Pawnee County



Hallie Garner ( 2 November 2008
It has been posted on the internet that John Clinton AUSTIN died in 1938 and is buried in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. I am trying to confirm that and find out exactly which cemetery is his burial place. Can anyone tell me and if there is a better date? Thank you.

Amber Castillo ( 11 August 2008
My Great Grandfather, Henry SANFORD had a farm outside Larned, Kansas. He had a brother, Benjamin who had survived the Andersonville Prison during the Civil War and came out to live with Henry after the war. According to my Grandfather, John W. SANFORD, Benjamin was gored by a bull and died. I wonder if you have any records of this account. It would have taken place about 1886 or so. Thank you.

Joy Kyriakopoulos ( 17 June 2008
Looking for relatives of Esau Smith.


Patsy Stevens ( 8 October 2007
BORN: October 20, 1889,

Ardyce Boyd ( 3 October 2007
My great grandparents, James Franklin (1851-1936) & Margaret "Maggie" Maude (1861-1919) [TEMPLETON] MARYMEE lived in Pawnee Co, KS. Both are buried in the Larned Cemetery as is their son Bert Conrad MARYMEE. I believe their children were all born in Rush Co. and then moved to Larned before 1900. I know that 3 of their daughters graduated from Larned High School. They are Eliza "Ella" Ellen, Bertha Mae & Effie Florence MARYMEE. They had another son, Adam (TEMPLETON) MARYMEE. Not sure if the sons graduated. If there any way I can get information from the High School? Any help will be appreciated.

Geraldine Cunningham ( 28 August 2007
Edwin E. JACOBS lived in Larned, Pawnee County 1920 census thru 1930 census. He was a building supervisor building bridges in that county. He was born Sept. 1859 in Ohio. I do not have a death date. Any information is appreciated.

Nelson Teichmann ( 27 June 2007
I am wondering if you have church records, specifically for the Baptist Church abt 1878 for Anna M. SUMMERS at Larned, Pawnee Co., Kansas. She may have been living with the ABELL family from 1878 to 1880. I am wondering if there is a notice or record of her being received on Dec. 29th 1878 and later of her dismissal a year or two later.

Mary Kay Moody ( 4 June 2007
I would like to get a copy of my mother's delayed birth certificate that she received sometime in the 1960's. Her name was Irene Rose EVANS. She was born in Rosel, Kansas, January 27, 1903. Father's name David I. EVANS, Mother's name Cora Jane (DEYOE) EVANS. I would really appreciate it if you could tell me how to do this.

Bob Randolph ( 22 May 2007
I am seeking information about the parents of Arthur Harrison WILSON and Eleanor UNRUH. Both were born about 1890 and were married around 1913. Arthur may have been a sheriff in Pawnee.

Cilla Temple ( 17 May 2007
Interested in finding the location of my father's birthplace. He was born in 1917 while his father, RM FISHER, was away fighting in WWI

(Note: I have a copy of a newspaper article saying RM FISHER was the most decorated solder from the state of Kansas). His birthplace is listed as St. John, Kansas, but I understand that he was actually born at the family's ranch/"home place" located south of Pawnee Rock near what is now Highway 59. Whether the land actually belonged to his grandfather

(Wm. PENNY) with whom he and his mother were living or to an aunt and uncle "Bob & Betty ?" is unclear. Family moved back to Kentucky following WWI. I understand the house was still standing as of approx. 10-15 years ago.

Gary Foster ( 5 April 2007
Cornelius H. KNIGHT b: 20 April 1829 d: 28 July 1889 in Larned. Wife Sarah Jane Norris b. 2 Jun 1833. Children; Thomas, Mary Alice, William Elmer, Nancy. Need to confirm his parents names & any other info on family.

Holly Ness ( 28 February 2007
Looking for information on William H. STAMBAUGH, buried in Browns Grove Cemetery. I have no further info on him.

Richard Colbert ( 27 February 2007
Requesting information and the residence and death of a Mason COLBERT age approx 72 whose wife Josephine claimed died in Pawnee in March 1877.
Mason COLBERT was master carpenter and farmer and may have been working at the new Fort Larned when he died. The 1875 Kansas Census shows the family living in Ft Scott, Bourbon County, Kansas. The family is looking for Mason burial site.

Paul Kintz ( 12 February 2007
I am looking for death information on Charles Sylvester PRINGEY. He was born in Muscatine County, Iowa and I have a good bit on his life until about 1910. I found a Charles PRINGEY in the WW1. He listed George Dipman from Larned as his employer. In addition, there is a listing for a Charles PRINGEY in the 1920 census. The birthdates do not match; but this may be the person I am looking for. Can you help me or tell me who to contact next?

Earl Baugher ( 4 February 2007
I am working on the BAUGHER genealogy and need information regarding Dillwyn BAUGHER. His wife's name was (is) Lucille. To my knowledge, they lived in Larned for a number of years and he died in September 1981. An obituary (s) would be great, anything you can find about these two people would be appreciated.


Bob Thomas ( 11 October 2006
Pierce HERRICK (1804-1887) is said to have died in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas 26 Apr 1872. I would like to know if and where he is buried in Larned. His sister, Edith (HERRICK) ROWLEY (1813-1904), is also said to have died in Kansas. Any information on either of these two folks would be greatly appreciated. They were from Caton, Steuben Co., NY. Thanks.

Russell Hill ( 12 August 2006
I am looking for the date and place of burial of an Andrew Delbert HILL. Born 1887 Mercer County, Missouri and lived in Larned, Kansas until death.

Gloria Orr ( 30 July 2006
Looking for information on my Great-Grandfather James K. MARTIN. He died in Pawnee County, Garfield (I think) on April 4, 1887. He had two children, Thomas H. MARTIN and Carrie Dell MARTIN. He was married at the time of his death to Amanda Catherine (LONG) (PYLES) MARTIN. Amanda later married Enos TALBERT.

Richard Colbert ( 29 July 2006
Looking for death or residence records for a Mason COLBERT family. Mason's wife Josephine indicated in pension records that Mason died 1876 in Pawnee County. Family resided Sedgwick, Greenwood, and Elk counties between 1870 and 1900.

Bennie Moss ( 9 July 2006
I just learned that a Great-Uncle of mine Joseph Bennet MOSS, was in Larned, Kansas in 1909. He had a brother killed here in WV. and there was an article about it the in your newspaper. I have been looking for him in Kansas for a long time. I would appreciate any and all info you could give me on him while he was there.

Karen Glass ( 11 June 2006
The headstone inscription for my Great-Great-Grandmother Elizabeth PORTEOUS says she died in 1886. There is no other dates. I would like to know more about her death. I have contacted the KSHS and the Kansas Vital Records - no information. Death records for the state don't go back that far. I have searched newspapers for Larned and Garfield - nothing found. The Congregational church she belonged to no longer exists in Garfield, Pawnee County, Kansas. I have been searching for someone who knows where the church records were deposited OR if they still exist. I have contacted churches in Larned and Kinsley along with the main Congregational Church Archives in Boston, MA. I also contacted the archives at the Santa Fe Trail Museum where they have a depository of local history. So far, nothing is being found.

Would anyone on this list be able to help? Are there any undertaker records available from that time?

Edward Moore ( 18 May 2006
My wife's Great-Grandfather, Michael CLINE, lived in Larned -- and we believe he died there, too, in the range of 1910 - 20, and we're trying to pin down IF he died there, and if so when. He was born 1854 in Virginia, married Amanda ANDES of Virginia, and moved west in the late 1880's. Can you help us? Would very much appreciate it!

Jack Walter ( 26 March 2006
Seeking descendents of George STURGIS and his daughter, Grace, who married A. C. HAMILTON of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, late 1800's. George was from LaGrange County, Indiana- his wife, Mary J., was daughter of my Great-Great-Grandfather, Gary P. NEWNAM of LaGrange Co., Indiana.

Karen Glass ( 24 March 2006
My Great-Great Uncle John Rouse VAMPLEW lived in a sod house in Keysville Township around 1878-1882. It had two rooms, bedroom/living room and kitchen. The four-poster bed held up the roof in the center of the combo room. I have searched the web and contacted KSHS, the only Pawnee County soddie image I received was built later than 1882.
I would be interested if someone had an image of a Pawnee County "soddie" amongst their family photos they would be willing to share.

