Republic County


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Campbell - Englund Families

Jane Campbell Maddy lived in Wayne, Kansas. Her great grandfather was C. A. Campbell, one of the original settlers of Republic County, Kansas. Jane is the 3rd generation of the C. A. Campbell family to be born in Wayne.

Patricia Adams is the great granddaughter of Olof Englund. Olof and son, Henry Englund, were involved in helping to building Wayne Village, the school and the Swedish Methodist church.

Jane's aunt (Alice Campbell) married Pat's uncle (Lester Englund). Freda Campbell (Jane's Aunt) married Clarence Abrahams (Pat's cousin). These were only two of the connections between the history of the two families.

Fred C. Hall

FRED C. HALL, M. D. Of the men devoted to the science of healing in Republic County few bring to bear upon their calling larger gifts of scholarship and resource than Dr. Fred C. Hall, of Cuba. Far from selecting his life work in the untried enthusiasm of extreme youth, the choice of this genial practitioner was that of a mature mind, trained to thoughtfulness by years of practical experience as an agriculturist and to a full realization of the possibilities and responsibilities which confronted him.

Doctor Hall was born in Madison County, New York, in 1856, and is a son of Fred and Hannah (Hatch) Hall, natives, respectively, of New York and Massachusetts. He belongs to a family of Swedish origin, which dates its connections back to William the Conqueror, and whose members, belonging to the Quaker faith, have been noted for their activities in the professions, particularly as preachers and physicians. His paternal grandfather was William Hall, who was born at Portsmouth, Rhode Island, March 29, 1767, and who, by two marriages, became the father of twenty-two children. The oldest daughter of William Hall became the wife of Rev. Brinton Darlington, who was sent as one of the first agents to the Indiana Territory and who was a noted preacher and educator of his day. Fred Hall, father of the doctor, had three sons: Ed, who is engaged in business as a contractor; Fred C., of this review; and Tom, who is a surveyor by vocation. Fred C. Hall received his early education in the graded and high schools of Madison County, New York, and was reared on the home farm. In 1883 he decided to seek his fortune in the west, and at that time located on a farm in Kansas, although it was not until 1888 that he settled in Republic County. For a number of years he continued to devote himself to the cultivation of the soil, but with the accumulation of property came the desire to enter a learned vocation, an ambition which was realized when he graduated from the Kansas Medical College at Washburn with the class of 1900. Upon receiving his diploma Doctor Hall returned to Republic County and established an office at Cuba, where he has since been in the enjoyment of constantly increasing practice. He is a member of the Republic County Medical Society, the Kansas State Medical Society and the American Medical Association, and is recognized in his profession as a thorough, studious and learned practitioner who brings to his practice an adherence to the highest professional ethics. Politically he is a republican and has served as county committeeman of his party for seven years. He has contributed to the good government of his community by serving ably and faithfully as clerk and member of the school board and in the capacity of police judge, an office which he held for three terms. His citizenship, the quality of which has never been doubted, has found expression in his support of worthy movements.

Doctor Hall married in 1887 Mrs. M. Q. Pepper, and they are the parents of two sons: Roger D. and George 0., both at home. In his religious belief Doctor Hall still clings to the faith of his forefathers. He has been successful in a material way as he has been professionally, and at this time is the owner of 480 acres of fine prairie land in Trego County.

Source: A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, copyright 1918; transcribed 1997.

William Christopher Hanson

WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER HANSON, D. D. For a quarter of a century steadily engaged in the work of the ministry in Kansas, Doctor Hanson has filled many important posts of responsibility with the Methodist Episcopal Church and is now superintendent of the Kansas City District of the Kansas Conference.

He is a native of Chicago, where he was born October 18, 1866, a son of Louis Christopher and Carolina Christiana (Johnson) Hanson. His father was a Norwegian and his mother a native of Sweden. Both are now deceased and for many years they conducted a successful hotel business at Scandia, Kansas.

W. C. Hanson grew up in Scandia, Kansas, attended the high school there, and in early life learned the printing trade. He worked at that occupation, but after his conversion to religion he prepared for the ministry. He attended Concordia Academy, and in 1909 was given the degree Doctor of Divinity by Baker University. In 1892 he entered the Kansas Conference and successively served the churches at Linn, Wathena, Robinson, Marysville, Manhattan, Washington Avenue Church in Kansas City, Kansas, superintendent of the Clay Center District from 1906 to 1911, and from 1912 to 1917 superintendent of the Kansas City District. The office he now holds was formerly that of presiding elder. Doctor Hanson was a delegate to the general conferences of the church in 1908, 1912 and 1916. He is an active official of the board of Sunday schools of the Methodist Episcopal Church and is a trustee of Baker University.

In Kansas City, Kansas, he has become an important factor in civic affairs. During 1916 he was a director of the Kansas City Mercantile Club. He is a director of the Associated Charities, and is a trustee of Bethany Methodist Hospital of Kansas City, Kansas. He is also an active Mason, both a Knight Templar and Scottish Rite. In matters of politics Doctor Hanson has sought to exercise his suffrage in such a way as to promote the best ideals of good government, and has been guided by this desire rather than by party lines. In national politics, however, he is a republican.

Doctor Hanson married Nellie Harding. She died October 10, 1911. A son, Harry W., is an attorney at La Crosse, Kansas. The only daughter, Grace, died in 1913.

Source: A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written & compiled by William E. Connelley, 1918, transcribed by Ashley Metcalf, student from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, May 10,1999.

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