The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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Jim Gaff came to this country to hunt buffalo in 1871, he continued on the range until 1877 when he began farming and stock raising.  He lives at Paulet, Nebraska, at this time.  A biography of his family has been published.

Joseph Boddy came here from Wyoming county, New York, in the spring of 1879 and has lived in Norton and vicinity continuously ever since.  He has a family of six children, they all live in the county at this time.  His eldest child, Carrie L., married John G. Stapp, a carpenter.  She has been active in church and Sunday school work since she has grown to womanhood.  Frank, his eldest son, married Anna Tanner, December 25, 1885; they have five children.  Frank is on of our reliable farmers and stock feeders.  Joseph Boddy's second son, George lives on a farm five miles north of Norton, he has never been married.  Delbert R., his third son, lives in Norton, is engaged in teaching and clerking. 

Winfield Scott, commonly called "Windy" is a jeweler by trade.  His youngest daughter Flossa, is living at home.

Baker A. VanMeter, whose biography appeared on the first pages of this book, is one of our substantial business men. 

Juel J. VanMeter, whose profile

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