The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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the next issue would not be turned against them.  None who knew him desired his friendship but everyone dreaded his enmity.  We clip the following from the Atchison Champion written by Noble Prentiss in 1879:

"To begin with there has been a vast improvement in the looks of the office and the newspapers since my former visit.  I think the most fearful looking printing office I ever beheld was at Norton in 1878."

The establishment was one of Nat L. Baker's enterprises and it reminded one of the famous office described by tramping Jones as having been discovered by them in the wilds of Arkansas where the type was kept in a bag and poured out when needed, where the cases were the chalked out on the floor, where apple butter was used for ink, a planer and mallet for press and the paper was folded with a club.

When Nat left here he went to the Pacific coast.  At the time of the Chinese riots on Puget sound he was one of the leaders of the mob and was indicted for murder but escaped and came to Wyoming and was for a time running a weekly paper at Lusk.  While there he was elected to the legislature and while in the legislature he was accused of selling out and was threatened with coat of tar and feathers if he returned home, which he wisely concluded not to do.  It is said that it was his action that prevented the election of U.S.S. and Wyoming has had but one senator since that time.

He took up his residence in Denver and is at this time editor of the Sunday Mercury, a paper devoted to the upbuilding of the populist party and the official organ of Governor Waite.

Louis Pendleton came here in the spring of 1873 and remained here until 1881.  He operated a blacksmith shop here for a time and then opened up a grocery store.  He moved a building from Long Island in 1878 and opened up a store on the lot where the Grier house now stands.  The building was afterward used as a hotel for many years and does service as the Grier house kitchen at this time.

He bought the Doc White building of Smith in 1875 which he dedicated with a three days' drunken debauch and dance at which time the Buffalo Girls of Phillipsburg were the principal attractions. 

He left here in 1881 and moved Anthony, Kansas.  After leaving here he and his wife separated. 

B. F. Emery was born about 1840 at Spencer, Tioga county, New York.  He enlisted and served in the war of Rebellion for four years.  He came to Iowa some time in the sixties and was admitted to the bar about the year 1870.  He practiced law in Clayton and Fayette counties until his removal to this county in 1879.  From this county he went to Greeley, Colorado and afterward to Bessimir, Wyoming, from there he went to Idaho.  He has not been heard from for several years.

Ben was a peculiar character and gained considerable distinction at the bar while he lived here from the fact that he was never known to win a case. 

Charles L. Emery came here in 1879.  He was born in York state December 25, 1851.  At the age of 25 years he moved with his family to Chicago and attended law school for three years.  He was admitted to the bar here in the fall of 1879.  He was justice of the here for several years.  He was active in politics in politics as a republican, and was chairman of the republican central committe (sic) for several years. He was a candidate for probate judge in 1886 but was defeated by Samuel Means.  He remained here until 1890 when he moved to Denver where he has resided ever since. 

A.G. Emery, his father; was born at 

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