The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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deputy county clerk for two years and stood for the nomination of county clerk in 1879 but withdrew my name in favor of FitzPatrick, a cripple, who received the nomination and was elected, who I learned after I left there, raised some county warrants and absconded.  I was one of his bondsmen but withdrew from his bond in order to move west.  I sold my farm on the Solomon in 1880 and moved to Colorado where I engaged in the tie business for two years when I moved west again and arrived at Montpelier, Idaho, in September 23, 1882.  I had been studying medicine for a number of years and in the winter of 1883 attended a course of lectures and graduated as an M. D.  I have been practicing medicine here since 1884 and I believe have given as good satisfaction as any physician could.  My wife's name was Martha J. Gott.  She was a resident of Elizabeth, Illinois, who bore me five children, three girls and two boys.  One of them, James Robert died in Nebraska in 1872.  My oldest daughter, Sarah Eliza married Frank Gilder, who resides in your county yet.  She moved with her husband to Colorado in the spring of 1882 but only lived a short time, leaving three little children.  The other three children, George D., Edith B. and Maggie I., are living in Garden City, Utah.  George is married and has one child living, having buried their first, a boy, when he was about five months old.  They have a girl one year old.  Edith is married to George D. Musphez of Round Valley, Utah.  I married my second wife in November, 1884.  She has borne me four children.

Mose and Jerry Mosier came here in 1878 and settled in Modell and have remained here continuously ever since.

Laird Bean and his three sons A. W., Delos and Ulysses came here in 1878, Laird Bean lives in Lenora at this time.  A. W. married Alice Dean; they live on their farm in Modell.  Delos remained here until 1893.  He lives somewhere in Iowa.  Ulysses married Alice Williams; they still live in Modell.

William Dean came in the spring of 1878.  He is an old soldier having served in company C, 23rd Iowa infantry.  He took land in Modell but left it in 1883 and went to Nebraska.  He came back and settled in Norton in 1891.  He has been running the lemonade stand by the post office for the last two years. 

Elam Spencer Barstow, was born in 1827 in the town of Guilford, Chenango county, New York.  Hannah W. Barstow, (nee Walker) wife of E. S. Barstow, was born in 1821, in the town of Oxford, Chenango county, New York.  They were married May 15, 1853.  E. S. Barstow learned the carpenter's trade at the age of 21 and worked at it until 1864, when he went on a farm near the town of Oxford, same county and state.  He afterward bought and sold farms in different parts of Chenango county.  Maitland D. Barstow was born on the 23rd day of September, 1854, in the village of Unadilla, Otsego county, New York.  Evander S. was born in the town of Coventry, Chenango county, New York, on April 19, 1857.  Ida May (now Mrs. Edward M. Warner) was born in Coventry, on June 14, 1863. All three children are now living. 

Maitland D. Barstow acquired nearly all the education he ever had after his nineteenth year by working by the month on a farm during the summers and attending the academies at Afton and Bainbridge in Chenango county and Woodhall, Steuben county, during the winters. He commenced stenography when about twenty-two and continued the study at odd times for several years. In the summer of 1878 he hired $200 and used it to attend Wyckoff's Phonographic Institute at Ithaca, New York. He staid in the institute five months, spent the money,

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