The following was originally put together by Mr. and Mrs. Olof M. Abrahams and Mrs. and Mrs. Erick Holmberg, Historic Committee of the Wayne School District No. 3 Homecoming, July 7, 1953. Numerous persons provided information, and the document may not be entirely complete. Some of the history was updated in 1965, when the school was closed and the students went to Agenda. The Agenda school closed in 1966 and the students went to Cuba, Belleville, or Concordia. --Jane Maddy, 1998
Article from the Belleville Telescope newspaper, July, 1953
By the Telescope's Wayne Correspondent
Wayne School District No. 3 held a homecoming June 7th at the schoolhouse. Two-hundred-fifty guests attended. The basket dinner was at noon. There were 257 registered for the day. Emanuel Gomer was Master of Ceremonies for the afternoon program, and Beverly Ryman of Cuba sang a vocal solo accompanied by Sue Campbell of Miltonvale. Mrs. Lela Campbell Haney of Salina sang two numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Lynn Campbell of Miltonvale. Mrs. Olive Englund Abrahams read the school history.
Awards were presented to the following:
Oldest Pupil Present and Oldest School Board Member: Henry Englund
Oldest Teacher Present: Ed Stafford of Belleville, KS
Parent with the Most Pupils (8) Present: Mrs. Minnie Campbell
Pupils Traveling the Greatest Distance to the Homecoming:
Mrs. Phoebe Lou Moore Markland of Clarksburg, TN
Mrs. Geneva Campbell Sabo of El Paso, Texas
School Board Member Serving the Most Years: Emanuel Gomer
Teacher with the Most Pupils Present: Miss Mary Anthony
Youngest Pupil Present: Patricia Cherney
Youngest Teacher Present: Mrs. Fontella Salmon Campbell
Four generations of one family attending Wayne School were:
Henry Englund; Son Ernest Englund of Belleville; Granddaughter Avalee Englund Cherney; and Great Granddaughter Patricia Cherney
Eight children of the late Eric and Christina Holmberg family, all former pupils, were present:
Charles, Erick and Victor Holmberg of Wayne; Mrs. Minnie Dulin of Wayne; Mrs. Ida Nelson of Cuba; Mrs. Mabel Ekstrom of Clyde; Mrs. Alma Lindamood of Lincoln, Nebraska; and Edward Holmberg of Winona
Seven former teachers were present:
Mrs. Myrtle Peterson Bevin of Glasco
Ed Stafford of Belleville
Mrs. Dora Boal Campbell of Salina
Mr. Harley Pritchard of Hanover
Mrs. Harley Pritchard of Hanover
Ms. Mary Anthony of Wayne
Mrs. Fontella Salmon Campbell of Wayne
"The history of our school (District No. 3) dates back to 1871, 81 years ago, as near as we can ascertain from records. As reminiscent of old school days, we think of the names of Campbell, Abrahams, Englund, Way, Roszell, Newburn, Walton, McDonald, Nutter, Engstrom, Cousins and many others.
The first schoolhouse was a log schoolhouse, with dirt floor and roof, and stood in the southwest corner of property now owned by the Wayne Union Cemetery. It was sold to C. M. Way for $45 in December, 1871, and paid for a year later, the amount with interest being $47.25.
The next school was the Fairview school which was on the farm that is now the Way farm where Mrs. Minnie Campbell, Glen and Bruce live. This site was then called Fairview.
Our records begin with the Fairview school in 1871. The first school board we have record of was C. A. Campbell, as Director; John MacFarlane as Clerk; and Wm. J. Finley as Treasurer. The first teacher was J. C. Ranney.
In the early days the school terms were short, usually three months, though two of the terms were only two months. In 1872 and 1873, some of the Fairview pupils also attended school in Districts 26 and 27 between Fairview terms. There were also two short terms held in the Daniel Weimer house northeast of Wayne. The district paid Daniel Weimer $4.50 rent on these two occasions. Grant Campbell later lived in the Weimer house.
The Fairview schoolhouse was small and the enrollment large. It later became necessary to use the Fairview Church building for school during the week and for church services on Sundays. Due to short terms, one spring and one fall term, during the 13 years at Fairview, there were 26 terms of school. At that time, Decoration Day was in June and Election Day was in October, and these were school holidays.
Though the enrollment was high, the attendance was very irregular and there was a shortage of school books. It seems that the District bought the text books. When H. O. Studley taught in 1877, some days there were only 9 present and some of them tardy. With the few books, pupils learned slowly. In an effort to arouse interest and cooperation with the parents, Mr. Studley sent a report of work done to all parents, quoting in conclusion, "with malice toward none and charity for all". Frank Parkhurst taught the last term of school at Fairview, with an enrollment of 81 pupils; many of his pupils were in their late teens or early 20's. This was in 1884.
This community was known as Fairview until the Burlington Railroad was built in 1884 and our town started to boom. The railroad company changed the name to Wayne as there was, and still is, a town of Fairview in Brown County, Kansas. It was then decided to build a schoolhouse in Wayne and bonds were voted. The district received $3000 from the state for a building fund. The Fairview schoolhouse was sold to Jud Spooner for $147.50 ($145 with $2.50 interest in 1886) and moved into Wayne. It is now a part of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Cherney and Patty.
The schoolhouse was built on the site of the present schoolhouse, which is north of Block 3 on Randolph Street. It was a large square two-story building with a high belfry, and was built at the cost of $4025 (which is approximately what it costs to maintain our school for one year now). Cost of materials was low and wages were also low then. The amount voted to pay for a day's work on the schoolhouse was $1.50. The first floor was finished for a two room school. The upstairs at that time was partitioned into two rooms though unfinished. The school board at that time consisted of C. A. Campbell, Director; G. A. Hovey, Clerk; and Thomas Newburn, Treasurer.
Ella Newburn was the first primary teacher at Wayne School in 1885, with an enrollment of 68 pupils, an average daily attendance of 50; number of tardiness 146; number neither absent nor tardy, none. F. E. Wimer taught the Intermediate room with an enrollment of 60. This adds up to an enrollment of 128 pupils in the school. The first term of school in Wayne began in April, 1885. The first two years there were two short terms of school each. After that the school terms ran as they do now.
They had two teachers a year until 1895, when Edgar Baird was hired to teach the whole school. The next year, with an enrollment of 70, he taught alone until the last three months when the west room was repaired and Bertha McDonald was hired to teach the primary room. After that, there were two rooms until 1909.
In 1909 the schoolhouse was repaired and the east room upstairs finished for a two-year high school. At this time the school board consisted of R. P. Teagarden, Director; George McClure, Clerk; and Henry Englund, Treasurer.
We kids felt that the fire escape on the north side was a very interesting feature, while it was never necessary to use. The little kids used the railing for a slippery slide, while the girls sat on the steps and discussed problems and secrets. Sometimes we forgot that someone might be listening in on us from the open upstairs window. (Mrs. Olive Abrahams and Mrs. Frances Holmberg)
Ed Stafford taught the 8th grade and first year of high school in 1909-10. After that we had only the high school upstairs and the grades down stairs. We had a two-year high school until in 1918 when the high school was discontinued for three years.
In 1922 the present schoolhouse was built at the cost of $7,642 plus the material from the old school building. This was a three room stucco building with basement. The stucco finish did not prove satisfactory and was later replaced with the present siding. The building committee consisted of Dr. F. C. Tyree, Chairman; O. A. McKenzie; Henry Englund and the school board, H. E. Lilly, Director; Mrs. Albertina Englund, Clerk; and Ira Cousins, Treasurer.
While the building was being completed, at the beginning of the school term, classes were held, the two grade rooms in the two Methodist churches and the high school in the IOOF Hall. They moved into the new schoolhouse December 11, 1922. School then consisted of the two grade school rooms and a high school room, which room was also used as the auditorium. Our teaching personnel again consisted of three teachers.
At the annual meeting in 1939, it was voted to combine the two grade rooms into one room and continue the high school, as the enrollment had dropped due to the decreasing population in our community. At a special meeting in August of 1939, it was voted to discontinue the high school for one year.
