Please share your Family Group Sheet information, Descendents Chart, Photos, etc. of a Osage county ancestor. Simply email your contribution to the Coordinator. Please allow us to include your email address for interested parties to contact you.
Robert Forbes is now living retired at Carbondale, where
more than forty years ago he had his first experience in Kansas as a coal minor.
Thus he was identified with Carbondale in the height of its prosperity as a
mining center.
He came out to Kansas from Ohio in 1875, making the
journey by railroad. He had followed coal mining in Ohio, and was practically
reared to that vocation in his native land of Scotland. He was born in Scotland
in September, 1849, and was twenty-three when he came to America in 1872.
Forty years ago Carbondale was a very prosperous mining town, and the mines
produced a very large tonnage of coal every day. Mr. Forbes did not remain in
Carbondale long, going west to Colorado and from there to New Mexico. He was a
mining prospector and very few people realize what hardships, hazards, dangers
and difficulties the mining prospector contends with in the course of a few
years. The West forty years ago was still a dangerous country, and the life of
the prospector was one of special hazard. The Indians were still hostile in some
sections, and Mr. Forbes had many narrow escapes, and one of his partners met
death at the hands of the red skins.
He was one of the comparatively few
who "struck it rich. " He discovered a large deposit of silver, and with the
development of the mines he was insured of a fortune, as he regarded it at the
time. He finally sold his interest in the silver mines in 1884.
In the
meantime he had returned to Kansas and secured a farm of 740 acres in Fairfax
Township of Osage County. Even then he did not have smooth sailing, since he had
to encounter hardships of all kinds in the development of his farm and in
contending with the plagues of grasshoppers and dry years. But that is all now a
matter of the past, and long before he retired from active business Mr. Forbes
was one of the most prosperous farmers of Osage County. Even now his holdings
approximate 3,000 acres, most of it in Osage Country.
In 1876 Mr. Forbes
married Mary Mitchell. They reared a family of four sons and two daughters, and
they provided liberally for the education and training of these young people.
The four sons are John, Robert, Daniel and Andrew. John, the oldest son, and
Daniel, the third in age have both been admitted to the bar, while the other two
are practical farmers. Mr. Forbes has voted the democratic ticket since 1896. He
retired in 1903,and with his wife is now enjoying the comforts of a substantial
home in Carbondale.
Source: A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written & compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written & compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, copyright 1918; transcribed November 11, 1998.
Compiled from Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History, Volume III
Abboll, Francis M.
Abrahams, John V.
Adams, George W.
Adams, John B.
Adams, John W.
Adams, Stephen D.
Adams, William A.
Adams, William M.
Akers, George W.
Albaugh, Morton
Albright, Penrose H.
Alden, Henry L.
Alden, Maurice L.
Aldrich, Harry L.
Altaman, George W.
Alleman, John A.
Allen, Arthur E.
Allen, Edward P.
Allen, E. Thompson
Allen, Frank T.
Allen, George R.
Allen, Henry J.
Allendorph, Arthur S.
Allmon, Samuel R.
Ames, Elmer E.
Amidon, Samuel B.
Anderson, Arthur J.
Anderson, Charles H.
Anderson, Elisha H.
Anderson, G.H.
Anderson, John R.
Anderson, William S.
Anderson, Henry A.
Andrews, Sanuel
Anthony, Daniel R.
Anthony, Daniel R., Jr.
Aplington, John
Armstrong, Roy D.
Arnold, Frank M.
Arnold, Manley L.
Asher, Arthur E.
Atchison, David
Atkinson, William D.
Aumiller, Marion F.
Austin, Edwin A.
Austin, William C.
Axline, Luther M.
Ayers, Allison T.
Badders, George S.
Badger, Edward W.
Bagley, Elmer F.
Baird, William
Baker, Andrew L.
Baker, Jacob R.
Banks, William N.
Banta, Daniel A.
Barber, John W.
Barker, Edward W.
Barker, George J.
Barnd, James K.
Barnes, Charles W.
Barnes, H.M.
Barnes, James G.
Barnes, Jared P.
Barnes, Jonathan L.
Barnes, Walter
Barnes, William P.
Barr, Samuel H.
Barrett, William
Basham, David W.
Bandry, George
Baxter, Joseph H.
Baxter, Leroy W.
Beach, George T.
Beach, Stephen E.
Beck, Henry S.
Bell, Arch L.
Bell, Hamilton B.
Belsley, Amos A.
Bender, John F.
Bennett, Frederick S.
Bennett, Henry
Benson, Alfred W.
Benson, William F.
Bentley, Orsemus H.
Benton, Charles E.
Berger, John C.
Bernheisel, Austin S.
Bertenshaw, John
Bertram, Eli S.
Betts, Granville W.
Betts, Joseph B.
Beverly, George W. B.
Biddle, William R.
Bird, Winfield A.S.
Bishop, Samuel D.
Black, Samuel T.
Blackburn, John R.
Blair, E. James
Blair, Robert W.
Blake, Earl A.
Blakely, Charles G.
Baker, Alfred
Baker, Benjamin F.
Blanchard, Ferdinand C.
Blish, David P.
Blood, John W.
Bloomheart, Daniel
Bodle, Alexander T.
Boehler, Louis
Bolton, Benjamin
Boon, George D.
Boon, George T.
Booth, Joel J.
Booth, Thomas J.
Borman, Thomas A.
Botts, Jay T.
Bowen, David M.
Bowen, William P.
Bowman, Cyrus S.
Bradford, George H.
Bradford, Robert H.
Bradley, Joseph C.
Brady, John L.
Branden, William J.
Brandon, Stephen H.
Branine, Chrales E.
Branine, Ezra
Breidenthal, John W.
Brewer, David J.
Brewer, James
Brickell, John B.
Brinkerhoff, Jeremain W.
Bristow, Joseph L.
Bristow, William
Broadley, James C.
Brokaw, Charles L.
Brower, Lyle
Brown, Felix C.
Brown, James M.
Brown, Leander C.
Brown, Thomas J.
Browne, Herbert A.
Brownell, William B.
Brunner, Emile M.
Buehan, William J.
Buck, J. Jay
Buck, John L.
Bunnell, Edward H.
Bunyan, William P.
Burge, Cornelius B.
Burge, Napoleon B.
Burnett, John C.
Burr, Truman T.
Burton, Joseph R.
Bushey, Allen H.
Butcher, Maclure
Butler, Elmer
Butts, John H.
Butts, John W.
Byers, Juan E.
Cain, Frederick F.
Caldwell, Alexander
Campbell, Albert H.
Campbell, Alexander M.
Campbell, Daniel F.
Cam,pbell, George
Campbell, James P.
Campbell, John T.
Canary, James D.
Candler, Frederick D.
Cannon, John C.
Cantrell, Samuel T.
Capper, Arthur
Card, Orson D.
Carlsson, Eben
Carney, Albert B.
Carpenter, Charles T.
Carpenter, Reynolds D.
Carroll, Carey E.
Carson, Caleb W.
Carter, Walter O.
Case, Howard E.
Case, Nelson
Casey Michael J.
Cates, Joseph B.F.
Catlett, Merton L.
Cavaness, James M.
Chaffee, Herbert W.
Chaffin, Edward A.
Challis, William F.
Champlin, Alfred R.
Chandler, Charles H.
Chandler, F.M.
Chandler, Thomas E.
Chapin, Frank B.
Charles, Homer W.
Charles, William W.
Chase, D.A.N.
Cissel, Mervin O.
Chaflin, Oliver Q.
Clark, Elmer C.
Clark, Ebon S.
Clark, Ira W.
Clark, Ira W.
Clark, Milton E.
Clark, Philo M.
Clevenger, Raymond C.
Clifford, Burton E.
Clopper, David E.
Coburn, Clay E.
Coburn, Foster D.
Cochran, John K.
Codding, George T.
Codding, Julian K.
Coe, Walter B.
Cole, Elrick C.
Coleman, Chiles C.
Colin, Joseph C.
Conard, John M.
Condon, Charles M.
Cope, John P.
Congdon, Dudley C.
Conkling, Clark
Conrad, Henry W.
Converse, Asa F.
Converse, Charles N.
Cook, Amos
Cooke, Joseph W.A.
Cooper, James T.
Copeland, Edward L.
Corbin, Nathan A.
Corey, Sylvester M.
Cornelius, Roy
Cory, Charles E.
Costigan, Walter J.
Coouncil, Milton
Courtright, Persey L.
Courtwright, William T.
Cowdery, Charles E.
Cowley, William R.
Cox, Floyd C.
Crane, David O.
Crane, George W.
Crawford, James W.
Crawford, William E.
Crick, Reuben F.
Crider, John H.
Crimm, Charles W.
Crooks, Alexander D.
Crotty, George W.
Crouse, Marcus A.
Crowley, Clarence A.
Crum, Arlon B.
Crum, Charles H.
Crumbine, Samuel J.
Crummer, Schuyler C.
Cubbison, James K.
Culbertson, Henry C.
Culison, Ananias
Cummings, James S.
Cunningham, William L.
Curtis, Charles
Curtis, Willliam H.H.
Cuthbert, James
Dalton, John T.
Dammast, Carl W.F.
Darling, Howard W.
Dassler, Charles F.W.
Daughters, Curtis L.
Davenport, James W.
Davidson, Charles L.
Davidson, James O.
Davies, Benjamin M.
Davies, Gomer T.
Davis, Franklin W.
Davis, William E.
Dawson, Orrin W.
Dedrick, Harry T.
DeFord, John W.
Denious, J.C.
Dennis, Joseph W.
Denton, Albert H.
Dexter, Alonzo F.
Dice, Solomon D.
Diesem, Israel L.
Dill, William
Dillon, William T.
Dinsmoor, Frank A.
Disch, William A.
Dix, Edward E.
Dixon, William
Dodsworth, Samuel
Dolley, Joseph N.
Domann, Adolph
Don Carlos, Harry E.
Donmyer, Simon P.
Doran, Thomas F.
Dosbaugh, John
Douglas, Harry S.
Doyle, Owen B.
Drum, John
Dudley, Guilford
Dugan, George B.
Dunbar, James N.
Duncan, E.C.
Dunkelberger, Jerry
Dunkin, William
Durboraw, Charles T.
Eckert, Harvey
Edwards, Baron S.
Edwards, John H.
Edwards, William C.
Ehrsam, Jacob B.
Elder, Aldamar P.
Elder, Peter P.
Elder, Pierre P., Jr.
Elliott, Charles S.
Elliot, John
Ellis, James H.
Ellis, Thomas A.
Ellsworth, Herbert R.
Ely, James E.
Emerson, Francis G.
Emert, Frank S.
Emery, Frank W.
Emery, Joseph P.
Emery, Rufus M.
Enright, Edward A.
Epperson, Elmer H.
Eson, Joseph R.
Estey, Stephen S.
Everhardy, Jacob L.
Ewing, Henry A.
Fabriane, Andrew H.
Fair, Daniel J.
Fairchild, Edward T.
Fairfield, Stephen H.
Fancher, Bert
Farnsworth, John W.
Farrar, Harry P.
Farrelly, Hugh P.
Fanteoner, Albert
Faxon, Ralph H.
Fear, John C.
Feder, William P.
Fenn, Percy T.
Fenton, Sherwood W.
Ferrell, John A.
Ferry, Leonard S.
Fields, Jerry B.
Files, Benjamin
Finch, Charles S.
Finney, Warren W.
Fischer, Eduard J.
Fischer, Lee T.
Fisher, Dawson H.
Fisher, George A.
Fisher, George W.
Fitzpatrick, William S.
Flannelly, Thomas J.
Flory, Frederick C.
Floyd, Calvin W.
Forde, Edgar M.
Forkner, Jesse
Foster, Eli G.
Foster, Frank H.
Foulke, Everard L.
Foulkes, William
Frazier, John D.
Frazier, Nathan F.
Frazier, Nathan F., Jr.
Frazier, Ray E.
Frazier, Seth
Frazier, Thaddeus C.
Freeman, William E.
Frith, J. Harvey
Frost, John E.
Fugate, Floyd
Fulton, James A.
Fulton, John S.
Funston, Frederick
Gabriel, David T.
Gabriel, George W.
Gafford, Joseph C.
