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Rose Creek township's display was next in line. It was a beauty and attracted much attention. The big float was a house on wheels, a house that cost more money, time and labor to construct, and a house more pretentious in style and appearance than the houses that sheltered its builders in the early days in Kansas. The building itself did not constitute the merit of the display; that was in its ornamentation, and we don't see how it could have been improved. The window and door casings were ornamented pieces of ears of corn arranged in pretty shapes and looked as neat as carved wood work; the sides of the house were beautifully ornamented with all manner of indescribably beautiful designs made of corn and grass, and the roof was equally as rich, and on the comb of the roof stood a board on either side of which was the outlines of Old Glory, the stars and stripes and back ground all clear and distinct in proper colors and made of kernels of corn. An immense amount of patient, persevering work was required to make this float. It was filled with children and drawn by four nice horses hitched abreast.
Ida school with 30 to 40 children on a float drawn by four elegant gray horses made a fine appearance.
Jefferson township received a fair share of the merited compliments that were paid to the floats as they passed in review between the lines of people who thronged the streets on both sides along the line of march. The float was built on low wheels, the platform was large and commodious, and on this was constructed a raised platform about two and a half feet high, the sides sloping up at an angle of about 45 degrees, leaving a platform about twelve by three feet at top; on this was a boat trimmed up and rigged out in good style at the Salt Creek navy yard. The portion of the lower platform not covered by the upper one was covered with fruits and other farm products and the sloping sides referred to were also handsomely festooned and oramented, the products of the
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farm being the only material used, but so deftly arranged as to present a strikingly handsome effect.
The next was an old covered wagon filled with children and bearing the label, "The Crop that Never Fails." It made a good hit, everybody saw the point and cheered it as it passed. This float was from Liberty township and all agreed that the committee made no mistake in awarding it the first premium.
Liberty township was also represented by a very handsome float carrying Excelsior school, district 66.
Washington township by Center Valley school, district 92.
Rose Creek by Star school.
Courtland by Courtland school.
Every school in the county ought to have been here. Citizens of Belleville had several attractions in the parade.
The parade being over the people amused themselves in various ways until 4 p. m., when the glee club sang and the show of twenty one samples of the "Crop that Never Fails in Kansas," took place at the grand stand. This was the baby show. In the evening again thousands assembled at the stand to listen to the Clay Center band, the colored vocal musicians of the same city, witness the cake walk by the same parties, and the marriage ceremony that made Fred Martin and Miss Maggie Regester man and wife. This closed the program for the day, but the corn throwing and other innocent amusement that suggested itself continued until late in the night.
The third day was as nice and bright as either of the others, and though the crowd was not quite as large as the day previous they were just as full of fun and enthusiasm. It had not been the intention to have the parade over again on Friday, but it being so far beyond what had been expected hundreds wanted to see it again, and to accommodate them and also those who did not see it the day pre-
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vious. it was decided to repeat its principal features, and those having charge of the main floats kindly consented, and accordingly at ten o'clock the parade was again on the march, as grand as before, though not so large, followed by "Sousa's Band," which was not a feature the day before.
In the afternoon all the sports and contests came off according to the programme and furnished an abundance of fun for all who could get within seeing distance. And here again was a demonstration of the good feeling and fellowship that prevailed throughout the jubilee, for if there is one thing more than another calculated to stir up bile and bad blood it is a contest where the physical prowess of man or beast is involved with money at the end of it; but in these several contests not a harsh word was uttered or a particle of dissatisfaction manifested.
When these contests closed the great Republic County Corn Jubilee of 1899 was practically over; a thing of the past, but its memory will last as long as anyone is living who is now old enough to realize its magnitude, and everyone who did something to help it along can always point with pride to his county's great jubilee and say "I did what I could."
The following descriptive sketch is from the pen of Harry Root, correspondent of the Topeka State Journal, who attended the Jubilee as special reporter for that paper:
Belleville, October 6.Republic county has been holding a three days' corn Jubilee in Belleville. The big day was Thursday. Ex-Sheriff Kindt who has been here about as long as anybody, says the crowd outnumbered two to one any other crowd ever seen in Belleville, and Kindt has seen all of them. The crowd reminded everybody of the great populist rallies and picnics of 1890.
