History of Republic County. | 271 |
ian, W. A. Brock. The following is a list of the charter members: M. Curran, W. A. Smith, J. L. Dixon, A. B. Wilder, Daniel Young, Leroy Whitney, C. P. Carstensen, M. Weislogel, R. Nicholas and T. M. Little. At the first meeting M. Curran was elected N. G.; L. Whitney, V. G.; W. A. Smith, recording secretary; C. P. Carstensen, treasurer. At this meeting the following persons were duly initiated as members: P. Curran, D. F. Longnecker, W. F. Allen and James Weyand. This lodge was incorporated under the laws of the state of Kansas, February 22d, 1883, and is now in a prosperous condition, with a membership of 66.
Republic City Lodge No. 204, I. O. O. F., was instituted June 22d, 1882, by A. H. Dow, Grand Master State of Kansas. The following is a list of charter members: T. M. Little, D. S. Zencker, A. T. Miller, F. W. Craft, T. C. Clark, W. E. Finley, I. W. Williams, M. C. Polley, Wm. Taylor, T. F. Marlatt and Chas. Somers. The present officers are: F. W. Craft, N. G.; I. W. Williams, V. G., J. Beck, secretary. Present membership, 72. Meet every Saturday night at their hall in Republic City.
Nelson Lodge No. 294, at Norway, was instituted by. J. S. Codding in 1885, assisted by brothers from Belleville and Scandia. Its present membership is 17.
Wayne Lodge No. 366, I. O. O. F., at Wayne, was instituted by I. O. Savage, March 14, 1890, with the following charter members: J. M. Campbell, Geo. W. Pell. W. G. Dallas, J. A. Fetters and Wm. H. Morgan. Twenty-nine persons were duly initiated, receiving all or part of the three degrees. This prosperous lodge meets every Friday night at its hail in Wayne. Membership, June 30th, 1900, 41.
Cuba Lodge, No. 371, I. O. O. F., at Cuba, was instituted by I. O. Savage, May 13th, 1890, with the following charter members: D. A. Allen, F. S. Sherman, I. F. Moon, John Kuchera, B. C. Williams, J. A. Johnson, Morris Turpin, A. T. Gillean, W. H. Beels, F. T. Baker, F. Slospanski and F. B. Kirk. Thirty-three persons were duly initiat-
272 | History of Republic County. |
ed, receiving all of the three degrees, leaving the lodge with forty-five members. The present membership is 37.
Narka Lodge No. 386, I. O. O. F., of Narka, was instituted March 19, 1891, by I. O. Savage, of Belleville, assisted by H. O. Studley, D. H. Ferguson, S. C. Crummer, H. B. Brown, C. E. Leedom, and the Degree Team of Belleville Lodge No. 96. with the following charter members: Samuel Patton, S. M. Edwards, W. F. Bobenhouse, W. B. Mitchem, J. A. Anderson, A. Brosh, A. B. Peebles, George Farlow, B. F. Doval, U. B. McIntyre, C. E. McIntyre, and Hiram Beck. Forty-two persons were initiated, and eight brothers admitted by card, leaving the lodge with 62 members. Membership, June 30th, 1900, 44.
Charity Rebekah Lodge No. 76, I. O. O. F., was instituted at Belleville, October 4th, 1886, by V. Vantrump, special deputy, with twenty-two charter members, as follows: Brothers E. Strong, A. Dixon, L. N. Tweedy, F. H. Stoddard, Chas. Hunter, R. E. Sweeny, Mark Wright, R. H. Weightman, D. W. Goodwin, G. W. Personett, Geo. N. Davis, H. O. Studley, Henry C. Brown, C. Caruthers, S. C. Crummer, L. W. Leavenworth, G. W. McKee and Ezra Mackey; Sisters M. E. Vantrump, Christina Weightman, A. A. Hamilton and Electa Wrayeighteen brothers and four sistersonly one of whom is a member of Rebekah Lodge today, and that is Sister Wray, who has held continuous membership in this lodge ever since it was instituted, three having died and all the others fallen from grace. This is a sad commentary on Oddfellowship, but only emphasizes the fact that many are active and apparently earnest in any good work at its commencement, but that only a few remain faithful to the end, through evil as well as good report. My observation convinces me that the above statement is applicable to any and all charitable and benevolent organizations on earth. The night this lodge was instituted twelve persons were added, leaving the lodge with a membership of thirty-four. The first officers were: Brother L. W. Leavenworth, N. G.; Sister M.