Gander, Gilbert M.
Garey, Jacob H.
Garrett, Charles J.
Garver, Theodore F.
Garvin, Samuel
Gates, William F.
Gault, Watson E.
Gause, Eber N.
Gebhart, Samuel P.
Geddes, Karl M.
Getchell, Martin F.
Getty, James F.
Gifford, Alfred
Gillmore, Frank B.
Gilmore, George E.
Gilmore, John S.
Gilmore, Myron W.
Gladman, W.R.
Glass, William S.
Glasscock, Samuel S.
Gleed, James W.
Glenn, Harry E.
Glenn, William M.
Godard, Aretas A.
Goddard, Clarence C.
Gochel, Peter W.
Goerz, David
Goerz, Rudolph A.
Going, James W.
Goldman, Davilla N.
Goodlander, Charles W.
Gordon, George A.
Gossard, Oreemous
Gowenlock, Thomas
Graham, George
Graham, Harlan F.
Graham, John H.
Graves, Charles B.
Gray, Allen D.
Gray, Frank P.
Gray, George M.
Graybill, Jacob W.
Greason, William D.
Greene, Frank F.
Greenwood, Lewis H.
Griffin, Samuel
Grimes, George M.
Grisham, Thomas H.
Griswold, Sheldon M.
Groenmiller, George
Groenmiller, Mahlon
Grovenor, Gurdon
Grover, Roy J.
Grubbs, Lewis Y.
Guernsey, George T.
Guernsey, George T., Jr.
Gufler, Albert H.
Guild, William R.
Guinn, James H.
Gunby, James F.
Gunn, Amy B.
Gunn, Elihu
Gunn, William C.
Hadley, William S.
Hale, John A.
Hale, Steven H.
Hall, John A.
Hall, William C.
Hamer, Robert M.
Hamilton, Alphius L.L.
Hamilton, Cloyee W.
Hamilton, Ernest E.
Hammel, Seth A.
Hammers, Frederic K.
Hammond, Fred R.
Hannen, Louis H.
Hanstine, George B.
Hardesty, Basil
Hardy, Noah
Harris, Curtis L.
Harris, Ralph A.
Harvey, Frederick H.
Harvey, William W.
Harwi, Alfred J.
Hancke, Charles L.
Haury, Richard S.
Hausam, L.H.
Hawkins, George M.
Hawkinson, Otto E.
Hayes, Alva A.
Hayes, Noah
Hazlett, Robert H.
Heck, Lot P.
Hedderman, Henry
Hedge, William M.
Heery, Michael
Heimlich, Charles P.
Heis, Frederick
Helm, A.D.
Helm, Alonzo E.
Hempstid, James W.
Henderson, Wilbur M.
Henlen, Benjamin A.
Hennessy, John J.
Heritage, Lemuel T.
Herman, Albert H.
Herold, Charles H.
Herr, Francis C.
Herr, John N.
Herr, Uriah C.
Hess, Frank J.
Hesse, Otto H.
Hetrick, Frank O.
Heynen, William
Hiatt, Jesse W.
Hickey, James A.
Hickman, L.G.
Hickman, W.H.H.
Higgins, George D.
Higinbotham, Scott N.
Hill, Arthur L.
Hill, Joseph H.
Hill, Joshua
Hilliard, Mattie O.
Hite, Dick R.
Hodgson, Charles
Hoffman, Christian
Hogan, Thomas F.
Hogle, Langdon B.
Hogueland, William E.
Holcomb, Sumner C.
Holderman, Abraham J.
Holliday, Charles K.
Holliday, Cyrus K.
Holliday, Cyrus K.
Holman, Merton C.
Holmes, James E.
Holt, William G.
Hood, Calvin
Hood, Henry P.
Hook, George W.
Hook, H.C.
Hook, Mathias
Hopkins, Richard J.
Hopkins, Scott
Hopper, James C.
Horn, Charles W.
Horn, Harry W.
Hostetler, Jonathan N.
Hottle, Wilson H.
Houston, David W.
Howard, David M.
Howard, Richard C.
Howe, Edgar W.
Howe, Joseph W.
Howe, Samuel T.
Howerton, John
Huckstadt, Herman G.
Hudelson, Nicholas V.
Hudiburg, Walter S.
Hudson, B.
Hudson, Emma R.
Hudson, Thomas J.
Huffaker, Thomas S.
Huffman, Charles S.
Huggins, William L.
Hulett, Charles E.
Hume, Edward W.
Humphrey, James
Humphrey, Joseph E.
Humphrey, Lyman U.
Hungate, Otis E.
Hunt, Andrew J.
Hunt, John L.
Hunter, John A.
Hurd, Albert A.
Hurd, Theodore H.
Huron, George A.
Hutchings, Frank D.
Hutchinson, Perry
Hutchinson, Wilber L.
Ingalls, John J.
Insalls, Sheffield
Ingleman, Augustus R.
Innes, George
Ise, Charles D.
Jackson, Alfred M.
Jackson, Fred S.
Jacobs, Henry W.
James, Horace G.
James, Josephine
James, Lafayette
Jameson, Frederick W.
Janes, George K.
Jenkins, Morris C.
Jenks, Wilbur S.
Jennings, Thorp B.
Johnson, David W.
Johnson, Edward
Johnson, George E.
Johnson, George H.T.
Johnson, John H.
Johnson, Peter
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, William L.A.
Johnson, William N.
Jones, Ben L.
Jones, Clement H.
Jones, Edwood M.
Jones, John J.
Jones, LaFayette C.
Jones, Luther M.
Jones, M.T.
Jones, Walter S.
Joseph, James D.
Joseph, William I.
Kanavel, George W.
Kaye, James P. deB.
Keeling, Henry C.
Keene, Austin M.
Kellam, George M.
Kellenberger, Emerson K.
Kelley, J. Will
Kelly, Henry B.
Kelly, Wallace B.
Kendrick, George W.
Kennedy, James M.
Kennedy, J.T.
Kennedy, Max J.
Kennedy, Thomas B.
Kibbee, Henry C.
Kimball, Edwood D.
Kimball, Frederick M.
Kimble, Clement L.
Kincaid, Christopher C.
King, Thomas L.
Kingsbury, Edward L.
Kingsley, Hiram A.
Kirker, John F.
Kirkpatrick, Wilson B.
Kirtland, Charles B.
Klippel, Clemens
Knapp, Fred W.
Knight, Robert F.
Knipe, Henry C.
Knox, Clyde H.
Koontz, James R.
Krebbiel, William J.
Lamb, Arnott R.
Lamb, Giles H.
Lane, Alpheus
Lappin, Finley
Larimer, Jeremiah B.
Lasley, Arthur R.
Lawrence, James
Leatherwood, Mace E.
Leeper, John M.
Leidy, Fremont
Leland, Cyrus A.
Lewis, Jesse W.
Lewis, John F.
Lewis, Lewis W.
Light, Joseph H.
Lillis, Thomas F.
Limbocker, Clarence A.
Limbocker, Myron A.
Lindley, Thomas L.
Lindsay, Franklin P.
Lindsay, William S.
Linn, Jacob
Linscott, George S.
Lippincott, Grant
Little, Charles F.
Little, Edward C.
Little, John T.
Little, Olcott W.
Little, William C.
Lobdell, Frederick H.
Loeknane, Charles S.
Logan, Albert W.
Lomax, Sullivan
Long, Chester I.
Longshore, Joseph S.
Longston, John A.
Lowman, Richard C.
Loy, Henry W.
Lundgren, John A.
Mable, Lot D.
Mack, Jacob
Mackie, David
Mackle, George K.
MacLennan, Frank P.
Madden, John
Manning, Edwin C.
Mardis, Amos
Markham, Robert M.
Marley, Jesse W.
Marner, Gideon P.
Marsh, Benjamin F.E.
Martin, George W.
Martin, William W.
Mason, Milton M.
Mason, Wall
Massey, John Jr.
Mathewson, William
Mathis, Harvey G.
Mathis, William K.
Mays, William C.
Mayse, Henry C.
Mead, James R.
Meade, Isaac J.
Meckel, Frederick A.
Menley, Victor
Menninger, Charles F.
Menninger, Flora V.
Mercer, Joseph H.
Merriam, Carroll B.
Merriam, Everett B.
Merriam, Frank D.
Merrick, Robert G.
Meseke, August H.
Meseke, William C.A.
Metcalf, Wilder S.
Meuser, Charles T.
Mikesell, Edwin D.
Miller, Elmer E.
Miller, Henry P.
Miller, John R.
Miller, John M.
Mills, W.M.
Mills, William W.
Millspaugh, Frank R.
Mitchell, Alexander C.
Mitchell, George C.
Mitchell, James H.
Mitchell, J. Vessey
Mize, Edward A.
Moffet, Alvus H.
Mon Cravie, John B.
Montgomery, Robert H.
Moore, Alexander H.
Moore, Charles A.
Moore, David B.
Moore, Horace L.
Moore, James W.
Moore, John W.
Moore, Matilda K.
Moore, Peter R.
Moore, Samuel W.
Moorhead, John L.
Morehouse, George P.
Morgan, Benjamin F.
Morgan, Thomas W.
Morgan, William A.
Morgan, William Y.
Morony, Lionel G.
Morris, James B.
Morrison, Thomas F.
Morse, Charles A.
Morse, Dennis H.
Morse, Frederic D.
Morton, Edwin F.
Moses, Frnklin C.
Moses, George N.
Mosher, Clarence N.
Mossman, Frank E.
Mowder, John L.
Mueller, Robert G.
Mulvane, David W.
Mulvane, Joab
Mulvane, John R.
Murdock, Marshall M.
Murphy, Maurice
Musil, Joseph M.
Myers, Frank E.
Myers, Owen S.
Naill, David W.
Neagle, Archie D.
Neighbors, Clarence A.
Neiman, George P.
Nieswanger, William A.
Nelson, John
Nicely, Joseph F.
Nichols, Jesse T.
Nichols, Schuyler
Nicholson, John B.
Nicholson, John C.
Nicholson, Malcolm B.
Nicolay, Jesse T.
Noble, George M.
Nordeen, Charles W.
Nordlund, John
Northrup, Stephen A.
Norton, Jonathan D.
Norton, William S.
Nowers, John W.
Nutting, Harry C.
Oberg, Frank O.
Odenweller, R.A.
Oetinger, William
Oldroyd, Thomas B.
Olson, Walter L.
Oman, Clinton H.
O'Neil, Edwin L.
Orwig, Sylverius S.
Osborn, Edward D.
Osborn, Roy T.
Osborn, Stephen J.
Otwell, Gerald A.
Overfield, John F.
Owen, William A.
Pace, Elisha C.
Packer, Edwin B.
Page, Ralph E.
Page, Thomas
Palenske, Louis
Parker, George J.
Parmelee, William
Parrott, Frederick W.
Parsons, Alzamond M.
Patten, Albert M.
Patterson, Erasius T.
Patterson, Francis M.
Paxson, Charles M.
Payne, Eli L.
Payne, Walter L.
Pearsall, Uri B.
Pearson, Matthew E.
Peden, Clifton R.
Pendleton, Edward T.
Penley, Francis H.
Penwell, LaRoy M.
Perkins, Henry C.
Perrine, E.G.
Petrie, Arthur J.
Pettit, William S.
Pfister, George J.
Phillip, Herman F.
Pickering, I.O.
Pierce, Alfred C.
Pierce, Hal
Pierce, Robert
Pierce, Sumner W.
Pinet, Frank L.
Piper, Seth H.
Plank, Michael C.
Platt, Henry A.
Pleasant, John M.
Plumb, George
Plumb, Preston B.
Pollman, Frederick W.
Pollman, Frederick W., Jr.
Pollock, Thomas A.
Poole, John G.
Porter, Ebenezer F.
Porter, Melanchthon C.
Porter, Silas W.
Potter, O.J.
Potts, Peter J.
Ponlet, Alexis
Powell, Hugh J.
Powell, Leroy
Powell, L.M.
Powers, John
Powers, Thomas J.
Pratt, Alfred
Price, John R.
Price, Raymond B.
Price, Silas E.
Prose, Joseph B.
Pursley, Wilson L.
Putnam, Charles E.
Quiney, Fred H.