Bess Wilson ( 6 March 2006
I am researching Daniel OSBOURN and Sarah Goff OSBOURN. Daniel (s/o John & Eliza OSBOURN) b. 8 Apr 1829, Knox County, Ohio; d. 16 Oct 1880. Sarah Jane GOFF (d/o Thomas GOFF & Elizabeth SMITH) b. 10 May 1831, Lewis County, Virginia, d. 30 Sept 1891. They married 11 Nov 1854, Ritchie County, West Virginia. They had one son, Eli F., b. 15 Apr 1862, d. 30 Apr 1882. Any information on their place of death, burial, etc. would be appreciated.

Ed Masters ( 5 March 2006
Looking for information about Lewis E COLLINS and family. Lived in Grants Township, Pawnee, Kansas and Marena Twp, Hodgeman, Kansas between 1900 - 1930.

Sheryl Hardcastle ( 28 February 2006
I am trying to find out if Daniel OSBOURN & his son, Eli F. OSBOURN, died in Pawnee County. Daniel died 16 Oct 1880 & Eli died 30 Apr 1882. Also need to see if anyone has record of Daniel's widow, Sarah Jane (GOFF) OSBOURN, marriage to a James Porter MAXFIELD. It occurred 6 October 1881. I am trying to help a cousin on the OSBOURN situation. Am going bonkers on the MAXFIELD situation as my gg-grandma, Melissa (SWANDER) GOFF, married a James Porter MAXFIELD in Kingman Co. Is it the same fella? That's the question of the day.

Holly Ness ( 11 January 2006
Looking for William H. STAMBAUGH, b: abt 1849 and his wife Celia (Cecelia), b: abt 1845. 1880 census shows them in Brown Grove, Pawnee County, Kansas. According to the census he was a stone mason. Any information would be appreciated. Would love to know if they were buried there too.


Tom Stinson ( 23 December 2005
My father, James Orin STINSON worked at the mental hospital in Larned from about 1929 to 1933. He lived at the hospital with his wife Uneita R. (not my mother) who was also an attendant there. They apparently divorced and I'm interested in obtaining divorce records from the early to mid 30s. I'd also be interested in any old photos that may exist of hospital staff from that period.

John D ( 7 August 2005
I am looking for information about the REYHERs who are listed in the 1910 census. Roy Charles REYHER is my Grandfather. He has also been listed as Charles LeRoy REYHER in some locations.

Richard Watts ( 28 June 2005
I am trying to find the names of the parents of Milton Lawrence WATTS (my Grandfather), born in Burdette, Kansas in 1900. Any additional information or leads would be appreciated. I believe his father was Franklin WATTS. I don't know when they arrived in Burdette or from where they came.

Leon Smith ( 17 June 2005
Looking for information concerning Mary Abigail (WRIGHT/BRIGHT) SMITH. She was the wife of Samuel David SMITH and mother of Benjamin J. SMITH (my father). She was also the mother of Rosa B., Rena Jane, Harry B., and Walter Ahab WRIGHT. Several of these siblings resided in Pawnee County at times. I would appreciate any information concerning any or all of these individuals.

Cindy Theimer ( 12 June 2005
Looking for information on Delbert WATSON. His parents were Alexander and Harriett B. (BLACK) WATSON. Harriett would have been my Great-Grandfather's older sister. The families were known to have lived in Rush, Grove, Graham and Barton Counties in Kansas.

G. Roger Bond ( 20 May 2005
Looking for information on Charles M. BOND. Last known 1920 census, Ash Valley Township, Pawnee County, Kansas.

Cindy Theimer ( 24 April 2005
Looking for information on a Delbert WATSON. He would have been born in Kansas (1887). Parents were Alexander and Harriett B. (BLACK) WATSON. He married Georgia LEWIS in around 1931 in Burlington, Colorado. Harriett was my Great-Grandfather's older sister. He may have lived in the Larned area. Date of death, I have at this time was November 1982.


Barbara Saladen ( 30 September 2004
I am trying to find an obituary for Clifford Venton HERSH and where he is buried. He was born 6 March 1895, died sometime between 1954 and 1978. Lived in Topeka area. First wife's name believed to be Florence. Second wife's name was Myrtle. He had two daughters, Charlotte and Barbara.

Arlene Hollenbeck ( 17 September 2004
George HOLLENBECK, 39, farmer, b: NY, as were parents. Is listed on the 1880 Pawnee County census in Pleasant Valley, married with two children. Does anyone have any information on him other than what is on the census?

Mike Wennin ( 23 August 2004
Looking for any descendants of Warren S. GREGORY living in Larned in 1885.

Denise McEnerney ( 30 July 2004
Ruth Ann SMITH was born in Larned on 22 October 1886, according to family lore. I was wondering if there was a way to get any records pertaining to her? It doesn't look like the family stuck around for long. I haven't found anyone else living in Kansas so far.

Donald Larson ( 19 July 2004
I am looking for a marriage record for Charles A. PERRY born in New York and Addie G. SHARP. They had a daughter named Florence, (1910 census, Larned)

Patrick Cummins ( 24 May 2004
JOHNSON family, 1879. Can anyone help me with a lookup for an adoption? Our family records say that in May 1879, Robert and Esther (SCOTT) CUMMINS adopted Emma JOHNSON (b: 4 March 1879). Emma's father was Adolph JOHNSON, and I assume her parents died.

Joyce Moore Young ( 22 April 2004
My Great-Grandmother was Susanna (KISER) GLEASON, wife of John GLEASON who came to Point View, Kansas in the late 1870s from Pennsylvania. I would be interested in corresponding with anyone researching the KISER/KIZER line as I have been told that some of her siblings may have come to Kansas with them.

Alice Munger ( 18 April 2004
Seeking any information on the family of WRICHT. Descendants, etc.

Chris Thiessen ( 16 March 2004
Seeking any information on Lemuel M. SHEPHERD who died in Table Rock, Pawnee County in 1916. He was born in Kentucky on 16 August 1835. I believe his body was taken to Gower, Clinton County, Missouri for burial. I believe he lived in Table Rock for several years. His youngest son was born in Lewiston in 1884. Is there a local newspaper that might have printed an obituary? Any information is greatly appreciated.

Marie Cook ( 25 February 2004
According to the pension papers of Henry Orren GOODALE, he and Elizabeth (KING) GOODALE were divorced in Pawnee County, Kansas on 4 May 1888. I am hoping to get a copy of the decree and more information.

Karen Glass ( 4 February 2004
I am searching for information on Jane "Jennie" PORTEOUS, b: Lincolnshire, England, d: before 1925. Her father, William Dennis; and mother, Elizabeth, brother, William Marshall, all immigrated to America from England in 1875. The settled in Garfield, Pawnee County, Kansas. I have a Land Patent which shows Jane as owner of land 1878 which was speculative for lumber.
Would anyone know who would have an archive of obituaries, or would someone be able to look for Jane's obituary? Also, Elizabeth PORTEOUS died in Garfield, I would like to have a copy of her obituary also, I do have obituaries of William Dennis and William Marshall.

Pat Morgan ( 27 January 2004
My Grandfather, John F. GARTON and his wife, Mary PRUETT lived in Larned. I believe they had land in Rozel, Kansas. I am not sure about John W. GARTON. I believe this is my Great-Grandfather, but I am not sure. I found John W. GARTEN in the 1880 census with son John F., but I had information the last name was spelled GARTON. My mother's maiden name was Mary Izora GARTON and was born in Rozel on May 23, 1917. It is my understanding that my Grandfather (perhaps his father) had homesteaded land in Rozel.

Ann Lee ( 21 January 2004
KISKADEN, T. J., and wife, Gertie are listed in the 1880 census. Wondering if this is the same Thomas Jefferson KISKADEN, b: Pendleton County, Kentucky to Thomas N. and Nancy (COLLIER) KISKADEN?

Carole Ring ( 19 January 2004
Another name in my family that might be in the Larned area is SANDERS. I have found a SANDERS who was a barber. The photo card my Grandfather sent from Great Bend dated 1911 had another man with my Grandfather. Might be another barber or a relative, although the card doesn't say.

DeAnna Wright ( 16 January 2004
Looking for information on the Wm. August ANDREE / Elizabeth Eva BAHM family. Parents of Clara Eva (ANDREE) STAUFFER 1903-2004 who married Charles David STAUFFER from Larned in 1922.

