If you would like a copy of the land dead or to find out more information such as who your ancestor bought the land from or when they sold it, you can contact the Register of Deeds Office 607 Main, Atwood, KS 67730. Phone number is 785-626-3172.
Surnames T-Z
Talbot | J.D. | 30 | Beaver |
Tangish | L.L. | Patron's Directory | |
Taunton | Frank | 7 | Burntwood |
Taunton | Frank | 8 | Burntwood |
Taunton | Frank | 17 | Burntwood |
Taunton | Frank | 18 | Burntwood |
Taylor | W.H. | 8 | Beaver |
Taylor | W.H. | 18 | Beaver |
Taylor | J.J. | 24 | Logan |
Taylor | T.J. | 25 | Logan |
Taylor | J.W. & A.T. | 15 | Mirage |
Taylor | J.W. & A.T. | 16 | Mirage |
Taylor | A.C. | 33 | Mirage |
Taylor | S.M. | pg. 71 | Atwood |
Taylor | T.J. | Patron's Directory | |
Taylor | R.W. | Patron's Directory | |
Taylor | T.J. | Patron's Directory | |
Texter | A.K. | 19 | Burntwood |
Thayer | E.E. | 24 | Grant |
Theiler | I. | 18 | Richland |
Theiler | I. | 19 | Richland |
Theiler | Joe | Patron's Directory | |
Thirringer | M | 23 | Herndon |
Thirringer | M. | 24 | Herndon |
Thomas | John H. | 2 | Driftwood |
Thomas | John C. | 3 | Driftwood |
Thomas | John C. | 10 | Driftwood |
Thomas | John C. | 11 | Driftwood |
Thomas | Issac M. | 13 | Driftwood |
Thomas | F.M. & A | 27 | Driftwood |
Thomas | F.M. & A | 28 | Driftwood |
Thomas | Ollie M. | 29 | Driftwood |
Thomas | A.J. | 34 | Driftwood |
Thomas | W.E. | 3 | Beaver |
Thomas | M.E. | 5 | Beaver |
Thomas | W.E. | 9 | Beaver |
Thomas | Wm. E. | 10 | Beaver |
Thomas | A.J. | 1 | Burntwood |
Thomas | A.J. | 9 | Burntwood |
Thomas | J.M. | 35 | Celia |
Thomas | J.M. | 36 | Celia |
Thomas | M.L. | 5 | Atwood |
Thomas | W.J. | 13 | Clinton |
Thomas | M.L. | pg. 70 | Atwood |
Thomas | F.W. | Patron's Directory | |
Thomas | Frank M. | Portrait Department | |
Thompson | A. | 21 | Driftwood |
Thompson | Henry | 36 | Union |
Thompson | Amos | 29 | Celia |
Thompson | T.P. | 30 | Arbor |
Thompson | T.B. | 9 | Clinton |
Thompson | W.Irving | 32 | Rotate |
Thompson | W.E. | pg. 71 | Atwood |
Thornberg | M.L. | 9 | Burntwood |
Throop | O.A. | 34 | Celia |
Throop | S.L. | 35 | Celia |
Thumser | J.F. | 9 | Richland |
Thumson | Josef | 16 | Richland |
Tilden | E.F. | 20 | Ludell |
Tillett | D. | 19 | Mirage |
Tillett | Geo | 24 | Mirage |
Tindall | S.H. & Z.H. | 4 | Atwood |
Tindall | Z.H. | 5 | Atwood |
Tindall | S.H. & Z.H. | 9 | Atwood |
Tindall | SH & ZH | 16 | Mirage |
Tindall | S.H. & Z.H. | pg. 70 | Atwood |
Tindell | Z.H. | pg. 70 | Atwood |
Tingley | J.H. | 17 | Celia |
Tingley | J.H. | 18 | Celia |
Tingley | J.H. | Patron's Directory | |
