Rice County Photo Album

These are some great old pictures and it's especially great that someone still knows who the people were.  If you would like to have a photograph included on this page, just e-mail it to me and I'll get it posted as soon as I can.  Please send it in .jpg format at 72 dpi.


Caywood Family Pictures

Rice County salt mine at Lyons, KS

Shepherd & Caywood Families w/ buggy

Wheat Harvest in Rice County, 1890s

Mason Caywood taken in 1894, rolling a cigarette

Clutter Family Reunion 1910

Margaret Pickerill Board Family

Ida May Pickerill Armstrong Family

Four Generations of the Pickerill Family

Jane Scott Pickerill

Thomas & Jane Pickerill Family

Jane Pickerill & Family

Nathaniel M. Smith, M.D.

William Capps Smith

John Royer, Jr. Family

John Royer, Jr. & Five Children

Allen & Hannah Kutcher Simmons

Hannah Kutcher Simmons

Orceneth Smith Family

Robert H. Day & Mary Foote Day

Lillie Jane Simmons

John Mark Proffitt

Andrew Gentry Speer & Nancy Campbell

Charles Smith & Grace Day Wedding

William Mason Stout & Laura Belle Hess

Five sons of Mason Caywood & a Cousin

Three sets of Proffitt Twins

Columbus Gasper Proffitt

Children of John Mark Proffitt

Family of John Mark Proffitt

Hosmer Eaton & Mary Ellen Proffitt

Family of Mary Ellen Proffitt Eaton

Sanford Monroe & Selma Clary Children of William Mason Stout

Will Lafayette Proffitt & Rose Chaney

William Ross Fair & Inez Caywood Fair, early 1940s

Inez Lee Caywood Fair, ca. 1950s

Imma Lee Fair, ca. 1910-15

Monroe Family, April 6, 1946

Ray Page & Emma Fair

Verne & Golda Proffitt

Spurgeon & Pauline Stout

Spurgeon Stout & Mary Proffitt, wedding photo  

Family of John Smith Proffitt

Family of William Lafayette Proffitt

Julia Ann Britain Dalton Tyson Stewart

William Elijah Dalton

Sons of James Walter Caywood Mildred, Velma, and Gilbert Monroe, ca. 1926

Harry Dalton

Harry Dalton

Harry Dalton

Charles Otto Dyke Family

Mary Louise Robinson & Francis Arthur McAnarney

Joseph Robinson Family, 1900

Frank & Bertha Britain

Lawson C. Britain

Ellis Fail and Nettie Weise Wedding Photo Ray Fail in Elementary School

William Fail & Mina Forney Family

Joanna Wise Fever & Sons Julia Longstreth Forney in 1924 Clarissa, Marian, and Jennie Rose Fred & Marian Rose about 1912-14 Marian, Nettie, & Isa Wise
Archie Cavenee Cyrus & Bertha Clutter Amy Folck Rebeccas, 1913 Knowlton Family
Smith Family, early 1900s Lyle Charles Smith, 1929 Samuel & Ann Elizabeth Clutter Clutter Siblings Family James and Anna Cavenee Family
Eugene & Clara Lyon Caywood Daniel Clayton Smith Family Alfred & Nellie Smith Britain and Sons William and Ellen Hollingshead Smith
George W. Conner Family Ernest F. Powell & Nevin S. Myers Thomas Porter Smith James Russell McAnarney & Margaret Murphy   Caywood & Stout Families


Broadway, Sterling, Kansas, November 1914

Flood in Sterling, Kansas, 12 July 1929


Alden Photos Main Street in Alden

Sunflower Fields

Treasurer's Office

Alden Depot

Sterling Lake Sterling Library

Arnold Mills, Sterling

In and near Alden 

Puterbaugh Store, Lyons

Chase County Courthouses

Sterling, 1895



Sterling School 1928-29  

Pollard School, 1913-14

Prairie Grove School, ca. 1893

Sterling School, 17 Jul 2010

Raymond School, 17 Jul 2010

Sterling College

Lyons School

Geneseo School, ca. 1946

Alden High School Class of 1915

Four Classes of Alden High School, ca. 1937-38

Sterling Kindergarten, 1928 (large file)



Methodist Episcopal Church, Lyons

First United Methodist Church, Lyons

United Presbyterian Church, Lyons

Alden Baptist Church

Sterling Baptist Church

Sterling United Methodist Church

Sterling Church of Christ

Geneseo United Methodist Church, ca. 1946    


Willard Benjamin Britain House, 1919

Various houses in Sterling, page 1 Various houses in Sterling, page 2 Various houses in Alden A house in Raymond

Fallen Leaves

Below will be photos of unidentified ancestors and relatives.  (Send some in -- hint,  hint!)

Eckrote or Bucher Family, Sterling, Kansas

Lucille & Fern Major, & Anna Britain