The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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Gov. Harvey, whose face in outline you see herewith, issued the proclamation organizing this county.  He was born in Virginia, in 1835, and became a resident of Kansas in 1859.  He was a harvey.JPG (34024 bytes) captain in the fourth and tenth consolidated regiments, Kansas volunteers, during the war of the rebellion; was a member of the Kansas house in 1865, and again in 1866, and state senator in 1867-'68, and was governor of the state for two terms, 1869-'70, and United States senator from 1874 to 1877. His home is in Riley county, Kansas.

Morrison L. Atkinson and his brother-in-law Wm. Baker came from Iowa in September 1872.  Atkinson settled on the land now owned by William Maudlin [also spelled Modlin] five miles east of Norton; he owned a fine bunch of young cattle and appeared to prosper for the first few years but without any apparent cause he commenced in 1878 to go down hill.  In 1882 he sold his farm and cattle and went to carrying mail; he sub-contracted the route from Norton to Shibboleth from Simpson & Lockard, and carried it until 1886.  Baker took the land east of Atkinson; in the winter of 1874 he was caught stealing Joshua Lieurance's corn; he at once left the country and has not been heard from since.  Atkinson in 1888 moved to Saticoy, California, where he now resides.

kelly.jpg (36095 bytes) John Kelly was born in Indiana county, Pennsylvania, August 19, 1830; learned the carpenter trade; was married to Nancy E. McSweeny in September, 1858; volunteered in September 1861, in Company K, 105 Pennsylvania Infantry; was discharged on account of disability in the spring of 1862.  They have had eleven children, the oldest, Zan, married Cora Green in 1879; this proved to be an unhappy marriage, they separated in 1880.  Zan now lives in Washington, is again married; his first wife and two children live with her father, Dr. Green at McCook, Neb. Frank, the second son was drowned in Castel-Poudre [Cache la Poudre ?] river, Wy, July 10, '85.  Archibald is now on Tongue river, Montana, driving stage; John is at Elk Mountain, Wyoming; Mary married Dick Vining, lives in Norton; Nana is married to J. A. Kirkpatrick, a conductor on the Rock Island; Abigail married Willis Sarvis, lives at Norton; William was shot and killed at Carbon, Wy, Sept. 18, 1891, by Tom Hall who is now serving a term in the penitentiary for the crime.  Kate was born in Norton county, March. 10, 1873, lives at home with her parents; Daisy and Sadie the two youngest daughters, both died.  Sadie Apr. 20, 1886 Daisy May 1, 1889, and are buried in the Norton cemetery.  Mrs. Kelly was born in Pennsylvania in 1837.

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