January 1997
Mary Jane WOODS b.abt
1842 near Cynthianna, Gibson Co, IN. She was married to William Newton TRIBBLE
in 1866. From this marriage children born were; George Lincoln TRIBBLE, James
Newton TRIBBLE and Rose Etta TRIBBLE. William N. died between 1868 and 1870 in
Gibson Co. In Dec of 1870 Mary Jane married Eli BRYANT of Gibson Co.IN. By the
census of 1880 the family has moved to Graham Co, KS. Eli BRYANT and Mary Jane
had the following children; Sylvester, Andrew, Cornelius and Margaret. Mary Jane
died in the early 1880's and is reported to be buried near Sylvester in the
Rooks or Phillips county areas. The family of TRIBBLE'S and BRYANT'S were
scattered around the counties of Rooks and Phillips. Does anyone know these
families? Thanks.
Robert Vance Woods - echw@worldaccessnet.com
Searching for info. on Thomas and Catherine
GORRELL. They lived in Franklin Co, Ohio in 1860, Jackson Co, Kans in 1870 and
Riley Co, Kansas in 1880. Children were Mary, Joseph, Abigail, Ann, Levi,
Daniel, Lawrence, and Edwin. Thomas was born about 1808 in Pennsylvania. Dau,
Mary married Robert B.PAXTON in Ohio and went to Rooks County, Kansas. Dau,
Abigail married Joseph M WILCOX (a cousin) in Ohio and they moved to Jackson Co,
Kansas. Willing to share info. Thanks. Any help appreciated.
Pat Williams -
February 1997
Am interested in any history concering the surname MINDRUP in the counties of
Norton (primary one), Sheridan, Decatur, Graham, Phillips, and Rooks, Smith, and
Mark Mindrup - stjohnwm@msn.com
Looking for information on: FOULKE b: KS; married DaisyPywell b: abt 1884. Daisy
also married Elza C. MENDENHALL. Children of FOULKE and Daisy; John C. FOULKE b:
abt 1906 KS; Erma M. FOULKE b: abt 1908 KS; Ela FOULKE b: 1911 KS. Daisy is
listed in an obituary for William Enos FOULKE who died 5 Feb 1949, Russell
Springs, Logan, Kansas as "Aunt, Mrs. Daisy MENDENHALL of Zurich (Rooks County)"
Any help in tieing together these FOULKE'S would be greatly appreciated!
Diane Goldhammer - diane105@juno.com
Searching for
ANY info on JOHN WHITE, b 1823 IN, d 1888 KS. Cause of death: Drowned in the
North Solomon River or Bow Creek, so. of Logan, while trying to cross in his
wagon (?-?-1888). Resided: Rooks Co.? Buried in pasture north of Grant Stewart's
place. John was a deaf-mute. His son, Isaac "Ike" White and family lived and
farmed in Bow Creek Township, Rooks Co. from 1883 to 1909. Sometime after John's
death, his wife Mary Jane, married Fred Ott. Fred Ott operated a bakery in
Logan. Seeking date of drowning, middle name, residence, where was Grant
ddarnell@gvi.net Don Darnell
March 1997
Rose Etta TRIBBLE b.1868,Gibson Co.,IN., married William
H. STOUT in Rooks or Graham counties. Rose Etta and husband Wm. STOUT migrated
to Oregon state. This is according to "The History of the TRIBLE Family of Rooks
Co.", written by Ralph TRIBLE of Phillipsburg, KS. Does anyone know where in the
Oregon or Washington states area Rose Etta and Wm STOUT moved? Thanks.
echw@worldaccessnet.com - Robert Vance Woods
looking for members of the LAVELL family in Rooks county. Two family members in
particular - Martin LAVELL and his daughter LAVELL.
- Bryce Larsen
Any information on CHESNEY, MIZE, DUBOIS, EVANS
families in Chase, Rooks, Leavenworth, Johnson Counties.
lindamorganclark@juno.com - Linda Morgan Clark
APRIL 1997
I'm looking for information about my Great Grand
Parents marriage.Their names were George Washington KARIGER and Rosella
Henrietta MILLER---I'm looking for any possible marriage record that may exist.I
have them recorded as being married in Webster, Rooks, Kansas on Dec
wlskgs@mail.cyberport.com - KennySmith
MAY 1997
All data relating to Walter CLAIR,
Florence CLAIR, Julia THURSTON, in Ellis, Rooks, and Osgorne County.
