Reno County KSGenWeb Project
Lookup Volunteers

Lookups      Queries

If you have ia resource, and are willing to provide lookups, please email the County Coordinator for your name and email to be added to the list.

Volunteers, if you no longer are able to do lookups or your email changes, please let the County Coordinator know so we can update your information.

When requesting a lookup, please be courteous. Make your request specific and include enough information to help the researcher locate your information quickly. An individual request should only include ONE surname or ONE family, or information specifically mentioned in the resource.

Resource Description Research Volunteer
Early Marriage Lookups in Reno County 1872-1913 Request marriage information for the years 1872-1913 only. Provide name of the bride and/or groom, and the approx year of the marraige. J Ringold
Legend and Legacy, Partridge, Kansas, 1886-1986       Ella A. Kemp
Clark One Room School The clerk records the researcher has includes the board members, what they paid for different supplies, mainly all they did to keep the school running over the years. Will provide information to queries about board meetings, etc. Provide the year or time frame in the query. Donna Barnes Clark
Their Record - Reno County, World War II by Bob Campbell Post VFW, Hutchinson, Kansas -1947 Includes names and pictures of over 8,000 Reno county men and women in the armed forces in World War II Anna Wilhelm

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