The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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future before them, or greater individuality with which to fill a marked and honorable career.

barbo.JPG (31185 bytes) Joseph Barbo was born at St. Marie, Province of Quebec.  He was educated at St. Marie college, and took a military course at Montreal; received a certificate entitling him to the rank of captain in the British army.  He engaged in the mercantile business in Canada and at several places in the United States.  He came to this county in February, 1880 and settled at Lenora and has conducted a successful mercantile business there ever since.  He is the owner of 720 acres of valuable land and raises wheat on a large scale.  He also owns a large amount of city property including the largest stone hotel in Lenora.

He was married at Norwick, Conneticut (sic) in 1871, had four children; Jesse D., Minnie, Allie, and Oarl D.  Mrs. Barbo died in 1883, and he was again married in 1889 to Elizabeth Gatlin of Lenora; they have had three boys Guy, Virgin and Ross.

Samuel Means was born May 24, 1834 in West Moreland county, Pennsylvania.  His ancestry were of English-Irish descent.  They were among the early protestants and because of persecution had to leave England.  His father born in Maryland came to Pennsylvania when a young man and moved from there to the wilds of northern Ohio when Samuel Means was three years old, so his early life was spent on a farm at quite a distance from school.  He formed a taste for education and attended the district school until he was eighteen and then began teaching.  He taught school in winters and farmed in summers four years, then he attended Hayesville Academy for awhile; from this time he made teaching a business.  He went to Paulding, Ohio, in 1869; taught there for three years; here he became acquainted with one of his pupils whom he married in February, 1861.  Her maiden name was Matilda Gonser.  She was born in Knox county, Ohio in 1838; her parents were Pennsylvania Dutch, she was well educated and taught school successfully.  To them were born four children, Ida B. born February 2, 1862; Annie E. was born October 10, 1863; Frank V. C. was born December 21, 1865 and Blanche was born May 20, 1868.

Ida was married to James Lobsitz June, 1883; he was born in New York city November 3, 1863, attended public schools until he was thirteen then went to work.  Left New York in 1873 and went to Red Cloud. Nebraska, and clerked in a store till April '76 then opened a law office; went to Maryville, Kansas, then clerked in a store till July '78.  He came to Norton county May 27, 1879 and located al Port Landis and put in a stock of goods for himself and stayed there for a short time then moved to Edmond, Kansas, and continued in business till June 1889, he then bought out the hardware building and stock of the Davis Bros. in Norton.  This business he sold to E. J. Milz in August 1891 and moved to Edmond, Oklahoma, and again engaged in the mercantile business

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