At the annual meeting in 1940, it was voted to maintain two grade school rooms as a number of pupils were coming to our school from neighboring districts. Later these districts maintained their own schools and our enrollment again dropped. In 1946 it was voted to combine all 8 grades into a one-room school with one teacher and that is what we have today.
Our school history has covered a period of 81 years; and in these years, we have had 99 terms of school, due to the short terms in the early days. It has required 185 teachers to teach all terms in the three rooms; but, since a number of teachers have taught several years, we have had 80 different teachers. Many of our teachers were hometown young women and a number from other towns in our county. The McDonald family has supplied our school with 4 teachers, and Mr. McDonald served on the school board.
Miss Mary Anthony holds the record of teaching with 19 terms taught, first as a primary teacher, then later as intermediate room teacher and then as teacher of all grades. (Note: In 1953, Miss Mary, as she was called, taught 3 more years, for a total of 21 terms.)
The Campbell family holds the record of 61 Campbells attending school during the 81 years. Grandpa C. A. Campbell served on the school board in the early days.
Records show that Fanny Kunkel is the oldest living pupil. She started to Fairview school in 1873 at the age of 7, and later married H. B. Walter who taught here. Arminta Way is the next oldest, starting school in 1874 at the age of 6. She is now Mrs. Gettys, Sylvester's mother. Henry Englund is next, closely followed by Elmer Way.
We have had four generations of the same family attending school: Aunt Mary Englund, Minnie Englund Gomer, Emanuel Gomer and his children. Mary Englund and Minnie Englund Gomer have passed away. Another four generations is: Henry Englund, Ernest Englund, Avalee Englund Cherney and Patty Cherney, all living and attending the Homecoming today.
School days were happy care free days and children often forget facts but small, insignificant, and sometimes amusing things, are often remembered. As we think back on some of our early teachers there are some interesting and amusing incidents that linger in our minds.
One former pupil remember Julius, or J. M. Beecher who taught in 1888-89. He was a tall, slender, very erect and handsome young man who lived in Belleville and rode down to Wayne on a bright, shiney high-wheeled bicycle. He wore the handsome handle-bar mustache, as black as coal, which was the style then. He later married Lillie Newburn, one of his pupils.
There was C. C. Canfield, a tall slim man who was always pulling on his "Adams Apple". He had a beautiful handwriting and kept a very good school record. H. B. Walter will be remembered by some here as a good instructor, though stern and firm in discipline. The big boys soon understood that they came to learn rather than merely pass away time. Due to the lengthy sideburns he wore, he was nicknamed "Whiskers", though, of course, not in his hearing. He drove a sorrel mule hitched to his cart to school and the boys would say, "Here comes Whiskers"! John Kuhn was a shy bachelor whom the girls like to tease because he was easily embarrassed. He was very precise and mannerly. He taught Jessie McDonald's room one day and the next day informed her that he had learned to tell the Holmberg twins apart. He pointed to Minnie and said "This is Mabel" and then pointed to Mabel and said "This is Minnie". These incidents and many that you might recall in your memories are from a humorous point of view, but really make the teachers outstanding in our memories of childhood school days. All in all, we have had a wonderful bunch of teachers and classmates, and there is a tie that will never be broken. We have gathered together the facts and history and comments as best we could. So many registers and records of the Wayne School are missing. We have talked to school friends, especially the older ones, and written letters to obtain information. Some facts and names of students we have been able to obtain. There may be mistakes and discrepancies which will stand correction. If anyone has anything to add or subtract from our report, we will appreciate it."
Mr. and Mrs. Olof Abrahams
Mr. and
Mrs. Erick Holmberg
(NOTE: 1961-1962: The Wayne School history has covered a period of 90 years and in these years has had 108 terms of school, due to the short terms in the early days. It has required 194 teachers to teach in the three rooms; but since a number of teachers have taught several years, there have been 120 different teachers, and 1033 pupils enrolled on the records.
The present school board consists of Ed Valek, Jr., Junior Empson, and Champ A. Campbell. Sarah Proft is the teacher. Other teachers not in the above report are: Robert Borment, 1953-1956. This is Sarah Proft's sixth term, 1956-1962.)
Date | Name of Teacher | Terms Taught | # of Pupils |
1872 1872 1873 1874 1874-75 1875 1875-76 1876 1876-77 1877 1877-78 1878 1878 1879 1879 1879-80 1880 1880 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882-83 1883 1853-84 1884 1884 |
J. C. Raney Mike Hallowell Emma Schrock David Gamble A. C. Taylor J. C. Raney E. F. Aldredge Sarah Alderedge E. F. Aldredge N. J. Crysler H. O. Studley Sarah A. Jacobs Nettie Clark Waldo Britnall Mary Engstrom J. A. Jacobs Lou Neel Louella Way Mary Engstrom Nettie Clark Edward Wimer S. A. Foresman Frank Parkhurst Newton Smith Frank E. Wimer Willie Gordon Frank Parkhurst |
April 28 to July 23 March to September 18 Nov, 1874 to Jan, 1875 April to June Dec, 1875 to Mar, 1876 May, June, July Oct, 1876 to Jan 6, 1877 January 15 to April 16 May-June, Sept-March May to June September to November January to April September to November December to February April to June September to November January 3 to February 28 April to July September to November January to March September to February May to July September to February March to June September to December |
25 23 50 16 23 32 39 40 42 24, 38 23 40 44 49 55 67 58 47 53 65 62 62 46 51 47 81 |
Date | Term | Primary Name | Primary # Pupils | Intermediate Name | Intermediate # Pupils |
1885 1885-86 1886 1886 1887 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-01 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05 1905-06 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 |
April 13 - July 2 Dec 28 - Mar 6 Mar 22 - June 11 September-December March-May September-April September-April 3 months |
Ella Newburn Ella Newburn Effie Newburn Jennie Thomas Jennie Thomas Effie Newburn Fanny Kunkel Nettie E. Steed Mrs. O. M. Carpenter Anna Whitsitt Harrie Monroe Hattie Monroe E. J. Humphrey Bertha McDonald A. P. Peterson Blanche McDonald Blanche McDonald Della Holland Jessie McDonald Jessie Mcdonald Jessie McDonald Margaret McDonald Anna Sterba Anna Sterba Flora Ingham Maude Phillips |
68 57 53 65 |
Frank E. Wimer Frank E. Wimer George Hamilton George Hamilton George Hamilton J. M. Beecher C. C. Canfield C. C. Canfield F. E. Way David Babb U. S. G. Bowersox U. S. G. Bowersox Edgar Baird Edgar Baird L. N. Nutter H. G. Walter H. B. Walter Charles Pehrson J. W. Kuhn J. W. Kuhn J. A. G. Smith J. A. G. Smith J. A. G. Smith John Smith Edd Stafford |
60 50 43 50 48 56 |
Date | Primary | Intermediate | High School |
1909-10 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 |
Sarah Reeder Mabel Englund Barbara Stenger Della Jones Della Jones Della Jones Maggie George Lulu Palmer Lulu Palmer Adele Booze Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Lucille Nutter Irma Harris Neoma Harris Dora Campbell Wilma Norlund Wilma Norlund Mrs. H. Pritchard Minnie Scroggins Alta Stewart Alta Stewart Fontella Campbell Beulah Hill Naomi Nylund Naomi Nylund Naomi Nylund Myra Sherwood Myra Sherwood Hanna B. Hanson Hanna B. Hanson Roberta Fraser Roberta Fraser Dora Campbell Dora Campbell Dora Campbell Dora Campbell Dora Campbell Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Maty Anthony Mary Anthony Helen Hansen Emma Desilet Bob Borment Bob Borment Bob Borment Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony |
Bertha McDonald Myrtle Peterson Myrtle Peterson Barbara Stenger Fannie Frost Ruth McDonald Adelaide McClure Mazie Smith Mazie Smith Bernice Taylor Catherine Beecker Freda Campbell Elizabeth McCracken Madeline Krohn Burton Walter Lusk Wilkie Myrtle Tetsworth Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Cecile Lawson Cecile Lawson Bessie Carey Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Alice D. Wilsey Hazel Campbell Hazel Campbell Leah Dee Larson Hannah B. Hanson Hannah B. Hanson Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Maty Anthony Mary Anthony Helen Hansen Emma Desilet Bob Borment Bob Borment Bob Borment Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony |
Edd Stafford Edd Stafford E. R. Brown Lulu Patterson Emma Adamson Myrta Horwege Grace Shinn Margie Carpenter Margie Carpenter Francis Rost Henry Alford Gust Danielson Harley Pritchard Harley Pritchard Harley Pritchard Rudolph Barts Oliver Lawson Oliver Lawson Victor P. Morey Victor P. Morey Victor P. Morey Emily McKenzie Emily McKenzie Emily McKenzie Emily McKenzie George Saip Hannah B. Hanson Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Maty Anthony Mary Anthony Helen Hansen Emma Desilet Bob Borment Bob Borment Bob Borment Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Sarah Proft Mary Anthony Mary Anthony Mary Anthony |
School Board, 1871
Director: C. A. Campbell
Clerk: John MacFarlane
Treasurer: William J. Finley
School Board, 1904/05
Director: H. E. Lilly
Co. Superintendent: E. E. Baird
Clerk: E. K. Erickson
Treasurer: E.McDonald
School Board, 1908
Director: T. P. Teagarden
Clerk: George McClure
Treasurer: Henry Englund
School Board, 1910/11
Director: E. L. Shepard
Clerk: George McClure
Treasurer: Henry Englund
School Board, 1914/15
Director: Clarence Bowersox
Clerk: Orville McKenzie
Treasurer: Henry Englund
School Board, 1916/17
Eura M. Arrasmith
O. A McKenzie
J. A. Beecher
Henry Englund
School Board, 1917/18
Director: J. A. Beecher
Clerk: O. A. McKenzie
Treasurer: Henry Englunx
School Board, 1921/22
Director: H. E. Lilly
Clerk: Tina Englund
Treasurer: Ira Cousins
Building Committee, 1922
Chairman: Dr. F. C. Tyree
O. A. McKenzie
Henry Englund
School Board, 1923/24
Director: H. E. Lilly
Clerk: Dr. F. C. Tyree
Treasurer: Ira E. Cousins
School Board, 1953
Director: Henry Baxa, Sr.