Laura Youtsey-Ball ( 4 January 2004
These families were once residents of the Pawnee Rock community and are buried in the Pawnee Rock Cemetery. Would like contact with anyone related to these families or have pictures or newspaper clipping/articles or even information that they would like to share.


Sheila Adams ( 26 December 2003
I have been told that these two relatives, Carrie Gertrude (BURNS) POOL and William Curtis POOL are buried in the Larned Cemetery. Can you give me plots or tell me where I can get that information?

Joyce Moore Young ( 9 December 2003
I am looking for my Grandparents, John GLEASON and Susan (KIZER) GLEASON who came with their family to Point View, Kansas between 1870-1880. Would love to share any information with other GLEASON descendants.

Elaine Kaufman ( 5 December 2003
I am trying to learn anything about the military service of George W. LUDINGTON, who is listed as a Civil War veteran on page 151 of "History of Browns Grove & Burdett, Kansas, 1876-1976". I would like to order his military records from NARA and need something more than his name. I have searched the internet, but have not been successful in finding that information yet.

Gretchen Johnson ( 16 November 2003
Could someone help me to find a couple of obituaries? I am looking for the obituary for William Walter COOK, born 180, died in Larned, 14 April 1932. His wife, Martha (RALSTON) COOK, born in 1850 and died 7 December 1933 in Larned. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Michaeleen ( 3 November 2003
I am looking for information on Everett ROWLEY, father was Joseph ROWLEY and mother, Anna or Maria ROWLEY. Shown in 1880 census as 13 years old and living in Browns Grove, Pawnee County, Kansas. Any help appreciated.

Robert Kamlager ( 7 August 2003
I am searching for information on the William & Jane KAMLAGE family. I've found William, Jane, Mary, William, Flora & Grace in the 1900 Census in Pleasant Valley and only William & Jane in the 1910 census in Pleasant Valley.

Karen Glass ( 3 August 2003
I am looking for information about John PORTEOUS' death in Garfield, July 1925. He was visiting a nephew who could have been a PORTEOUS or a VAN PLEW/VAMPLEW. I have been told he had a brother who lived in Kansas, but have no record of his name. I know there was a William M. PORTEOUS living there in 1884, but don't know anymore. A VAMPLEW lived there around that time also, but I have not been able to get any information (on-line) of him either. If there is anyone who could give me some information, that would be great. Also, I would like a little history of the area and Garfield.

Robert Miles ( 31 July 2003
I believe my Great-Grandfather, Robert Elden MILES, was born in Larned, Kansas on (or about) March 13, 1886. His parents were Robert Henry and Alice Ann MILES. I believe Alice Ann's maiden name was NEWANMAN. However, I am not absolutely sure on the spelling of her maiden name. I am searching for a birth record for Robert Elden MILES and any other pertinent information. They all died in Indiana.

Pat Cummins ( 16 July 2003
Can anyone help me with a lookup for an adoption? Our family records say that in May 1879, Robert and Esther (SCOTT) CUMMINS adopted Emma JOHNSON (b: 4 March 1879). Emma's father was Adolph JOHNSON, and I assume her parents died.

William Rose ( 9 June 2003
Searching for Lawrence REYNOLDS. It was written he was in Saw Mill, Pawnee County, Kansas in 1884, but believed to be dead. I couldn't locate any reference to a town named Saw Mill, does it perhaps go by another name? Also, Lawrence was a surgeon in the 63rd NY of the Irish Brigade during the Civil War, he also had a practice in Oswego, New York both before and after the war, he was quite old by 1884, so I don't know what reason he left Oswego for Saw Mill, maybe other relatives lived there.

Rae Woodruff ( 7 June 2003
My THOMAS Family bible states that Charles Admetris THOMAS died in Larned, Kansas on January 24, 1927. Charles married 3 times. More than anyone in our family line at the time. If you can, please confirm his grave location. Many thanks!

Katy Huxford ( 22 May 2003
I am looking for any information about Joel STEVENS. He's on the 1880 census of Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. Actually, his last name was spelled STEPHENS, but there is a STEVENS on the census. Everything but the spelling matched. He was a self-employed potter that was born in Pennsylvania. If you have any additional information, it will be much appreciated. This was my Great-Great-Grandfather. I am trying to determine if this was just a misspelling on the census. I have his wife's name also and where she was born. I am trying to figure out their migration to Neodesha, Kansas.

ZAHN 18 May 2003
I am looking for the family of Joseph ZAHN. I found information linking him to the Brown's Grove, Pawnee County, Kansas area. I believe that my Great-Great-Grandmother, Isabelle ZAHN, may have been one of his daughters. He had two daughters, Minnie and Mary. Would also like to find out his wife's name. Also, looking for any PEAT/PEATS that would have been in that area. Isabelle ZAHN married John PEAT in Edwards County, Kansas.

Karen Lynam ( 5 May 2003
I would like any background information on the surname LYNAM.

Faye Davis ( 1 May 2003
Looking for information concerning Harbard Franklin MAGEE and wife Lucy's (DAVIDSON) children. I am looking for information concerning James C. and wife, Jessie and 2 known sons, Fred and Ralph (from the 1930 census, Topeka). Also, Claude C. MAGEE and wife (?), Leitha HANSHER, we believe they were the parents of Robert Leroy 1918 Topeka (from 2001 obituary). And son, Charles W. MAGEE and wife (?) Leona HASHER, they had 2 known children, Milford 1918 Topeka and Thelma. Any leads would be great!

Kathy Sumner ( 17 April 2003
I am looking for any information on my Great-Great-Grandparents, A. C. WARE, b: Bonner Springs, Kansas, November 10, maybe around 1860's or 1870's, (do not know what A. C. Stands for). Married to Ann WARE, b: in Arkansas, do not know her maiden name. They had a daughter named Marie WARE, b: Cook County, Texas 1899 or 1900. She married Edward TERHUNE from Indiana. Any information on this line would be greatly appreciated.

Bill Penna ( 15 April 2003
Bertha LUNSFORD married a man names "TOWNE" on 13 December 1886 in Larned, Kansas. What is the first name of the "TOWNE" man in this marriage?

Bonnie Matejka ( 1 April 2003
I am looking for people or descendants of people who lived in Garfield, Kansas around 1920-1940. My mother lived in Garfield - Larned area when she was little. She has passed away, while going through her things we found several picture albums of her classmates from high school. I would like to try and locate these people or the families and return them. I do not know the people in these pictures, they were people my mother went to school with. Some have names and some are just pictures. 1937 Garfield football players and basketball players. My mother's maiden name was Mary Josephine BOWMAN.

Ed Mather ( 1 March 2003
Interested in historic information on both surnames, MATHER and DEATON.

Donna Young ( 20 February 2003
I am looking for information on the YOUNG family. There was at least 3 boys; Glenn, Archie and Arlie. Not sure about girls. Glenn was born around 1896 in Larned.

KILGORE 17 February 2003
I am looking for information about the family of William KILGORE. His family had a farm in Garfield Township, Pawnee County for many years. Later it was sold and they moved to Coffeyville. I want to find out who bought the property and what year that took place.

Paul Tumlin ( 16 February 2003
Looking for descendants of Hiram TUMLIN, listed in the 1910 Pawnee County census.

MILLER 24 January 2003
Searching for George Lockwood MILLER, my Great Uncle and his sister, Susan M. MILLER, my Grandmother.


John Haight ( 29 December 2002
I am looking for any information on a Leta HAIGHT (later married a BRAY). I think she was born in Larned, Kansas on December 29, 1889. Married Ernest BRAY. Looking for information on her and her parents, A. M. HAIGHT and Blanche NOE.

Janice Wagner ( 14 December 2002
I am trying to find an obituary or any other information for Mary Elizabeth "Polly" CROCKETT who lived in Burdett and is buried there in Brown's Grove Cemetery. I believe she died in the late 1940's or early 50's.

Barbara Ann Ziegenmeyer ( 19 November 2002
Looking for members of the SMITH, SHUCK and DAVEE families of Rozell, Pawnee County, Kansas.

Lars Lind ( 5 November 2002
Johan Sido NILSSON, born in Sweden in 1875, left Sweden in 1903, destination, Larned, Kansas. He never returned to Sweden. Is it possible to get any information about him? Or any ideas of where can we try to get information? Churches?

Joyce Moore Young ( 15 October 2002
Especially John GLEASON and family, including at least one daughter, Cora Bell, and one son named Sanford (Sandford).

