 east; under the provisions of the Joint
Resolution of Congress, approved April 10, 1869, for the disposal of the lands
ceded by the Osage Indians, under the 1st and 2d Articles of the Treaty of Sept.
29th, 1865. That he is (the head of a family - crossed out.) Single man over 21
years of age and a citizen of the United States; and that he has not settled
upon and improved said land to sell the same on speculation, but in good faith
to appropriate it to his own exclusive use of benefit; and that he has not,
directly or indirectly, made any agreement or contract, in any way or manner,
with any person or persons whatsoever, by which the title which he may acquire
from the government of the United States should inure, in whole or in part, to
the benefit of any person except himself.
Signed: Patrick Sullivan
to and subscribed the day and year above written.
Signed: Watson Stewart
January 9th 1871
In the matter of
the application of Patrick Sullivan to purchase the North West gr of Section 11
Township 30 Range 18E under the provisions of the Joint Resolution of Congress,
approved April 10th 1869, for the disposal of the lands ceded by the Osage
Indians, under the 1st and 2d Articles of the Treaty of Sept. 29th 1865.
Personally appeared the said Patrick Sullivan and offered proof in support of
his application as follows:
Thomas Mitchell of lawful age, being duly sworn,
deposes and says: I have known Patrick Sullivan for about 15 years last past;
that he is a single man over 28 years of age a citizen of the United States; and
a bona fide settler upon the foregoing described land, which he seeks to
purchase; having settled thereon about the 1st of December 1867. On or about the
last of December 1867, he built a house upon said land 18 by 20 feet, 1 story
high, shingle roof, 1 door 2 windows. He moved into said house with his
household goods and effects on or about the middle of January 1868 and has
resided in said house and upon said land to the present time, and that he has
made the following additional improvements on said land: Built a stable, dug a
well, and has 40 acres broken and in cultivation, fenced partly with nails and
partly with hedge 2 years old; also a few fruit trees growing.
I have lived with applicant the first year, and within about 15
miles since that. I have been there regularly about once a month. In 1868, he
broke, fenced and cultivated about 5 acres; in 1869 he broke & cultivated about
10 acres additional; in 1870 enough to make up the balance of the 40 acres. I am
no relation of the applicant. While I was with him, no one else resided on the
place. He made his improvements by his own personal labor. When he settled
there, the nearest house to his place was about 3 miles distant. Applicant has
never, to my knowledge been absent except on business. About 3 days is the
longest I have ever known him to be absent. I do not know of his boarding any
where else than on the claim. I think I would be likely to know it if he had. I
have always found him there when I was there. I have visited so regularly
because I was so well acquainted with him. I would generally go there Saturday
night and stay until Monday morning. I had no particular business with him. I
have resided in Osage Mission and Erie for the last two years.
Signed Thomas
Sworn to and having been read in hearing of witness, subscribed
before me this 9th day of January 1871.
Signed DE Emmet Receiver
Chartress (?) of lawful age, being duly sworn, deposes and says:
I have known
the applicant and the land he seeks to purchase since about January 15th 1868,
having resided within 2 miles of him about half of the time, and at Osage
Mission, about 15 miles distant the balance of the time. While residing at the
Osage Mission I was at his house about once a month. I have heard the testimony
of preceding witness, and have personal knowledge that the allegations therein
are substantially correct, except as to settlement and residence prior to Jan
15th 1868. I know that he was residing in said house on said land on the 15th of
January 1868.
Cross Examined
About the 15th of January 1868, I was
residing at Osage Mission. On the 15th of Jany 1868, I was at his place. I was
back and forth, making friendly visits. I have been residing at Osage Mission
ever since the 15th of Jany 1868, about half of the time, and the balance of the
time at Ladore and around on farms.