Quinton, Alfred B.
Raber, Charles K.
Ralston, Ralph B.
Ramey, Howard S.
Ramey, Walter W.
Randolph, John H.
Ransom, James H.
Rateliffe, George J.
Rawlins, John
Reade, J.M.J.
Reding, Harry
Redmond, John
Reece, Nate E.
Reed, James W.
Rees, William H.
Reid, Hugh
Reilly, John D.
Rettiger, David
Revell, Arthur T.
Rice, Alfred W.
Rice, Cyrus R.
Rice, John H.
Richter, Harry E.
Riddle, Humbert
Riling, Edward T.
Risdon, Charles S.
Rizer, Robert O.
Roach, Thomas W.
Roberts, John N.
Robinson, Albert A.
Robinson, Charles
Robinson, M. Gaylord
Robinson, Sara T.D.
Robinson, William C.
Robison, Frank W.
Robison, James C.
Robison, James W.
Rochester Arthur N.
Rockwell, George A.
Roller, Michael H.
Rosenquist, Bror A.
Rownd, Franklin L.
Royce, John Q.
Rude, Wilbur L.
Russ, R.S.
Sachs, Frank W.
Salisbury, Henry T.
Samuel, Owen S.
Sanders, Frank K.
Sankey, Robert A.
Sapp, Edward E.
Sapp, William F.
Sardon, Freeman
Sargent, John
Sargent, John R.
Sargent, Thornton W.
Savage, Harrison B.
Scandrett, Benjamin W.
Scandrett, Henry A.
Schenck, Franklin E.
Schermerhorn, Edgar B.
Schwartz, Charles W.
Schwartz, William
Schwartz, William A.
Scott, Harry B.
Seacat, George M.
Seaman, George W.
Seaton, John
Sexton, Francis L.
Sharp, Anderson M.
Sharpe, Orlan D.
Shaver, George W.
Shearer, Lawrence M.
Shearer, Robert
Sheldon, Charles M.
Sheldon, E.J.
Sheldon, Winfield H.
Shellabarger, James M.
Shelton, Frank W.
Shepardson, Edward A.
Shepherd, Robert B.
Sheppard, Jacob L.
Sheridan, Frank M.
Shields, John H.
Shinn, Jacob E.
Shiras, Peter
Shively, Jacob
Shoemaker, Frank E.
Simmer, Michael
Simmons, Charles J.
Simmons, John S.
Simon, Ernest R.
Simpson, Charles E.
Sims, John R.
Sims, John T.
Sinclair, Earl W.
Sinclair, Harry F.
Skidmore, Andrew H.
Skinner, John W.
Slater, Albert W.
Slayton, Frederick H.
Slimmer, David W.
Small, James T.
Smalley, Joseph B.
Smart, Charles A.
Smeltzer, Daniel B.D.
Smith, Allen W.
Smith, Charles B.
Smith, Clarence
Smith, Flavins R.
Smith, Franklin P.
Smith, Fred. D.
Smith, George C.
Smith, George O.
Smith, Hugh J.
Smith, J. Frank
Smith, John E.
Smith, Orlen L.
Smith, Orlen L.
Smith, Thomas G.
Smith, William D.C.
Snedeker, J.E.
Snyder, Elmore W.
Snyder, Gerrit
Snyder, Howard L.
Soden, William T.
Sorensen, George
Spencer, Charles F.
Sperry, John
Spilman, Alexander C.
Spilman, James A.
Sponable, Frank W.
Sponable, Fred T.
Sponable, John W.
Sponsler, Alfred L.
Spooner, Clarence
Springer, Alvin R.
Sproud, William H.
Stacey, William A.
Stafford, Robert W.
Staley, Henry H.
Stanley, Claudius C.
Stanley, Edmund
Stanley, Emery F.
Stanley, Frederic B.
Stanley, Lloyd
Stanley, William E.
Stannard, Frank H.
Stanton, Irvin J.
Stanton, John F.
Starr, John C.
Staubach, Berthold
Steel, Count S.
Steele, Robert
Steen, William O.
Steffen, Nicholas
Stemen, Charles M.
Stephens, Benjamin L.
Stephenson, Frank J.
Stephenson, Frederick L.
Stephenson, George R.
Stephenson, William C.
Stevens, Frank D.
Stevens, Thomas A.
Stevenson, Myron G.
Stewart, James E.
Stewart, Jesse E.
Stewart, Oliver H.
Stewart, Richard A.
Stewart, Samuel G.
Stich, A.C.
Stinebaugh, George D.
St. John, Joseph M.
Stocks, Chester L.
Stone, Joseph E.
Stone, William B.
Storrs, Sylvester D.
Storrs, Willis D.
Stout, Ira
Stout, William H.
Stratton, Gillmore M.
Strickland, William W.
Stromquist, Charles J.
Stromquist, John O.
Strowig, Albert R.
Stubbs, Walter R.
Sullivan, Frank S.
Sullivan, Richard H.
Sullivant, Starling L.
Surber, Cassius C.
Sutton, William B.
Swarts, Carroll L.
Swartz, Ralph E.
Swatzel, William H.
Sweet, Timothy B.
Swenson, Eric H.
Swift, Walter F.
Taggart, John
Tallman, Thomas W.
Taylor, John T.
Thayer, Henry E.
Theis, George, Jr.
Theis, Lawrence
Thomas, Jonathan
Thompson, Edward W.
Thompson, Robert A.
Thompson, Thomas W.
Thorstenburg, Nathaniel J.
Throckmorton, George
Titus, Charles H.
Todd, William N.
Tomlinson, Joseph B.
Topping, Arthur E.
Trickett, Charles W.
Trott, Charles H.
Troutman, James A.
Trueblood, Richard H.
Tucker, Charles H.
Tulien, Swan A.
Tulley, Mark
Tullock, Alonzo J.
Tyler, Albert W.
Tyler, D. Waldo
Uhls, Lyman L.
Van Dorp, Louis
Van Nuys, J.D.
Van Tuyl, Nathan E.
Veale, George W.
Verdan F.M.
Vermillion, Reason R.
Vernon, William H.
Waggener, Bailie P.
Walden, Albert G.
Walker, Claudius D.
Walker, James W.
Walker, Nathaniel
Walker, Thomas M.
Wall, Jesse D.
Wallace, Charles M.
Walters, John D.
Walters, John P.
Ward, Jesse E.
Ward, John
Waring, Newman
Wark, George H.
Warkentin, Bernard
Warkentin, Carl B.
Warner, Alva H.
Warner, Charles E.
Warner, William
Washburn, Avery
Waters, Henry J.
Waters, James D.
Watkins, Jabez B.
Watkins, James W.
Watkins, John W.
Watson, William T.
Wayman, William
Webster, Edwin H.
Weide, August
Welch, William M.
Wellhouse, Frederick
Wellman, Augustus O.
Wells, Abijah
Wells, Joseph A.
West, Henry W.
Westcott, S.C.
Whitaker, George W.
Whitcomb, George H.
White, Cyrus E.
White, William H.
Whiting, Richard H.
Whiting, Thomas W.
Whitley, Hiram C.
Whitney, Egbert L.
Wickersham, Enoch C.
Wiley, Paul
Wilkinson, Hugh
Willard, Frederick W.
Willard, Julius T.
Williams, Albert F.
Williams, Earle C.
Williams, Edwin J.
Williams, Ernest D.
Williamson, Alvin L.
Willis, Arthur
Wilson, Andrew S.
Wilson, Arthur C.
Wilson, Clement L.
Wilson, Francis M.
Wilson, Hiero T.
Wilson, Jasper B.
Wilson, Louis W.
Wilson, William P.
Wilt, Reuben L.
Winter, Albert H.
Wolcott, Harlan P.
Wolf, Ortho O.
Wolfe, James L.
Wood, Stephen M.
Worley, J.S.R.
Worley, Oliver H.
Worster, Waldo
Wynans, George W.
Yetter, Judd H.
Yohe, Alfred F.
Young, Carman H.
Zane, Thomas M.
Ziegler, William E.
Zimmerman, Samuel G.
Zoellner, Frank
These old queries may hold a clue for your family history research.
Carl Wisler Mon Sep 30 14:22:12 1996
Looking for evidence that Peter P.
(1805-1887) and Rebecca MORGAN (1810-1887) are the parents of Alvah O. MORGAN
(1829-1903). All buried in Burlingame Cem in Osage Co, KS. Have not yet found
wills, death certificates, nor place of residence in Kansas for Peter P. and
Rebecca. They were in Muskingum Co, OH in 1870.
Brad Goff Sun Dec 1 16:28:33
I am seeking any information on the family of Byron Fisher GOFF and
Francis N. (DAUGHERTY) GOFF. About 1868 the family moved from Ladoga, Montgomery
County, Indiana to Osage County, Kansas. I believe they lived in Valley Brook
TWP, Osage County from 1868 until 1888 when they moved to Meeker, Colorado.
Children were William Harry GOFF, m: Mary Rusk HART, Bertha A. GOFF, m: Joseph
RALSTON, James D. GOFF, m: Sarah PRIMER, Josiah S. GOFF, John B. GOFF, m: Martha
MYRICK, Celia M. GOFF, m: (1) Jack BURNS (2) William RADER, Homer F. GOFF, m:
Katy FLYNN and Andrew M. GOFF, m: Mae LEHMANN.
Brad Goff Sun Dec 1
17:29:00 1996
I am looking for any information on the family of John R. HART
and Mary Ann (FELL) HART. The family moved from Morgan County, Ohio to Osage
County, Kansas sometime between 1870 and 1871. I believe they lived in Junction
Twp, Osage County from 1871 untill the time of John's death in 1911. Children
were, Sarah Ann HART, Ella Jane HART, Mary Rusk HART, Emilie C. HART and Seth
Sherman HART. I know that John died 28 April 1911 at the home of his son, Seth
Sherman, but I don't know where they were living at that time.
Crandall Thu Dec 5 08:19:44 1996
Seeking any information on the person or
family of Thomas STURMAN, who died 21 May 1883 and is buried in the Burlingame
cemetery in Osage County. Any descendants or researchers please contact me.
Geanellen Kuranko Sun Dec 8 12:54:27 1996
Osage County (I think)
Burlingame, Kansas I am looking for an obit or any other death information on:
Mary DURNELL, (Mrs. Joseph DURNELL) Widow of Mr. George W. MCELROY...George died
in 1833. Mary maiden name was GILLSTRAP. Mary and Joseph DURNELL both lived,
died and are buried in Burlingame,Ka. I have no clue for a date, but she was 22
yrs. old when MCELROY died. Mary married DURNEll a few yrs. later. If Mary lived
to be in her 60's, then her death could of been 1890 -190? Thanks, I do value
and appreicate your time, effort & suggestions. Geanellen
Jim Leith Tue
Dec 10 11:43:47 1996
HUTCHINSON--Seeking information & descendents of Charles
& Jessie HUTCHINSON listed in the 1900 census in Osage Co., Ks. with four
children. Please email
Carole Spencer Thu Dec 12
13:08:49 1996
Searching for info on the following individuals in Osage Co. or
Shawnee Co., KS. Eli SNYDER ca 1872 Jimmy HUNT ca 1874 Line HAMLINS ca 1874
Johnnie HUNT ca 1874 Interested in dates and places of birth as well as names of
parents. Any info appreciated.
Ed Blum Sat Dec 28 11:57:42 1996
Seeking info re: Miles William BLAIN, Osage Co., KS. Published newspaper, Kansas
People, 1886-1888, reported to have been Postmaster.
Sharon Crawford Sun Dec
29 20:38:29 1996
THOMPSON - BURNETT Seeking information on SETH THOMPSON Seth
and Mary J. "Burnett" THOMPSON was shown in the 1870 Osage Co. KS census. They
were married June 1869/1870. In 1880 were living in Carroll Co. AR. They had one
son, William Henry THOMPSON, B.March 25, 1871. After Seth and Mary (died?)
William (Bill) moved to TX>OK with his uncle, Cornelius T. BURNETT. Any
information on Seth would be appreciated.
