Pratt County

Greenlawn Cemetery

Located North on Stout St. & Highway 54, Pratt

???, Carmelita B.-- no dates
????, Kenneth-- 1925 to no death date
????, Wilbert--B.May 26,1897

 A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z     Babyland   

Quinn, Abbie-B.1851 D.Dec.11,1946
Quinn, Edna M.-B.Aug.12,1881 D.July 6,1888(dau of W.J. & C.A.)
Quinn, Grace A.-- 1875 to 1893
Quinn, James W.-- 1842 to 1900(Co E 32 IA Inf.)
Quinn, John-- 1842 to 1915
Quinn, Lester E.-B.Dec.18,1900 D.Apr.2,1968
Quinn, Maude E.-B.1881 D.May 19,1888(dau of J.C. & A.J.) age 6 yrs 6 mos 19 dys
Quinn, Mrs Ada C.-- 1842 to 1894
Quinn, Mrs Cora A.-- 1861 to 1914
Quinn, Sherrill D.-B.Feb.28,1930 D.Aug.15,1996
Quinn, Thomas N.-- 1845 to 1892
Quinn, Virginia-- 1912 to 1992
Quinn, Virginia-B.19?2

Rader, Delmar E.-- no dates
Ragland, Cecil-B.July 11,1892 D.Nov.13,1967
Ragland, Vera-- 1895 to 1980
Ragland, Vera-B.1895
Ralston, Gavin-- 1830 to 1901
Rambat, Caroline M.-B.Oct.20,1935 D.Nov.27,1999
Rambo, Charles Trimble-B.Aug.11,1855 D.Jan.20,1935
Rambo, Emma-B.Feb.4,1881 D.Apr.23,1961
Rambo, Mrs Mary Ann-B.Aug.8,1856 D.Nov.2,1932
Ramero, Joesph T.-- unmarked
Ramero, Phil-- unmarked
Ramires, Pedro-B.June 29,1888 D.Sept.26,1959
Ramsey, Bertha-- no info
Ramsey, Charles-- 1912 to 1987
Ramsey, Ella M.-- 1868 to 1928
Ramsey, Eloise-- 1917 to 1995
Ramsey, Isaac T.-- 1867 to 1927
Ramsey, John Thomas-B.1888 D.Dec.26,1956
Ramsey, Joseph Earl-- 1925 to 1929
Ramsey, Marie-- 1907 to 1978
Ramsey, Minnie L.-B.1887 D.Jan.22,1946
Ramsey, Ray-- 1927 to 1989
Randall, Herbert-- 1911 to 1989
Randall, Ina B.-- 1901 to 1983
Randle, Anna Pearl Miller-B.July 1,1878 D.Sept.11,1943
Randle, Arthur E.-B.Aug.5,1878 D.July 22,1973
Randle, Charles R.-- 1874 to 1933
Randle, H. Edwin-B.Oct.13,1876 D.Feb.19,1969
Randle, Hannah Moore Simmons-B.Feb.28,1842 D.Apr.8,1923(Wife of Harry T.----Born in Havana, Ill.)
Randle, Harry T.-B.Sept.17,1840 D.Feb.19,1913(Ill. Vol Inf Co K 33 Reg)
Randle, Helen-- 1895 to 1994
Randle, Ina B.-B.Oct.27,1901
Randle, Josephine-- 1914 to 1978
Randle, Lloyd-B.1900 D.Jan.11,1974
Randle, Mrs C.R: Alma-B.1879 D.Oct.22,1954
Randle, Mrs Ed.: Anna S.-- 1879 to 1923
Randle, Richard B.-B.Sept.26,1908 D.Jan.21,2000
Randle, Wilbur C.-B.May 8,1904 D.Mar.3,1970(Ks. Pvt US Arm WWII)
Randolph, Agnes-- 1911 to 1976
Randolph, Agnes L.-B.Mar.6,1911 D.Mar.8,1976(married Nov.27,1929)
Randolph, Simeon-- 1907 to 1987
Randolph, Simeon L.-B.Dec.22,1907 no death date
Raney, Eva Maude-B.Nov.2,1885 D.Dec.2,1971
Raney, John H.-- 1884 to 1949
Raney, Muriel L.-B.June 7,1911 no death date
Raney, William Kenneth-B.Oct.15,1915 D.May 16,1954(Ks Tec 1225 WWII)
Rapp, Etta L.-B.Dec.7,1910 D.Nov.2,1997
Rapp, William J.-B.May 1,1907 D.June 28,1997
Rathert, A. Dale-- 1923 to 1932(son of A.L.Rathert)
Rawlins, James M.-B.Mar.16,1820 in Lawerence Co. Ind. D.Jan.5,1888 in Barbour Co. Ks.
Ray, I.H.-- 1831 to 1898
Ray, Isaac H.-B.Sept.3,1831 D.Aug.15,1912
Ray, James M.-- 1859 to 1924
Ray, Marvin Alford-B.May 22,1912 D.May 3,1960
Ray, Mary M.-B.Mar.11,1962
Ray, Mrs Temesia-D.Dec.13,1898(age 67 yrs 11 mos 13 dys wife of I.H. Ray)
Ray, Ross Curtis-B.June 28,1911 D.Mar.5,1953
Raymer, Mrs R.H.: Mary Elizabeth-B.1875 D.Oct.27,1955
Raymer, Orlena May-B.May 25,1906 D.Oct.29,1961
Raymer, Robert Henry-B.July 17,1872 D.Dec.26,1958
Rea, Bernice Iva-- 1894 to 1940
Rebholz, Henry-- 1860 to 1925
Rebholz, John-B.June 24,1824 D.June 28,1897(born in Bader, Germany)
Rebholz, Joseph-- 1851 to 1930
Rebholz, Mary-- 1872 to 1926
Rebholz, Mrs Catherine-B.1825 D.Jan.5,1901
Redding, Rudolph W.-B.Sept.20,1890 D.June 18,1967
Reece, Child of John Reece-- no dates
Reece, Child of John Reece-- no dates
Reece, Fred Abbott-B.Sept.16,1868 D.Mar.9,1963
Reece, Nate E. Sr.-B.May 14,1876 D.Sept.28,1954
Reed, A.M.-- unmarked
Reed, Alwilda-B.1861 D.Dec.18,1939
Reed, Anthony T.-B.Dec.15,1836 D.Nov.22,1950
Reed, Carl-- 1908 to 1994
Reed, Charley Lee-B.Nov.3,1883 D.Aug.28,1966
Reed, Chester O.-B.Apr.2,1883 D.July 20,1967
Reed, child of George Reed-- unmarked
Reed, Don P.-B.Feb.15,1890
Reed, Edna L.-B.Nov.9,1884 D.Aug.13,1972
Reed, Eunice Adele-B.Aug.26,1894 D.Dec.10,1971
Reed, Fayafette A.-B.1859 D.Dec.29,1937
Reed, Glenn A.-- 1891 to 1937
Reed, Herbert C.-B.Dec.2,1929 D.Oct.10,1959
Reed, Howard D.-B.Oct.17,1931 D.June 2,1955(KS Cpl 4 Recon Co 4 Inf Div)
Reed, John Alvin-B.Aug.23,1888 D.Aug.15,1973(KS Pvt US Army WWI)
Reed, Kenneth Glenn-- 1918 to 1920
Reed, Margaret J.-B.Jan.26,1930 D.Oct.10,1959
Reed, Mrs Emma F.-B.Oct.30,1866 age 27 yrs 8 mos 14 dys(wife of P.C.)
Reed, Mrs Mary C.-- 1860 to 1911 (wife of A.T.)
Reed, Mrs W.H: Grace L.-B.July 16,1887 D.Sept.12,1968
Reed, Mrs. Marquerite J.-- 1841 to 1924
Reed, Perry C.-- 1859 to 1906
Reed, Richard M.-no dates (Co. F 97th Ind Inf.)
Reed, Thelma-- 1903 to 1990
Reed, W. Henry-- 1869 to 1928
Reed, Wanda-B.Aug.7,1923 D.June 8,1991
Reed, William Howard"Bill"-B.Jan.25,1887 D.Dec.21,1963(Married June 11,1911)
Reedy, Ronald Parkes-B.May 29,1950 D.Jan.11,1951
Reese, Arthur P.-B.Oct.8,1882 D.Nov.6,1952
Reese, Elins B.-D.1995
Reese, Emma M.-B.Sept.16,1858 D.May 4,1916
Reese, John-B.Jan.24,1857 D.Feb.25,1932
Reese, Mrs A.R.: Bessie E.-B.Feb.10,1886 D.Apr.30,1961
Reeves, Cassie-B.1838 D.Jan.19,1901 Age 62 yrs 8 mos 28 dys(wife of T.J.)
Reeves, T.J.-B.May 26,1832 D.Aug.4,1921
Reichardt, Dena Louise-B.July 7,1944 D.Nov.4,1970
Renegar, Mrs Leroy: Ruth-B.Apr.26,1919 D.Dec.18,1968
Renfro, Helen Muriel-- 1906 to 1995
Rennaker, William P."Bill"-B.July 12,1953 D.Aug.10,1975
Renner, Clarence E.-B.Sept.7,1922 D.Mar.17,1996
Renner, Dorothy I.-B.Mar.25,1923 D.Mar.23,1999
Repholtz, Agnes W.-B.1888 D.July 13,1953
Repholtz, william J.-B.1880 D.Mar.29,1941
Repp, Annie E.-- 1854 to 1939
Repp, C.E.-- 1854 to 1912
Repp, Genevieue-D.1986
Repp, Genevieve-- no info
Repp, Louis C.-B.Feb.23,1897 D.June 22,1971
Repp, Myrtle-- no info
Repp, Walter B.-B.1879 D.Sept.18,1956
Reschke, Ethel M.-B.Jan.5,1882 D.Aug.17,1912(wife of L.M.)
Reschke, Fredrick F.-B.July 13,1884 D.June 16,1974(Son of F.W. & Pauline)
Reschke, Fredrick William-B.June 21,1846 D.Mar.13,1934(Co. E. 36 IA Vol Inf)
Reschke, Freeman W.-B.Aug.24,1910 D.Sept.22,1999
Reschke, Infant dau. of F.F. & Erma-B.Dec.12,1922 D.Dec.15,1922
Reschke, Infant son of F.F. & Erma-B.Dec.26,1918 D.Dec.29,1918
Reschke, Infant son of F.F. & Erma-B.Nov.22,1919 D.Nov.25,1919
Reschke, John William-B.June 6,1924 D.Oct.15,1928(son of William & Nancy)
Reschke, Louis M.-B.Sept.13,1872 D.July 22,1964(son of Fred Wm.)