I worked at Mr. Wall's 3
months - about 4 miles distant. That was in the spring of 1869
Signed John
Sworn to, and having been read in hearing of witness, subscribed
before me this 9th day of January 1871
Signed DE Emmet Receiver
Anderson, of lawful age, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I have known
applicant and the land he seeks to purchase since Sept. 1867, having resided
within one mile of applicant during that time except the last three months,
during which time I have resided at Erie. I have been at his house 3 or 4 times
during the past 3 months. I have heard the testimony the first preceding
witnesses, and have personal knowledge that the allegations therein are
substantially correct.
Cross Examined
Applicant is a native born
citizen. He built his house on the claim in Jany 1868. He moved into it the same
month. Before he moved into his house, he lived within 4 miles of it. We broke
between 1/2 and 1 acre before he moved into his house. Since he moved into that
house, applicant has not boarded or lodged anywhere else. I stopped with him 6
or 7 months, after he put up his house, and then I put up a house about a mile
distant. When I lived with him no one else lived with him. Mr. Mitchell stopped
once in a while with him. I believe Mr. Mitchell has been there as often as once
a month during the last two years, staying over Sunday. Mr. Charters has been
there back and forth, but not as often as Mr. Mitchell. Applicant has about 3/4
of a mile of hedge fence. He put it there in the spring of 1869. No one with a
family has resided on that land.
Signed James Anderson
Sworn to , and
having been read in hearing of witness, subscribed before me this 9th day Of
Jany 1871.
Signed DE Emmet Smith
Contributed 7 Sep 1998 by Jean Schneider
What's Been Happening In Judge E. A. Crall's Court Lately
A transcript from Wyandotte county, probate court was filed by Farlly and Evans, attorneys for Jasper Lauker, -administrator of the estate of E. L. Taylor, deceased.
Final settlement was filed by M. Devine, administrator of the estate of Mary Richstaffer, deceased.
Final judgment was filed by M. Devine, administrator of the estate of John W. Shaffer, deceased.
Final judgment was filed by J. A. Alleman, administrator of the estate of Joel Smith, deceased.
Annual settlement was filed by L. Rosenthal, administrator of the estate of Fannie Rosenthal, deceased.
Affidavit of the death of A. Westling, filed by Peter Westling.
Annual settlement made by George L. Connor, guardian of William T. Connor, minor.
Affidavit of the death of Amanda B. Groome was filed by F. M. Gromme.
J. B. Clouse was appointed administrator of the estate of Augustus Garrett, deceased.
Annual settlement was made by J. M. McCann, guardian of J. W. McCann, of feeble mind.
Final settlement was filed by D. B. McDougall, administrator of the estate of Henry A. Childs, deceased.
Annual settlement was made by Ed C. Eagles, guardian of the estate of Homer M. and Beryl L. Eagles, minors.
Annual settlement was made by Ed C. Eagles, guardian of the estate of Edward, Marie and Ruth McClintick, minors.
Final settlement was made by J. W. Dugger, administrator of the estate of Thomas L. Smith, deceased.
A final settlement was made by R. S. Haynes, administrator of the estate of Mary Elizabeth Haynes, deceased.
E. S. Larson was appointed administrator of the estate of Mary C. Hanson, deceased.
Frank Ellis resigned as guardian of Andree Ellis, minor, and C. E. Eklund was appointed as guardian.