Clerk: Emanuel Gomer
Treasurer: George Krohn
School Board, 1964
Champ A. Campbell
Valek, Ed, Jr.
Junior Empson
Note: Three generations of Campbells have served on school boards; Charles A. Campbell served on the first board. We have record of C. Alvin Campbell, and now, Champ A. Campbell.
Last Name, First Name, Age during School Year (if known), School Year Recorded (if known)
Abrahams, Axel; 7; 1889
Abrahams, Carolyn; 5; 1940
Abrahams, Carrie; 12; 1888
Abrahams, Clare; 6; 1917
Abrahams, Clarence; 5; 1900
Abrahams, Franklin; 5; 1922
Abrahams, Henry; 11; 1888
Abrahams, Ida; 5; 1897
Abrahams, John; 9; 1889
Abrahams, Mary; 7; 1897
Abrahams, Maynard; 5; 1925
Abrahams, Merrill; 5; 1925
Abrahams, Olof; 9; 1894
Abrahams, Willis D.; 6; 1921
Abrahams, Woodrow; 5; 1918
Acheson, Frank; 6; 1911
Acheson, Leslie; 13; 1909
Acheson, Mabel; 1909
Albright, Allene; 1921
Albright, Faye; 1921
Albright, Francis; 6; 1921
Albright, Gerald; 6; 1925
Albright, Junior; 1922
Albright, Thomas; 8; 1921
Albright, Virgil; 1921
Allen, Anthony; 1913
Anderson, Anna; 6; 1908
Anderson, Gus; 6; 1907
Anderson, Mabel; 10; 1888
Annette, Fred; 1874
Annette, Mary; 1874
Anthony, Anna; 13; 1881
Anthony, Bert; 20; 1884
Anthony, Charles; 15; 1881
Anthony, Mary; 12; 1912
Anthony, Rachel; 10; 1881
Anthony, Ruth; 10; 1912
Armstrong, Morris; 6; 1931
Arnold, Etoila; 1891
Austin, Ernest; 1883
Austin, James; 8; 1883
Austin, Leota; 8; 1886
Avery, Arvilla; 13; 1878
Avery, Ella; 11; 1878
Babb, Arthur; 1892
Babb, Edith; 5; 1892
Baily, Jones; 7; 1885
Baldwin, Belle; 5; 1889
Baldwin, Sarah; 5; 1886
Baldwin, Tet; 6; 1886
Bashford, Chester; 6; 1892
Bashford, Edith; 7; 1892
Bashford, Nellie; 8; 1892
Bates, Mary; 5; 1925
Baxa, Dorothy; 6; 1953
Baxa, Ernest; HS; 1929
Baxa, Fred; HS; 1923
Baxa, George; 8; 1944
Baxa, Grace Ann; 6; 1945
Baxa, Henry; HS; 1927
Baxa, Henry, Jr.; 6; 1947
Baxa, Lorene; 6; 1950
Baxa, Mary Ann; 6; 1949
Baxa, Vincent; HS; 1922
Beecher, Catherine; 11; 1909
Beecher, Ivan; 8; 1918
Beecher, Marshall; 7; 1907
Beecher, Teresa; 9; 1915
Beneda, Vernon; HS; 1937
Benson, Floyd; 1915
Benyshek, LeRoy; 5; 1933
Benyshek, Roger; 6; 1944
Bergstrom, Andrew; 6; 1911
Bergstrom, Elda; 7; 1938
Bergstrom, Chester; 14; 1909
Bergstrom, Clara; 8; 1907
Bergstrom, Dwayne; 8; 1927
Bergstrom, Louis R.; 6; 1944
Bergstrom, Mary Lou; 6; 1942
Bergstrom, Myrtle; 10; 1907
Bergstrom, Olof; 12; 1918
Bergstrom, Ralph; 10; 1927
Berndt, Rose; 6; 1911
Blecha, Adelaide; 1926
Blunc, Aaron; 13; 1875
Blunc, Amanda; 11; 1873
Blunc, John; 13; 1873
Blunc, Marion; 9; 1873
Blunc, Mary; 9; 1873
Blunc, Rachel; 13; 1874
Blunc, William; 6; 1873
Bott, Amelia; 13; 1913
Bott, Emma; 11; 1912
Bott, Louise; 15; 1913
Bowersox, Dorothy; 8; 1909
Bowersox, Erma; 1902
Bowersox, Ivy; 8; 1894
Bowersox, John; 7; 1897
Bowersox, Mazie; 6; 1894
Bowersox, Orville; 9; 1894
Bowersox, Roy; 6; 1898
Brandburg, Anna; 6; 1884
Breckenridge, Denzil; HS; 1909
Breckenridge, Mark; HS; 1929
Breckenridge, Max; HS
Brightop, Herman; 7; 1906
Broden, Donald; 6; 1917
Broden, Minnie; 12; 1894
Brown, Frank; 5; 1887
Brown, John; 16; 1886
Brown, Phoebe; 15; 1888
Brown, Willie; 9; 1876
Bruner, Loyd; 12; 1891
Bruner, Maude; 8; 1891
Bruner, Ralph; 5; 1891
Burgess, Dora; 7; 1889
Burgess, Roy; 7; 1874
Burgess, Stella; 14; 1874
Burns, Billy; 6; 1951
Burr, Ada; 12; 1898
Bush, Nellie
Campbell, Afton; 5; 1918
Campbell, Alice; 10; 1916
Campbell, Arnie; 9; 1917
Campbell, Arthur; 5; 1880
Campbell, Babette; 9; 1940
Campbell, Belle; 14; 1874
Campbell, Bruce; 6; 1907
Campbell, Carol; 5; 1921
Campbell, Champ; 6; 1916
Campbell, Charles Alvin; 5; 1876
Campbell, Charles; 5; 1945
Campbell, Chester; 8; 1892
Campbell, Clarice; 6; 1933
Campbell, Darlynn; 6; 1929
Campbell, Deanna; 6; 1945
Campbell, Delia; 6; 1883
Campbell, Denzil; 6; 1907
Campbell, Dorothy; 5; 1924
Campbell, Edith; 7; 1890
Campbell, Effie; 6; 1891
Campbell, Eileen; 6; 1921
Campbell, Elizabeth; 6; 1944
Campbell, Ernest ; 5; 1892
Campbell, Ethel; 5; 1885
Campbell, Eva; 9; 1894
Campbell, Evelyn; 10; 1917
Campbell, Fanny; 4; 1875
Campbell, Floyd; 5; 1889
Campbell, Fred; 6; 1941
Campbell, Freda; 12; 1909
Campbell, Geneva; 6; 1921
Campbell, Gerald; 6; 1957
Campbell, Glen; 6; 1903
Campbell, Golda; 7; 1902
Campbell, Grantville; 6; 1880
Campbell, Guy; 5; 1908
Campbell, Haly; 8; 1876
Campbell, Hazel; 9; 1911
Campbell, Helen; 10; 1918
Campbell, Isabelle; 14; 1874
Campbell, Iva; 6; 1904
Campbell, John; 1874
Campbell, Johnny; 14; 1876
Campbell, Joyce; 6; 1961
Campbell, Karleen; 6; 1946
Campbell, L. Jane; 6; 1948
Campbell, Lela; 6; 1920
Campbell, Lynn; 7; 1918
Campbell, Mahala; 5; 1875
Campbell, Mary; 8; 1874
Campbell, May; 16; 1880
Campbell, Melissa; 6; 1906
Campbell, Mildred; 1917
Campbell, Millie; 6; 1880
Campbell, Retta Dean; 5; 1932
Campbell, Richard; 7; 1962
Campbell, Royce Neal; 6; 1931
Campbell, Sadie; 13; 1881
Campbell, Sarah; 5; 1874
Campbell, Thelma; 5; 1919
Campbell, Tommy; 8; 1943
Campbell, Velma; 5; 1919
Campbell, Wanda; 6; 1908
Campbell, Willie; 6; 1906