Ruedell Wilkes ( 12 October 2002
I am looking for Leroy BISHOP family. According to the 1880 census, he was living in this county. His wife's name was Selina BISHOP. Children are: Lawrence, Florence, Blanche, Fielden B. and Grace BISHOP.

Barbara Ann Ziegenmeyer ( 9 October 2002
Looking for members of the SMITH, SHUCK and DAVEE families of Rozell, Pawnee County, Kansas.

Carol Williams-Sneed ( 17 August 2002
Searching for information of the descendants of James WILLIAMS (August 1809-February 7, 1881) m: Sarah ROUGH (August 2, 1832-October 15, 1883), buried in Womer Cemetery, Pawnee Township, Smith County, Kansas.

Jane Bottoms ( 15 August 2002
I need to know death dates for the following: Hartwell Sherman ROGERS, Anna (BOYLES) ROGERS and Ruth ROGERS, all of whom lived in Larned for at least the first 50 years of the 20th century. Hartwell and Anna ROGERS were my paternal Grandparents and Ruth ROGERS was my Aunt. She died between 1981 and 1983 in the month of November. My Grandfather was a lawyer and my Aunt was a high school English teacher who returned to Larned after she retired. Many thanks for any information.

Walt Ebie ( 31 July 2002
Looking for information re:Robert W. GRIFFIN, Jr., 1842-1929, lived in Larned from 1879 to 1929, husband of Sarah Ann (BAKER) GRIFFIN, both believed to be buried in the Larned Cemetery. Any leads will be much appreciated.

Joyce Saunders ( 13 July 2002
I am looking for my Grandfather, William (S.) SAUNDERS. My Grandfather had a homestead in the Guthrie area. My father was born in 1900, according to a Family Bible record, in Cimarron Township, Guthrie, Oklahoma. I would like to have any information on Nathaniel J. HUGHES who also had land in the same area. My interest is if either were on the census rolls of Pawnee County.

Glenna Coffey ( 3 June 2002
I am searching for any link to Wm. M. STAUFFER, whom I believe died in Kansas, 1885-1895.

Jan Rich ( 21 May 2002
Seeking information on Muron TOMBAUGH and his wife, Adelle (CHRITTON) and children, CLyde, Esther, Roy and Charles.

Janeice Crosson ( 2 May 2002
I am looking for information about William CROSSON who came to Pawnee County about 1875, homesteaded just north of Burdette, buried his first and second wives there in the Burdette Cemetery. He died in Linn County, Kansas in 1898, but is supposedly buried in the Burdette Cemetery. Any information would be appreciated.

SLOAN...CRISSMAN 28 April 2002
Looking for information on Gilbert SLOAN and wife, Carrie Elizabeth CRISSMAN. Gilbert was the son of Thomas SLOAN and Elizabeth Ann WILSON. Any information would be appreciated.

Mona Ballard ( 28 April 2002
My Grandparents, Cash Joseph GOULD and Florence MILLER (LANE) were married February 9, 1904 by Probate Judge, J. J. Stockman in Larned, Kansas. I would like to confirm this and if possible, even get a copy of the record. I will be in Kansas from May 11-14. Can anyone tell me where to go to look for these kinds of records?

Barbara Ziegenmeyer ( 17 April 2002
Seeking information on the DAVEE / SMITH family that lived in Rozel, Kansas from about 1900 to 1930.

Rita Gervais ( 21 February 2002
I am looking for any descendants of John & Louisa SHAY (also spelled SHEA). They moved near Larned sometime before 1880 with their 9 children and then had 3 more children. Most moved back to Iowa with the parents by 1900, but some stayed near Larned, including Dennis who married 1 March 1896 to Mary SCHRIEBER; William and James who married 4 October 1911 to Minerva May BARNETT in Great Bend.

Teresa Snyder ( 13 February 2002
I was born in Larned, Pawnee County, just wanted to compare pictures and information on the listed surnames.

Phil Floyd ( 5 February 2002
Am interested in learning any historical information on the family of John Wesley FLOYD, who was the barn boss at the Ft. Larned ranch in 1914-1915. His daughters, Nellie and Lizzie attended L'Dora School during those years.

Donnie Smith ( 25 January 2002
Would someone look up a obituary for me of a John FREEMAN, he was married to Alice SMITH. He died on October 1, 1942 in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. His wife, maybe you can find her in a Cemetery book.

Mike Hayes ( 9 January 2002
I am trying to locate the old Brown's Grove cemetery in Pawnee County. I know there is a Brown's Grove cemetery in the town of Burdett, but the cemetery I am looking for is an older cemetery supposedly North and West of the town of Burdett by the same name. I have an ancestor buried there, last name WING. Any help you could provide that would help locate this cemetery would be appreciated.


Donald Detwiler ( 21 December 2001
George W. Daniels married Sarah "Sadie" Frances Detwiler in Garfield, Ks., 31 October 1886. They lived in Garfield until 1909. They had two children, Harold and Pearl. Seeking information about their date of birth.

Loanne Livesay Rebuck ( 14 December 2001
Looking for information re: Horace BROWN, age 60, born in Vermont in 1880 census with wife, Annie M., age 57 born in Iowa. Lived in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. Who were his siblings? Any help appreciated.

H. Hunter ( 2 December 2001
I am looking for any information on my Grandmother, Mary Elizabeth KAUFFMAN. All I know is that she died somewhere in Larned 1950-1980.

Miliss ( 21 November 2001
I am searching for Isaac J. BROOKS and his wife, Mary W. BROOKS. I know they were in Pawnee County from 1878 to 1880. I just found the following and would like to get a copy of this death certificate. If you have any suggestions on how to go about this I would greatly appreciate it.
Mary W. BROOKS, July 1880, age 29, Pawnee Co. KS, state of birth NY, Cause of death, Purpl FVR, Occupation, none listed, ID MRT197-37496. This is from the AIS Mortality Schedules Index

Timothy Junod ( 9 November 2001
Searching for Obituary, Auguste Marius JUNOD, b: Feb 14, 1845 in Sainte Croix, Switzerland, died shortly before 1900 at Larned, Kansas.

Cheryl McQueen ( 4 November 2001
Looking for Mr. ARHENSFIELD, first name possibly Chris, married Mary Jane (OWENS) COLLINS. Was in Larned approximately 1925-1930.

Barbara Ziegenmeyer ( 28 October 2001
Looking for information on the DAVEE Family, lived in Rozell, Pawnee County, Kansas 1915 to 1928.

Cecelia Coats ( 6 October 2001
My Great-Grandfather, William BLACK married Mary HARRIS, b: March 26, 1853 and d: April 8, 1888, she left 3 children; John Riley, b: 1877, Daniel, 1880 and Esther, b: 1886. Also my Grandfather John had a picture taken by E. A. Harris Photo Studio and wondered if related. I can find nothing on the HARRIS side or the cemetery where she would be buried, this is in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas.

Suzy Martinez ( 27 August 2001
Searching for descendants of Absalom HICKERSON, who migrated to Kansas from Adams County, Illinois in the late 1800's. Absalom was living in Burdett, Pawnee County, Kansas around 1910.

Gordon Smythe ( 3 August 2001
I am looking for information on Melissa Abigail CARNAHAN, nee MITCHELL. She was said to have died in Larned, 7 June 1903. We think she may have been Native American. Can anyone help?

Mary Jo Hanon ( 16 July 2001
I am looking for information about Elijah HANON, who was part owner of a dry goods store in Larned in 1874. Does anyone know anything about this family? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Jeff Palmer ( 23 June 2001
I am looking for descendants of Leslie and Dorothy PALMER. They had a son, Gary. I was told by a family member that they taught school in Larned. I hope this helps.

Linda Vanderver ( 12 June 2001
I am looking for the surnames BURGESS and AINSWORTH in Larned and Pawnee County, Kansas. My father was born in Larned in 1914. His father, Llewellyn BURGESS died there in 1919. He was married to a Meta AINSWORTH. Her family was also from Larned, I believe. Several of Llewellyn's brothers also lived there. They originally came from Green or Brisben, Chenango County, New York.

Rayne Riley ( 11 June 2001
Looking for my Great-Grandmother's family. Her name was Ida CARLEY. She was a Pawnee Indian and married George SEYMOUR.

