1 Sep 1949 Plainville Times Clair Dutt
Clair Dutt, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Dutt, passed away at his home in the Bemis oil field Sunday morning. He
was born April 6, 1911, at Russell, Kansas and grew to manhood there after which
he moved to the oil field south of Codell. On September 6, 1936 he was married
to Nona Buchheister of Plainville, Kansas. He was a member of Codell Masonic
Lodge No. 418. He had worked for Republic Natural Gas Co., since 1938. Clair was
a faithful and devoted husband. He was never too busy to stop and help a
neighbor and always had a smile and word of encouragement for everyone. He
leaves to mourn his passing , his wife, Nona; His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Dutt, of Russell, Kans.; three sisters, Mrs. N. R. Slimmer of Codell, Mrs. Ben
Steinle of Bushton, Kans., Mrs. Don Harbaugh of Russell, Kans., and six
brothers; Everett of Hansen, Idaho, Charles of Smith Center, Kans., Emmett of
Natoma, Kans., and Clayton, John and LeRoy of Russell, Kans. He also leaves a
number of nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Two
sisters preceded him in death.
I cannot say and I will not say
That he is dead—he is just away.
With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand,
He has wandered into an unknown land,
And left us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be since he lingers there.
And you, O you, who the wildest yearn
For the old-time step and the glad return;
Think of him faring on, as dear,
In the Love of There as the Love of Here.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist church in Plainville with Rev. Hugh Morris officiating. He was buried in the Plainville Cemetery with Masonic services at the grave. Article submitted by Doyle Ekey.
after 18 Apr 1949
Unknown Source Julius Emory Kiefer
Julius Emory Kiefer was born on 22 October
1893 in Kansas City, Kansas. He was the oldest son of Julius G. and Mabel B.
Kiefer (nee Brush). Emory made his home with his grandmother when three years of
age and spent his boyhood in the Rosedale District of Kansas City, Kansas. He
was graduated from Rosedale high school in 1914 and from Kansas City Poly-Tech
College in 1916. He then became an industrial arts teacher in a Kansas City
junior high school.
Soon his teaching career was interrupted by World War I,
and he enlisted in the U.S.. Army as a private. He served from 1 July 1918 to 24
December 1918, becoming an inspector in the aircraft division at Vancouver,
Washington. His honorable discharge from the Army paper gives the following
information: service number 3414618, Private, 3rd Co. 3rd Bn 164th Depot
Brigade; blue eyes, black hair, dark complexion, 5 feet 4-1/2 inches in height.
Upon being discharged, he enrolled in the Pittsburg (Kansas) State Teacher's
College. In 1920 he completed his college preparation for the teaching
profession. While at Pittsburg college he met Helen Allen, and they were united
in marriage at Pittsburg on 15 June 1921. They had two daughters: Marjorie
Allene Kiefer and Helen Frances Kiefer.
For ten years he not only taught
school but attended summer sessions, and in 1931 obtained his Master's Degree in
Industrial Arts from Pittsburg. Twenty-three years of his life were given to
teaching; then ill health compelled him to change work. While teaching he took
an active part in music, the YMCA, his church (Methodist), the Masonic and
Eastern Star lodges, and other social activities. He was an honorary member of
Kappa Delta Pi.
Emory and his wife Helen owned and operated the Kiefer
Variety Store in Plainville, Kansas, starting in 1939. Emory worked whenever
possible, but due to illness was compelled to stay at home much of the time.
Repeated trips to hospitals and doctors failed to restore his health. Just a
week before his death he returned to Winter General Hospital for further
treatment for his heart. There seemed to be signs of improvement, but on 18
April 1949 he died quietly at the Veteran's Hospital, Topeka, Kansas. Cause of
death was listed as aortic stenoris and insufficiency for nine years.
funeral services at the Methodist church with Rev. Hugh Morris officiating, he
was buried in the Plainville Cemetery with Masonic services at the grave.
14 Apr 1949 Plainville Times Robert Charles Yeagy died at the age of 29 on 6 Apr 1949. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
aft 8 Mar 1949 Rooks County Record Joseph Conyac
Joseph Conyac
was born in Canada on October 29, 1857, and departed this life March 8, 1949, at
Stockton, Kansas, at the age of 91 years, 4 months and 9 days. At the age of
seven years, he moved with his parents, two brothers and four sisters to Irwin,
Illinois. On January 2, 1881, he was united in marriage to Marie Clementine
Newell. To this union eleven children were born. Three preceded him in death,
two sons Emile and Eddie, and a daughter, Mrs. Eddie Baker. In 1886, he and his
family moved to Kansas where they lived on a farm in Graham County. In June
1911, his wife passed away.
In 1917, he married Julia LaValley and in 1919
they moved to Marshall, Minnesota, where he made his home until December 1948,
when his health failed. He moved to Kansas to be with his children.
He leaves
to mourn his passing, his wife, Mrs. Julia Conyac; three sons, Isadore, of
Damar; George, of Stockton; and William, of Marshall, Minn.; five daughters,
Mrs. Anthony Desbien, of Damar; Mrs. Phil Desmarteau, of Stockton; Mrs. Wm.
Pagan, of Jewell; Mrs. Ed Price, of Bolivar, Mo.; and Mrs. Harlan Barmore, of
St. Louis, Mo.; one sister, Mrs. Carrie Calkin, of Illinois; 36 grandchildren;
59 great grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren; also a host of other
relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held at the St. Joseph's church
in Damar Wednesday, March 10, at nine a. m. and he was laid to rest in St.
Joseph Cemetery at Damar.
7 Oct 1948 Plainville Times Henry
Henry Buchheister, son of Henry and Augusta Miller Buchheister,
was born February 24, 1869, in Johnson County, Iowa, and passed away at St.
Anthony’s Hospital, Hays, Kansas, Sept. 27, 1948 at the age of 79 years, 7
months and 3 days. He was baptized in infancy in the Methodist church. He came
to Rooks county, Kansas from Iowa City, Iowa, in the fall of 1893 to make his
home with his mother and brother, Christian, and sister Mary. He married Sadie
Sawyer, Jan. 1, 1896. To this union 12 children were born, two of whom died in
infancy. Ten children survive their father. They are Ernest of Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, Lawrence of Mahaska, Kans., Mrs. Lela Pyke of Fort Collins, Colo., Lee of
Morgan Hill, Calif., Chester of Colorado Springs, Colo., Zilpha Colahan, Dale
and Jack, of Plainville, Kans., Mrs. Veda Bachman of Greeley, Colo., and Donald
of Hot Sulphur Springs, Colo. After the death of his wife in April, 1945, he
lived with his daughter Zilpha and her husband, James Colahan, Jr. During his
earlier life he was active in fraternal organizations. He was in partnership
with his father-in-law, J. N. Sawyer in the furniture and undertaking business
for eight years. In 1911 he moved to a farm in West Plainville where he lived
until his retirement in 1939.
Since 1938, he was the sole survivor of a
family of nine children, four brothers and four sisters having preceded him in
death. Left to mourn his death are his ten children, 22 grandchildren and four
Services were held Thursday, Sept. 30, from the Mosher
Funeral Home with Joe Brumbaugh, pastor of the Christian church in charge.
All children were present except Lee of Morgan Hill, Calif. Out of town
relatives attending were Charlie Miller of Hill City, Albert Buchheister of
Beloit, Mrs. Mabel Willard, Mr. Fred Zimmerman and Mrs. Lorene Young of
Coldwater, Kans. Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
16 Sep 1948 Plainville
Times William Grant Groom
William Grant Groom, age 84 years, Very interesting
about their life as pioneers and about them coming to Kansas the same year they
were married in a covered wagon and staking a claim four and one-half miles
north of Plainville. Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
8 Jul 1948 Plainville Times Mathilda Axelson died at the age of 68 on 28 June 1948. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information
26 Feb 1948
Plainville Times Carl Otto Hunt
Carl Otto Hunt departed this life on February
20, 1948 at Hadley memorial hospital in Hays, Kansas, at the age of 70 years. He
was born at Villisca, Iowa, July 1, 1877 and came to Kansas with his mother, an
older brother and two sisters a year later. The family homesteaded south of
Zurich, Kansas. Most of his childhood was spent in and around Plainville. He was
married December 24, 1899 at the home of his brother, Andrew Johnson, in Natoma,
Kansas, to Sarah C. Gaunt. To this union were born six children, all of whom
survive him; one son, Harvey, with whom he had made his home the past two years
in Hays, and five daughters, Alice Sisson, of Phoenix, Ariz., Helen Anspaugh, of
Codell, Kans., Christena Sanders, Tacoma, Wash., Loretta Gee, Kansas City, and
Jospehine Wells, of Hays, Kans. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Anna
Watson, Plymouth, Mass., and nine grandchildren. From 1898 to 1928 Mr. Hunt
lived at Natoma, Kans. It was there that all of his children were born. While
living in Natoma he was in the mercantile business with his brother, later
becoming postmaster for ten years, after which he was in the general insurance
business. For the past ten years he has resided in Hays. His wife, Sarah,
preceded him in death January 21, 1939.
Music for the service was furnished
by the male quartette from Codell, composed of H. O. Darland, Randall Tucker,
Don Richmond and Glen Goldinger and accompanied by Mrs. Floyd Wheeler.
Pallbearers were E. L. Dougherty, Merle Nelson, Lloyd Conway, Ray Overholser,
Donald Finnesy and Robert Mahoney.
Funeral services were held in the
Plainville Methodist Church, Feb. 22 at 2:00 p. m. and conducted by Rev. H. R.
Husted. Interment was made in the Plainville cemetery. Submitted by Jessica
1948 Unknown Paper Robert M. Chamberlain
Heart failure causes death Sunday afternoon while on
way to Great Falls. The people of this community were shocked Sunday afternoon
to learn of the unexpected death from heart failure about 1:30 PM of Robert M
Chamberlain on the road to Great Falls and only a few miles from that city,
where he was being taken by his family for medical treatment after having had a
couple of heart attacks the previous day.
Funeral services were held on
Wednesday afternoon from the Denton Methodist church with the Rev C W Orner of
Lewistown, an old friends of the deceased, officiating. Western Star Lodge No
104 A F & M had charge of the graveside services and the burial was made by the
Croxford Mortuary of Great Falls. Two hymns, "Take Time To Be Holy" and Abide
With Me," were sung by a male quartette composed of P. H. Hoekstra, Charles
Niswanger, B. K. Behm and L. T. Cole, with Mrs. Charles Niswanger accompanying
at the piano. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Interment was made in
Hillcrest cemetery.
So many people came to pay their last respects to the
memory of the deceased that many could not find room in the church during the
service and were compelled to remain outside.
Pallbearers were O. T. Coffman,
Henry Ronish, Nolan Barber, Arno Green, L. G. Ott, and Perry Walker.
Merritt Chamberlain, son of Charles and Maria Chamberlain, was born at Stockton,
Kansas, on December 4, 1883. He attended grade school and high school at
Stockton and later went to Manhattan, Kansas, to the State College for three
years. As a young man, he came to Montana and homesteaded on the Arrow Creek
bench in 1906. In 1911 he returned to Stockton and married Bertha Wyatt of that
place and brought her here as his bride. During the next few years he taught
school in Coffee Creek, Denton, and Wennett, and also attended Montana State
University at Missoula. In 1925 he returned to the ranch home north of Denton
where the family was living at the time of his death, having moved out from
their home in town for the summer. Three children, a daughter, Marjorie, and
twin sons, Richard and Robert, blessed their home. Mr. Chamberlain was a charter
member of the Presbyterian church in Coffee Creek and served as elder for many
years. In 1928, he attended the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
at Tulsa, Oklahoma, as a delegate from his church. It was there that he first
met the Rev Orner. Mr. Chamberlain, was active in Boy Scout work and had active
troops at Coffee Creek and Winnett while residing at those places. When the
family moved to Denton, to send their sons to school, he became a member of the
local Methodist congregation. He was a member of the local Masonic lodge, and
was also a member of the Odd Fellows during the time that Order had a lodge at
Coffee Creek.
The survivors, include the wife, Bertha, a daughter, Mrs. P.
DeWinter, of Inglewood, Calif, and the sons, Richard and Robert, of Denton,
three grandchildren, Wendall, Stanley, and Roger DeWinter, two sisters, Mrs. Roy
Snyder and Mrs. John Reed of Stockton, Kans, two brothers, Edward H. and Frank
Chamberlain of Eagle Point, Oregon.
Aft 13 May 1947 Plainville
Times Milan Hinkhouse
Milan Hinkhouse, son of Frank and Matilda Hinkhouse,
was born on February 28, 1913 at their farm two miles east of Palco, Kansas, and
departed this life May 13, 1947, at St. Anthony’s hospital Hays, KS, at the age
of 34 years, 2 months, and 13 days. On January 9, 1937, he was united in
marriage to Florence Casey of Zurich, KS. He spent his entire life in Palco
community, graduating from Palco consolidated high school with the class of
1932, and also attended Fort Hays State College. He then became engaged in
farming and stock raising, and was an active and hard worker for the welfare of
Palco and this community. He was a devoted husband and highly esteemed by his
fellowmen. His wants were few and in his two years of suffering he never once
gave up, nor asked for anything that life did not provide. He leaves to mourn
his departure his loving wife, Florence; and parents, Frank and Matilda
Hinkhouse, and many other relatives and a host of friends. Funeral services were
held in the Catholic Church at Zurich were Milan was a true and faithful member,
with Rev. Father Dickman in charge. Pallbearers were Frank Kortan, Archie
Ashbaugh, Forrest Stull, Leonard Kern, Darrell Hinkhouse and Paul Miller; with
honorary ones, Art Belisle, Phil Kaba, Kenneth Hinkhouse, Elmo Belisle, James
Casey, and Earl Hinkhouse. Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery at
Zurich. Submitted by Nancy Arseneau.
aft 30 Mar 1947 Unknown
Paper Dora May Andrew Carley
Dora May Andrew was born Nov. 18, 1876 near
Buchtel, Athens county, Ohio, and departed this life at Hays, Kansas, March 30,
1947 after a lingering illness of two and one-half years. When ten years of age
she came with her parents and younger brother and sisters by covered wagon to
Hodgeman County, Kansas, where they lived for three years near Jetmore, then
moved to Platte County, Mo. She was raised a Presbyterian and in the fall of
1896 became a member of that church at Lebanon, Ohio, where she was attending
teacher's college. She taught school for four years in Pottawattamie County,
Kansas. On Dec. 22, 1901, she was married to Charles Leroy Carley at Wamego,
Kansas. To this union four children were born: Leroy A. Carley, Hays, Kans.;
Margaret E. Bowland, Stoutland, Mo.; J. Milton Carley, Great Bend, Kans.; and W.
May Gill, Hays, Kans. In Jan. 1905, she came with her husband and two older
children to a farm southwest of Plainville where she lived until the fall of
1934 when she moved to Missouri. The past 12 years she had made her home with
her daughter and family at Stoutland, Mo. She was cared for in this home until
nearly seven weeks ago when she was brought to Hays and put in Hadley Hospital
for treatment and care. She was preceded in death by her husband on Sept. 14,
1935, and by her father, mother, four sisters, two brothers and one grandson.
She leaves to mourn her passing, LeRoy A. Carley - Hays, Kansas; Mrs. C. W.
Bowland - Stoutland, Mo.; J. Milton Carley - Great Bend, Kans.; Mrs. Glenn Gill
- Hays, Kansas; Two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Leroy Carley and Mrs. Milton Carley,
two sons-in-law, C. W. Bowland and Glenn Gill, one sister, Mrs. Jesse Blackburn,
Yuba City, Calif., one brother, Charles Andrew, two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Eva
Rightmire, Wichita, Kansas and Mrs. H. D. Carley, St. Louis, Mo., seventeen
grandchildren, a number of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
Services were held Tuesday, p.m. April 1 at the Methodist Church in Plainville
by Rev. Thorns of Hays Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev. Husted. Interment
in the Plainville cemetery.
3 June 1945 Portland, Oregon John "
Jack" Hall,
Jack Hall Dies in Vets Hospital Spanish-American War Veteran of
Kelso Dies in Portland Hospital.
John " Jack" Hall, prominent in
Spanish-American War veterans circles, and a member of the " Last Man's Club"
died at 1:28 yesterday afternoon in the Portland Veterans hospital, following a
long illness. It was the third time in the past three years that he had been
confined to that hospital. Hall came to Kelso from Colorado about 21 years ago,
and served on the city council a term, as well as taking part in veterans
activities. He was a past commander of George P. Millar camp No. 31,
Spanish-American War veterans, and will be given a military burial at 11:00
tomorrow morning from Holman and Lutz mortuary, 14th and Sandy Boulevard,
Portland. Interment will be in the veterans plot at Riverview cemetery, near
Portland. The family residence is at 601 South Pacific avenue, where they moved
after discontinuing farming on Mt. Brynton. Deceased leaves his widow, Mrs.
Nellie Hall, Kelso, two sons, Kenneth and Addison, Kelso, a daughter, Clement,
Nampa, Idaho a sister Mrs. Mary Newman, California three brothers, Charles,
Nebraska William, Stockton, Kan. and Roy, West Virginia. Hall was born in
Flemingsburg, KY 61 years ago, and served in the Spanish-American War with
Company H. First Colorado Regiment, seeing active duty on the Philippines
Islands. He was the third member of the " Last Man's (the article was cut off at
this point).
John H. Hall was buried on June 4, 1945 at the age of 64.
Section 121, Lot 49, Grave 1. Holman and Lutz Funeral Home. (Article provided by
Gail McComb of Stockton)
3 May 1945 Plainville Times Sadie Sawyer
Sadie Sawyer was born at Morrison, Ill., on Dec. 14 1878, and
passed away in her home in Plainville, Kansas, April 28, 1945, having attained
the age of 66 years, 4 months and 14 days. The family came to Kansas in March,
1884, when she was six years old. Her father homesteaded just north of
Plainville. She was educated in the district school nearby. She joined the
Christian church under the ministry of Mrs. Hazelrig many years ago.
On Jan.
1, 1896, she was married to Henry Buchheister in the same house which she spent
the last years of her life. For more that 49 years they journeyed through life
together. To this union 12 children were born, eight boys and four girls. A boy
and a girl died in infancy. Ten, with the husband, their father, survive their
mother. They are Ernest of Cedar Rapids, IA., Lawrence of Mahaska, Kans., Mrs.
Lela Pyke of Fort Collins, Colo., Lee of Morgan Hill, Calif., Chester of the U.
S. Navy, Zilpha of the home in Plainville, Mrs. Veda Bachman of Greeley, Colo.,
Dale of Anthony, Kans., Donald of Denver, Colo., and Jack of the U. S. Army.
There are 14 grandchildren. She is also survived by one brother, J. J. Sawyer of
Plainville. A brother and two sisters preceded her in death.
Mrs. Buchheister
gave unstintedly of her time and efforts to serve her home and family. She was a
devoted mother, a faithful wife, and a good neighbor. Her many friends join with
the family in mourning her departure from the circles of this life.
services were conducted from the Mosher Funeral Home at 2:30 o’clock Monday
afternoon, April 30, with Pastor Everett G. Haley in charge and burial was made
in the Plainville cemetery. Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
Aft 7 Jun
1944 paper unknown Mary Hall McComb Newman
Mary Hall McComb Newman, born at
Flemingsburg, KY, June 21, 1881 died at age 62 years 11 months and 7 days. One
of 8 children. Three brothers survive her. Will of Stockton, Charles of Brewster
Nebraska, of Milton, Florida. Married to Cephas McComb October 2, 18989. Had 4
children Cleo, Clifford, Eula Guthrie and Leon. Husband died October 21, 1921.
Cleo died_______. Married W. A. Newman of San Diego, Calif. on Oct 15, 1929.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2:00 at the Christian church
conducted by Rev. Charles Chandler and F. M. McDonald. Buried at Survey. Article
provided by Gail McComb of Stockton.
23 Mar 1944 Plainville
Times, Codell Items Minnie Ellen Drake
Minnie Ellen Drake was born near
Plainville, March 27, 1889 and died at her home near Palco, Kansas, February 20,
1920 at 12:06 p. m. of bronchial pneumonia following the influenza. Aged 30
years 10 months and 24 days. She was married to James Franklin Teasley, August
6, 1911. To this union were born two children, Maurice, age 7 and age 2 1/2
years. She leaves to mourn her loss a loving husband, two children, Father,
Mother, three sisters, two brothers and a host of other relatives and friends.
She was a kind and loving wife, an indulgent mother and will be greatly missed
from the home and by all who knew her.
At the age of 19, she was converted
and united with the Codell Baptist church of which she was still a member at the
time of her death. She was conscious up to the time of her death and talked with
her family and relatives of things she wanted done and asked each one to meet
her in heaven. She was fully prepared and ready to go when her Saviour called.
Toward the last as the nurse was changing her position, she looked up and said,
“Hurry, I must go to sleep” and breathed her last. It is so hard to give her up
even though it be only for a little while. But we will not mourn as those who
have no hope,m for we know our dear one is save in the arms of Jesus.
services were conducted at the home by Rev. T. H. Southall of Codell, Sunday
February 22 at 2 p. m. from the text, Revelations 14:13, after which the body
was laid to rest in Shiloh cemetery, northeast of Codell. Submitted by Doyle
March 1944 Plainville Times Ralph Bemis, Jr. KILLED IN
RALPH BEMIS, a Plainville High School graduate with the
class of 1938, died in action over England, March 24, according to a war
department message to his wife, the former Dorothy Kraus of Hays. Ralph Jr. was
born on the Bemis farm on the Saline River at the northwest edge of what is now
the Bemis Oil Field. He attended rural schools and Hays high, but when his
parents purchased the Veverka Building, organized the Bemis Chevrolet Company,
and moved to Plainville, Ralph Jr. transferred to the local high school and
received his diploma here in May, 1938. He took college work at Salina Wesleyan
and Kansas State College, Manhattan, enlisting in the Army Air Corps in June,
1942. Ralph’s air corp training began in January, 1943, and the following
November he was given a pilot’s commission and given further training on a B-17.
About two months ago his group was sent to England
Last July he was married
to Dorothy Kraus of Hays. Mrs. Bemis has been living with her parents since
Ralph went overseas.
Besides his wife, Ralph’s immediate relatives are his
parents, MR. AND MRS. RALPH BEMIS and his brothers GUY and PERRY.
RALPH was a
quiet, friendly boy who made friends wherever he was. His passing brings the
horrors of this war closer to many, but closest of all to the bereaved family.
(He died in an air crash in England during World War II on March 24, 1944)
27 Jan 1944 Plainville Times Cora May (nee Overholser) Reed
Amos R. Reed
Cora May Overholser, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Overholser, was born Feb. 28, 1893, northeast of Codell, and departed this life
Jan. 18, 1944 at the age of 50 years, 10 months and 18 days. She grew to
womanhood on the farm where she was born and attended the public school there.
Later she taught several terms in the rural schools of the surrounding
communities. On Oct. 22, 1917 she was united in marriage to Amos R. Reed Joplin,
Mo., and they have spent their entire wedded live in the home community, except
for the first one and one-half years which were spent in Missouri. They
celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary in October, 1942. She gave her heart
to Jesus on New Year’s eve 1908 and later in April, 1909, united with the
Baptist Church at Codell where she was baptized and remained a member until her
death. She always attended when possible to do so. She was always of a robust
and strong physique until the malady which cost her life, undermined her health,
until she could fight no longer even though all was done that medical skill or
loving hands could do.
She leaves behind, her husband, Amos, a foster son,
Eldon, both of whom she dearly loved her mother, Tulia Overholser, two sisters,
Verda Simpson and Lura Ekey of Codell two brothers, of Nampa, Idaho, and Raymond
of Codell several nieces and nephews (three of whom are in the armed forces) and
numerous other relatives and friends. She, with her husband and son, shared the
joys and sorrows, trials and good times together, striving all the time to make
their home a pleasant place in which to spend their passing years. No task was
too great nor to small for her to try at any time to do her part for the family.
She carried on her household duties until it was impossible for her to do so any
longer. She never complained about her condition and expressed in words that she
was ready to go whenever called to her heavenly home.
Her ambition was to be
a true helpmate and mother, a kind neighbor, and friend to all. Every duty she
tried hard to fulfill. During her last illness, she wrote the following:
hard part is the parting with the ones I dearly love,
But I know I’ll be in
heaven Dwelling there with God above.
Funeral services were held at the
Codell Baptist church, Thursday afternoon, Jan. 20, 1944, at 2:30 o’clock. Rev.
J. E. Dollar of Clay Center in charge. Interment was made in Shiloh cemetery.
She Is Just Away
I cannot say, and I will not say that she is dead--She is
just away!
With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand she has wandered into
an unknown land
And left us dreaming how very fair if needs must be, since
she lingers there,
And you, O you, who the wildest yearn for the old-time
step and the glad return,-
Think of her faring on, as dear in the love of
there as the love of here.
