The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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Knacke.  They live at Talmage, Nebraska.  Another daughter, Dora, married Eugene D. Mills.  They have been previously mentioned.  They live at Talmage, Nebraska.  Eugene is in the windmill business and occasionally visits Norton in connection with his business.  Ambrose Morris also John are living at Talmage and are farming for a living.

John Diefenbach came here in 1873 and took land on Battle creek.  He remained here until 1892; he lives in Montgomery county, Kansas, at this time. 

Henry Henthorn came in 1878; he lives in Almena township at this time. 

O. F. Stever came in the fall of 1878 and has remained here ever since with the exception of two years on the Pacific coast in 1889 and 1890. 

John Cook came in 1878 and settled in Garfield township, he lives in Emmet at this time. 

Nels and John Hansberry came from Brown county in 1878; they went to Oregon in 1889. 

Edwin Kelsey came in 1879, settling in Emmett township where he still resides.  It is his annunced (sic) regret that for twenty-five years he was blind enough to vote the republican ticket.  At present he is a populist. 

Frank Huffmaster came in 1879; he is one of Emmett's successful farmers. 

Wallace Tupper came in 1878 and settled Emmett township; he lives in AImena at this time. 

Charley Nelson came from Sweden in 1876 and settled in Emmett township and lives here yet. 

Theodore Eulingfelt came here in 1876; and has remained here continuously ever since. 

John Laird came in 1879; he lives here yet. 

Joseph Long came in 1878 he is one of the successful farmers of Emmett township.

Frank High came in 1878; he left in 1850 and lives in Nebraska at this time. 

John T. Johnson came here in May, 1878, and settled in Emmett township and has lived here continuously ever since.  Having come here from Waubunsee [Wabaunsee ] county, Kansas, he was given the name of Waubunsee (sic), which has stuck to him ever since.  His eldest son, N. L., is our present county treasurer.  His eldest daughter, Clara, married N. L. Peyton, they live in Colorado at this time.  His second son, William, lives on a farm in Emmett township.  Katie, his second daughter, is the assistant county treasurer, and one of the most efficient and obliging officials in the court house.  His youngest son, John, lives on a farm near his father.  His youngest daughter, Carrie, married Jesse Reaner, they live on a farm in Emmett township. 

John Nolan was born in Ireland but came to the United States while a young man.  He settled in Emmett township with his family of five sons and five daughters in 1878 and has remained here continously (sic) ever since.  In 1893 his four eldest sons, Thomas, Jr., Michael, John and Patrick went to the Cherokee strip where they secured good claims on the Cimarron river. 

In the spring of 1874 Pres Crevlin and James Peyton came here from Iowa and took land four miles northeast of Norton.  Crevlin left here in 1882; he lives at Decatur City, Iowa, at this time.  H. M. Waller now owns and resides on the Crevling homestead. 

James Peyton remained here until 1890. He lives at this time at Leon, Iowa.  His old homestead is now owned by Mr. Webster. 

Nathan Peyton came here in 1875.  He abandoned his family in 1877 and left the country.  His wife lived here for several years with her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Rogers, but went to relatives in Iowa in 1886 and died there in 1887.

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