Source: Erie Record, 28 January 1916, (Contributor: unknown)
Cert# | Name of Pensioner | P.O. Address | Cause for which pensioned | Monthly Rate | Date of original allowance | |
214, 694 | Willey, Wm. G. | Austin | chr. diarrhea | $ 6.00 | June, 1882 | |
130, 150 | Mabro, Henry | Chanute | g. s. w. rt. thigh & ankle | 10.00 | Sept, 1874 | |
221, 863 | Markle, Sam'l J. | " | g. s. w. left forearm & rt. side | 2.00 | Dec., 1882 | |
158, 032 | Moore, Solomon | " | effect of absc of sternum | 2.00 | Mar., 1879 | |
193, 486 | Wiggins, James P. | " | g. s. w. of rt. arm | 4.00 | July, 1881 | |
185, 373 | Jones, Francis B. | " | g. s. w. of lt. hand | 2.00 | Mar., 1881 | |
207, 781 | Purdy, Harrison O. | " | shell wd. of forehead | 4.00 | Apr., 1882 | |
134, 303 | Piatt, Josiah | " | dis. of heart | 12.00 | - - - - - - | |
194, 144 | Cone, Jno. P. | " | chr. diarrhea | 6.00 | Aug., 1881 | |
215, 496 | Clevenger, Benj. C. | " | dis. of heart | 4.00 | July, 1882 | |
177, 503 | Chappell, Geo. N. | " | g. s. w. of rt. forearm | 2.00 | Oct., 1880 | |
70, 077 | Dudrow, Chas. D. | " | g. s. w. of rt. thigh | 6.00 | - - - - - - | |
140, 483 | Smith, Charlotte | " | dependent mother | 8.00 | Mar., 1870 | |
87, 751 | Snodgrass, Sarah | " | widow | 8.00 | Dec., 1866 | |
83, 062 | Cone, Margaret | " | widow | 8.00 | Apr., 1867 | |
40, 678 | Wilson, Lewis M. | " | wd. of rt. side, back, & head | 8.00 | Apr., 1865 | |
170, 433 | Freeman, John M. | " | injury to left knee | 12.00 | - - - - - - | |
58, 180 | Riley, Wm. H. | " | g. s. w. of left shoulder | 12.00 | - - - - - - | |
101, 376 | Cook, Leonard D. | " | g. s. w. of left knee | 3.00 | Dec., 1869 | |
141, 207 | Cole, Lemuel H. | " | g. s. w. rt. elbow | 8.00 | Sept, 1876 | |
93, 708 | Sanders, Sam'l | " | wd. of rt. arm | 8.00 | Nov., 1868 | |
150, 443 | Summerfield, Thos. | " | g. s. w. of forehead | 6.00 | - - - - - - | |
208, 726 | Van Orman, Hiram | " | dis. of kidneys | 6.00 | May, 1882 | |
- - - - | Slater, Benj. F. | " | chr. diarrhea & bronchitis | 6.00 | - - - - - - | |
93, 649 | Valentine, Harvey L. | " | dis. of eyes | 72.00 | - - - - - - | |
20, 058 | Trabue, Martha F. | " | widow | 8.00 | Mar., 1879 | |
30, 869 | Opp, Phaon | " | wd. of rt. shoulder | 8.00 | - - - - - - | |
54, 096 | Clopine, Jno. | " | wd. of rt. leg | 6.00 | - - - - - - | |
86, 525 | Hunt, Nathan | " | injury to rt. knee | 16.00 | - - - - - - | |
13, 856 | Manning, Jesse Q. | " | wd. of left arm & hand | 18.00 | - - - - - - | |
192, 978 | Jewell, Margaret M. | " | dependent mother | 8.00 | July, 1881 | |
16, 061 | Johnson, Henry | Chard | loss of rt. eye, aff. left | 18.00 | - - - - - - | |
4, 134 | Pentzer, Dan'l | Earleton | g. s. w. of left leg | 8.00 | - - - - - - | |
70, 441 | Watt, Jno. M. | " | g. s. w. of rt. leg | 4.00 | Sept, 1866 | |
161, 935 | Knowles, Thos. | " | chr. bronchitis | 2.00 | Aug., 1879 | |
90, 989 | Zwahlen, Henry | " | wd. of rt. thigh | 6.00 | - - - - - - | |