Republic county has a just right to rejoice this year, and her people are celebrating over the most bountiful crops ever raised in the county. Her farmers had out over 210,000 acres of corn. There is not a poor field in the county, and they estimate not less than ten million
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bushels as the product for 1899. And they make the claim that when the statistics are all in, Kansas will then credit Republic county as the banner corn county for the year. And this year her people are holding a great corn jubilee, the like of which has perhaps never before been seen in Kansas. Atchison came nearer to it, but Republic county can go them several lengths better.
A mammoth tent has been secured where the cereals of the garden and farm are shown by townships, and for which liberal premiums are offered for the best display. The contests have been spirited. The inside of the big tent is worth going miles to see. It is full of the products of Republic county farms. Ex-State Senator Savage, who came to Republic county in 1871, and who was one of the assistant commissioners to the Centennial from Kansas, says the display of corn at this jubilee beat anything in the corn line at that exhibition when Kansas made such an effort to get the best, by 50 per cent. He says the display of farm products at this jubilee beats anything he has seen in all his travels.
Every merchant bore his part in the decorations of windows and buildings, each one trying to outdo his neighbor in neat and artistic corn emblems or other farm cereals. Suffice to say that all the business men were with one accord to see the first corn jubilee made a crowning success.
The parade was magnificent. It was headed by the queen of the corn jubilee, Miss Effie Chapin, the Belleville military band in the lead. Union township came with a float representing a ship made of corn and farm products and drawn by a traction engine. Scandia township had another ship float, loaded down with vegetables, corn and farm and garden cereals. The float of the Sons and Daugters of Justice of Belleville council No. 6, was a most attractive one in its decorations. Rose Creek township's float was a house tastily trimmed with corn and cereals, and filled with young girls, the beauty of this township.
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Freedom township's float was a large wagon, in the center of which was a huge pyramid built of corn, and tastefully trimmed with the products of the farm and garden. Liberty township had a float laden down with young girls and boys, with the inscription: "Crop that never fails." It was also artistically decorated with corn and other farm emblems.
Every float was gotten up to attract. They were all good. There wasn't a bad feature in the parade. They were gotten up to entertain and the jam of people went away satisfied. To speak of each one separately, and they all deserve special mention, would fill columns. Many of the decorations and floats would be creditable to picture out in the leading magazines and newspapers of the country.
Liberal premiums were offered by the committee which tended in a measure to increase the interest in the corn jubilee. Neighboring towns swelled the crowd until Belleville was overflowing with a perfect jam of people, estimated from 12,000 to 15,000. The attractions put on the bills are numerous, each having scores of backers, though the main one was Republic county's farm and garden cereals. Republic is the first county in Kansas to hold a purely farm and garden carnival.
The crowd was as orderly as it could possibly be at a corn jubilee, and when daylight came the streets were white with corn meal. Not a serious accident occurred.
The corn jubilee is the biggest advertisement Republic county and Belleville has ever had. The crops are large this year, specimens of which are on exhibition from most every township in the county. All of Atchison, which is the father of the corn carnival enterprise in Kansas, would praise the first successful efforts of the people of Belleville and Republic county in making so complete a success of their jubilee. In fact her people will not take a back seat in their first successful attempt at a corn jubilee.
Many visitors from Topeka, St. Joseph, Kansas City and points east thereof, say it was the grandest display of
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farm products they ever saw and a number say they visited Philadelphia in '76 and Chicago in 1892-93, but there was no better display of corn, wheat, rye, potatoes, etc., than those on exhibition here today.
Old gray haired men and women who immigrated to this county in the sixties and seventies, looked on with amazement and surprise that so many people had gathered together, so many well dressed, well behaved people with happiness and prosperity written on their brows.
Nearly every, if indeed not every township in the county, was represented either in the exhibition tent or in the grand parade and hundreds of business men and others fell in line.