Think of her still as the same, I say
She is
not dead--She is just away!
by James Whitcomb Riley
Card of Thanks
wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to each one, who helped so
kindly during the illness and death of our dear one. For the words of comfort,
the songs that were sung, and the beautiful flowers. R. Reed and Eldon, Tulia
Overholser and family. Article provided by Ekey.
aft 23 Sep 1943
unknown Iowa paper John Marsell
John Marsell, aged and respected Cortez
citizen, died suddenly Thursday, September 23, while on a fishing trip to
Groundhog reservoir. Death occurred as he was riding in a car with Lou Jackson.
According to Mr. Jackson, he and Mr. Marsell had spent the day at the lake and
were returning home over slippery roads. Mr. Marsell commented that Jack had
better drive carefully or they would go in the ditch. Driving on a few hundred
yards, Mr. Jackson heard the elder man gasp; realizing something was wrong, he
stopped the car and went around to the door on the other side. When he reached
Mr. Marsell he was dead. Alone on the highway, Mr. Jackson did the only thing to
do, he continued on with Mr. Marsell in the seat beside him. At Dolores he
called Dr. Lefurgey, who pronounced the man dead. From this point the body was
moved to Cortez by the Ertel Funeral Home.
Funeral services were held Tuesday
at the Ertel Memorial chapel with Rev. Stanley Files of the local Pentecostal
church in charge. Burial was at Cortez Cemetery.
John Robert Marsell, son of
Joseph and Sarah Marsell, was born in Lee county, Iowa, June 11, 1869, and
passed away at Groundhog reservoir on Sept. 23, 1943, being 74 years, 3 months
and 11 days old.
While still a youth, he moved with his parents to Taylor
county, Iowa, where he grew to manhood and was married to Miss Lucia Kimpton on
Christmas day, 1889. To this union were born eight children, all of whom, with
the wife and mother, survive him. The children are Frank of Webster, Kans.,
Dewey of Ada, Kans., James of Lawrence, Kans., Edith Williams of Densmore,
Kans., Ruby Brown of Stockton, Kans., Joe of Pampa, Tex., Charles Marsell and
Opal Bertwell of Cortez, Colo. He also leaves two sisters and two brothers in
Iowa, 23 grandchildren and five great grandchildren, and numerous other
relatives and a host of friends.
In 1904 he, with his wife and family, moved
to Rooks county, Kans., where he lived until October, 1934, when he, with his
wife and Opal moved to Cortez, where he has since resided.
While in Kansas,
in 1922, he was converted to the Pentecostal faith, and was a firm believer
until his summons came to come up higher.
23 Oct 1941 Plainville Times William A. Hill at the age of 67 on 18 Oct 1941. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
31 Oct 1940 The Natoma
Independent Joseph Glen Romine
Joseph Glen Romine. oldest son of Bluford and
Cora Romine was born at Waverly, Kansas, February 14, 1900 and passed away at
his home south of Codell on October 24, 1940 at the age of 40 years, 8 months
and 10 days. He grew to manhood at the parental home near Codell and received
his elementary education at the “Lower Turkville School.”
On June 30, 1918,
he was united in marriage to Alta V. Hayes of Natoma, Kans. To this union four
children were born, namely Mrs. Echo Brooks of Franklin, Nebr., Mrs. June McGraw
of Pueblo, Colo. Hazel and Leroy of the home. His illness has extended over a
long period of time but constantly his greatest concern was not of himself, but
for his family’s welfare, and devotion to his mother. He was of cheerful
disposition, and his friends are numbered by his acquaintances.
He was
preceded in death by his father, 2 sisters and 1 brother.
He leaves to mourn
their loss besides his wife and four children, his mother, Mrs. Cora Romine,
four sisters, Mrs. Elsie Loreg of Codell, Mrs. Alice Richmond of Plainville, Mrs
Ruth Sarver and Mrs. Madge Nickell of Natoma, one brother Bruce Romine of Palco,
and a host of other relatives and friends.
A devoted husband, a loving father
and son, and a dear brother has gone, but his memory will ever be sacred to
those who were most dear to him.
Funeral services were held from the Codell
Baptist church Saturday afternoon, October 26 at 2:30 with Elder F. M. Lundy in
charge and burial was in the Shiloh Cemetery. Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
after 10 Sept 1938 Unknown Newspaper Lucy Baxter and William Baxter
William Baxter died February 25, 1901 in Rooks County. His wife Lucy Baxter died
September 10, 1938, and both are buried in the Aurora Cemetery.
submitted by
3 Mar 1938 Plainville Times Christian
Christian Buchheister was born January 8, 1858 at Iowa City,
Johnson county, Iowa, and departed this life at the home of his brother Henry
Buchheister at Plainville, Kansas February 25, 1938 at the age of 80 years, 1
month, 17 days. He was united in marriage to Tilda Geary at Sack City, Iowa, in
1886. She passed away the following year in 1887. In 1888 he and his brother
John came to Kansas where they located on a farm three miles north of
Plainville, until 1891, when he moved a mile farther north, where he and his
sister Mary made their home for ten years, then having disposed of the farm they
went to California where they spent a year, returning to Plainville where he
resided until his sister’s death in 1915. He then spent his winters in
California and summers in Kansas until about ten years ago and since that time
he has made Plainville his home. He was baptized in the German-Methodist Church
when a child.
He leaves to mourn his passing one brother, Henry Buchheister,
of Plainville, also several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held at
2:30 p.m. Sunday, and interment was made at the Plainville cemetery. Submitted
by Doyle Ekey.
11 Nov 1937 Plainville Times Rufus R. Yeagy died at the age of 77 on 4 Nov 1937. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
9 Nov 1937 Plainville Times Julia H. King Obituary
Julia H. King was born in Greenville, Tennessee, January 2, 1854 and departed
this life at her home south of Codell, Kansas, November 9, 1937, at the age of
83 years, 9 months, and 23 days. When a small child she moved with her father,
Rev. A. L. King and family to Rhea Co., Tennessee, where she resided until her
marriage to Francis (Frank) A. Simpson, on August 6, 1874, who preceded her in
death, October 5, 1925. In December of 1877, Mr. And Mrs. Simpson and infant son
Arthur, moved from Tennessee to Ellis County, Kansas where she resided until her
death. Mr. And Mrs. Simpson were the parents of seven children: Arthur, Victor
deceased and Perry Clarence, and Pearl Cress. The children were reared and
educated in the school near their home. Grandma Simpson, as she was known by all
her friends and neighbors, was one of the early pioneers and endured all the
hardships known to the early settlers. She was always ready to help anyone in
trouble or distress riding horse-back many a mile to help a sick neighbor. When
quite young she was converted and joined the Baptist Church, in latter years she
changed her membership to the Seventh Day Adventist Church. She remained true to
her Savior to the end. She leaves to mourn her passing, her sons: Simpson of
Casper, Wyoming Simpson of Ten Sleep, Wyoming Perry and Clarence Simpson of
Codell and a daughter, Hugh Cress of Neosha, Missouri 27 grandchildren 14
great-grandchildren one sister, Mrs. P. F. Mock of Plainville 4 half-sisters
Mrs. Belle Stone of Bogue, Kansas Mrs. Fred Bemis of Hays, Kansas Mrs. Ernest
Wells of Hawthorne, California besides a host of friends and other relatives.
(Mrs. Simpson is buried beside her husband in the Norman Cemetery, Ellis County
7 Jun 1937 Ottawa Herald Alice Lillian Mardock Berger
Accident Met At A Corner
L. E. McCulley of Near Pomona Driver of Other Car -
Five Children With the Mother and McCulley Not Injured - Returning Home From
Sunday School.
Mrs. John A. Berger, nearly 47, mother of eight children,
received fatal head injuries in a car accident about noon yesterday as she and
five of her six children living at home, were returning from Sunday school at
Liberty school to their home three miles north of Ottawa. Mrs. Berger was the
only one in the two-car crash injured. Her head was severely crushed. She was
rushed in the CCC camp ambulance to Ransom Memorial hospital where she lived
several hours. Mrs. Berger died at the hospital about 4:30 Sunday afternoon.
The Berger car was driven by Merton Berger, 19, and Mrs. Berger was in the front
seat. Other Berger children in the car were Ione, 18, Melba, 14, Weltha, 11 and
Clyde Berger, 6. Another son, Gordon, 16, who lives at home and Mr. Berger were
not in the car. The Bergers were traveling east on the road and L. E. McCulley,
of Near Pomona, in the second car, was driving north on a side road which joins
the east-west road, 3 miles north and two miles west of Ottawa, and does not
continue north of that point.
The accident happened when McCulley apparently
attempted to turn west as the Berger car approached from the west. The Berger
car nose dived into the bank at the north side of the highway, when the cars
collided. Mrs. Berger was thrown in such a manner that her head was crushed. The
Berger 1930 Ford coach and the McCulley 1929 Willys sedan were badly damaged.
Sheriff Olin Minckley investigated the accident.
Alice Lillian Mardock,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Mardock was born July 12, 1890 in Osborne County,
Kansas. She was married May 22, 1912 to John A. Berger at Stockton, Kansas. The
family moved to Franklin county about two years ago from Osborne county.
Beside the husband and six children of the home address, two other children
survive, Mrs. Hazel Wilson of Waldron and E. Berger of Seneca. Mrs. Berger is
survived by two brothers, Max Mardock and Linley Mardock and three sisters, Mrs.
Bessie Smith, Mrs. Irene Pinger and Mrs. Ellen Davis, all of Topeka.
services will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. from the McVey mortuary. Rev. W. L.
Shuler of Trinity M. E. church will officiate. Interment will be in Mt. Auburn
cemetery, Topeka.
aft 25 Mar 1937 Unknown Paper Albert Judson
Albert Judson Finley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Finley was born
December 5, 1870 on a farm in Stark county, Illinois. He passed away at 8:30 a.
m., Thursday, March 25, 1937 being sixty-six years, three months and twenty days
old. He came with his parents and other brothers and sisters to Brown county in
1882, leaving there in 1886, coming by covered wagon to the Finley farm in
Jewell county.
After finishing school he remained on the farm at home until
his marriage to Mary Edith Hainer, February 21, 1895. To this union nine
children: six sons and three daughters were born; one son dying in infancy. Bert
was always a very industrious man, working several years in the Dockstader
elevator then at draying when freight was shipped by railroad. For the past
several years he has been operating the Hainer farm, leaving the draying to a
son. Bert was known to everyone. He had gone to the farm to help with the
morning chores when he suffered a heart attack and was gone in a few moments. He
had not been really ill, but was not in his usual health since last fall. He was
a kind and loving husband and father, a good friend and neighbor. He was
converted at the Oliver meetings and joined the Baptist church in the fall of
1907 of which he was still a member at his death.
He leaves to mourn his
loss, his beloved wife, these sons and daughters. Merle Finley, Eads, Colorado;
Harold Finley, Glen Elder; Mrs Reta Wooten, Otis, Colorado; Hope Finley,
Hutchinson; Dale, Oscar, John and Margaret Finley of the home. He also leaves
thirteen grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews, one brother, Ed Finley of
Iola, Kansas, six sisters, Mrs. Mannie Wickham, Manhattan, Mrs. Kate Coad, Mrs.
Lida Dietz, Annie, Fannie and Edna Finley of Cawker City. One brother passed
away January 1936.
Funeral services were held Sunday March 28, 1937, at the
Baptist church in Cawker. Rev. H. P. Bunt of Kincaid, Kansas, officiating; Rev.
Everett Cormack of the Baptist church assisting. Interment was in Prairie Grove
Out of town relatives at the funeral were: Ed Finley, of Iola; Mrs.
Del Wickham, Manhattan; Maxine Wickham of Moreland, Kansas; Mrs. George Hiner,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munn and Mrs. George Crane of Stockton, Kansas.
aft 15 Sep 1935 Unknown Paper Charles LeRoy Carley
Charles LeRoy Carley
was born near Louisville, Kans. Mar. 13, 1871. When about four years old, his
parents moved to Ill. In 1881 they moved to Iowa and in 1884 moved to Auburn,
Neb. where Roy as he was known grew to manhood. After spending three years of
his early manhood in Okla. he came back to the land of his birth in 1896. In
1901 he married Dora M. Andrew. In 1905, he with his wife and two children
LeRoy, Jr. and Margaret moved to Rooks Co. Kansas. Here two more children were
born to this home. Milton and May. On what is known as the Andreson place, eight
and one-half miles southwest of Plainville, this little family lived and toiled
for almost thirty years. May, LeRoy and Margaret married from this home, and in
1934, Roy, his wife, and one son, Milton, said farewell to the old home, on July
31st, and moved to Dallas Co., Mo. Broken in fortune, health and spirit, he
lived but a short time. On the morning of Sept. 15, 1935 life left his poor,
tired body and went to dwell with the immortals.
After 1 Sep 1936
unknown paper Howard Bently VanHorn
Howard Bently Van Horn,was born Jan 28,
1859, and died at the home of his son Everett Sept. 1, 1936, age 77 years, seven
months and four days. He was married Sept 16, 1886,to Martha Jones and to this
union three daughters were born Alpha and Edna. This wife and Edna preceded him
in death. He moved to Kansas and in 1900 was united in marriage to Lula Reeder.
To this union two sons Forrest and Everett was born. His wife preceded him in
death on June 12, 1930, and a step-daughter, Minnie Hazen in 1918. Since this
time he has made his home with his sons. He has been a member of the Stockton
township board for a number of years. He was a faithful member of the Elm Creek
Church many years and united with the Christian church of Stockton in 1921.
Those who mourn his passing are, two daughters, Stanley of Cresbard, South
Dakota Blanche Waterman, of Northville, South Dakota, Two sons Forest and both
of Stockton one step-daughter, M. Reeder of Los Angeles, Calif. Two step-sons,
Ralph Reeder of Plainville, and Ray Reeder of Idaho Falls, Idaho 26 grand
children and many Friends. Funeral services were held Thursday, Sept.3, at the
Christian church, with Rex A. Harmon in charge, assisted by C. E. Spalding.
Interment was made in the Stockton Cemetery. Article provided by the VanHorn
April 1936 Plainville Times Agnes Jane King Barry
AGNES JANE KING was born March 30, 1879, at Turkville, (Ellis County), Kansas,
Married to W. A. BARRY of Downs, Kansas, January 1, 1902.
After her marriage,
they lived in Downs about five years, then moved to the old home place at
Turkville, Kansas, until the year 1911, when they moved to Codell. They ran a
hardware store in Codell. After AGNES JANES’S death, W. A. BARRY went to Sunset
Home in Concordia, Kansas, and remained there until his death, April 24, 1952.
She became a member of the Hays Baptist Church in the year 1894, later
transferring membership to Turkville and Codell Churches.
Mother of two
Children: MR. WILLIAM EARL BARRY born July 17, 1904
born November 2, 1912
Died on April 19, 1936 at 1 P. M. at St. Anthony’s
Hospital, Hays, Kansas, where she had been taken from her home at Codell,
Kansas, during her illness.
Cause of death: Influenza, Streptococci sore
throat, complicated by Streptococci Septicemia and Streptococci Meningitis.
Interment Mount Allen Cemetery, Hays, Kansas, after funeral services at the
Codell Baptist Church, April 21, 1936.
Funeral Directors- Mosher and
Roderick, Plainville, Kansas.
25 Jun 1936 Plainville Times Romanus Thomas Yeagy died at the age of 78 on 16 Jun 1936. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
28 May 1936 Plainville Times
Mrs. Stella Curtis
Mrs. Curtis Dead
Mrs. Stella Curtis, aged 64, widow of
Wesley P. Curtis, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Gordon McComb Route 7,
Topeka, May 20. Mrs. Curtis is a sister-in-law of Mrs. A. W. Hall and they were
pioneers of Plainville, having operated a store here in the early days. Mr.
Curtis has been dead about seven years. Submitted by Linda
aft 5
Nov 1935 Unknown Paper Minerva Jane Swift Sammons Pulley
Minerva Jane Swift,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Swift, was born April 3, 1863, and departed this
life November 5, 1935, at Stockton, Kansas; after an illness lasting several
years; at the age of 72 years, 7 months, and 2 days. On October 19, 1879, she
was united in marriage to Devrix Sammons and to this union were born eight
children. Mr. Sammons passed away in 1893 and in October 1907 she was united in
marriage to J. C. Pulley, who passed away in 1924. Her childhood days were spent
at Logan, Ohio, and the rest of it was spent in this locality. Since the death
of Mr. Pulley, she made her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. White, of Stockton, Kansas. As an early settler she shared the common lot
of the pioneer, in toil, sorrow, and joy. She was a kind friend, loving wife and
mother, who lived her Christianity day-by-day. She had been a member of the
Christian Church for many years and had always had a firm faith which had kept
her strong in the hopes of eternal life. She leaves to mourn their loss seven
children, 20 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. Her children are: Edmond
L. - Council Grove; George W. - Eldorado; William H. - Webster, and Joel
Franklin - Ault, Colorado; and one step-son, Thos. P. Samons, of Nebraska City,
Nebraska; one son and one step-daughter having preceded her in death; besides
many other relatives and friends. She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge of
Stockton and of the Relief Corps. Funeral at Christian Church in Stockton and
interment at Alcona Cemetery.
After 26 Mar 1935 Idaho Falls Post
Register, Idaho Falls, Idaho Nancy Alice Barnes Coldiron
Coldiron Funeral
Conducted Friday
Rites for Nancy Alice Barnes Coldiron, 78, were held Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the McHan funeral chapel, the Rev. W. F. Pool of the
First Christian church officiating. Music for the services included two duets, "
Lead Kindly Light" and " Rock of Ages" , sung by Mrs. Christabel Clark and Miss
Veda Gaines, accompanied by Mrs. Homer Clark a solo, " Sometime We'll
Understand" , sung by V. F. McHan, accompanied by Mrs. W. F. Nichol, and the
prelude played by Mrs. Nichol. Carrying the flowers were Mrs. Bertha Thomas,
Mrs. Alice Forbush, Mrs. May Ball, Mrs. Sue Frampton, Mrs. Maggie Stumbo and
Flitton, members of the F. O. E. auxiliary. Pall bearers were Ray Reeder, Leslie
Cottrell, William, Kenneth, and Reeder and John W. Adams. The Rev. Mr. Pool's
address was built around the theme, " Mother's Wisdom." Mrs. Coldiron was born
in St. Joseph, Mo., January 9, 1857. She was married October 13, 1872, to John
G. Coldiron and to this union was born 10 children, six of whom survive. Her
husband preceded her in death June 2, 1914, at Stockton, Kas. Mr. and Mrs.
Coldiron were pioneer of western Kansas. At the age of 60 she came with her
youngest son to Idaho and took up a homestead near Liddy Hot Springs where she
lived for six years, later moving to Idaho Falls to make her home with her
daughter, Ray Reeder, with whom she stayed until her death. She joined the
Christian church when 14 years old and had been an active worker all her life.
The following sons and daughters survive: W. S. Coldiron of Columbus, Kas., Mrs.
Olive Jones of Naponee, Neb., Ralph E. Coldiron of Yamhill, Ore., Mrs. Ray
Reeder of Idaho Falls, Mrs. Maude Hopkins of Naponee, Neb., and Mrs. D. W. Adams
of Kennewick, Wash. Seventeen grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren also
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the
neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted during the illness and death of our
beloved mother, also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. and Mrs. Ray
Reeder and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Adams and family. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Reeder
and family.
21 Mar 1935 Plainville Times Warren W. Yeagy died at the age of 86 on 13 Mar 1935. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
Aft 7 Jan 1935 unknown paper Jeremiah Leigh " Jerry
Lee" Hall
J. L. Hall, son of and David Hall was born at Flemingsburg Ky., Dec
12, 1874, died in St. Anthony Hospital, at Hays, being 60 years and 26 days old.
Four brothers and one sister survive him. Will of Stockton John of Kelso, Wash.,
Charlie of Sargent, Nebr. Roy, of Fairmont, West Virginia and Mary Newman of San
Diego Calif. The mother, father and one sister Lulu Vanhorn, preceded him in
death. Came to Rooks County with family April 30, 1883. Married to Florence
Maddy Sept. 30, 1902. Had 5 children Burnett and Delmo of Wilmington, Calif.,
Robert Lee, who is a member of CCC camp at Seneca, Kans., Wakeene and Herman
Wilson who died in infancy. All were with him during his last illness but Delmo
who was unable to be present. Also a niece, Myrtle Reeder of Los Angeles,
Calif., was raised in his home and was like an own daughter to him. He moved to
Lomita, Calif., in 1910, returned to Kansas June, 1930, at Wakeeney. Funeral at
Christian church in Stockton, Rex A. Harmon minister. Article provided by Gail
22 Feb 1934 Plainville Times Wilborn Jasper Overholser
Wilborn Jasper Overholser was born in Bradley Co. near Cleveland, Tenn., Feb 21,
1856 and departed this life at his home one mile east of Codell, Kansas, Feb.
15, 1934 at 1 P. M. at the age of 77 years, 11 months, 24 days.
When a small
boy he moved with his mother, brother and two sisters, (His father having passed
to the Great Beyond at the close of the civil war) from Tenn., to Edwardsville,
Kansas, where they lived seven years then on to Lawrence, Kansas, where they
resided 1 1-2 years, then proceeding westward in the pioneer style of covered
wagons to Rooks County, where he homesteaded 8 miles east of Plainville in
Corning Township. April 1. 1878 and he was the last remaining one of the colony
of early settlers coming at that particular time to pass on and also the last of
his immediate family. Being the eldest son he took the responsibility of caring
for his mother which he did until her death in 1902.
On August 20, 1890, he
was united in marriage to Mrs Tulia B. Drake of Plainville, Kansas, and together
they traveled down life’s pathway for over 43 years enduring the hardships of
early times and prosperous times of later years, never complaining or giving up
when times looked dark and dreary. To this Union was born 5 boys and 4 girls,
Jesse, Roy and another son all dying in infancy and one daughter Effie in April
1917. He spent 37 years of his life on his old homestead and in 1914 he
purchased his present home and moved to it in 1915 where he spent the rest of
his life. When a young man he gave his heart to Jesus and later joined the
Baptist church at Codell where he was still a member and always attended
services until his health failed, up to the time of his death always performing
by word and deed the things his Christ wanted him to do.
He leaves behind him
his faithful, loving wife, 2 sons, and Raymond, 3 daughters, Cora Reed, Teasley
and Lura Ekey who were all at his bedside and all reside near the home except
Raymond, who lives at Asherville, Kansas. Twelve grandchildren, nieces and
nephews and a host of other relatives and friends.
He was a kind, loving and
dutiful husband, father and grandfather, always thinking of the welfare of
others granting their desires and wishes to the fullest extent of his ability.
He loved his grandchildren and always greeted them with a simile and some kind
of cheerful greeting, and will be sadly missed from the home, family circle and
community. He was always of a healthy stature able to do a full days work until
about six months ago when his health began to fail and all was done that medical
aid could do but to no avail, and he continued to fail and about three weeks ago
he became bedfast gradually growing weaker until the end came. Loving, faithful
hand ministered unto him doing all they could but Our Father in Heaven knew best
and relieved him of his suffering. He was a patient sufferer never murmuring,
when he realized there was no help for him made the statement a few days before
his death he would be crossing over.
It is hard to give up one we love so
dear, but when Jesus gave the summons he went home to Glory as his race was run,
his tasks were finished. He cannot come back to us but he can go to him for we
know he will be waiting for us on that Bright and Happy Shore.
services were conducted Friday, 2:00 P.M. at the Baptist church in Codell by
Pastor Rev. A. S. Gwinn and interment was made in the Shiloh cemetery.
We take this means of expressing our heart felt thanks to all our
relatives and friends who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of
our dear husband and father also for the beautiful. Mrs W. J. Overholser and
children. Article submitted by Ekey.
4 Jan 1934 The St. Joseph
Gazette Robert Lewis Stephens
Dies of Heart Attack
R. L. Stephens,
Eighty-Four, Was Founder of Woodston, Kan.
Robert Lewis Stephens, eighty-four
years old, founder to the town of Woodston, in Rooks County, Kan., died suddenly
last night a short time after he was stricken with a heart attack. He suffered
the attack at Fifth and Edmons Street and died a few minutes later in a private
car while being taken to the Missouri Methodist Hospital. Mr. Stephens was a
native of Ohio and came Missouri in 1860, settling on a farm near Rochester.
Later he removed to Kansas and founded the town of Woodston. He became a
druggist and followed this profession until 1904 when he returned to St. Joseph.
Until his retirement six years ago he was employed at the Brown Transfer and
Storage Company. For a number of years he lived with his daughter, Mrs. Della
Haskins, 1528 Sacramento Street. Recently he lived at the Memorial Home. Besides
his daughter he is survived by his wife, Mrs. Martha Stephens; two other
daughters, Mrs. H. R. Penney, Columbus, Ohio, and Mrs. J. I. Herbert, Scarsdale,
N. Y.; two sons, J. L. Stephens, Kansas City, and A. L. Stephens, St. Joseph;
and two sisters, Mrs. Flora Doty, Amazonia, and Mrs. Ida Dawson, St. Joseph. The
body is at Heaton, BeGole & Bowman's mortuary.