119, 496 | Caton, Robert | Erie | dis. of eyes | 18.00 | - - - - - - | |
105, 527 | Sampson, Geo. W. | " | gangrene, ulcer't left leg. | 18.00 | - - - - - - | |
197, 477 | Nafus, Jno. M. | " | g. s. w. of left leg | 2.00 | Nov., 1881 | |
142, 136 | Peters, Lyman | " | g. s. w. of left shoulder | 2.00 | Oct., 1876 | |
139, 158 | Jones, Truman | " | dependent father | 8.00 | Feb., 1870 | |
155, 832 | Miller, Ami H. | " | loss of 2d finger of rt. hand | 2.00 | Oct., 1878 | |
86, 477 | Fritz, Ammon | " | g. s. w. left hand, frosted feet | 6.00 | - - - - - - | |
216, 481 | Esch, Gerhardt L. | " | g. s. w. rt. arm | 4.00 | Aug., 1882 | |
217, 767 | Flemming, Wm. H. | " | dis. of lungs | 4.00 | Sept, 1882 | |
24, 566 | Bridges, Martha A. | " | widow | 8.00 | - - - - - - | |
185, 076 | Adair, Milton W. | " | g. s. w. left thigh | 6.00 | Mar., 1881 | |
189, 468 | Bickelman, Napoleon | " | g. s. w. left hand & leg | 6.00 | June, 1881 | |
179, 244 | Gardner, Geo. H. | " | g. s. w. of rt. leg | 4.00 | Dec., 1880 | |
129, 951 | Boyer, Sam'l J. | " | g. s. w. through lower lobes of both lungs | 8.00 | Sept, 1874 | |
129, 195 | Lynch, Ira A. | " | g. s. w. of left arm | 8.00 | July, 1874 | |
116, 107 | Loudabarger, John | " | g. s. w. of left thigh | 4.00 | Mar., 1879 | |
47, 145 | Richardson, Enoch | " | g. s. w. left hand | 8.00 | - - - - - - | |
18, 849 | Call, Amanda | Galesburgh | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Feb., 1879 | |
215, 500 | Comer, Chas. T. | " | g. s. w. of left arm & rt. hip | 4.00 | July, 1882 | |
210, 641 | Clough, Caleb N. | " | erysipelas, chr. diarrhea | 4.00 | June, 1882 | |
166, 307 | Gassaway, Dan'l F. | " | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | Apr., 1880 | |
193, 608 | Fox, Wm. S. | " | minors | 12.00 | Nov., 1881 | |
67, 560 | Brent, Albert A. | " | g. s. w. of rt. leg | 14.00 | - - - - - - | |
13, 645 | Willis, Eliza | " | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Dec., 1878 | |
3, 895 | Roads, Barbara A. | " | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Sept, 1872 | |
64, 278 | Gearhart, Jno. M. | Island | g. s. w. of rt. leg | 12.00 | - - - - - - | |
105, 302 | Logan, Wm. | Jacksonville | fracture of rt. femur | 10.00 | - - - - - - | |
148, 523 | Pitman, Jos. H. | " | g. s. w. of left leg | 6.00 | Oct., 1877 | |
222, 830 | Reese, Lewis A. | Ladore | chr. diarrhea | 4.00 | Dec., 1882 | |
25, 574 | Short, Alex. J. | Odense | dis. of back | 8.00 | - - - - - - | |
91, 661 | McClosky, Geo. | Osage Mission | g. s. w. left forearm | 10.00 | - - - - - - | |
207, 245 | Morey, Israel P. | " | g. s. w. left arm & deafness | 3.00 | Apr., 1882 | |
37, 390 | Mess, Peter W. | " | amputation rt. arm | 18.00 | - - - - - - | |
121, 684 | Robinett, Andrew G. | " | injury to abdomen & g. s. w. rt. side & left arm | 12.00 | - - - - - - | |
148, 962 | Pierce, Jas. Volney alias Volney J. | " | g. s. w. rt. foot | 5.00 | Oct., 1877 | |