PHELPS 22 May 2001
I am trying to find out if John PHELPS was a resident of Pawnee County. I do know he lived near the first T. capitol in 1854 or 55.

Martha Umberger ( 22 May 2001
I am seeking information on William Armstead and Julia Belle (COMPTON) ASHWORTH. Needing to know the names of their children.

Ruby Martin ( 18 May 2001
I am looking for information about David L. YOUNT who lived near Larned in 1885. He died on May 13, 1945 at the State Hospital. I am also looking for information on his brother, Jesse S. YOUNT who died on December 3, 1959 at St. Joseph's Hospital. Any information will be greatly appreciated.

Israel Tal ( 15 April 2001
I would appreciate any information about my Grandmother, Goldie Mae MATTINGLY and her parents who were residents in Larned around the turn of the twentieth century.

Joyce Renello ( 10 April 2001
Would like any information about Claud PLUSH, b: January 29, 1894 in Arlington, Reno County, Kansas. Lived in Burdette, Pawnee County, Kansas from 1943 until his death on April 23, 1953. Was a game warden in the 1940's - 1950's. Was also supposed to have been a businessmen, although don't know at what. Any information will be greatly appreciated.

Janis Dawson ( 14 January 2001
A. H. 'Albert' BOYD
Hannah BOYD...Mother
Ella WORMWOOD...Sister
Emma (JAMES) BOYD...Wife
Mattie (McKEEL) BOYD...Wife
This BOYD family lived in Pawnee County, Kansas by 1870. Albert BOYD purchased the Parker Ranch before 1870. The other people listed, lived with him at various times between 1870 and 1900. Albert BOYD was my Great-Uncle, Fred BOYD, my Great-Grandfather and 3 of Fred's children lived at the ranch, Frank is the only name I have of the children. Anyone else researching the BOYD family? Would like to exchange information.

Monty Fox ( 9 January 2001
I am interested in any information on Dayton Franklin FOX, who married Fern Elizabeth RISHEL.


Maryetta Rogerson ( 2 November 2000
I am looking for Calvin C. MANSFIELD and Margaret 'Maggy' (DAUGHENBAUGH) MANSFIELD. My Grandmother was their daughter, her name was Minnie MANSFIELD, they also had another daughter, Neva. My Grandmother Minnie, married Peyton B. BROWN in 1908. They later moved to Pratt, Kansas. The MANSFIELDs moved to Larned from Illinois. Minnie and Neva were born in Illinois. Calvin C. was born in Ohio, and Margaret in Ohio, but the DAUGHENBAUGH's at the time lived in Nelson County, Kentucky. Any help will be appreciated.

Laura Wood ( 8 October 2000
I am looking for Uriah WOOD, b: 1841 in Owen County, Kentucky. He was married to Sarah Catherine DAVID. Uriah was in Pawnee County, Kansas in 1877. He lived around Edna and Coffeyville area. Some of his children were: Jesse WOOD; Walter WOOD; Otto WOOD; David Leander WOOD. His brothers were Wyatt, William and B. B. WOOD. Some information lists them also in Rolfe and Bradgate, Iowa as well as Casey, Illinois.

Hal Weller ( 2 October 2000
Looking for information on Fred W. WELLER, wife, and family from Missouri to Pawnee and Barton Counties. Some of the family returned to Missouri and Ohio. Fred went to California and Oklahoma. May have been in land run to Oklahoma.

John Pyle ( 18 September 2000
Looking for any information on Alice PYLE, known to be living in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas in 1957. She had a sister, Lois (PYLE) IRONS and three known brothers; Carl A. PYLE of Salina, Kansas; Albert S. PYLE of Wichita, Kansas; and Clarence F. PYLE of Winfield. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Trudy Spanier ( 6 September 2000
Aaron WEBSTER, b: May 3, 1825 in Michigan; died October 21, 1910 in Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri. His widow was Octavia (WRIGHT) WEBSTER, b: October 6, 1825 in Indiana; died in Pawnee, Pawnee County, Kansas in 1912. I would like to find out where she is buried and locate an obituary, in order to find out about their children. Their children were: John WEBSTER, b: August 1850; Mary Manasha WEBSTER; Sarah Louisa WEBSTER and George Cleber WEBSTER. Is there anyone that might be able to tell me about this family? I'd like to know about Aaron WEBSTER's parents too.

Rachel Bitler ( 28 August 2000
I am looking for information about members of the AMMERMAN family who lived in Pawnee County in the late 1800's.

Marie Schroeder ( 31 July 2000
I am looking for the surnames: SNOW, PECK, FUNNELL, KEENEY. My Great-Great-Grandfather was Harvey SNOW, possibly a civil war veteran, but not found on the Kansas 1883 pensioners list. One source had "GAR" behind his name; he would have served from Wisconsin. His second wife was Caroline PECK; her obituary says they lived in Kansas 1877-1891, then moved to Iowa, where both are buried. Apparently they also returned to Kansas once, between 1891 and 1894, for a three month visit, but a location is not mentioned. Caroline had PECK children from her first marriage, one FUNNELL Granddaughter married in Pawnee Rock to a KEENEY in 1879. There was a KEENEY who was Sheriff in Pawnee County, so that's why I think these people were in Pawnee County, plus I can't find them in Barton County. Harvey SNOW was a farmer, with land records in Vermont where he was born, and in Wisconsin where he lived before Kansas. I have a suspicion some ancestors and their connected families were in Pawnee County from about 1877-1891, but at this point I don't know for sure. For instance, where or who has the G.A.R. records? Is there anyone who could check land records for that time, or censuses?

Joe Ewell ( 6 July 2000
I am searching for information on my Grandfather, Clinton Fisk EWELL. He was born in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas on September 9, 1888. I have contacted a number of sources, in search of any information relating to a ecord of birth. The Pawnee County Clerk's office does not have such a record, neither does the Larned City Clerk's office. The Larned Library had no such record. At the Kansas State Historical Society, a lady named 'Cynthia' expressed the possibility that maybe the "Larned Chronoscope" (L95) or the "Larned Daily Chronoscope" (NP1943) might have some announcement of his birth. I am currently in the process of obtaining these microfilms through a local library. If anybody has access to any information on my Grandfather, other than what is in these microfilm records, please contact me as soon as possible. Anything will be greatly appreciated.

Kim Miller ( 15 June 2000
I am looking for information on the mother and father of Earl MILLER, born 14 October 1899, Great Bend, Kansas and died 4 May 1936 in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. His father was Warren MILLER, his mother's name is unknown.

Donald Detwiler ( 9 June 2000
I am looking for information about my Great-Grandfather, George Marion DETWILER and his wife, Catherine Ann and his brother, John H. DETWILER and his wife, Adelia, who were in Pawnee County in the mid to late 1880's. According to the family, George Marion DETWILER claimed a quarter of land in Pawnee County but had to move due to lack of fuel to cook and heat.

Seeking to exchange information on Washington THOMPSON and Francis HUDDLESON. Both resided in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas about 1880-1885. I believe they moved to Larned from Scott/Morgan Counties, Illinois. Census information would be great, if anyone has access to 1880-1890.

Doris French ( 6 April 2000
I would be interested to hear from anyone who would have any information about the Henry M. LITSEY family. He was born 1853 and died 1913 in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. He lived on Frye St. in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. He was my Grandfather, so am anxious to find out more about him and his family. My mother was Una LITSEY, who grew up there.

John & B. D. Hutchings ( 17 January 2000
Information requested on M. Ellis WINTEER, M. D. of Larned, Kansas, date ca., 1896. Article in the Larned Weekly Chronoscope Newspaper. Her name was Martha Ellis WINTEER, M. D. Probably one of the first women physicians in that area.

WARD 12 January 2000
Looking for my Great-Grandmother. Her name was Minnie Idella (ROLLIN) WARD. She died in a Larned State Mental Hospital. I would like to know if there is any cemeteries in or around Larned, Kansas. If so, their names and addresses of the caretakers.

Phyllis Marino ( 4 January 2000
I have newspaper articles that state William C., and Thomas H. EDWARDS, along with others from Tioga County, Pennsylvania started the town of Larned, KS. William went on to the Senate in Kansas and Thomas went to Kansas City, Missouri as assessor, both previously were Probate Judges. I am looking for Cemetery and/or Death records on: William C. EDWARDS; Thomas H., EDWARDS; John EDWARDS; and Frederick EDWARDS; and sisters Anna BOYER. Also sisters married WHIPPLE, WHITTLE and WATSON. Any information on the EDWARDS family would be greatly appreciated.


