The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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keeps whisky for medical and mechanical purposes.  He was not a candidate for any political office while he lived here.  In the county seat contest he was a Leota man.  At the time Case and Williams assigned in 1874, he was made their assignee and closed up their business affairs.  He supported Dr. Green for the legislature in 1875;  but supported Hamilton on the Norton ticket in 1876.

dickinson.JPG (37608 bytes) Isaac J. Dickinson was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1850: come to Kansas in 1869, took up the occupation of hunting and trapping, which he followed until 1877.  He was married in the fall of 1878 to Miss Cornelia Heller by John Wallace.  They have seven children, four boys and three girls. He left here in 1883 and moved to Buffalo, Wyoming, where he now resides.  He is engaged in the stock business and  ranching and has prospered financially.

George Baldwin came here from Cloud county in February, 1872 and took the land Elmer Morris now owns, two miles west of Almena, on the Prairie Dog; he broke out some ground and planted sod corn but failed to get a crop.  He became discouraged with the country end traded his relinquishment to Elmer Morris in October for a pair of dog skin gloves.  Mr. Morris still owns the land and resides on it.  He was elected coroner in 1877 and served two years.  He presided at the time the inquest was held on John Landis.  He was a republican until 1890 has since voted with the populists.  He was born at Lilly Chapple, Madison county, Ohio, February 9, 1839; was married to Martha L. Bennett September 26, 1854.  She was born at Lilly Chapple, Madison county, Ohio, April 9, 1832; they moved to Iowa in 1854, lived there six years then moved to Peoria, Illinois, came to Lyon county. Kansas, in 1866 then come to Norton county in October, 1872.  They have two children, Lou A. born at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, October 9, 1856?, May M. born at Peoria, Illinois, September 25, 1861.

Miss Lou Morris was one of the first lady teachers in this county: she taught the second term of school in the town of Norton, commencing May 26, 1875 lasting three months.  This school was held in a dugout near where the Christian church stands.  She taught the second term of school in Almena, beginning September 6, 1875; and a term in Leota hillsinger.jpg (27760 bytes) in 1877 and a fall term in Almena same year.  She was married to Charles E. Hillsinger February 19, 1878.  He was born in Otsego county, New York, March 13, 1848.

Mr. and Mrs. Hillsinger have seven children.  Their names and ages are as follows: Harry E. born January 31 1879, Mabel L., December 7, 1880, Myrtle O. January 2, 1882, Charles H. September 27, 1885, Gould W. January 11, 1887, Burton M. October 22, 1888 and Clark E. May 1, 1892.

Charles B. Lough came to Norton county in August, 1872, took the Jarvis

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