20 Jul 1933
Plainville Times Martha Jane Overholser Collins
Martha Jane Overholser
Collins died at the home of her son, Ora, at the age of 80 years 11 months and
16 days. She left Tennessee with her mother when about 18 years old. Lived at
Lawrence the Edwardsville for 7 years and came to Rooks County in 1878. Several
families traveled together in covered wagons. They homesteaded in Twin Mound
Township. They moved to Plainville in 1914 where they resided until 2 1/2 years
ago when they came to live with Ora. She was a charter member of the Codell
Baptist Church and a pioneer in the settlement of this country Submitted by
Doyle Ekey.
30 Mar 1933 Rooks County Record Matilda Alifair
(Allie) Coldiron Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coldiron was born May
11, 1870 near Morehead, Rowan County, KY and was departed this life March 22,
1933 in Stockton, being 62 yrs. 9 mos. and 11 days of age. She lived in Kentucky
until she came to Stockton, Kansas in 1897.
She married George Martin on July
23, 1902. They had two children, Perle and The son Perle died in 1905 at age 4
months. She leaves to mourn her husband and daughter, Mrs. Jessie Nelson (later
Powers). Article provided by Otto Coldiron of Florida. See Next obituary.
Unknown date and paper Mrs. George Martin
Mrs. George Martin was
a sister of Susan Hall. She was born May 11, 1870, near Morehead, Rowan County,
Kentucky, died March 22, 1933. She was married to George Martin July 23, 1902.
They had two children Perle and The son Perle died January 11, 1905, age 4
months. Sisters, Mrs. Emma Grooms of West Union, Ohio four brothers Charlie and
Jess of Stout, Ohio, of Rome, KY., Byden near West Union, Ohio, and a half
sister Julia Murphy of Armington, Ark. Member of Methodist church. Funeral
services were held at M. E. church. Rev. C. E. Spalding was minister. Article
provided by Gail McComb. (Buried in the Stockton Cemetery).
Feb 1933 Galesburg's Daily Register Mail Edward Trulock
Edward Trulock of St.
Augustine Dies Saturday
St. Augustine, Feb. 27 - The residents of this
community were shocked Saturday evening when the word was confirmed that Edward
Trulock had died about eight o'clock. Although he had been under the doctor's
care for the past several months and had accompanied his son to Bushnell during
the afternoon, the seriousness of his condition was not generally known. Edward
B. Trulock, the son of Jackson and Louise B. Redman Trulock, was born May 2,
1867, at Austin Indiana. When he was yet a child, the family moved to Missouri
where he grew to young manhood and received his education in the rural schools.
He came to Illinois when a young man and on April 10, 1895, was united in
marriage to Annie Belle Fielder of St. Augustine, who with the following
children survives him: Arlie of Montezuma, New Mexico; Miss Fern of East Moline,
Ill.; Donald of Chicago; Mrs. Josephine Olinger of Hermon; Mrs. Maude Anderson,
Mrs. Rose Lee, James and Miss Doris of St. Augustine. There are eight
grandchildren; his mother-in-law, Mrs. Maria Fielder; a brother, Charles Trulock
of Brighton, Iowa; two sisters, Mrs. Susan Doughty of Stockton, Kansas, and Mrs.
Alice Steele of Hiawatha, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Trulock spent the first years
of their married life here; during that time he was rural free delivery carrier,
in which capacity he was well known for his integrity and efficiency. In 1906
the Trulock family moved to Pretty Prairie neighborhood and until 1932 they
lived on farms in the vicinity of Abingdon or Galesburg. Last spring he with his
family moved here to reside with Mrs. Maria Fielder. Mr. Trulock was quiet and
unassuming but was highly respected as a good friend and an honest citizen.
Funeral services will be held from the St. Augustine Christian Church Wednesday
afternoon, March 1 at 2 p.m.
After 27 Dec 1932 Rooks County
Record Jonathan W. Callender
Jonathan W. Callender, was born in Bradford,
Luzern County, Penn., on November 2nd, 1845 and died at Stockton, Kansas,
December 27, 1932. He was the third son of J. F. Callender
In 1856, his
parents moved to Chicksaw County, Iowa, where as pioneers they did their part in
the early development of that state. J. W., as he was known by his friends, was
educated in Upper Iowa University, a Methodist Episcopal Institution of Fayette,
Iowa. After completing his education he taught school for a number of years in
Iowa, ten of these years serving as Superintendent of Schools at Elgin, Iowa. He
also acted as assistant County Superintendent of Schools in that county. On
December 18, 1873 he was married to Sarah E. Gardner and both he and his wife
taught school for some years after their marriage.
He moved to Stockton,
Kans. in 1878, where he has resided continuously till the date of his death.
Mrs. Callender preceded him to the world beyond on October 18, 1913.
Callender was very prominent in business in his active years, and especially in
the early history of Stockton and Rooks county. Many of the movements for the
development and welfare of the town and country round about were given his
earnest direction and help. For many rears he was a prominent merchant of
Stockton. He held at times large real estate interests. He was one of the
organizers of the Exchange Bank of Stockton, and was its president for a period
of time in its early history. He bought the lots on which the Stockton National
Bank now stands and built the building now used as a banking house.
He served
as Clerk of the District Court of Rooks county from 1881 to 1884, and held other
important offices in the town and county, and was for years after he had retired
from business Trustee of Stockton township. He was a charter member of Newahcuba
Lodge No. 189 A. f. & A. M., Stockton: Solomon Valley Chapter No. 81 R. A. M.
and the Order of the Eastern Star, and was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge and
the Rebekahs. Many years ago he united with the Congregational church and until
failing health prevented was a constant attendant upon its Sunday school and
worship services.
Mr. and Mrs. Callender had no children of their own, but
they loved children, and years ago a niece, Callender lived with them, and later
they adopted a girl, now Marguerite Burke, who has been staying with Mr.
Callender and taking care of him for the past two years. One brother, Dr. W. B.
Callender, came to Stockton after J. W. had been here for a number of years and
was for many years a prominent physician, dying in February, 1919. He is
survived by one brother, M. Callender of Clarion, Iowa, and his foster daughter,
This in brief is the story of the live of this friend and Neighbor, in whose
memory many will ever cherish. He was permitted to live beyond the average years
of man. He had witnessed the pioneer days and growth of two great stated. He had
his part, and all was well. Wife, brothers and sisters preceded his beyond the
shadows. for years he journeyed on alone to that horizon where the dusk is
waiting for the night. He has left his community and friends the greatest
heritage that man can bestow--the record of a long, good and wholesome life, and
that of an honorable and useful citizen. He will be missed.
The funeral
services were held on Wednesday afternoon at the Congregational church, with
Rev. Gonzales, the pastor, in charge. Interment was in the Stockton cemetery.
The various organizations of which he was a member were present and the Masonic
Lodge had charge of the services at the grave.
Accompanied Nancy (Tipton)
Gardner's body from Stockton, KA to West Union, Iowa for funeral at DR Fullers
home. Article provided by Don Gardner.
aft 24 Nov 1932 Hill City
Times Robert Levi Jackson
Robert Levi Jackson, son of J. E. and Mollie
Jackson, was born in Clay County Nebraska, July 29, 1878 and died in the
Lakeside Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, the morning of November 24, 1932. On
Jan 3, 1894, he moved with his parents, brothers and sisters, to Kansas, where
they settled on a farm near Palco, in Rooks County. They moved to Graham County
in 1897. On September 1, 1901, he was married to Miss Katie M. Allen. During
their early married life, they lived on a farm in Morlan Township, moving to
Hill City in 1910, where they have since made their home. His mother and three
sisters preceded him in death. He leaves to mourn: His widow, his father, J. E.
Jackson of Elbert, Colorado; five brothers, one sister, and other relatives and
He was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Hill City.
11 Nov 1932 Ransom Record Henry Copper
Henry Copper was born July 14, 1853,
in Freeport, Ill., and departed this life at the Midwest Hospital in Ransom,
Kansas, October 28, 1932 at the age of 79 years, 3 months and 14 days. When just
a boy he moved with his parents to Iowa Falls, Iowa, where in 1881 he was united
in marriage to Charlotte Rainsberger. In 1883 the young couple moved to
Concordia, Kansas, and in 1887 came to Ness City where he engaged in the trade
of blacksmith for a number of years. For the past several years they have lived
on a farm in Nevada township. Besides his companion of more than fifty years Mr.
Copper is survived by one brother Frank of Oklahoma, a niece, Mrs. Smith, of
Lebanon, Kansas and one nephew, Ed Copper of Stockton, Kansas, and other
relatives whose residences are not now known. Mr. Copper has suffered with
cancer for a number of years, and during the last weeks of his life was
faithfully cared for by the staff of the Midwest Hospital. The funeral service
was held at the Methodist Church conducted by the pastor Rev. C. E. Hall.
after 1 Aug 1932 unknown paper Mabel Maye Coonrod
Mabel Maye
COONROD was born in Ada, Minnesota, May 6, 1900 and passed away at the Mercy
Hospital, San Diego, CA, Aug 1, 1932, aged thirty-two years, two months and 25
days. When two years old moved with her parents to Mahaska, KS and spent the
remainder of their girlhood days here, where she made many friends. She
graduated from the Mahaska High School with the class of 1919, after which she
taught a term of school near Plainville, KS. She united in marriage to Richard
ODGERS of Haddam, KS in 1922. Her first three years of married life were spent
in Haddam, after which they moved to California. She is survived by her husband,
her father A. B. COONROD, two brothers, Elmer Rea Heights, SD and Lee of
Oakdale, NE. Her mother preceded her in death nineteen years ago. Maye was
baptized and united with the Presbyterian church in 1913 at the age of 13. Mr.
and Mrs Odgers spent ten years of a very happy wedded life. Mrs. ODGERS was of a
cheerful disposition which won for her many friends during her short life time.
Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon at Mahaska and the remains were
laid to rest in the Mahaska cemetery.
31 Mar 1932 Plainville
Times Hannah Matilda Overholser
Hannah Matilda Overholser was born March 31,
1854, in Bradley Co., Cleveland, Tenn. Departed this life March 25, 1932 at the
home of her daughter, W. T. Weaverling.
She was united in marriage to
Sebastian C. Winters, Jan 29, 1878, at Edwardsville, Kansas. They moved to Rooks
Co. in March of the same year and homesteaded the place where she spent the last
few months of her live, 5 miles east and one south of Plainville, Kansas.
and Mrs. Winters endured the hardships of the early days with courage and
To this union 7 children were born. Her husband preceded her in
death in 1914 and one son, Winters in 1923.
She leaves to mourn her departure
3 daughters and 3 sons: Mrs. Etta Weaverling, Codell, Kansas Mrs. Francis
Hoskins, Codell, Kansas Mrs. Dora Smith, Codell, Kansas Willard Winters
Plainville, Kansas Winters, Salina, Kansas Emery Winters, Denver, Colorado One
sister, Mrs. J. A. Collins, one brother, W. J. Overholser and other relatives
and a host of friends.
All of her children except one son, Winters of Denver
were present during her last illness.
At an early age she united with the
Baptist church of Codell, Kansas and lived a consistent member until moving to
Plainville. After which she transferred her membership to the M. E. Church. She
remained a devout Christian, always living in the love of God. She leaves behind
her many tender memories that will be cherished by her children and all who knew
Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church at 2:30, conducted by
Rev. Courter of Palco, Kansas, assisted by Gwinn of Codell. The pall bearers
were her grandsons, and Eber Winters, Hoskins, and Olen Weaverling.
She was
laid to rest in the Plainville Cemetery by the side of her husband.
“Time was
I dreamed that my soul’s content must lie in the thing I own,
But little I
knew what “precious” meant when I fancied it brick and stone.
The joys I have
had for a little while Would they were mine today
The sound of her voice, and
the light of her smile given and taken away
An this I have learned by the
silent grave and the tears I‘ve had to weep
The precious joys are not those
we save But the one we cannot keep.
We wish to express our sincere thanks to
all who so kindly assisted during the illness and death of our beloved mother.
The Children. Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
After 9 Oct. 1931
Plainville Times Alfred Frank Stone
ALFRED FRANK STONE born, March 4, 1855
Cataragas County, New York, died October 9, 1931, aged 76 years, 7 months, 5
Mr. Stone was one of a family of eight of which only one remains, MRS.
GEORGE RUFFNER, Wichita Falls, Texas.
Married, June 14, 1885 to CORA (AMANDA
CORA ANN) KING, who preceded him in death twenty three years ago, October 31,
1908. To this union were born eleven children, two dying in infancy. (WALTER
ERNEST STONE died January 27, 1887 and NELLIE STONE died April 15, 1905)
married MRS. L. B. (LUCINDA BELLE KING) BRUMITT, January 12, 1913 at Plainville,
He is survived by his wife, (LUCINDA) BELLE STONE, a sister, MRS.
GEO. RUFFNER, Wichita Falls, Texas, nine children, LEWIS of Ellinwood, Kansas,
CLAUDE of Plainville, Kansas, of Palco, Kansas, EDWIN of Topeka, Kansas, MRS.
EVA MCCARTER of Topeka, Kansas, MRS. ANNABELLE ROGERS of Lawrence, Kansas, MRS.
KATE KOLACNY, Goodland, Kansas, MRS. RUTH BOYS a step- daughter, Densmore,
Kansas twenty-eight grandchildren, many nieces and nephews and a host of
friends. Mr. Stone was born in New York state, but moved with his parents to
Cincinnati, Ohio, where he spent his childhood and later spent some time at Lee
Summit, Mo. When a young man in the early twenties he with a brother and two
other young men, drove cattle from Missouri to western Kansas settling in the
Turkville (Ellis County) vicinity on the Saline river.
After marrying, he and
his wife took a homestead on the Saline where he lived until he moved to
Plainville nine years ago.
Mr. Stone was converted while a young man and when
the Turkville Baptist Church was organized he was a charter member and an
ordained deacon. Mr. Stone’s membership was always in the Turkville church. He
attended the Christian Church since moving to Plainville.
Only a few days
before his death he asked that the verse John 11:22 be read to him. " But I
know, that even now whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it to thee."
This verse with many others was on the fan which he used during his last
He possessed the Christian virtues of Knowledge, Temperance,
Patience, Godliness, and Brotherly Kindness.
Funeral services were held in
the Baptist Church at Codell, Kansas, Sunday, 2:00 P. M. October 11, 1931,
conducted by A. S. Gwinn, with interment in the Turkville (Norman Cemetery)
Cemetery. (South of Codell, KS)
19 Mar 1931 Plainville Times John G. Axelson died at the age of 58 on 15 Mar 1931. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
16 Oct 1930 Plainville Times William
William North was born in Lee County, Virginia, September 16, 1839 and
departed this life October 8, 1930 aged 91 years and 22 days. He moved to
Kentucky with his parents in 1841. He was united in marriage to Elizabeth Davis,
July 31 1862 in Harlan county Kentucky. They moved from Kentucky in 1867 to
Iowa. From Iowa to Ottawa county Kansas in 1877, then on to his present home in
Rooks County in September 1878 which he took as a homestead. To this union was
born 13 children, 8 of whom survive, two sons and six daughters: W. L. North of
Tulsa, Oklahoma; H. B. North of Mounds, Oklahoma; Mrs. A.M. Johnson of Gove,
Kansas; Mrs. Martha Langdon of Kansas City, Kansas; Mrs. E. C. Ganoung of
Plainville, Kansas; Mrs. G. S. Schrock of Tulsa, Oklahoma; Mrs. Chlora Thiel of
Monticella, Minn; Mrs. W. J. Winters of Plainville, Kansas; all of whom were
present except H. B. North of Mounds, Okla. His faithful wife departed this life
June 21, 1911 at Plainville, Kansas. He and his wife united with the Christian
Church at Albia, Iowa more than 55 years ago. He helped to organize the first
Christian Church of Plainville of which he was a faithful member until his
death. He was also a charter member of the Plainville I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 306.
He leaves to mourn his death besides his children, 34 grandchildren, 48 great
grandchildren, besides a host of dear friends and neighbors.
Funeral services
were conducted by Rev. Burris at the M. E. church, Friday afternoon and
interment in the Plainville Cemetery. Submitted by Jessica Ferguson.
Aft. 12 Jun 1930 Unknown Paper Mrs. Howard Bently Van Horn
Mrs. Howard
Bently Van Horn (Lula Paine Hall Reeder VanHorn) - Born February 24, 1870
obituary Lulu P. Hall was born at Flemingsburg, Kentucky February 24, 1870. She
passed to the world beyond on June 12, 1930, aged 60 years, three month and nine
days. She came to Rooks County in 1882 and resided here until her death. In June
1884 she was married to Sherman Reeder. To this union four children were born,
one daughter, having preceded her mother in death. The other 3 are Miss Myrtle,
Ray and Ralph. In June 1898, her husband died. In 1901 she was united in
marriage to H. B. Vanhorn to this union was born two sons Forrest and Everett.
Thirty-seven years ago she became a member of the Christian Church at Stockton
of which she was a member at the time of her death. For several years she was a
nurse and is held in high esteem by those to which she administered. She had
been in failing health for several years. Three weeks ago she was taken to her
bed from which she never arose. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, H. B.
Vanhorn of Stockton, the five children Miss Myrtle Reeder of Los Angeles,
California Ray T. Reeder of Idaho Falls, Idaho Ralph L. Reeder of Plainville B.
Vanhorn of Detroit, Michigan Everett D. Vanhorn of Stockton one sister Mrs. W.
A. Newman of San Diego, California, and five brothers Hall of Kelso, Washington,
Hall of Los Angeles, California Charley Hall of Hazard, Nebraska Roy Hall of
Pennsylvania, and Will Hall of Stockton. She leaves 13 grandchildren and a host
of friends and neighbors that have known and loved her through the years.
Funeral services were held from the Christian Church, Sunday afternoon, Rev. C.
E. Knoles, the pastor, speaking words of comfort to the bereaved ones. Her four
sons, and two grandsons Duane and Dwight Hazen rendered final services as pall
bearers. Burial was made in Stockton Cemetery. This article was provided by Dr.
& Mrs. Bill Korb of Stockton.
23 Jan 1930 Plainville Times Benjamin F. Hill at the age of 54 on 24 Dec 1929. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
aft 29 Oct 1929 Unknown Paper
Rachel McCormick White Carley
Grandma Carley
The death of Grandma Carley
last Sunday marks the passing of the oldest inhabitant of the county, and a
resident of the Laclede neighborhood for 58 years. She had attained the unusual
age of over 99 years. Rachel McCormick White, eldest child of George and Sarah
White, was born at Sligo, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa., on July 8th, 1830, and
died at the home of her son, Tom Carley, near Wamego, October 20, 1929, aged 99
years, 3 months and 12 days. Her mother dying when she was three years old, she
lived to young womanhood with an uncle, Judge Lowry, of Allegheny City, Pa.. On
October 14, 1856, she was united in marriage with William G. Woodall and went
with him to a farm near Elkport, IA. To this union one child was born, Caroline
W. On October 4, 1862, she was married to Thomas A. Carley at Jamestown, Wis.
where she had taught school for several years. To the union were born six
children: George, Sherman, Thomas and Alonzo, twins, and John. Alonzo and John
have preceded her to the spirit world. In October, 1871, she with her husband
and family came to Kansas and settled one mile east of where the Mt. Union
Baptist Church now stands, of which she was a member and faithful attendant as
long as she was able. At that time there was no schoolhouse or church there. She
endured many hardships in those years of drought and grasshoppers. But she
always clung to her faith and was a great reader of the Bible and a faithful
instructor of her children. On November 18, 1881, her husband passed to the
great beyond and to Mother Carley was left the task of rearing her family.
The surviving children to mourn her loss are: Mrs. Caroline Pilkington of Edged,
Iowa; Mrs. Frances Misamore, of Wamego, Kansas; Geo. Carley, Westmoreland,
Kansas; Sherman Carley, Codell, Kansas; Thomas Carley, Wamego, Kansas; also
thirty-two grandchildren and Forty-five great-grandchildren.
Aug 1929 The Tiller and Toiler Obituary of Floyd Foss
After 7 Aug 1929 unknown paper Infant Son Ekey
Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Emery Ekey was born on August 6, 1929 and went to dwell with Jesus at 5 a. m. on
August 7th after making only a brief stay of 25 hours with his parents.
services were held at the home at 3 o’clock on the afternoon of August 7,
conducted by Rev Gwinn pastor of the Codell Baptist Church and the tiny form was
laid to rest in the Shiloh Cemetery.
Our precious babe from us is gone
voice we longed to hear
But we know thou art with Jesus
And will always
linger near.
We sincerely thank our relatives and friends
who so kindly assisted us in the loss of our darling baby, also for the
beautiful floral offerings. and Mrs. Emery Ekey. Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
24 May 1929 The Stillwater Gazette Mrs. Sarah Maria Posser
Sarah Maria Prosser, 73, died in Stillwater, Oklahoma Monday morning, May 20,
1929, at her home, 401 Duck street. Although she had been ill about two weeks,
her death was unexpected. She had been a victim of indigestion recently but was
recovering and was not confined to her bed Sunday. Funeral services for Mrs.
Prosser were conducted at 3 o¹clock Monday afternoon at the Strode Funeral home,
610 Duncan Street with the Rev. Virgil G. Nailey officiating. The body was taken
to Perry immediately after the ceremony and put aboard the train for Plainville,
Kansas, where further services were held Wednesday followed by burial. Miss
Ethel Prosser, daughter of the decedent and Mrs. Grace Poole, accompanied the
body to Plainville. Mrs. Prosser was born in Knoxville, Iowa, August 17, 1855.
She was married there to Charles F. Prosser in 1885. Mr. Prosser died at
Plainville, June 3, 1926. After his death, Mrs. Prosser came to Stillwater to
live with her daughter, who is employed in the chief clerk¹s office at Oklahoma
Agricultural and Mechanical college. In addition to the daughter, Mrs. Prosser
is survived by two sons, Clarence E. Prosser, Kansas City, Mo., and Harley D,
Prosser, San Diego, Calif. and by two brothers, L. E. Royer, Plainville, Kan.
and M. F. Royer, Spokane, Wash. See Family Website.
Aft. 2 Apr
1929 unknown paper Mrs. H. G. Reeder
Anna Bell Sears was born in Illinois,
December 19, 1859 and departed this life at the family home, near Stockton,
Tuesday, April 2, 1929, aged 71 years, 5 months and 13 days. In 1869, she moved
to St. Louis and came to Kansas in 1879. She was married to Hudson G. Reeder on
October 22, 1879. To this union six children were born, three girls and three
boys. The eldest daughter passed to her reward in 1904. One daughter Mrs. P. M.
Reeves lives in California, and the other, Mrs. B. F. Gager, in Stockton. One
son, Claude lives in Missouri, and the other two, George and Guy are in
She leaves to morn her departure the husband, five children,
sixteen grandchildren, five great grandchildren and other relatives.
deceased accepted Christ in 1879 and was a faithful worker until death called
her. She was an active and faithful W. C. T. U. worker for many years.
funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. G. Hollowell, pastor of the Christian
church at Plainville, Kans., in the Stockton church on Wednesday afternoon.
Article provided by Wanda Vanhorn Sammons.
April 24,1929,
Plainville Times Victor Simpson
A large company of relatives and friends met
at the Turkville Baptist Church (Ellis County) Sunday afternoon to pay the last
tribute of respect to Victor Simpson, who passed away April 24,1929, at the
Larned Hospital. Services at the church were conducted by Rev. Gwinn of Codell
and interment was made in the Turkville (Norman Cemetery) Cemetery at which
place the A.F.A.M. of Codell, of which he was a member, took charge of the
services. The following is a few short notes on his life:
Victor Hugo Simpson
was born at Turkville, Kansas, February 19, 1878 and departed this life at
Larned, Kansas, on April 24, 1929 at the age of 51 years, 2 months, and 6 days.
He leaves in sadness for his going his mother, Mrs. Julia Simpson of Turkville,
Kansas, five brothers, and Bert of Casper, Wyoming and Clarence of Turkville,
Kansas and one sister, Mr. Hugh Cress of Turkville, Kansas and a host of other
relatives and friends. His death was a shock to every one as he was only ill a
very short time. will be remembered by his kind helpful disposition. He was
always willing to help those who needed help and service, and was especially
watchful and careful of the comforts of his aged mother, who will miss him most.
He united with the M. E. Church about 15 years ago while in Chicago but never
affiliated himself with any church organization in his home community. In his
going the community has lost a kind, cheerful neighbor and friend.
10 Jan 1929 Plainville Times Ruby Jane Clements died at the age of two weeks on 8 Jan 1929. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
13 Dec 1928 Natoma Independent James Dougherty
Another Veteran is
Jas. Dougherty, 83, Civil War Veteran, died at his home in Natoma
yesterday forenoon, Dec 12, about nine a.m. following a long illness. His heart
suddenly ceased functioning, bring death at a time when it was not expected.
Funeral services are to be conducted this afternoon at two o'clock at Codell by
Rev. Givinn, pastor there, and burial will be in Shiloh cemetery. His wife died
four years ago. He has six living children. The deceased enlisted in 1862 in Co.
B 111 volunteer Illinois Infantry, as drummer boy, and served until the close of
the war. He came to Rooks County in 1885, living there continuously until moving
to Natoma eleven years ago. He served three terms as probate judge of Rooks
County. Mr. Dougherty was a gentleman in every sense of the word, and had the
love and respect of not only his family but the community at large. His going
takes another pioneer and veteran of the fast diminishing band of such men and
women from our midst.
