The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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then announced himself as an independent candidate before the people.  The election was held on November 2, and resulted as follows: Representative Albert Graves 562; A. S. Burroughs 370; John Gishwiller 179; County attorney, L. H. Thompson 579, A. L. Herford 420, W. B. Rogers 24; Probate judge, Wilson Adams 661, D. H. Lower 261, J. B. Davis 165: County clerk, W. T. Shoemaker 713, Granville Reeves 282; County superintendent, Samuel Means 600, P. H. Loomis 267; Clerk of court W. E. Case 646, Jake Packard 310; Commissioners, H. C. Davis, 124, J. Babcock 114, Frank Spraul [Sproul] 95. 

At this election the prohibition amendment to the constitution was voted on.  The vote in the county stood for the amendment 512 against 407.

A petition was presented to the board for the organization of Modell township on July 6, 1880.  The township was organized that day.  The first officers of Modell were trustee G. W. Eastman, clerk William Pickering, treasurer T. McDaniel, justice of the peace E. Trescott, Constable James Chapman.

William Pickering came here in 1879 and has resided here continuously ever since.

J. B. Eastman came from Illinois in 1878 and left in 1881.  He lives at York, Nebraska.

James Chapman came here in 1879.  He went to Washington in 1889.  He is a son-in-law of E. Trescott.

E. Trescott came here in 1878.  He was elected county surveyor on 1882 and was a candidate on the third party ticket at several elections.  He is chiefly remembered as Pierre Trescott's father.

Pierre had somewhat of a checkered career.  After obtaining goods under false pretenses and being arrested and in jail, charged with several crimes, he and his brother-in-law Fremont Davis, who was his accomplice in crime, broke jail and escaped.  Some years afterwards Davis turned up here and demanded admission to the jail claiming that he had joined the Salvation Army and desired to make amends for his wrongs.  The county officials refused to prosecute him so he was turned loose.  He had married Florence Trescott but she had previously died and he had again married.  After he had broke jail and left, his wife secured a divorce; but they have since married and live on a farm in Graham county.  Trescotts are somewhere on the Pacific coast.

Henry Walleck came here in 1879.  He was born at Millersburg, Holmes county, Ohio, March 1836.  He has been an active republican since 1856.  He got his early inspiration from Ben Wade, Tom Corwin and John Brough, having known them all personally.  He cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1860 and has never missed a general election or scratched a ticket since.  He has been committeeman from his township for several years.

Fred Barlow came here in 1878 and settled in Modell township.  He was a candidate for sheriff in 1879, but was defeated for the nomination; in 1880 he was a candidate for probate judge but was defeated by Wilson Adams for the nomination.  In 1883 he moved to Aspen, Colorado where he still resides.

R. McDaniel came to Modell in 1878 and has resided there ever since; he is one of Modell's reliable farmers.

J. W. Langford was born in Fulton county, Illinois, January 29, 1841.  An account of his army service I give in his own language.

"On the 22nd day of November, 1863 I started for Prairie DuChien to enlist as a volunteer to fight the rebels.  I enlisted on the 23 day of November crediting myself to my own county where they were not paying any bounty at that time, they did afterward pay $125, refunding $1,000 from the city of Boscobel.  I believe I was more patriotic then than

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