Recently looking for TRIBLE family of Rooks and Phillips Co.,KS. William
N.TRIBLE and Mary Jane WOODS had the following children, George Lincoln TRIBLE,
James Newton TRIBLE and Rose Etta TRIBLE. We have found the families of George
and James TRIBLE. Rose Etta TRIBLE STOUT b. 7 Dec. 1868, Ft.Branch, IN, d. 13
Jul 1945, Centralia,Lewis Co.,Washington. Husband, William M.STOUT was the
informant on the certificate. She was creamated in Palo Alto,CA. Why, Palo Alto.
Were there children? Do you know this family?
echw@worldaccessnet.com -
Robert Vance Woods
Researching James Claude DODSON who married
Mable Blanche BISHOP.
BRhodes326@aol.com May 8 1997 - Barbara Rhodes
I am searching for Samuel Clark Whaley b: 1858
Linesville, Crawford, Pa d: 1939 Woodston, Rooks, Ks Marr: Melvina Jane SUTLEY
b: 1861 Linesville, Crawford, Pa d: 1949 Woodston, Rooks, Ks. They had 8
children, of which some were born & buried in Osborne, Brown & Marshall
counties. Would appreciate any information, no matter now small!!!!!
Goade Zowie joyz@bcni.net
Seeking any information
concerning C. W. SMITH of Stockton, Kansas. He was an attorney in 1889 and the
first Judge of Judical District from 1889 thru 1915. Was he ever a Prosecuting
Attorney before he was appointed as the first Judge of Judicial District? Do you
know where he died and when? Was he ever appointed to the State Supreme Court?
Did he practice before them? During what time period were these events? Do you
know the names and date of births of all his children? Do you know who they
married and where they died?
crostovr@aol.com - Sandy
SQUIRE TRUE SUTTON was born on 9 April, 1858 in Gratiot,
Lafayette County, Wisconsin. He married MATTIE FENIMORE FOWLER (born 16 October
1851 in Ohio). IVAN WALDO SUTTON was born 29 January 1890 in Washtua, Cherokee
County, Iowa. He married HARRIETT ELLEN LEEFERS on 22 April 1916 in Palco, Rooks
County, Kansas. Do you know where and when SQUIRE TRUE SUTTON and MATTIE
FLLFERS, did they have any children? If so, what are their names, date of birth,
where born, where married and where and when they died? Did SQUIRE or WALDO live
anywhere else besides in Rook and Gove Counties, Kansas? Possible Pottawatomie
County? Did they live outside of Kansas, if so where?
crostovr@aol.com -
June 1997
I am
seeking information on the CALLENDER family. JONATHAN W CALLENDER was married to
SARAH E GARDNER on 12/17/1873 in West Union, IA. Sarah was my GGrandfathers
sister They moved to Stockton, KS in 1878 In a biography of Jonathan it says
that Sarah died in 1913. She was born 6/1/1849 in Centre County, PA. I am trying
to get a complete date of her death, a copy of her obituary and any other info
that may be available. Sarahs father was my GGGrandfather and data on him is
skimpy at best. I am hoping that in her history there may be some mention of her
family that will close up a link to her fathers family. Thanks for any help that
you may be able to lend. Don Gardner.
DTGARDNER@aol.com - Donald T Gardner
Seek info on John A. Hyatt who d 31 March 1880 in Rooks
County, KS. He was 62 years old. Where is he buried? Who is he related to?
RogersGen@aol.com - R. Rogers
Looking for any additional
information on the following surnames that have Rooks County connections:
AusChuck@aol.com - Chuck
Hello, Looking for any information regarding TURNBULL's in Rooks County, KS in
the early 1900's. In particular John D. Turnbull (of Speed, Rooks County, KS) m.
Mary Catherine Clark (Napier) 02 Mar 1929 in Phillipsburg, KS. Any help at all
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
WWyrick731@aol.com - Bill Wyrick
Looking for information about surname of FELDERMAN or JENNINGS from
Rooks County.
kathyg@uidaho.edu - kathy graham
looking for any information about Clark William Eaton and his family. He
homesteaded in Rooks County the town listed was Amboy. His location was NE
quarter of Section 32 Town 10 Range 26 in Rooks County. Proof of settlement
Papers dated April 8, 1888. The house was built in 1885. Would like some county
history of that time period too if there is any available. The town could be
Arnbuy or Amboy or Ambuy the writing on the settlement papers is scratchy. He
was also a Civil War Veteran served with Company D, 53rd Illinois Infantry From
Dec 8th, 1861 until 1864. Thank you .
leaton@earthlink.net - LeRoy Eaton
Searching for the family of Henry Emmons, born
28 Mar 1868 in IL. Married Etta Wilkinson on 11 Feb 1889 in Stockton, Rooks, KS.
He left Kansas by 1892. I believe he lived in Rooks County in 1880, but need
proof. Would like to place him with his parents and siblings. Can anyone help?
