The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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dropped into a chuck hole throwing the professor out on his head breaking his neck, killing him instantly. 

The Norton county Advance of March 20, gave the following account of the accident.

"We are called upon this week to chronicle the death of Professor G. B. Vanlew of this county which occurred in an accidental manner, near Port Landis, last Saturday.  The day before the Professor had been here with his school and had given a very creditable exhibition in connection with the school in this place.  In going home the team ran away and threw Mr. Vanlew from the wagon instantly killing him.  The Professor was an old man and had been a teacher in the schools the greater portion of his time.  The school that he was just closing being his sixty-fourth term." 

An October number of the Advance contains the following: 

"Peter McCrea and A. O. Cornish ran a 75 yard footrace July 17, 1879.  McCrea was the winner. 

October 16, 1879, L. K. Pratt won foot race, fifty yards and back, against a horse and man.  H. C. Kelley then tried the same race, but his legs got tangled and he went to grass, losing the race." 

lawrence.JPG (28854 bytes) Gideon E. Lawrence was born May 21, 1832 in New York and came to Illinois in 1836 where he lived until the spring of 1852 when he went to Iowa and was married to Jane Smails October 21, 1860 in Jefferson county Iowa.  He moved to Decatur county, Iowa, the same fall.  He went to Macon county Missouri, in the fall of 1870 where he resided fifteen years and came to Kansas February 24, 1885 and settled in Garfield township, Norton county, where he still lives.  He raised a family of four children of which the oldest, John W. Lawrence is still living. 

John W. Lawrence was born in Decatur county, Iowa, July 2l, 1861, went to Macon county, Missouri, with his parents and lived there until February 24, 1885, when he came to Norton county, Kansas, settled in Garfield township and taught school in district 76 in the winter of 1885 and 1886.  He bought a farm in Garfield township that spring and still holds his residence there.  He commenced the study of law in the fall 1893.  He is intending to fit himself for a first class barrister.  He is reading law with L. H. Thompson. 

Andrew S. Moorman was born at Columbus, Ohio, February 28, 1844.  He moved to Washington county, when he was eight years old.  He enlisted in the Iowa infantry, company H, July 15, 1861, and went with Sherman to the sea.  He was in the battles of Corinth, Pittsburg Landing, Fort Donaldson, Lay's Ferry, Atlanta, Savannah and Kenesaw.  He was mustered out July 12, 1865. 

He was married to Naoma L. Moore at Washington, Iowa, December 24, 1866.  He came to Kansas in the spring

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