Reschke, Margaret L.-- 1909 to 1990
Reschke, Mrs F.F: Lydia Erma-B.Aug.27,1886 D.Mar.3,1968(Dau of Joel & C. Aeschiman)
Reschke, Nancy-- 1890 to 1980
Reschke, Pauline Engles-B.Mar.23,1852 D.July 31,1941(wife of Fred Wm.)
Reschke, William Franklin-B.Nov.5,1881 D.Feb.27,1963
Reynolds, Fred B.-B.Apr.4,1892 D.Sept.24,1966
Reynolds, Gabriel-D.Jan.2,1951
Reynolds, Joseph-B.Sept.20,1890 D.July 12,1965
Reynolds, Mattie-- 1893 to 1983
Reynolds, Mattie I.-B.Dec.1,1893
Rezeau, Charles-B.1883 D.Sept.2,1957
Rezeau, Charley R.-B.May 20,1922 D.Aug.25,1945(WWII Vet. Buried in 1948)
Rezeau, Harve S.Jan.18,1892 D.June 13,1975
Rezeau, Howard-- 1914 to 1924
Rezeau, Mother-- 1860 to 1927
Rezeau, Mrs C: Orpha-B.Sept.28,1887 D.June 21,1968
Rezeau, Ruth R.-B.Nov.6,1892(married Nov.19,1919
Rhea, L.L. Bernice-B.1894 D.July 29,1909 age 15 yrs 4 mos 2 dys(dau of W.S. & M.S.)
Rhodes, Charles F.-B.1935 D.Apr.4,1957
Rhodes, Hilda-- 1902 to 1974
Rhodes, Inez C.(Roberds)-B.Dec.15,1875 D.Dec.29,1960
Rhodes, Joe E.-B.1864 D.May 31,1943
Rhodes, Mary E.-B.June 8,1847 D.Apr.1,1921
Rhodes, Theodore R.-B.1902 D.Feb.13,1962
Rhodes, Thomas T.-B.Feb.9,1844 D.Apr.1,1917
Rice, Carvin Grant-B.1863 D.Nov.14,1920
Rice, Daughter of A.E. Rice-- unmarked
Rice, Jessie Maud-B.1866 D.Sept.7,1913
Rice, Kathryn Francis-B.1889 D.June 14,1918
Rice, Opal-B.1903 D.May 23,1905
Rice, Rosalie-- 1923 to 1988
Rice, Velma-- 1906 to 1994
Rich, Carol Sue-D.Nov.25,1957
Rich, Charley Wallace"Wallie"-B.May 16,1877 D.June 29,1958
Rich, Chystal N.-B.July 28,1931 D.July 7,1940
Rich, David-D.1997
Rich, Donald Eugene-B.Sept.14,1932 D.Aug.7,1958
Rich, Glenna-D.1997
Rich, Harold A.-B.Nov.26,1928 D.Aug.2000
Rich, Harry-- 1904 to 1976
Rich, Harry S.-- 1904 to 1976
Rich, Jennie C.-- 1865 to 1915
Rich, Katie June-B.Aug.29,1883 D.Sept.1,1960
Rich, Lucille A.-B.Dec.25,1915 D.Feb.5,2000
Rich, Lucille-B.Dec.25,1915 no death date
Rich, Marshie-- 1902 to 1991
Rich, Mary E.-- 1843 to 1923
Rich, Ollie B.1864 D.July 30,1887(age 22 yrs 9 mos 9 dys)(son of B. & A.E. Rich)
Rich, Roscoe-- 1900 to 1980
Rich, Sylvester W.-- 1900 to 1936
Rich, W.S.-- 1865 to 1920
Rich, William-- 1832 to 1914
Rich, William H.-B.Apr.15,1902 D.June 22,1929
Rich, William Harley-B.Oct.13,1913 D.Mar.8,1973
Richardson, Charley A.-B.1871 D.Mar.7,1948
Richardson, George H.-B.1869 D.Oct.21,1947
Richardson, Hattie "Kinzel"-B.Feb.3,1886 D.Oct.7,1969
Richardson, Howard M.-B.Aug.16,1885 D.Aug.13,1944
Richardson, Infant of Ann Richardson-- unmarked
Richardson, Joe A.-B.July 20,1920 D.Jan.14,1973
Richardson, John A.-- 1915 to 1916
Richardson, Maria Neff-- 1879 to 1909
Richardson, Paul-- 1924 to 1983
Richardson, Pearl-D.May 9,1880
Richardson, Ruth E.-B.Jan.18,1881 D.Jan.22,1961
Rick, Gustav W.-B.Nov.25,1879 D.Oct.23,1970
Rider, Earl A.-B.July 30,1900 D.May 12,1973
Rider, Velma-- 1906 to 1990
Rider, Velma E.-B.Dec.6,1906
Riedinger, Carl W.-- 1891 to 1892
Riedinger, John-B.Mar.11,1854 D.Dec.9,1892
Rieniets, Abbie E.-- 1872 to 1930
Rieniets, Andrew-- 1982 to 1982
Rieniets, Claire Etta-- 1871 to 1931
Rieniets, David-- 1916 to 1989
Rieniets, Harold-- 1905 to 1982
Rieniets, Henry G.-- 1864 to 1944
Rieniets, William A.-B.1862 D.May 26,1936
Riggs, John M.-B.July 3,1888 D.Nov.24,1965
Riggs, Sara Myrtle-B.1891 D.June 18,1955
Riley, Dan S.-B.Jan.17,1923 D.May 29,1961(KS Sgt QM Salv Rep Co. WWII)
Riley, Herbert Floyd-B.July 6,1901 D.Oct.14,1974
Riley, Ruby Lee-B.Sept.23,1891 D.June 25,1972
Riley, Walter A.-B.Oct.24,1893 D.Oct.27,1952
Riney, A.B.-B.Nov.6,1854 D.Dec.26,1943
Riney, Edgar-B.1856 D.Mar.16,1944
Riney, Effie-- 1884 to 1907
Riney, Emma-B.Oct.27,1851 D.Jan.2,1923
Riney, Lucinda-- 1861 to 1932
Riney, Minerva E.-B.Jan.3,1857 D.Dec.4,1884
Riney, Robert C.-B.1869 D.June 28,1954
Rinke, Taygan A.-B.Feb.6,1978 D.Oct.24,1997
Rios, Jesus-- 1978 to 1996
Rise, Iva O.-B.Feb.22,1913 D.Apr.20,1974
Rise, Lowell Williams-B.June 6,1913 D.June 24,1972
Rivera, Aignacis-D.July 19,1910(In Spanish Langage)
Roach, Drucilla Cathey-B.Jan.11,1886 D.Nov.17,1944
Roach, Thomas Porter-B.July 1,1873 D.Jan.20,1945
Roark, Ethel-B.Oct.10,1885 D.Sept.23,1971
Roark, George W.-B.Mar.29,1877 D.Jan.1,1956
Robbins, E. Wesley-B.1870 D.Feb.19,1946
Robbins, Elizabeth J.-B.Apr.10,1845 D.Aug.2,1910(wife of W.H.)
Robbins, John-- unmarked
Robbins, Margaret C.-B.Sept.10,1895 D.May 7,1975
Robbins, T.S.E.-- 1921 to 1989
Robbins, W.H.-B.1838 D.Aug.4,1917(Co. M. 7th Mo. Cav)
Robbins, Walter H.-B.June 4,1891 D.Feb.9,1965
Roberds, George H.-- 1863 to 1950
Roberts, Albert D.-- 1857 to 1923
Roberts, Cliffton L.-B.1873 D.Apr.9,1947
Roberts, Dorothy-- unmarked
Roberts, Frances E.-B.1857 D.Jan.6,1948
(Roberts), Goldie S.-- 1883 to 1908
Roberts, Gortney Everett-B.Aug.18,1906 D.Jan.7,1964
Roberts, Helen B.-B.1907 D.June 10,1946
Roberts, James W.-- no info
Roberts, Jana-- 1967 to 1986
Roberts, June-- 1912 to 1992
Roberts, Richard Gilbert-B.Mar.28,1901 D.Oct.25,1961
Roberts, Zella P.-B.1912
Roberts, Zella-B.Mar.18,1912 D.Mar.30,1996
Robertson, John A.-B.Nov.19,1894 D.Jan.15,1973
Robertson, Maude A.-B.1896
Robertson, Maude-D.1992
Robinson, Acie C.-B.June 11,1911 D.Sept.22,1961
Robinson, Gerald W.-B.Mar.19,1936 D.June 26,1998
Robinson, Hazel L.
Robinson, Sharon A. -B.May 20,1939 D.Feb.28,1999
Rodgers, Herbert-- 1919 to 1984
Roe, Calvin-- 1924 to 1989
Roebuck, Lucevia-B.Aug.26,1955 D.June 3,1940
Roebuck, Minnie H.-- 1887 to 1932
Rogers, A.B.-- 1860 to 1891
Rogers, Dorothy Mummert-B.Mar.16,1917 D.Nov.11,1947
Rogers, Ethel Louise-B.Apr.3,1923 D.Feb.28,1974
Rogers, Homer Cyreneues-B.Dec.1,1916 D.Nov.28,1963
Rogers, Mrs Frane M. Davis-- 1860 to 1891
Rohr, Julius Ed.-B.Apr.9,1871 D.Feb.22,1949
Rohr, Lecora E.l-- 1905 to 1993
Rohr, Sadie L.-B.Aug.23,1875 D.Apr.28,1971
Rohr, Winifred-B.Jan.29,1916 D.Nov.4,1935
Rojas, Camilo O.-B.July 18,1904 D.Sept.14,1998
Rojas, Juan-B.1930 D.Apr.12,1944(son of Camilos & Maria Limon Rojas)
Rolf, Bessie Dell-B.Dec.25,1886 in Pratt,Ks. D.Aug.8,1963 in McPherson, Ks.
Rolf, Buel R.-B.May 8,1912
Rolf, Dr. Harry George-B.Feb.22,1884 in Pratt,Ks. D.Oct.4,1951 in McPherson,Ks.
Rolf, Elizabeth-B.June 29,1913
Rolf, L. Mable-B.Mar.26,1885 D.Nov.9,1973(Wife of Robert W.)