emmov@mcn.net - Ann Emmons
I am
looking for Arthur and Minnie (BAILEY) DEAN/DEANE. Last known in 1900 Rooks
county census. Am looking for any children that they might have had in 1901 or
1902. They did have a son in Kansas by the name of Leroy (?Arthur) DEAN/DEANE.
Need to find a birth record on Leroy. Can anyone help me in my search??
nfoladydi@webtv.net - Diana L. Dean
September 1997
I am looking for any information about Frances Josephine MULHANEY who was
born June 27, 1891 in Webster, Rooks Co., Kansas.
llipp@juno.com - Linda Lipp
CRONK, Lydia Jane Born April 5, 1849, Clark Co, IN. Married: April
1, 1871 to James D. Scott, Osage Mission,KS She bore 11 children, 1 of which was
my grandfather, Fred Herman Scott, born May 6, 1886, Rooks Co.,KS Any
information is gratefully appreciated.
LS8016@aol.com - Larry R. Scott
Myron Stanley CHAPEL b. 1848, grew up in Ohio and moved to
Asherville, Kansas in 1870. He married Esther Eliza DARROW in 1872 and moved to
a farm southwest of Woodston, Kansas in Rooks county in 1901. Ralph Coello
MERRIMAN, son of Coello MERRIMAN and Julie TOMLINSON, was born in 1884 in
Minnesota. He moved to Woodston, Kansas in c.1890 adn lived there the rest of
his life. He married Mary Eunice CHAPEL in 1894, dau. of Myron CHAPEL and Esther
DARROW. Ebenezer DOAN b. 1834 in Indiana m. Mary BOND and moved to Rooks Co.,
Kansas in 1886. Farmed in the Chalk Mound area near Woodston, Ks.. His son
Clayton DOAN b. 1882 m. Lauretta GRIFFIN b. 1884 and settled in Woodston,
Kansas. If there is anyone who has information about any of these people it
would be greatly appreciated. I would be happy to provide any information I may
JanelDC@aol.com - Janel Carrasco
I am searching for the
family of Francis Marion and Martha Almira Lynch. They resided in Rooks Co.
about 1880 possibly in the Plainville-Codell vicinity. They had nine children,
three of whom are buried in Rooks Co. near Codell. Their daughter Gertie Lynch
born ca 1867 may have married J.A. Benedick in October 1887. Her sisters Carrie
and Anna may have also married Benedicks. Other daughters were Mary Ellen
Hockett wife of William Guy Hockett, Grace Fraizer and sons Er Lynch and Guy
Lynch. Francis Marion Lynch and Martha Almira Lynch were both born in Knox Co.
IL. Martha's mother Almira Cochran is also buried in Rooks Co. in a cemetery
near Codell. She died in 1884. Thank you for any information you may have on the
Lynches and related lines.
jjack12838@aol.com - Joy Jackson
November 1997
I am searching for Samuel Clark
Whaley b: 1858 Linesville, Crawford, Pa d: 1939 Woodston, Rooks, Ks Marr:
Melvina Jane SUTLEY b: 1861 Linesville, Crawford, Pa d: 1949 Woodston, Rooks,
Ks. They had 8 children, of which some were born & buried in Osborne, Brown &
Marshall counties. Would appreciate any information, no matter now small!!!!!
Joy Goade Zowie joyz@bcni.net
8-12-1857) married SARAH MARIA ROYER (DOB 8-17-1855) in Rooks County, Kansas,
December 31, 1885.
They had children, Gracie Prosser (DOB 6-6-1887, died
6-7-1887), MARY ETHEL PROSSER (DOB 12-13-1888), my grandfather, CLARENCE EARL
PROSSER (DOB 12-12-1890), and HARLIE DALE PROSSER (DOB 8-18-1892).
DALE PROSSER married MARGARET LUND on 5-20-1914, and had children, MARION ETHEL
PROSSER married "TOP" SHACKLETT on 9-15-1915, and had two children, MARY JANE
PROSSER (DOB 8-20-1916) and, my father, JOHN RICHARD PROSSER (DOB 7-11-1932).
CLARENCE and TOP had later relocated to Newton and then to Kansas City, KS. MARY
JANE PROSSER married DALE ROGERS (a local WWII Hero Fighter Pilot). Dale and
Mary Jane are currently living in Arkansas.