Jeanie MARRS-Vasseur Wed Aug
13 08:51:12 1997
MARRS; need information or"MARRS",in Kansas 1861-
now.researching Robert James MARRS of Wabaunsee Co. & Osage Co.,Ks & John
Washington Marrs in Kiowa Co.,Ks. John Washinton was born in Tenn. and lived for
awhile in Iowa before moving to Ks.death date 1916,Kiowa Co. His wife was
Elizabeth Welch 0f Tenn.I desire correspondence with relatives or researchers on
these brothers. Thank You!
Charlotte Baruch Mon Aug 25 19:59:08 1997
looking for information on the HOGGATT family in Osage County. My father,
Charles Francis Hoggatt, said he was born in 1888 in Ware City or Weir City in
Osage County near Osage City. He also said that the town no longer existed. His
father and grandfather came to Kansas in 1878. His father's name was John Wesley
Hoggatt and his mother's name was, I believe, Idabell Ramsey. If anyone can
provide any information about the place of birth or family I would be most
Stacy DeRoberts Tue Sep 9 14:48:29 1997
I am searching for
my fathers family. Fathers name, Elmer Clarles RICHARDS, his fathers name was
Franklin Andrew RICHARDS born about 1948, his wife's name was Alice (BLAND)
RICHARADS, born about 1876. They had 5 children. Franklins first wife was also
named ALICE RICHARDS. Franklin and both Alice's are buried in the Lyndon
cementary, where I beleive there is a family plot of RICHARDS. Please e-mail me
if you have any information on any of these family members!
Sat Sep 20 23:45:38 1997
I am searching for information on FRANKLIN (or
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN) ALLEN, who was living in OSAGE KANSAS in 1889. He was b. c.
1861 in Lawrence, Ohio. HE was m. to NANCY CATHERINE DAVIS. His son WALTER CLARK
ALLEN was b. 1889 in Osage County, Kansas, d. Dec. 17, 1943. M. MABLE OSTRANDER
and (2) SARAH LORD HEARD. Any information you have on their family history will
be greatly appreciated. WILLIAM HARRROLD
Ohmes Tue Oct 7 21:07:11 1997
I am searching for my ancestors who came to
Osage county probably about 1887 or after. I have recently discovered that they
settled around the Arvonia area. They were: William George JONES Jane GEORGE
JONES Rachel Anna 'Annie' Margaret Jane Willie David Evan Arthur Charley
Priscilla The Jones family came to Kansas from Wales. Rachel and Margaret were
twins b. May 21, 1883 in Breckenshire, South Wales. Family story says that they
came to the states when they were about 4 years old. I don't know where they
entered the US; would like to know. Also, don't know how or when they came to
KS. I have no idea how many children they already had when coming to the US.
Would love to find the family on a census report. Again, not sue how many of the
above children would be on the census with them. Rachel married Jay O. PEET in
Emporia June 5, 1901. This couple is my grgrandparents. Margaret JONES married
an UMDENSTOCK whom I believe may be from Arvonia township, too. Does anyone
recognize this family? Any and all help would be appreciated.
Jo Jones Fri
Oct 10 19:46:38 1997
I'm looking for information on Bertha Plettner who was
in Vassar-Osage co in the 1880's. She married Samuel Asbury Snow.They had the
following children: Pearl May,Max,Ellis Joe and Ellis. I know Pearl was born
abt. 1910. She married Warren Leavitt . It's unknown if they married in Osage
co.I'm told Berthas family was from Germany. Would appreciate any help!!
Bruce Miles Mon Oct 13 19:36:30 1997
EDITH Hogan MILES b. circa 1883 ,
married Frank David Miles abt.1901, was widowed abt. 1921. Had a dau.Boyd Hogan
at time of marriage to Miles that was three years old in 1901.
Jim Leith Sun
Jan 26 11:20:10 1997
HUTCHINSON----Seeking info & decsendents of EURASTIS
HUTCHINSON, b. Apl. 1864 in Ks. Listed in the 1900 Ks. census in Osage Co. with
wife Nannie & a son Please email
Donna Merrill Mon
Feb 3 11:43:35 1997
Date: 3 Feb 1997 Subject: THOMPSON/BRISTO Robert Blashell
THOMPSON b. 31 Jan 1847 in Iowa son of William McMillan and Sarh (Bell)
THOMPSON. Married 12 Mar 1868 in Leavenworth Co., KS to Martha Ora BRISTO. Their
children were: Henry, Charlotte "Lottie" md. ? BLEAKLY, Beacher, and Kate.
Robert Blashell THOMPSON died 1888 and is buried in High Prairie Cemetery in
Leavenworth Co., KS. His wife Ora moved to Topeka, Shawnee Co., KS by the 1900
Census year. Would like to share information on this family.
Miller Tue Feb 11 13:20:07 1997
I am looking for information on Hurley R.
HOGUE of Kansas. He was Bon March 31, 1885 county unknown. He married
Delvora(Della) HOLMES of Labette County, KS between 1900 and1919. They moved to
Portland, OR around 1919. Della HOLMES was the daughter of Charles and Susie
HOLMES of Labette County. Della was born in 1889 . If anyone has any information
on a HOGUE/HOGE/HOGG/HOAG family in Kansas, please notify me.
Rob Meek
Wed Feb 19 09:46:11 1997
Looking for information and decendants of Richard E.
MEEK and Amma HUGHES. They came to Osage Co., KS in 1910 and settled southwest
of Melvern. Children were Arley, Frank, John, Myrtle, Goldie, Harry, Clarence,
Birdie, and Dollie.
Sheila Williamson Sun Feb 23 17:23:15 1997
This is
an amended query since I accidentally signed off before adding all of the
children's names. John William Lylte born 1817 in Pennsylvania. Married Alida
Catherine Schuyler before 1851. Lived in Coles County, Illinois where some of
their children were born. Moved to Osage County, Kansas by 1860. Living in
Saline County, Kansas by 1861. Wife died in 1867 in Saline County after having
10 children - 6 of whom lived to adulthood. John William Lytle moved his family
to Barber County, Kansas where he died in 1893. He was known to have had a
sister Sarah Lytle who married William Englebright (Inglebright) in Ohio. They
lived in Jefferson County, Ohio. Their son Levi was a wealthy ferry boat
operator on the Ohio River. One daughter lived in New York and one in
Washington. Lytle children known to have married into the Dinwiddie, Woodward,
Shepler, Ehrhardt (Ahart), Fuller and Green families. Have been searching for
the parents of John William Lytle. Would truly appreciate any help you might
give. Thanks..........Sheila Williamson in Tacoma, WA
Dick Andis Thu Feb 27
18:40:46 1997
John ANDIS b. 1801 VA came to Johnson Co, IN in 1830s; entered
160 acres land. Sold out 1868 and moved to either Osage or Wabaunsee County,
KANSAS. Land deed transferring land sold to his son, Isaac, in 1869, says,
"..John Andis and his wife Elizabeth Andis of Osage Co, Kansas..." His signature
was certified in Wabaunsee Co, KS on 9 Apr 1869. Dearly need to know where in KS
and when John ANDIS and wife Elizabeth ANDIS died, and where they are buried.
Will reciprocate on lookups in several Indiana counties. Reply direct to Dick
Andis <>
Karen Sun Mar 2 12:16:27 1997
Searching for BEATTY, BURKDOLL, RICHARDS, UBER and many more from Lyndon, Osage
County, Kansas. My first ancestors were early settlers of Lyndon, starting with
RICHARDS who actually hung around with JOHN BROWN. Please email.
Charmasson Sat Feb 15 20:49:14 1997
james morris Wed Jan 29 19:17:13 1997
osage county
kansas names: morris houlihan ryan hulsopple guilday burkhart supple issacs.
S. Fisher Sat Feb 8 12:04:10 1997
Interested in any information on family of
William N. FISHER, born 3/11/1816 to Thomas FISHER and Mary "Polly" KELLS in
Ligonier, PA; died 7/19/1881 and buried in Burlingame, Osage Co., KS. Have much
info to share on William's PA relations.
Sydne McCoskey Mon Feb 10 17:31:46
Looking for help on the descendance of Nicholas BOLYAND and Sarah J.
RANSOM. They lived in Osage County in 1900-Census. Can not find them in the 1910
or 1920 Census.
Sydne McCoskey Mon Feb 10 17:36:34 1997
Looking for some
info on a Samuel A. Ransom that lived in Osage County abt 1900.He was in Kiowa
County Colorado in 1920-Census. Thanks
Sydne McCoskey Mon Feb 10 17:39:51
Looking for help on a Bertha E. Ranson that married a John Steele BLAKE.
They should have been in Osage County in 1920+.
Dan Drummond Sun Mar 16
14:52:47 1997
I am searching for any ancestry information on the name
Schrooten. My great-grandmother was Laura Schrooten. She was the daughter of
Herman and Sarah (?) Schrooten. She was born in Norton County Jan. 8, 1885 and
moved to Jackson County in about 1895. She was the youngest of seven children,
Anna E., Norah, Elma, Pearl, Henry, Floyd. She married Ora Anderson Young on
5/6/04 probably in Jackson Co. In 1907 they moved to Kearny County. It is
believed that some of her family resided in Osage Co. I need information on her
parents, Herman and Sarah, I have nothing on them, no dates or even a maiden
name. HELP!!! Thank you.
Gene McMichael Sun Mar 16 13:38:22 1997
Seeking information on Cross family. Charles W. Cross worked for RR was in
Melvern, Osage, KS c1880 through 1920. He was from Caldwell Co, MO. His wife was
Mary Ann Manley 1838-1899 buried Rosemont cemetery. Son George Cross 1858-1903
married Susan. His daughter Millie/Mollie married Eugene Reed. Daughter Laura
married Frank O'Harra and was living in Coronado, CA in 1920. Two other
daughters Mary b 1861 and Ruth b 1863. Who did they marry?
Warren Kneis Wed
Apr 9 11:28:51 1997
Osage County, KS Peterton, Osage County, Kansas Davis,
Argie C.; Peterton, Parents of Argie Davis
Barbara Cady Sat Apr 12 10:06:09
Information wanted about Eliza Ruth (Gilbert) CADY. She died in
Burlingame, Osage Co, on 14 Aug 1885, as a result of a tornado. Were there any
newspapers in the area at that time that might have carried the obituary. Does
anyone have information on this family? Eliza was married to Alonzo Brockway
Norris Taylor Sat Apr 12 19:59:04 1997
Looking for descendants of:
William LITTLE and Minnie SNIDER, Children were: 1. Lillian b 1892. Nile b 1907
Minnie might be Minerva, Snider sometimes Snyder Norris Taylor,,
Darren M. Rockhold Wed Apr
16 21:38:46 1997
Looking for any information on Kansas ROCKHOLDS and allied
families, especially in Marion, Osage, Chase, Lyon, Dickinson, and Harvey
Counties. Thanks...please e-mail your reponse to
Ringold Mon Apr 21 15:16:31 1997
Gustaf Adoph GUSTAFSON, of Carbondale, KS m
Rachel PERDEW (b 1858), of Carbondale, KS 23 Jan 1876. Rachel's sister, Sarah J
PERDEW was a witness. The Perdew family came from WV, maybe thru Iowa, to KS.
William "Billy" PERDEW was said to have returned to near Charleston, WV. The
parents of Sarah, Rachel and William were John Blackwell PERDEW and Elizabeth
Agnes WATSON. Elizabeth may have remarried to a Mr HARRIS after John Perdew's
death. I have info on Rachel from this time forward.
Valerie Kiser Shore Wed
Apr 23 17:23:41 1997
Looking for information ony my father, who attended
Osage City High School from 1943-1947. He was originally from Denver, CO, I
believe... and after High School, he entered the U.S. Army. His mother's name
was Emma Gustafson, father's name was Valentine. I believe that the Gustafson
family was from the Osage area. My father was born 10-4-29 -- so he would be
nearly 70 years old if he were alive today. THANK YOU!!!
PatsPlc Sun, 27 Apr
1997 22:56:29 -0400
Looking for parents of James Hansen b 26 Sep 1843
(Denmark) and his wife Hannah Margaret Hansen b 3 Nov 1851 (Denmark), m. 1875
Racine WI, six children, son Walter lived in Osage until his death in 1963.