Rooks County Record
Jas. Dougherty Died
Yesterday Morning was a Former Probate Judge of this County. A telephone call
from Codell yesterday announced the death of James G. Dougherty at his home in
Natoma, at 9:30 o'clock that morning. It is said that he had been in poor state
of health for some time. Mr. Dougherty was a former probate judge for three
terms. He retired from office in January, 1913, being succeeded by Wm. Adams. He
had held his residence at Codell until four or five years ago when he moved to
Natoma. He leaves a family of several children.
after 8 Nov 1928
unknown paper James Johnson
James JOHNSON, 1305 Calhoun passed away Thursday
afternoon as a result of a heart attack suffered while loading kindling on a
truck at the rear of the Guthrie Funeral home. His age was fifty-eight years,
five months and twenty-nine days. JOHNSON had resided in Marysville for the past
three years, coming here from Rooks County, Kans. He was born in Louisa County,
IA., May 9, 1870. His early life was spent in Iowa, and he came to Kansas with
his parents in 1887, locating in Rooks County. He married August 23, 1899, to
Alfretta WHALEY, a sister of G. A. STEWART, 1018 Broadway, who preceded him in
death June 10, 1928. Nine children were born to this union, one son dying in
infancy. those who survived are: Mrs. Georgia WILLIAMS, Cedaredge, Colo.,
Elizabeth MEDENDORF Frances MILLER, Grover Robert of Woodston, Kans Wm. of Mount
Clemens, Mich. and May and Robert of Marysville his sister, Mrs. A. L. RATHBUN
and a brother, George F. JOHNSON of Simpson, Kans. Funeral services were held
Saturday afternoon at the G. A. Stewart home. Interment was made in the
Marysville Cemetery.
18 Oct 1928 Plainville Times Charles A. Hill died at the age of 58 on 3 Oct 1928. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
aft 11 Jul 1928 Kirwin Ks Hannah Killmer
Killmer was born at Argyle, Washington Co, New York January 1, 1833 and died at
Woodston, Kansas, July 8, 1928. She was united in marriage in 1850 to M. J.
McFadden. To this union 9 children were born. Two girls preceded her in death,
Ida and Mattie. In 1856 they moved to Prairie City, Jasper Co, Iowa. In 1874,
they settled in Kirwin, Phillips Co, Kansas where they did the tasks and endured
the hardships of pioneers. Since the death of husband in 1897 she has resided at
Woodston, Kansas. She was converted at 15 years of age and united with the
Methodist Episcopal Church and remained an exemplary Christian throughout a long
useful life. She held her membership at Woodston at the time of her departure.
She leaves to mourn her loss John G. McFadden of Woodston, Thomas M. Therma, New
Mexico, James E. Kirwin Kansas, Maggie Karker, Freewater, OR, Alice Noble,
Woodston, K S, Mary Southard, Murrietta, California, Addie M. Byers, Kirwin
Kansas. She had twenty eight grandchildren and thirty one great grandchildren.
Words s he often quote were "We are all the same We are all to blame We are all
made out of clay and while we're here friends so dear, will drive all cares away
The funeral service were held at the Woodston Methodist Episcopal church
Tuesday by Rev Mr Mckeen. He took for his text Psalms 116:15 and dwelt on the
pioneering of Mrs. McFadden, how she had been here to see the first telephone
line, the first railroad in this country. She was one of those who made possible
on the Great American Desert the homes of men. She was buried in the Kirwin
Cemetery by the side of her husband.
after 10 Jun 1928 unknown
paper Mrs. James Johnson
Mrs. James JOHNSON passed away Sunday morning at
6:40 O’clock at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. A. STEWART, 1018 Broadway, aged
45 years, six months and five days. Her health resulted from heart trouble, with
which she had suffered about seven years. Mrs. Johnson was, before her marriage
on August 25, 1898, Mabel Alfretta WHALEY. She was born Dec 5, 1882 in Brown
County, near Hiawatha. When she was twelve years old she moved with her parents
to Rooks County. She resided there until coming to Marysville about four years
ago. She was a member of Friends Church. Mrs. JOHNSON is survived by her
husband, James A. JOHNSON, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. WHALEY of Clovis, New
Mexico, four sisters, and one brother, Mrs. Myrtle MILLER, William WHALEY of
Woodston, Kansas, Mrs. Edna LUDWICK, Clovis, N. M., Mrs. Gladys HARDY,
Albuquerque, N.M., Mrs. Minnie STEWART Marysville, and eight children, Mrs.
Elizabeth MEDENDORP Frances MILLER, Grover and Robert JOHNSON of Woodston,
Kansas, Mrs. Georgia WILLIAMS of Cedaredge, Colo. , William JOHNSON of Mount
Clemens, Mich., Ruth and Mae JOHNSON at home. She is also survived by six
grandchildren. Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, Rev. Hites preaching the sermon. Interment was made
in the Marysville City Cemetery.
23 Dec 1926 Plainville Times Elizabeth (nee Shumard) Edson Buch Foster died at the age of 76 on 16 Dec 1926. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information. See obituary below.
23 Dec 1926 Plainville Times Elizabeth A. Shumard
Elizabeth A.
Shumard was born in Monroe County, Ohio, June 2, 1850 and departed this life at
the home of her daughter W. J. Overholser of Codell, Kansas, December 16, 1926,
age 76 years, 6 months, 15 days. In 1855 she moved with her parents to Harrison
Co., Mo., where she grew to womanhood.
On Jan 3rd, 1872 she was united in
marriage to Alonzo Edson and to this union one daughter was born. In 1877 they
moved to Rooks county, Kansas and homesteaded in Plainville Township being among
the pioneer settlers enduring the hardships of the early days where they lived
until the time of his death. She has continually lived in or near Plainville
ever since until the past year when she has been at the home of her daughter. In
Oct. 1890 she was united in marriage to John Buchheister who also preceded her
in death. In Dec. 1890 she was united in marriage to J. R. Foster who also
preceded her. She was converted at the age of 10 years and united with the
Methodist Episcopal church of which she was a faithful member until death never
tiring of heeding the call of her Master and often expressing her willingness
and readiness to go when the call should come. She was a charter member of the
Plainville Rebekah Lodge No. 490.
She leaves to mourn her departure a
daughter, Tulia Overholser of Codell, a step son, Albert Buchheister of
Plainville a brother Shumard of Bethany, Mo., several grandchildren and great
grandchildren besides a host of relatives and friends.
Tis hard to part with
one we love so dear but we know she as gone to dwell in a better world beyond
and will be there to met us in realms of glory.
The funeral services were
held at the Methodist Church in Plainville, Saturday at 2 p.m. A large
attendance of old time neighbors and associations showed their appreciation for
the life devoted to the church, the lodge and the community.
Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our heart felt thinks to our friends who so kindly assisted us
during the sickness and death of our dear mother and grandmother. Also for the
beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Overholser and children.
Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
3 Jun 1926 Plainville Times Charles
Charles Prosser Dies Suddenly
He had come Down Town This Morning to
See A Doctor and Expired While Waiting
Charles Prosser, died this morning at
9:35 in the office of Dr. Miller while waiting to see the doctor. He has not
been feeling well for some time and yesterday suffered considerable from a bad
heart. Mrs. Prosser had insisted that he come to see a doctor this morning and
they had drove down town and he had gone to the post office and to a number of
other places and then they went up to the office. Dr. Miller was not in at the
time and they had set down to wait. While waiting for the doctor he and his wife
were talking when without warning he was stricken with an attack of heart
failure and died before any thing could be done. Dr. Miller came up the stairs
almost immediately and after an examination he pronounced him dead. Mr. Prosser
has been janitor of the school house in this city for a number of years and was
well liked by all. He was always ready to help the children at school with any
thing that he could and was always kind and considerate. See Family Website.
12 Mar 1926 Waverly Journal William Bluford Stice
William Bluford
Stice, for many years a well known farmer of Waverly, died at Springfield
hospital about 10:30 Wednesday morning, at the age of about 88 years. Since the
death of his wife about 26 years ago, Mr. Stice had lived with his children,
having made his home in recent years with his daughter, Mrs. Oliver Neff, of
Springfield. One other daughter, Mrs. W. H. Weatherford, of Jacksonville, and
six sons , survive. The sons are W. E., of Waverly; Clinton, of Decatur; Lon and
Nelson, of Williston, ND.; James, of Zurich, Kansas; and Jesse of the state of
Washington. The body was brought to Waverly yesterday afternoon and funeral
services will be held at the Beatty undertaking parlors. Interment will be in
Rogers cemetery, where Mrs. Stice is buried.
5 Mar 1926 Waverly Journal
William Bluford Stice
William Bluford Stice was born April 16, 1838, the son
of Andrew and Nancy Stice, and died in Springfield March 3, 1926, aged 87 years,
10 months and 17 days. He was married to Sara Jane Smith, who preceded him in
death December 31, 1898. To this union nine children were born, one son, Arthur,
having preceded him in death. Those who survive are two daughters, Mrs. Harry
Neef, of Springfield, and Mrs. W. H. Weatherford, of Jacksonville; and six sons:
W. E., of Waverly; Clinton, of Decatur; Lon and Nelson of Williston, ND., James,
of Zurich, Kansas; and Jesse, of the state of Washington. Most of Mr. Stice's
life was spent in this community where he was a farmer, but since the death of
his wife he has resided with his children, the past eleven years living with his
daughter, Mrs. Neef, in Springfield. Funeral services were held at Beatty's
undertaking parlors last Friday morning, in charge of Rev. J. E. Curry. Music
was furnished by Mrs. W. A. Barrow and Mrs. J. H. Shutt. The pall bearers were
relatives of the deceased: G. W. Stice, J. A. Stice, Oscar Stice, James Miller,
Luther Duncan and William Becker. The flowers were cared for by three
grandchildren, Mrs. Wm. Becker, Misses Carrie and Cornelia Stice. Interment was
in Rogers cemetery where Mrs. Stice was buried.
Oct. 5, 1925 Plainville Times (Francis)Frank A. Simpson was born September 22, 1849 near Knoxville, Tennessee. He was united in marriage to Julia H. King on August 17, 1874. To this union seven children were born all of whom survive him. Arthur, and Pearl They moved to Kansas in 1877 where he lived until his death October 5, 1925. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. B. Parker of Codell. Text-James 4:14. The remains were buried in the Turkville (Norman Cemetery) Cemetery, (Ellis County KS)
aft 26 Apr 1925 Unknown Newspaper
Margaret Ann Daigh Carley
Margaret Ann Daigh, daughter of John and Sarah
Daigh, was born near Rochester, Sangamon County, Illinois, January 20, 1845, and
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Milton Rightmire 26 Apr 1925, at the age
of 80 years, 3 months, and 6 days. She moved with her parents to Wisconsin when
a small child, and there she grew to womanhood. On February 18, 1864, she was
united in marriage to Lieutenant Lot H. Carley at Fairplay, Wisconsin. Three
children survive this union. Mrs. Milton Rightmire of Wamego, Kansas, C. L.
Carley of Plainville, Kansas, and Dr. Harry D. Carley of St. Louis, Missouri.
Her husband died July 15, 1885 at Auburn, Nebraska. She and one brother, G. L.
Daigh are the last of a family of eight children.
When twenty-eight years of
age, Mrs. Carley was converted and joined the Methodist church. She has ever
lived a faithful and consistent Christian life, and at the time of her death was
one of the highly honored, beloved, and respected members of the M. E. church in
Wamego. Those who had the good fortune to know her in the days of her strength
and activity, remember her as one of the most lovable and devoted of Christian
saints. We cannot speak too highly of her, or praise her good deeds too
frequently. She was a woman of refined tastes and desires. She loved the best
things in life. Above all she loved her church and its ministry. She believed
the name shall have his reward." How comforting it must be to her loved ones and
to all of us who knew her to think how heaven must have waited with outstretched
arms to receive her immortal spirit while her Lord and Savior said to her: "Well
done good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord". We will
miss her, but our loss is heaven's gain. Therefore, let our hearts be comforted.
Besides the children and brother mentioned above, she leaves seven grandchildren
and one great grandchild, other relatives and a host of friends to mourn her
departure. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~carley/obit_all.htm
2 Jun 1924 Albia Republican (Iowa) Ida May Baird Smith
Ida May Baird
was born in Wapello County, August 11, 1869, died at her home on North Eighth
Street, Albia Iowa, Monday morning at 2 o'clock, May 16, 1924. She was married
to Wilbur D. Smith, September 1st, 1884. Two children were born, Arthur D., of
San Diego, California, and A. E. of Kenosha, Wisconsin, who survive. One
brother, Byron Bair of Dumas, Missouri, and one half-brother, John A. Johns of
Chicago and one sister, Mrs. M. E. Silvers of Stockton, Kansas. One
granddaughter, Irene Smith, and one grandson, Myers Smith, survive. For some
time she has been in failing health and her death was not unexpected, even
though it came as a shock to many who had known that she was in a serious
condition. She has a membership in the Royal Neighbors of America and Ladies of
the G.A.R.
After 26 Apr 1924 unknown paper Mrs. Susan S. Hall
Susan S., daughter of Jess and Vina Coldiron, began her earthly pilgrimage at
Harlan County, Kentucky, May 20, 1851, which extended through a period of 72
years, 11 months, and 6 days. She grew to womanhood in the county of her birth
and was united in marriage to David Hall in the year 1869. To this union eight
children were born six sons and two daughters, all of which survive to morn the
going of a devoted mother. Soon after their marriage they moved to Flemingsburg,
at which place they resided until the year 1883, when the family came to Kansas,
locating in the Elm Creek neighborhood which was their place of continuous
residence until the death of Mr. Hall which occurred 21 years ago. Since his
demise she has made her home with her children. Being one of the pioneer
families of this section, they were beset with many handicaps, passed through
many trying ordeals, endured many hardships, made numerous sacrifices and
suffered much privation common to frontier life, but through their steadfastness
they succeeded in rearing a noble family and have made a worthy contribution to
the development of this section of the state. The deceased has been in a state
of failing health for a long period of time, but more especially during the last
three months when the affliction caused the body to weaken very rapidly. All was
done that loving and loyal service could do in connection with medical skill
with the hope of staying the power of the malay and restoring the body to health
again, but all efforts failed, and she quietly and peacefully passed on to her
reward in the early morning of April 26, 1924, her demise occurring at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Lula Vanhorn in Stockton. She was a very patient sufferer,
always radiating a spirit of cheerfulness which has been characteristic of her
entire life. She obeyed the gospel in early youth, uniting with the Christian
church, and was a faithful follower of her Master all along the journey of life,
coming to the close with that assurance and hope that gives one faith to live
and courage to die. Those who are most heart stricken over the loss we have all
sustained are the children: VanHorn and Will, of Stockton; Lee of Lomita,
California; Kelso of Washington; Charles of Hazard, Nebraska; Mary McComb of
Woodston; and Roy, whose present location is unknown; 21 grand-children; three
sisters - Mrs. Geo. Martin of Stockton, Mrs. Emma Groom of Alliance, Ohio, another
sister residing in Kentucky; four brothers - one a resident of Iowa and the other
three having residence in Kentucky; also a number of other relatives and many
friends who have enjoyed and appreciated the influence of her cheerful and
radiant life, and who morn and sympathize with the bereft. Funeral services were
held from the Main Street Church on Sunday afternoon, April 27, at 2:30,
conducted by F. M. McDonald assisted by Laura Craig, Bessie Graham, E. F.
Vallette, McCauley and Zorz Vallette who furnished the funeral music. The mortal
remains were tenderly laid to rest in the Stockton Cemetery. Article provided by
Gail McComb of Stockton.
aft 6 Mar 1923 Unknown Paper Thomas
Orlando Brabb
Thomas Orlando Brabb, of Codell, Kansas, was born February 14,
1873 at Shelbina, Missouri, and died while on a visit at the home of his
mother,in Trego County, Kansas, March 6, 1923, aged 50 years and 20 days. He was
married to Henrietta Heneke, of Ellis County, Kansas on December 12,1897. To
this union 5 children were born, 3 sons and 2 daughters, all of whom are living.
They are June Dewey, Thomas Walter, Lewis Victor and Mrs. Myrtle Gibbs, all of
Codell, Kansas, and Mrs. Julia Jarvis of Oakley, Kansas. He was converted to the
Baptist faith and baptised at Wakeeny in the fall of 1906. His wife died in
September 1918 in Trego County, where they lived at that time. He is survived by
his mother, 4brothers and 1 sister, besides his children and several nephews and
nieces. 2 of his brothers were present at the funeral, which was held at
Ogallah. The body was buried in the Ogallah cemetery
14 Feb 1924 Plainville Times Harry Hill died at the age of 64 on 9 Feb 1924. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
7 Feb 1924 The Stockton
Review John Christopher Pulley
Another name has been stricken from the
lessening roll of our pioneer settlers. It was March 23, 1848, in Nodaway
county, Missouri, that John C. Pulley began his earthly pilgrimage which
extended over a period of 75 years, 10 months and 8 days. He was one of a family
of ten children, three daughters and seven sons; a son of Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Pulley Sr. Four of this number survive to mourn. The father's demise occurred on
April 11, 1865, and the mother died later. The father was a native of Kentucky
and his mortal remains are enclosed in Nebraska soil.
John C. Pulley grew to
manhood near the place of his birth, and on January 1, 1870, he was united in
marriage to Louisa M. Haney, whose demise occurred ten months later. One child
came to bless this union, Louisa M., who is now Mrs. S. W. Reeder of the Elm
Creek neighborhood. In the year 1872 he was married to Mrs. Elvina Rice, who was
the mother of one son, Alonzo Rice, who resides northwest of Stockton, by a
former marriage. A very tender and deep affection has always existed between
step-father and son. To this second union three children were born Albert of
Lincoln, Nebraska; Alta, now deceased, and Mrs. Hattie Shirck of Kansas City,
In the year 1879 the family made move to Kansas, locating on a
homestead in the Elm Creek community and this was their place of residence for
many years after which they moved to Stockton and engaged in the hotel and
restaurant business. Later they moved to Almesa, Kansas, and in the year 1905
returned to the Alcona neighborhood where he purchased a farm and where after 34
years of happy marital relations, the death of his second wife occurred, leaving
him again without a companion.
In 1907 he was married to Mrs. Minerva Sammons
of Alcona, who survives to mourn his going. The last two years of his pilgrimage
was spent in Webster, where after an illness of several months he quietly passed
to his reward in the early morning of January 31. All was done that loving hands
and medical skill could do but to no avail. Coming to this section, while it was
in an undeveloped state, he made many sacrifices, endured many hardships, and
suffered many privations common to pioneer life and has made a worthy
contribution to the development and citizenship of the community. In early youth
he obeyed the Gospel uniting with the Christian church and has been a faithful
servant even to the end. He served as elder of the Elm Creek congregation for a
number of years. He has been a member of the Masonic order for more than 54
years, being initiated into its mystic rites by Lodge No. 76 at St. Joseph, Mo.,
and he has been faithful in the discharge of his obligations to the organization
which paid tribute to him by their presence and help in the last sad rites.
He was a devoted companion, a kind affectionate father, a loyal citizen, a
friend and brother to humanity, a servant of the Lord. Mankind has profited by
his life and sustained a great loss by his death.
Besides the previous
mentioned relatives, who survive to mourn, are three brothers, two residing in
Clarksdale, Missouri and one at Leavenworth, Kansas, the latter was present for
the funeral service; one sister, living in Oklahoma; 13 grand-children, 19
great-grandchildren, a number of other relatives and a host of friends who mourn
and enter into tenderest sympathy with the bereft.
Funeral services were held
from the Stockton Christian church on Saturday afternoon, February 2, at 2
o'clock; conducted by F. M. McDonald, assisted by E. F. and J. P. Vallette,
Warren McCaughley, and Mrs. Irene Noble and Mrs. R. C. Hayes, who furnished the
funeral music. The Masonic order attended in a body and had charge of the
cemetery service. Ralph Burlin delivered the oration. The large crowd that
attended the funeral service was an attestation of the love and high esteem the
community had for the departed one. Submitted by http://online-family-tree.com/
8 Feb 1923 Plainville Times Wilbert Perry Falconberry
Perry Falconberry was born in Greensburg, Indiana, November 26, 1871. At the age
of 7 years he came with his parents and family to Ellis. Later the family
homesteaded 6 miles northeast of town where Will grew to manhood.
At the age
of 23 years on July 21, 1895, he married Dot Wickham. Mr. Falconberry and his
wife took up a homestead north of the Saline river where they have lived ever
since. To there were born two daughters, Mary, Mrs. H. A. Ginthers of Ellis and
Mabel. Mr. Falconberry was well known in this community and everybody spoke in
the highest terms of respect of his manly qualities. He was a loving father and
a great neighbor. A friend of those in need.
Mr. Falconberry has been in poor
health for several years but kept up until after his return home from Idaho last
fall where he had gone to visit his brother whom he had not seen for over 30
years. About October 27 he took seriously ill and after every other means had
been employed he went to the Ashbury hospital in Salina Kansas where he
underwent an operation on Monday, January 22, from which he only temporarily
rallied and passed away Thursday, January 25th, 1923.
He is survived by his
wife and two daughters, three sisters, Mrs. Maude Hinkle of Ellis, Mrs. Bert
Wickham and Mrs. Inez Martin both of Zurich Kansas, and one brother, Rupert
Falconberry of Myers Cove, Idaho.
A good man has fallen in defeat; His face
set towards the Eternal; One who has walked and worked with us; Has been
mustered out and entered into rest.
Mr. Falconberry was a firm believer in
the word of God and accepted it as the rule of his life. When nearing the end he
told his family and friends that he knew that all was well with him and he
commended them in the care and protection of Almighty God.
Funeral services
were held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. C. W.
Harper. A large number of relatives and friends attending. Interment was made in
Mt. Hope cemetery. Submitted by Ron Falconberry
1 Feb 1923
Plainville Times Judson R. Foster died at the age of 87 on 25 Jan 1923. Please
contact Donald Purfeerst for further information. See next obituary.
Feb 1923 Plainville Times Judson R. Foster
Death of R. Foster
Judson R.
Foster was born September 14 1835 and departed this life at the Odd Fellow’s
Home at Manhattan, Kansas, January 25 1923, aged 87 years, 4 months and 12 days.
On November 15, 1859, he was married to Mellorice E. Rupert of Havana, Illinois.
To this union were born three sons: Orren William who preceded his father J. of
Stella, Washington Luther J. of Reedville, Oregon who could not be present at
the funeral.
On August 3 1901, the wife and mother died. On December 10,
1902, he was again united in marriage to Elizabeth A. Buchheister who still
survives him.
The funeral was conducted at the home. A very large crowd was
in attendance. The order of I. O. O. F. had the services in charge. The services
were beautiful and very fitting. Williams read the obituary. The music was of
the very best, by the quartette of the M. E. Church. The funeral oration was by
Morton Miller pastor of the M. E. Church. The interment was in the Plainville
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our sincere thanks to the
I. O. O. F. and Rebekah Lodges and our may friends for their kindness to us
during our sad bereavement. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. Submitted
by Doyle Ekey.
18 Jan 1923 Natoma Independent, Natoma, Osborne
County, Kansas Rufus W. Hoskins
Rufus W. Hoskins was born February 26 1861 in
Henry County, Iowa, lived there until abut grown, moved with his parents to
Rooks County, Kansas in the fall of 1878. He was united in matrimony with Isabel
E. Overholser on Oct. 22, 1885. To this union was born six boys and four girls
who all survive him. Namely, Arthur J. Hoskins of Natoma, Kansas Elsie V. Kelsay
of Gunsight, Texas M. Case of Waldo, Kansas E. Blaine Hoskins of Codell, Kansas
Alta P. Bedell of Covington, Oklahoma E. Hoskins of Poyen, Arkansas Willis J.
Hoskins of Cheyenne, Wyoming George R. Hoskins of Waldo, Kansas Edna M. Smith of
Eastland, Texas Lloyd E. Hoskins of Natoma, Kansas. All the family were here at
the funeral except one son, John E. of Arkansas.
He was in the mercantile
business at Old Motor, Kansas in 1888. Later moved his family and store to what
is now Natoma. He then moved to Oklahoma and took a claim at that place. He was
also surveyor at that place. Later, he moved to Arkansas and after some years he
moved back to Kansas, since which time he has lived in different states. Last
year he went to California, following the carpenter trade there over a year
until he broke down and then they moved back to Natoma. He was converted in 1916
in a Pentecostal meeting at Gifford, Arkansas and soon received the baptism of
the Holy Ghost as in Acts 2:4. He continued in the faith until the time of his
death which occurred at Natoma, Kansas on January 19, 1923. Funeral services
were conducted at 10:00 a. m . Saturday, January 13 at the Holiness church in
Natoma by Rev. Patterson, assisted by Elder F. M. Lundy, following which
interment was made in West Corning cemetery (Shiloh) north-east of Codell.