The following names, together with number of entry and products entered, and every individual in the list, has the happy satisfaction of knowing that he assisted in making Republic County's Corn Jubilee the greatest affair of the kind ever held in the state, and in doing so contributed to the two days' pleasure and enjoyment of the ten thousand of his fellow citizens who attended it. Indeed it is a
B. F. Carson, Belleville township, P. D. Patterson, Lincoln, 1 30 ears White Dent corn. 19 50 ears Yellow Dent corn. 2 50 ears Yellow. W. P. Hamilton, Belleville township. M. M. Donges, Belleville City, 20 25 heads of Kaflir corn. 3 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. Orrin Jewett, Lincoln. L. W. Bethards, Belleville City, 21 14 bushel Irish potatoes. 4 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes, six weeks J. F. M. Smith, Jefferson, 5 1/2 bushel turnips, 22 50 ears Bloody Butcher corn. 6 1 dozen Mangoes. W. W. Boyes, Freedom. J. A. Miller, Freedom township. 23 50 ears White Dent corn. 7 50 ears Yellow Dent corn. Henry Osman, Belleville township. R. H. Boyes. Freedom township. 24 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 8 50 ears White Dent corn. 25 1/2 bushel turnips, Sons and Daughters of Justice. Lodge No. 1-, 26 1 pumpkin. 9 float. Henry Fassmore, Grant. H. J. Slutts. Freedom township. 27 1/2 bushel sweet potatoes. 10 Decorated family vehicle. Orry Corey, Grant. Edward Kipper. Freedom. 28 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 11 50 ears pop corn, sample on stalk. Henry Passmor, Grant. Thomas Benson. Liberty. 29 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 12 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes, Charles Passmore, Grant. 13 Plate of apples. 30 50 ears White Dent corn. 14 do do do Henry Psssmore. Grant. 15 do do do 31 50 ears White Dent corn. Aaron Boyes, Freedom. W. M. Oweley. City. 16 Plate of apples. 32 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 17 do do do W. W. Walt, Freedom. Aaron Perry, Liberty, 33 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 18 Decorated float. W. W. Wait, Freedom. 34 50 ears White Dent corn. |
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A. J. Hill, city. 80 50 ears pop corn. 35 50 ears sweet corn. Wm. Hadley, Liberty. 36 50 ears sweet corn. 81 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 37 50 ears pop corn, Julius Beecher, 38 50 ears pop corn. 82 1 pumpkin. 39 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes, J. D. Pangle. Belleville City. 40 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 83 50 ears Yellow Dent corn. F. M. Johnson. F. N. Townsend. Big Bend. 41 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 84 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. Charley Pangle. 85 Yams. 42 50 ears pop corn. Geo. M. Powell. Z. J. Tate, 86 1/24 bushel Irish potatoes. 43 1 radish. T. J. Bucknell. 44 1 bungle horn squash. 87 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. Mrs. Geo. Hodgkinson, Freedom, A. P. Larsen Warwick, Kansas. 45 50 ears pop corn. 88 50 ears White Dent corn, Orrin Abby, Freedom. 89 50 ears Bloody Butcher corn. 46 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. Peter Welsh. T. M. Hemphill. Belleville township, 90 50 ears Yellow Dent corn. 47 50 ears White Dent corn. J. W. Abbott. H. Howard, Belleville City, 91 1 pumpkin. 48 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. Anna C. Feight, Willis Chllds. Freedom, 92 squashes. 49 50 ears pop corn. Geo. W. Cowle, George McCune. Jefferson, 93 50 ears Yellow Dent corn, 50 1 pumpkin. 94 oats. 51 1 squash. 95 squashes. 52 1 squash. 96 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. I. N. Champion, Jefferson. 