Tingley | J.H. | Portrait Department | |
Tobias | 19 | Ludell | |
Tobias | B.M. | 30 | Ludell |
Tobias | B.M. | 31 | Ludell |
Tobias | B.M. | pg. 73 | Ludell |
Tolle | O. | 2 | Celia |
Tolliver | G.S. | 4 | Arbor |
Tollman | John | 6 | Burntwood |
Tongish | Joseph | 2 | Herndon |
Tongish | Andrew L. | 2 | Herndon |
Tongish | A.L. | 2 | Herndon |
Tongish | Joseph | 10 | Herndon |
Tongish | Joseph | 11 | Herndon |
Tongish | Joseph | 12 | Herndon |
Tongish | J. | 14 | Herndon |
Toth | John | 9 | Elk |
Toth | F. | 13 | Elk |
Toth | Frank | 13 | Elk |
Toth | Frank | 14 | Elk |
Toth | Paul | 22 | Elk |
Toth | Paul | 27 | Elk |
Toth | Paul | 33 | Elk |
Toth | Frank | Patron's Directory | |
Toth | Paul | Patron's Directory | |
Tracy | M.T. | 23 | Celia |
Tracy | S.S. | 11 | Achilles |
Tracy | S.S. | 12 | Achilles |
Tracy | J.W. residence | 19 | Rotate |
Tracy | E.B. | 19 | Rotate |
Tracy | J.W. | 19 | Rotate |
Tracy | J.W. | Patron's Directory | |
Tracy | S.S. | Patron's Directory | |
Tracy | S.S. residence | Portrait Department | |
Trail | T.H. | 19 | Grant |
Trillett | G.H. | 4 | Driftwood |
Trimer | Bernard | 3 | Burntwood |
Trimer | B. | 4 | Burntwood |
Trimer | Bernard | Patron's Directory | |
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery | 36 | Driftwood | |
Troyer | H.D. | 19 | Clinton |
Troyer | H.D. | 20 | Clinton |
Troyer | W.H. | 21 | Clinton |
Troyer | Z. | 24 | Grant |
Trubuk | L.A. | 5 | Union |
Trueblood | Earl | 7 | Burntwood |
Trueblood | William | 7 | Burntwood |
Trueblood | Ira | 7 | Burntwood |
Trueblood | William | 8 | Burntwood |
Trumbo | W.T. | 19 | Herndon |
Trumbo | Asa | 19 | Herndon |
Trumbo | Asa | 30 | Herndon |
Tucker | L.S. | 33 | Beaver |
Tucker | W.H. | 14 | Achilles |
Tucker | W.H. | 21 | Union |
Tully P.O. | 33 | Clinton | |
Turman | J.M. | 23 | Burntwood |
Turman | J.M. | Patron's Directory | |
Turner | R.T. | 16 | Achilles |
Turner | R.T. | 14 | Achilles |
Turner | R.T. | 15 | Achilles |
Turner | O.V. | Reg. Deeds | Patron's Directory |
Turner & Sheley | Patron's Directory | ||
U.S. Land Co. | 27 | Clinton | |
Ufford | J.C. | 12 | Achilles |
Unger | John | 11 | Elk |
Union Cemetery | 33 | Richland | |
Urban | Frank | 2 | Arbor |
Urban | Frank | 3 | Arbor |
Urdangen | Louis | 33 | Achilles |
Urdinger | Lewis | 13 | Jefferson |
US Govt | 32 | Celia | |
US Govt | 33 | Celia | |
US Govt | 9 | Mirage | |
Vansinger | B. | 27 | Rotate |
Vap | Alois | 17 | Driftwood |
Vap | Alois | 20 | Driftwood |
Vap | Fred | 20 | Driftwood |
Vap | Alois | 21 | Driftwood |
Vap | Enoch | 28 | Driftwood |
