The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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Norton county in several state and district conventions.  James Sheley stayed here a few years when he sold out and returned to Powshiek county, Iowa, where he resides at this time. 

Moses G. Sheley has held several township offices and takes an active part on all questions pertaining to material and political interests of the people.  He is considered a populist but votes independent of party. 

Charles and Arthur Sheley are reliable farmers and take but little interest in politics.  Charley has been a successful breeder of fine hogs. 

James Wade lived for some years on his farm in Aldine but lives in Almena at this time. 

betterton.JPG (32116 bytes) George R. Betterton came to Norton county from Nebraska in 1885 and settled in Aldlne township.  He was born in Clinton county, Ohio, February 6, 1843.  He was raised on a farm and attended district school; moved with his parents to Illinois in 1850, and in 1861 he started to Lombard university at Galesburg, Illinois, intending to educate himself for a profession, but had only been there a few weeks when he volunteered in company D, 7th Illinois cavalry and served until November 25, 1865.  He was in the battles of Corinth, Nashville, Moscow, Coffeeville and several smaller engagements.  His regiment was in the famous Grierson raid from LaGrange, Tennessee, to Baton Rouge, Lousiana (sic), and was in active service all the time, being on scouting expeditions most of the time.  After he returned home he went to farming in Knox county, Illinois.  He was married July 25, 1867, to Rebecca A. Morris; five children have been born to them, four of them still living, three boys and one girl, who married W. H. Allen and lives in Aldine township; his three sons are at home.  He has taken an active part in politics as a republican all his life.  He was justice of the peace of Aldine township for five years.  In 1893 he was the republican nominee for sheriff and was elected, defeating Wm. Burnham, populist. 

Luther M. Miller came to Aldine from Iowa in 1878.  He left in 1888.  He now lives in Seattle, Washington. 

Henry E. Knapp came to Aldine township from Phillips county.  He was born October 29, 1835, at Newfane, Windom county, Vermont.  While a child his parents moved to Stratton, Vermont, where he lived for many years.  On March 1, 1855, he was married to Eleaner F. Hall.  On September 20,1862, he volunteered in company I, 16th Vermont volunteers and served until August, 1863.  After the battle of Gettysburg he was discharged.  He served under his brother, Captain Lyman E. Knapp, who has since distinguished himself as a judge and statesman and was governor of Alaska under the administration of President Harrison. 

Mr. Knapp had seven children by his firs (sic) marriage, but three of them lived to manhood.  Mr. Knapp remained in 

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