Rolf, Olive May-B. & D.July 31,1908(dau of R.W. & L.M.)
Rolf, Robert W.-B.Mar.22,1882 D.Nov.18,1940(Husband of L. Mable)
Roll, Baby-- no info
Roll, Baby-- No info
Roll, Elizabeth S.-B.1881 D.July 9,1957
Roll, Jerome J.-- 1863 to 1932
Roll, Mrs Della-- 1867 to 1936
Roll, Oscar J.-B.1877 D.Nov.3,1947
Roller, Helen L.-- 1918 to 1994
Rollman, Lillian M.-- unmarked
Rollman, Wilma-- 1910 to 1993
Romeine, Elby E.-B.Jan.1,1887 D.Jan.7,1955(KS Pvt 12 BN Inft. Repl & Ing Cp WWI)
Romine, Mildred F.-B.1903 D.Apr.18,1942
Roney, Alexander Aldon-- 1877 to 1939
Roney, John Allen-B.1875 D.Nov.1,1943
Roney, John E.-- 1863 to 1927
Roney, John-B.July 22,1937 D.Feb.24,1917
Roney, Leora-- 1874 to 1918(wife of W.I.)
Roney, William Irvin-B.1868 D.Oct.29,1934
Rooks, Fannie-B.Oct.24,1897 D.Oct.26,1969
Rooks, Leonard-B.Jan.4,1895 D.Dec.16,1974
Rose, A.E.-- 1855 to 1928
Rose, Alice V.-- 1958 to 1930
Rose, Charley E.-B.Sept.8,1878 D.Jan.10,1960
Rose, Clydie L.-B.Jan.14,1919 D.July 19,1920
Rose, Earl-B.June 26,1907 D.July 26,1973
Rose, Edna-- 1889 to 1977
Rose, Eva E.-B.Oct.30,1913 D.Apr.15,2000
Rose, Harlie F.-- 1910 to 1975
Rose, Harry G.-B.1894 D.Dec.17,1952
Rose, Hattie F.-B.Jan.1,1910 D.July 8,1960
Rose, John H.-B.Nov.15,1877 D.Jan.16,1956
Rose, Kathleen-- 1958 to 1975
Rose, Leona-- 1887 to 1977
Rose, Leona-- no dates
Rose, Mrs C.E: Minnie A.-B.1894 D.Mar.27,1949
Rose, Mrs Crs C.E.: Rosie M.-- 1884 to 1929
Rose, Norma E.-B.Oct.21,1936 D.Apr.23,1998
Rose, Pheobe Jane-- 1856 to 1916
Rose, Zephaniah D.-- 1855 to 1940
Rosebaum, Artie Lee-- 1918 to 1994
Roseberry, Beulah E.-B.1901 D.July 9,1953
Roseberry, Howard C.-B.Feb.1,1891 D.May 16,1955(KS Sgt Co H Inft WWI PH)
Rosenbaum, Aldo S.-B.Jan.3,1910 D.Feb.12,1998
Rosenbaum, Ellen Maude-B.Apr.1,1845 D.Mar.17,1962
Rosenbaum, Lawrence-- 1913 to 1991
Rosenbaum, Merriel-- 1900 to 1979
Rosenbaum, Ray-- 1920 to 1993
Rosenbaum, Sibyl-- 1917 to 1995
Rosenbaum, Walter E.-B.Jan.16,1893 D.July 20,1975(married Dec.11,1917)
Ross, Edna M.-- 1889 to 1977
Ross, Edward E.-B.July 4,1892 D.Aug.18,1953(Oregon Cpl 99 Aero 59)
Ross, Elmer E.-B.1883 D.Mar.31,1949
Ross, Florance T.-- 1910 to 1996
Ross, George-- 1919 to 1991
Ross, Ora C.-B.Aug.19,1893 D.May 9,1975
Ross, Pauline R.Duran-B.Mar.5,1917 D.Sept.7,1998
Ross, William F.-D.Feb.10,1939(Ark. Pvt. US Army)
Rosser, Alfred G.-B.1883 D.Aug.3,1939
Rosser, Luella M.-B.1887 D.May 23,1938
Rounkles, Clinton-- no dates
Rountain, O.W.-- unmarked
Rouse, Clarence-B.Jan.12,1888 D.Mar.21,1919
Rouse, Wendell C.-B.July 14,1913 D.Feb.14,1960
Roush, Carl Duane-B.May 16,1931 D.June 8,1970(Pvt US Army Korea)
Roush, Carl-B.Nov.26,1904 D.Nov.11,1953
Roush, Naomi Ann-B.Mar.2,1911 no death date
Routte, Charles-- 1911 to 1982
Rowe, Ella Louise-B.1880 D.June 14,1951
Rowe, Ida Ellen-B.1892 D.Jan.4,1943
Rowe, Jane E. Southerland-D.Dec.28,1925
Rowe, Margaret J.-- 1861 to 1938
Rowe, William Edward-D.Nov.22,1917
Rowen, Francis T.-- unmarked
Rowland, Ray-B.Feb.2,1886 D.May 11,1968
Rowlley, Baby-- no dates
Royer, Richard-- 1922 to 1982
Royse, Mrs Wilma May Roush-B.Apr.12,1905 D.Dec.14,1966(in Memory of Our Mother--Warren,Marion,Jim,Ruth,Neil)
Ruckman, Edna-no dates(dau. of Claria Ruckman)
Runyan, E.-no birth date D.Apr.29,1908
Runyan, Mary E.-B.Aug.7,1839 D.Aug.14,1909
Rush, Hardie-B.Apr.2,1905 D.Sept.21,1950
Russell, Cora H.-B.June 11,1881 D.Jan.30,1969
Russell, Cynithia V.-B.1899 no death date(wife of Thomas)
Russell, Cynthia-B.Sept.19,1899 D.July 10,1999
Russell, Janie-B.1875 D.Feb.17,1941(wife of Tom J.)
Russell, John-B.1877 D.Sept.10,1935
Russell, Joseph Presley-- 1830 to 1929(Co. E 16 USC Olo. Inf.)
Russell, Mrs. J.P: Lettitia-B.1851 D.July 20,1934
Russell, Susie-- 1891 to 1976
Russell, Susie-B.Oct.28,1891 D.1976
Russell, Thomas J."Tom"-B.1876 D.Oct.1,1945
Russell, Thomas L.-- 1883 to 1968
Rust, Elva-- 1905 to 1971
Ryan, Hugh-- no info
Ryles, Dorthy-- 1919 to 1988

Sallee, Maxine Phillips-B.Aug.31,1921 D.May 3,1954
Salley, Edith M.-- 1910 to 1989
Salley, Elmer-- 1904 to 1993
Saloga, Charlie M.-B.June 19,1938 D.June 19,1998
Saloga, Eugene-B.1937
Saloga, Mrs E: Lona L.-B.Apr.4,1940 D.Aug.1,1966
Sample, Donald N.-- 1928 to 1979
Samples, Fred-B.Dec.19,1881 D.June 15,1961
Samples, Sarah C.-B.Feb.17,1888 D.Oct.31,1962
Sandburg, Charles John-B.July 7,1856 D.Feb.6,1946(born in Sweden)(son of Charles A. & Christina A.)
Sandburg, Ellen Augusta-B.Aug.2,1860 D.Jan.30,1945(born in Sweden)(Dau of Adolf & Anna S.)
Sandburg, Hulda May-B.Jan.25,1886 D.Apr.24,1972(dau of D.C. & Emma Mensinger)
Sandburg, Kaye-- 1942 to 1992
Sandburg, Pearl-- 1888 to 1911(dau of C.J. & Ellen A.)
Sandburg, Racheal-- 1912 to 1990
Sandburg, Robert Oscar Jr.-B.Sept.27,1911 D.Dec.29,1972
Sandburg, Robert Oscar Sr.-B.Nov.20,1883 D.Feb.15,1973(son of C.J. & Ellen A.)
