Rooks County

1883 Pensioners

Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of original
61, 335Sims, JaneAdamsondep. mother$ 8.00- - - - - -
214, 097Hoyt, Don Carlos"dis. of eyes 6.00June, 1882
156, 781Holmer, John W.Alconainjury to abdomen 12.00- - - - - -
90, 629Milligan, John R.Amboyfract. l. finger 10.00- - - - - -
52, 370Drake, Benton"wd. l. shoulder 18.00- - - - - -
129, 173Thayre, Corydon E.Bradfordg. s. w. right knee & thigh 8.00- - - - - -
204, 808Arnett, Caleb"dis. eyes 4.00Mar., 1882
159, 930Clayton, John A.Chandlerpar. loss lft. index & mid. fin. 4.00May, 1879
- - - -Farr, Nancy M.Cressondep. mother & widow 8.00- - - - - -
18, 499Hinkhouse, Harmon"wd. r. thigh 6.00- - - - - -
28, 406McVey, George M.Hobartwd. l. thigh 14.00- - - - - -
151, 059Gardner, Geo. M.Igoinjury to abdomen 4.00- - - - - -
- - - -O'Brien, PatrickMcHalechro. rheumatism 8.00- - - - - -
86,728Lamb, Geo. W.Motorwd. left breast 4.00- - - - - -
90, 755Overholser, Harriet"widow 8.00Feb., 1867
157, 996Auld, Wm."wd. l. hand 6.00Mar., 1879
145, 759Sessious, Harry G.Oyerg. s. w. left thigh 4.00- - - - - -
191, 294Chapin, Walter S.Plainvillechronic diar. & liver dis. 4.00June, 1881
197, 439Dice, Susan"dep. mother 17.00Oct., 1882
52, 790McAlpine, Gilman E."cerebro spinal meningitis 18.00- - - - - -
167, 579Mullin, Nathaniel"scurvy, cicatrix & gangrene 12.00- - - - - -
24, 791Mullen, Margaret"dep. mother 8.00June, 1864
191, 039Burchfield, John A."g. s. w. left side 2.00Aug., 1881
123, 418Ward, Samuel"wd. right shoulder 4.00- - - - - -
140, 311Hawk, Valentine S."wd. l. leg, r. lit. finger 4.00- - - - - -
188, 748Allen, Zephanaiah K.Raceburghdep. father 8.00June, 1880
217, 657Hall, Carlton F."chro. diar. & rhen. 6.00Sept., 1882
217, 070Richards, James"g. s. w. right thigh 4.00Aug., 1882
219, 606Lane, Green B."g. s. w. left arm 2.00Oct., 1882
221, 967McAllaster, Augustus"dis. of spine & paralysis 18.00Dec., 1882
- - - -Robinson, Albert L."diarrhea 8.00- - - - - -
135, 512Wright, Nancy J."dep. mother 8.00Oct., 1869
187, 202Workman, ElizabethRockportmother 8.00Mar., 1880
212, 345Murphy, James M.Rooks Centreg. s. w. right shoulder 4.00June, 1882
125, 102Hunt, Durant T."scurvy settling in r. foot 18.00- - - - - -
134, 081Tarbell, SimonSlateg. s. w. left hand 6.00June, 1875
111, 655Kennorthy, John W.Stocktonwd. of back 4.00- - - - - -
73, 394Cunningham, Richard"loss r. leg 18.00- - - - - -
103, 028Pembleton, William"loss l. arm 18.00- - - - - -
170, 058Boggs, Samuel S."rheu. and dis. of heart 8.00June, 1880
115, 337Cox, James W."wd. left thigh 6.00- - - - - -
156, 420Cook, Simon L."g. s. w. left hand 2.00- - - - - -
145, 438Craig, Thus"wd. left hip 6.00- - - - - -
111, 805Fairbanks, Robert"wd. left leg 2.00July, 1871
212, 560Fay, Lewis"aphonia & deafness 8.00June, 1882
31, 255Fox, Thaddeus"disease of lungs 4.00- - - - - -
161, 574Gookey, Thomas"g. s. w. left shoulder 4.00July, 1879
122, 386Williams, Grover"dis. of eyes 18.00- - - - - -
143, 769Haynes, John T."inj. left hip 4.00Feb., 1877
215, 937Hilt, John"diar. & dis. of abd. vis 8.00July, 1882
75, 108Marshall, John"ophthalmia 10.00- - - - - -
195, 968McCormick, John C."loss of middle finger l. hand 2.00Sept., 1881
88, 573McClellan, Thomas J."bronchitis & loss of voice 8.00- - - - - -
78, 712McNulty, Thomas"g. s. w. of back 10.00- - - - - -
146, 212Mellon, John M."wd. left leg 6.00- - - - - -
218, 188Merry, Robert T."chro. diarrhea 8.00Sept., 1882
- - - -Mickle, Chester G."g. s. w. right shoulder 10.00- - - - - -
62, 958Norton, Geo. H."g. s. w. right hand & wrist 12.00May, 1866
217, 399Oziah, Thomas W."g. s. w. of nates 6.00Aug., 1882
194, 434Scramlin, Harman"g. s. w. of forehead 6.00Aug., 1881
129, 142Guthrie, Stephen R."wd. left forearm 16.00July, 1874
71, 525Taneyhill, Wm. H. H. "wd. right hip, left thigh 12.00- - - - - -
129, 939Donnell, Thomas" wd. left leg 4.00- - - - - -
207, 823Turner, George B."chronic diarrhea 6.00Apr., 1882
92, 671Urich, John"loss of right eye 4.00- - - - - -
90, 097Washburn, David"g. s. w. right arm 8.00- - - - - -
23, 895Wadkins, John"amp. of two fingers l. hand 8.00- - - - - -
166, 209Williamson, Levi B."inj. to abd., g. s. w. left side hip 12.00- - - - - -
182, 669White, Reece"minor of 12.00Dec., 1878
113, 897Young, Harriet A."widow 8.00May, 1868
101, 793Smith, Robt. H. S."injury to abdomen 8.00Jan., 1870
44, 050Cotrell, Oliver"wd. l. jaw 12.00- - - - - -
125, 636Kline, Andrew D."wd. r. knee 6.00- - - - - -
28, 433Ives, Robt. C."wd. lower jaw 12.00- - - - - -
99, 931Dunn, AndrewSurveydis. of eyes & loss of r. eye 8.00- - - - - -
88, 266Haynes, Wm. H.Sugar Loaffract. r. leg 5.00- - - - - -
206, 748Fishburn, HenryZurichinj. right knee 4.00Apr., 1882
151, 673Stewart, John C."injury to abdomen 6.00Mar., 1878

Contributed 1997 Nov by Kenneth Thomas

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