Caress, James; 1903
Carlisle, Golda; 7; 1885
Carlisle, Jim; 1874
Carlisle, Leota; 6; 1879
Carlisle, Otis; 7; 1879
Carlisle, Roy; 5; 1885
Carlisle, Sadie; 20; 1873
Carlisle, Sylvia; 4; 1880
Carpenter, Henry
Champian, Charlie; 9; 1878
Chapman, Byron; 13; 1888
Chapman, Clara; 14; 1899
Chapman, Homer; 6; 1888
Chapman, Sydney; 8; 1888
Charles, Annie; 13; 1872
Charles, Laura; 5; 1872
Charles, May; 6; 1880
Charles, Nellie; 5; 1874
Charles, Rollie; 6; 1882
Cherney, Dale; 8; 1943
Cherney, Gary; 6; 1962
Cherney, Irene; 7; 1943
Cherney, Judy; 6; 1958
Cherney, Karen; 6; 1953
Cherney, Marvene; 6; 1956
Cherney, Patricia Ann; 7; 1953
Cherney, Paul; 5; 1964
Cherney, Terry Joe; 6; 1959
Cleland, Alice; 6; 1876
Cleland, Belle; 5; 1881
Cleland, Carrie; 5; 1878
Cleland, Jane; 6; 1888
Cleland, Minnie; 5; 1876
Cleland, Minta; 1888
Cochran, Dorothy; 6; 1922
Cochran, Gladys; 6; 1921
Cochran, Harold; 6; 1925
Cole, Beulah; HS; 1923
Cole, Jake;
Colvin, Russell; 8; 1918
Conoway, Patsy Sue; 1939
Cory, Ada; 1874
Cory, Dawn; 6; 1925
Cory, Ida; 1874
Cory, Jean; HS; 1937
Cory, L. Fremont; 1874
Cory, Orvilla; HS; 1933
Cory, Virginia; 6; 1921
Cousins, Ada; 6; 1885
Cousins, Ernest; 6; 1898
Cousins, Harley; 7; 1907
Cousins, Harry; 7; 1881
Cousins, Herbert; 5; 1881
Cousins, Ira; 6; 1889
Cousins, Irvin; 9; 1903
Cousins, Josephine; HS; 1933
Cousins, Lucern; 6; 1913
Cousins, Mamie; 5; 1891
Cousins, Orville; 6; 1892
Cousins, Ruth; 5; 1899
Cousins, Thelma; 7; 1908
Cousins, Winnie; 6; 1903
*Cove, Jennie; 7; 1878
*Cove, Myrtle; 8; 1879
*Cove, Viola; 11; 1878
*Cove, Samuel; 9; 1879
Culver, Bryan; 6; 1904
Culver, Charlie; 5; 1889
Culver, Edna; 15; 1876
Culver, Frances; 9; 1896
Culver, Fred; 1878
Culver, Gertrude; 7; 1899
Culver, Gladys; 7; 1902
Culver, Grover; 10; 1896
Culver, Margaret; 8; 1896
Culver, Nettie; 1902
Culver, Ramsey; 9; 1878
Culver, Will; 8; 1878
Danielson, Arthur; 9; 1908
Danielson, Edna; 7; 1908
Danielson, Eugene; 5; 1900
Danielson, Frank; 8; 1881
Danielson, Frank; 7; 1908
Danielson, Fred; 6; 1896
Danielson, Jean; 10; 1904
Danielson, Lela; 6; 1911
Danielson, Lillie; 6; 1911
Danielson, Martha; 5; 1885
Danielson, Mary; 11; 1881
Danielson, Milda; 18; 1883
Danielson, Reuben; 6; 1903
Danielson, Spencer; 7; 1903
Danielson, Wendall; 9; 1903
Danielson, Will; 22; 1890
Darby, Dora; 9; 1873
Darby, Eudora; 1874
Darby, Florence; 7; 1873
Darby, Lolly; 5; 1874
Darby, Reason; 5; 1873
Darner, Albert; 8; 1894
Darner, Myrtle; 1894
David, Helen; 7; 1924
Davisson, Audrey; 13; 1917
Davisson, Cecil; 9; 1917
Davisson, Gladys; 11; 1917
Day, Jennie; 1890
Day, Marie; 7; 1908
Decker, Ida; 8; 1885
Devalt, Andy; 6; 1887
DeWolf, LaVerne; 6; 1942
Dillehay, Irene; 1902
Dooley, Helen; 6; 1911
Doupnik, Betty Mae; 5; 1930
Doupnik, Yvonne; 5; 1932
Ducloss, Orville; 1914
Dulin, Alice; 10; 1931
Dulin, Amanda; 6; 1896
Dulin, Amos; 7; 1904
Dulin, Axel; 6; 1911
Dulin, Deloris; 6; 1934
Dulin, Eileen; 7; 1930
Dulin, Ernest; 7; 1900
Dulin, Frank; 10; 1902
Dulin, Harley; 1916
Dulin, Julia; 12; 1902
Dulin, Lavern; 6; 1933
Dulin, Mono; 11; 1900
Dulin, Pearl; 5; 1896
Edward, R. P.; 10; 1872
Ekstrom, Doris; 10; 1907
Ekstrom, Edward; 10; 1882
Ekstrom, Emma; 6; 1885
Ekstrom, Ira; 7; 1907
Ekstrom, Lenora; HS; 1925
Ekstrom, Leonard; 6; 1882
Ekstrom, Lutie; 16; 1917
Ekstrom, Minnie; 11; 1881
Ekstrom, Ora; 9; 1908
Ekstrom, Pauline; HS; 1932
Ekstrom, Verner; 14; 1928
Ekstrom, Walter; 7; 1881
Ekstrom, Wendell; 12; 1907
Eldridge, Nettie; 10; 1885
Eldringhoff, Roy; 16; 1917
Elsey, Elsie; 9; 1896
Elsey, Glory; 18; 1898
Elsey, Golda; 6; 1897
Elsey, Ida; 8; 1896
Elsey, Jessie; 14; 1896
Elsey, Mabel; 5; 1898
Elsey, Rhoda; 13; 1896
Empson, Danny; 6; 1957
Empson, Darla; 6; 1961
Empson, David; 6; 1955
Empson, Denise; 6; 1959
Empson, Diana; 6; 1953
Empson, Frank, Jr.; 6; 1943
Englund, Albert; 7; 1878
Englund, Amanda; 5; 1888
Englund, Anna Caroline; 6; 1913
Englund, Avalee; 6; 1928
Englund, Betty Mae; 6; 1936
Englund, Clarence; 5; 1906
Englund, Donald (Broden); 12; 1923
Englund, Edward; 6; 1879
Englund, Elizabeth Ann; 5; 1936
Englund, Ernest; 7; 1901
Englund, Frances; 5; 1903
Englund, Harriet (England); 8; 1937
Englund, Henry; 9; 1878
Englund, Lester; 7; 1903
Englund, Lillie; 5; 1882
Englund, Mabel; 9; 1895
Englund, Margaret; 6; 1933
Englund, Marion Lee; 8; 1935
Englund, Mary; 21; 1888
Englund, Maxine; 6; 1929
Englund, Minnie (H); 6; 1890
Englund, Minnie; 7; 1882
Englund, Olive; 6; 1901
Engstrom, Alvin; 6; 1881
Engstrom, Anna; 13; 1879
Engstrom, Carrie; 7; 1879
Engstrom, Elva; 6; 1880
Engstrom, John; 5; 1882
Engstrom, Lillie; 8; 1880
Engstrom, Lottie; 8; 1880
Engstrom, Minerva; 6; 1885
Engstrom, Oscar; 6; 1881
Engstrom, William; 9; 1879
Eppler, Earl;
Eppler, Fred;
Eppler, Kate;
Eppler, Tom; 8; 1889
Erickson, Albin; 5; 1900
Erickson, Ella; 1892
Erickson, Lester; 1912
Erickson, Olof; 20; 1896
Ewing, Mildred; 1921
Ferris, Asa; HS; 1911
Ferris, Irella; HS; 1911
Ferris, William; 1879
Fickel, Elmer; 6; 1888
Fickel, Mollie; 10; 1888
Fickel, Raymond; 7; 1911