Sanderline, Hoyette H.-B.1907 D.Apr.15,1970
Sanders, Cleal V.-B.May 31,1900 D.Jan.17,1971
Sanders, Craig-- unmarked
Sanders, Edgar B.-- 1891 to 1921
Sanders, Elsie A.-B.Apr.8,1905 no death date
Sanders, Frank J.-B.July 22,1893 D.Dec.20,1945
Sanders, Goldie D.-B.Apr.19,1910 D.Sept.25,2000
Sanders, Goldie D.-B.May 19,1910 no death date
Sanders, Ida Florence-B.Jan.28,1900 D.May 18,1962
Sanders, John Henry--D.Sept.2,1940(KS Pvt 30 Field Art)
Sanders, Mabel-- 1892 to 1983
Sanders, Mary Jane--D.Aug.28,1930
Sanders, Mary M.-B.Oct.5,1868 D.Sept.5,1941
Sanders, Mrs J.H: Norma J.-B.Sept.4,1897 D.Aug.25,1968
Sanders, Nahum W.-B.Mar.14,1898 D.Nov.6,1966
Sanders, Neva-B.Apr.27,1903 D.Mar.25,1999
Sanders, Robert B.-B.Nov.3,1861 D.Jan.27,1932
Sanders, Robert Eugene-B.Nov.19,1963 D.Nov.20,1963
Sandquist, Eben John-- 1884 to 1944
Sandquist, Katherine-B.1883 D.Feb.20,1954
Sanez, Teofilo-B.Dec.18,1883 D.Jan.14,1968
Sanford, Joe F.-- 1910 to 1988
Sanford, Pauline-- 1920 to 1986
Sanko, Helen-- 1914 to 1978
Sanko, Helen-B.1914 no death date
Sanko, Mrs Elizabeth-- 1886 to 1922
Saunders, Erene-- unmarked
Savely, Earl J.-B.Feb.5,1902 D.Mar.24,1971(Mo. Pvt Btry C 20 Field Arty WWI)
Savely, Vera-D.June 8,1984
Sawyer, J.W.-no dates(Co. K 8th Ky. Cav. Civil War)
Scantlin, Amma-B.Jan.19,1880 D.Nov.19,1915
Scantlin, Charles-- unmarked
Scantlin, Edieta Ann-B.Nov.21,1946 D.May 12,1949
Scantlin, Edith M.-B.Nov.21,1920 D.Sept.26,1983
Scantlin, Edmund E.-B.Aug.19,1911 D.Jan.12,1997
Scantlin, Emmett E.-B.Apr.11,1879 D.Oct.17,1967
Scantlin, Eva J.-- 1892 to 1981
Scantlin, Eva June-B.June 6,1892 (wife of John Alvin)
Scantlin, Evangelyn-- 1903 to 1987
Scantlin, Florence May-- 1909 to 1924
Scantlin, George S.-B.1864 D.Feb.11,1947
Scantlin, Havatio F.-- unmarked
Scantlin, Helen Anita-- 1917 to 1919
Scantlin, Hugh H.-- unmarked
Scantlin, Kanterine Bessie-B.Nov.27,1890 D.Nov.10,1963
Scantlin, Mary Mason-D.1993
Scantlin, Mrs E.: Hermine-B.Mar.29,1876 D.Oct.7,1939
Scantlin, Mrs Emma-B.June 4,1873 D.Apr.7,1941
Scantlin, Mrs G.S: Edna Alice-B.1866 D.Nov.17,1938
Scantlin, Otis-- 1898 to 1976
Scantlin, Otis-- 1898 to 1976
Scantlin, Rash-B.Sept.26,1875 D.Jan.26,1918
Scantlin, Sarah J.-B.1852 D.Dec.1,1938
Scantlin, Thomas W.-- 1912 to 1975
Scantlin, Wayne-- 1904 to 1979
Scantlin, William J.-B.1881 no death date
Scarbough, Bryan J.-B.1901 D.July 5,1948
Scarbough, Cheslie W.(Chet)-B.Jan.13,1893 D.June 13,1964 (WWI Vetern)
Scarbough, Emma P.-B.June 25,1898 no death date
Scarbough, Nellie I.(Cox)-B.Dec.12,1908 D.Mar.2,1971
Scarbrough, Dolly-B.June 4,1897 D.June 26,1967
Scarbrough, Elisabeth-- 1894 to 1994
Scarbrough, Elizabeth-B.Nov.10,1894 no death date
Scarbrough, Emma-B.1898 D.Apr.25,1984
Scarbrough, Fannie-B.Mar.29,1872 D.Jan.22,1969
Scarbrough, Frankk-B.Nov.27,1895 D.Jan.5,1974
Scarbrough, Tennie-B.Jan.19,1904 D.Apr.12,1968
Schaefer, Edwin E.-B.Feb.26,1889 D.Nov.6,1972
Schaefer, Lee K.-B.Aug.14,1906 D.Feb.20,1961
Schafer, Dorothy J.-- 1921 to 1994
Schafer, Dulcie-- 1897 to 1983
Schafer, Mrs Roy: Jewel Humphrey-B.Sept.11,1897 D.Mar.4,1958
Schafer, William Joseph "Billy Joe"-B.Apr.20,1941 D.Sept.1,1958
Schafer, William Roy"Billy"-B.Oct.23,1932 D.Dec.10,1957
Schaffer, Paul M.-- 1965 to 1992
Schaffer, Paul M. Sr.-- 1940 to 1994
Schepel, John Wendell-B.May 21,1909 D.Dec.14,1975
Schessler, Jacob Jr.-B.Aug.5,1895 D.Nov.11,1918
Schiavone, Marie-- 1908 to 1989
Schiavone, Marie Hess-B.Nov.20,1908 no death date
Schiller, Conrad-B.Dec.17,1889 D.May 25,1960
Schmidt, Cory-- 1989 to 1990
Schmidt, Roy-D.1993
Schmidt, William John-B.Mar.21,1889 D.Sept.2,1951(KS Pvt 8 Inft. 8 Div. WWI)
Schnell, Pauleen W.-D.1989
Schnell, Richard D.-B.1936 D.Apr.25,1953
Schnelle, Bonnie C.-- 1892 to 1976
Schnelle, Bonnie Claire-- 1892 to 1976
Schnelle, David Francis-B.Mar.3,1891 D.Jan.21,1975
Schnelle, Robert D. Sr.--D.1994
Schnelle, Robert Dayle-B.1942 D.Nov.8,1947
Schnittker, Joe A.-B.Sept.18,1904 D.Feb.3,1997
Schoonover, Henry-- no dates
Schoonover, Infant of Ira-- no dates
Schoonover, Ira-- 1879 to 1937
Schoonover, John Doyle-- 1905 to 1937
Schoonover, LeRoy-- 1915 to 1977
Schoonover, Leroy E.-- 1940 to 1977
Schoonover, Lones W.-- no dates
Schoonover, Mary-B.Apr.11,1923 D.July 21,2000
Schoonover, Mrs F.W.,Elizabeth-- 1858 to 1928
Schoonover, Mrs Ira-- 1883 to 1923
Schoonover, Rodney E.-- 1915 to 1981
Schouten, Mrs A.:Cora L.-B.Jan.23,1896 D.Aug.12,1965
Schouten, Orlie-- 1895 to 1987
Schouten, Orlie C.-B.1895 D.19??
Schrader, Virginia Lou-- 1935 to 1935
Schrepel, Evelyn-- 1908 to 1989
Schrepel, John-- 1909 to 1976
Schrey, Elizabeth May-B.Sept.26,1875 D.Feb.4,1960
Schrey, Joseph Albert-- 1877 to 1945
Schrolick, Elma E.-B.Mar.26,1905 D.Oct.25,1972(married to M.W. on Apr.1,1937
Schrolick, Martin W.-B.Sept.9,1895(Cpl Co I 139th Inf 35th Div WWI)
Schrolick, Martin-D.1981
Schroll, Child of Albert Schroll-no dates
Schroll, Child of Albert Schroll-no dates
Schulte, August-- 1909 to 1987
Schulte, Blance M.-- 1901 to 1993
Schulte, Donald-- 1917 to 1976
Schulte, Donald-B.June 12,1917 D.May 10,1976
Schulte, Edward-B.Jan.27,1887 D.June 28,1959
Schulte, Edward-D.1979
Schulte, Jerry R.-B.May 20,1938 D.Aug.27,1950
Schulte, Magdalen Lena-b.1887 D.Aug.1,1944
Schulte, Ronald E.-B.Sept.8,1932 D.Mar.30,1997
Schulte, Rose-D.1988
Schulte, Sylvester-- 1910 to 1976
Schulte, Sylvester-B.Aug.5,1910 D.Nov.13,1976
Schulte, Walter-D.1988
Schuman, John J.-B.186? D.Summer of 1932
Schuman, John-- no dates
Schuman, Mrs John:Beatrice -B.June 12,1912 D.Dec.17,1945
Schutt, Gilbert-- 1932 to 1988
Scothorn, Eddie V.-- 1956 to 1987
Scott, Bessie-- 1891 to 1981
Scott, Bessie S.-B.1891 no death date
Scott, Cecil W.-B.Oct.28,1896 D.Dec.28,1973
Scott, Charley I.-B.1886 D.Dec.3,1947
Scott, Child of O.D.-- unmarked
Scott, Clarence-- 1896 to 1983
Scott, Claude C.-B.1874 D.Feb.12,1959
Scott, Claudine Fay-B.Apr.21,1904 D.July 30,1904
Scott, Delmont R.-D.1880
Scott, Edna M.-B.Aug.8,1872 D.Apr.17,1972
Scott, Edward Frank-B.June 21,1891 D.Feb.18,1964(Pvt. Ks. Co G 41 Inft. WWI)
Scott, Frank E.-B.1861 D.Dec.12,1946
Scott, Frieda M.-B.Apr.12,1916
Scott, Gary F.-B.Mar.28,1939 D.Aug.16,2000
Scott, Glady-- 1899 to 1985
Scott, Hazel M.-- 1903 to 1995
Scott, Infant of Frank Scott-- unmarked
Scott, John David-B.Aug.3,1861 D.July 28,1943
Scott, John H.-- 1861 to 1929
Scott, Joseph E.-B.Apr.15,1889 D.Oct.26,1966
Scott, Julia M.-B.Oct.1,1895 D.Apr.25,1996
Scott, Majorie Ann-B.Apr.21,1920 D.May 13,1920(Dau of Dr. & Julia Scott)
Scott, Martha A.-- 1837 to 1916
Scott, Marvin D.-B.Mar.4,1913 D.May 11,1975
Scott, Mary A.-B.1864 D.Apr.1954
Scott, May B.-B.1878 D.Feb.19,1958
Scott, Mrs J.D: Lucy Bradley-B.Aug.8,1866 D.May 4,1949
Scott, Mrs R.J.:Bessie L.-B.Nov.12,1889 D.Apr.13,1965
Scott, Nanie Moore-B.1877 D.May 16,1947
Scott, R.M.-- 1829 to 1907
Scott, Roy J.-B.Feb.12,1888 D.Jan.2,1961
Scott, Sina A.-B.Nov.16,1905 D.Apr.18,1944
Scroggin, Robert T.-B.Oct.18,1901 D.Aug.4,1975(Cpl US Army WWII)
Scroggins, Margaret-D.Dec.9,1985
Scroggins, Theodore-B.Dec.3,1903 D.Mar.18,1970
Seacat, Gertrude L.-D.1990
Seacat, Irene-- D.1988
Sealey, James H.-- 1892 to 1925
Search, Bessie-- 1895 to 1976
Search, Bessie-- 1895 to 1976
Search, Edward-D.1977
Search, Franklin C.-b.1864 D.Nov.7,1946
Search, Mora E.-B.1871 D.July 4,1936
Searles, Lou-- 1910 to 1976
Searles, Lou-- unmarked
Sears, Alvin Douglas-B.Mar.31,1903 D.June 29,1963
Sears, Cressie E.-B.Apr.12,1903 D.Dec.6,1970
Seibley, Bonnie B.-- 1895 to 1975
Seibley, Clarence W. "Doc"-- 1882 to 1973
Seidel, Christa D.-B.May 29,1985 D.Feb.16,1987
Seitnater, Anna-B.Oct.7,1912
Seitnater, Joe-- 1919 to 1981
Seitnater, Joe J.-B.July 28,1918
Seney, Ira-- 1908 to 1982
Senti, Milton-- 1914 to 1993
Septer, Douglas A.-B.July 5,1953 D.Apr.3,1972
Sessler, Jacob R.-B.June 26,1826 D.Mar.2,1914
Sessler, Lincoln A.-- 1864 to 1907
Sessler, Martin W.-- 1866 to 1907
Sessler, Mary-- 1834 to 1892
Sessler, Minnie-B.1872 D.July 18,1952
Sewell, Blanche-- 1898 to 1978
Sewell, Byron Baxter-B.Mar.26,1876 D.Nov.14,1958
Sewell, Enice-- 1906 to 1981
Sewell, Frank-- 1940 to 1977
Sewell, Mary F.-- 1858 to Mar.23,1952
Sewell, Minnie Dupont-- 1894 to 1923
Sewell, Roll S.-B.Aug.27,1890 D.Mar.14,1966(Ks. WAGR Medical Dept. WWI)
Sewell, Stella Ann-B.Sept.10,1883 D.Jan.15,1944
Sewell, Walter-B.Apr.26,1910 D.Jan.15,1968(KS CWO 218 Signal Depot Co WWII)
Seyfert, Alvin O.-B.Apr.30,1912 D.Mar.2,1999
Seyfert, Marjorie-B.Dec.24,1924 D.July 25,1998
Seyffer, Harry S.-B.Mar.8,1892 D.Sept.16,1966
Seyffer, Luella F.-B.Mar.1,1904 D.July 20,1972
Shackleford, Frank E.-- 1874 to 1937
Shackleford, Infant dau of F.E.--D.1917
Shackleford, Sophie W.-B.Mar.11,1878 D.Oct.29,1963
Shafer, Dorthy Pauline-B.Oct.25,1904 D.Feb.5,1962
Shafer, Nettie(Gane)-B.1873 D.Sept.22,1954
Shafer, Roy-B.Oct.29,1902 D.1989
Shafer, William-- 1870 to 1918
Shaffer, Benno C.-- 1883 to 1940
Shaffer, Cecil R.-B.Dec.3,1920 D.July 9,1974
Shaffer, Frank J.-B.1892 D.May 9,1949
Shaffer, Josephine-B.May 2,1895 D.Apr 29,1951
Shaffer, Kenneth A.-- 1967 to 1981
Shaffer, Mrs Anna-- 1889 to 1925
Shaffer, Mrs Frank: Elizabeth M.-B.1891 D.Oct.30,1957
Shaffer, Virginia M.-B.Sept.15,1921 D.