97 25 heads white Kaffir corn. 53 50 ears White Dent corn. Smith Brothers, Norway township, 54 50 ears Bloody Butcher corn. 98 50 ears White Dent corn. 55 50 ears pop corn. D. W. Wilson, Lincoln, 56 50 ears Yellow Dent corn. 99 1 peck wheat. Ted Black, Freedom. Jonathan Taylor, Scandia towns 57 50 ears White Dent corn. 100 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. H. D. Cooley, City. 101 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 58 1 squash. W. P. Hamilton. Belleville. Geo. M. Adams, Belleville City. 102 50 ears White Dent corn. 59 50 ears pop corn. John Kuhn, Belleville township. Ed Kipper, Freedom. 103 onions. 60 50 ears pop corn. Thos. Benson, Liberty. M. L. Canfield. Freedom. 104 plate of apples. 61 50 ears White Dent corn, 105 plate of apples. 62 25 heads white KaftIr corn. P. M. Howard. 63 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 106 1/2 bushel potatoes. C. Corbut, Lincoln. S. Pentico. Elk Creek, 64 50 ears Yellow Dent corn. 107 1/2 bushel sweet potatoes. 65 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 108 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. Abbott Cheney, Freedom. P. M. Howard. 66 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 109 1/2 bushel of oats. L. W. Bethards, Belleville City. 110 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes, 67 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 111 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 68 1/2 bushel turnips, 112 50 ears White Dent corn. 69 1 dozen Mangoes. Thos. Benson, Liberty, E. B. Helwlck. Liberty. 113 1/2 bushel oats. 70 50 ears Bloody Butcher corn. B. F. Carson, Belleville. R. T. Jellison Liberty, 114 50 ears White Dent corn. 71 50 ears White Dent corn. P M. Howard, Geo. W. Sickels. 115 1/2 bushel wheat. 72 50 ears Yellow Dent corn, (Golden C. A. Ball. Beauty.) 116 50 ears Yellow Dent. H. C. Hancock, Albion, 117 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 73 50 ears Yellow Dent, (Gold Stan.) H. J. Slutts. E J. Millen, Washington. 118 decorated float of farm products. 74 2 Hubbard squashes. P. M. Howard. W. Steenblock, Rose Creek, 119 1/2 bushel wheat, 75 25 heads white Katflr corn. Chas Larson. Jessie Jellison, 120 50 ears White Dent corn, 76 decorated bicycle. 121 1/2 bushel Calico corn, R. T. Kelley. 122 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. 77 5 plates apples. James S. Price, J. M. Randall. 123 sample of alfalfa, 78 50 ears White Dent corn, 124 1 pumpkin, 79 1/2 bushsl Irish potatoes. 125 1 squash. |
268 | History of Republic County. |
Geo. Thompson. mo.; Helen B. Legerstrom, 7 mo.: Chas. 126 50 ears White Dent corn. W. Rae, 9 mo., first prize: Trueman A. M. Canfield, Belleville City. Smith, 11 mo., second prize; Maude 127 1/2 bushel sweet potatoes Buhuer, 11 mo.; Lewis Harold Chlastic, J. H. Waterson, Rose Creek, 10 mo.: Ester Hicks, 3 mo. Elmer Legue, 128 50 ears Bloody Butcher corn, 2 mo.; Leslie Waters, 8 mo.; Freddie 129 50 ears Yellow Dent corn. Sherman, 4 mo; Isabelle Collins, 4 mo.: 130 50 ears White Dent corn, Mollie Nixon, 4 mo.: Willie Kelley. 12 131 50 ears Calico corn, mo.; Fern Corwin, 6 mo.; Walter Polly, 132 50 ears pop corn. 9 mo.; Bessie Kuhn, 4 mo.; Evert Thom- A. M. Canfield. as, 1 year: Helen Bales, 10 weeks; Rosey 133 1/2 bushel onions, (grown from seed.) Robins, 4 mo.; Elsie Swenson, 11 mo. Mrs. Gardner, Washington, Following are the judges and awards: 134 pumpkins. Com. on decorated bicycles and car- I. C. Ware, Scandia, riages: 138 sweet corn, Mrs. D. D. Bramwell. W. Bateman, Courtland. Mrs. Dr. Kamp. 135 50 ears White Dent corn, Mrs. Chauncy Perry. 