Fickel, Viola; 6; 1893
Fickel, Walter; 7; 1888
Finch, LaThayer; 8; 1917
Finch, Ruth; 11; 1910
Finney, Herman; 1874
Fleming, Agnes; 12; 1873
Fleming, Maggie; 16; 1873
Flood, Donald; 5; 1935
Flood, Robert; 6; 1930
Forney, Floyd; 4; 1914
Forney, Minnie; 1914
Forney, Myrtle; 1914
Fortune, Bruce; 18; 1900
Fox, Lela Don; 5; 1940
Frank, Freddie; 6; 1883
Frank, Tenny; 7; 1883
Fraser, Ella; 6; 1932
Fraser, Louis; 11; 1929
Fraser, Paul; 5; 1933
Fraser, Ray; 6; 1930
Fraser, Rita; 6; 1930
Fraser, Roberta; 11; 1933
Fraser, Teresa; 11; 1927
Freeman, Lillian; 11; 1920
Gamble, Ted; 10; 1874
Gardenier, Maude; 5; 1896
Garlow, Clifford; HS; 1927
Garrett, Arthur; 7; 1887
Garrison, Pearl; 10; 1891
George, Jasper; 6; 1909
George, Jesse; 11; 1907
George, Maggie; 12; 1909
George, Nellie; 1909
Germain, Lorena; 16; 1896
Gettys, Mary; 15; 1916
Gettys, Mono; 12; 1899
Gettys, Sylvester; 5; 1915
Gettys, Teddy; 6; 1932
Gieber, Jennie; 10; 1915
Gieber, Ruth; 12; 1915
Gillan, Martha; 9; 1873
Gillespie, Ida; 8; 1876
Gillihand, Amansa; 1874
Gillihand, Martha; 1874
Gillis, Ernestine; HS; 1931
Gillis, Isabel; 11; 1931
Gillis, Katherin; HS; 1931
Goetz, Lizzie; 1874
Goetz, Maggie; 1874
Goetz, Peter; 1874
Gomer, Barbara; 6; 1945
Gomer, Charles; 6; 1947
Gomer, Emanuel; 10; 1917
Gomer, Howard; 6; 1950
Gomer, Shirley; 6; 1942
Grey, John; 18; 1874
Grubb, Iva; 5; 1904
Grubb, Marie; 6; 1904
Gruhn, Mary; 6; 1887
Gruhn, Myrtle; 7; 1887
Guthrie, Mary; 1874
Hadachek, Adolph; 1910
Hadachek, Rosa;
Hall, Edith; 6; 1908
Hanson, Dessie; 6; 1885
Hanson, Glen; 5; 1889
Harper, Alleny; 1876
Harper, Allie; 6; 1876
Harper, Emery; 1876
Harper, James; 1876
Harper, Walker; 9; 1920
Harper, William; 6; 1920
Harris, Ernest; 6; 1920
Harris, Flossie; 19; 1886
Havel, Beverly; 13; 1954
Havel, Billy Max; 5; 1933
Havel, Cathrine; 7; 1954
Havel, Gladys; 13; 1944
Havel, Shirley Lee; 6; 1943
Hazen, Bertie; 1884
Hazen, Bradford; 1898
Hazen, Clifford; 5; 1898
Hazen, Eddie; 10; 1885
Hazen, Katie; 13; 1874
Hazen, Mabel; 4; 1898
Hazen, Minnie; 8; 1885
Hazen, Sanford; 1915
Henderson, Freda; HS; 1924
Henry, Marvin; 14; 1942
Hepner, Annie; 7; 1876
Hepner, Minnie; 9; 1876
Hepner, Nelson; 1903
Hepner, Oscar; 1900
Hepner, Oscar; 13; 1904
Herring, Flossie; 5; 1887
Herring, Myrtle; 6; 1885
Hetherington, Dean; 6; 1930
Hetherington, Lola; 6; 1927
Hetherington, Mae; 10; 1927
Hetherington, Ruth; 7; 1926
Hiby, Luella; 1876
Hick, Bernard; 7; 1908
Hick, Earl; 5; 1900
Hick, Esther; 9; 1908
Hiley, Flora; 9; 1881
Hiley, James; 6; 1881
Hiley, Lon; 10; 1881
Hill, Ernest; 8; 1918
Hill, Beulah; 14; 1917
Hill, Glen; 12; 1917
Hill, Lorena; 7; 1894
Hill, Mabel; 14; 1917
Hill, Martin; 11; 1918
Hill, Nellie; 9; 1894
Hill, Thomas; 19; 1890
Hoag, Dale; 10; 1918
Hoag, Eva; 6; 1919
Hoag, Kenneth; 11; 1917
Hoag, Marie; 5; 1920
Hoag, Roy; 6; 1885
Hockman, Lottie; 6; 1886
Holmberg, Alma; 5; 1899
Holmberg, Carl; 7; 1918
Holmberg, Charles; 8; 1890
Holmberg, Delwin; 5; 1933
Holmberg, Edward; 6; 1894
Holmberg, Emma; 9; 1894
Holmberg, Erick; 1897
Holmberg, Ida; 8; 1894
Holmberg, Leona; 6; 1924
Holmberg, Mabel; 6; 1903
Holmberg, Minnie; 6; 1903
Holmberg, Paul; HS; 1933
Holmberg, Ruth; 5; 1924
Holmberg, Victor; 11; 1912
Holmberg, William; 6; 1896
Homoloc, Betty; 8; 1943
Hood, Alice; 6; 1921
Hood, Beulah; 11; 1917
Hood, Billie; 6; 1935
Hood, Lawrence; 6; 1942
Hood, Marcus; 6; 1819
Hood, Marion; 13; 1917
Hood, Paul; 6; 1924
Hood, William; 10; 1917
Horkman, Joyce; 7; 1957
Horkman, Ruth; 11; 1957
Houdasholt, Fred; HS; 1933
Houdasholt, Hazel; HS; 1924
Houdasholt, Nina; HS; 1933
Houdek, Elden; 13; 1913
Houghton, Cora; 9; 1872
Houghton, Parry; 6; 1872
Hoy, Grace; 1891
Hoy, Mamie; 1891
Huffman, Claud; 11; 1918
Huggerth, Alma; 6; 1900
Hughes, Eddie; 1890
Hughes, Lucy; 7; 1890
Huncovsky, Carolyn; 6; 1954
Huncovsky, Charlotte; 11; 1946
Huncovsky, Donald; 10; 1934
Huncovsky, Geneva; 6; 1926
Huncovsky, Keith; 8; 1935
Huncovsky, Letha; 12; 1935;
Huncovsky, Mary Alice; 7; 1935
Huncovsky, Ronald; 6; 1953;
Inglan, Hans; 7; 1878
Inglan, Oliver; 6; 1878
Ingraham, Veda; 5; 1918
Jackson, Edward; 1879
Jacobs, Bessie; 5; 1896
Jacobs, Elsie; 5; 1898
Jacobs, Lulu; 7; 1896
Johnson, Alex; 11; 1900
Johnson, Allison; 1874
Johnson, Anna; 9; 1898
Johnson, Caroline; 9; 1878
Johnson, Carrie; 12; 1879
Johnson, Chester; 8; 1898
Johnson, Clara; 12; 1883
Johnson, Edward; 1879
Johnson, Edwin; 1891
Johnson, Effie; 10; 1900
Johnson, Ella; 11; 1880
Johnson, Elmer; 13; 1900
Johnson, George; 9; 1880
Johnson, Henry; 15; 1883
Johnson, Johnny; 6; 1908
Johnson, Julia; 1891
Johnson, LaVerne; 12; 1936
Johnson, Levi; 1874
Johnson, Maude; 5; 1880
Johnson, Maudie; 9; 1898
Johnson, Merle; HS; 1936
Johnson, Mina; 1892
Johnson, Minnie; 14; 1883
Johnson, Oscar; 8; 1883
Johnson, Ray; 8; 1900
Johnson, Rosa; 1892
Johnson, Roy; 12; 1900
Johnson, William; 10; 1885
Kasl, David; 1955
Kasl, Helen; 7; 1920
Kasl, Joe; 6; 1924
Kasl, Lorraine; 10; 1926
Kasl, Rose Mary; 7; 1932
Kasl, Willie; 1923
Kasl, Willie; 15; 1926
Kasper, Hazel; 7; 1918
Kasper, Helen; 5; 1918