Shaffer, William B.-B.Nov.7,1879 D.Nov.21,1961
Shaklee, William-B.May 12,1824 D.June 15,1907(Co. D 2nd Reg of Iowa)
Shand, Archibald S.-- 1833 to 1911
Shand, David Dean-- 1875 to 1911
Shand, Hattie Maud-B.Jan.19,1878 D.Oct.29,1966
Shand, Margarette B.-- 1875 to 1910
Shanley, Beulah M.-B.June 20,1915 D.Mar.20,1999
Shanley, Francis-- 1840 to 1928
Shanley, Joseph-no birth date D.Nov.20,1945
Shanley, Michael (Mike)-B.Nov.12,1896 D.Apr.25,1968
Shanley, Mrs M.J.:Alice L.-B.Aug.25,1901 D.Oct.30,1966
Shanley, Susan-B.1857 D.Jan.21,1948
Shanley, Thomas-- 1960 to 1981
Shannon, Darrel E.-B.May 25,1903 D.Apr.23,1958
Shannon, Jennie-- 1919 to 1992
Shannon, Jennie F.-B.Dec.18,1919
Shannon, Madeline-B.Aug.25,1902 D.Nov.23,1959
Shannon, Madge-- 1900 to 1983
Shannon, Norma E.-B.May 17,1881 D.Oct.12,1949
Shannon, Sallye G.-B.June 1,1887 D.Apr.8,1947
Shannon, Walter A.-B.Jan.27,1879 D.June 12,1952
Shannon, Walter E.-B.Jan.16,1910 D.Nov.6,1975(SSGT US Marine Corps WWII)
Sharp, Addie-B.Mar.24,1893 D.Dec.4,1950(KS Cook Hosp Train WWI)
Sharp, Carl Washington-B.July 4,1909 D.Nov.22,1959(KS S1 USNR WWII)
Sharp, Marshall W.-B.Apr.23,1887 D.Apr.29,1961
Sharp, Mrs Mary M.-- 1865 to 1929
Sharp, V. Emmaline"Emma"-B.1893 D.June 25,1954
Shavers, Gaylen-- 1925 to 1986
Shaw, Burke Burbank-B.Feb.11,1888 D.Feb.20,1909
Shaw, Clyke Steele-D.Oct.3,1886 age 1 mo 25 dys(son of M.B. & Jessie O.)
Shaw, Earnest Lyman-B.Feb.20,1863 D.July 3,1946
Shaw, J.O.(maybe child of)-- unmarked
Shaw, James O.-- 1883 to 1934
Shaw, Jean P.-B.1902 D.Jan.7,1950
Shaw, Lena-- 1908 to 1983
Shaw, Lena E.-B.1908
Shaw, Lt. Cedrec Hadaway-B.May 8,1891 D.Oct.14,1918(Killed in action Aryonne Forrest, France)
Shaw, Lucy C.-B.1888
Shaw, Lucy-D.1981
Shaw, Mrs E.J: Julia Hadaway-B.Jan.10,1863 D.July 16,1946
Shaw, Mrs J.O.: Grace Briggs-B.Mar.3,1883 D.Aug.26,1968
Shaw, Mrs S.S: Rosella V.-B.June 26,1874 D.May 27,1953
Shaw, Owen-B.May 1,1917 D.Oct.20,1998
Shaw, Sidney S.-B.Oct.3,1882 D.July 29,1964
Sheegog, Robert-B.May 11,1915 D.Mar.15,1997
Sheil, Mary E.-B.June 8,1861 D.Sept.15,1886(wife of M.E. Sheil)
Shepard, Allen J.-B.Jan.23,1873 D.July 1,1966
Shepard, Bessie Ann-- 1890 to 1937
Shepard, Homer D.-B.July 24,1890 D.May 19,1970(married Sept.20,1918)
Shepard, Lee H.-- 1908 to 1990
Shepard, Mildred F.-B.1902 D.July 7,1937
Shepard, Mr. Arthur M.-no birth date D.Apr.4,1950
Shepard, Mrs A.J: Della Rebecca-B.Nov.29,1877 D.Jan.3,1965
Shepard, Mrs Calhoun-- no dates
Shepard, Opal Nadene-- 1912 to 1913
Shepard, Oscar Kirk-B.Feb.17,1888 D.Oct.16,1963
Shepard, Retta Ruth & infant son-B.1912 D.Oct.19,1938
Shepard, Rose Ellen-- 1885 to 1987
Shepard, Susie-B.Sept.14,1893
Sherman, Anna Mary-B.Aug.17,1840 D.Oct.27,1913
Sherman, Mary A. Hildreth-B.May 26,1873 D.June 20,1896
Sherman, Mrs Ira-no birth date D.June 20,1896
Sherrell, Abbie Thomas-B.1888 D.Sept.18,1970
Sherrell, Albert E.-B.1891 D.Apg.5,1971
Shetler, Mary A.-- 1915 to 1993
Shetterly, Abraham L.-B.Aug.24,1846 D.Aug.26,1926(Co. 34 IA. Vol. Inf.)
Shetterly, Anna F.-B.Mar.5,1879 D.Sept.29,1912(wife of C.L.)
Shetterly, Brintion O.-B.1882 D.May 7,1957
Shetterly, Clinton L.-B.Jan.13,1872 D.Aug.29,1941
Shetterly, Gloria Jean-D.Aug.4,1928(dau of W.M. & R.A.)
Shetterly, Marvin-D.1989
Shetterly, Mrs B.O: Minnie E.-B.Mar.2,1888 D.Aug.12,1965
Shetterly, Rowena A.-B.Sept.22,1902 D.Jan.5,1954(wife of W.M.)
Shetterly, Sarah E.-B.Sept.14,1847 D.Sept.24,1928
Shetterly, Virginia Ann-B.Oct.11,1926 D.Nov.9,1926(dau of W.M. & R.A.)