My most urgent inquiry is
regarding CHARLES FREMONT PROSSER in particular. Although, any other information
regarding any other Prossers or Royers are welcome. I need to find out who
CHARLES FREMONT PROSSER'S parent were. I don't know if he had siblings or what
his parents names were or where they came from. I do know my grandfather,
CLARENCE EARL PROSSER had an uncle LOREN ROYER married to a woman named MAUD
(maiden name unknown at this time). CHARLES FREMONT PROSSER was custodian at the
grade school in Plainville. My aunt tells me the children all knew him very well
and were very fond of him. He would sit down and get a group of children around
and tell them stories. Thanks for any help I can get. I think it is wonderful
you have this genealogy section set up for your county! Thanks.
Laura Prosser
Eft - LEEft@aol.com
Jan 1998
Looking for information on the Francis KRILEY
family that moved from Pennsylvania to Summerfield, Kansas and then to Rooks
County. Francis was born in 1853 and his wife Fanny was born in 1857.
THUMMELL was born in 1886 in Osborne county but moved to Rooks county with his
wife Rosa.
James PARKER was born in 1876 in Wisconsin but raised his family
in Rooks county. His wife Margaret died there in 1956.
Children of Fredrick
HOFF were born in Kansas somewhere and lived in Rooks county. His wife was Mary
Josephine MEIER. Both are buried in Colorado.
Any help on these families
would be very welcome.
Jerry Braun braun@media-net.net
I am looking for information on DAVID ALLEN ELSBREE. He was born in Bradford
County, Pa in abt. 1854 and died in/about STOCKTON,KS on 10/13/1878 according to
a record at the Bradford County(PA) Historical society from a newspaper. Can
anyone help me locate a newspaper article for Stockton, KS during this time that
would give the cause of death or his reason for being there.
Todd M. Elsbree
tmelsbree@hotmail.com 301 Spencer Road Rochester, NY 14609
Hi. I am looking for information on my grandmother,
Lillian F. Robinson (Pearce). She was born in Plainville, Rooks, Kansas on
October 20, 1906. Did the Plainville newspaper exist then? Any info. would be
appreciated. Her fathers name was George Edward Hampton Pearce and her mothers
name was Kate Aura Pearce (Stevens). Thanks...
Feb 1998
I am interested in PROBASCO surname family
trees and research. I am starting a central PROBASCO database to direct
researchers t o others who are researching their line. The PROBASCOs have been
in ROOKS County since the early 1900s.
Nora Probasco nprobasco@earthlink.net
Could you please tell me if there is a genealogical society and/or a
historical society for the Rooks County -- I am interested in Stockton area --
area? If so, could you send me an address snail or e-mail?
Thanks so much.
Lewis Lundy - tlundy@burgoyne.com
I would like to know where I
would inquire concerning homestead petiton for land in Rooks County about 1885.
Lewis E. Lundy - tlundy@burgoyne.com
Can you help me find a
source for an obit that might have appeared in the Stockton, KS newspaper. I am
looking for a death notice for a relative that would have died there on Oct. 13,
1878. His name is David Allen Elsbree, b. 1854 Bradford County Pa. I suspect his
death must have been unnatural as he was no more than 24 years old. I would like
to find out more about his life there also, if you can point me in the right
direction. I suspect he is also buried there as there is no record of his burial
around his homestead in Pennsylvania.
Todd M. Elsbree -
I have been searching for my husband's
great grandfather for 2 years and so far nothing......All I have is a 1900 Twin
Mound, Rooks Co., KS census stating that Arthur and Minnie Dean lived there but
nothing else....How can I find out where he was born and who his parents are???
I can't find any help or any information on Arthur DEAN......Or his
family......Where do I go next ??? Please help me to find away to his
trail....Thanks for any advice you can give me........
Diana Dean, CA.
Does anyone know of anyone in this county who
does research for other people, or someone with a cemetery listing book?
Annette Crafton - crafton@webzone.net
Looking for the
Rooks family that this county could have been named for. How was the name
selected. Any Rooks living in County now?
Bill Rooks - BLRK@aol.com
I am researching NINNEMAN, L.F. -resident of
Stockton,Rooks County, Kansas in the late 1800's. Married - ALLIS, Ida O. -she
was b. 18 Apr 1858 in Rome, Pennsylvania. Children? Parents?
Looking for information about
Albert Willison(or George Albert) who died in Plainville, KS, in Jul 1986 and
his wife Josephine who died there in 1982. Am interested in finding children and
siblings. Would like to find obits.
Gordon Mitchell 1925 Sheffield Rd Hickory
Corners, MI 49060 gordonl@ccm.tds.net
I would like to know if
anyone can tell me where Benjamin Miller and his wife Nancy Laffoon are buried?