Looking for information on Stephen Evans and his wife Sarah Elliott, both of PA,
raising ten children in and around Osage area. John K. Harmon, b 29 Aug 1861
ILL, wife Amellia Jenkins, b 6 July 1863 Glamorganshire, Cardif, South Wales,
had 12 children. Found him in the 1900 and 1920 Census, know he was an ice
dealer among other things in Osage City, d 12 Mar 1938, Osage City.
Ingalls Burnett Tue Apr 29 08:35:39 1997
Looking for any descendants of Lucas
BURNETT who died in Lyndon, Osage Co., KS. 6 May 1900. He was born 21 June 1921
in Springfield, Hampden Co., MA. He was married 15 March 1857 to Sarah RYDER who
died 14 April 1877 in Black Jack, Douglas Co., KS. They had the following
children: Steven b. 8 July 1860, David Wheeler b. 4 April 1862, George Albert b.
5 Nov 1865, Charles, Arthur E., Hollis Walter b. 10 September 1872, Ernest
Josiah b. 10 March 1874 all born in Black Jack. George, Arthur, Hollis and
Ernest all died in Lyndon, Osage Co.
Lori Croswell Thu May 1 19:01:58 1997
Searching for info about the family of Simeon R. Howe and Lucy Ellen PETER/HOWE.
They were married in Kansas on 4, Jan 1887 (probably Osage County) There son (my
Grandfather) was born in Osage City, Osage County, Kansas 19, Dec. 1899. I'm
also interested in hearing from other Howe Family researchers ! Please E,mail
Nancy Fri May 2 20:51:26 1997
I am searching for
information on David and Sarah CAULKINS and their children Nellie, Marvin,
Sydney, Lizzie. They would have lived in Osage County from 1870 until mid 1880.
David died after being injured in a farming accident, Sarah later married a
Leander SHELLEDY. Thank you.
Larry D. Conkle Tue May 13 06:12:40 1997
Isaac CONKLE and Maryann B. CRIDER were married in Hancock County, Ohio and came
to Melvern, Osage County in the 1880's, as Vivian and Martha Ann were born
there. Maryann B. CRIDER died in Melvern, Osage County on March 20, 1886. Isaac
remarried a Jennie BOOTH in Colorado, he died in Evansville, Indiana, Jennie
remarried a James SPAULDING and they both moved back to Melvern, Osage County.
I'm looking for any information on this Jennie BOOTH and James SPAULDING.
Jennie's last name could be a marrried name.
Marilyn Judd Wed May 21
17:39:14 1997
JUDD / TURLEY / INGRAM / CASH / LAMBERT Migrated from Indiana
to Kansas. Will be most happy to share information.
Marilyn Judd Wed May 21
17:31:09 1997
ALLEN / EVERTON / JUDD Would enjoy sharing information on any
of these families. Am desperately seeking the ALLENs who migrated from Tenn to
Indiana to Kansas in the 1800s to early 1900s. Can you help?
Galluccio Tue May 27 19:21:37 1997
Elizabeth MONKHOUSE married Edward
MACDONALD in October,1869. They are first found in the 1870 Census of Ridgeway
Twp, Osage County. Edward was a coal miner. Elizabeth's daughter, Minnie
Monkhouse/MacDonald died sometime between the cenusus of 1870 and 1874. Family
legend says that she was killed by an Indian and her body was found in a stream.
I can find no record of her death or location of the marriage. Elizabeth's first
husband, John Monkhouse died between 1868 and Oct 1879, but I can find no record
of his death. He was also a miner. Can you help? Thank you. Dot
Wilson Thu Jun 12 11:11:48 1997
Looking for information on Samuel Nelson
GREGG, B Nov 30, 1843 in Cass County Missouri. Married Rebecca Maddana
VANERSLICE, B:mar 15, 1848 in Indiana. They were married in Lyndon Kansas, Osage
County on Jan 15, 1864. Any information on there parent's, brother's and
sister's would be appreciated. Jim Wilson,
Miles Fri Jun 27 13:01:57 1997
Looking for references for Tom MILES in Osage
Co., probably near Quenemo. He lived on the Sac & Fox Reservation, and served in
the 15th (16th?) KS Volunteer Cavalry. The time frame should be about 1844-1884.
Donna Hornback Mon Jun 30 12:06:52 1997
Searching for information
about PHILLIP GERLACH.He was born in Germany about 1846 and married Ella Augusta
SCHMIDT . GERLACH was in Osage City Osage Co. about 1872 and might have had a
bakery. Ella GERLACH died in 1912 and is buried in Osage City. If anyone has any
other info.let me know. I have other info too. Thanks...
Robert R Sneed Sat
Jul 5 09:33:15 1997
Clarence Richard SNEED Everett SNEED
Harold L.
Dutcher Sun Jul 6 22:48:57 1997
Ref; Ks. 1900 and 1910 census. Lvi DUTCHERr
and Family in 1900 Son Guy and wife Bessie in 1910 birth record a dau born 3 Dec
1910 to Guy and Bessie all in Osage Co. Can't locate in 1920 census and they are
not in Osage Co. cemetary records where did this family go. any contact will
Thu,11 Dec 1997 08:30:51
Jonna McDonald
would appreciate any information you might have on Griffith THOMAS 1855-1937. He
was married to Elizabeth ROBERTS and they had 5 children, William, Owen,
Griffith V., Margaret, and Jennie. Thank you for your time.
Date: Sat, 03
Jan 1998 01:53:04 -0600
From: Robert Bell
I am seeking
information with regards to Frank R POPPLETON and his wife, Ann Eliza GRAHAM.
Frank was burried in Osage City on 8 June 1912 and Ann died in Osage City on 11
Oct 1879. As far as I can tell they had 3 children in Osage City. Any help with
information on these individuals or their parents would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact me as follows
Robert Bell
Harmony Cir
Weatherford Tx. 76087
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 22:28:24
From: John A. Nicholas stnick@aol.comI am looking for information regarding
James and Sarah A. IVEY ROBERTS. They are listed in Agency Twp. in 1875. James
b. ca 1839 in Sangamon co. ILL. son of Henry and Barbara BOSLER ROBERTS. I
believe I have some direct descendants and all of James siblings and
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 23:01:35
Richard L. Jones
mailto:Ninerider@worldnet.att.netLooking for info on Bertha Plettner who married
Samuel Asbury Snow prior to 1910. Betha had a sister named Lizzie.
26 Jan 1998 08:18:54
Bonnie Warner mailto:ptc105@placertitle.comLooking for
information on John WARNER and wife Elizabeth BURDY. They settled in Johnson
County KS sometime before 1863. Shortly after the birth of son Albert S. WARNER
in 1863 they moved to Osage Co., where I suspect they remained until death.
Other children include John and William. Albert WARNER married Annie Bell RONEY
April 7, 1886. Any information appreciated.
Bonnie Warner
Thu, 29 Jan
1998 20:07:28
Ann Schwab
COOK. Searching for COOK
family members descended from Julius W. (Wilcher?) COOK, who moved to Kansas
about 1884 and worked in the coal mines of Osage County. Julius W. COOK married
in Kansas & had at least 6 children. Julius W. Cook died in KS after 1929. NC
COOK relatives hope to find COOK descendants and share NC COOK history which
dates from the 1700s!
Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:23:19
Marty MartyBa@aol.comLived
in or near Burlingame in the mid to late 1800's. given name is Hiram A., md
Louise Ferguson also from Burlingame.
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 00:47:07
Frank Carole4790@aol.comLooking for information on the fam. of Henry DENNIS b.
June 1844 in OH, married Maggie BRAY in 1867 in IL. The family is listed in
OSAGE CO. on the 1880 census. Their children include 3 born in KS -- Ona b.
1878, Charles b. 1874, and Aldyth b. 1877. Other children, born in IL & OH,
include Ethel E., Edwin Clay, Walter, and Inez Mae. A brother, Cassius DENNIS,
was living in Shawnee Co. about that time. Any info. would be appreciated.
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 13:36:42
Mary Green jmdngreen@nctc.netI am looking for
information on my Great-Grandmother's family. Her name: Olive Augusta ALLEN. She
was born in Osage City, KS Aug. 29, 1884. Would like any information on her
parents or siblings if possible. Thank-you
Thu, 5 Mar 1998 17:56:32
Dell Pendergrast DPENDERG@aol.comI am looking for information about my maternal
grandfather's family. His father SIMON FRAZIER is listed in 1900 census as
resident of Osage County with his wife, Susan, and four children: Julius (my
grandfather), Lester, Ruth, and Hazel. Simon was born in Indiana in April 1857,
but I do not know when he moved to Kansas and when he died.
Fri, 27 Mar
1998 21:27:41
James A. Verett jverett@redshift.comWould like to share
information with anyone interested in the FENOGLIO, VERETTO, GADDO, REANO,
PERONA, BUFFO, BERTA and other northern Italians from the Turino province of the
Piedmonte region. Many came to the Will and Grundy Co IL coalfields in the late
1870s and early 1880s. When the mines closed, many came to work in the
coalfields of Osage Co KS and lived there in the 1890s and early 1900s. Many
then moved to the mines of Pittsburg and Coal Co OK. My ancestors then moved to
Montague Co TX and became farmers. These families intermarried and traveled
together from place to place. I have a database on each surname and am trying to
link the name together by kinship.
Jay Verett
6 Wyndemere Vale
Monterey, CA 93940-5811
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 21:11:16
Dennis LaPine
lapine@myhome.netWilliam M. Humphreys married Jennette Jones, Osage City, Kansas
1875. I have a copy of their marriage certificate. They both were born in Wales.
I am looking for any information, as this is all I know about them. Do you have
or can you tell me where I can find out more. Thank you for your time.
Wed, 01 Apr 1998 22:11:40
Carol McCoy CJMcCoy@prodigy.netMy grgrandfather
Arthur HARRISON (b.1853) emigrated from Yorkshire, UK with his oldest son Ezra
about 1885. My grgrandmother, Jane Ann (b.1853, nee ARMITAGE) HARRISON and three
children, Albert, Emma and Lillie joined them within the next year. Five
children were born in the states: Mary, my grandfather Fred, Arthur Jr., Lucy,
and Robert. Many years ago, my great aunt Mary told me she was born in 1886 in
Scranton, KS, evidently where the family first settled. They later moved to
Richmond, MO and St. Joseph, MO. My grgrandfather was a coal miner, and until I
read other queries for Osage county, I did not realize there were coal fields in
this area. I would appreciate any information anyone can provide about my
HARRISON lineage and/or Scranton, KS. Carol Harrison McCoy -
Thu, 09 Apr 1998 06:55:35
Karen Adams angel@adcomsys.netEDMONSTON, Osage
County, Eve/Eva b. 3-1879 married to Andrew Adams b. May 1875, lived in Nelvera
TWP on a farm. Need info on Eve's father also, J. V. Edmonston or her mother,
which I have no name for. Thanks so much, Karen Adams, Seattle Wa
Sun, 12 Apr 1998 18:25:16
Joyce Peterson
bruiser@sonetcom.comInterested in the surname of HOBBS, ROSE, CLARK, and SIPES.
From the 1800's to now. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Sun, 12 Apr 1998 21:24:32
Family kbjkm.mitchum@ellinwood.comWe are specifically interested in contacting
any descendants of the French families who settled in Osage County and Osage
City. A large percentage of these families immigrated from the departments of
Gard and Ardeche in southern France. Some came directly to Kansas, while another
large group first settled in Nova Scotia (especially around Stellarton). We have
a very basic web page started at
Although it is simple now, we hope to load our database of over 1500 of these
French, their parents and their descendants, as time permits. These families
intermarried alot, in addition to coming from many of the same areas.
initial names we are interested in are COLLIN, DARBOUSSET, ROUVIERE, PLANCHETT,
and TROUSSIER, but any descendants of the Osage County French are sought. We are
willing to share what we have.
Kathy Mitchum
Author: Lorene Fort
Subject: CLINE
Date: 04/23/1998
Mailing address (optional): Query: CLINE family. Lewis
H. CLINE (b. Apr. 1860 in IN) married Mary Etna WALTRIP 12 Aug. 1897 in Melvern,
Osage Co, KS. Lewis had been married before and had two children: Mabel E. and
Lewis Earl CLINE. Does anyone know anything about this family. We will trade
Author: Lorene Fort
Subject: RE: CLINE
Date: 10/06/1998
Mailing address (optional):
31439 Santa Fe
Paola, Kansas 66071 Query: Searching for James T. CLINE (possibly a
Baptist minister) between 1870-1900 in Osage County, Kansas. James T. CLINE is
the father of Lewis H. CLINE/CLYNE. Can anyone help us?