Glen Myers ( 22 November 1999
Looking for information on any and all of the following: William MYERS, b: August 30, 1827, married Elizabeth STOUT, b: 1832 Franklin County, Indiana, in 1850. she was the daughter of Ira STOUT, who was born 1811 in Indiana, and Eliza McNUTT, who was born in 1814 in Indiana. William's parents are not currently known and his birth place has been shown in various records as PA, OH, and IN, so I am not absolutely sure where he is from. Children of William MYERS and Elizabeth (STOUT) MYERS include: John MYERS, b: 1850; Salish Viola MYERS, b: 1855; Ira Eugene MYERS, b: August 30, 1857; Mattie E. MYERS, b: 1860; Charles MYERS, b: 1862; Eliza F. MYERS, b: 1865; Ada H. MYERS, b: 1866-1867; William S. MYERS, b: 1869; Frank E. MYERS, b: 1871; and Harry H. MYERS, b: 1874. All the children were born in Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana.
Ira Eugene STOUT married Lillian Ellen FARMER, b: September 1859, Franklin County, Indiana, on January 31, 1878 in Brookville, Franklin County, Indiana. She was the daughter of John A. FARMER and Rachael (UPDIKE) FARMER. Census records indicate her given name may actually be Lilla Ella FARMER.
Ira and Lillian disappeared from Franklin County, Indiana before the 1880 census and, until recently, were next found in Marion, Marion County, Kansas. Based on an obituary that was turned up this week, it appears Ira and Lillian made it to Pawnee County, Kansas in late 1878 and resided there until 1883 when they moved to Marion. While in Pawnee County, their first son, 'Roy' was born. He is listed in the 1900 census records as 'L. R. MEYERS', still living with Ira. He apparently went by 'Roy' but, it is believed his actual first name is Leroy based on the birth record for a daughter, Helen, who was born to a Leroy MYERS and Birdie CLINE in Marion in 1907 and a photo taken in 1912 with N. S. Oscar MYERS which states Roy, Birdie and children arrived in Long Beach today'.
Lillian Ellen (FARMER) MYERS died in 1906 in Marion following a prolonged, unspecified illness. Ira remarried in 1907 to Angelia Emeline STOUT, a Marion school teacher, in 1907. Ira died in 1931 in Marion.
Children of Ira and Lillian include Leroy/Roy R. MYERS, b: February 1882 in Pawnee County, Kansas; N. S. Oscar MYERS, b: April 7, 1886 in Marion, Kansas; Myrtle MYERS, b: April 1884 in Marion, Kansas; and Ora Estelle MYERS, b: Marion and died July 26, 1887 as an infant of typhoid fever. There are no confirmed children of Ira and Angelia. However, there are several references to an 'Aunt Carrie' in some photos taken in the 1940's. Since there was no Carrie born to Ira and Lillian, it is speculated that she is either Ira and Angelia's child or one of Ira's sibling's child. Ira and Lillian also had a foster-daughter, Florence. It is possible that Carrie was her first or middle name and that she is the Aunty in the photos, but the Ira/Angelia and the sibling theories are more plausible.
Leroy/Roy MYERS married Birdie CLINE around 1906-1907. They had a daughter, Helen, b: April 11, 1907 and a son, b: about 1910. The family moved from Marion, Kansas to Long Beach, California in 1912.
Myrtle MYERS married (Leo or Les) Ross SHEETS in Kansas. Myrtle's and Ross' children include: Doris SHEETS; L. Eugene SHEETS; and Louise SHEETS. Myrtle and Ross lived in El Dorado, Kansas for a time and eventually settled in either Mission or Shawnee Mission, Kansas.
N. S. Oscar MYERS married Libbie Leona DAVIS, b: 1892 in Bruce, Brookings County, South Dakota, on September 17, 1913 in Long Beach, California. Their children include: Fay Clinton MYERS, b: June 18, 1914, Phoenix, Arizona; Otis Clayton MYERS, b: October 3, 1915, Marion, Kansas; and Hazel Madeline MYERS, b: October 24, 1917 in Marion, Kansas. Hazel died at the age of 6 of diphtheria in Long Beach, California on January 16, 1924, only 4 days after her mother, Libbie, died from what was diagnosed as 'Toxemia from Laryngeal Abscess' but was in all likelihood diphtheria. N. S. Oscar MYERS died of pneumonia in Long Beach, California on December 6, 1943.
That concludes the MYERS that lived in Kansas or were the known ancestors of the MYERS who made it to Kansas. If any of that clan matches your clan and you desire further information on more recent descendants or on the clan that stayed in Indiana, please advise and I will provide them.

Janice Reading ( 27 September 1999
CLARKSON, George B.; I am trying to locate the family members of George and Leona (CATON) CLARKSON. The family moved from Fairport, Russell County, Kansas to Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. George died 2 May 1934; Leona died 1908. George is the brother to my Great-Grandfather, Mathew Flint CLARKSON. These two brothers and another brother, Charles Ross, were buffalo hunters in Ellis County. The last known member of George's family to me was Roy Edward CLARKSON of Larned, Kansas. I am updating the CLARKSON Family Tree and would appreciate any help. I am also trying to locate the CLARKSON Family Bible of Mathew Flint and Mary (HALL) CLARKSON, the parents of the above mentioned brothers. Thank You for any help you may provide.

PRICE 23 September 1999
Does anyone have any information on a Rebecca and James PRICE? They were the mother and father of Bertha Clara PRICE, they came to Pawnee County after the Civil War.

Ron & Sharon Swan ( 18 September 1999
I am looking for information on the SWAN family, Ira Hamilton SWAN and Martha Jane McMULLEN children: 1.) Cora SWAN, b: 13 Apr. 1883, Newton, Kansas. 2.) Roy Melvin SWAN, b: 1 Apr., Newton, Kansas. 3.) Ethel SWAN, b: May 1886, d: 1886, Larned, Pawnee Co., Kansas. 4.) Frank SWAN, b: 15 May 1888, Larned, Kansas.

Gayla Berry ( 21 August 1999
I am looking for any information on any BLACKBURNs from Pawnee County. My Grandfather was W. J. BLACKBURN, and he had several brothers and children that were from the Larned area. My mother was Wilma (BLACKBURN) CARR. Thank You for any information anyone can give me. I will share any information with anyone also.

Frank Nielsen ( 21 August 1999
Looking for the Mary "Stella" Estella (MYERS) MULLINS' grave, d: aft. 1941. She is buried in a Pawnee County cemetery along with other MYERS relatives. Hester "Emma" (MYERS) LOVELAND, 22 December 1939, Larned, Kansas and at least two nephews.

Joe Brant ( 16 August 1999
Needing information on a John GAINES, from around 1864 to 1887. Also looking for a John GOTHARD and a Joe GOTHARD, who may have lived in either Larned, Kansas, Bucklin, Kansas or Dodge City, Kansas.

Earline McKee ( 24 July 1999
Looking for information on George Wayne WORRELL, b: 18 July 1896 in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. He was called to duty as a veterinarian to Fort Funstan. I am told he received his degree in Kansas, but do not know where.

Jeff Palmer ( 19 July 1999
Can anyone help find information on a John HIGHT? He died in 1951 in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. I don't have anymore information about him. He was born in 1875 in Cass County, Indiana. He had three children: Louise, Hazel and Raymond.

Leora Bennington ( 18 July 1999
LANMAN, James Franklin, all siblings, parents were Isaac R. LANMAN and Mary Ellen MARYMEE/MERIMEE/MARYMEL. I have a studio portrait made by a *Nelson* studio in Hastings, NE., but believe Mary d: 1933 and is buried in Larned, Pawnee Co., Kansas, Isaac d: 1920s, also buried there. Need someone who can identify a female in the portrait as either Mary E. (MERIMEE) LANMAN, or conversely tell me that it may be the mother of the children, nee Mary Etta CULLIP. Have no luck at all with the CULLIP lineage. If known please contact me.

