The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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the land office where he met some of his Norton neighbors, among them old Mr. Hale, who came up and shook hands with him, saying that he had not seen him before since April, at which time saw him on his claim.  Mr. Botsford said, "Sure you saw me then, are you?"  "Yes," replied Mr. Hale, "also had a talk with you in front of Bruner's store in Norton."  When asked his business in Kirwin, Mr. Hale said, "I came as a witness to prove that G. B. Botsford has not been seen on his claim since he took it; I have not seen him, have you?"  "Yes," replied Mr. Bots ford, "often, because that is my name."  "Why." said Mr. Hale, I thought it was Connecticut."  There was more than a smile in that office.  The contest was withdrawn. 

Mr. Botsford started proof on his claim and on November 22 his final receipt was issued.  Up to this time Mr. Botsford's neighbors knew him by no other name than Connecticut, which accounted for the contest.  Mr. Botsford has had poor health since the war, and only receives a small pension, but manages to make a good living from the rent of his farm. 

In the fall of 1878 and the spring of 1879 emigration poured in from all parts of the compass.  A great many new buildings were erected and many new business houses were opened.  Early in the spring of 1879 Herman and Kirkpatrick opened up a stock of general merchandise.  Hugh Kirkpatrick has remained here in the merchantile (sic) business continuously ever since.  He married Emma McCrea September 12, 1881, and has a family of four bright boys.  He lost his business in the big fire of 1886 and has had other business misfortunes but has never lost faith in the country.  He is now managing a general store here for John F. Randolph of Clyde, who was in business here for several years. 

About the same time Cannon and Kenney came here and went into business.  Walter Rice cannon.JPG (38729 bytes) Cannon was born in Maryland April 18, 1845.  He emigrated to Cloud county, Kansas, in 1869, and from there to Norton, arriving here January 20, 1879.  On September 15, of the same year he was married to Mariah Bissell of Phillips county.  They have two sons, Walter, born in September 1883, and John, born in December 1880.

Mr. Cannon has been active in politics as a democrat.  He was the nominee of his party for representative in 1884 but was defeated at the polls.  From 1886 to 1890 he was postmaster of Norton.  In 1883 he was master of the Masonic lodge.

Francis Eugene Kennedy was born in Boston, Massachusetts, December 14, 1853.  He moved with his parents to Kansas in 1866 and settled in Marshall county.  In 1868 they moved to Clyde where he remained until March 1879 when he settled in Norton.  He and 

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