History of Republic County. | 273 |
E. Vantrump, V. G.; Sister A. A. Hamilton, secretary; Sister Electa Wray, treasurer. Its membership June 30th, 1900, was 43.
The Rebekah lodge instituted in Republic county was Hope R. D. Lodge, No. 188, at Cuba, March 3d, 1892, by I. O. Savage, special D. G. M., assisted by Brother Evans, Sisters Clark, Wray, Leach, McCullough, Perry, Hogate, Brown, Evans, Davis, Stoddard, and Noble, all of Charity H. D. lodge No. 76, with the following charter members: Brothers S. A. Daniels, James Elliott, L. R. Curtis, F. S. Sherman, J. M. Davidson, W. J. Kennedy, C. S. Fry, W. V. Miller, C. E. Tobey, S. Case and J. A. Johnson, Sisters Daniels, Elliott, Curtis, Sherman, Davidson, Kennedy, Fry, Miller, Tobey, and Case, leaving the lodge with 21 members. Its membership June 30th, 1900 was 14.
Faith Rebekah lodge, No. 259, at Munden, February 8th, 1884, by Sister Belle Sherman, assisted by Sisters C. Daniels, A. Green, E. Elliott, J. Pennick, M. Washicheck, F. Davidson, E. Sense, E. Oliphant, S. Miller, H. Tobey, Slospanskey, E. Kuchera, F. Kuchera, D. Davidson, Marvin Vokalkest, with the following charter members: A. Strnad, J. A. Skocdopole, J. S. Skocdopole, H. Bartle, E. Bartle, S. W. Washicheck, T. Washicheck, M. L. Gray, L. Roush, S. M. Roush, A. Kasper, J. L. Kasper, A. Stransky, Agnes Stransky, W. Drashiner, Wm. Strnad, M. Strnad, W. F. Skocdopole; 18 members. Brother J. M. Roush was commissioned as D. D. G. M. Its membership June 30th, 1899 was 20.
Louise Rebekah lodge No. 260 at Courtland, March 1st, 1894, by Ada F. Riddle, assisted by Brother and Sister Sherman of Cuba, and brothers and sisters from Scandia lodge No. 261, with the following charter members:
- Brothers
J. M. Foster,
Henry Wray.J. E. Hesser, L. F. Bradley,
274 | History of Republic County. |
- Sisters
E. Bradley,
L. A. Hesser,A. N. Smith,
Lucy M. Wray.Caroline Smith,
They started with 22 members. Membership June 30th, 1900, 20.
Scandia Rebekah lodge, No. 261, at Scandia, February 28th, 1894, by Ada F. Riddle, assisted by brothers and sisters from Cuba, with the following charter members:
- Brothers
E. S. Ramsey,
E. F. Leweke,
A. P. Happer,
Grant Fulcomer,
John W. Gatehel,J. B. Bowling,
Ben Rosenquist,
W. E. Mills,
Ed Bushby,A. L. Larson,
Geo. D. Bowling,
I. N. Voorhis,
M. Weislogel,
- Sisters
Martha Johnson,
Martha A. Bowling,
Mary D. Voorhis,
Luella Eckler,
Derica V. Wilder,Eva Laweke,
Connie E. Happer,
Susie Fulcomer,
Mary B. White,
Anna Weislogel.Clara Rosenquist,
Lillie C. Mills,
Eva Christian,
Mattie E. Bushby,
Thirty-eight members. Brother E. S. Ramsey was commissioned as D. D. G. M. Membership June 30th, 1900, 39.
Fidelity Rebekah Lodge, No. 265, at Narka, was instituted April 30th, 1894, by Sister Belle Sherman and Sister C. J. Savage, with the following charter members:
- Brothers
Hiram Beck,
S. Morgan,
S. H. Bacon.A. Brosh,
D. D. Johnson,J. H. Crammer,
A. B. Peebles,
- Sisters
Mary J. Brosh,
Delila Morgan,
Lydia Bacon,Lenora E. Bowles,
E. T. Pebbles,
Chat Kobes,Anna Kuchera,
Linda Johnson,
Rose Shara.