Robert Key ( 26 June 1999
I am interested in any information on my father, John Robert KEY, born: 17 December 1888, died: 4 August 1941. Born in Garfield, Kansas. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Mark Unruh ( 31 May 1999
I am looking for the parents of Benjamin Cornelius UNRUH, who was born possibly in the German colony of Karolswalde, Volhynia, Russia in about 1823. Benjamin immigrated to the U.S. on the SS Donau Bremen and arrived in New York on September 25, 1884 with his second wife, Helena (BUHLER) UNRUH and children, Elizabeth, b: 1866; August, b: 1868; Susianne, b: 1870; Mary, b: 1872; Christine, b: 1875; Cornelius, b: 1878; Abraham, b: 1880; and Catherine, b: 1881. His children from his first wife immigrated to the U.S. from or on City London, Liverpool and arrived in New York, November 18, 1874. They included, Henry B., b: 1852; Anna, b: 1856; Peter B., b: 1858; Adam, b: 1859; and Andrew, b: 1863. He applied for a homestead patent on 6.05 acres straight south of Pawnee Rock, Kansas next to the Arkansas River in 1903, and it came through in 1910 after his death. He was a Mennonite. Any information on UNRUH's in this area and specifically this family will be greatly appreciated.

Ellie Stephens ( 2 May 1999
Before 1907, W. G. COOK (Wilson G.) owned land in Pawnee County, Kansas. On 14 June 1907, W. G. COOK (Wilson G.), a widower, of Missouri, County unknown, signed a Quit-Claim deed to George W. ESTES of Finney Co., Kansas. This is where W. G. had lived with his wife, Mary and 3 daughters, Josephine COOK, b: 1893 KS, Helen COOK, b: 1895 KS, and Mary COOK, b: 1900 KS. Mary may have married a DAUGHERTY in Adair Co., Missouri. W. G. was born in Illinois, County unknown. Mother was born 1863 in Maryland, Father was born in Illinois. Adair County, Missouri is where W. G. lived when he moved from Kansas. Does anyone know of these COOKs, or is working in these areas?

Barb Thomas ( 30 April 1999
Researching the family of Maude C. "Nina" CHARLES, b: 7 November 1870, d: 1948, who married Alfred or Stan BLAKE. Maude was buried in Larned Cemetery, Pawnee County. Any information appreciated.

Oweida Snodgrass ( 19 April 1999
Searching POLSON, JOHNSON, NELSON in Pawnee County, specifically the Garfield area. Alfred POLSON, b: 1853 in Sweden, d: Garfield, Kansas. His wife Augusta JOHNSON, b: abt. 1856 in Kewanee, Illinois, d: 1943 in Garfield, Kansas. Children: Elma (POLSON) BENGSTON, Alvin, Homer. Homer married Goldie MASSEY.

Frank Nielsen ( 31 March 1999
Does anyone have access to cemetery index books? Hopefully someone would do a lookup for me. Looking for the following: Ernest MULLINS, d: aft. 1941; Mary "Stella" Estella (MYERS) MULLINS d: aft. 1941; Mary C. (CASHMAN) MYERS, d: abt. 1906; Hester "Emma" (MYERS) LOVELAND, 22 December 1939, Larned Cemetery; Joseph LOVELAND, d: 19 April 1942, think he's buried in Kansas City. I am trying to locate the burial site of Mary Estella "Stella" (MYERS) MULLINS and her husband Ernest MULLINS. She was his second wife, and he had children by the first, none by Stella. Also buried in Pawnee County somewhere, I believe are the LOVELANDS, and possibly Stella's mother, Mary C. MYERS. Knowing when and where these family members died would tie up a lot of loose ends. These are all related and may be together. If so, some DAVIS and RHOADES may also be with them.

Juanita Potts ( 26 March 1999
I am trying to get started researching my Father's family. I know they lived in this part of Kansas about 1900 to maybe the 1920's. My Grandparents worked for the telephone company in Rozel at some point. My Grandparents names were Clyde Clinton LEWIS and Sarah Edna McCRAY. I have a lot of information about my Grandmother's family (they lived in Abbyville). I have not been able to get much about my Gandfather's family. His parents were Frank LEWIS and Anna JONES, I think. I understand from family stories that he worked for the railroad somewhere in Kansas.

Ray Downing ( 16 March 1999
Looking for information on Verna DOWNING, apparently unmarried, b: 1920, d: 1992 in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas. It appears she spent her entire adult life in Larned. She is the daughter of George W. and Olive A. DOWNING, of Freeport and Wichita, Kansas. Found her on the Social Security Death Index, but would like to learn more of her should anyone have info.

David & Laura Wood ( 6 March 1999
I am looking for Uriah WOOD, b: 1841 in Owen County, KY. He was married to Sarah Catherine DAVID. Uriah was in Pawnee County, KS in 1877. He lived around Edna and Coffeyville, Kansas area. Some of his children are: Jesse WOOD; Walter WOOD; Otto WOOD; David Leander WOOD. His brothers were Wyatt, William, and B. B. WOOD. Some information lists them also in Rolfe and Bradgate, Iowa as well as Casey, Illinois.

Jim & Marilyn Stinson ( 11 February 1999
Looking for birth/death data on Ben H. SPECK of Burdett, Pawnee County. Believe he died about 1949. Could also use marriage date and location to Agnes Marie Stinson. Thanks, any info provided will be greatly appreciated.

June Fitzpatrick ( 7 February 1999
I am looking for inforamtion on the family of Christopher B. CLARK, and his wife, Eunice BUFFUM, who were residents of Larned, KS in 1923. Christopher was born 7 September 1857, probably in Fulton Co., IL and Eunice was born August 1856. They were married 8 October 1885 in Fulton Co., IL. Their children were: Bessie M. CLARK, born April 1888; Ora M. CLARK, born September 1891; Luther B. CLARK, born 17 June 1895; Francis M. CLARK, born February 1889 and two others, names unknown. The first four children were born in Illinois.

Everett Thorpe ( 31 January 1999
Seeking any information on THORPEs in Neosho County, specifically Everett THORPE, Sr., my father. He was born around 1887 and eventually migrated to New York. Dates and places of birth, marriage, etc., would be greatly appreciated.

MYERS...GOODALL 31 January 1999
Interested in information on the father of Mercedes Delphine MYERS, born 7/6/1922 in Larned, Pawnee Co., KS. The father's name is Percy MYERS. The mother's name is Izeda Delphine GOODALL MYERS. Both are of African-American descent.

Carlos Montgomery ( 24 January 1999
My Great-Uncle, Tyra MONTGOMERY, died in Larned on 2 March 1908 and I have been trying to obtain a copy of his death certificate and a copy of his obituary. I have written to Vital Statistics in Topeka and they stated that they did not start keeping death records in Topeka until 1911, and to write to the county in which the death occurred. I still haven't received a reply yet. I have contacted the Jordaan Memorial Library to no avail. Is there anybody in Pawnee Co., which can give me a clue where to go next? Thanks!


John Payne ( 29 December 1998
I am looking for information about Rebecca BARHAM, born ca. 1831 in Greene Co., Tennessee, the daughter of Harbard and Martha (Patsy) Thomasson BARHAM. She married, on 24 January 1847 in Greene County, to Clemmons MAGEE, the son of Hartwell and Nancy Marshall MAGEE. His Grandmother, Martha Barham MAGEE, and Rebecca's Grandfather Hartwell BARHAM, were siblings. Clemmons was born in North Carolina in May 1829, and died in Burdett, Pawnee County, Kansas on 2 February 1910. Rebecca died in Pawnee County in 1886. Clemmons and Rebecca BARHAM MAGEE had ten children, as follows: (1.) Valerie A. MAGEE, born ca. 1849 in Greene Co., (2.) Mary M. MAGEE, born ca. 1852 in Greene Co., married a (unknown given name) MALOSH. (3.) Harbard F. MAGEE, born ca. 1856 in Greene Co., (4.) Charles L. MAGEE, born ca. 1858 in Greene Co., (5.) Edward C. MAGEE, born ca. 1860 in Greene Co., (6.) Frank MAGEE, (7.) James Alexander MAGEE, born 20 March 1865 in Greene Co., died 4 January 1956 in Manhattan, KS, married Louisa LATAS on 23 August 1897, (8.) William MAGEE, (9.) Joseph MAGEE, and (10.) Cora L. MAGEE, born 5 March 1872 in McLean Co., IL, died 17 January 1924 in Osawatomie, Kansas, married Albert Peter LATAS on 1 January 1899. Many of these people lived in Pawnee County, Kansas, so any assistance and/or suggestions are most welcome.