Vap | Alois | 30 | Driftwood |
Varsch | Adam | 28 | Richland |
Vernon | E.L. | 28 | Driftwood |
Vernon | C.E. | 32 | Driftwood |
Vernon | Oliver C. | 33 | Driftwood |
Vernon | O.C. | 4 | Beaver |
Vernon | C.E. | 4 | Beaver |
Veseley | A. | 21 | Burntwood |
Vincent | W.D. | 18 | Mirage |
Vogley | Mary | 19 | Celia |
Von Engeln | H | 1 | Ludell |
Von Engeln | H | 2 | Ludell |
Von Engeln | H. | 11 | Ludell |
Von Engeln | Lizzie | 11 | Ludell |
Von Engeln | H | 4 | Atwood |
Von Engeln | Henry | Patron's Directory | |
Von Tucker | L. | 36 | Rotate |
Voorhies | S.R. | 9 | Celia |
Vorees | H.F. | 1 | Arbor |
Vrbas | Jos. | 3 | Burntwood |
Vrbas | Fanny residence | 3 | Burntwood |
Vrbas | F | 4 | Burntwood |
Vrbas | Jos. F. | 19 | Burntwood |
Vrbas | Jos. F. | 20 | Burntwood |
Vrbas | Mrs. Fannie | Patron's Directory | |
Vrbas | Jos. F. | Patron's Directory | |
Vreeland | M.L. | 14 | Grant |
Wachs | S.F. | 16 | Burntwood |
Wachs | S.F. | 21 | Celia |
Wachs | S.F. | Patron's Directory | |
Waddell | Ada E. | 19 | Burntwood |
Wagner | Conrad | 32 | Jefferson |
Wagner | Conrad | 33 | Jefferson |
Wagner | C. | Patron's Directory | |
Wagner | C. | Portrait Department | |
Wagner | H.W. | Portrait Department | |
Wahrman | A | 25 | Elk |
Wahrman | A. | 11 | Herndon |
Wahrman | A. | Patron's Directory | |
Wait | W.S. | 1 | Burntwood |
Wait | W.S. | 12 | Burntwood |
Walker | Geo W. | 7 | Burntwood |
Walker | G.W. | 8 | Burntwood |
Walker | G.W. | 11 | Burntwood |
Walker | Mary E. | 27 | Union |
Walker | Chas R. | 33 | Union |
Walker | Chas R. | 34 | Union |
Walker | John W. | 8 | Atwood |
Walker | Ed. L. | Patron's Directory | |
Walker | Geo W. | Patron's Directory | |
Walker | Ed. L. | Portrait Department | |
Wallace | T | 36 | Atwood |
Wallace | Wm | 36 | Atwood |
Wallace | Thomas | 34 | Rotate |
Wallace | Belle | 35 | Rotate |
Walls | E. | 29 | Atwood |
Walsh | M | 22 | Elk |
Walsh | Dav | 22 | Elk |
Walters | H. | 2 | Ludell |
Walters | R.C. | 29 | Atwood |
Walters | R.C. | 32 | Achilles |
Walters | P.A. | 9 | Arbor |
Walters | John W. | pg. 71 | Atwood |
Walton | C. | 14 | Clinton |
Wancura | B. | 15 | Union |
Wancura | Frank | 22 | Union |
Wancura | Frank | 23 | Union |
Wangle | John Y. | 5 | Mirage |
Ward | E. | 24 | Rotate |
Wardell | S. | 17 | Herndon |
Ware | Thornton | 10 | Mirage |
Warner | Wm. | 32 | Burntwood |
Warner | H.F. | 25 | Burntwood |
Warner | Edward | 31 | Burntwood |
Warren | Benjamin | 14 | Burntwood |
Warren | Benj. | 23 | Burntwood |
Warren | C.H. | 28 | Union |
Wather | D.C. | 10 | Celia |
Watkins | J.B. | 13 | Atwood |
Watts | E.E. | 3 | Beaver |