Author: Jama
Date: 05/01/1998
Mailing address (optional):Query: I am
searching for any information concerning the family of William and Jane/Jean
TEMPLETON. They came to Osage Co, Ks about 1881 and left about 1891. They had 5
children born in Kansas: Peter, James, David, Mary, and Jeanette. I understand
they may be related to BURT or WALLACE families. They were all orginally from
Scotland. Would appreciate ANY information about this family.
Larry D. Conkle
Subject: Mary Ann B. Crider
Date: 05/13/1998
Mailing address (optional): Query: Looking for Death
Record for Mary Ann B. Crider married to Isaac Conkle b: March 6 1846, d: March
20, 1886 in Melvern, Osage County, KS. Any info on this person, my g
Grand-mother, would be appreciated.
Author: Connie Gibbar
Washington of Burlingame,Osage County,Kansas
Date: 05/13/1998
Mailing address (optional):476 PCR 716 Perryville,Mo. 63775
Query: Am looking for information on my great great grandparents James &
Harriett Washington. James was born April 01,1850 in Cheshire, England, and came
to Burlingame, Osage County, Kansas in 1885. They had 12 children, Sarah,
Thomas, William (my great grandfather), Emily, Mary, Anna, Martha, Nellie George
(run over by a train in Osage County April 29,1910), Ada, and twins Artie and
Arthur. Several are buried in Burlingame, Kansas. If you have any info are
documents on any of these,please contact me.
Author: Janet Baskerville
Date: 05/18/1998
Mailing address (optional): Query: COUGHLIN family
came to Kansas from Maryland about 1870. Lived in Peterton. John Coughlin County
Commissioner. My great grandmother Kate Coughlin married Michael O'HARA about
1880, in Catholic Church Osage City. Her sister Mary Ellen married THOMPSON.
Sister Annie married GRAHAM. Great great grandmother BARBARA GODDING born in
Wales came to Osage Co. about 1878/79.
Author: Jennifer Ohmes
Subject: JONES, William George
Date: 05/20/1998
Mailing address (optional):2409 Howell Dodge City, KS 67801 Query:William George
JONES b. 18 June 1853(4) at Penrhol, Cwmdu, Crickhowell, Breconshire, South
Wales d. 12-26-1934 in Kansas married 18 July 1880 Jane GEORGE b. 27 Nov 1856 at
Craftyronnen, Llananno, Radnorshire, Wales d. 10-5-1937 in Kansas. To this union
were born:
1. William John, b. 13 July 1881at Cwmdu, Breconshire, South Wales
d.12-23-1959 m. Myrtle MOORE b. 7-26-1885 d. 10-26-1966
2. Margaret Jane, b.
21 May 1883 at Cwmdu, Breconshire, South Wales d. 1-17-1974, Wichita, KS m. John
Albert UMDENSTOCK b. 1870 d. 1925
3. Rachel Anna, b. 21 May 1883 at Cwmdu,
Breconshire, South Wales d. 3-7-1918, Reading, KS married June 5, 1901 in
Emporia, Lyon County, Kansas Jay O. PEET b. 3-14-1877 d. 2-24-1945
4. David
G., b. 5 Dec 1884 in Kansas d. 12-25-1963 m. Nellie M. SANDERSON b. 2-16-1886 d.
5. Evan B., b.16 Dec 1885 in Kansas d. 8-1-1968 m. Ida Mae LARSON
b. 4-8-1889 d. 10-14-1956
6. Priscilla "Carrie", b. 5 Jan 1887 in Kansas d.
1-1972 m. Harry LAWRENCE b. ? d. ?
7. Arthur A., b. 3 April 1888 in Kansas
d. 9-30-1975 m. Bertha A. ROSENE b. 2-23-1890 d. 9-16-1984
8. Charles G., b.
13 April 1890 in Kansas d. 3-3-1976 m. Minnie B. ROSENE b. 9-7-1892 d. 10-8-1970
I believe this family probably left Wales sometime in early 1884; with Jane
possibly being pregnant at the time as David was born in Dec of 1884 in Kansas.
I have no idea as to what port the family left from nor which they came to upon
arrival in the US. The family settled in Arvonia, Osage County, Kansas and later
moved to Lebo, Coffee County, Kansas about 1909.
Author: Linda Eastwood
Subject: Sipult
Date: 05/22/1998
address (optional): P O Box 3143, Wickenburg AZ 85358Query: Looking for info on
Sipult or McMahan families in Osage Co. . Any info appreciated
Linda Eastwood
Subject: McMahan
Date: 05/22/1998
Mailing address (optional): P O Box 3143 Wickeburg, AZ
85358Query: Am looking for information on the Sipult or McMahan families of
Osage co. Any info appreciated.
Author: Bridget O'Bryan
Date: 05/23/1998
address (optional): Query: Looking for relatives of Wm. Sidney O'BRYAN and
Angeline "Annie" ROWE married 6 Nov 1880 in Scranton, Osage Co. Annie was born
in Cornwall, England 16 Jun 1858 and came to KS with parents via NJ and PA. Dau.
of James ROWE and Hanna MAGER. Wm. was born Washington Co., KY 8 Sep 1850, son
of Edward P. O'BRYAN and Harriet LANHAM.
Author: Cindy Beaudean
Subject: Asa Abney
Date: 06/02/1998
Mailing address (optional): 2625 Montebello Drive West, Colorado Springs, Co
80918 Query: My Great Grandmother was Mattie Bell Abney Halpin...She was the
daughter of Asa Abney of Osage...her mother was Nancy... she has
sisters...Cynthia who married Charlie Dorr, and Sarah or Sally who married a
McConnell... her brothers were Ralph and Edgar. Any information on Asa, Cynthia,
Sarah and the rest would be greatly appreciated. Thank you...
Cindy Beaudean
Subject: William Halpin
Date: 06/02/1998
Mailing address (optional): 2625 Montebello Drive West,
Colorado Springs, Co 80918Query: My Grandfather Arthur Abney Halpin was born in
Osage in 1900, his father was Marion Frances, his father was William Dennis
Halpin...I would like to learn more about their time in Osage...My GGGrandmother
was Matilda Jane Sanders Halpin who served as a midwife after William's
death...she moved to Montana in 1913. Any information would be greatly
appreciated...Thank you...Cindy Beaudean
Author: Connie Gibbar
Subject: Meggison
Date: 06/07/1998
address (optional): 476 PCR 716, Perryville, Missouri 63775Query: Am searching
for information and relatives of my gg grandfather William Valentine Meggison of
Burlingame,Osage County.
Author: Sharon King
Subject: WATSON
Mailing address (optional):Query: My
great grandfather, Robert Marion Watson and his wife, Charlotte White Watson,
were said, in his obituatry (1922, Alva OK), to have moved to Osage County
Kansas in 1865. They were from Kokomo Indiana. Robert was born in Darke County
Ohio in 1839. He joined the 12th Indiana Infantry, Co. B. in 1861, was mustered
out in June 1862, and married Charlotte in 1863. They apparently lived in Osage
County from 1865 until 1895. Charlotte died in 1893. Their children were Charles
J., Ollie M., Mariam, and Robert Lee Watson. Robert moved to Holly Colorado with
the children in 1885 and then in 1893 settled the Oklahoma Cherokee outlet,
establishing a farm in M or Woods county, near Alva. The only thing is, the
obitutary says that Osage County was :in tthe immediate neigborhood of the
Indian Territory border", which it does not seem to be. I cannot find reference
to the family in the Osage material on the web.
Author: James M. Orr
Subject: WELLES
Date: 06/23/1998
address (optional):Query: I am looking for information about William Dudley
Welles who married Mary Keplinger in Michigan Valley, Osage County, on Oct 11,
1882. They had a daughter, Lucy born in Quenemo on Oct 27, 1884.
Connie Gibbar
Subject: Hotchkiss
Date: 06/24/1998
Mailing address (optional): 476 PCR 716 Perryville,Mo. 63775
Query: Am looking for relatives and info on Nellie (Washington) Hotchkiss born:
June 6,1889 in Burlingame,Osage County,Kansas.She died: Nov.23,1977. She married
Edward Hotchkiss Dec.6,1905 in Burlingame. They had 8
children:Neal,Harriet(Ellis),Christine (Arnold),Olive
(Anstaett),James,Virgene(Gaines),Maxine (Adams),Anita(Steel) & Ester (Denny).
After Edward Hotchkiss died, Nellie married Leroy Griffin,he died and she
married Grandville Griffin.
Author: Carolyn Rogers
Subject: Pierpoint
Date: 06/30/1998
Mailing address (optional):
33528 Holloway Rd Flushing Ohio 43977-9620Query: Looking for information on
Coulson and Pierpoint families that lived in Barclay late 1800's early 1900's.
Eli Pierpoint married Abigail Coulson they lived in Morgan Co Ohio in 1871. I
have alot of information on various Coulsons and Pierpoints that I will share.
Author: Carolyn Rogers
Subject: Coulson
Date: 06/30/1998
Mailing address (optional): 33528 Holloway Rd Flushing, Ohio
43977-9620Query: Need information on Abigail (Coulson) and Eli Pierpoint. Lived
in Morgan Co Ohio in 1871 and moved to Barclay Osage Co Ks Have lots of
information on various Coulson and will be glad to help anyone looking for
Coulsons and related families.
Author: Pamela GATES HARTMAN
Date: 07/02/1998
Mailing address (optional):Query: Would appreciate any info on any GOUGH,
STEWART or SMART families. Will reciprocate. Thanks-Pamela in WI
Joann Shelman
Subject: Gahm
Date: 07/05/1998
Mailing address (optional): P.O. Box 623, Venus, Texas 76084Query: Looking for
anyone related to or knowing about any Gahm's. I know there are three Gahm's
buried in Overbrooke cemetery. Please help me with obitituries or history of
them. Also know two of the brothers owned and operated a bakery in Overbrooke.
Would also like info on this. I am looking for anyone related to the family of
ADAM GAHM. He was a father of nine children and was a traveling preacherman and
it has really been hard tracing him and his family. The youngest child is or was
my grandmother. Thanks for any and all help.
Author: Wendi
Subject: PARRISH/WAGNER 1890s-1929
Date: 07/06/1998
Mailing address (optional):Query: I am searching for info
regarding John "Jack" Parrish 1845 and his wife Rose Wagner Volle b. 1867
(dau. of John and Susannah Wagner). They were married presumably in Osage Co.
John and Rose had several children one of which was James H. born 1903. John
died in Burlingame in 1929. Any info. anyone could offer would be much
appreciated. Thank you. John died in Burlingame
Author: Bonnie
Subject: GLASS
Date: 07/08/1998
Mailing address (optional): Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-0730Query: I
am looking for information about my great grandfather George Glass. He may have
been born in 1854 in Osage County and was definitely married in 1876 in Osage
County to Ella Stoolfire. They had two surviving children, David and Florence. I
am particularly interested in parentage/and immigration history. In exchange for
any info you can provide, I'd be happy to provide pedigree information for side
of the family descended from his son David. Thanks in advance.
Robert I. Doom
Subject: Doom
Date: 07/09/1998
Mailing address (optional): 265 Wren Drive Florissant, MO 63031Query: Interested
in any information on the H. I. Doom Family that came to Osage (and maybe later
other Kansas counties) County from Livingston County, KY after the Civil War. I
have an almost "sickening" amount of information on the various branches of the
Doom family throughout the world that I can share with one of H. I. Doom's
descendants, if interested.
Author: H. M. Manley
Subject: MCGIE
Date: 07/10/1998
Email: HMM789@AOL.COM
Mailing address (optional):Query:
Seeking any information on MCGIE. WILLIAM WALLACE MCGIE b: 6/13/1876
Trempealeau, WI. Died 1/6/1946 Leavenworth, Ks. Married ANNA MARIE CHRISTESEN
3/25/1901 in LYNDON, OSAGE COL, KS. May have moved to Neosho County. Any
information on the MCGIE family in Osage will be appreciated
Lilla A. Giblin
Subject: McMillan
Date: 07/28/1998
Mailing address (optional):Query : am looking for a sister
to my son's ancester. Sarah E. McMillan born in Osage County, KS in 1879.