JoAnn Cantrell ( 24 December 1998
Seeking family info on Walter W. JOHNSON who resided in Pawnee Co., KS in 1930. Who did Walter marry? Who were his children? Walter JOHNSON b: Mar. 1886 was the son of Charles Wesley JOHNSON and Cynthia OSBORN-JOHNSON.

Buff Huntsman ( 22 December 1998
I am looking for help in locating the ancestors of David A. ELY and Nannie E. DeWITT. They had three girls, Mary Frances, Dixie and Esther and lived in Missouri in the late 1890's. In 1918 the family lived in Larned, Pawnee Co., KS and Nannie ELY died and she was buried in Fulton. (I'm not sure where that is). One of the daughters may have married a FLEMING.

FLEEK...WOODS 13 December 1998
Amanda Victoria FLEEK, born 26 January 1847 in Ohio. She married George Washington WOODS, born 26 April 1846. Sometime around 1880 the WOODS family moved to Pawnee County and Edwards County, Kansas. Amanda Victoria WOODS died 27 April 1881 in Pawnee Rock, Pawnee County, Kansas. I would like to exchange information with anyone who knows about this WOODS family.

Mark Agler ( 7 November 1998
I am searching for any information on my Great-Grandfather Connaught AGLER, who married Estella HUTTON AGLER, they lived in Pawnee County in the township of Pleasant Valley in 1900. Any information and/or assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Liz Boehne ( 3 November 1998
Am looking for information about Albert Clark WOOD, b: 1842 in Nicholas County, KY, died, 1961 in Pawnee County, Kansas. He had 13 children (my Grandmother Ruth was #10), 7 of whom were born in the Larned area. My dad, Tim McGrath, took us to his cousin's farm back in the late 1950s or early 1960s. I think it may have been his uncle Guy WOOD's place. Would love to hear from cousins!

Roger Renfro ( 9 October 1998
Looking for any RENFRO migrating into Pawnee Co., (Larned) around the turn of the century from St. Clair., MO. My folks (Andrew, Mark, and/or Delbert) arrived sometime between 1904 & 1910, I believe. Any help appreciated.

Donald W. McGraw 3 August 1998
I am searching for information and especially for descendants of Taylor A. BAXTER. He died in Larned, Pawnee County, Kansas abt. 1903. He is buried in the Larned City cemetery. He had sons, William and George, and daughters, Sue and Ella. Of the daughters, one married a COUPLES and the other a CARVER. Would like to correspond with their descendants. (Note: Beings Donald doesn't have a e-mail address any responses, I will personally mail to him - Kenny)

Mary Dunham ( 1 August 1998
Looking for descendants of David BLACKWELL, 29 February 1844 - 17 June 1934, and Ellen Augusta JONES (Lilly), 21 April 1849 - 15 April 1918.

Evelyn Winter ( 31 July 1998
Researching William Charles PRICE and Elizabeth SPENCER, who married about 1890 in Garfield, Pawnee County, Kansas. They had two sons, Theodore, who stayed in Kansas and John June who moved to Jefferson County, Wisconsin. Any help appreciated.

Donna Feagans ( 4 July 1998
Looking for information on James E. SMITH of Pawnee County, Kansas. Born 6 September 1843 in Coshoston County, Ohio. Moved to Pawnee County in 1884. Died 24 February 1924 at Rozel, Kansas. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Jay and Debbie Waggoner ( 10 June 1998
I am looking for information on a Ben or Benjamin Waggoner, born in Pawnee County, KS around the time of 1865-1880. Any information is appreciated.

KELLY...QUINN 25 April 1998
KELLY is the surname I'm looking for, I have info on James Albert KELLY, Sr., m: to Mary QUINN, 1880. James KELLY, Jr., b: 1881 in Pawnee Rock, Pawnee County, Kansas. If anyone has info on the family, please let me know. I have info on James Jr., but nothing on James Sr., or Mary (QUINN).

John Esser ( 19 April 1998
I am looking to find information about my Grandfather and his family who lived in Larned, Kansas until about 1964. My Grandmother's parents names were August and Emma ALMQUIST. They lived there from at least 1910. They had immigrated from Sweden. I would appreciate any information you have regarding these people.

CRANE 21 March 1998
My Grandfather, Julian Albert 'Bert' CRANE, died in Larned, Pawnee County, KS on 13 August 1938. Any information on him would be greatly appreciated.

E.G. McKee ( 10 March 1998
I am looking for the family of James Persell WORRELL, they lived in Larned, Pawnee County, KS. I would like any information on him and his family. He was married to Elizabeth McCLUNG. Both died in 1907, in Larned, Kansas. Thank You.

K Gorton ( 11 January 1998
My Great-Grandmothers Bertha ROSE and Ermal WOOD were both residents of Pawnee County. Great-Grandmother ROSE lived by the river until the flood. Any information will be helpful.


Darolyn Mason ( 1 December 1997
I am searching for ancestors & family of my MARSHALL line living in 1826 Ohio, 1864 Indiana, 1907 California, 1927 Kansas. My Great-Grandfather Joseph MARSHALL was a private in the infantry during the Civil War in Company C, 153rd Regiment in Indiana, 1865. He joined the G. A. R. in Larned, Kansas in 1883. He was a pioneer settler of Pawnee County, KS. He and his wife moved to Illinois in 1870 & from there to a farm 7 miles north of Larned, KS in 1874, where they lived until they moved into Larned in 1900.
Joseph (Joe) MARSHALL, b: 4 April 1826 in Columbus, Franklin Co., Ohio. d: 19 October 1904 in Larned, Kansas. m: 26 March 1860/61 to Lydia Spar HENDERSON (previous married name was FORSYTHE). Of eleven children; Lydia b: 28 February 1831 near Thornville, Perry County, Ohio. d: 4 April 1927 near El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas. Lydia was previously married to Allen FORSYTHE and had 2 sons; Allen (Al) FORSYTHE and Ambrose (Joe) FORSYTHE. Joseph and Lydia had 6 children; Martha D. (Mattie) MARSHALL, b: 1864 in Indiana, d: aft. 1927 m: Geneva Lola WINDSOR or MORGAN, lived in Artesia, California. Elmer Bertus (Bert) MARSHALL, b: 24 May 1864 in Elkhart, Indiana. d: 14 July 1949 in Yuba City, California. m: Emma Jane PIPPIG, 1893 in Larned, Kansas, (had 6 children). Dillon (Dill) MARSHALL, b: 1873 in Illinois (lived in El Dorado, Kansas), son and daughter who died at birth. I am descended from Elmer (Bert) & Emma Jane. Their children were; Tracy Len MARSHALL, 1895-1909, Glen Elwood MARSHALL, 1898-1898, Harold Lee MARSHALL, b: 1900, Edith Anne MARSHALL, b: 1904, Ruby Lucille MARSHALL, 1907-1992, James Murry MARSHALL, 1910-1976. I have information on descendants, and would be happy to share with anyone who knows of this family line.

Busch ( 29 November 1997
I am researching Henry Christian HELMS and Marie SCHMALGEMEIER in the Burdett area of Pawnee County. I would like to compare information with anyone else doing the same family line.

Rosalene ( 23 November 1997
MULLINS, Ernest, m: 2nd wife, Mary 'Stella' Estelle MYERS, daughter of David MYERS and Mary (CASHMAN) MYERS, b: August 1884 in Kansas. She was alive in 1941. She did not have children, so don't expect to locate her descendants. Ernest MULLINS did have a child by his first wife. Hope someone in that family, or in Larned, Pawnee County, where they resided can tell me when and where they died. Where are they buried? Looking for obituaries on both also. Any help will be appreciated. Her obituary could be a clue to other siblings, which several are lost.

Doug Moisenco ( 18 September 1997
Looking for family information about my Grandfather, Robert wheeler JENKINS. Born in Garfield, Pawnee County, Kansas on 21 February 1886. Thank You.

Betty Morrison ( 1 September 1997
Looking for an obituary for Clayton COOPER, b: 30 May 1906, d: December 1972, or contact with anyone having information about this person. This is very important to a young man trying to locate his Grandfather, dead or alive. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You in advance.

Victor Daniels ( 15 August 1997
Looking for any information on the following; William H. BURBRIDGE; wife, Ellan BURBRIDGE; and son, Ed BURBRIDGE, buried in the Larned, Kansas cemetery.

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