The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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Mr. Robinson still lives on the farm he settled on when he came here in 1873.  In politics he is an independent but until 1890 he usually voted the democratic ticket.  He says he votes for the man instead of the party. In 1892 he voted the populist ticket, but says he expects to vote the prohibition ticket hereafter.

He tells the following incident of their experience the first time they tried to kill a buffalo.  They had pitched their camp when they first came here where John Madden's barn now stands.  While they were eating their dinner on the second day after their arrival they saw a small herd of buffaloes standing on a hill about fire hundred yards from them.  He and Madden grabbed their guns and ran up the draw within two hundred yards of them and fired.  They failed to kill any but the herd separated a part of them going east and the rest north.  Madden mounted his old gray horse and started after the bunch that had gone east.  After running them two or three miles he gave them up and came back; started after the bunch that went north.  Robinson in the meantime had followed the north bunch on foot.  When Madden came up to him he asked Robinson to exchange guns with him as Robinson had a Spencer repeating rifle.  After he had chased them two or three miles he came up to them and commenced snapping his gun at them and kept it up for several miles, when he discovered the gun was not loaded; he threw in a cartridge and succeeded in killing a buffalo.  This accomplished he started back on a wild run; and when he got within calling distance of Wash he commenced calling "Wash; Wash! Wash! (with his eyes bulged out half the size of hen's eggs) don't you ever hand me a gun again that is not loaded."  Wash says: "Why John? what's the matter, did you kill one? "  "O course I did, I killed it deader than h--l."  At this Wash began to laugh and John said "Well I guess I am a little excited but I killed a buffalo all the same."

David M. Robinson was born in Piqua, Miami county, Ohio July 1, 1833.  He was raised on a farm, moved to Iowa in the early fifties.  In 1862 he volunteered in company E 30 Iowa infantry.  He was in the battle of Vicksburg, first and second battles of Jackson, Reseca, Dallas, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Good Hope Church, Jonesborough and several smaller engagements, followed Hood through Alabama and went with Sherman to the sea; was at Raleigh, North Carolina when Lee and Johnson surrendered, went from there to Mt Vernon and from there to Washington and attended the last grand review and was mustered out with his regiment.

He was married to Sarah E. Dey in Washington county, lowa in September 1867.  Mrs. Robinson was born in 1844.  They have four children, three girls and one boy.  Myrtle, their eldest girl, was born in 1870.  She was married to Albert Green March 18 1891.

Albert C. Green was born in New York in 1867; came to Kansas in 1887 and died at Norton January 13, 1894.

Mr. Robinson's other three children, Lou, Nell and David S, live at home with their parents and are aged 22, 17 and 14 years respectiyely [sic]

On account of failing health Mr. Robinson sold his farm and in 1887 moved to town.  He is now engaged in the flour and feed business.  He is an active member of the Methodist church and a republican in politics,

Dr. S. L. Green came here from Humbolt, Nebraska, in the spring of 1874.  He at once took a prominent part in county seat matters as a warm supporter of Leota.  He started a drug store in Leota when he came here and continued in business as long as he lived in the county.  He was master of the Masonic Lodge in Leota, the first lodge established in Norton county; he was elected to

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