Shilling, Clara-B.Sept.23,1868 D.Nov.23,1958
Shinliver, Vida Mae-- 1905 to 1990
Shirk, Bert O.-- 1880 to 1933
Shirk, Howard P.-- 1873 to 1925
Shirk, Lizzie Reese-B.Feb.17,1890 D.Apr.16,1921
Shirk, Minnie H.-B.Apr.1,1875 D.Aug.18,1958
Shiveley, Catherine W.-B.Nov.2,1828 D.Sept.19,1909
Shook, Edna Marie-B.Nov.27,1892 D.Oct.8,1952
Shook, Elnora Sue-B.Aug.12,1913 D.Jan.7,1962(KS 2ed LT Army Nurse Corps WWII)
Shook, Thomas Lee-B.Nov.8,1891 D.Mar.6,1975
Shore, Albert Harrison-B.Dec.30,1889 D.Mar.31,1965
Shore, Fred-B.1879 D.Feb.9,1958
Shore, Grace-- 1889 to 1979
Shore, Grace A.-B.1889
Shore, Mrs A.H: Eva-B.June 14,1894 D.Mar.4,1969
Short, Barbara J.-B.Dec.18,1932 D.Oct.28,1955
Short, Luther A.-B.Apr.11,1869 D.July 22,1919
Short, Valirie-B.May 5,1954 D.Oct.28,1955
Shoults, Harry Jesse-B.Dec.15,1890 D.Apr.26,1974
Shoults, Mamie Ethel-B.1898 D.June 20,1936
Shoults, Phyllis-- 1906 to 1981
Shoults, Phyllis Dye-B.Nov.7,1906 no death date
Shoults, William C.-- 1894 to 1919
Shrack, Gertrude-B.Sept.13,1881 D.Sept.17,1972
Shrack, Homer E.-B.1875 D.Apr.1,1940
Shrack, John-- 1866 to 1886
Shrack, John W.-B.1902 D.Feb.1,1955
Shrack, Mildred-- 1903 to 1976
Shrack, Mildred-- 1903 to 1976
Shrack, Mrs Harriet H.-- 1845 to 1926
Shrack, Mrs Jessie-B.1880 D.June 5,1934
Shrack, Orville--B.July 1,1881 D.July 24,1958
Shrack, Phyllis Kipp-B.Nov.27,1921 D.Oct.10,1970
Shrack, Samuel-B.1887 D.Jan.15,1939
Shrack, William H.-B.1843 D.Feb.23,1908
Shuler, Edwin R.-- 1894 to 1978
Shuler, Lucille-- 1911 to 1991
Shumway, Ronald F.-B.June 20,1931 D.June 18,1997
Shupe, Clarence G.-B.July 19,1880 D.June 27,1966
Shupe, Mrs C.G: Laura I.-B.Jan.27,1885 D.Oct.13,1965
Sidman, J. Kenneth-- 1898 to 1996
Sidman, Lois Hogue-B.Apr.29,1902 D.Nov.28,1997
Siemens, James W.-- 1964 to 1990
Sillin, D."Tal" Talmadge-B.1889 D.June 8,1944
Silvers, Ellen-- 1894 to 1983
Silvers, Ellen Rae-B.1894
Silvers, William E.-b.1890 D.Jan.26,1952
Simmons, Charles-- 1916 to 1984
Simmons, Edward-- 1904 to 1976
Simmons, Edward A.-- 1904 to 1976
Simmons, Madeline-B.Aug.6,1913
Simmons, O. Pauline-- 1917 to 1983
Simmons, Ray L.-B.May 6,1910 D.June 5,1967
Simms, Charley Leroy-B.Aug.11,1895 D.Aug.25,1951(KS CPL 117 Ammo TN 42 Div WWI)
Simms, Marion-- 1928 to 1994
Simms, Vida-- 1891 to 1994
Simms, Vida F.-- no dates
Simon, Lorenz C.-- 1907 to 1988
Simpson, Clarence-- 1887 to 1919
Simpson, Clark R.-B.1914 D.Mar.30,1952
Simpson, Fannie-- 1859 to 1914
Simpson, George-B.1896 D.Jan.19,1951
Simpson, James-B.1858 D.Sept.10,1953
Simpson, Winnie-- 1908 to 1995
Sims, Bobby S.-B.Oct.25,1925 D.Apr.1,1998
Sims, Harry Lee-B.1898 D.Jan.20,1950
Sims, Howard-B.1903 D.Aug.29,1956
Sims, James W.-- 1869 to 1933
Sims, Lena May-B.1901
Sims, Mary E.-B.Sept.16,1875 D.Oct.13,1972
Sims, Mrs Amberzine-B.1907 D.Aug.1946
Sinclair, Johnnie-- 1925 to 1983
Sinclaire, George D.-B.Sept.18,1871 D.May 12,1964
Sines, John H.-buried in Section 17 don't know lot Buried about 1929 Record Lost
Singleton, Cappie V.-- 1900 to 1978
Singleton, Cappie Vera-B.Oct.13,1899 no death date
Singleton, Earl-- 1929 to 1985
Singleton, Genevieve P.-B.Aug.29,1908 D.Feb.1,1999
Singleton, Gilbert"Bert"-B.July 6,1892 D.June 28,1958
Singleton, Margaret-B.1908 D.Mar.21,1984
Singleton, Rachel-D.Mar.29,1911
Singleton, Walter Raymond-B.1905 D.July 4,1953
Sipe, Josephine-- 1912 to 1989
Sipe, Myrle-- 1907 to 1990
Sipult, C.-- 1922 to 1933
Sipult, Lottie-B.1889 D.Dec.11,1941
Sisson, Mrs R.M: Mildred-B.July 8,1900 D.Nov.8,1966
Sisson, Ralph M.-B.June 14,1897 D.Jan.10,1959
Sitton, Ardelia A.-- 1848 to 1932
Sitton, Guy Wilbur-B.June 1,1888 D.Mar.4,1967(KS SC 1 US Navy WWI)
Sitton, Lella-- 1894 to 1976
Sitton, Lois M.-B.Sept.24,1925 no death date
Sitton, Stephen A.-- 1846 to 1919
Sitton, Theda D.-- 1892 to 1976
Sitton, Thelda-- 1892 to 1976
Sitton, Thomas-- 1892 to 1990
Sitton, Thomas L.-B.May 21,1892 no death date
Sitton, Zella A.-B.July 24,1894 D.Jan.25,1977
Skelton, Mrs R.D: Cora B.-B.Oct.22,1889 D.Mar.30,1968
Skelton, Roy-- 1911 to 1988
Skelton, Roy D.-B.Apr.12,1890 D.May 22,1968
Skinner, Carla-- 1880 to 1979
Skinner, Clara R.-B.1880
Skinner, Siler H.-- 1879 to 1942
Slater, Roscoe-- 1920 to 1987
Slawson, Lois P.-- 1903 to 1926
Sliebert, Mr(Alien)-- unmarked
Sloan, C.A.-- 1861 to 1921
Sloan, Edna-B.1897 D.Mar.25,1978
Sloan, Martha-- 1909 to 1988
Sloan, Martha S.-B.1909 no death date
Sloan, Mrs C.A.-- 1858 to 1932
Sloan, Mrs S.G.:Laura A.-- 1870 to 1904
Sloan, Patricia Ann-B.Feb.17,1932 D.July 17,1932
Sloan, Ruth-- 1934 to 1994
Sloan, Samuel G.-B.1864 to Oct.20,1951
Sloan, William R.-B.May 5,1905 D.June 13,1970
Slover, Earl Ray-B.June 26,1934 D.Oct.4,1926
Slover, Eliza Isora-B.May 19,1869 D.Dec.30,1966(dau of Reuben Wesley & Mary)
Slover, Kenne-- 1929 to 1995
Slover, Mrs C.W: Alpha M.-B.July 18,1885 D.Sept.25,1967
Slover, Mrs Slover: Ethel J.-B.June 16,1908 D.Oct.4,1926
Slover, Rennae-- 1900 to 1979
Small, Don-- 1905 to 1985
Small, Mrs Lucretia J.-B.Jan.11,1856 D.May 12,1925
Small, Opal May-B.Aug.16,1903 D.Jan.3,1964
Smart, Johannah-B.Dec.11,1857 D.Aug.5,1922(wife of Robert)
Smart, Robert-B.1885 D.Nov.25,1953
Smart, Robert-B.May 29,1931 D.Oct.11,1907
Smart, Steve-B.Jan.15,1888 D.Feb.15,1923
Smith ,Hazel R.-B.Aug.21,1901 D.Aug.5,1948
Smith, Alfred Oliver-- no info
Smith, Anna M.-B.1876 D.Nov.9,1954
Smith, Aubrey-B.Aug.28,1904 D.Nov.22,1963
Smith, Benjamin H.-B.Nov.11,1887 D.Dec.29,1961
Smith, Bessie M.-- 1898 to 1979
Smith, Bill- on the cement border no dates and not very clear
Smith, Bytha A.-no birth date D.Aug.3,1938
Smith, Calvin-- 1873 to 1930
Smith, Charles-B.1870 D.Jan.18,1946
Smith, Clarinda-B.Aug.1,1934 D.Dec.24,1999
Smith, Claude-- 1903 to 1904
Smith, Earl-B.Dec.4,1876 D.Sept.21,1906
Smith, Earl--D.1981
Smith, Edna-- 1886 to 1981
Smith, Edna B.-B.July 4,1896 no death date
Smith, Elizabeth-- 1918 to 1989
Smith, Emma Jane-- 1874 to 1935
Smith, Esther Belle-B.1914 D..July 24,1944
Smith, Eula-B.Oct.2,1876 D.Nov.9,1936
Smith, Everett R.-- 1912 to 1994
Smith, Flora B.-B.1867 D.July 7,1950
Smith, Florence B.-B.Apr.15,1889 D.June 2,1974
Smith, Floyd-D.1989
Smith, Francis-- 1921 to 1979
Smith, Frank G.-D.1987
Smith, G.W.-no dates(Co. D 82ed Ind Inf.)
Smith, George R.-- 1856 to 1916
Smith, Harold-- 1914 to 1918
Smith, Hattie F.-- 1884 to 1976
Smith, Hattie F.-- 1884 to 1976
Smith, Herbert T.-- 1887 to 1923
Smith, Herbert-B.1901 D.Feb.7,1984
Smith, Herschel-- 1902 to 1981
Smith, J.B.F.-B.Aug.3,1853 D.Dec.12,1934
Smith, James Lewellen-B.Feb.8,1867 D.Apr.26,1925
Smith, Joesph W.-B.Aug.29,1891 D.July 25,1966
Smith, John E.-- 1862 to 1921
Smith, John Floyd-- 1913 to 1986
Smith, John L.-B.1865 D.Sept.19,1949
Smith, John Wesley-B.Aug.18,1888 D.Feb.24,1966
Smith, Laura Belle-- no info
Smith, Lester Gene-- 1924 to 1937
Smith, Lester J.-B.June 1,1901 D.Jan.19,1954
Smith, Louise-- 1914 to 1989
Smith, Louise B.-B.Sept.8,1889 D.Feb.4,1975
Smith, Lyle W.-B.Aug.29,1924 D.Mar.9,1997
Smith, Mary Ann-B.Jan.17,1913 no death date
Smith, Mary H.-B.Apr.2,1906 D.Jan.24,1998
Smith, Mazeppa Ann-B.Nov.6,1869 D.Aug.21,1955
Smith, Mildred E.-- 1915 to 1988
Smith, Mildred-B.Mar.30,1913 D.Nov.14,1998
Smith, Mollie E.-B.May 7,1916 D.Feb.28,1999
Smith, Mrs Etta J.-- 1863 to 1927
Smith, Mrs Lyle: Agnes Martha-B.Sept.29,1928 D.Nov.28,1963
Smith, Mrs Verna F. Arnold-- 1902 to 1934
Smith, Myrtle C.-- 1876 to 1936
Smith, Oma Turney-B.1905
Smith, Oma-B.Sept.16,1905 D.Sept.22,1998
Smith, Paul-- 1907 to 1981
Smith, Perry-- 1894 to 1977
Smith, Perry O.-B.May 13,1894 D.Nov.25,1977
Smith, Ray-- 1910 to 1911
Smith, Rex Rueben-- 1901 to 1974
Smith, Robert-- 1912 to 1912
Smith, robert G.-- 1916 to 1992
Smith, Rockwell-- 1917 to 1987
Smith, Roy Fredrick-B.May 7,1907 D.June 21,1961(Wife Mrs Roy (Helen) Smith)
Smith, Sarah Frances-B.Dec.4,1881 D.Mar.8,1963
Smith, Thomas Jerome-B.May 19,1973 D.May 20,1973
Smith, W. Wallace-- 1899 to 1977
Smith, W. Wallace-- 1899 to 1977
Smith, Walter-- 1888 to 1979
Snedigar, Charles Alva-B.Apr.25,1874 D.Nov.8,1959
Snedigar, Mrs C.A: Dora-B.Dec.2,1880 D.Nov.8,1964
Snell, Ethel M.-- 1904 to 1966
Snider, Fredrick-- 1897 to 1983
Snider, Fredrick Leo-B.Aug.28,1926 D.Dec.21,1961(KS CM 3 USNR)
Snider, Fredrick P.-B.1897
Snider, Mrs Fred: Velma B.-B.July 16,1905 D.Feb.15,1965
Snodgrass, Gladys L.-B.May 21,1907 D.June 18,1972
Snowdon, Lottie E. Adams-- 1894 to 1917
Snyder, Anna Julia-B.1870 D.June 21,1947
Snyder, Blanche (L.J.)Yeager-B.1896 D.Aug.12,1937
Snyder, Bractis R.-B.Jan.6,1902 D.May 3,1999
Snyder, Charles H.-B.1858 D.Sept.13,1939
Snyder, Ellis H."Rink"-B.Apr.2,1912 D.June 23,1965
Snyder, George S.-B.1867 D.May 1,1944
Snyder, Henrietta-B.Dec.6,1906 D.Jan.10,1997
Snyder, John-- 1910 to 1985
Snyder, Kathryn-- 1912 to 1995
Snyder, Mrs C.H: Maria E.-B.1874 D.Jan.26,1953
Snyder, Mrs Geo:Mary J.-B.Feb.17,1873 D.Apr.14,1966
Snyder, Orville-B.Jan.31,1911 D.Aug.22,1911
Snyder, Stephan-- 1899 to 1983
Sobba, Almeda-B.Nov.6,1870 D.Dec.13,1928
Sobba, Anna M.-B.Sept.22,1874 D.Sept.28,1971
Sobba, August L.-B.Oct.7,1894 D.Sept.23,1916
Sobba, Ed-D.1978
Sobba, Edith May-B.Jan.12,1901 D.Mar.21,1948
Sobba, Helen Mary-B.Sept.12,1902 D.Feb.21,1921(wife of J.P.)