Single. Died in Fall River, MA 1951. Daughter of Dennis McMillan and Isabella
Nichola McDonald, both probably born in Scotland.
Author: Cyndi Pratt
Subject: MILLER
Date: 08/04/1998
address (optional): 1503 S.R. 57 S. Washington, IN 47501Query: Grandmother Agnes
Isabel MILLER was born in Osage Co. in 1894. Her parents were Henry H MILLER and
Cecelia N. SLATER. Would like any info concerning these names. Thanks
Author: Dennis La Pine
Date: 08/06/1998
Mailing address (optional):Query: Looking for ANY
information on a MARY E. HUMPHREYS, b. 1876 OSAGE CITY, KS. Her parents were
WILLIAM and JENNETTE HUMPHREYS, who was both from WALES. She had two brothers,
Richard b. 1879, JOSEPH b. 1881, one sister, EVA J. b. 1884. Lived for a time,
legal description Lot 5, Block 64, OSAGE CITY, I believe today this is known as
LORD Street! Have not been able to find the mother JENNETTE at this point after
a great deal of research? House and property was sold in 1889 to a JOHN R.
JONES, then house and property deeded to a ROBERT W. JONES, November 1, 1892.
Mary's mother Jennette shows in the 1880 census, that she had lost a leg? It's
apparent that they moved, but where? Could not have been far as payments on the
house and land was coming in. If ANYONE is interestred I have a timeline done
from 1875 to 1892. I would be more than happy to send a copy via e-mail! ANY
information in these regards would be appreciated. Thank you.
Michelle Moore & Marla Kealy
Subject: Bayless,Larry "Gregg"
Mailing address (optional): P.O.Box
1123, Wichita,Ks. 67201 (316)263-5791 or (316) 263-1955Query: We are looking for
any info about Larry Gregg Bayless DOB 8-11-67 Married to Lois, Both from Osage
Co. Lois from Pomona- Gregg from Carbondale & Queneno. Please Help us, we just
want to find our brother.
Author: Wanda Dyer
Subject: Barnes
Mailing address (optional): 22789
Washington Ave. Orchard, Co 80649Query: My grandmother Rosetta Barnes listed her
birth address on my fathers birth certific as RFD Osage County Kansas. She had
brothers Arthur, Ardold, Edward maybe more. She was the only girl. She made the
land run in Oklahoma when the strip was opened. I have very little to go on.
Please help.
Subject: STICE
Mailing address (optional): Query:
Looking for information about Phillip STICE b Sep 1846 in KY listed in the 1880
census of Osage County KS. Wife is believed to have been Margaret ____ with
children to include Daisy, Pembrook, Edna James, Orva, and Jesse. Any
information on this family would be appreciated.
Author: Adrienne
Subject: Johnson/Troudner
Date: 08/11/1998
Mailing address (optional): Adrienne Gallagher, 62
Schiller Ave., Narberth PA 19072Query: ISO information about the following. Im
willing to exchange! Emma Johnson--b. Wilmington Ohio, 1/4/1852, d. unknown. She
married George A. Troudner (b. Cincinnati Ohio, 4/15/1847) 12/24/1874 in Topeka
Kansas. Last known address (1900) was Troudner Heights, Rural Route No. 1,
Carbondale Kansas. George enlisted 1862 in Battery C 1st WV Artillery, USA,
served 3 years in 18 engagements. He was a farmer and stockman, and was one of
the founders of Alliance Co-operative Insurance Company, and its president in
1899. She was Vice-president of Kansas Farmers Alliance 1896-9, and
vice-president of Kansas Equal Suffrage Association in 1899. They had one son,
Clarence Lloyd, b. Topeka Kansas, 9/25/1875.
Author: Gayle Moulden
Subject: Ward
Date: 08/20/1998
Mailing address (optional): Query: I am looking for information on the WARD
family who lived in Osage City, Osage County, Kansas in the mid-late 1800's.
MARY EDITH WARD (1863?-1908?)(married to Bonapart Slack and then to William
Simmons;) and her brothers FRANK WARD (Osage City Marshall, married to Alice and
their children Nellie and Harry), JOHN WARD, HARRY WARD (married to Augusta),
ABE WARD (married to Leola), WILL WARD (daughter Iola Lehman, gchildren Mina,
Raymond). I believe her mothers name was Mary Anna Ward. Her second oldest child
was William Henry Hollenbeck (10/24/1889 - 12/14/1962) born in Topeka.
Author: Cathi Stephens
Subject: Thornbrugh
Date: 08/22/1998
Mailing address (optional): Query: Researching 3
THORNBRUGH brother's who settled in Agency Twp., Quenemo, Osage Co., KS by 1880.
Alfred L. b. abt. 1835 Greene Co., MO - Lemuel Newton b. abt. 1838 Ark. -
Francis "Frank" Marion b. 1855 Knox Co., IL. Their 4th brother, Joseph Jasper b.
14 June 1852 IA remained behind in Bates Co., MO when the other 3 moved to Osage
Co., KS. All four were the son's of William THORNBRUGH (1815 IN - 1867 Bates Co,
MO) and Sarah EVANS (1818 NC - 1873 Bates Co, MO). Alfred L., m. Missouri SWINK
24 June 1866 Franklin Co., KS, d. 16 March 1884 Quenemo, dau.Isabelle, Dora
Alice, and Sarah Etta. Lemuel Newton m. Mary Jane COLLETT 29 Dec 1859 Franklin
Co., KS, d. ? - last known on 1885 census Quenemo, may have m. #2 Julia
HARTZ/HASTINGS 1886 Franklin Co., KS - wife Mary Jane COLLETT THORNBRUGH d. 17
Nov 1882 Quenemo leaving 7 children. Francis "Frank" Marion m. Olive STINNETT 4
Dec 1874 Bates Co., MO - d. aft. June 1898 in ? Barton Co., MO, wife Olive b. 7
April 1858 - d. 7 Jan 1928 Quenemo. Joseph Jasper m. 31 unknown, m. #2 Catherine
E. MARLIN abt. 1878 Bates Co., MO - d. 5 Jan 1915 OK. Seeking descendants,
information... ? what happened to my gg grandfather - Lemuel Newton Thornbrugh?
Author: Cathi Stephens
Subject: RE: Collett
Date: 08/22/1998
Mailing address (optional): Query: COLLETT
Seeking information and/or descendants of Henry
COLLETT and (?) Perlexy/Phoebe GERARD married 3 Sept 1840 Platte Co., MO -
children; Thomas b. abt. 1840 MO, Mary Jane b. 13 Sept 1842 MO, m. Lemuel Newton
THORNBRUGH in Franklin Co., KS, d. 17 Nov 1882 Quenemo, Osage Co., KS, buried
Oak Hill Cemetery, mother of 7 children, Isom b. abt. 1845 MO, Enoch b. 1847 MO
- d. 1936 Osage Co., KS, buried Oak Hill Cemetery - did he m. Gertrude _____ b.
1847, d. 1929 Osage Co., marker near Enoch in Oak Hill Cemetery, and Nancy b.
abt. 1848 MO. This family may have some connection with John CURTIS of Franklin
Co., KS.. 1855 census Dist. 1, pg. 41 the COLLETT children appear to be living
in his home, an attorney... later a Judge in Franklin Co., KS? Did
Perlexy/Phoebe (Gerard) COLLETT m. John CURTIS? There is a grave marker in Oak
Hill Cemetery, Quenemo, for a Phoebe CURTIS/COLLETT, b. 9 July 1821, d. 1 Oct.
Author: Audrey Smith-Grey
Subject: MARTIN
Date: 09/01/1998
Mailing address (optional): 18700 South Oakwood
Avenue, Country Club Hills, Illinois 60478Query: I am looking for any
information or suggestions on how to locate a niece of my great-grandmother who
lived in Osage City, Kansas in October 1948. The only information I have is her
name Mrs. Katie Martin. Any information or suggestions on where to look for
information would be greatly appreciated.
Author: H.M.Wassom
Date: 09/01/1998
Mailing address
(optional): 1405 Pfister Drive Coffeyville, Ks 67337Query: Looking for
descendants of, or information on Henry W fauchier b Nov 1835 Parke Co, IN d Jun
9, 1918; m Oct 1858 Sarah Whiteker; m Aug 1864 Nancy cobb b Jan 1837 IN; known
children Mary B b ca 1861 IN; John H b ca 1867 IN; Emma (Fitch) b ca 1869 IN;
Cora b ca 1871 KS;Jenny L (Powell) b ca 1873 KS; Ellen b ca 1875 KS; Alvin A b
Jun 1877 m Nellie M b May 1881 email Mailing address 1405
Pfister Drive Coffeyville Ks 67337
Author: HMWassom
Subject: RE:
Date: 09/01/1998
Mailing address
(optional): Query: Query for HENRY W FAUCHIER is for Osage Co, Ks
HM Wassom
Subject: Fauchier
Date: 09/01/1998
Mailing address (optional): 1405 Pfister Drive, Coffeyville Ks 67337Query: Osage
Co Ks----Looking for descendants of , or information on William Henry Fauchier b
Jul 1856 Tipton co, IN d Jul 1906 m 1889 Quenemo, Ks Ada E Markille b 1870 d
1952; known child Ervin C b Jun 1895 d Sep 1928 m Ethel all buried Vassar Cem
Author: Michael Jordan
Subject: JORDAN
Date: 09/26/1998
Mailing address (optional): P.O. 1068, Litchfield
Park, AZ 85340Query: I am looling for information on the following: HISTORY OF
(Dealer in Pianos, Organs and Musical
Instruments, Hamilton).
To the citizens of Caldwell county and the country
which surrounds it, there is perhaps no name more generally or favorably known
than that of William C. Jordan, whose business, since his establishment here in
January, 1880, has achieved such proportions as leaves no doubt in the minds of
those most skeptical as to the reliability of this house. A personal
acquaintance with nearly every citizen of the different townships in this county
has tended to make him exceedingly popular, and especially successful in the
handling of his organs and pianos. His leading brands of the former are the
William C. Jordan anti Sterling organs; while the Sterling and Paris pianos meet
with ready sale. Another recognized cause of his large patronage is his
extensive advertising, a feature which can not fail of producing the desired
results. He is the pioneer in his line in this county, and he has numerous
representatives' in Daviess, Livingston, Clinton, and other counties. William C.
Jordan was born April 17, 1856, in Columbia county, O., his father being William
J. Jordan, of the same State, and a prominent and leading attorney in the
vicinity where he made his home. He married Miss Emily Crane, also a native of
Ohio, and to them a family of eight children was born, of whom William C. was
the eldest. His early scholastic advantages as he grew up tended to increase the
natural desire which he possessed to follow the legal profession, and after
fitting himself for its practice, under the careful and watchful guidance of his
father, he was admitted to the bar in April, 1879. Subsequently he practiced
with his father a short time but soon went to Osage county, Kan., from whence he
traveled over all sections of the State. This he continued until his removal to
Hamilton, as above mentioned. August 31, 1880, Miss Hattie R. Pickell became the
wife of Mr. Jordan. She was born in Lancster county, Pa., the daughter of George
Pickell. Mr. and Mrs. J. have two children: Maud and William J. He is a member
of the A.F. and A. M., being a Royal Arch Mason.
Author: lena bass
Subject: Bass, Fisher
Date: 10/06/1998
Mailing address (optional): Query: I am searching in Osage County, William and
Lula Fisher, John and Jose Bass. Melvina and Edward Fisher these would all be in
the 1800-1969. Thank you
Author: lena
Subject: RE: Bass, Fisher
Date: 10/19/1998
Mailing address (optional):
Query: I want to add Jennie and Wm. Curry from Osage city and also It is to be
Josie and John Bass. Also, Jennie and James Bass
Author: Jean Williams
Subject: Johnson
Date: 10/07/1998
address (optional): Query:I am looking for information about Erick August
Johnson, who settled in Osage City . He came from Sweden in 1881 at the age of
19 and worked in the coal mines and for the railroad. He was married to Louise
Nystrom (who also came from Sweden) and had 5 sons. Erick died in Osage in 1941.