Nineteen members. Brother Hiram Beck was commissioned D. D. G. M. Membership June 30th, 1900, 39.
Friendship Rebekah Lodge No. 275, at Wayne, was instituted January 9th, 1895, by Mrs. Belle M. Sherman, with the following charter members:
History of Republic County. | 275 |
- Sisters
Ellen Eldridge,
Mary I. Beeder,Nettle Eldridge,
Emma G. Hill,A. F. Morley,
M. B. Kellogg.
- Brothers
D. C. Eldrich,
Geo. W. Morley,Z. Reeder,
G. M. Kellogg.Wm. Hill,
Sixteen members. Wm. Hill was commissioned D. D. G. M. Membership June 30th, 1900, 21.
Republic Rebekah Lodge No. 276, at Republic City, January 29th, 1895, by Mrs. Belle M. Sherman, with the following Charter members:
- Sisters
Kate Davies,
Lennie Abbott,
Nellie G. Bedell,
Julia A. Davies,Lessie Elliott,
Nora Sumbler,
Mary E. Evans,
Lydia Charles,Malinda Abbott,
Genie Charles,
Mattle Bester,
Mary Jones.
- Brothers
G. T. Davies,
J. W. Abbott,
T. J. Charles.Geo. Beck,
John Sumbler,W. J. T. Elliott,
D. A. Davies,
Twenty-three members. D. A. Davies was commissioned D. D. G. M. Membership June 30th, 1900, 38.
Republic Encampment No. 30, I. O. O. F., was instituted January 25th, 1876, by Special Deputy Grand Patriarch S. H. Kelsey, assisted by Chas. H. Krebs and H. S. Wooden. The following is a list of the charter members:W. H. Pilkenton, Josiah Kindt, W. C. Shull, F. M. Cox, | V. Vantrump, Wm. Hughes, A. J. Hill, Geo. E. Ross, | I. O. Savage, E. A. Hallowell, Jas. H. Bradd, Chauncey Perry. |
- The present officers are
I. O. Savage, chief patriarch,
Josiah Klndt, junior warden,
C. P. Carstensen, scribe,John Soderholm, senior warden,
A. J. Hilt, high preist,
T. N. Short, treasurer.
Pilkenton Encampment, No. 112, at Republic, Republic county on November 11, 1892, by the grand patriarch in person, assisted by Patriarchs I. O. Savage, E. Strong, J. Whalen, D. H. Ferguson, H. C. Blanchard, Wesley S.
276 | History of Republic County. |
- Skocdopole, Anthony Strnad and Geo. B. McCullough, of Republic Encampment, No. 30, of Belleville, with the following charter members:
Jacob Beck,
C. M. Hall,
J. C. Price.Gomer T. Davies,
W. S. Hill,R. W. Polley,
D. A. Davies,
The officers were duly elected and installed, after which five persons were admitted, advanced and exalted, leaving the Encampment with twelve members.
Belleville Lodge No. 129, A. F. & A. M. was duly chartered by the Grand Lodge of the State of Kansas, A. F. & A. M., on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1872, and duly instituted by Special Deputy Grand Master W. P. Mudgett, of Waterville, Kansas, on the 22d day of November, A. D. 1872.
- Its charter members were
C. I. McIntyre,
R. W. VanDyke,
John Hadsell,
James Mackey,
J. J. Schofield,Joseph Boothe,
R. C. Carr,
Austin Phelps,
Benjamin Abbott,
John F. Wells.Taylor Wilson,
S. A. McKay,
Wm. H. Harmond,
A. A. Burk,
- Its first officers were
C. I. McIntyre, W. M.,
A. T. Wilson, J. W.,
R. C. Carr, secretary,
John Hadsell, J. D.,
J. Mackey, Tyler.Joseph Boothe, S. W.,
R. W. VanDyke, treasurer,
S. A. McKay, S. D.,
A. L. Phelps, S. S
Wm. H. Harmond, J. S.,
- The present officers are:
D. D. Bramwell. W. M.,
W. B. Keith, J. W.,W. T. Perry, S. W.,
Wm. Kamp, Sec.
Meets every second and fourth Wednesday night of each month. The present membership is 98 and the lodge is in a very prosperous condition.