Watts | Wm. W. | 6 | Achilles |
Watts | Wm. W. | Patron's Directory | |
Watts | William W. | Portrait Department | |
Weaver | B.E. | 6 | Beaver |
Weaver | J.J. | 3 | Burntwood |
Weaver | Milton | 28 | Mirage |
Webell | Dan W. | 19 | Mirage |
Wederski | L. | 23 | Celia |
Weeks | A.F.S. | 31 | Atwood |
Weil | E. | 13 | Clinton |
Weill | R.H. | 3 | Richland |
Weinmann | Geo | 32 | Elk |
Weinmann | J.G. | 32 | Elk |
Weinmann | J.G. | Patron's Directory | |
Weishapl | John | 13 | Richland |
Weishapl | Anton | 18 | Herndon |
Weishapl | A. | 1 | Herndon |
Weishapl | John | Patron's Directory | |
Welsh | Rich | 14 | Elk |
Welsh | Rich | 15 | Elk |
Welsh | David | 15 | Elk |
Welsh | C. | 21 | Elk |
Welsh | M. | 23 | Elk |
Wendelin | Michael | 1 | Herndon |
Wendelin | L. residence | 1 | Herndon |
Wendelin | Lawrence | 12 | Herndon |
Wendelin | P. | 23 | Herndon |
Wendelin | John | 24 | Herndon |
Wendelin | Lawrence | Patron's Directory | |
Wenzel | Peter | Patron's Directory | |
West | R.H. | 21 | Celia |
Westcott | H. | 8 | Union |
Westerman | Geo | 34 | Jefferson |
Westerman et al | 21 | Union | |
Westerman, Sanford & Boyd | 3 | Laing | |
Westerman, Sanford & Boyd | 2 | Achilles | |
Westerman, Sanford & Boyd | 3 | Achilles | |
Westfall | E. | 11 | Achilles |
Westfall | E. | 15 | Achilles |
Westfall | Eric | Patron's Directory | |
Westman | J.J. | 17 | Laing |
Westman | John | 20 | Laing |
Westman | E | 20 | Laing |
Wheeler | C.R. | 33 | Laing |
Wheeler | H.H. | 15 | Logan |
Wheeler | P.R. | 24 | Mirage |
Wheeler Est. | 23 | Mirage | |
Wheeler Heirs | 24 | Jefferson | |
Whie | A.N. | 12 | Grant |
Whipkey | J.M. | 32 | Mirage |
Whisk | L.M. | 4 | Logan |
Whisler | James | 7 | Achilles |
Whisler | J.M. | Patron's Directory | |
Whisman | Henry T. | 23 | Mikesell |
Whisman | H.T. | 28 | Mikesell |
Whisman | H.T. | 33 | Mikesell |
White | E.N. | 34 | Celia |
White | J.B. | 3 | Clinton |
White | Mrs. A. | 12 | Grant |
Whiting | E.W. | 11 | Union |
Wicke | Christ | 8 | Elk |
Wicke | Fred D. | 10 | Elk |
Wicke | Fred D. | 11 | Elk |
Wicke | Fred D. | 15 | Elk |
Wicke | Christ | 16 | Elk |
Wicke | Henry | 17 | Elk |
Wicke | Henry | 18 | Elk |
Wicke | W. | 18 | Elk |
Wicke | Wm. H. | 18 | Elk |
Wicke | Henry | 19 | Elk |
Wicke | Christ | 20 | Elk |
Wicke | Christ | 21 | Elk |
Wicke | F.D. | 6 | Ludell |
Wicke | Christ | Patron's Directory | |
Wicke | F.D. | Patron's Directory | |
Wicke | Henry J. | Patron's Directory | |
Widoman | M.A. | 26 | Rotate |
Wiener | C. | 2 | Achilles |
Wilburn | Rob | 17 | Clinton |
Wilcox | James S. | 13 | Achilles |
Wilhoit | R.O. | 6 | Grant |