136 50 ears Yellow Dent corn, Best decorated horse and rider: 137 apples Mrs D. D. Bramwell. J. D. Pangle, Mrs. Dr. Kemp. 139 50 ears pop corn. Mrs. Chauncy Perry. W. M. Eccles, Farmington, Com. Township display: 140 50 ears White Dent corn. T. M. Thompson. S. T. Collins, D. Lake. 141 sample of wheat, Joseph Brennemen 142 sample of corn grown from Com. on Individual display: seed supposed to be 4,000 years old. Wm. Bell, Lewis Young, John Yale, 143 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. John Mosshart O. B. Haven. Display by townships: 144 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. Freedom township 1st $50.00 145 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. Rose Creek township 2d 25.00 M. Kenney. Jefferson township 3d 15.00 146 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. White Dent corn: John L. Lewis, Belleville township, G. M. Hemphill, Belleville 1st 5.00 147 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. J. M. Randall, Jefferson 2d 3.00 U. S. G. Bowersox, Union, Smith Brothers, Norway 3d 2.00 148 50 ears White Dent corn. Yellow Dent corn: C Baker. M. Kenney, Elk Creek 1st 5.00 149 50 ears Yellow Dent corn. George W. Sickel, Freedom 2d 3.00 J. A. Cardwell, Union P. D. Patterson, Lincoln 3d 2.00 150 50 ears Calico corn. Calico corn: Aaron Boyes. J. A. Cardwell, Union 1st 5.00 151 plate of apples. J. H. Watterson 2d 3.00 M. Kenney, Elk. Bloody Butcher corn: 152 50 ears Yellow Dent corn. J. F. Smith, Jefferson 1st 5.00 H. C. Hancock, Albion, A. P. Larson, Warwick 2d 3.00 153 1 plate apples. I. N. Champion, Jefferson 3d 2.00 154 1 plate apples, Pop corn: 155 6 longest ears of corn. Chas. Pangle, Belleville City 1st 2.00 G. W. Hubbard, Lincoln. Willis Childs, Freedom 2d 1.00 156 50 ears pop corn. J. M. Randall, Jefferson 3d .50 L. N. Bonner. Belleville, Sweet corn: 157 1/2 bushel sweet potatoes. I. C. Ware, Scandia City 1st 3.00 Toney Hansleek, Fairview. A. J. Hill, Belleville City 2d 2.00 158 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. A. J. Hill, Belleville City 3d 1.00 159 1/2 do do do White Kaffir Corn: 160 1/2 do do do A. Steenblock, Rose Creek 1st 3.00 John Randall, Jefferson, M. L. Canfield, Freedom 2d 2.00 161 1 plate of grapes. W. P. Hamilton, Belleville 3d 1.00 J. O. Larson. Beaver, Squaw corn: 162 1/2 bushel spring wheat. Thomas Ward 1st 2.00 Wm. Bateman, Courtland, Irish potatoes: 163 1 plate of apples. Abott Cheney, Freedom 1st 3.00 W. H. Remy, Washington. Lewis Young, Rose Creek 2d 2.00 164 1/2 bushel Irish potatoes. F. N. Townsend, Big Bend 3d 1.00 W. O. Tate, Norway. Sweet potatoes: 165 1/2 bushel Yellow Dent corn. Henry Passmore, Grant 1st 3.00 Thos. Ward. A. M. Canfield, Belleville C 2d 2.00 166 50 ears squaw corn. L. N. Bonner, Belleville 3d 1.00 Baby entries: Six largest ears corn. Otis Lash, 4 mo.; Paul Fulcomer, 10 H. C. Hancock, Albion, Telescope 1 year. |
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Six heaviest ears of corn: Tug of war: A. P. Larson, Warwick, Telescope Union, J. J. Eastman, Capt 1st 12.00 1 year. Rose Creek. L. Young Capt 2d 6.00 A. P. Larson, Warwick, by Cash Baby show. 20 entries. Store, 1 pound Tourist coffee. Mrs Chas. W. Ron (1st baby Best peck Irish potatoes: 9 month old) 6.00 M. L. Canfield, Freedom, Telescope Mrs. Truman Smith (2d baby 1 year. 10 months old) 4.00 Best plate apples: Best exhibit of farm product by H. C. Hancock, Albion, Freeman 1 any individual, grown on the year. land owned or controlled by Best 1/2 bushel onions: the exbibitor, John Fulcomer John Kuhn, Belleville township. 6 Belleville City 10.00 loaves bread, S. S. Brown. Best display farm products any Best plate grapes: one farm. John A. Swenson, John Randall, Jefferson, Freeman 1 Freedom 10.00 year. Best decorated float of agricul- Best 1/2 bushel wheat: tural products by any one in- J. O. Larson, Beaver, Cash Store. 