170, 256 | Hedges, Martha J. | " | widow | 8.00 | July, 1875 | |
187, 698 | Rockwell, Maggie L. | " | widow | 17.00 | Apr., 1880 | |
22, 560 | Crotty, David | " | g. s. w. lt. thigh & injury to abdomen | 10.00 | - - - - - - | |
151, 848 | Chard, Benj. | " | g. s. w. of rt. leg | 4.00 | Mar., 1878 | |
177, 416 | Clark, Alva | " | inj. to abd. & dis. of abdominal viscera | 8.00 | Oct., 1880 | |
161, 604 | Green, Jno. C. | " | injury to abdomen | 4.00 | July, 1879 | |
100, 870 | Gabriel, Elias | " | g. s. w. of face | 14.00 | - - - - - - | |
100, 264 | Thompson, Sam'l A. | " | total blindness | 72.00 | - - - - - - | |
152, 309 | Teas, Jos. C. | " | g. s. w. rt. forearm | 4.00 | Apr., 1878 | |
105, 658 | Woolley, Dan'l | " | g. s. w. rt. arm | 2.00 | Sept, 1870 | |
147, 294 | Meek, Catherine | " | widow | 8.00 | Jan., 1871 | |
181, 442 | Mill, Dorothy | " | widow | 8.00 | June, 1878 | |
214, 812 | Willison, Jas. B. | " | injury to abdomen | 6.00 | June, 1882 | |
91, 055 | Wood, Mary A. | " | widow | 8.00 | Sept, 1864 | |
153, 772 | Leroy, Holding | " | g. s. w. of lt. shoulder | 6.00 | June, 1878 | |
24, 163 | Hogan, Wm. | " | lt. wrist, hand, fingers stiff | 8.00 | - - - - - - | |
35, 524 | Mortsolf, Jno. W. | " | injury to back and chest | 6.00 | - - - - - - | |
9, 825 | Haynes, Sarah | " | widow | 8.00 | Dec., 1863 | |
181, 585 | Riney, James W. | " | inj. to breast & resulting dis. of left lung | 6.00 | Jan., 1881 | |
178, 382 | Garrison, Margaret | South Mound | widow | 8.00 | Aug., 1877 | |
130, 134 | Jones, Thos. W. | " | loss of forefinger lt. hand | - - - | - - - - - - | |
140, 107 | Kiphart, Jacob Jr. | Thayer | loss of lt. index finger | 3.00 | Aug., 1876 | |
149, 426 | Moynihan, Patrick | " | g. s. w. of lt. thigh | 6.00 | - - - - - - | |
170, 260 | Parsons, Geo. E. | " | dis. of eyes | 18.00 | June, 1880 | |
193, 234 | Campbell, Amanda | " | widow | 20.00 | Aug., 1881 | |
143, 974 | Ewing, Chatham T. | " | g. s. w. of abdomen | 12.00 | Mar., 1877 | |
145, 290 | Dunsmore, Jno. M. | " | g. s. w. of left hand | 2.00 | May, 1877 | |
34, 960 | Gray, Absalom | " | paralysis of arms & left side | 72.00 | - - - - - - | |
196, 018 | Gaffey, Dan'l | " | g. s. w. of rt. hand | 1.00 | Sept, 1881 | |
129, 913 | Black, Robert J. | " | g. s. w. of rt. shoulder | 3.00 | Sept, 1874 | |
156, 970 | Snyder, Henry | " | g. s. w. of lt. arm | 4.00 | Dec., 1878 | |
140, 575 | Wright, Elisha | " | loss of rt. eye | 4.00 | Aug., 1876 | |
149, 475 | Sperry, Jno. | " | shell wd. left shoulder | 2.00 | Dec., 1877 | |
202, 772 | Miller, Joseph S. | Urbana | rheumatism | 8.00 | Feb., 1882 | |
218, 039 | Nation, Seth | " | chr. diarrhea, & dis. of abdominal viscera | 4.00 | Sept, 1882 | |
216, 297 | Payne, John E. | " | sciatic rheumatism | 4.00 | Aug., 1882 | |
202, 426 | Farmer, John Q. | " | dis. of eyes | 6.00 | Aug., 1882 | |