Wilhort | R.O. | 31 | Mikesell |
Wilhort | R.O. | 32 | Mikesell |
Wilkenson | C.H. | Patron's Directory | |
Wilkinson | C.H. | 1 | Burntwood |
Wilkinson | John W. | 20 | Burntwood |
Willard | W.H. | 5 | Elk |
Williams | D.K. | 20 | Celia |
Williams | D.K. | 21 | Celia |
Williams | G.D. | 26 | Celia |
Williams | G.D. | 28 | Celia |
Williams | Geo | 33 | Celia |
Williams | B. | 34 | Celia |
Williams | Geo D. | 35 | Celia |
Williams | T.J. | 2 | Arbor |
Williams | T.J. | 10 | Arbor |
Williams | B. | 20 | Mirage |
Williams | J.L. | 1 | Rotate |
Williams | Mildred | 1 | Rotate |
Williams | Charles | 1 | Rotate |
Williams | J.L. | 2 | Rotate |
Williams | Chas. L. | 2 | Rotate |
Williams | J.L. | 4 | Rotate |
Williams | Chas. L. | 11 | Rotate |
Williams | Charles | 12 | Rotate |
Williams | Geo & J.L. | 12 | Rotate |
Williams | George & J.L. | 13 | Rotate |
Williams | Chas | Patron's Directory | |
Williams | J.L. | Patron's Directory | |
Willmet | H.I. | 17 | Clinton |
Wilmarth | W.N. | 32 | Mikesell |
Wilson | E. | 7 | Burntwood |
Wilson | W.J. | 28 | Burntwood |
Wilson | John | 36 | Herndon |
Wilson | J.H. | 36 | Herndon |
Wilson | Ed. | 7 | Beaver |
Wilson | J.A. | 28 | Celia |
Wilson | Joseph | 6 | Burntwood |
Wilson | M.E. | 7 | Atwood |
Wilson | M.E. | 8 | Atwood |
Wilson | J.C. | 11 | Logan |
Wilson | Jesse A. | 3 | Celia |
Wilson | Victoria | 18 | Grant |
Wilson | M.E. | pg. 71 | Atwood |
Wilson | M.A. | Patron's Directory | |
Winfrey | Edw. L. | 8 | Atwood |
Winfrey | Edw. L. | pg. 71 | Atwood |
Winfrey | Rev. Edward L. | Patron's Directory | |
Winship | J.M. | pg. 71 | Atwood |
Winter | C.E. | 6 | Clinton |
Winter | G.P. | 6 | Clinton |
Winter | C.E. | pg. 73 | Chardon |
Winter | C.E. | Patron's Directory | |
Winter | M.D. | Patron's Directory | |
Wisdom | S.E. | 26 | Mirage |
Wiseman | G.C. | 26 | Laing |
Wiseman | G.C. residence | 36 | Laing |
Wiseman | G.C. | Patron's Directory | |
Witham | C.M. | 23 | Achilles |
Witherbee | J.H. | 7 | Driftwood |
Witherbee | J.H. | 18 | Driftwood |
Witherbee | J.H. | Patron's Directory | |
Witherbee | Mr. & Mrs. John H. | Portrait Department | |
Woerpel | A. | 12 | Jefferson |
Woerpel | A. | 13 | Jefferson |
Woerpel | J.A. | 14 | Jefferson |
Woerpel | J.A. | 23 | Jefferson |
Woita | Chas | 17 | Beaver |
Wolfe | W.A. | 20 | Burntwood |
Wolfe | W.A. | 21 | Burntwood |
Wolfe | W.A. | 24 | Burntwood |
Wolfe | W.A. | 25 | Burntwood |
Wolfe | W.A. | 29 | Burntwood |
Wolfe | W.A. | 4 | Burntwood |
Wolfe | W.A. | 29 | Atwood |
Wolfe | W.A. | 32 | Atwood |
Wolfe | Wm | 3 | Union |
Wolfe | W.A. | 2 | Mikesell |