Elsewhere in this issue will be found a poem entitled “Five Minutes After I
Die,” written by the deceased not many months ago and which it appeared he did
not wish to be found until after his death. Following is a short article written
by him about that time also:
Dear Reader,
God loves you. Christ died
for you and you can be saved just now as you are. “Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ and thou shalt be saved” Acts 16:31. Jesus said, “Him that cometh unto
me, I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. Dear Friend, close in with God’s
offered mercy and accept Jesus as your personal Savior before it is too late.
Lift up your heart to God in prayer ask Him to forgive all your sins for Jesus’
sake. Confess Jesus before men as your Savior. Do it now, for “Behold now is the
accepted time, behold now is the day of salvation.” 2nd Cor. 6:2 ---By R. W. H.
Card of Thanks
We, the family and relatives of the late Rufus W. Hoskins
desire to express our thanks and appreciation to all who aided and assisted
during the sickness and at the death of our dear one. Hoskins and other
(The following poem was written only a few months ago by the late
Rufus W. Hoskins who obituary appears in this issue. He laid no claim to being a
poet, but this certainly shows ability along that line. It was evidently meant
to be discovered after his death, although found by his wife among his effects
prior to that event - Ed)
Loved ones will weep
o’er my silent face,
Dear ones will clasp me in sad embrace,
Shadows and
darkness will fill the place,
Five minutes after I die.
Faces that sorrow
I will not see,
Voices that murmur will not reach me,
But where, oh where,
will my spirit be,
Five minutes after I die.
Here I have rested and roved
and ranged,
Here I have cherished and grown estrange,
There and then it
will all be changed,
Five minutes after I die.
Naught to repair the good I
Fixed to the goal of my chosen track,
No room to repent: no turning
Five minutes after I die.
Now I can stifle convictions stirred,
Now I can silence the voice oft heard,
Then the fulfillment of God’s sure
Five minutes after I die.
Mated for aye with my chosen throng,
Long is eternity, O, so long
Then woe is me if my soul be wrong,
minutes after I die.
Oh, what foolhardy the word but true,
Passing the
Savior with death in view,
Doing a deed I can ne’er undo,
Five minutes
after I die.
If I am flinging a fortune away,
If I am wasting salvations’s
“Just is my sentence” my soul shall say,
Five minutes after I die.
Thanks be to Jesus for pardon free,
He paid my debt on Mount Calvary’s tree,
Paradise gates will enfold even me,
Five minutes after I die.
O marvelous
grace that has rescued me,
O joyous moment when Jesus I see,
O happy day
when with Him I’ll be,
Five minutes after I die.
--By Rufus W. Hoskins
Article provided by Ekey.
26 Oct 1922 Rooks County Record James
Rodney Combs
J. R. Combs, one of the early settlers of Alcona Township died
Tuesday morning of heart failure as the result of a long affliction from
tuberculosis of the bone. Some two years ago a sore appeared on his toe which
caused such infection that his leg had to be amputated below the knee. Recently
the trouble started on the other foot. Nothing could be done for him.
funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at the Alcona Schoolhouse. Mr. Combs
homesteaded in 1878 and has lived on the place 43 years. He was very highly
regarded by all his neighbors as a man of integrity and all that makes for good
citizenship. His first wife died many years ago; he is survived by his wife and
several grown children. We do not have the material for an obituary as we go to
2 Nov 1922 Rooks County Record
James Rodney Combs was born in
Mount Sterling, Kentucky, May 22, 1855 and passed away at his home near Webster,
Kansas, Tuesday morning, October 24, 1922. In August 1880, he was united in
marriage to Mary E. CAMPBELL who passed away February 4, 1887. To this union was
born three children, one dying in infancy. February 8, 1888, he was united in
marriage to Alice A. SAMMONS. To this union 13 children were born, three dying
in infancy.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Floyd R. HEARNE of the
Webster ME Church at the Alcona Schoolhouse.
Interment was made at the Alcona
7 Sep 1922 The Holton Recorder (Jackson Co.) Mrs. Lou
Klusmire Meyer
Mrs. Lou Klusmire MEYER died at her home in Woodston, Kan.,
Sunday evening. Her brothers, Henry, George and Charles went to Woodston to be
present at the funeral which was held on Tuesday. A sister, Mrs. Esther HAUS of
Junction City, was also there. As Lou Klusmire, Mrs. Meyer spent many years in
this community and has scores of friends and acquaintances who will grieve over
her loss.
17 Aug 1922 Plainville Times Clara Fayette (nee High) Yeagy died at the age of 68 on 10 Aug 1922. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
2 Feb 1922 Plainville Times Nannie (nee Purfeerst) Yeagy died at the age of 66 on 24 Jan 1922. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
21 Sep 1921 The Lucas
Independent (Russell Co., Ks.) Harriett Jane Truitt Austen
Harriett Jane
Truitt was born in Ripley County, Indiana, July 27th, 1845 where she lived with
her parents until she was married to Samuel L. Austen Sept. 24th, 1871 at her
father's home near Milan, Ind. And to repeat the words of the bereaved husband
"We have lived together agreeably and continuously since that time until 2:10 A.
M. Wed. morning, Sept. 7, 1921 when death separated us". To this union were born
two sons and three daughters, four of who survive the mother. Clarence preceding
his mother in Oct. 24, 1897. Those who remain are: Mrs. Clara Tilton of Collyer,
Kan., Mrs. Mary Glendening of Codell, Kan., both of who are present, Mrs. Hattie
McCann of St. Charles, Ark., and George C. Austen of Long Beach, Calif. These
four children, the father and husband, seventeen grandchildren are joined by
other relatives and a host of friends and neighbors in mourning the loss of a
loving and devoted wife and mother, and a friend and neighbor indeed. Mrs. and
Mrs. Austen remained in Indiana until their departure for Kansas arriving in
this vicinity Sept. 20, 1877, and settled on a homestead four miles north of
Lucas on Wolf Creek. Here they lived until 1896 when the moved into Lucas where
they resided since. Mrs. Austen belongs to that group of our citizens who are
all too rapidly bidding us good byethe old settlers. Along with many others of
this community the Austens were early arrivals here and did their bit to subdue
the wild and desert like country. She was a faithful attendant of the Methodist
Sunday School here and showed herself as possessed of many Christian graces. She
was a praying woman and found great joy in the church service. The kindly smile
and friendly greeting will be missed by all who knew Mrs. Austen.
services were conducted from the Methodist Church in Lucas by W. Cal Greene, the
pastor. Interment was made in the Lucas cemetery.
9 Jun 1921
Plainville Times Carl Andrew Johnson
Carl Johnson the only son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Johnson of Gove country former citizens of Natoma died at his home
near Gove Tuesday of this week. Heart trouble which had affected him since birth
was the cause of death. He had been examined by the most eminent physicians and
specialists of the country but they were unable to relieve his trouble which was
of a very unusual nature. At the time of his death his parents were at
Rochester, Minn, where Mrs. Johnson was receiving treatment at the Mayo Bros.
Institute. Carl Andrew Johnson was born at Natoma Kansas October 2nd 1899 was
united in marriage to Miss Netta Wooters May 8, 1921. Departed this life May
31st, 1921 at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Gove County
Kansas. Age 21 years, 6 months, 29 days.
He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife,
father, mother, sister Ethel, other relatives and a host of friends.
services were held at the Christian church, June 3, 1921. Rev. Parker gave the
funeral sermon. Submitted by Jessica Ferguson.
3 Mar 1921 The
Plainville Times Ruth (Sharp) Falconberry
Grandma Falconberry who has lived
the past eight years with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Martin, passed away Saturday
morning, February 26, 1921, at 7:10 o'clock.
The funeral was held Monday
morning, February 28. A short service was held at the house conducted by Rev.
Kiemel. The body was then taken to Ellis. Funeral services were held in the
Methodist church, conducted by the pastor there, after which the body was placed
to rest in the Ellis cemetery beside that of her husband, who preceded her about
eight years ago. Her maiden name was Ruth Sharp. She was born in Westport,
Indiana, April 7, 1846.
She came to Kansas in pioneer days. At the time of
her death she was 74 years, 10 months and 19 days old. She was married to J. B.
Falconberry in 1867. To this union were born seven children, two having
preceeded her to the great beyond in infancy. The children living are: Leonard
Falconberry of Idaho; Wilbert of Zurich; Mrs. M. L. Hinkle of Ellis; Mrs. Bert
Wickham of Zurich; and Mrs. Albert Martin of Zurich.
Mrs. Falconberry had
been an invalid for the past four years and suffered a great deal from muscular
rheumatism. When 19 years of age she was converted and joined the Baptist
church. Twenty eight years later she united with the Free Methodist church of
Plainville, Kansas. She continued a consistent member of this church until
Her dying testimony was "I am prepared to go." Submitted by Ron
18 Mar 1920 The Plainville Times Minnie Pearl Reeder
Mrs. Ira Hazen of Hobart township died Saturday evening at 5:30. She
had been sick from the previous Monday. Saturday morning she was supposed to be
on way to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Hazen and four children were all sick with the
Flu at the same time. Mrs. Hazen was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Reeder
who settled on Elm Creek in early days. She was a sister of Ralph Reeder of
Plainville. Has one sister living, Miss Minnie Reeder (note incorrect this
should be Myrtle) of Los Angeles, California. The oldest of the four children is
thirteen and the youngest, six-two boys and two girls. The funeral of Mrs. Hazen
was held today at the home of her mother Mrs. VanHorn. Mr. Hazen is not able to
sit up. The sympathy of all go to Mr. Hazen and the bereaved children and
25 Mar 1920 The Plainville Times Minnie Pearl Reeder Hazen
Obituary-Mrs. Ira Hazen
Minnie Pearl Reeder was born on Elm Creek, Greenfield
township, September 26, 1885, and died at her home near Stockton, March 13,
1920. She grew to womanhood near the place of her birth, winning the esteem and
friendship of all who knew her. She was married to Ira T. Hazen January 27,
1904. To this happy union four children were born, two boys, and two girls;
Dwane Edwin, age 13; Sherman Dwight, age 11; Mary Ruth, age 8; and Myrtle Maxine
age 6.
She was converted at the early age of 14, uniting with the Christian
Church at Stockton. She was an earnest and faithful follower of Jesus Christ til
the last. She was a good neighbor, a devoted and loving wife and mother. May God
in His infinite mercy comfort the hearts made sad by her untimely departure.
Besides her family she leaves to morn her loss-her mother and step father, Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. VanHorn of Stockton; one sister, Myrtle Reeder of Los Angeles,
California; two brothers, Ray Reeder of Dubois, Idaho, Ralph Reeder of
Plainville; two half brothers, Forest and Everett VanHorn of Stockton, and a
host of other relatives and friends who join the bereaved family in their great
The funeral was held Thursday, March 18th from the home of Mr. and
Mrs. VanHorn. Both obituaries submitted by Brenda Reeder
18 March
1920 The Plainville Times Daniel Queer
Daniel Queer, who lived just southwest
of Codell on his farm all alone, except W A Smith and family who made their home
with him died suddenly Friday March 12, 1920. He has been complaining for some
time, more than usual. Friday morning he remained in bed until a late hour,
until Will Smith had gone away from home. Mrs. Smith went to his room and found
him dead; apparently had been sitting on the side of the bed dressing himself
and laid himself back across the bed and died. He was 88 Years, 1 month, 26 days
old at his death. Funeral services were conducted at the Ayr School House and
interment made in the Center Cemetery northwest of Codell.
19 Dec 1918 Plainville Times Alice (nee Perry) Hill died at the age of 35 on 23 Nov 1918. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
May 1918 Plainville Times Ethel May Romine Adams and Lawrence Vincent Adams
Ethel May Romine Adams was born April 6, 1894, at Waverly, Kansas where she
lived until 6 years of age. Coming with her parents to Ellis Co., and living
there until they moved to Corning Township in Rooks Co. Living here until 17
years of age, again she moved with her parents to Ellis Co., where they now
reside. June 11, 1913, she was married to Walter Roy Adams. To this union was
born 4 children, two girls and two boys, three preceded her in infancy. Mrs.
Adams and little son were killed in a cyclone the night of May 20, 1918, age 24
years, 1 month, 14 days.
She was a kind mother, devoting her life to her
husband and children. She leaves a husband, father and mother, four sisters, two
brothers, besides a host of relatives and friends.
A light is from the
household gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
Little Lawrence Vincent Adams, was born March
21, 1915, and was killed in a cyclone, May 20, 1918, Age 3 years and two months.
Little Lawrence was the second of four children all of whom are now gone to that
better land. Lawrence was always cheerful and loved by every one who knew him,
and will be missed by all. Besides a loving father, he leaves to mourn, 4 grand
parents, uncles and aunts, and a host of relatives and friends.
The funeral
of mother and son was held in the Baptist church of Codell, May 24th, conducted
by Rev. D. J. Miller, assisted by Rev. Hall, pastor of the M. E. church.
large crowd gather to show their last respect, who they will never forget. After
a short discourse from Matt. 24:44, the remains were laid to rest in the Shiloh
Cemetery. Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
25 Apr 1918 Plainville Times Henry
Henry Overholtzer, one of the pioneer and most successful farmers
of southern Rooks county, died at his home in Plainville about three o’clock
last Sunday, April 21st. Had he lived until Tuesday, the day of his funeral, he
would have been 58 years old.
The funeral was held Tuesday, April 23rd, in
the Christian church at Plainville, conducted by the Rev. Ira Stevens of the
Nazarene church assisted by Rev. T. V. Hubbell.
Before going to the church, a
short service was held at the house consisting of song, scripture reading and
The singing at the church was furnished by the M. E. quartette.
The body was laid to rest in the Shiloh cemetery, but the side of his son, Burna
Mr. Overholtzer was born in Cleveland, Tennessee, April 23, 1860. He
moved to Lawrence, Kansas, in the month of April, 1870. In 1871 he moved to
Edwardsville, Kansas, and in 1878 to Rooks county.
In the year 1883, he was
united in marriage to Belle Hoskins. To this union were born three children:
Burna Earl, who preceded him, Melva Stagner and Edna Mills, who reside at this
In his early life he was converted and united with the Christian
church at Edwardsville, Kansas. Later united with the Baptist church at Codell
and remained a member of this church until his death.
He leaves to mourn his
loss a loving wife, two daughters: Mrs. Will Stagner and Mrs. C. H. Mills: one
brother, Overholtzer of Codell two sisters John Collins and Mrs. S. C. Winters
of this city. Also three granddaughters of who he was very fond and many
Mr. Overholtzer had always apparently been rugged until abut a
year ago. For the past three months or more had been confined to his home. He
had a host of friends who will greatly miss him. The sympathy of all is extended
to the bereaved family and relatives. Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
after 3 Oct 1917 Frank M. Smith Obituary as published in A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans
aft 27 Sep 1917 Unknown Newspaper Henry C.
Henry C. Tucker, resident of Pacific City, after an illness reaching
through five years, passed away at his home Monday, September 10. During those
years he suffered two stroke of paralysis. Funeral services were held Wednesday
afternoon from the home, conducted by Rev. Jos. F. Stille. Burial was in the
Glenwood cemetery.
Henry C. Tucker was born in Putnam County, Ind., May 12,
1844, and died at Pacific City, September 17, 1917, aged 73 years, 3 months and
23 days. At the age of 11 years he moved with his parents to Appanoose County,
IA., and later they moved to Wayne County, IA. In August 1861 Mr. Tucker
enlisted for service in the Civil War and served for 3 years and 4 months. In
Wayne County, IA., he was married during the year 1871. He is survived by his
wife and one step-daughter, Mrs. A. Smith of Loveland, Colo. Who came to the
Three brothers, James Lee, Palco, Kan., Charles Lee of Colo., and
Lincoln Lee of Pacific Junction, and a sister, Mrs. Emma Hyde of Phelps City,
also survive him. Submitted by: J. Kinney,
19 April 1917 The
Plainville Times Effie Overholser
Effie Overholser died Thursday, April 12,
1917 at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Overholser who lived just
east of Codell. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon at the Baptist
church in Codell conducted by her pastor D. J. Miller, assisted by T. J. Nixon,
pastor of the M. E. church at Natoma. Rev. Miller took for his text Job 16: 22.
The regular church choir furnished the music. The Rebekah lodge, of which she
was a member, attended in a body. Beautiful floral offerings were placed on the
casket by the church and lodge. The funeral was the largest in the history of
Codell. It took 45 minutes to view the remains.
Effie Viola Overholser was
born in Corning township, May 9, 1896 and departed this life at her home in
Paradise township on April 12, 1917 at 1:45 p. m. of acute disease, age 20 years
11 months and 3 days. She was converted and jointed the Baptist church in Codell
in the fall of 1910 of which she was still a member at the time of her death.
She lived a true Christian life and was always sunny and cheerful and one who
bore her suffering without a murmur.
Besides a loving father and mother she
leaves to mourn her loss a grand-mother, four sisters and two brothers besides a
host of friends and relatives. All the family were at her bedside during her
last hours
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors
for their kindness to us during the recent illness and death of our dear
daughter and sister also the church and Rebekah lodge for their beautiful floral
W. J. Overholser and family
Mrs. Minnie Teasley. Submitted by
Doyle Ekey.
aft 9 Jan 1917 John Robert Lambert
Robert- He was born in Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England, April 14, 1841 and
died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Alva PITCHFORD, January 9, 1917, aged
seventy-five years, eight months and twenty-five days. He was married to Hannah
Elder NICKELSON, at Springfield, IL., December 31, 1864. Of this union were born
eleven children, seven daughters and four sons. His wife, three sons, five
daughters and twenty-two grandchildren survive him, one son and two daughters
preceded him. Mrs. Anna DAY of Woodston; Rev. Phillip LAMBERT of Fredonia; Dora
MILLINGTON of Fort Scott, and Maye STANLEY, of Simpson, Kans., and Josie and
Alva PITCHFORD, were with him during his brief sickness. Fannie DEFENBAUGH,
being very sick, at the home of her mother, in Garnett, could not be with him.
His sons Joe and Frank could not arrive until after his death. He left England
at the age of thirteen, and joined the British Navy, and served seven years as a
military cadet under his uncle Capt. William LAMBERT. During such services, he
endured many hardships, having been in service during the Crimean War. His
vessel was destroyed, and himself and sixteen others were rescued. They were
picked up by a merchant vessel and brought to St. Johns. He landed in America
during the year 1860, and took out his first naturalization papers and proved
himself to be one of the most devoted of American citizens by his most brilliant
services for his country. He enlisted at Springfield, IL., in the Union army,
Company H, Second Illinois Calvary, April 14, 1861 and was discharged August
1864. He partook of many hard-fought battles, most of his service being under
General U. S. GRANT. He was wounded in a calvary charge at Ft. Donaldson, and
taken prisoner at Holly Springs, Miss., where he was held six months. He endured
the hardships of soldier life with a non-complaining spirit. In his older days,
he took much pleasure in telling of his war experiences. Although he was frail a
good many years, he was spared until the last of his roll call of his company.
He, with his wife and two children, came to Kansas in 1868, and settled on the
homestead where they remained until two years ago, when he went to live with his
daughter, Mrs. Alva PITCHFORD, where he died.
He was a son of a family of
seven children, three sons and four daughters. After he came to America, the
family became scattered, and at the time of his death, he had lost all trace of
his brothers and sisters, his father and mother having preceded him. He was
confirmed in the Catholic Church, and held to that faith, although in later
years, he was unable to attend his church, he became a member of the Methodist
Church near his home, and was ever a constant Christian. His earnest Christian
life and devotion to his family were ever his aim in life.
Several times
during his illness, he called his children to him, and advised them to prepare
and be ready when they should be called. He told them how happy he was, as he
was going to the Home for which he was prepared.
The inspiring things he told
them in his last few hours and his example as a true Christian can never pass
from the minds of his loved ones. He always bore his afflictions without
complaint, only trusting in the Savior, saying, "He doeth all things well." Mr.
LAMBERT was a man highly respected by his neighbors and his acquaintances were
friends. Funeral services were held at the home of his daughter, January 10th,
in charge of Rev. SCHULENBERGER, pastor of the M. E. Church at Kincaid, and
interment was made in the Deer Creek Cemetery, near his old home. Truly,
"Blessed are they that die in the Lord, for their labors are ended and their
works do follow them." SeeTombstone Inscriptions and Obituaries Anderson County,
25 May 1916 Plainville Times Mary Irene Buchheister
Mary Irene Buchheister was born in Johnson County, Iowa, July 10, 1861 and
departed this life at St. John’s hospital in Salina, Kansas May 17, 1916 aged 54
years, 10 months and 7 days. In 1892 she came to Plainville, Kansas to be with
her brother, Chris. Since then they made their home together in and about
Plainville. She united with the Christian church in Iowa many years ago and was
one of its faithful workers. Since coming to Plainville hers has been a life of
service devoted to the needs of her nearest relatives, for whom she lived with a
peculiar but tender affection, that will make her long missed and remembered.
She leaves three sisters and three brothers to mourn her departure, Mrs. Julia
Zimmerman of Missouri, Mrs. Minnie Baumgartner of Iowa, and Mrs. Martha Crowley,
of Storm Lake, Iowa. Chris and Henry Buchheister, of Plainville, Kansas and
Charles Buchheister of Plainville, Kansas and Charles of California, besides
many other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were conducted from the
front porch of her home by Louis L. Holmes, minister of the Christian church.
The interment was in the Plainville cemetery. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
9 Mar 1916 Plainville Times Prokup Pulec
A Large Funeral
The funeral
of Prokup Pulec was held Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at his residence just
east of Zurich. It was one of the largest ever held in that vicinity showing the
universal esteem in which he was held. Nearly fifty autos were in line in the
procession which led from the residence to where the body was buried in a new
cemetery established on his own farm. His was the first body buried there.
Pastor Holmes of the Christian church of Plainville conducted the funeral
talking as his text 1 Kings 7:51, " Thus all the works that King Solomon wrought
in house the of Jehovah was finished." Eli Saindon, Frank Charters, Dave Plante,
Wm. Smee, Al Boesche, J. Martell, acted as pall bearers.
Mrs. Paul Poegate,
Mrs. J. S. Conger, H. J. Lambert and W. A. Hill as singers and Miss Clarice
Stoneman, organist.
The following obituary was read:
Prokup Pulec was born
near Praba, in Bohemia, to Frank and Rosa Pulec July 4, 1860. In 1880 he came to
American, homesteading in Rooks County, Kansas, and has lived here ever since.
He was united in marriage to Mary Jelinek, daughter of Frank and Anna Jelinek,
April 13, 1884. To this union fourteen children were born, eight girls and six
boys. Three daughters and one son are married. All the other children still live
with their parents.
Mr. Pulec, while feeling badly for some time, was not
considered dangerously ill. He died in the afternoon of March 4, 1916, aged 55
years and 8 months.
Besides his immediate family of wife and children and 8
grandchildren, he leaves two brothers in Wilbur, Nebr., and a twin sister in
Arkansas. Two sisters preceded him into the beyond, one about six years ago, and
one just two months before his death. Mr. Pulec was highly respected by those
who knew him. The family has lost a father and the community an esteemed
citizen. Submitted by Carla Porath
18 Nov 1915 Plainville Times
Nancy Alice Overholser Danner
Nancy Alice Overholser Danner, oldest child of
W. F. and S. C. Overholser, was born April 19 1879. Died at her home in
Fairport, Kansas of appendicitis, November 1, 1915, age 36 years, six months and
4 days.
When about seventeen years old she was converted and united with the
Baptist church at Codell, Kansas. November 14, 1897, she was married to Danner,
who about four years later lost his life while digging a well. Later she was
married to S. O Danner, a nephew to the first husband. Three children were born
of the first marriage, two of which survive the mother, the other dying in
infancy. Of the latter union there are three children, two boys and one girl,
who with the father are left to fight the battles of life alone. She was never
of a robust constitution but did her work with a patience attained by few. She
was a devoted Christian. A kind and affectionate and patient companion and
mother. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. D. J. Miller, pastor of the Codell
Baptist church at Shiloh Monday, November 15, 1915, and the body laid to rest in
the Corning cemetery.
Card of Thanks
We take this means to thank each and
everyone who so kindly aided every way possible during the sickness and death of
our companion and daughter. Thurston, others unreadable. Submitted by Doyle
9 Sep 1915 Plainville Times Sarah Caroline Kite Overholser
Sarah Caroline Kite was born in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, Sept
11, 1860. She was married to W. F. Overholser Jan. 5 1879. Twelve children were
born to this union, seven boys and five girls, all are still living except
Wensor Haile, the first son who died in 1882 while his father was in Kansas. All
the surviving children were permitted to attend the funeral.
At twenty years
of age, she was converted and joined the Baptist church at Butler, Tenn. When
they came to Kansas in 1881, she transferred her membership to what is now the
Codell Baptist church. Her family at that time including her husband and two
children spent the year in Rooks Co. In 1885 they moved to north west part of
Russell County, preempting a small farm on which they lived for four years,
after disposing of this place they homesteaded a quarter section in south west
Osborn County, two miles south of the what is now Natoma, occupied the homestead
five years and making final proof in 1894. There were now six children in the
family and the stress of hard times of those pioneer years made it necessary to
mortgage the homestead, and like may other early settlers they soon lost it.