1 dividual: pound Tourist coffee. N. Y. Store, H. J. Slutts, Freedom 1st 10.00 towel rack and mirror. Aaron Perry 2d 5.00 Largest Squash: H. C. Swartz Washington, Geo. Cowles, Lincoln, Cash Store, Telescope 1 year. 1 pound Tourist coffee. "Crop that Never Fails in Kan- Best Hubbard squash: sas" represented by Liberty E. J. Miller, Washington, J. C. Daw- township float 1st 10.00 son, photo album. Jefferson townshlp, Freeman Largest pumpkin: 1 year 2d J. W. Aboott. Big Bend 1 pound of 200 yard root race: Tourist coffee by Cash Store. W. Parks 1st 3.00 Sack Race 50 yards: S. Baldwin 2d 2.00 C. L. Ward $1.00 Best prade by any society: Egg race: Sons and Daughters of Jus- J. T. Fleming 1.00 tice. Belleville 10.00 Throwing sledge: Best decorated family vehicle: W. Parks 2.00 J. E. Caswell 5.00 Standing jump: Best decorated horse and rider: W. Parks 2.00 Cash Store Indian 1.00 Running jump: Bicycle float: W. Parks 2.00 Effie Chapin 1st 5.00 Strongest team of horses or mules: Minerva Welghtman 2d 3.00 A. C. Taylor 1st 5.00 Single bicycle: Geo. Munger. no premium on 2d. Grettie Crummer and Willie Carstensen, |
To the officers and committees who engineered it the people owe a debt of gratitude. They seem to have been the right men in the right places. Circumstances and opportunity develop the genius and ability of men to do. Others might have done as well; none could have done better, and where all have done so well it is difficult to discriminate in favor of any, still I desire to especially mention Senator R. B. Ward, chairman executive committee; S. C. Crummer, chairman committee on printing and advertising; Hon. J. M. Doyle, Ex-Mayor H. T. Crawford, Capt. C. A. Potts, treasurer, and J. T. Patterson, marshal; also Miss Lucy Howard, county superintendent, for active interest taken in having the schools represented in the parade.
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Belleville Lodge No. 96, I. O. O. F. was instituted August 27th, 1872 by Geo. W. Shriner, Deputy Grand Master. The following is a list of the charter members: W. H. Allen, W. H. Pilkenton, A. J. Smith, A. J. Hill, and A. Blocklinger, only one of whom, Brother A. J. Hill now holds membership in the lodge. This is the pioneer secret organization in Republic county. The membership June 30th, 1900 was 53.
White Rock Lodge No. 126, I. O. O. F., was instituted June 26th, 1875, by Special Deputy Grand Master W. H. Pilkenton. The following are the charter members: Andrew Lowe, W. K. Miller, D. L. Badley, Samuel Akins, J. W. Johnson, John Hobson, A. B. Young, Joseph Smith, and John Counzelman. This lodge was instituted at the old town of White Rock, the place of meeting for the first two or three years being on the second floor above Brother Bagley's blacksmith shop. On the advent of the railroad the place of meeting was moved to Courtland where regular meetings are held every week. The membership June 30th, 1900 was 21.
Ida Lodge No. 127, I. O. O. F., was instituted May 17, 1878, by W. H. Pilkenton. Deputy Grand Master; Charter members: J. S. Davenport, John Davenport, Henry Bartle, Robert Allen, F. T. Powell and D. H. Johnson. The place of meeting has been changed from Ida to Munden, where meetings are regularly held every Saturday night. The membership June 30th, 1900 was 39.
Scandia Lodge No. 165, I. O. O. F., was instituted March 12th, 1880, by W. H. Pilkenton, Grand Master of the state of Kansas, who appointed the following assistants: Grand marshal, D. L. Badley; grand warden, H. K. Peckham; grand secretary, E. A. Hallowell; grand guard-
History of Republic County. |
The I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W. Block, Belleville, Kans.