The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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17, 1846, the only daughter of Elder Norman and Louisa Bently.  Mr. Bentley died in 1845.  Mrs. Bently has since made her home with Elder Hakes and is now living with him in this county at the age of 88 years.  Elder Hakes came to hakes.JPG (35245 bytes) Norton county in May 1875, settled on Long Branch.  When the Baptist church was organized in 1878, he was ordained minister.  The church was organized at Joseph Wray's house. He had one child; she was born in Illinois on December 9, 1866, she was married to C. C.Watson September 28, 1882.  She has three children and lives near  Devizes.

Mr. Hakes has been an active member of the Baptist church since he was twenty years old and since he took up the ministry has given it nearly his entire attention. For the last sixteen years he has preached at least two sermons each week. He has never received any salary and all the pay he ever got was by voluntary contributions.

Mrs. Hakes died May 24, 1880 and is buried in Long Branch.

Joseph Hackney was born In North Carolina in 1823, came to Norton county and settled near Devizes in May 1874.  He married Eliza Applegate in 1881.  She was born in Ireland in 1841. They had two children, Joseph the eldest, born in 1867, who is married and lives in Crystal township and Sarah E, born in 1883 and lives with her mother.

Mr. Hackney died in March 1890.

On October ?,1891 Mr. Hakes and Mrs. Hackney were married. They now reside on her farm near Devizes.

Hon. Noah Weaver came to Kansas in an early day.  He settled in Logan, Phillips county in 1871; represented that county in the legislature that met in January 1873.  At that time he presented a petition from the citizens of this county praying for its disorganization which had been obtained by fraud the preceding year.  He opened a store in Leota in this county in 1874 and was an active partisan in behalf of that town during the county seat troubles.

He started the town of Edmond in the spring of 1879. During the same year he began the erection of the Edmond mill which he completed in 1880.  Mrs. Weaver attempted suicide by shooting herself through the abdomen in 1880, the ball at the same time going through the head of her unborn babe.  Her wound was a severe one but the skill of the attending physician saved her life.  It was rumored that domestic trouble caused her to take the rash step.  She opened a stock of general merchandise at Tye Siding, Wyoming in her own name in 1881 and has never made her home in this county since.

Mr. Weaver ran the store in Edmond until 1887. He then moved his Lenora stock to Laramie, Wyoming; Mrs. Weaver at the same time removed the stock from Tye Siding to Larimie (sic), where they now reside.

Reuben Bisbee jr. became a member of the Methodist church when he was twenty years of age, but after coming west backslid in 1876; he again affiliated

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