Kauer, Donald; 8; 1945
Kaver, Harvey; 10; 1881
Kaver, Janet; 8; 1881
Kelley, Albert; 15; 1886
Kelley, Buster Eugene; 1945
Kelley, Charlene; 6; 1941
Kelley, Ellen; 6; 1950
Kelley, Grace; 10; 1897
Kelley, Henry; 6; 1923
Kelley, Maude; 7; 1897
Kelley, Robert; 6; 1944
Kellog, Bertie; 13; 1898
Kellog, George; 7; 1876
Kellog, Luther; 10; 1876
Kellog, Otis; 6; 1876
Kellogg, Bertha; 18; 1899
Kellogg, Charlie; 19; 1899
Kendrick, Henry; 11; 1879
Kendrick, Willie; 8; 1879
Kimmal, Joseph; 9; 1918
Klauman, Kay; 12; 1947
Knowlton, Bernice; 1909
Knowlton, Bertha; 8; 1899
Knowlton, Charlie; 5; 1908
Knowlton, Clarence; 6; 1908
Knowlton, Earl; 10; 1899
Knowlton, Ethel; 6; 1899
Knowlton, Ethyl; 9; 1904
Knowlton, Mabel; 5; 1904
Knowlton, Oscar; 9; 1899
Knowlton, Vernie; 7; 1907
Krasney, Willie; 10; 1920
Krob, Frances; 13; 1914
Krohn, Clayton; 9; 1907
Krohn, Dale; 6; 1935
Krohn, Madaline; 9; 1907
Krohn, Stanley; 6; 1947
Krohn, Wendell; 5; 1908
Kunkel, Etta; 16; 1873
Kunkel, Fanny; 7; 1873
Kunkel, Oshea; 1888
LaCleff, Rita Gaye; 6; 1943
Lacy, Keneth; 6; 1938
Lacy, Lone; 6; 1935
Lacy, Lorraine; 8; 1932
Larson, Annie; 13; 1882
Larson, Birdie; 10; 1872
Larson, Jonah; 6; 1872
Larson, Peter; 1874
Larson, Sarah; 6; 1874
LaShell, Bessie; 6; 1887
LaShell, Clinton; 10; 1887
LaShell, Grace; 8; 1887
Lawrence, B. M.; 1874
Lawrence, Wash; 1875
Lawrence, Willie; 5; 1878
League, Earl; 8; 1898
League, Minnie; 9; 1898
Lemens, Ben; 1874
Lilly, Archie; 6; 1913
Lilly, Bessie; 9; 1900
Lilly, Billy (Herbert);
Lilly, Constance; 6; 1907
Lilly, Herbert; 1923
Lilly, Jeannette; 6; 1903
Lilly, Myrtle, ; 8; 1900
Lilly, Nettie; 7; 1904
Lilly, Ruby; 5; 1900
Limberg, Peter; 11; 1885
Lindgren, Azel; 12; 1894
Lindgren, Christine; 11; 1894
Lindgren, Daniel; 14; 1894
Linton, Max; 7; 1928
Linton, Monna Jean; 5; 1930
Linton, Paul; 6; 1928
Long, Billy; 6; 1944
Long, Frank; 1890
Long, Lulu; 8; 1885
Long, Orpha; 10; 1885
Long, Walter; 9; 1941
Loveland, Dan; 1886
Loveland, Millie; 1886
Manning, Fannie; 17; 1886
Manson, Jonas; 8; 1885
Marley, Alice; 10; 1872
Marley, Charlie; 13; 1872
Marley, Harry; 1894
Marley, Harvey; 7; 1924
Marley, John; 14; 1874
Marley, Lester; 7; 1887
Marley, Lura; 10; 1894
Marley, Maudie; 6; 1898
Marley, Melvin; 7; 1887
Marley, Sadie; 6; 1894
Marley, Vergie; 14; 1909
Marley, Walter; 16; 1894
Marley, William; 23; 1877
Martin, Carl; 7; 1907
Martin, Emery; 9; 1907
McCall, Ethel; 12; 1911
McCall, Lena; 10; 1916
McClenahan, Alma; 1901
McClure, Adalaide; 8; 1902
McClure, Duane; 7; 1903
McClure, Erma; 6; 1911
McClure, Hazel; 1903
McClure, Leon; 5; 1903
McClure, Thyra; 5; 1907
McCreight, Bruce; 11; 1879
McCreight, Charlie; 6; 1880
McCreight, Florence; 9; 1878
McCreight, Jennie; 14; 1878
McCreight, Joan; 12; 1878
McCreight, Nanny; 16; 1878
McDonald, Ava; 1896
McDonald, Bertha; 6; 1885
McDonald, Blaine; 5; 1889
McDonald, Blanche; 8; 1885
McDonald, Clarence; 1902
McDonald, Gladys; 6; 1903
McDonald, Jessie; 5; 1885
McDonald, Margaret; 4; 1887
McFarlane, Charlie; 13; 1887
McFarlane, Frankie; 10; 1887
McFarlane, John; Died in 1887
McKee, Babe; 6; 1874
McKee, Grace; 1874
McKee, Henry; 12; 1880
McKee, Jonas; 1874
McKee, Lark; 7; 1878
McKee, Sam; 7; 1874
McKee, Sara; 1874
McKee, Tom; 6; 1874
McKenzie, Allen; 9; 1916
McKenzie, Charlotte; 6; 1949
McKenzie, Donald; 6; 1926
McKenzie, Elmer; 12; 1898
McKenzie, Emily; 6; 1918
McKenzie, Flora; 1911
McKenzie, Gertrude; 1911
McKenzie, Larry; 6; 1951
McKenzie, Lucille; 9; 1915
McKenzie, Marcelle; 8; 1918
McKenzie, Maxine; 6; 1921
McKnight, Bessie; 14; 1900
McKnight, Blanche; 10; 1900
McKnight, Cordelia; 8; 1880
McKnight, Ray; 11; 1900
McVey, Annie; 16; 1891
McVey, Grace; 9; 1873
McVey, Samuel; 6; 1873
McVey, Tom; 5; 1873
Millard, Lois; 6; 1924
Miller, Ella; 1888
Mirfield, Mattie; 8; 1904
Mirfield, Walter; 10; 1904
Moore, Evelyn; 9; 1926
Moore, Phebelou; 5; 1934
Morfoot, Avery; 9; 1910
Morfoot, Pearl; 1896
Morfoot, Thelma; 6; 1906
Morford, Denver; 1892
Morford, Grace; 10; 1894
Morford, Minnie; 1891
Morford, Myrtle; 5; 1893
Morford, Rose; 14; 1891
Muxlow, Jimmy; 1914
Muxlow, Marie; 12; 1914
Muxlow, Ona; 1914
Myers, Otto; 10; 1898
Nelson, Adeline; 6; 1929
Nelson, Bertha; 13; 1888
Nelson, Clare; 6; 1921
Nelson, Curtis; 5; 1923
Nelson, Edna; 5; 1918
Nelson, Emily; 5; 1924
Nelson, Floyd; 7; 1918
Nelson, Frank; 1874
Nelson, Helen; 5; 1927
Nelson, Hulda; 8; 1899
Nelson, John; 11; 1899
Nelson, Lloyd; 7; 1918
Nelson, Mary Belle; 5; 1933
Nelson, Pearl; 6; 1899
Newburn, Archie; 5; 1885
Newburn, Effie; 15; 1882
Newburn, Ella; 17; 1882
Newburn, Grace; 8; 1882
Newburn, Lilly; 11; 1882
Newburn, Martin; 13; 1882
Newburn, Nannie; 6; 1882
Newburn, Pearl; 5; 1889
Newman, Amelia; 6; 1905
Newman, Bertha; 5; 1898
Newman, Dorothy; 6; 1943
Newman, Eleanor; 6; 1946
Newman, Esther; 8; 1903
Newman, Hilma; 6; 1903
Newman, Jerry; 6; 1948
Newman, Mildred; HS; 1928
Newman, Ray Gene; 6; 1952
Newman, Wendell; 1903
Nickerson, Roy; 13; 1918
Norlund, Amos; 12; 1935
Norlund, Delbert; 11; 1922
Norlund, Eleanor;