Father Overholser died that spring and as Mother Overholser was left alone and
an invalid the family moved to their old homestead remaining there fourteen
years or until the summer of 1908 when they came to Codell, the present home.
The hardships of pioneer life left their imprint on her health and for several
years her health was not the best, however her disposition had always been to do
her own house work and not until the last week of her life had she failed to
prepare the morning meal, with very few exceptions when some acute trouble
prevented. Her love for her family was unbounding and she would make almost any
sacrifice for their comfort. She was an ardent hater of hypocrercy and loved
truth in its simplicity. Not having the present day school advantages her
education was limited, but she had learned much in the school of experience. It
gave her great pleasure to see the advancement made by the young people along
educational lines.
The funeral services were held at the Baptist church house
at Codell, Sept 7th, 1915, at 2 p.m. conducted by her pastor, Rev. D. J. Miller
assisted by her former pastor Rev. G. W. Millikan. The services which were very
impressive, were attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and
relatives after which the remains were laid to rest in the Shiloh cemetery. The
heartfelt thanks of the family is to those who so nobly assisted in this trying
Husband lonely and forsaken, you pause to hear my tone, and a
vanished hand seems reaching to be clasped within your arms. Weep not dearest
husband, Weep not Dearest land of rest, for to Heaven my spirit has fled.
continue to love your savior. He will comfort your dying bed and give you rest
in heaven as He has said. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
aft 24 Aug 1915
unknown newspaper Robert Allen
Robert Allen, an old and respected citizen of
Woodston, passed away Tuesday morning, Aug. 24, 1915. Mr. Allen had been in poor
health for some time, having suffered a stroke of paralysis several weeks ago,
which was followed by other attackers. Mr. Allen has been a hard working man and
up until his recent illness, was always busy in his garden or yard. Robert Allen
was born in Perry County, Ohio, Jan. 23, 1840, died at his home in Woodston,
Kansas Aug. 24, 1915, aged 75 years, 7 months, and 1 day. He was united in
marriage to Nancy Latta in 1866. To this union were born five children, three of
whom are living in Woodston and vicinity, Wilt and Harvey and Mrs. Maude
McBride. At the age of seven he moved with his parents to Iowa. He served three
years in the Civil War, enlisting in Co. K11th Iowa Infantry. After the war he
moved from Iowa to Wisconsin where he made his home for eleven years. He came to
Woodston, Kansas in 1878, where he resided up to the time of his death . He was
a member of the M. E. Church.
Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church,
Wednesday forenoon at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Flowers. The Woodston Grand
Army Post of which the deceased was a member attend the services in a body. The
Sons of Veterans were pall bearers. Internment was made in Woodston Cemetery.
See Link
aft 9 Dec 1914 Unknown Newspaper William H. Clampett
William H. Clampett was born at Monmouth, Iowa Aug. 31, 1865 and died at
Webster, Kansas Dec. 9, 1914 aged 49 years, 3 months and 9 days. He was united
in marriage to Lizzie Sinnema on Nov 22, 1892 at Stockton, Kansas. To this union
were born 3 daughters, Maude, May and Florence and 3 sons, Arnett, Frankie and
Harold. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, 3 daughters, three sons, one
stepson, one stepdaughter, a mother, 3 brothers, four sisters and many friends.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. M. Canfield at the M. E. church
at Webster 11 Dec. A very large crows attended the services. Interment was made
in the Webster cemetery.
14 Aug 1914 The Hamburg Reporter, (Iowa)
Mrs. Harry Jones
Nora Remington born
Pottawattamie County [Iowa] about 35 years ago and married Harry Jones, November
5, 1899. To this union six children are living four girls and two boys....She
leaves a husband, six children, father, two half-sisters, three half-brothers
and a host of friends to mourn her untimely death....Mesdames Ida Shook and Anna
Royce of Esbon, Kas., Dave Jones of Palco, Kas...attended the funeral from a
distance....Interment in the Mount Zion Cemetery....
6 Aug 1914
Plainville Times Louisa (nee Peas) Foster died at the age of 79 on 30 Jul 1914.
Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
6 Aug 1914
Plainville Times Louisa Peas Foster
Mrs. Louisa Peas Foster was born Dec.
9th, 1834, in Vermont. She was married to John S. Foster, Aug. 24, 1851, who
died Dec. 25th, 1897. She passed to her reward at her home in Plainville, Kansas
Thursday Morning, July 30th 1914, after two weeks serious illness. Mrs. Foster
had been in frail health for many years but was always energetic and patient.
Notwithstanding her infirmities Sister Foster was a faithful attendant upon the
church services, and was interested in all the work of the church. She moved
with her parents when a small child to Illinois. She moved with her husband to
Jewell County in 1871, then to Rooks County settling in Plainville about 1887.
She had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for about sixty years.
Sister Foster was one of God’s noble women. With him, she fellowshipped in life
and triumphed in death. Prolonged and careful cultivation of her religious life
made her a verification of the Psalmist’s words, “The righteous shall flourish
like the palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that he planted
in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall
still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.” Death
had no terror for her, for she had been living for so many years in the Kingdom
of assurance, which lieth on the border land of heaven. With great patience she
endured the severe pain of body, and often expressed a desire to and be at rest
in her heavenly home. Truly a good mother, friend and neighbor has gone from us.
Our church in Plainville keenly feels it loss by her death.
Her three
children, Mrs. L. W. Clark, Redland, Cal.; Frank Foster, American Forks, Utah,
Mrs. I. S. Puckett, Pratt, Kansas., are comforted by the blessed assurance that
mother has entered upon the reward promised the faithful.
The funeral
services were held in the Methodist Episcopal church conducted by her pastor,
Rev. C. M. Snyder. Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
After 14 Jun 1914
Unknown Paper William Laurence Keyser
William Laurence Keyser was born
September 22, 1843, in Lewisburg, Pa., and departed this life June 24, 1914 age
70 years 9 months 2 days. He enlisted in Company A, 15th Reg of Ill., Vol.
Infantry under Captain Falsegrove, and served during the entire Civil war. Most
of his life has been spent at various soldier's homes. Mr. Keyser was a great
giver to the Salvation cause. He leaves to mourn his loss a sister, Mrs. G. W..
Rumsey, six nieces, Mrs. James, Mrs. Mike, Mrs. John, Jr., and Mrs. E. A. Reiss,
Mrs. Herb Lane of California, Mrs. W. H. Cullen of Russell Springs and a nephew,
John A. Rumsey of Codell.
4 Jun 1914 Stockton Review John
Died Suddenly
Word was received here Tuesday, stating that
Coldiron of Greenfield Township had died very suddenly, caused by a clot on the
brain. He had not been in good health for some time past but on the day of his
death he was feeling as well as usual and had gone over to his neighbors William
Campbell's for a visit and while there took suddenly worse and died within a
short time. The funeral services were held this afternoon at the Main Street
church in this city, conducted by Rev. Eli Walker and the remains were laid to
rest in the Stockton Cemetery. Mr. Coldiron was one of the old timers in Rooks
County and has seen the hardships of the early life in the west. Of late he has
been taking life much easier and while he has lived on the farm his sons have
been doing most of the farming. His many friends extend their sympathy to the
bereaved wife and children. Article provided by Gail McComb of Stockton.
5 Mar 1914 Plainville Times Sebastian C. Winters
Sebastian C. Winters
was born in Luzern County, Pennsylvania, August 31, 1844, and departed this life
at his home in Plainville, Kansas, March 3 1914. Being at the time of his death
69 years 6 months and 3 days.
At the age of 8 years he moved with his parents
to Scranton, Illinois. After a short time there he went to Lancaster, Missouri,
at which place he enlisted in the Civil War. After the war he moved to Wyandotte
County, Kansas, where he was united in marriage to H. M. Overholser, January 29
1878. They moved to Rooks County, Kansas in March of the same year. To this
union seven children were born all of which are living: Mrs. Etta Weaverling,
Mrs. Francis Hoskins and Dora Smith, of Codell, Kansas Bert Winters, and Willard
Winters of Plainville, Kansas, Edd Winters of Salina, Kansas and Emery Winters
of Grand Junction, Colorado. All were present at the time of his death, except
Emery who could not come.
Besides the wife and children, the departed one
leaves one brother and two sisters and a host of other relatives and friends to
mourn his loss.
One brother Lon Winters of Portis, Kansas, and sisters
Francis Murry of Edon, Idaho, and Mrs. Mollie Lewis of Grand Island, Nebraska.
Mr. Winters joined the Baptist Church at Codell, Kansas about fifteen years ago,
of which he was still a member when he died. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
aft 24 Jan 1914 Unknown Paper James William McDaniel
James William
McDaniel was born near Guthrie, Okla., October 13, 1890 and died at Webster,
Kansas, on January 24th, 1914, aged 23 years 3 months and 11 days. He was
married to Maude Clampett, at Stockton, Kansas, Sept. 23, 1912. He is survived
by wife, mother and father, five sisters, five brothers and a host of relatives
and friends. He has been sick for some time but was improving and able to be out
again and hitched up his mules and drove into the country several miles to see a
party and in doing so caught cold and took a backset which resulted in his
death. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church, at Webster, conducted
by Rev. W. A. Perkins and the remains were laid to rest in the Webster cemetery.
After 18 Oct 1913 Rooks County Record Sarah E. Callender
of Mrs. Callender
On Tuesday morning at 5:30 there passed from this community
to another __ity one of our " best" citizens. After two weeks of the most
intense sufferings that come to mortals her brave spirit departed, leaving a
large number of sorrowing friends to mourn the loss of her whose life seemed so
The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at the Congregational
church, and a large gathering of old and young paid their last tributes. As a
special mark of respect the public schools were closed and the pupils marched
with their teachers to the church and the cemetery.
The Woman's Relief Corps,
Eastern Star, Royal Neighbors and Daughters of Rebekah, to which orders the
deceased belonged, the Sorosis and Twentieth Century Clubs, marched in a body to
the church. On the bier were beautiful floral gifts from the Cong'l Ladies Aid
Society, Woman's Relief Corps, Royal Neighbors, Eastern Star, Sorosis and near
Several musical selections were rendered by the quartet composed of
Mrs. J. L. Foster, Miss Chipman, C. McKinnis and E. L. Williams, one of them
being Tennyson's beautiful poem, " Crossing the Bar." Mrs. E. J. Williams also
sang, " Only Remembered by What I Have Done."
The sermon by Rev. Buck was a
review of the life of Mrs. Callender, its value to the community, and an
inspiring appeal to his hearers for the life of service. He was assisted by Rev.
Snyder of the M. E. church and Rev. Hall of Lincoln.
She was a woman of
strong moral fibre and vigorous mentality, and was ever ready to perform
whatever duty came to hand, public or private, with an earnest devotion to what
she thought was right. She was a member of several societies, of religious,
patriotic, social and educational aims, and in all she showed such interest and
enthusiasm that she was called to fill the highest positions without
self-seeking, her only motive being service. She served on the Stockton school
board for twelve consecutive years, giving much time and thought to the
management of our educational institutions. As her chronic ailments grew more
burdensome she gradually gave up her outside activities, withdrawing from clubs
and societies, but keeping to the last her personal relations with her church
and the Woman's Relief Corps.
Everybody had the highest esteem and regard for
Mrs. Callender and those near her loved her for those personal charms that never
fade from truly good woman. In very truth the words of the Master apply in her
case, " She hath done what she could."
Sarah E. Gardner was born June 1,
1849, at Howard, PA. In early life her parents moved to Fayette county, Iowa.
She followed teaching as an occupation for ten years, and was in the schools at
Elgin, Iowa, in 1873, when she married J. W. Callender who was the principal.
They taught school together for some time after they were married. In the fall
of 1878 they came to Stockton and erected the home which they have since
occupied. She united with the Congregational church about 25 years ago, and has
been a faithful worker in its various activities during all of her membership.
Article submitted by Don Gardner.
aft 13 Sept 1913 Newspaper
Unknown Elizabeth Ellen Winsor Bice and John Alden Bice
Elizabeth Ellen
Winsor, born June 17, 1829 in Devon Co., England; died September 13, 1913 in
Codell, Rooks Co., KS; married John Alden Bice August 10, 1852 in St. Charles,
Kane Co., Illinois; born April 27, 1796 in Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence Co., NY;
died October 13, 1885 in Codell, Rooks Co., KS. Both are buried in Paradise
2 Jan 1913 Stockton
Review William Henry Coldiron
William Henry Coldiron was born March 4, 1857,
in Harlan County, Kentucky, an departed this life December 25, 1912. November
15, 1877, he was married to Beatice Potter, and to this union six children were
born, three boys and three girls. One died in infancy and the others survive
him. He was converted and joined the Christian church at Oregon, Mo., thirty
years ago. He settled in Rooks county in the early seventies, and for many years
he made his home here. He was a man of sterling qualities, one which was
absolute honesty. He was also the friend of every honest man, and no man got big
enough that he could be dishonest and maintain his respect. He was a good
citizen, and his loss is mourned by a host of warm friends. His death was quite
sudden, his sickness being acute indigestion which lasted only a few hours.
Article provided by Gail McComb of Stockton. (Buried in the Stockton Cemetery.)
Russell Scott Osborn, Kansas Secretary of State Died 22 May 1912,
Stockton, Kan.
Term of Office: 9 Jan 1893 - 14 Jan 1895
Populist from
aft 6 May 1912 Plainville Times Flora Mae Rosenkrans
Mrs. J. W. Keech, Flora Mae, daughter of C. L. and Anna Rosenkrans, was
born in Sheridan County, Kansas, September 28, 1883 and died at Plainville,
Kansas, May 6, 1912, aged 29 years, 7 months, and 8 days.
Miss Rosenkrans
grew to young womanhood near Hoxie and on August 28, 1899 she became the wife of
Judson W. Keech. She moved with her husband to Plainville, Kansas in October,
1909; and in October 1910, she united with the Christian Church and continued to
be a faithful Member until the time of her death.
Mrs. Keech leaves a husband
and two children, a father and mother, one brother and three sisters to mourn
her death. The body was taken to Hoxie for burial. Funeral services were held in
the Hoxie Christian church Wednesday at 10 a.m. conducted by Gilbert Park,
pastor of the Plainville Christian Church.
28 Dec 1911 The
Plainville Gazette Nancy Caroline Lewis
Nancy Caroline Lewis, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Lewis was born at Butter, Tennessee, July 27, 1827. In early life
she was converted and became a member of the old Cobb’s Creek Baptist church.
On October 29, 1846 she was married to Benj. H. Overholser to this union were
born 9 children 4, of who have preceded her to the spirit world. In 1884 with
her husband and most of her children she came to Rooks county, Kansas, settling
on a homestead south of Codell, at which place she died December 20th, 1911, at
the age of 84 years, 4 months and 23 days.
The subject of this sketch being
the eldest of a large family of children, and in a newly settled country where
educational advantages were limited, she was not a talented scholar but could
read her Bible whose worn pages testify to its careful perusal. For the last
twenty years of her life she has been a great sufferer from various ailments and
learned to throw off the responsibilities of life, trusting everything to ‘Him
Who Doeth All Things Well.” Soon after locating in Kansas, Sister Overholser
united by letter with what is now Codell Baptist church at which place a large
number of relatives and friends gathered at 11 o’clock a.m. December 22, 1911 to
pay their last respects to the departed. Rev Clarke conducted the funeral
services using as a base of his remarks the 23d Psalm, after which her remains
were laid to rest in the Shiloh cemetery. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
23 Nov 1911 Plainville Times Christina Hunt
Grandma Hunt, one of the best
known of the early settles of southern Rooks county, passed peacefully away
Tuesday afternoon, November 21st, at the home of her son Mr. Otto Hunt of
Natoma. She had lived in Plainville of recent years. For sometime had been
ailing and had a cough which bothered her severely. Saturday last she intended
to go to Natoma to stay with her son Otto but missed the train. Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. C. N. Burroughs took her down in their auto. She seemed exceptionally well
and cheerful for her age, and remained this way even up to the time of her
The funeral services were held this morning in Natoma at 11 a. m. in
the Presbyterian church conducted by the pastor, after which the remains were
brought to Plainville for interment.
She was born August 23, 1837, in Sweden,
where she grew to womanhood. Was married to Andrew. M. Johnson. In May 1868,
they came to America settling in Burlington, Iowa. Lived in Biggsville,
Illinois, two years. While there they lost two daughters. In spring of 1871
moved to Montgomery county, Iowa. Mr. Johnson died at Villisca, Montgomery
county, Iowa, in January, 1874. In 1876 she was married to Olaf A. Hunt who died
in Minnesota, in 1886. In May, 1878, she moved to Rooks county, homesteading in
Walton township.
Her two sons Andrew M. Johnson of Gove county and Otto Hunt
of Natoma were present at the funeral but her two daughters Mrs. Fred Palmberg
and Mrs. E. W. Watson who live at Plymouth, Massachusetts, were unable to be
Was a member of the Lutheran church from infancy.
Mrs. Hunt was
greatly esteemed by all who knew her. Submitted by Jessica Ferguson.
22 Jun 1911 Plainville Times Elizabeth North
Mrs. Wm. North died last
evening at 7:30. The end had been expected most any moment the past week and
nearly all the children were present. For twenty years Mrs. North has been an
invalid as result of rheumatic trouble which it seems finally terminated in
dropsy and other complications. For the past thirty days was able to take little
nourishment. The children here from abroad are: Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Mrs. Edwin
Thiel of Gove County, Mrs. J. F. Langdon of Kansas City, and W. L. North of
Tulsa, Oklahoma. Submitted by Jessica Ferguson.
31 Mar 1911 Rooks
County Record Mrs. Isaac Farrier
Mrs. Isaac Farrier died on Thursday of last
week, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Fealeay. The funeral was held at
the Christian church Sunday afternoon, the sermon being delivered by Rev. Lloyd
of Osborne. The pallbearers were Ray and Jay Feleay, Ray and Ralph Reeder and
George Reeder, all grandsons of the deceased. The following account of her life
was read from the pulpit. A. Applegate was born in Jefferson Co., Ky., near
Louisville, January 25, 1829 and died March 23d 1911, aged 82 years and 2
months. At the age of 18 years she was converted and united with the Methodists
church and one year later was united in marriage with J. W. Reeder. To this
union 12 children were born, only six surviving their infancy. The youngest of
the remaining sons, Sherman D. Reeder, was deceased June 1898, aged 35 yrs.
Thirty-eight years ago she became a member of the Christian church and lived a
devoted, faithful Christian until her death. She was widowed in 1874 and
remained a widow and devoted mother to her family for 18 yrs. until they all
left for homes of their own. She came to Rooks Co. in 1878, taking a homestead
on Elm Creek. In October, 1891 she married to Farrier, of Plainville, Kan. where
she lived for 19 yrs. The last five years she has been a great sufferer from a
complication of ailments, but always patient and thinking most of the comfort
and happiness of those around her. As the end drew near her earnest prayer was
that she might depart and be at rest, imploring her children not to grieve for
her for it would be the happiest event of her life for there she would be with
her Savior and the family and friends gone before. She leaves 3 sons and 2
daughters, Thomas T. Reeder of Ashland, Oregon, S. W. Reeder, H. G. Reeder and
Mrs. S. L. Schindler, of Elm Creek, and Mrs. A. C. Feleay, of Stockton. A little
over a year ago, having become almost helpless from her infirmities she came to
Stockton to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Feleay and became a member of
this congregation. Article submitted by Gail McComb of Stockton.
26 Jan 1911 Rooks County Record Mary E. Harwood Hazen
Death of Hazen
Orlando Hazen one of the pioneers of Rooks County, was buried Sunday in the
Stockton Cemetery, immediately following funeral services at the Christian
church, conducted by Rev. Harding. She had been sick about a week at the home of
her brother, Thomas Harwood, in this city. Early in this month she and Mr.
Harwood had gone to Illinois to attend the funeral of a sister and Hazen was
quite sick when she returned, too sick to go to her home in Hobart township.
Mary E. Harwood was born Nov. 9, 1845, in Orange County, New York. In early life
she moved with her parents to Illinois, and later to Iowa, where in 1870, she
was united in marriage to Orlando Hazen. To this estimable couple were born six
children, two sons and four daughters, all of who are married and have good
homes in Rooks County, and all of who were present at the death and burial of
their beloved parent. This couple came to Rooks County in 1877, where they
settled on the farm that has all these years been their home. They have had many
privations to encounter, but through it all they built up an elegant home,
accumulated lands till their farm contained 1120 acres of the best soil in
Hobart Township. So familiar have our people become with these people that the
mention of the name of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hazen carried with it the idea of
the simple, industrious and strictly honest life. The simple Christian life of
this lady was known wherever she had the slightest acquaintance. The six
children are Clarence and Ira Hazen, Mrs. R. W. Maddy, Mrs. I H. Kenworthy, of
Hobart Township, Henry Russ, of Greenfield Township, and Mrs. Wm. Harris, of
Plainville. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of hosts of friends and the
assurance that the life that this beloved sister, wife and mother lived here on
earth has passed the way for a bright immortality beyond this vale of tears.
Card of Thanks
We desire to thank all who were so kind to us in our
recent deep affliction. Hazen and Family. Thos. Harwood and Family. Harwood.
Article provided by Brenda Reeder.
21 Jul 1910 Stockton Review
Oliver Shaw
Death of Oliver Shaw
The death of a young man _____ chances
for a long life seemed _______ reminds us again of the uncertain life. Oliver
Shaw, son of John Shaw of this place, died at the home of Dr. Chrane, at Speed,
Sunday _______. He had been confined to his bed about twenty-four hours. He died
of an acute attack of peritonitis. Oliver was twenty years and ten day of age
and had just completed his course ______tal college in Kansas City, and was
beginning to practice in the absence of Dr. Chrane at Speed. He was...
14 Jul 1910 Stockton Review L. P. Ponton
Frank Hinkhouse was
appointed clerk of Northampton township in place of L. P. Ponton deceased.
7 Jul 1910 Stockton Review Mr. Keye
Several of the Webster people
attended the funeral of Mr. Keye, Tuesday at Stockton.
30 Jun
1910 Stockton Review Son of Dr. and Mrs. Colby
A sad accident took place here
last Sunday evening. The little son of Dr. and Mrs. Colby was drowned in the
river about three o'clock Sunday. He with two other small boys were bathing in
the river about a mile below the mouth of Medicine Creek, and getting in too
deep water was unable to get out. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday and
the remains laid to rest in the Lowell Cemetery. The little fellow was a bright
boy about ten years of age and loved by all. He had taken an active part in the
children's exercises in the forenoon at the church.
25 May 1910
Stockton Review Second Son of Mr. & Mrs. J. N. Hamilton
Mrs. D. N. Hamilton
started yesterday evening for Arapahoe, Nebraska, in response to a telegram
announcing that her little grandson, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hamilton
of that place, had just died as a result of appendicitis.
31 Mar
1910 unknown paper E. D. Crandall
D. C. Lieurance, I. H. Look and others went
from here to the E. D. Crandall funeral Tuesday to assist with the signing.
10 Mar 1910 Stockton Review Capt. D. N. Hamilton
Stockton, Kansas, March 2, 1910
Stockton Post No. 79,
WHEREAS, the Great Commander in His wisdom has seen fit to call another comrade
from our Post, Capt. D. N. Hamilton, be it resolved that we extend to the
bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy.
There is a second flag draped in
mourning in our Post room; another gap in the ranks that cannot be filled. His
march was faithful and after life's battles he sleeps well.
For the place
that shall know him no more, forever is loneliness; for the wife and children
there is sympathy of many loving hearts; but above and beyond all the human side
is the beautiful divine thought of a finite life completed.
S. McCracken
Geo. A. Stewart
E. P. Hill
3 Mar 1910 Stockton
Review Mrs. McCall
Grandma McCall, mother of Mrs. NcNutt, died last Thursday
at their home in the west of town, and was laid to rest in the Ash Rock
24 Feb 1910 Stockton Review Mr. Ruhaak
Card of
We desire to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation of the
sympathy extended us in the deep sorrow we sustained in the loss of our husband
and father to the many friends and to the Modern Woodmen.
Mrs. Minnie Ruhaak,
Children and Relatives.
24 Feb 1910 Stockton Review William Cook
Wm. Cook died at the home of his daughter in Washington County, of heart
disease. The remains were shipped here and laid to rest in the Woodston
10 Feb 1910 Stockton Review William Landers
Word was
received here yesterday that Wm. Landers, mentioned elsewhere in this paper as
being quite sick, died and was buried on Wednesday at Concordia.
23 Dec 1909 Stockton Review J. N. Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, of
Woodston, passed through this city Friday on their return home after several
days at Webster, during which time they had attended the funeral of Mrs. Jones
father, J. N. Mullen. provided by Brenda Reeder.
4 Nov 1909 Rev.
Allen Lewis King Obituary (Founder of the Codell Baptist Church)
Submitted by Janice (Simpson) Reading, Great-Great Granddaughter of Rev. and Mrs. Allen L. King
Rev. Allen L. King was born in Kentucky June 03, 1823. Died at his home the
Saline November 04, 1909, aged 86 years 5 months. While yet a young man, moved
to Tennessee. He was converted to the Baptist faith in early life by two
missionaries sent out by the Baptist Home Mission Society, and he remained
faithful to his church to the end. Was married to Amanda E. Weesner September
21, 1843, who was the mother of ten children, five still living. As a
profession, he followed school teaching and farming to support the family. His
wife died June 24, 1864. In 1867 the 2nd of October he was ordained a minister
of God by the Bethel church of Rhea County, Tenn.