Wolfe | W.A. | 10 | Mikesell |
Wolfe | W.A. | 6 | Clinton |
Wolfe | W.A. | 22 | Mirage |
Wolfram | M | 13 | Herndon |
Wolkensdorfer | Joseph | 13 | Herndon |
Wolkensdorfer | Joseph | 14 | Herndon |
Wolkensdorfer | Mary A. | 14 | Herndon |
Wolkensdorfer | Martin | 14 | Herndon |
Wolkensdorfer | Paul | 14 | Herndon |
Wolkensdorfer | John | 23 | Herndon |
Wolters | Henry | 30 | Driftwood |
Wolters | Heinrich | 31 | Driftwood |
Wolters | H | 3 | Atwood |
Wolters | H | 4 | Atwood |
Wolters | H. | 5 | Beaver |
Wolters | H | 9 | Atwood |
Wolters | H. | 10 | Atwood |
Womer | W.D. | 7 | Clinton |
Wood | M.J. | 11 | Celia |
Wood | A.W. | 12 | Celia |
Woodco21ck | R.H. | 8 | Rotate |
Woofter | J.W. | 5 | Mikesell |
Woofter | M. | 9 | Mikesell |
Woofter | Edgar | 16 | Mikesell |
Woofter | Maude | 16 | Mikesell |
Woofter | J.W. | Patron's Directory | |
Woofter | W.E. | Portrait Department | |
Woolley | L.D. | 9 | Mirage |
Worrall | Fred | 1 | Celia |
Worrall | Fred | 4 | Celia |
Wright | F. | 34 | Beaver |
Wright | George H. | 1 | Achilles |
Wright | George H. | 2 | Achilles |
Wright | Geo W. | 11 | Achilles |
Wudtke | John | 10 | Richland |
Wudtke | John | 17 | Richland |
Wudtke | John | Patron's Directory | |
Wurm | Math | 34 | Richland |
Wurm | Math | Patron's Directory | |
Yarnell | J.N. | 8 | Celia |
Yates | Elizabeth | 19 | Grant |
Yearick | J.M. | 31 | Celia |
Yeo | E.H. | 21 | Grant |
Yeo | C.M. | 28 | Grant |
Yeo | John E. | 29 | Grant |
Yeo | E.H. | Patron's Directory | |
Yocum | F.A. | 6 | Elk |
Yocum | Eliza | 1 | Driftwood |
Yocum | Eliza | 2 | Driftwood |
Yoder | J.H. | 31 | Rotate |
York | E.D. | 29 | Beaver |
Yost | Herman | 7 | Burntwood |
Yost | Herman | Patron's Directory | |
Young | Joseph H. | Patron's Directory | |
Zahn | M. | 31 | Atwood |
Zecher | M.A. | 24 | Richland |
Zecher | Geo | 24 | Richland |
Zecher | Geo | Patron's Directory | |
Zecher | Michael | Patron's Directory | |
Zikes | Many | 16 | Arbor |
Zikes | Wm | 17 | Arbor |
Zikes | Mary | 17 | Arbor |
Zikes | Mary | Patron's Directory | |
Zink | L.R. | 21 | Celia |
Zrubek | A.L. | 16 | Beaver |
Zrukek | A.L. | 31 | Burntwood |
Zurlinder | Fred | 5 | Beaver |
Zurlinder | Fred | 6 | Beaver |
Zurlinder | Fred | 7 | Beaver |
Zurlinder | Fred | 17 | Beaver |
Zurlinder | Fred | 18 | Beaver |
Zwickl | M.A. | 23 | Richland |
Zwickl | S.L. | 23 | Richland |
Zwickl | M. | 26 | Richland |
Zwickl | Michael | Patron's Directory | |
Zwickle | M | 15 | Herndon |
Zwickle | M | 22 | Herndon |
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Last updated Friday, September 15, 2006