Norlund, Ernest; 6; 1926
Norlund, Frank; 13; 1927
Norlund, Harold; 14; 1922
Norlund, Lewis; 7; 1935
Norlund, Mary; HS; 1933
Norlund, Mavrin;
Norlund, Oscar;
Norlund, Sarah; HS; 1926
Norlund, Tessibelle; HS; 1932
Norlund, Virgil; 9; 1926
Nutter, Alva; 9; 1895
Nutter, Callie; 7; 1885
Nutter, Charles; 11; 1949
Nutter, Della; 1890
Nutter, Gertie; 9; 1885
Nutter, Harry; 5; 1885
Nutter, Imogene; 13; 1949
Nutter, Luther; 12; 1885
Nutter, Marlene; 10; 1949
Nutter, Nathan; 14; 1891
Nutter, Pearl; 5; 1887
Nutter, Wamie; 6; 1890
Nuter, Winnie; 1890
Ojeda, John; 6; 1919
Ojeda, Ramen; 12; 1919
Oliver, Lorenzo; 8; 1873
Oliver, Samantha; 11; 1873
Olson, Cora; 20; 1881
Olson, Marvin; HS; 1936
Olson, Ralph; HS; 1933
Orr, Edith; 5; 1886
Orr, Walter ; 9; 1885
Ostendorf, Earl; 5; 1918
Ostendorf, Helen; 9; 1918
Oxley, Gayle; 13; 1914
Palmiter, Madge; 6; 1888
Pankashi, Anna; 6; 1881
Parkhurst, Dewey; 7; 1906
Parkhurst, Fred; 1908
Parkhurst, Harley; 1908
Parsons, Hattie; 10; 1872
Parsons, Ville; 6; 1872
Passmore, Charles D.; 13; 1933
Passmore, Clyde; HS; 1933
Passmore, Henry George; HS; 1933
Passmore, Sandra; 1945
Passmore, Walter; HS; 1910
Patterson, Carrie; 10; 1887
Patterson, Clarence; 8; 1894
Patterson, James; 10; 1878
Patterson, Lucinda; 14; 1886
Patton, Belle; 13; 1881
Paulin, Bertie; 5; 1885
Paulin, John; 12; 1885
Paulin, Sadie; 10; 1885
Payne, Eva; 7; 1886
Payne, Jesse; 9; 1885
Pelstrom, Emma; 8; 1891
Pelstrom, Henry; 6; 1891
Person, Lola; 1914
Pettit, Irl; 10; 1904
Pettit, Clifford; 1903
Pettit, Irl; 10; 1903
Pettit, Lee; 9; 1885
Pettit, Nina; 13; 1886
Pitt, George; 5; 1900
Pitt, James; 10; 1900
Pitt, Lola; 1902
Powell, Albert; 6; 1906
Powell, Beatrice; 5; 1903
Powell, Blanche; 5; 1902
Powell, Cecil; 5; 1908
Powell, Clifford; 9; 1903
Powell, Dora; 4; 1873
Powell, Floyd; 8; 1903
Powell, Letha; 6; 1921
Powell, Lizzie; 5; 1872
Powell, Martin A.; 9; 1872
Powell, Martin; 1903
Powell, Maymie; 11; 1902
Powell, Myrtle; 1881
Powell, Vita; 7; 1902
Printz, Alfred; 7; 1880
Printz, Matilda; 5; 1880
Racy, Maude; 7; 1885
Racy, Sam; 1888
Radabaugh, Hazel; 7; 1899
Radabaugh, Laurie; 5; 1899
Reeder, Bernice; 5; 1890
Reeder, Bertha; 1903
Reeder, Fred; 20; 1890
Reeder, Sarah; 5; 1895
Reeves, Rickey; 6; 1961
Reily, Maude; 7; 1894
Reily, Tom; 6; 1894
Resco, Gerald; 1915
Riley, Lucy; 12; 1895
Ritcher, Eddie; 7; 1887
Ritcher, Ida; 7; 1888
Ritcher, Maggie; 7; 1886
Ritcher, Sophia; 9; 1886
Ritter, Charles; 12; 1885
Roach, Lulu; 6; 1889
Roach, Mabel; 5; 1889
Rolla, Bessie; 9; 1885
Rolla, Charles; 14; 1890
Roszell, A. D.; 14; 1872
Roszell, Allie; 6; 1880
Roszell, Ambia; 4; 1873
Roszell, Belle; 15; 1874
Roszell, Claud; 5; 1875
Roszell, Della; 5; 1874
Roszell, Elizabeth; 7; 1877
Roszell, Floy; 17; 1898
Roszell, Gertrude; 4; 1873
Roszell, Gilberta; 6; 1918
Roszell, Glen; 10; 1907
Roszell, Hattie; 7; 1902
Roszell, Ida; 9; 1872
Roszell, Iona; 12; 1872
Roszell, Lillie; 5; 1872
Roszell, Lizzie; 5; 1876
Roszell, Mary E.; 5; 1876
Roszell, Maude; 5; 1875
Roszell, May; 1874
Roszell, Ona; 15; 1875
Roszell, Sherman; 8; 1880
Roszell, Silas; 11; 1872
Ruttan, Harold; 1896
Salmon, Fontella; 10; 1918
Salmon, Faye; 1915
Salmon, May; 11; 1915
Salmon, Olan; 12; 1914
Sanderhouse, Albert; 25; 1882
Schoenholtz, Nellie; 8; 1886
Schoenholtz, Parry; 9; 1985
Schrock, Ellora; 4; 1873
Schrock, Winnie; 6; 1872
Selby, Albert; 9; 1878
Shaffer, Minnie; 1922
Shaw, Clarence; 11; 1886
Shennaman, Betty; 5; 1935
Shennaman, Billy; 6; 1933
Shepard, Arthur; 13; 1894
Shepard, Earnest; 19; 1893
Shepard, Grace; 7; 1922
Shepard, Isabell; 6; 1911
Shepard, Juanita; 5; 1903
Shepard, LeRoy; 6; 1908
Shepard, LeRoy, Jr.; 1939
Shepard, Mamie; 7; 1881
Shepard, Natalie; 1939
Shepard, Rotha; 6; 1914
Shepard, Walton; 6; 1906
Shepek, Frances; 13; 1918
Shepek, Joe; 12; 1918
Sherwood, Freda; 10; 1930
Shull, Dock; 7; 1885
Skidmore Loren; HS; 1922
Smith, Alex; 1914
Smith, Daisy; 7; 1911
Smith, Elsie; 15; 1911
Smith, Flora; 6; 1880
Smith, Gladys; 5; 1907
Smith, Juanita; 11; 1930
Smith, Loren; 1909
Smith, Lyla Dean; 6; 1931
Smith, Mary Alice; 9; 1931
Smith, Sadie; 12; 1911
Smock, Archie; 7; 1905
Smock, Cecil; HS; 1922
Smock, Jessie; 1905
Smock, Lee; HS; 1922
Snapp, Daniel; HS; 1938
Snapp, William; HS; 1938
Snodgrass, Guy; 6; 1886
Spillman, Ada; 17; 1886
Spillman, Alvin; 20; 1886
Spillman, Elvira; 21; 1886
Spooner, Asford; 1886
Spooner, Herman; 6; 1887
Spooner, Jesse; 1905
Spooner, William; 19; 1886
Springston, Ernest; 7; 1904
Springston, Florence; 7; 1908
Spurney, Frank; HS; 1915
Stafford, Clyde; 8; 1907
Stafford, Hazel; 6; 1908
Stenger, Barbara; 1909
Stewart, Maude; 9; 1881
Stinson, Wallace; 8; 1935
Strum, August; 1875
Strumfa, Melvin; 14; 1933
Studley, Allie; 1877
Tate, Elsie; 9; 1883
Tate, Maude; 12; 1881
Tate, Mono; 14; 1881
Taylor, Clarence; 8; 1887
Taylor, Emma; 6; 1887
Taylor, Jennie; 11; 1887
Teagarden, Bertha; 11; 1904
Teagarden, Clyde; 1904
Teagarden, Earl; 9; 1904
Teagarden, Erma; 11; 1918
Teagarden, Harold; 9; 1918
Teagarden, Laura; 1904
Teagarden, Ora; 12; 1918