On August 4, 1870, he took for his second wife, Mrs. E. L.
McCarroll. To this union was born six children, five still living. His wife had
two sons, Jasper and Benjamin McCarroll, well known in the surrounding country.
In 1875, Father King (as he is known) moved with his family to Kansas and
located on the Saline as a farmer and servant of God. These were days of
hardship and toil, the returns from the soil were but small. As a pioneer,
Father King and the family endured the privations common to others. As the
servant of God he visited the settlers, preached for them in their homes, in sod
school house and groves along the river. He prayed with them in their distress.
These were but the beginnings: the foundations of what we now see, churches that
he helped organize and became pastor. The church at Fairport, (Russell County)
Old Motor, now Codell, (Rooks County) Hays, and lately his home church at
Turkville (Ellis County).
14 Oct 1909 Stockton Review Mrs.
Sherman McFadden
Lon McFadden and Mrs. and Mrs. J. L. Drake went to Salina
Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sherman McFadden.--Natoma Independent.
Article provided by Brenda Reeder.
7 Oct 1909 Stockton Review
Mrs. J. C. Foster
We understand the remains of Mrs. J. C. Foster will be
taken to Clifton for interment, the family started there this evening.. Article
submitted by Brenda Reeder.
7 Oct 1909 Stockton Review Mrs.
As we go to press, we learn that no arrangements are yet made
concerning the funeral of Mrs. Hawkes. Article submitted by Brenda Reeder.
7 Oct 1909 Stockton Review Mrs. I. A. Elliott
Editor Burlin and
family of the Luray Herald, were here last Sunday. They came up to attend the
funeral of Mrs. I. A. Elliott. Mrs. Burlin is a sister of Mr. Elliott.--Palco
Enterprise. Article provided by Brenda Reeder.
2 Sep 1909
Stockton Review Joshua Hadley
Joe Davis received a telegram Thursday evening
announcing the death of Joshua Hadley, an uncle, which occurred that day at
Richland, Iowa. Mr. Hadley was ninety-four years of age, and had lived at
Richland, Iowa, seventy years. Davis found it impossible on account of business
engagement to leave, but was very sorry of it. Article provided by Brenda
2 Sep 1909 Stockton Review J. H. Baugh
J. H. Baugh,
father of Mrs. W. R. Griffin, died at his home in Pleasanton, Kansas, on
Thursday last. Mrs. Griffin had been at his bedside for over a week before he
died. Article provided by Brenda Reeder.
2 Sep 1909 Stockton
Review John Miller
John Miller, a farmer living north of Woodston, who died
recently, was a poor man, not having a farm of his own, and he left a wife and
six small children, so we learn from the Woodston Argus. But he had a policy in
the M. W. A. which will give his family $2,000. Comment is unnecessary. Article
provided by Brenda Reeder.
19 Aug 1909 Stockton Review Mrs.
(Anna) Mariah Nedrow
Death of Nedrow
Among the pioneers of Rooks county
was Mrs. (Anna) Mariah Nedrow who came with her husband, George M. Nedrow to
what is now Ash Rock township in 1876. Here they lived for many years, later
selling out their farm there and purchasing a farm in Valley township, Phillips
county, where they lived till about three years ago when they moved to Kirwin.
Here Mr. Nedrow died about three years ago, after which Mrs. Nedrow came here
and has since made her home with her niece, Mrs. Simon Tarbell. Here she died on
Tuesday afternoon, August 17, 1909. Today the funeral services are being held at
the Stone Church in Ash Rock township, and the remains will be laid to rest
beside those of her late husband. Article provided by Brenda Reeder.
Aug 1909 Stockton Review
Filed for Probate
The will of the late Mrs.
Mariah Nedrow was filed for probate Tuesday of this week by S. N. Hawkes,
attorney for the legatee, Mrs. Sarah Tarbell, niece of the deceased, and with
whom the deceased made her home for several years prior to her death.
19 August 1909 Rooks County Record Charles Hilgers Sr.
Hilgers Sr. Dead Word was received here Wednesday morning that Hilgers Sr. of
this county, had died at the home of his son Charles in Colorado, on Tuesday at
4:00 p.m. This will be sad news to his many friends here. He was a man
universally esteemed by a large circle of friends here. He was once sheriff of
Rooks County in which position he was very popular. As a friend and neighbor he
stood above reproach, and the death of such a man is always untimely. We
understand the remains will be shipped to Plainville for interment. Article
provided by Brenda Reeder.
2 Sep 1909 Stockton Review
The will of the
late Chas. Hilgers was filed for probation August 23, 1909.
Jul 1909 Stockton Review Child of Mr. and Mrs. Roloson
We regret to note just
as we go to press that the child of Mr. and Mrs. Roloson died last night.
20 May 1909 Stockton Review Death of Mrs. W. H. Barnes
Martin hands us a copy of the Ventura Weekly Democrat, published at Ventura,
California, containing an account of the death of Mrs. W. H. Barnes, formerly of
this place, and who will be remembered by all the older settlers here. W. H.
Barnes was for years a prominent figure in Roods county and was once county
superintendent, being succeeded in that position by Dr. Ainsworth. Mrs. Barnes
was sixty-three years of age, and left a husband and one son and two daughters.
One of the daughters was Mrs. G. N. Mickell, who is also formerly of this place.
7 Apr 1910 Stockton Review Wm. Calvert
Resolutions of Respect
Whereas the Supreme Commander in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to call from
our ranks another comrade, Wm. Calvert, be it resolved that we, his surviving
comrades, bow in humble submission to His Divine will, knowing that he doeth all
things well. Another comrade has answered the final roll call and gone to his
reward, reminding us once more that our ranks are fast thinning and that we too
must soon be mustered our and go to join the ranks of our comrades gone before.
And be it further resolved that we extend our warmest sympathies to the bereaved
relatives in their hour of sorrow. And be it further resolved that a copy of
these resolution be furnished the county papers for publication, and a copy of
same be spread upon the minutes of our Post. J. W. Kenworthy; Fred Henderhorst;
Thos. McNulty
1 Apr 1909 Stockton Review Absolom Evans
Evans, one of the old settlers at Webster, died last Saturday and was buried at
that place on Sunday. He was an old and highly respected citizen. Article
provided by Brenda Reeder.
18 March 1909 Rooks County Record
Infant of Mr. & Mrs. Claude Reeder
The infant child of Mrs. and Mrs. Claude
Reeder, of this city, died last Friday and was buried Saturday in the Stockton
Cemetery. This is a blow to the young parents, and they have the sympathy of all
their many friends here. Article provided by Brenda Reeder.
Jan 1909 Plainville Gazette Martha Emeline Dean Hughes
Martha Emeline Dean
was born in Bradley County, Tennessee, February 5th, 1841 and departed this life
January 26th, 1909, age 67 years, 11 months and 21 days. She united with the
Baptist church at Cleveland, Tenn., at the age of twenty years. In 1870 she
moved with the family of her sister, Harriett Overholser to Lawrence, Kansas and
one year later removed to Wyandotte county Kansas where she was united in
marriage to John W. Hughes on August 3rd, 1875. To this union three children
were born. One dying in infancy, another invalid daughter who died May 1st,
1904, and F. of Plainville, Kansas. Besides a husband and son she leaves two
sisters and one brother to mourn her loss.
There being no Baptist church at
Edwardsville, where she resided from 1871 to 1878, she joined the Christian
church by letter and after her removal to Rooks county with her husband in 1878,
she joined the Baptist church at Codell, then Motor, Kansas and was a member of
this church at the time of her death.
Owing however to an invalid child she
was unable to attend public worship as much as she desired, yet she held to her
faith to the last. She removed with her husband from the old farm in Paradise
township to Plainville, Kansas in November 1908 and often spoke of being pleased
of getting nearer to public worship that she might attend, yet failing health
prevented her do so.
Funeral services were conducted at the Christian church
Wednesday afternoon by Elder Rash. Interment in the Plainville cemetery.
of Thanks
We desire to express our heartfelt thanks for the kind interest of
friends and neighbors during the time of late bereavement -John Hughes W. F.
Hughes. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
October 1908 Plainville Times
MRS. (Amanda) Cora Ann Stone was born October 14, 1863, (Rhea County, Tennessee)
died October 3, 1908, age 45 years and 17 days. Was married to A. F. STONE, June
14, 1885. To this union was born eleven children, nine are living, two dying in
infancy. (WALTER ERNEST STONE died January 27, 1887 and NELLIE STONE died APRIL
15, 1905) STONE was a daughter of REV. A. L. KING. Was converted and joined the
Baptist church at the age of eighteen. Was baptized by Dr. Raferty, of
Greenwood, Missouri. MRS. STONE will be missed in the community because of her
consecrated Christian life she led, and the beautiful example of true kindliness
and sacrifice for others.
Our Father in His wisdom has seen fit to remove her
humble submission to His divine will. Though we mourn with the bereaved ones
over their loss, yet, we rejoice in heaven again.
The funeral services was
conducted by the sympathizing pastor of the Turkville Baptist church (Ellis
County) assisted by Rev. A. L. HOBBS, a former pastor, surrounded by a host of
sorrowing friends. SISTER STONE will be missed in the sweet fellowship of the
church and by the many friends who extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
(She is buried in the Norman Cemetery south of Codell KS.)
31 Jan 1908 Republican-Register Esther Amanda Flansburg Mallery
Esther A.
Flansburg Mallery was born in Delaware County, New York, July 21, 1842, and died
at her home in Washington Saturday, January 25, 1908. On September 13, 1862 she
was married to E. Mallery. To this union were born two sons and two daughters,
D. of Lebanon, Neb., Wm J. of Fort Morgan, Colo., Mary E. McConigly of
Plainville, Kan., and I. who with her aged father, performed faithfully the
loving duty of caring for and comforting the mother in her suffering during the
past few years.
In 1865 she became a Christian and has continued in service
to the master to the last. Her life's labors are ended, tho her influence for
good must ever live. You who had the first right to love her, weep. It is well,
Christ denies you not that right. How cruel the grief that forbids a tear. The
funeral service was held in the Christian church Sunday January 26th at 2:30
p.m. Pastor D. C. Troxel the words of comfort and consolation. Interment was
made in the Washington Cemetery.
23 May 1907 Unknown Newspaper
Heber Frazier
Frazier, Heber. D. 4-27-1907, Codell, Ks, 73rd y. (5-23-1907,
p. 334)
Feb 1907 The Morning Reveille Everhard Querbach
Everhard Querbach, aged 75
years, a veteran of the Civil War, died at St. Luke's Hospital at an early hour
yesterday morning of pneumonia. Mr. Querbach's surviving relatives are his wife,
who resides at Stockton, Kansas, two sons and two daughters. One of the
daughters, Miss Louisa Querbach, is a nurse in the German hospital at San
Francisco. Mr. Querbach had been residing with his son-in-law, H. W. Fidler, at
1517 Franklin Street. He was a private of Company I, Forty-fifth Regiment,
Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. The body lies at the undertaking establishment
of W. H. Mock & Sons, in the Maple Block. It has been embalmed and may be
shipped to Stockton, Kansas for interment.
13 Apr 1905 The
Kinmundy Express (IL.) Mrs. Jane Kennedy Vallow
Mrs. Jane VALLOW (nee
KENNEDY) was born in Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, May 18th, 1826. She was united in
marriage to Geo. W. VALLOW in 1846, and after some years spent in Ohio, removed
to Indiana. In1874 they came to Illinois where the remainder of their lives were
spent. To them were born ten children, one of whom died in infancy, another at
the age of 19 years, while eight survive; four sons and four daughters, namely,
Oliver P. of O’Fallon; Rev. John L. of Fullerton, Neb.; Emmet A., of LaJunta,
Col.; George W., Plainville, Kan.; Mrs. Armande C. BRANCH, Mrs. Matilda G.
SPICER, Mrs. Elizabeth A. BATES of this city, and Mrs. Mary L. BRADLEY of Norris
City, Ill. Mrs. VALLOW was converted at thee age of 11 years and has spent 68
years in the service of Christ as a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
She loved God, partook much of His spirit and labored faithfully for the
promotion of His cause. Funeral services were held in the M. E. church Thursday
afternoon, March 30, conducted by N. D. SWEENY. Text: "Blessed are the dead who
die in the Lord; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and
their works do follow them." Appropriate remarks were made by Capt. C.
ROHRBOUGH, expressing the high esteem in which she had been held by the church.
Interment made in the city cemetery.
7 Apr 1904
The Weekly Echo, Woodston, Isaac Edson
Isaac Edson was born in Virginia, Sep.
8 1825; died in Woodston, Kansas, Apr 2, 1904, aged 78 years, 6 months and 6
days. When a child he moved with his parents to Illinois, later to Missouri and
then to Kansas in 1877 where he has since resided.
He was thrice married, to
Miss Lydia Dasher, Sep. 17, 1849; to Miss Anna M. Gibbs, May 15, 1853, and to
Miss Maggie C. Gibbs, Feb. 28 1869, the latter of which he survived about one
He was a soldier in the Civil War, serving in Company G. 6th Missouri
State Militia in which he enlisted in March, 1862.
In childhood he was
converted and united with the Christian church and later with the Methodist
church of which he lived a consistent Christian member until the hour of his
9 Mar 1905 Plainville Times W. R. Hill died at the age of 58 on 21 Feb 1905. Please contact Donald Purfeerst further information.
17 Mar 1904 Plainville Times Mrs. L. J. (nee Kennedy) Foster died on 3
Mar 1904. Please contact Donald Purfeerst for further information.
17 Mar
1904 Plainville Times Neva D. Kennedy Foster
Neva D. Kennedy was born May 23,
1876 in Kansas and died March 3, 1904, at Plainville of blood poisoning. June 7,
1899, at Belton, Missouri, she was married to L. J. Foster, to this union three
children were born. Dale L., Lucille and Neva, who with Mr. Foster survive her.
Her father George Kennedy of Hoxie, five sisters and one brother are living.
When very young, Mrs. Foster’s mother died and little Neva was taken by Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Chandler, of Belton, Missouri, who treated her as their own child,
tenderly rearing to a noble womanhood. Mrs. Foster united with the Christian
church at that place and lived profession to the last.
A short time before
her death Mrs. Foster realized the probability that she would not recover said
good-by to her loved ones and made a few requests all of which the bereaved
husband is faithfully fulfilling. She desired to be buried at her old home so
her body was conveyed to Missouri and laid to rest amid the scenes she loved so
well, surrounded by her old friends' on March 6. Article submitted by Doyle
10 Mar 1904 Plainville Gazette Mrs. L. J. Foster
The sudden
death of Mrs. L. J. Foster on last Thursday night was a shock to the entire
community, as but few knew that she was sick. On the previous Friday, Feb. 29, a
little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Foster and no serious results were
feared until a couple of days before her death. She leaves a devoted husband and
three little ones, one boy and two girls here. Her father, Mr. George Kennedy,
lives near Hoxie and arrived Saturday morning a short time after her husband had
started east with her body to bury it at her old home. Mrs. Foster was a lovely
woman, a tender mother and an affectionate wife. Everyone sympathizes with the
bereaved family.
Will have a further notice next week. Mrs. Rev. Poe is
taking care of the baby and Mrs. Earlenbaugh has the next little girl and Mr.
Foster took the oldest, the boy with him on his sad journey. Article submitted
by Doyle Ekey.
aft 2 Jul 1903 Rooks County Record Noah Parmer
Noah Parmer was born in Johnson County, Indiana, Oct 31, 1840 and died in
Stockton, July 2, 1903. He was united with the Christian church at the age of 18
and lived a good life all of these years, loved and esteemed by all who knew
him. He enlisted in the service of his country in July, 1861, spent ten months a
prisoner in Libby prison at which place his health was shattered. He was
discharged in September, 1864. He was married Nov. 2, 1865 to Mary McClaine. To
this union were born five children one died in infancy, the four were with him
at the time of his death as were also four sisters one from Goodland, one from
Pawnee City, Neb., and two from Indiana. Several of his friends were also
present with him. The deceased came to Kansas in October 1878 and settled in
Osborne county, where he lived until five years ago, when he came to Stockton. A
short funeral service was held at the home on Friday morning then the remains
were taken to the Dibble school house, 5 miles east of Woodson, where services
were conducted by Rev. Poe of the Christian church and the body laid to rest. In
this death a loving husband and father and a good Christian worker and a good
citizen have gone from us forever.
8 May 1903 Rooks County Record
page 1 Samuel David Hall
S. D. Hall of Greenfield township died very suddenly
at 5:30 Monday morning after being dressed. His son had barely time to get him
to his bed before he expired. He had been sick for three weeks. The immediate
cause of his death was heart dropsy. Mr. Hall was 69 years of age and had
resided in Rooks County for about 24 years. The funeral was held at Elm Creek
school house on Tuesday afternoon. The remains were laid to rest in the Twin
Mound Cemetery.
Mr. Hall was born July 3, 1831, at Flemingsburg,, Kentucky.
He was married to Sarah Susan Coldiron of Fleming County. To this union were
born 6 boys and 2 girls, all of them are living. They came to Rooks County and
settled on Elm Creek in 1878, having bought a place owned by John Shaw. Since a
young man Hall had been a member of the Christian church and lived a consistent
Christian life. He was an upright man, honored and respected by all his
neighbors, and greatly beloved by his wife and children, to who he was always
kind and considerate. His loss will be felt keenly by all who knew him. Article
provided by Gail McComb of Stockton.
27 Nov 1902 Muscatine
Journal (Iowa) Thomas M. Winnemore
Moore Held to Blame Coroner's Jury Makes
Him Responsible for Winnemore's Death-------- May be Arrested in Few
Days-------- T. M. Winnemore Victim of Accident of Monday Died Wednesday
Afternoon at 3:30 o'clock-Details of the Accident---------- By the verdict of
the coroner's jury at the inquest, held last evening over the body of Thomas
Winnemore, who was killed by being run over Monday afternoon by a loose horse
belonging to William Moore, that man is held responsible for Winnemore's death,
and may be arrested in the course of the next few days, charged with
manslaughter. The accident happened shortly after 3 o'clock Monday afternoon,
and has been the occasion of much talk since that time. Mr. Winnemore never
regained consciousness after the accident and passed away yesterday afternoon
about 4 o'clock.-------- Coroner's Inquest Was Held.---------- As soon as news
of the death of Mr. Winnemore reached the ears of the proper authorities,
immediate steps were taken toward the holding of a coroner's inquest. This
inquest was hold last night at the office of the coroner, Dr. W. S. Norton. The
jury was composed of W. J. Ogilvie, W. S. Bond, and J.C.Durham. A number of
witnesses were examined, among them being Jos. Nyenhuis, Harry Meyers, Wm.
Poehl, Chas. Walker, Wm Montreal, F. A. Farley, Geo Raupe, Frank Sanders and Dr.
A. J. Oliver.-------- Eye-Witness Story--------- Wm. Poehl, who was an eye
witness of the whole affair testified as follows: "Occupation a carpenter. Was
working for Jos. Nyenhuis on the office of Muscatine Lumber & Box Co. Saw
Moore's horse strike Mr. Winnemore. My attention was first called by the sound
of a running horse. Looked out and saw horse coming down near the bridge. Moore
was following on another horse about 75 feet behind, but kept gaining. Saw Mr.
Winnemore leave the sidewalk and go into the street to stop Horse, throwing up
his cane. Was returning to sidewalk and got within 7 or 8 feet of curb when
struck. Moore kept on going. Saw him when he came back with both horses. Did not
hear him say anything, as I was then on the building. The distance between the
runaway horse and Moore had been cut down to about 50 feet when accident
happened. There was nothing between Mr. Winnemore and Moore to obstruct his
view. There was nothing to scare Moore's horse. He was riding as fast as he
could. I think his horse was under his control. I think he saw Mr. Winnemore.
Don't see how he could help it. He might have been excited and seen nothing but
the runaway horse.----------- Turned Horse Loose----------- Charles Walker, who
had the loose horse in charge at one time, tells his version of the accident,
and what he saw. He testified as follows: "I was on the corner of Second and
Mulberry Streets on Monday afternoon. I saw a loose horse, lines dragging behind
it; ran after it to corner of Third and Mulberry, but could not hold it; the
lines were wrapped around his neck. It ran back to Mulberry and up the sidewalk
and came near running over a lady and little child, and into the alley, where it
was caught. I took the lines and drove to corner of Second and Mulberry, where I
met Moore, he having followed me from Third street. I asked him where I should
tie the horse, and he answered; "Drop the lines and let him go. He will go
home." I told him I thought I was doing him a favor in running after his horse
for several blocks, so let the lines drop. As soon as I did, the horse started
up Second street on a dead run, with Moore galloping after him. Watched the race
to top of hill. The runaway horse was on the right side of street and Moore on
the left side. Saw his hat fly off. I think he is a reckless drive, as everybody
else does. He is allowed to drive horses through the streets that nobody else
would be allowed to drive."------------ Verdict Was Rendered---------------
After hearing the evidence the jury returned the following verdict: We, the
jury, find that Thomas M. Winnemore came to his death in Muscatine, Nov. 26,
1902 at 3:30 p.m. as the direct result of being run over by a horse ridden by
one Wm. Moore, driven in a reckless manner. W. J. Ogilvie, W. S. Bond, J. C.
Dunham------------- Will Be Arrested--------- In all probability Wm. Moore, the
man blamed in this accident will be arrested in the course of the next two or
three days, charged with manslaughter. The police have repeatedly warned Mr.
Moore to keep off the streets with his wild horses and he has been in more than
one mix-up on the street although this is the first time that anything of a
serious nature has taken place. He always assured the police that he never drove
a horse until it was well broken, but this statement is hard to verify in the
light of recent happenings. Various people over the city have made complaints of
Mr. Moore's reckless driving, and have urged that something be done to stop it.
This will probably be a severe lesson to Mr. Moore, and others as well.
Mr. Winnemore Dead
T. M. Winnemore, the victim of the accident mentioned
above died yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, his death due directly to
injuries received in this accident. Mr. Winnemore was born in Philadelphia, PA.,
June 28, 1828, and was one of a family of fourteen. He was married in 1852 at
Mr. Joy, PA., to Miss Charlotte Willis, and in 1861 with his family came to
Muscatine county, settling in Sweetland township, where he remained until about
six years ago he moved into the city and retired from the active pursuits of
life. He had acquired a goodly amount of property, and to while away the time
worked at his trade of carpenter for a time.
There are left to mourn his
death, his wife, Mrs. T. M. Winnemore, and six children, two daughters,
Margaret, the wife of George Brogan, of Sweetland, Charlotte, the wife of Robert
A. Hare, of this city, four sons, J. W. of Plainville, Kansas; W. D. of St.
Joseph, Mo; C. K. of Sweetland, and E. W. of Chillicothe, Mo. He has one brother
living, he being a resident of Benton, Alabama. Mr. Winnemore was a man who had
many friends and deeply regret his untimely end. He was a whole-souled good
natured man, that looked out for the interests of everybody, and was especially
good to his family, who have the sincere sympathy of the community at this sad
The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9:30 from the last home on
Mulberry Street, the services to be conducted by Rev. L. B. Hix, of the United
Brethren church. Interment to be in the Harker cemetery in Sweetland township.
After 20 Nov 1902 unknown paper Harriett C. (Dean) Overholser
Harriett Catherine Overholser (nee Dean) was born April 23, 1833, in Bradley
county, Tenn., and died November 20, 1902 at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. A.
Collins. Being at the time of her death 69 years, 7 months and 20 days old. On
October 7, 1851, she was united in marriage to Andrew T. Overholser, and to this
union were born five children of which four survive her J. A. Collins, Mrs. S.
C. Winters, and W. J. and H. T. Overholser, all of whom were present at the time
of her death. She also leaves fifteen grand-children and five great-grand
children. Her brothers and sisters, living, are Matilda Roy, (Cleveland, Tenn.),
Mrs. E. A. Wrinkle, (Waverly, Kansas), J. P. Dean, (Benton, Ark.), Martha Hughes
(Plainville, Ks), J. Dean, (Ponca City, O. T.) At the age of 26 she was
converted and united with the Baptist church and lived a Christian until death.
The funeral was held at the Shiloh church, Saturday, Nov. 22 at 11 a.m.
conducted by Rev. Knous of Luray, Kans. and the remains laid to rest in the
Shiloh cemetery.
She has gone, the one we loved, And laid beneath the sod,
'Tis hard to part, but we must know, 'Twas by the hand of God. Submitted by
Doyle Ekey
13 Nov 1902 Plainville Gazette Arthur Thomas Dean
Wednesday, at 1 a.m., November 12, 1902, Arthur Thomas Dean dies at his home one
mile west of Plainville, of appendicitis, aged twenty-two years. He was born in
Topeka, Kansas, and came to Rooks county several years ago. December 24 1899, he
was married to Minnie Bailey, who with their two children survive him. He also
leaves his aged parents of Oklahoma, three sisters and five brothers to mourn
the loss of a dearly beloved son and brother.