Sobba, John-B.Oct.24,1865 D.July 13,1921
Sobba, Lawrence-D.Feb.12,1921(son of J.P. & J.M.)
Sobba, Nicholas(Nick)-B.1869 D.Dec.16,1953
Soerries, M. Jo.-B.Mar.16,1935 D.Dec.23,1999
Solorio, Trisha R.-- 1977 to 1994
Sorber, Harry L.-- 1868 to 1920
Sorrells, William E.-B.Aug.29,1871 D.July 13,1893(son of J.K. & E.)
Sorrow, Henry T.-B.1876 D.Aug.27,1946
Sorrow, Kate M.-B.1882 D.Nov.21,1941
Sott, Virgil D.-B.Feb.14,1929 D.Jan.14,1997
Southhall, Jessie Mary-B.Aug.17,1874 D.July 13,1961
Southhall, Rev. Thomas H.-- 1871 to 1937
Spade, Vernon-B.Dec.13,1940 D.July 12,1998
Spain, A. Ralph-B.1886 D.Dec.28,1953
Spain, Anna Ethel-B.1886 D.May 31,1959
Sparks, Mrs W.H: Mabel F.-B.May 13,1883 D.July 13,1968
Sparks, Norman-B.Oct.24,1913 D.Feb.14,1998
Sparks, William H.-B.1880 D.Sept.27,1947
Spears, Myrtie L.-B.May 1,1911 D.Dec.7,1998
Speer, Michael-D.1994
Speiglemire, Dolley DuPont-- 1885 to 1908
Spence, Minnie E.-- 1878 to 1928
Spence, Rollin L.-D.Nov.5,1939 (Nebraska Pvt. 1 Cl 102 Inf 26 Div WWII)
Spence, Sidney P.-- 1870 to 1927
Spencer, George Washington-B.Nov.10,1881 in Albia, IA. D.Mar.19,1961 in Cunningham, Ks.
Spencer, Ruth-- 1891 to 1983
Spicer, Esther-- 1907 to 1992
Spiecker, Bessie L.-B.June 4,1883 D.June 16,1972
Spiecker, Hulda E.-- 1845 to 1929
Spiecker, Richard A.-- 1872 to 1938
Spink, Delmar-- no dates age 2 mos 23 dys
Spink, Ella J.-B.Jan.11,1873 D.Apr.24,1947
Spink, Esther Pearl-B.Jan.22,1912 D.June 17,1940
Spink, Frank P.-B.Apr.27,1857 D.Dec.19,1916
Spivey, Mary E.-B.Jan.22,1921 D.June 27,1970
Sprout, Edna L.-B.Nov.5,1904 D.Apr.21,1996
Sprout, Lonoa V.--B.Sept.18 D.Oct.5 unreadable
Spurgeon, Laura E. Sewell-B.Dec.21,1914 D.Dec.20,2000
Sr. Celedonio-Velos-Nacioel-Anode-1892 Y
Stalker, Fred-B.Apr.5,1889 D.Oct.8,1963
Stalker, neita M.-- 1910 to 1994
Stanley, James Edward-B.Dec.23,1904 D.Aug. 26,1973
Stanley, James Edward-no birth date D.July 18,1938
Stanley, Susie-- 1895 to 1982
Stanley, Susie M.-B.Aug.1,1895
Stanley, Thelma E.-Sept.21,1909
Stansill, Nellie-- 1894 to 1982
Stanstill, Nellie-B.Feb.4,1895 no death date
Stanstill, Roy M.-B.Mar.20,1894 D.Apr.19,1973
Stanstill, Vesta Marie-B.Nov.7,1927 D.May 5,1928
Stanton, Mary Ellen-- no dates
Stanton, William A.-- no dates
Staple, Weathy B.-- 1856 to 1925
Staples, Ethel M.-- 1862 to 1909
Staples, Frank E.-- 1877 to 1919
Staples, Jerrold Dean-- 1916 to 1929
Staples, John W.-B.Oct.11,1855 D.Oct.7,1931
Staples, John Wesley-B.Feb.3,1908 D.Feb.6,1908(son of J.W. & Edith)
Staples, Mary Ann-- 1824 to 1904
Starr, Ella E.-- 1856 to 1939
Starr, Helen-B.Oct.24,1880 D.May 27,1970
Starr, Infant of J.M. & Helen--D.1922
Starr, Infant son of J.M. & Helen--D.1907
Starr, John McCord-B.1877 D.Apr.22,1962
Starr, John Wilson-- 1834 to 1922
Starr, Miss Eliza Jane-- 1835 to 1921
Staub, John Nicholas-B.1958 D.Jan.18,1958
Stauffer, Gerald-- 1961 to 1978
Steaklin, Alfred-- no dates
Stecker, Esther-- 1915 to 1981
Stecklin, Lydia Jane Berg-B.1871 D.Dec.15,1947
Steele, Anna-- 1885 to 1919
Steeley, William G.-B.1873 D.Feb.8,19?4
Stegman, Joseph R.-B.1883 D.Aug.7,1944
Stegman, Mrs J.R: Eva-B.June.8,1893 D.Nov.20,1965
Stegman, Stanley-- 1915 to 1945 (PFC)
Steinheuser, Carrie O.-B.Oct.26,1890 D.June 14,1952
Steinheuser, Irene-B.July 19,1899 D.Apr.15,1974
Steinheuser, Otto-- 1884 to 1978
Steinheuser, Otto C.-B.Dec.21,1884
Stephens, Glenn A.-B.Jan.28,1926 D.Jan.10,1998
Stephens, Vernon V.-- 1907 to 1992
Stephens, Vesta M.-B.May 6,1913 D.Mar.16,1997
Stephenson, Alex-B.1881 D.June 30,1952
Stephenson, Alice-- no dates
Stephenson, Cleonice-B.1893 D.Jan.13,1986
Stephenson, Dora-- 1921 to 1976
Stephenson, Dora Lea A.(RN)-B.May 3,1921 D.July 17,1976
Stephenson, Henry B.-B.1856 D.July 12,1943
Stephenson, John
Stephenson, John A.-D.Aug.4,1923(Ks. Pvt. 70 Inft 10 Div)
Stephenson, Orville-- no dates
Stephenson, Palina E.-B.Mar.20,1864 D.Sept.22,1898
Stevens, Donald G.-- 1910 to 1978
Stevens, Tyler B.-- 1995 to 1995
Stevenson, Albert M.-B.Sept.13,1901 D.July 26,1968(Ks. Pvt. Co B 25 QM TNC BN WWII)
Stevenson, Clay Gould-B.Nov.15,1886 D.May 4,1950
Stevenson, Isabelle-D.1991
Stevenson, Mollie R.-B.1870 D.June 10,1950
Stevenson, Myra E.-B.July 27,1874 D.Apr.17,1956
Steward, Jessie J.-B.June 24,1894 D.Oct.27,1959
Steward, Mary J.-- 1850 to 1920(wife of Thomas M.)