They were on the 1850 census for Ohio, but went to Kansas after that. If there
is anyone researching this family, I have info to trade.Thanks
Shirley Lillie
- shrlily@netins.net
I would like to contact anyone researching
the family of Nanthaiel Miller who died in Rooks Co. in 1879, his sister Jenna
who died in Rooks Co in 1879, Albert and Abraham Miller who were born in Rooks
Co in 1877 and 1880.
Shirley Lillie - shrlily@netins.net
Mar 1998
I have a great deal of information on William
Richardson CHANDLER who lived in Webster during the 1880"s, his descendants and
ancestors, and I would be happy to answer any queries. My biggest reason for
posting this query is to acquire a copy of the book "Lest We Forget", a book of
biographical sketches of the early pioneers of Rooks County, Kansas. Many of my
ancestors are in this book. I am currently using my uncle's copy of Volume 1,
but I would very much like to have my own. Perhaps the Rooks County, Kansas
Historical Society would like to do another printing. I think there is a great
interest by others, as I have answered two queries this last week from persons
who had ancestors in the book. Any help would be appreciated.
Tumlinson - flachs@cwo.com
Looking for any information
on the James D. SCOTT family that resided in Rooks County in1885. James was
married to Lydia Jane CRONK in Neosha County 1 Apr 1871. Their son was Fred
Herman SCOTT that was born in Rooks County 6 May 1885. Other children that may
have been born in Rooks County are Lillie May SCOTT born 4 Feb 1872, Annette
SCOTT born 13 Sep 1873, Edward SCOTT born 3 Sep 1875, Rosa B. SCOTT born29 Jan
1877, Joseph Winfield SCOTT 30 Dec 1878, James Harley SCOTT born14 Oct 1880, and
Ada SCOTT 14 Feb 1882. Any information or leads ondifficult surname would be
greatly appreciated!
Michael Scott - Mikesalibi@aol.com
Looking for information on: LAUESEN. WILLIAM b: 1881 (d. 1951) lived
in Stockton, KS where my father, ELSTUN was born in 1906 (d. 1988). WILLIAM
married LENA EVANS, a Cherokee Woman from KS around 1904 or 1905. Any help would
be greatly appreciated!
Elstun W. Lauesen II - landco@arctic.net
William SHIFFER, born 20 Sep 1810 in PA, died 2 Aug 1889 in Bow Creek, KS.
Wife was Catherine Elizabeth NEAR. They settled in Rooks Co. about 1879. A
daughter, Rebecca Frances, born 16 Apr 1847 in Clarion Co., PA, married William
H. Haynes in Will Co., IL, settled in KS about the same time. Looking for any
other descendants of William SHIFFER who may know county in PA William was born
and his parents' names.
John J. NEAR, brother of Catherine NEAR SHIFFER, born
3 Nov 1825 in Lewisburg, PA, married Wilmena ????, died 25 Feb 1901 in Bow
Creek, KS. Settled in Rooks Co. about 1879. Children: Alene, b 1854 Clarion Co.,
PA: Lewis A., b Aug 1856, Clarion Co., PA, married Florence I. BLACKWOOD in KS;
John Wesley, b 1858, m Minnie ????: William Edward, b Dec 1860, m Mary Elizabeth
??? abt 1886, KS; Charlotte, b 1864 in Clarion Co., PA; Caroline b 1866 in
Clarion Co., PA; Charles F., b Nov 1867 in Polk Co., IA, married Martishie M.
??? in KS; James, b 1872 Polk Co., IA, died Feb 1880, Rooks Co., Ks; Sophia, b
1875, Polk Co., IA, died Feb 1880, Rooks Co., KS. Am looking for any information
on this family pertaining to marriages/deaths.
Lynne - RBLRB@aol.com
I am trying to get information on my Father's family. My Father was born
in Stockton, Ks in September, 1906. His name was Elstun W. Lauesen. His father
was named William Lauesen whose wife was Lena. The Lauesen's immigrated from
Denmark in the late 1800's. I can find nothing about them on any database except
the SSI Death Index. Can you help?
Elstun Lauesen - landco@arctic.net
Looking for family of Griffith, Leander who moved to Stockton, Rooks
area in 1880s. May still have relatives in area. Any assistance would be
Jerry Niles - jerryniles@hot mail.com
I am
interested in learning about the ORA S HAROLD FAMILY that lived in Rooks county
in 1911. MARTHA FAYE HAROLD was born that year. There were other children in the
family, but i'm not sure how many were born there. Thank you
Lorraine Wallace
Clearwater, Fl - writeon7@mindspring.com
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