A sister, Chickatanz, and
brother, Luther S. Dean of Wichita, were present when he passed away. N. M.
Bailey, father of Dean, had been here for several days. The deceased was an
energetic farmer and by his pleasant ways made many friends. He passed over to
the other shore firm in the belief that his Savior was by his side and that all
was well.
The funeral was held this morning at the Methodist Church,
conducted by Rev. Mumford.
The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of this
community in their great bereavement. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
24 Oct 1902 Unknown Paper Elizabeth Jane Hewitt Wilson
Elizabeth Jane Hewitt
was born February 6, 1844 (47) in Elk County, Pennsylvania, and died October 24,
1902, at the home of her sister aged 55 years 8 months and 18 days. She was
married to Robert M. Wilson July 4, 1864, in her native state. To this union
were born eleven children all of whom survive her, and all were at her funeral
except one daughter, Mrs. Grace Glendenning. The deceased leaves her father,
Rev. F. E. Hewitt, sister Mrs. Pearsall, of Denver, Colorado, two brothers,
Silas and H. P. Hewitt, of Battle Creek Michigan and the following children Mrs.
Maggie Glendenning and Mrs. Lulu Richmond, of Codell, Kansas; Mrs Grace
Glendenning of Moorehead, Kansas; Mrs. Effie Bedard, of Zurich, Kansas; and Mrs.
Emma Richmond, Mrs. Laura Ackerman, Mrs. Zelda Travis, Misses Zadie and May
Wilson, George Wilson and F. M. Wilson of Plainville. In early life she was
baptized into the Methodist church and. has been a faithful follower of the
lowly Nazarene all through her life. In March 1876 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson moved to
Kansas becoming among the pioneer settlers the Paradise flats. Mr. Wilson died
March 6, 1898, and was laid to rest in the Plainville cemetery where his wife
has now joined him in the last long sleep. All that was mortal of this noble
woman was brought back from Colorado Monday morning accompanied by Mrs. Ackerman
and Frank Wilson, who went to Denver Friday night in response to a telegram
saying that mother was worse, and was met at train by a detail of old soldiers
and members of the W. R. Corps, of which she was the president, and escorted to
the M. E. church where the funeral services were conducted by the pastor Rev.
Mumford, at 1OA.M The text was Rev, 21st chapter and 4th verse: And God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there be no more death, neither sorrow,
nor crying; neither shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither
shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away, and found
many words of comfort for the bereaved ones in God s word spoken concerning
those who die in the Lord. The W.R.C. read the burial service of that order at
the close of the sermon.
The pallbearers were G. W. Benedick, Albert
Benedict, J W. Hughes; S .W. Winter, Wm. Weaverling and A. O Ackerman. Music was
furnished by Mrs. Humes, Mayme Rowse, Ethel Goodman, Lena Slason, G. H. Vallow
and Mrs. M. J. Mumford. Blanche Goodman organist. The handsome casket was fairly
hidden by the numerous lovely floral offerings. Many beautiful flowers were sent
by friends in Colorado. Among the floral tributes were bouquets from Rev.
Hewitt, Mrs. Pearsall, Mantie Pearsall, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rodgers, Mrs. T. L.
Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Person and little Vernon and Jack Rodgers of
Denver, Colorado and Mrs. Anthony, Mrs. Barry, Mrs. W. R. Green, Florence
Ackerman, Cora Hannan and Mrs. L. A. King and a wreath and a cross from the
Woman s Relief Corps of Plainville.
When we come to speak of the life and
worth of this beautiful Christian character words seem so poor a medium to
convey to those who did not know her an adequate idea of her influence for good
and the sweetness of her daily life a dutiful, loving daughter, faithful
affectionate wife and mother, a good neighbor and an honored member of society
she is sincerely mourned by all who knew her. She left abundant evidence that
she is now enjoying the rest of the righteous. Her last message was, If I don t
live to see my children tell them, ALL to meet me in Heaven.
Although the
funeral was on Monday morning a large crowd gathered to pay the last tribute of
respect to their departed friend and a long procession accompanied the remains
to their final resting place.
27 Jan 2000 (1902) paper unknown 98
Years Ago G. D. Miles
Another distressing accident happened on Tuesday, which
cost a life and filled the whole community with honor. Lee Hall, W. W. Johnston,
and G. D. Miles were working on a big stock well on Lee Hall's school quarter in
Greenfield Township, 9 miles southeast of Stockton. The well was being sunk in
solid rock and was 17 feet deep. It was made 6 feet wide at the top. Miles and
Charley Hall were about to go down in the bucket. Miles stepped in first, but
did not get hold of the rope. Instantly the bucket turned to one side with his
weight and he was pitched head foremost to the bottom, which he struck with
terrific force. As soon as possible, he was brought out unconscious, but
breathing faintly. Miles' home was two miles distant, but before half the
distance was covered he had expired.
23 Jan 1902 Plainville Times
Jennie North
Jennie North was born June 2, 1880 at Plainville, Kansas, and
died January 21, 1902 at the home of her brother, Lewis North, at Newkirk,
Oklahoma of pneumonia age 21 years, 7 months, and 19 days. The body was brought
here for burial arriving Wednesday evening. Her father, Wm North, and brother
Bryant North, accompanied all that was mortal of sweet Jennie on the last sad
home-coming. A large number of friends were gathered at the depot to render the
tribute of respect of their presence. The body was conveyed by the undertaker,
F. Gay, to the home one mile east of town, where many friends assembled to watch
with the family during the last hours that her body would rest in the home she
loved so well. She leaves father, mother, two brothers, eight sisters and many
other relatives to mourn her untimely death. Her twin sister, Mrs. Ellen Wilson,
is well nigh unconsolable. An especially strong tie of affection united them.
Jennie was one of the brightest and best loved of the young people of this
community and sorrow for her all too early death is universal. Her winning
manner and lovely character won for her a placed in the regard and esteem of all
who knew her. A dutiful daughter, an affectionate sister and a loyal, steadfast
friend, she is mourned by kindred and friends as one whose cheerful, sunny,
loving personality can never be replaced. She was a graduate of Plainville High
School class of 1899, all of whom excepting Misses Ruby Maris and Anna Farrier,
who were prevented by duties in the school room, were present at the funeral
today. She would have graduated from the business college in Newkirk in the
spring. The high school was dismissed and the pupils attended the funeral in a
body. Her death is the first break, by death in the High school alumni.
funeral services were conducted Thursday by Rev. Berkeley and Rev. Mickey, at
the Christian church. Appropriate music was furnished. The pall bearers were: A.
W. Dick, B. F. Gardner, Clyde Gardner, Sidney Green, Ves Schrock and Clarence
Gray. The floral offerings were beautiful, among them being two wreathes from
the class of 1899, a wreath from the Methodist Sunday school, of which she was a
faithful member, and several others from friends in Oklahoma and Kansas.
Interment was made in the family lot in the Plainville cemetery. A large
concourse of sorrowing friends followed the body to its last resting place and
mingled their tears with those of the sorely bereaved family who have the
sympathy of every one in their dark hour of sorrow. Submitted by Jessica
20 Sep 1901 Rooks Co. Record Anna C. Allen
ANNA C. ALLEN. - - nee Chamberlain- wife of Harvey Allen, died at St
Joseph's hospital of Malignant typhoid fever at 8:30 P.M. the 17th.. She leaves
a son of two years of age. Robert Allen, father of her husband, arrived in the
city yesterday and is in charge of the body, which is being taken to Woodston,
Kansas for interment.
The deceased was a woman of above the average talent
and possessor of a loveable character. She is the author of some very sweet
songs familiar to the ears of Oklahomans, "My Girl in Oklahoma" and "The
Spinster's Plea", are favorites of her writings.
The deceased was the second
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Chamberlain of Lanark Township. The funeral was
held on Thurs. of last week and was attended by a large number of her former
friends. Rev. Grim of the United Brethren Church, conducted the services. The
deceased was born in Illinois in Sept. 1876, and came to Rooks Co., with her
parents, when 5 years of age. She was married at Woodston in March 1898, to Mr.
Harvey Allen.
19 Sep 1901 THE WESTERN NEWS - Anna C. Allen
Mrs. Allen laid
to rest
Dear Editor: It becomes my painful duty to chronicle to your readers
the sad death of Anna C. Allen, wife of Harvey Allen, of Woodston, Kansas. She
died at the St. Joseph's Hospital, Lawton, Okla. Sat., 8:30 P.M. Sept. 17 of
Malignant Typhoid fever after but a brief illness.
Her corpse was shipped to
Woodston to be interred at their home cemetery. Robert Allen arrived here in
time to accompany the remains of his daughter-in-law to its final resting place
and to care for and offer such assistance and condolence as best he could to
Glenn, her precious little 2 year old son, and the heart-broken husband in their
saddest hour of trial.
Mrs. Allen was well and favorable known to thousands,
both here and at El Reno because of the many songs she composed and sang. The
last three entitled "My Home in Oklahoma," "After the Draw", and "The Spinster's
Plea", are among the sweetest and richest of the product of her pen-mostly
composed "In camp" while in El Reno- and are dear to the hearts of all
Oklahomans and purchased and mailed by them to friends all over the world. She
lived a life of sweet Christian purity and died prepared to go to her Redeemer
where she asked that her darling son and husband might come to meet her.
Although away off down here in a far away strange land she endeared herself to
all who knew her and they did all that loving hands could do to make her last
moments with us as pleasant as possible. The bereaved ones have our tenderest
8 Aug 1901 Plainville Times Meltoria E. Foster
Meltoria E. Foster wife of Judson R. Foster born February 22, 1845 in Wisconsin.
And died August 2, 1901 in Plainville. They married November 15, 1859 in
Havanna, Illinois. They had three sons, O. W., A. and L. J. They moved here over
a year ago. She was buried in Plainville Cemetery. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
18 March 1999 (1899) Stockton Sentinel What Stocktonites Were Doing
98 Years Ago Miss Sadie Bishop
Miss Sadie Bishop died on Wednesday evening at
5:30. the funeral will be held at the house Friday morning at 10 o'clock. An
obituary notice of the deceased will appear next week. Article provided by
Brenda Reeder.
aft 5 Mar 1899 Unknown Paper Robert McCray Wilson
Robert McCray Wilson was born November 27th, 1837, in Jefferson county
Pennsylvania and died at his home in Rooks County, Kansas, March 5th, 1899, aged
61 years, 3 months, and 6 days of cancer.
Robert Wilson was a member of the
celebrated Pennsylvania Reserves, enlisting May l5th, 1861, in Company K of the
eleventh Pennsylvania, and in which he served until mustered out in Pittsburgh,
Pa. on the 13th of June 1864. Mr. Wilson wooed and won Miss Elizabeth J. Hewitt,
and they were married at Brockwayville, Pa., July 4th, 1864. Of this union
eleven children, two sons and nine daughters, were born, all of whom, with his
wife, survive him. All the children live in this community except Mrs. Grace
Glendenning of Thayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson moved to Kansas in 1878, settling
on a homestead east of town, where they made for themselves a pleasant home. For
nearly the entire time of his residence here Mr. Wilson has suffered with the
terrible disease that finally sapped his life away. At times he would get better
but suffered agony untold for many years, with a fortitude that won for him the
sympathy and admiration of his neighbors. No truer hero ever fought on
battlefield or trod the paths of every day life than he. One day when he was
suffering intensely the writer tried to express the sympathy the scene called
forth, and he said with a smile breaking over his pain drawn face, I was a true
soldier for Uncle Sam, and shall bear this the same way.
And how bravely he
endured to the end can be attested by all who witnessed his sufferings. He was a
member of the Plainville G.A.R. post and had the good of that order at heart.
Several times he got up from beds of pain to attend Memorial day exercises and
march shoulder to shoulder with old comrades once more. He was a loving husband,
a kind father, a true friend and a good neighbor, universally liked and
respected by all who knew him.
The funeral services were held at the M. E.
church in Plainville on Monday; March 6th, at 10 o clock, conducted by Rev. J.
W. Blundon. The church would not contain the friends who came to pay a last
tribute of respect to their old neighbor. The pallbearers were old soldiers, and
the ritual service of the G.A.R. was used at the grave.
Rooks County Record Sherman Reeder
Sherman Reeder and wife and Reeder took
Monday’s train for Salina where Sherm Reeder went to receive medical treatment
at Dr Mayhew’s sanitarium. Joe Feleay, of Stockton, brought them over on Sunday
evening and they stayed with Messrs Reeder mother, Mrs. Isaac Farrier. Mr R. has
made two trips to Kansas City and now hopes, as do his friends, that he will
find speedy relief from his illness from Dr Mayhew.
17 Jun 1898 Rooks
County Record page 4 Reeder
Sherman Reeder, who sent to Salina a few days ago
to be operated on for cancer in the bowels, died Tuesday night (June 14, 1898).
The body arrived Wednesday evening from Plainville and the funeral was held in
the Christian church Thursday afternoon. Rev. Vallette conducting the exercises.
We are unable to give particulars as to Mr. Reeder's life but will do so next
week. Article provided by McComb of Stockton. (Note: Sherman Reeder was survived
by his wife Lula Paine Hall Reeder two daughters Reeder and Myrtle Reeder, two
sons Ray T. Reeder and Ralph L. Reeder his mother Ann Applegate Reeder Farrier
and step-father Farrier two sisters Addie C. Feleay and Sallie L. Schindler and
three brothers T. Reeder G. Reeder and Scott W. Reeder He was preceded in death
by his father W. Reeder on 9 Apr 1874 two sister Hilda Reeder and Elizabeth
Reeder before 1860 a brother Reeder before 1860 a sister Reeder 4 Aug 1873 and a
brother George Reeder 13 Jan 1872. Note information provided by Brenda Reeder)
24 June 1898 Rooks County Record, page 2 Mrs. Sherm Reeder and Scott Reeder
returned from Salina Friday evening. R. had a surgical operation performed which
the physician's hoped would prove successful. A telegram was received Monday
saying that he was not expected to live for friends to come quick. His mother,
Mrs. H. A. Farrier, went to Stockton Wednesday morning. Mr. R. was expected at
that place that evening.. Articles provided by Gail McComb.
30 Dc
1897 Rooks County Journal John Silver Foster
John Silver Foster was born
February 19, 1824 in Indiana. He was the third son of Joshua and Sarah Foster.
The same year, 1824 his parents removed to Madison county, Illinois, where he
grew to manhood. In 1864 he went to Fulton county, Illinois where he spent most
of his time teaching until about 1851 in which year he was married to Miss
Louisa Pease. From that time until 1871 he spent most of his time in farming in
Knox county, Illinois. In ‘71 he moved to Kansas being one of the first settlers
in Jewell county, locating near Jewell City. In 1888, he located at Plainville
where he has been engaged in the real estate loan and collection work besides
doing considerable pension business and acting as justice of the peace.
leaves a widow and also five children all grown and married, three of who were
with him at the time of his death, viz: Gertrude F. Prentiss, Clifton, Ks.;
Martha L. Clark, Redlands, Cal.; Chas. L. Foster, Chester, Oklahoma; Frank
Foster, Park City, Utah; and Mary S. Puckett, Latimer, Ks.
The funeral
services were held at the M. E. church Sunday morning at 11 a.m. conducted by
Rev. J. F. Johnson assisted by Revs. Mickey, Vallette and Hewitt. The sermon was
preached by Rev. Johnson, taking as a text Rev. 14:13. After services the
remains were interred in the city cemetery. The funeral procession was one of
the longest ever formed in these parts.
Deceased had long been a devoted
member of the M. E. church, taking a great interest especially in the Sunday
school work and since coming here has served several terms as superintendent of
the M. E. Sunday school. Article submitted by Doyle Ekey.
22 Mar
1894 The Plainville Times Benjamin H. Overholser
Death Of H. Overholser
H. Overholser died suddenly at his home in Paradise township on Monday evening,
March 19. (1894). He had been in apparent good health and was at Codell the day
of his death. In the evening he complained of not feeling well, and called for
camphor, which his wife gave him. Shortly after Mrs. Overholser heard a peculiar
noise in the bedroom and upon going in found her husband dead.
The deceased
was born in Tennessee in 1821 moved to Kansas in 1884 and settled south of
Codell, where he resided until death. He was a member of the Baptist church,
having joined it early in life. For the past few years he has lived without
connection with any church, but has lived a Christian life. His remains were
interned in the cemetery near the Shiloh church. The sermon was preached at the
residence by Rev. S. Shotwell and was largely attended. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
6 Jul 1893 The Plainville Times Cecil May Foster
Dr. Gray informs
us of the death of little Cecil May Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Foster, who reside in the edge of Ellis county. Her death occurred on Saturday
morning, July 1, at 5 o’clock and was caused by burns received the evening
before. The accident occurred in this way. The mother being absent visiting at a
neighbors, the three little daughters accompanied their father to a field where
he was breaking prairie. Mr. Foster started to burn off the piece of land he was
breaking and as he was engaged in setting fire along a certain line, the
children remained behind. Directly the father’s attention was attracted by cries
from the children, and looking back he saw Cecil, the youngest, child, two and a
half years old, enveloped in flames. Her clothing being of cotton, it ignited
easily as she approached near the fire and before Mr. Foster could extinguish
the flames, the little one was horribly burned. The parents are deeply grieved
of the untimely death of their child and have the sincere sympathy of all.
Submitted by Doyle Ekey.
18 May 1893 The Plainville Times Burney Earl
On May16, 1893 at the home of his parents in Corning township,
Burney Earl, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Overholser died after an
illness of three weeks.
Little Burney fell asleep in the arms of Him who
“Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the
Kingdom of Heaven.”
A short funeral service was conducted by the writer in
the sad home, where a goodly number of sympathizing friends had gathered, after
which the remains were conveyed to the Shiloh cemetery and laid to rest with
appropriate ceremonies.
“Ere sin could harm or sorrow fade,
Death came
with friendly care
The Opening bud to heaven conveyed,
And bade it blossom
there.” - D. Moore
Submitted by Doyle Ekey
24 Mar 1892
Plainville Times Mrs. Lydia R. Griffin Winnemore
Mrs. Lydia R. Griffin
Winnemore died at home, north of the city, on Thursday, March 17, at 5:30
o'clock p.m., at the age of 42 years. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock at the residence, and was largely attended notwithstanding the inclement
weather. Rev. L. W. Mickey gave a very appropriate and touching discourse, and
warmly eulogized the deceased for her kindness, generosity and true womanly
qualities. Mrs. Winnemore, who was better known as Mrs. Griffin, settled on the
site of her late home in 1877, she and her husband being the first settlers
here. The husband, W. I. Griffin, who shared with her the hardships of the
frontier home, died on Nov. 4, 1888, and some two years subsequent to that date
the deceased was married to W. J. Winnemore, who survives her. She also leaves
an only daughter, Miss Nellie. To extol the many virtues of Mrs. Winnemore is
unnecessary. She befriended, and in turn was the friend of nearly every person
who had ever made her acquaintance. She lived not alone for herself, but instead
to make the world better and those around her happier. Submitted by Kathleen
Groll Groll494@wowway.com
18 Feb 1892 The Plainville Times Jesse
Elmer Overholser
"At the hour of 9 o'clock in the evening of February 9,
1892, the death angel appeared in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Overholser, of
Corning township, and claimed little Jesse, their infant son. Lung trouble,
arising from an attack of la grippe, caused his death. All efforts on the part
of the attending physician, attended with the unceasing watchfulness and care of
many willing hands and loving hearts, proved of no avail. Funeral services were
held at the Shiloh Presbyterian church, Wednesday afternoon, conducted by the
writer of this article. A goodly number were in attendance. Truly the bereaved
parents have the sympathy of a large circle of friends."
Funeral at Shiloh
Presbyterian Church which has been gone many years. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
Triplett Obituaries and other information.
13 Feb
1890 The Plainville Times Alonzo Edson
Mr. Alonzo Edson, living northeast of
town died last Sabbath morning. The funeral was held at the family residence
Monday at 11 o’clock, conducted by Rev. J. M. Miller, and were largely attended
by an assembly of sincerely sympathizing friends. Mr. Edson was born in
Burlington, Iowa in 1852 and came to Rooks county twelve years ago (1878). He
was a member of the M. E. church, and the closing hours of his life were full of
peace and hope. Shortly before he passed away he said to his wife “I want to
sleep and rest but the next for me is over yonder.” In a few moments more he
took his wife’s hand and bid her good bye, the spirit passing away - we trust
where sorrow never comes. An only daughter (herself bereaved of her husband some
eighteen months ago) is the only near relative left to share the sorrow of the
bereft wife. - Rev. J. M. Miller. Submitted by Doyle Ekey
12 Apr
1888 Rooks County Democrat Lucy Sanderson
Died, at her residence in this
city, at 9 a.m., Friday, March 16, of heart disease, Mrs. Lucy SANDERSON, aged
39 years. Thus again has the King of Terrors, with swift and sudden stroke, from
a happy household withdrawn, a fond wife and devoted mother. Mrs SANDERSON had
been complaining for about a week, but her friends had not supposed her in
danger, until Friday morning, when the summons came and at the call of the
Master her spirit left the tenement of clay and entered into the glories of the
better land. Mrs. SANDERSON was married to her sorrowing husband in Pike Co.,
ILL. and the day of her burial - Sunday - would have marked the eighth
anniversary of that happy event. She leaves one child, Miss Cora RUBLE. Mrs.
SANDERSON was a member of the Christian church. The funeral took place Sunday
afternoon at the late residence of the deceased; Eld. HICKEY, of the Christian
church, preaching an impressive and appropriate sermon, after which the remains
were conveyed to their last resting place in Stockton cemetery, a large
concourse of sympathizing friends accompanying the bereaved family to the grave
12 Jul 1984 (1884) It Happened 100 Years Ago Harry C. Bartlett
Our citizens were startled Wednesday afternoon with news that Harry C. Bartlett
was dead. With the fact that he had been upon our streets within an hour of his
death the report seemed impossible. He was taken ill near his home while
returning from town. Physicians were called and to them and everybody he made
the statement that he had been poisoned. He held to this assertion to the moment
of his death. It is probable that a postmortem will take place under the
circumstances there is a suspicion of foul play.
unknown date
unknown newspaper Francis Marion Allen
Last Thursday at 9:40 pm, F. M. Allen
passed away after three days illness of paralysis at his home two miles west and
one-half mile north of Sumner, Oklahoma.
Francis Marion Allen was born at
Cinton, Iowa, March 4, 1853. He was united in marriage to Caroline Trout at
Stockton, Kansas in 1880. To this union six children were born, four daughters
and two sons, all of whom are grown and married. The deceased was delighted over
the fact that he was grandfather of 13 children. He was an energetic farmer, a
great reader of newspapers, even during the last year though failing in health
he kept up with the new sand events of his country.
Funeral services were
held at the residence Thursday at 2:00 pm and Rev. George Dennis delivered a
very impressive sermon while Mesdames Vanmeter, Dawson and Livingston, Messers
Bowers and Vanmeter sang three selections, after which the funeral cortege drove
to the cemetery south of Sumner, where the body was laid to rest to await the
resurrection morn.
The relatives from away were: Miles Allen and wife, Mrs.
Lottie Johnson and Otis Allen of Meridian, Oklahoma, Mrs. Write and Mrs. Booth
of Tonkawa, Oklahoma. Besides the immediate family he leaves two brothers and
one sister, one brother living in Wisconsin and other brother and sister living
in Washington.
The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved
ones in this sad hour.
Card of Thanks
We desire to thank all those
during the illness of our families and the last illness of our beloved husband
and father. Also for the beautiful floral offerings.
Caroline Allen
Mr &
Mrs. D. T. Sherrard
Mr & Mrs. J. C. Jacobs
Mr & Mrs. H. O. Clifton
Mr &
Mrs. F. M. Evans
Mr & Mrs. R. S. Allen
Mr & Mrs. T. F. Allen See Link
unknown date unknown newspaper Mrs. Evelyn B. Drotts
Mrs. Evelyn
B. Drotts, a lifetime and highly respected resident of this area died September
24 at the Good Samaritan Center in Hays, where she had made her home recently.
She was born August 13, 1899, in Rooks CO, to John D. and Ella M (Chamberlain)
Reed. She married Earl Drotts June 24, 1923, in Rooks CO. She was a member of
the United Methodist Church in Stockton and the American Legion Auxiliary.
Survivors include her husband, of Good Samaritan Center of Hays; two sons,
Glenn, Hays, and Norman, Topeka; a daughter, Lucy Clouse, Hutchinson, Minn.; a
brother, Bob Reed, Minnesota; five sisters, Cella Johnson and Ruth Ann Hogle,
both of Fortuna, Calif., Esther Sell, Stockton, Alma Bilderback, Cenerville,
Ohio, and Elsie May Leight, Phoenix, Ariz.; nine grandchildren and five great
The funeral services were to be this Wednesday afternoon at
the Smith Moore Funeral Chapel with Rev. Lyle Miller, the officiating minister,
with burial in the Slate Cemetery.
Memorials to the Heart Fund or the
American Diabetic Association are suggested by the family.
Most contributed by Jan Simpson Reading, Gail McComb, or Wanda Vanhorn Sammons.
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