The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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States in 1856 and settled in Illinois.  He came to this county in June 1877 and took a homestead on Robinson Branch, three miles northwest of Norton.

anglund.JPG (32925 bytes)He enlisted February 12, 1864 in company D, 57 Illinois infantry.  He was in the battles of Resaca and Atlanta and went with Sherman to the sea.  He was at Washington at the grand review.  He was mustered out at Louisville. Kentucky, June 7, 1866.  He was married in Henry county, Illinois, April 10, 1869 to Anna M. Johnson; she was born in Sweden, November 9, 1849.  She came to America in 1868.  Six children have been born to them; five of them still living.  Mr. Anglund is an engineer by trade, but has devoted himself to farming since coming here until the present year.  He is engineer of the city water works at this time.

James M. Maggard was born in 1836, was raised in Missouri.  He came to Norton county in the spring of 1873.  While on the way to this county he stopped at the United States land office at Cawker City and requested to have his papers put on the land nearest Norton that was vacant.  Upon examination of the plats it was discovered that the land Norton now stands on was vacant, so he filled on it, and the first any one here knew of him he, had pitched his tent and began the building of a dugout near where Dr. Turner's feed lot now stands.  It had been given out that Coleman had homesteaded the land and everyone here supposed it was so, but it afterward developed that he was simply holding it until he could find some one to buy it; as a matter of fact Coleman was living on the land at the time and could have held it had he known it.  He was living in Sol Marsh's dug out, a later survey showed that it was located on the Maggard quarter.  Maggard proved up on this land in the fall of 1873 and then sold it to Richard Williams.  Sixty acres off from the north eighty was platted and is now known as association's addition to the town of Norton.  The east twenty acres is owned by Wm. Simpson, the south eighty by Mrs. Broquet.  In the spring of 1874 Maggard took land up the creek near Oronoque.  During the county seat excitement he was a Leota man.  He left this county in 1892, and resides at Hennessy, Oklahoma at this time. 

little.JPG (37479 bytes) William David Little was born April 20, 1849, in Sullivan county, New York, and was raised on a farm.  He began the study of medicine with Dr. C. A. S. Grove at Sylvania, Ohio, in 1871.  In 1874 went one term to the Ann Arbor university, and in 1873 he attended the Detroit Medical college, staying there until March, 1874, when he began the practice of medicine at Sylvania, Ohio.  In October, 1875, he went to Carleton, Michigan, and continued the practice of medicine there until February, 1878, when he came to Kansas and again took up the practice of medicine at Lenora in March of the same year.

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