- The Bellevile Chapter, R. A. M., was organized December 30th, 1887, with the following charter members:
George W. Wood,
F. H. Sherer,
J. H. Hair,
J. C. Gurnea.S. G. Stver,
Eli Haskett,
E. B. Towle,E. H. Daniels,
J. B. Cain,
B. R. Hogin.
History of Republic County. | 277 |
- First Officers
G. W. Wood, high priest,
S. G. Stover, scribe,
B. R. Hogin, treasurer.J. H. Hair, king,
J. C. Gurnea, secretary,
- Present officers
Wm. Kamp, high priest,
W. T. Perry, scribe,
C. P. Carstensen, treasurer.John M. Doyle, king,
Wesley Hanzel, secretary,
Meets each first and third Friday of each month, and has forty-two members.
- Lebanon lodge, A. F. A. M., was organized under dispensation, August 21st, 1882, by E. D. Hylier, Past M. W. M. of the state of Kansas. Dispensation granted to S. W. Gunter, W. M.; C. S. Morey, S. W.; R. W. Swan, J. W. Charter granted February 22d, 1883, by Benj. Lake, Special Deputy G. M., assisted by A. A. Carahan, John S. Elliott and A. E. Carlisle. Present officers are:
A. B. Kimball, W. M.,
M. A. Prible, J. W.,
A. P. Happer, Treasurer.H. J. Holleobeck, S. W.
I. C. Ware, Secretary,
Meets regularly once a month at the Masonic Hall in Scandia, Kansas. The present membership is 29.
- Cuba lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 362, began work under dispensation, October 21, 1899, and was granted a charter February 21st, 1900. The charter members are:
Ransom Stevens, W. M.,
Joseph Kesl, J. W.,
C. E. Hoard, Secretary,
C. A. Campbell, J. D.,
J. E. Woodhouse, S. S.,W. F. Howard, S. W.,
Jas. S. Deathridge, Treasurer,
F. L. Powers, S. D.,
Royal Tyler, Tyler,
L. D Oliver, J. S.
This lodge owns its hall where it meets the first and third Monday nights in each month. It has increased its membership in eighteen months from ten to forty-four members. W. F. Howard is the present Worshipful Master and F. L. Powers, secretary.
Narka Lodge No. 349, A. F. & A. M. Papers of dispensation issued March 19th 1892. Lodge instituted April
278 | History of Republic County. |
15th, 1893, by E. B. Towle, Deputy Grand Master. Charter members 14.
- First officers
A. Steenblock, W M.,
W. F. Bobe�house, J. W.,G. W. Edwards, S. W.,
John F. Wilcox, secretary.
- Present officers
W. L. King, W. M.,
J. S. Cordry, J. W.,I. P. Sellers, S. W.,
H. S. Taylor, secretary.
Members at present 38. Meets first and third Saturday nights of each month at Masonic and I. O. O. F. Hall, Narka, Kansas.
- Ophel Chapter O. E. S. at Belleville, Kansas, was granted a dispensation and organized February 23d, 1892, by Deputy Grand Master, Anna Coon, with the following officers:
Jennie L. Dillon, W. M.,
J. M. Watkins, treasurer,
Mary E. Bullen, Conductor,
Adela Perry, Adah,
Anna L. Humphrey, Esther,
Jennie Conwell, Electa,
Edward Blanchard, Sentinel.W. T. Dillon, W. P.,
B. T. Bullen, secretary,
Emma McCullough, Asst. Con.,
Kate F. Howe, Ruth,
Anna James, Martha,
Betsey Blanchard, Warden,
- This lodge received its charter June 23d, 1892, having worked under dispensation just four months. The present officers are:
Laura Doherty, W. M.,
Mrs. A. F. Dunn, A. M.
J. H. Yale, Treasurer,
Anna L. Spencer, Asst. Con.
Anna Wade, Adah,
Clara Bramwell, Esther,
Maude Smith, Electa,
Dr. Wm. Kamp, Sentinel,Geo. W. Collins, W. P.,
D. D. Bramwell, Secretary,
Harriet L. Bethards, Conductor.
Livona Yale, Chaplain,
Adela E. Perry, Ruth,
Lizzie Fox, Martha,
Dora Carstensen, Warden,
Kate G. Collins, Organist.
