The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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surgeon for the B. & M. railroad at this place and held that position until appointment was discontinued.  He became a member of the American Railroad association also a member of the Academy of Science of Kansas. 

On December 30, 1887, Mr. Turner was married to Mrs. Reuben Marsh, a widow and a stepmother of Sol Marsh, who came here from Gilbertsville, Otsego county, New York. 

Mr. Turner was appointed the first health officer that Norton ever had. 

lovejoy.JPG (35970 bytes) Leslie Augustus Lovejoy was born at Roscoe, Illinois, December 2, 1847; was raised on a farm and received a common school education.  He was married to Susan Wyman, December 21, 1870, they have had five children, the two youngest were born in Norton county; Grace was born July 31, 1879; Sue, June 30, 1888.  He came to Norton county in September 1878.  His wife died July 9, 1888 and was buried in the Almena cemetery.  He was married again in November, 1889, to Frances Burns, they have had one child, Mary born January 4, 1891.  He has always been a republican.  He was elected county commissioner from the first district in 1884, and served for three years.  He is a member of the Congregational church.  He is engaged at this time in the implement business at Almena. 

George Washington Bronson was born in Delaware county, Ohio, March 21, 1841, moved to Ogle county, Illinois, in 1851; was raised on a farm and received a common school education.  He volunteered September 23, 1862, in company G, 45th Illinois infantry and served as a private until the battle of Shilo. (sic)  He was shot through the head in that battle and was discharged on this account; he was also in battles of Fort Henry and Anderson.  He was married to Mary Eliza Fuller in June, 1862; they have had seven children, the youngest was born in Norton county.  He studied medicine with Dr. Potter, of Oregon, Illinois, for four years, took a course of lectures at Ann Arbor in 1867 and moved to Iowa that fall.  He came to Nebraska in November, 1870, and settled at Republican City; went back to Iowa and stayed a few years then came to Kansas in December 1877; has practiced medicine here ever since.  He has always been a Duglas (sic) democrat and was postmaster at Almena under Cleveland's first term.  He was twice the nominee of his party for coroner, but has never been elected. 

pogue.JPG (27076 bytes) Milton B. Pogue was born in Highland county, Ohio, April 3, 1841, lived on a farm with his parents until September, 1853, when he with his parents moved to Oswego, Kendall county, Illinois, and located on a farm one mile from Oswego, where he received a common school education.  In August, 1861, he enlisted in company C, 4th Illinois cavalry and participated in some of the most prominent battles, Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Shiloh and 

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