89, 497 | Cloyd, Sam'l F. | " | g. s. w. left side & lung | 8.00 | Mar., 1868 | |
216, 078 | Barton, Ewd. E. | " | intermittent fever & reslt'g dis. of heart & lung | 6.00 | July, 1882 | |
105, 217 | Bryan, Sam'l H. | " | bronchitis, dis. of kidneys & lungs | 12.00 | - - - - - - | |
23, 647 | Smith, H. C. H. | " | toes stiff & useless | 8.00 | - - - - - - | |
132, 577 | Turner, Jos. | " | injury of rt. eye | 4.00 | Nov., 1865 | |
100, 282 | Small, Wm. P. | Vietsburgh | injury to muscles of lt. arm, anchy'l lt. finger | 8.00 | - - - - - - |
Contributed 1998 Nov by Kenneth Thomas
Casualty codes are: KIA - Killed in Action; FOD - Finding of Death; DNB - Died, Not Battle; DOW - Died of Wounds
Baker, Elbert O. Jr. – O2059928 – 2 LT – KIA
Baker, Kenneth W. – O-640444 – 2 LT – FOD
Bauer, Alan H. – 37533907 – PFC – KIA
Bridges, Melvin M. – 37537298 – SGT – KIA
Brinkmeyer, Dwight C – 19049155 – PVT – DNB
Chambers, Harold K. 37209436 – PVT – DNB
Chapman, William L. 37794831 – SGT – DOW
Clingman, Foy R. – O-745297 – 2 LT – KIA
Collins, James L. – 37267118 – PFC – KIA
Converse, Frank J. – 37263475 – PVT – DNB
Cozens, Richard H. – 37158758 – CPL – DNB
Davis, William C. – 37536684 – PVT – KIA
Defenbaugh, Fred K. – 6934667 – CPL – KIA
Dyer, Juan J. – O-479646 – 1 LT – KIA
Eketron, Arne V. – 37529756 – PFC – KIA
Gaghon, Albert J. – 19049724 – TEC 4 – KIA
Galbreath, Glen E. – 37499263 – S SG – KIA
Garrett, William M. – 17168563 – CPL – DNB
Gutierrez, Phillip – 37494893 – TEC 3 – DNB
Hansen, Ralph N. – 37063789 – S SG – KIA
Harding, Richard N. – 17128200 – S SG – KIA
Harvill, James E. Jr – 37491889 – PFC – KIA
Hight, Robert C. – 37146364 – PVT – DNB
Hunker, Charles M. – O1019170 – 2 LT – KIA
Hurtado, Tony Z. – 37240955 – PFC – KIA
Jenkins, Lacey O. – N2101054 – WOJG – KIA
Koblitz, David C. – 37255047 – SGT – KIA
Lancaster, Joseph M. – 17012362 – PFC – KIA
Linscott, Sidney S. – O-374962 – 2 LT – KIA
Matlock, William H. – 37533925 – PVT – DOW
McCall, Francis J. – 37536925 – PVT – KIA
McKenzie, Lester L. 20734809 – SGT – FOD
Mudd, Eugene C. – 37748154 – PVT – KIA
Moser, John P. – 6932883 – – PVT – KIA
Nichols, Alonzo H. – 37206832 – PVT – KIA
Olson, Stanley R. – 19183315 – AV C – DNB
Payne, Jo W. – O-704732 – 2 LT – DNB
Powell, Fred R. – O-517644 – 2 LT – KIA
Powers, Fred E. – 17127873 – PFC – DNB
Ramirez, Frank J. – 37508923 – PFC – KIA
Ramirez, Lupe R. – 37531183 – PVT – KIA
Rathbun, Charles L. 6862628 – TEC 5 – DNB
Slane, Kenneth L. – O-439022 – 1 LT – DNB
Stafford, Clifford – A37211296 – T SG – KIA
Stanton, Loren L. – O-511823 – CAPT – KIA
Stipp, Delmar R. – 37740084 – PVT – KIA
Taylor, Glenn J. – 37247294 – PVT – KIA
Vance, Melvin C. – 37733498 – PVT – DNB
Source: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Army and Army Air Forces Personnel from Kansas. (NWCTM-407-WWIICASARMY-KS)
Transcribed and contributed 1998 by Ardie Grimes
Copyright © 1996 - The USGenWeb® Project, KSGenWeb, Neosho County