Thompson, Minor;
Thompson, Olive; 1902
Thompson, Thelma; 10; 1916
Thompson, Wilma; 1916
Throckman, Lettie; 1886
Timmons, Fred; 10; 1888
Timmons, Mary; 6; 1888
Timmons, May; 10; 1888
Tipton, Ammon; 13; 1902
Tipton, Cloud; 1901
Tuma, Jimmy; 7; 1946
Tyree, Bess; 6; 1918
Tyree, Fred; 8; 1918
Valek, Edward; 8; 1935
Valek, Janis; 6; 1958
Valek, Mickey James; 6; 1961
Valek, Nancy; 6; 1964
Valek, Viola; 8; 1926
VanRiper, Wayne; 6; 1891
Vrana, Othal Dean; HS; 1936
Waldron, Lillie; 5; 1887
Walker, Ada; 1903
Walker, Dwight; 6; 1906
Walker, Fred; 18; 1886
Walker, Helen;
Walker, Opal; 1902
Walker, Urah;
Walker, Vernon; HS; 1923
Walton, Belle; 9; 1876
Walton, Bertrand; 1919
Walton, Betty Jean; 6; 1924
Walton, Burtis; 5; 1878
Walton, Byron; 7; 1919
Walton, Clare; 12; 1919
Walton, Doris; 6; 1911
Walton, Golda; 5; 1885
Walton, Lyle; 7; 1911
Walton, Mary; 9; 1876
Walton, Mary; 9; 1880
Walton, Norman; 8; 1940
Way, Aluta; 17; 1890
Way, Armeda; 11; 1876
Way, Arminta; 6; 1874
Way, Austin; 6; 1878
Way, Bessie; 5; 1900
Way, Blanche; 5; 1880
Way, Celesta; 7; 1883
Way, Elmer; 13; 1882
Way, Eunice; 5; 1878
Way, Fannie; 6; 1880
Way, Florence; 7; 1874
Way, Irena; 6; 1878
Way, Luella; 4; 1878
Way, Mariha; 12; 1878
Way, Marion; 5; 1876
Way, Mary; 6; 1885
Way, Mattie; 7; 1872
Way, Merton; 12; 1890
Way, Minnie; 4; 1872
Way, Mollie; 7; 1886
Way, Rena; 5; 1885
Way, Watson; 6; 1880
Way, Wealtha; 5; 1887
Weimer, Alice; 5; 1880
Weimer, Edward; 15; 1878
Weimer, Florence; 9; 1878
Wells, Adams; 12; 1872
Wells, Clarence; HS; 1922
Wells, Minor;
Wells, Ruby; 7; 1907
Wells, Sadie; 12; 1907
Wharton, George ; 7; 1898
White, Amy; 6; 1886
White, John; 5; 1890
White, Zona; 7; 1874
Wickstrom, Andrew; 6; 1890
Wickstrom, Helmer; 7; 1891
Wickstrom, Singue; 9; 1895
Wilcox, Constance; 5; 1940
Wilcox, Doris; 8; 1910
Wilcox, Flora; 11; 1910
Wilcox, Leslie; 7; 1911
Wilcox, Lyle; 7; 1932
Wilcox, Mary Lou; 5; 1932
Wilcox, Paul; 5; 1924
Wilcox, Ray; 10; 1910
Wilcox, Richard; 6; 1935
Williams, Addison; 7; 1927
Williams, Dorothy;
Williams, Evelyn; 7; 1926
Williams, George; 5; 1873
Williams, Howard; 14; 1873
Williams, Maxine; HS; 1937
Williamson, Samantha; 16; 1873
Wilson, Clarence; 12; 1918
Wilson, Dillard Austin; 5; 1927
Wilson, Lorena; HS; 1933
Wilson, Mary; 7; 1918
Wilson, Raymond; 11; 1918
Woolard, Earld; 1914
Woolard, Harold; 1914
Woolard, Wade; 1914
Woolman, Golda; 9; 1915
Woolman, Henry; 11; 1915
Woolman, Joe; 1915
Wollman, Louise; 15; 1915
Yates, William; 1874
Young, Burton; 6; 1907
Young, Nelson; 5; 1907
Salina Journal, February 24, 1970
Wayne - Because a safety precaution turned out to be not so safe, there
won't be a party Saturday night at the Wayne Community building. Wayne is
southeast of Belleville.
The small, frame structure, which served as an
elementary school from 1921 until it was discontinued in 1965, burned to the
ground early Monday afternoon.
A local citizens-band radio club had
planned to hold a party in the building Saturday night and helped local citizens
clean the interior Monday.
As a safety precaution, members decided to
burn off some fall grass around the building. The grass around the building had
been burned and work was continuing on burning grass east of the structure when
a gust of wind apparently sent a spark onto the roof.
"My husband looked
out the window at 1:30 and saw the roof was on fire," said Mrs. Guy Campbell. By
the time units from Cuba and Agenda responded to the call the building had
already burned to the ground.
The township board took possession of the
building in 1965 after arrangements were made to bus school children to unified
districts at Cuba and Agenda. Wayne citizens had maintained the building.
Most school desks and other equipment had already been moved, so fire loss
was limited to the building and a floor furnace.
Loss of the building
leaves the Republic County town of 30 persons with a post office, grain
elevator, and a church, in addition to several homes. Voting equipment, normally
housed in the community building, was moved to the former Methodist church.
The old Wayne school building was burned
Monday when a spark from a grass and trash fire ignited the roof. The building
was constructed in 1921 and at that time was a two-story frame school building.
Later the school was closed and the structure changed to a one-story building.
It has been used the past several years as a 4-H and community building. It was
reported women of the community were cleaning in and around the building and
called the Agenda and Cuba fire departments immediately, but by the time help
arrived the fire was out of control. The few contents of the building were
It is planned to use the church building which was closed as a
church last spring as a community building. Wayne now has a population of about
35 and only the old church building, the post office and the Horkman Grain
Elevator and a few houses remain in the little town.
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