This lodge meets regularly on the second and fourth Tuesday nights of each month at Masonic Hall, and is in a highly prosperous condition with a membership of 71.
John Brown Post N. 44, G. A. R. Nearly twenty years have come and gone since eighteen loyal and patriotic comrades, no two of whom served in the same regi-
History of Republic County. | 279 |
ment, and representing five different states, moved and actuated by the universal sentiments of fraternity, charity and loyalty and an earnest desire to keep alive and perpetuate the memories and associations of their army life, petitioned the proper authorities for the privilege of being mustered into the Grand Army of the Republic as a Post under the jurisdiction of the department of Kansas. This petition was granted and in accordance therewith they were on the 25th day of March, 1882, by Department Commander J. C. Walkenshaw, mustered in as a Post to be known as John Brown Post No. 44, Department of Kansas. Their names were as follows:
W. W. Wait, Captain Co. C, 64th N. Y. Inf. G. A. Hovey, Q. M. Sergt., Co. F, 15th Iowa Inf. John M. Lawrence, Private, Co. F, 13th Ill Inf. Adam Dixon, Captain, Co. B, 104th N. Y. Inf. G. A. Terpening, Private, Co. L, 12th Ill. Cav. John M. Ryan, Private, Co. D, 42d Ohio Inf. John E. Hallowell, Musician, 39th Ill Inf. A. O. Kindy, Private, Co. K, 12th Mich. Inf. John H. Crane, Private, Co. A, 9th Iowa Inf. B. R. Hogin, 1st Sergt., Co. K, 9th Iowa Cav. S. G. Stover, Private, Co. A, 92d Ill. Mounted Inf. D. C. Bowersox, Private, Co. B, 152d, Ohio Inf. J. R. Bowersox, Corporal, Co. E, 5th Ohio Cav. J. H. Bradford, Sergeant, Co. A, 30th Ill. Inf. Wm. Hughes, Sergeant Co. H, 89th Iii. Inf. Mark C. Cuthbertson, Sergt. Co. D. 72d Ohio Inf. H. C. Bradley, Private, Co. K, 3d Iowa Cav. Daniel Clemons, Private, Co. H. 2d Neb. Cav. |
In the preliminary work which led to securing this organization Comrade Bradford was largely instrumental, and to whose untiring and unselfish labors the early success and prosperity of the Post were largely due. He remained steadfast and active in promoting the welfare and best interest of the post during entire his residence in our midst.
When the Post was mustered Comrade B. R. Hogin was chosen Commander, was re-elected in December, 1882, serving with distinguished ability for nearly two
280 | History of Republic County. |
years, and by whose patriotic and well directed efforts the prosperity and usefulness of the Post were promoted.
Capt. A. Shaw was chosen S. V. Commander, Comrade J. M. Ryan J. V. Commander and J. E. Hallowell, Adjutant. Comrade Hallowell served as adjutant from March 25th, to June 17th, 1882, when he resigned and Comrade R. A. Hoffman was chosen to fill the vacancy thus created. The Post was mustered in the court room of the old court house, where its meetings were held until September 1883, when the place of meeting was changed to the Odd Fellows hall, which was occupied until the close of that year, then moved to Powell's Hall, where the meetings were held until February 27th, 1886, when on account of a slight misunderstanding between the Post and the proprietor of the hall the place of meeting was changed back to the old court house, where meetings were held until June 12th, 1886, when it moved to Hallowell's Block where a large and commodious hall, with a pleasant parlor nicely furnished, spacious and convenient ante and wardrobe rooms had been fitted up to be occupied jointly by the Post, the Woman's Relief Corps and the Sons of Veterans, and was so occupied until the disastrous fire of November 4th, 1890, by which the First National bank block and Hallowell's block were entirely swept away, together with the hall and all its contents, including paraphernalia, guns and our beautiful John Brown banner, inflicting a property loss on the Post of $200, and the Relief Corp losing at least $75. But undaunted by this misfortune, the A. O. U. W. hall in the Phenix block was rented and furnished where meetings were held until January 1st, 1896, when the Post moved to Deal's hall, which it now occupies.
The amount expended for the relief of comrades and their families since the organization of the Post has been in round numbers $3,000, which money has been raised by dues, at first one dollar per year and later two dollars per year, the net proceeds of entertainments given by the