Author: Connie Gibbar
Subject: Indentures
Date: 10/11/1998
Mailing address (optional):Query: I have 4 land
indentures, but they are not of my ancestors, the are from Kansas,-- Flora and
Ransom Burkett, made June 20, 1898.
Sarah Burkett (widow) of Osage Co.Nov.
22, 1887.
Cornelius Hotchkiss of Osage Co. March 25, 1887.
Hotchkiss of Osage Co. April 4, 1887.
Author: Jean WIlliams
Date: 10/14/1998
Mailing address
(optional): Query: I am looking for information about my Uncle Arthur Johnson.
He was born in Osage 1894, married Blanch ?, had 2 children-Robert & Betty.
Arthur died 1963.
Author: Jean WIlliams
Subject: RE: Johnson
Mailing address
(optional):Query:Arhtur Johnson was the son of Erick August Johnson & Louise
Nystrom Johnson, they came from Sweden. Erick worked in the coal mines, Arthur
was an elictrical engineer for the state.
Author: Caren TeGantvoort
Subject: Ure
Date: 10/21/1998
Mailing address
(optional): Query: Trying to gain info on my Great-grand- parents John Ure who's
Mother was a Forbes. John was born in 1874 and was a Farmer in overbrook He
married Jane Chalmers born in 1885 and they had two children Agnes and
Elizabeth.... If anyone know info on them please let me know.:)
Sue Rogers
Subject: ROGERS, Darius
Date: 10/21/1998
Mailing address (optional):Query: I am on the Ancestry's
Mail list and found this entry on a free list. Darius ROGERS m. Rose CARPENTER
17 Oct. 1860, Osage City, Osage, KS Source: Republican, Lawrence, Oct. 25,
Kansas HIstorical Quaterly, Vol.21, Summer 1955.
Rosey 14 Oct. 1860, Osage Rese, Allen, RS EArliest marrieage records 1856-1866
Allen Co. Courthouse LDS film #0851221; commpiled by Cofachique DAR chapter. LDS
film #851221
Hope all of this is of use to someone. Sue Rogers
Author: Kathy Baldwin
Subject: Kiens
Date: 10/26/1998
Mailing address (optional):P.O. Box 793, Mt. Angel,
Or. 97362Query:Searching for info on George Kiens & Elizabeth Fraeker lived &
raised family in Osage Co. First child born 1883 last child in 1900. I am new at
this, please help
Author: Cindy Freeman
Subject: MAULSBY
Mailing address (optional): 5392
Knightwood Drive, Klamath Falls, OR 97603Query: I am seeking information on the
descendants of Luny Craft MAULSBY residing in Osage county, KS. Luny was the son
of John MAULSBY and Mary Ann CRAFT. He was born in Indiana, was a Union soldier
from Iowa during the Civil War, lived in Kansas, possibly Osage Co., after the
war. He married twice first to Martha Jane CALE who died in OK; second to Helen
Author: Glennis Webb Horn
Date: 11/04/1998
Mailing address (optional):
Query: Seeking to share information on any Wentworths in Osage Co. John White
married Susan Wentworth. Also would share White information
Jeanie Vasseur
Subject: Marrs
Date: 11/09/1998
address (optional):Query: MARRS,Robert(Bob)b.1828 Illinois, moved to Osage Co
about 1880s. Was married to Mary Collins(her children by first marr.were Ira &
Iva Mecham)Robert & Mery's daughter was May Belle Marrs, b.1879/0.(they
divorced)Robert married Nancy Mounda 1885 of Osage City. Anyone having
information please contact me.I would like to know when and where Robert Marrs
Author: Mary Stanton
Subject: Paulsen (Paulson)
Mailing address (optional): Box
278, Logan, KS 67646Query: Seeking information on John and Frederick
Paulsen(Paulson) who were naturalized in Osage County in 1882 and 1886. John
emigrated to USA in 1876 at age of 17.
Author: Nancy Silvey
Date: 11/22/1998
address (optional):
Query: Looking for information on Hugh Gracey, m. Susan
Hook, Aug. 18, 1865. Osage Co. marriages shows John Downey m. Susan Ann Hook on
that date. Some information we found is that Hugh went to Kansas at the end of
the Civil War and took the name of John Downey for a time, then went back to
Author: Dave Anderson
Subject: Anderson
Date: 12/18/1998
Mailing address (optional): 2131 San Vito Cr.,
Monterey, Ca Query: Would like to know more about my ancestor, Andrew Jonathan
Anderson, a Swedish immigrant to Osage City Kansas in the late 19th century
Author: Cort Sims
Subject: Sims
Date: 12/26/1998
Mailing address (optional): 1960 Breezy Way Post Falls,
Idaho 83854 Query: I am looking for information about my father, James Sims who
was born in Osage on January 10, 1900. He died in Blackfoot, Idaho in 1957.
Author: Robin saling
Subject: Reiser
Date: 12/27/1998
Mailing address (optional):
Query: Looking for info
On Frank C Reiser B:06-04-1883 d:Nov 11 1952 Place of Birth Osage co death same.
This is My Grand Father
Author: Shanna Heaton
Date: 01/01/1999
Mailing address (optional):
Query:I am researching Olive Barbara CAIN who was born in Osage 1906. She was
married to Chester Jay WHITCOMB. Her father was Francis Oliver CAIN on whom I
have no info. Her mother was Alice Diffenderfer whose parents were Daniel and
Barbara?. For Chester Jay Whitcomb, born in Shawnee Co. in 1895 to Edward
WHITCOMB and Nancy BOLING any further and I am lost. Any info would be greatly
Author: Wm Frank Skidmore
01/06/1999Query: The OSAGE County History mentions John Skidmore as settling on
Dragoon Creek at the time the County was formed. A Charles Skidmore is mentioned
in the Osage County portion of William G. Cutlers's "History of the State of
Kansas" as being robbed of personal property in 1857. Were these two Skidmore
men related, if so how? Is there a possibility that the two names may be the
same person? We are particularly concerned with Charles for this is the first
indication to us that such a person was there.
Author: Nancy Silvey
Subject: JOHNSON
Date: 01/07/1999
Mailing address (optional): Query: Looking for information on George Washington
Johnson, m. Mary Agnes Gracey, parents of Alonzo Henry, b. Nov. 11, 1897 in
Author: Guyetta Cluck
Subject: RICH and O'NEAL
Mailing address (optional): 201
Woodridge Dr., Newalla, OK 74857 Query: Looking for relatives of Frank Rich &
Olive O'Neal, m. 29 Feb. 1884 in Lyndon, Osage Co., KS., who later moved to
Carbondale, KS and had 9 children, Issac, Ella Mae, Frank Arlie, Biram Archie,
Nancy, Rosa Ruth & Charles Lee. My grandmother was Ella Mae & she m. Daniel
James McKee in Carbondale & they had Bertha & George before moving to Hinton,
Caddo Co., OK abt. 1910. Rosa Ruth died in a housefire in 1930 and I am also
looking for her husband by the name of Wilbur G. Garrett. He probably is not
living as he would be close to 100. I do know Issac is buried in Carbondale and
at least two other infants, but I would like to find descendants of Frank Arlie
Rich who was born 22 Dec. 1889 and possibly died in Colorado in 1966. Will be
happy to exchange information.
Author: Lois Lester
Subject: SARCHET
Date: 01/21/1999
Mailing address
(optional): 520 North Highland, Chanute, Kansas 66720-1336 Query: Looking for
anyone connected with the Theophilus T. and Hannah J. WEIRS SARCHET family.
Theophilus came from Guernsey Co., Ohio. Thier oldest daughter Nancy Catherine
SARCHET was already in Osage Co. with her husband Daniel HARE. They lived on the
Osage Co. line and were buried in Coffey Co., KS. Children were: Nancy C.,
Francis M., William F., Sarah M., Matilda J., Benjamin T., John T., Mary Etta,
Peter H., Elizabeth A., and Sherman G.. Mary and Matilda married LESTER boys.
Would like to correspond with anyone on these names.
Author: Juanita
Date: 01/27/1999
Mailing address (optional): 855 Greenway Ct., Derby KS
67037-2816Query: Need information on Hiram L. HAMPTON and wife, Jennie, who
moved to KS in c.1882. Lived near Olathe, in Rantoul, Norwood and Homewood, died
1922 in Osage City KS. Need childrens' names and marriages......any other data
on this family. They originally lived W. VA and OH.
Am trying to find what
happened to the wife of Hiram's deceased brother, Levi HAMPTON, who died in
Jefferson Co. IA in 1882. Her name was Clara STIDGER HAMPTON. She probably
remarried after husband Levi died as she was only in her 20's......can't find
who she married or when. Also looking for any, in particular,
Harmon STIDGER, was last found in Van Buren Co. IA (1900 IA census). No record
of him after that date in Iowa.
Any help on either HAMPTON or STIDGER
certainly appreciated. Glad to exchange info with anyone interested.
Author: Everett Thorpe, Jr.
Subject: THORPE - Osage County
Mailing address (optional): 10304
Villa Milagro, El Paso, TX 79924 Query: Seeking any information of THORPEs in
Osage County, specifically Everett Thorpe (Sr), my father. He was born around
1887, and eventually migrated to New York. Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Author: Marvin O. Webb
Subject: Burkett,
George Washington
Date: 02/02/1999
address (optional): Query: Searching for relatives/info for George Washington
Burkett who supposedly died in Burlingame, Osage County, April 21, 1917. Will
appreciate name of cemetery, relatives names, etc. Wife was Lucinda Minerva.
Author: Ronald L. Wigington
Subject: Wiggington
Date: 02/03/1999
Mailing address (optional): 2470 Wimbledon
Road, Columbus, Ohio 43220-4212, Phone 614-451-8992 Query: I am looking for
information on George Wiggington who came to Osage County, Lyndon area, in 1884
(according to Green's writings about the history of the area). He is buried,
1998. He was a Civil War veteran who moved to Lyndon, probably from Virginia, to
live with his daughter, according to mortuary records in Lyndon. I am not aware
of any decendents of his still in Lyndon. It appeared that nether his daughter
nor her husband were buried in their plot in Lyndon Cemetery. I am particularly
interested in tracing his ancestry to find out if it links up with mine from
Bedford or Patrick Counties in Virginia.
Author: Marvin O. Webb
Subject: BURKETT, Jeremiah M.
Date: 02/07/1999
Mailing address (optional):Query: Searching for descendants of Jeremiah M.
Burkett who married Hattie J. Kinner Sept 27, 1883 in Osage County. Jeremiah
moved to Osage County about 1877 from TN.
Author: Phyllis Crowder
Date: 02/08/1999
Mailing address (optional): Phyllis Crowder, 39565 Mayville Ave., Plymouth, MI
48170Query: Thomas P. and Julia F. Phelps Crowder. Came to Osage Co.,KS in 1880
from Macoupin Co., ILL. Eight of their nine children and their families came
with them to KS.
Author: Phyllis Crowder
Subject: HOGAN
Mailing address (optional): Phyllis
Crowder 39565 Mayville Ave., Plymouth, MI 48170 Query: Thomas V. and Nancy J.
Crowder Hogan came to Osaage City, KS in 1880 with her family from Macoupin Co.,
ILL. Their children born in ILL.: Charles, Albert, Thomas B., Milton. Thomas V.
Hogan died in Osage City, KS 15 Feb. 1921.
Author: Phyllis Crowder
Subject: MOUNDAY
Date: 02/08/1999
address (optional):
Phyllis Crowder, 39565 Mayville Ave., Plymouth, MI
48170Query: Hugh E. and Amanda M. Crowder Mounday: Came to Osage,KS in 1880 soon
after their marriage in Macoupin Co., ILL.Their seven chilren were born in KS.
Jessie, Howard, Bessie, Vernie, Hugh, Julia, Fannie Madge.
Author: John
Arthur Failor
Subject: Failor, Bone, Patterson, Menley
Date: 02/10/1999
Mailing address (optional): Query: Looking for any
information on John Joesph James Bone moved to Osage Co. in 1899 as a boy with
his family. I also have a great amount of information on the Failor, Meneley
families in Osage Co. if any one is interested
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