The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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1890; Chester died September, 1890.

Walter Parks took a claim near I. N. Cope, remained here until October 1873, and then returned to his old home at Monmouth, Ill, where he was married.  He afterward moved to southern Kansas where he now resides.

rosborough.JPG (42530 bytes) John Henderson Rosborough was born in Indiana county, Pennsylvania, January 12,1855; was raised on a farm, attended the common schools, came to Knox county, Illinois, in March 1813, and from there to Norton county, arriving here January 9, 1874.  He took the land north of Gross Page which he still owns.  He has since purchased an adjoining quarter section which, together with his homestead, makes one of the finest farms in Norton county. He was married to Miss Mary Rhodes August 20, 1887; they have never had any children. He is a Republican in politics but has never been an aspirant for public office preferring the more congenial and honorable occupation of tilling the soil.

case_we.jpg (27508 bytes) William Elroy Case was born at Woodstock, Vermont, June 27,1847, raised on a farm; after attending the common schools until 18 years of age. he went one year to Green Mountain institute at South Woodstock; he then took a two years' course at Orange county Grammar school.  He then took a course in Greek and Latin at Eastman college, Poughkeepsie, New York, after which he taught school in Vermont and Michigan for several terms.  He spent one year in Savannah, Georgia, as bookkeeper; clerked in a store for a time in Chicago.  He then went to Iowa and kept books for a railroad contractor at the time the R. I. and C. B. & Q. railroads were being built through that state.  He came to Brown county, Kansas, in the spring of 1871; worked on a farm until he came to Norton county in April 1872.  He bought Newell's store in June 1873; the following August he sold one half interest in the business to B. F. Williams.  They continued business under the firm name of Case & Williams until May 1874 when they made an assignment for the benefit of their creditors, John Cooper being the assignee.  Case was married to Miss Lou N. Cunningham at Osborne, Kansas, March 8, 1874.  Their eldest child, Miss Stella M. Case was born March 1, 1875; she was the first child born in the town of Norton Ida May, their second daughter, was born July 4, 1877, Bertha E. born August 9, 1879, Ora E, born July 27, 1881 died October 30, 1883.

Case was appointed clerk of district court by Judge Banta in 1872 to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Gishwiller; he was elected to this same office in 1873, and served one term.  After he went out of business in 1875 he moved to his farm one mile northwest of town where he lived for several years.  In 1879 he moved back to town and in 1880 was again elected clerk of the court, was re-elected in 1882, '84 and '86.  He

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