Steward, R.A.-- 1847 to 1919
Steward, Thomas M.-D.July 4,1938(Ks 1LT. Dental Corps)
Steward, William B.-B.Nov.17,1847 D.June 15,1958(KS Sgt 295 Quarter Master Co WWII)
Stewart, Bertha Estella-B.Nov.26,1886 D.Aug.11,1958
Stewart, Ezra C."Ena"-B.Mar.26,1976 D.July 11,1932
Stewart, George Roscoe-B.1891 D.Nov.26,1916
Stewart, George W.-- 1847 to 1939
Stewart, Gussie-B.May 26,1894 D.Jan.25,1898(dau of J.W. & Katie)
Stewart, Irene-- unmarked
Stewart, John-- no info
Stewart, John Quincy-B.Mar.30,1896 D.Apr.2,1948(Ks. PFC Co H Pioneer Inf WWI)
Stewart, Lucy Jane-- unmarked
Stewart, Mrs Daisy A.-B.June 28,1881 D.July 19,1949
Stewart, Mrs Rebecca S.-B.1820 D.July 18,1896 age 76 yrs 24 dys
Stewart, Mrs Sarah E.-- 1849 to 1893
Stewart, Orta K.-B.Mar.23,1887 D.Nov.8,1961
Stewart,Madgie-B.Apg.21,1895 D.Oct.22,1895(dau of J.W. & Katie)
Stiles, Edwin C.-- 1865 to 1929
Stiles, Lillian C.-B.1863 D.Feb.22,1946
Stimits, Clarence N.-- 1904 to 1970
Stimits, H.F.-- 1869 to 1919
Stimits, Mary A.-B.1875 D.Mar.22,1948
Stimits, Mildred-- 1907 to 1976
Stimits, Mildred Z.-- 1907 to 1976
Stipe, Alice Anne-B.1847 D.Aug.4,1939
Stipe, Clyde G.-- 1876 to 1900
Stipe, David J.-- 1843 to 1916
Stipe, David J.-B.Sept.2,1902 D.Onv.30,1969
Stipe, Harry E.-B.1868 D.Jan.29,1940
Stipe, Mary E.-B.Nov.a7,1870 D.Nov.26,1972
Stipe, Mildred-D.1994
Stitt, Leon-D.1990
Stitt, Lyda S.-B.Feb.2,1902 D.Feb.25,1998
Stitt, Maud-D.1984
Stivers, Chaarles Glen-B.Aug.1,1902 D.Dec.17,1961
Stivers, Glen Marvin-- 1932 to 1991
Stivers, Vera-D.1993
Stiverson, Edna-- 1929 to 1992
Stockton, Grover C.-B.1892 D.Feb.19,1935(WW Vet)
Stockwell, Edith Emma-B.Feb.16,1892 D.Jan.31,1957
Stockwell, John R.-B.Dec.27,1858 D.Nov.14,1926
Stockwell, Mrs. Hester A.-B.Jan.24,1864 D.Sept.10,1926
Stockwell, Ray-- 1918 to 1987
Stockwell, Veron-B.Sept.16,1892 D.Oct.21,1962
Stofer, Mable G.-B.Dec.12,1886 D.Nov.1,1973
Stokes, Maurice S.-B.Oct.10,1911 D.Jan.7,1996
Stokes, Mrs N: Josephine-B.1880 D.Nov.7,1970
Stokes, Rev. Norris J.-B.1877 D.Apr.8,1949
Stoltz, Anna Marie-B.1897 D.Jan.20,1957
Stoltz, Arthur-- 1903 to 1986
Stoltz, Madge-- 1903 to 1986
Stoltz, Otto A.-B.Nov.19,1875 D.Nov.19,1959
Stone, Atha L.-B.Apr.10,1917(Wife of G.A. Stone)
Stone, Donna-- 1937 to 1977
Stone, Glen Albert-B.Mar.16,1912 D.Mar.19,1966(married Jan.24,1933)
Stone, Ida V.-B.Feb.24,1915 D.Nov.28,1975
Stone, Luther-- 1904 to 1979
Stone, Luther T.-B.May 7,1904 D.June 18,1979
Stone, MaDonna Marie-- 1937 to 1977
Stone, Margaret E.-B.May 3,1884 D.Nov.30,1962
Stone, Norman E. Jr.-B.Apr.3,1914 D.Nov.4,1998
Stone, Norman E.-B.Aug.30,1882 D.Aug.22,1952
Stone, Rodney K.-B.Sept.8,1937 D.Mar.11,1996
Stonebraker, Byron-B.Nov.10,1910 D.July 2,1977
Stonebraker, Dorothy-- 1911 to 1995
Stonebreaker, Byron-- 1910 to 1977
Stoops, Benjamin-B.Sept.22,1867 D.May 10,1960
Stoops, Elizabeth E.-- 1898 to 1969(wife of John)
Stoops, Eva A.-B.Nov.17,1875 D.Aug.9,1957
Stoops, John A.-- 1897 to 1958
Stover, Charles-- 1881 to 1944
Stover, Ivan Daryl-B.Nov.30,1910 D.May 14,1978
Stranaham, Lida T.-- 1854 to 1935
Stranaham, Rev. William M.-- 1849 to 1931
Strange man--D.Sept.28,1934
Straub, Frank-- 1887 to 1976
Strayer, Edward-- 1902 to 1985
Strayer, Edward L.-B.Dec.9,1902
Strayer, Louise E.-B.Aug.24
Strayer, Louise-D.1993
Strayer, Marvin-- 1937 to 1976
Strayer, Marvin D.-B.May 4,1937 D.Nov..3,1976Beckman, Beckman, Mary Willibroad E.-B.Apr.17,1916 D.Mar.13,1973
Strode, Alonzo-B.Mar.16,1909 D.Mar.31,1917
Strothman, Alfred J.-- 1889 to 1956
Strothman, Flossie Rose-- 1822 to 1927
Strothman, Frederick J.-- 1884 to 1931
Strothman, Infants of A.J.-- D.1917
Strothman, Irene-- 1897 to 1990
Strothman, Irene J.-B.1897 no death date
Strothman, Mrs F: Rose E.-B.Aug.27,1883 D.Aug.13,1967
Strothman, Richard-- 1918 to 1976
Strothman, Richard Eldon-B.Sept.30,1918 D.Sept.27,1976(WoJG US Army WWII)
Strub, Frank-B.Jan.10,1887 D.Jan.22,1977
Strub, Mary M.-B.July 22,1895 D.Apr.25,1973
Strube, Opal-B.Dec.4,1902 D.Oct.22,1995
Stry, Guilda M.-B.1910 no death date
Stry, Ida L.-B.Apr.14,1873 D.Mar.19,1951
Stry, William-- 1905 to 1976
Stry, William E.-- 1905 to 1976
Studebaker, Mable Jessie-B.Feb.26,1906 D.Oct.28,1964
Studer, Gene-- 1930 to 1987
Studer, Jennie-- 1908 to 1995
Studer, Kathleen-- 1921 to 1980
Stumpf, Levi O.-B.May 17,1874 D.Apr.28,1944
Stumpf, Pearl Lena-B.May 11,1889 D.Apr.21,1964
Stumph, Joseph-- 1904 to 1989
Stumph, Mildred M.-B.Jan.21,1906 D.Dec.31,1998
Stumph, Sadie E."Bess"-B.July 8,1882 D.Feb.20,1961
Sturdavant, Clarence E.-B.1873 D.May 31,1935
Sturdavant, David D.-B.Aug.9,1885 D.Dec.11,1964
Sturdivant, Dan D.-B.1927
Sturdivant, Lucretia A.-B.Aug.14,1883 D.Oct.1,1974
Sturm, Louis-- 1901 to 1976
Sturm, Louis-- 1901 to 1976
Sturm, Mrs Marci Dee Horn-B.May 6,1897 D.July 4,1965
Stuvdivant, Dan D.-- 1927 to 1994
Sullivan, Ella L.-B.Sept.28,1906 D.Nov.9,2000
Sullivan, Martha L.-B.Jan.7,1926 D.Aug.4,1999
Sullivan, Rex-D.1987
Sultz, Alazana M.-- 1910 to 1991
Sultz, Orie-- 1905 to 1993
Sunbury, Mary-D.1990
Suttle, Eugene Jr.-B.June 1,1922 D.Mar.1,1924
Sutton, Elizabeth-B.1823 D.Mar.8,1898(wife of G.W.)
Sutton, G.W.-- unmarked
Sutton, Hassie M.-B.Oct.15,1889 D.Feb.1,1890
Svoboda, Elizabeth M.-B.Nov.12,1916 D.Mar.2,1999
Svoboda, Jan Peter-B.Aug.27,1951 D.Dec.7,1974
Svoboda, Miro J.-- 1915 to 1980
Swafford, Clarence L.-- no dates
Swafford, Grace E. Hamm-- 1896 to 1976
Swafford, Verlin-- 1901 to 1985
Swafford, Verlin B.-B.Nov.4,1901 no death date
Swafford, viena E.-B.Apr.27,1903 D.Apr.10,1997
Swafford, Vienna E.-B.Apr.27,1903 no death date
Swank, Alice Clemma-B.1870 D.Feb.13,1938
Swank, Earl-- 1888 to 1918
Swank, Lovina-- 1818 to 1896
Swank, Margaret-- 1902 to 1904
Swank, Mary-- 1848 to 1916
Swart, Patricia Rogene-B.Dec.17,1944 D.Dec.19,1944
Swarty, Mrs T.M: Cora Emma(Logan)-B.Jan.26,1884 D.Apr.8,1965
Swicher, Oliver F.-B.Apr.16,1887 D.Apr.30,1965(KS Mech Co H 353 Inf WWI)
Swiger, Joseph Wilfred-B.July 25,1914 D.Nov.28,1966
Swiger, Mrs Clark: Clara Alice-B.Feb.2,1886 D.Mar.27,1969
Swigert, John Willard-B.1861 D.Oct.18,1945
Swigert, Mrs. John: Elizabeth Markley-B.1863 D.Sept.30,1951
Swigert, Sarah Daisy-- 1888 to 1915
Swindler, Anna-- 1898 to 1991
Swindler, Emma-- 1873 to 1958
Swindler, John H.-B.Feb.2,1895 D.Apr.25,1969(Ks. 69 Inf. WWI)
Swindler, Margaret-- 1906 to 1991
Swindler, Orion Homer-B.1863 D.Nov.7,1953
Swink, Mafa-B.Nov.6,1888 D.July 17,1922(wife of Dwight)
Swinson, Bertha M. & son-B.Dec.31,1883 D.Feb.29,1904
Swinson, Earl C.-B.Aug.20,1903 D.Mar.13,1973
Swinson, Erma Louise-B.Feb.18,1908 D.Nov.2,1940
Swinson, Fred F.-B.Aug.23,1880 D.Apr.3,1968
Swinson, Laura-- 1893 to 1982
Swinson, Margaret-B.Mar.25,1914 D.June 23,1998
Swinson, Richard Duane-B.Dec.31,1883 D.Feb.29,1904(son of Fred F.)
Swinson, Walter Guy-B.Feb.16,1904 D.Feb.24,1904(son of Fred F.)
Swinton, Billy B.-B.Mar.30,1917 D.Nov.27,1971(KS Tec 5 Co G 33 Inf WWII)
Swinton, Hellen-B.1920 D.June 30,1940
Swisher, Alexandra C.-- 1989 to 1989
Swisher, Amanda-- 1863 to 1936
Swisher, Francis M.-B.1862 D.Aug.25,1942
Swisher, Fred-B.Sept.15,1892 D.June 20,1957
Swisher, Jewell-- 1904 to 1994
Swonger, Artie-D.1982
Swonger, Authur-B.Sept.10,1870 D.Nov.24,1931
Swonger, Clark P.-B.1875 D.Apr.26,1951
Swonger, Earl-- 1902 to 1978
Swonger, Margaret K.-D.1999
Swonger, Mary Mable-B.Feb.22,1873 D.Nov.16,1956
Swonger, Maude Mea-B.1878 D.Apr.18,1954
Swonger, Pearl May-B.Mar.29,1904 D.May 7,1945
Swonger, Pearl-B.May 2,1906 D.Dec.24,2000

Contributed 1976 and updated 2001 by Russell Miracle

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