Seward County

Kismet Cemetery

Compiled and contributed Apr 2002 by Laura Youtsey-Ball. Updated 9 Jul 2007 by Oz.

Adame, Jose Angel Jr. - born Nov 14, 1994, died April 5, 2002, son of Jose and Patricia (Arellano) Adame
Arnold, Bevin Ruth - born Aug 19, 1912, died Aug 15, 1999, shares stone with Karel Bevin
Back of Stone - born Feb 21, 1923, shares stone with R. Ernest, Married June 1, 1947, Parents of Marlyn, Roann, Lyndon, Eugene, Raymond and Lee
Back of Stone - born Jan 18, 1923, died Feb 13, 1981, shares stone with Lola Claar, Tec 5 US Army World War II
Ball, Emery F. - born 1900, died 1972, shares stone with Lorena
Ball, Lorena - born 1907, died 2002, shares stone with Emery F.
Barker, Lois Pearl - born 1942, died 1942
Bayha, Jay Condit - born 1890, died 1916
Beale, George H. Jr. - born 1879, died 1925
Bevin Karel H. M. - born Sept 7, 1914, died April 28, 1976, shares stone with Ruth Arnold
Bevin, Walter Henry - born July 24, 1957, died July 2, 1997
Blake, Chester - born Nov 2, 1913, died Nov 2, 1913
Borchers, Clarence H. - born 1906, died 1977, shares stone with Ruby E.
Borchers, Ruby E. - born 1915, shares stone with Clarence H.
Brown Ada Rose - born July 25, 1912, died April 8, 1937
Brown, Courtney L. - born 19__, died 2004
Brown, Doris Thompson - born July 14, 1917, died Oct 31, 1982
Brown, Oliver Scott - born July 9, 1905, died Jan 15, 2002
Bruner, Alford - born 1916, died 1936
Bruner, Ervin L. - born 1912, died 1930
Bruner, Geneva L. - born Feb 8, 1921, shares stone with John J.
Bruner, Harry J. - born May 2, 1901, died April 17, 1904, shares stone with Nellie M.
Bruner, Irvin Wayne - born June 7, 1932, died Dec 27, 2002
Bruner, JoAnn G. - born Oct 21, 1939, died Jan 5, 1990
Bruner, John D. - born 1877, died 1932, Father
Bruner, John J. - born Nov 20, 1922, shares stone with Geneva L.
Bruner, Lydia B. - born 1883, died 1942, Mother
Bruner, Nellie M. - born May 19, 1901, died Nov 21, 1982, shares stone with Harry J.
Bruner, Rosie - no stone/no dates
Bruner, Tom - born 1908, died 1924, Gone But Not Forgotten
Buchfink, Christian W. - born 1892, died 1933
Bullard, Allen Eugene - born June 26, 1935, died June 29, 1935, Son, shares stone with Leona Bullard Wilson
Byer, Dorthy Marie - born 1929, died 1935
Campbell, Beverly Ruth - born 1937, died 1937
Campbell, Ruby Lorene - born 1935, died 1935
Carter, Chester - no dates
Chamberlain, Louise - born 1902, died 1923, Wife of F.L. Chamberlain
Chase, Billy Gene - born Nov 26, 1933, died Oct 8, 1972
Chase, Blanche Vera - born Jan 15, 1903, died Dec 20, 1966
Chase, E. P. (Jack) - born Jan 17, 1898, died June 18, 1978
Chase, Ella M. - died June 11, 1923
Clark, Geneva - born 1900, died 1970, shares stone with Hobart
Clark, Hobart - born 1900, died 1963, shares stone with Geneva
Clark, James E. "Jack" - born Jan 27, 1938, died Jan 8, 1984
Clawson, Baby - no dates
Coffey, Gordon N. - born 1922, died 1984, SGT. US Army World War II
Collins, Boy Infant - born 1949, died 1949
Conover, Florence G. - born 1922, died 1926
Courtney, Donna M. - born May 3, 1955, died Jan 15, 1975
Courtney, Eva M. - born Feb 8, 1896, died Nov 7, 1941, shares stone with Manning M.
Courtney, Manning M. - born Feb 1, 1899, died Sept 29,1967, shares stone with Eva M.
Courtney, William Calvin - born June 14, 1923, died Aug 25, 1996
Davis, Alice V. - died 1926, Baby
Davis, Beatrice J. - born Nov 13, 1924, died Feb 15, 1925
Davis, Emma H. - born Aug 30, 1863, died Dec 25, 1921, Mother
Denton, Eva Lou - born March 4, 1939, died Jan 10, 2001, shares stone with Howard J. "Bud", married Feb 2, 1958, our children: Ricky Lee, Debra Ann, Shawn Rene, Mark Howard
Denton, Harry - born June 28, 1878, died Nov 27, 1950
Denton, Howard J. "Bud" - born May 1, 1934, shares stone with Eva Lou
Denton, Mae P. - born Feb 8, 1884, died Nov 7, 1913
Denton, Rachel E. - born 1881, died 1958
Diveley, Don H. - born Nov 20, 1934, died Feb 14, 1972, Loving Husband and Daddy
Diveley, Vera Mae - born May 24, 1937, died March 20, 1989, Loving Mom and Grandma
Dodd, Albert J. - born 1886, died 1951
Dodd, Flora Rhiness Smith - born Dec 29, 1890, died Feb 27, 1970
Dodd, Grace - born 1896, died 1961
Drake, John - born 1856, died 1927
Eckel, Irene - born 1924, died 1977, Mother
Eckhoff, Lena Denton - born 1922, died 1981
Edwards, Lisa Marie (Manard) - born Feb 20, 1984, died Jan 5, 1987, Daughter of Carol
Ehman, Elsie Ruth - born Sept 18, 1921, died Jan 29, 1974
Ehman, Stanley Ray - born Jan 26, 1917, died Sept 9, 1975
Ellsaesser Family Stone
Ellsaesser, Baby Girl - born 1949, died 1949
Ellsaesser, Charles T. - born 1848, died 1913, Father
Ellsaesser, Floyd C. - born 1922, died 1937, shares stone with Frances E.
Ellsaesser, Frances E. - born 1920, died 1937, shares stone with Floyd C.
Ellsaesser, Frank T. - born 1876, died 1947, Father, shares stone with Mary B.
Ellsaesser, John W. - born 1893, died 1912, Son
Ellsaesser, Louise A. - born 1859, died 1941, Mother
Ellsaesser, Mary B. - born 1887, died 1954, Mother, shares stone with Frank T.
Fawcett, Carol J. - born May 1, 1930, died May 29, 1982, shares stone with Edward M.
Fawcett, Edward M. - born April 1, 1926, shares stone with Carol J.
Fellers, Leslie B. - born 1921, died 1922
Forbes, Dorton Camery - born Sept 9, 1900, died Dec 12, 1989, shares stone with Mary Elisebeth
Forbes, Dorton Jr. - born 1922, died 1922
Forbes, Mary Elisebeth - born Aug 15, 1898, died Jan 27, 1989, shares stone with Dorton Camery
Gladys, Ruby - born Jan 1, 1918, died Jan 2, 1918
Grantz, William Jr. - born 1944, died 1944
Green, Anna - born 1892, died 1980, shares stone with David R.
Green, Clifford Wm. - born 1883, died 1929
Green, David R. - born 1888, died 1939, shares stone with Anna
Green, Harriet Elizabeth Martin - born Sept 5, 1856, died March 11, 1935, shares stone with William Tollman, married: July 17, 1873
Green, William Tollman - born March 4, 1849, died Dec 9, 1941, shares stone with Harriet Elizabeth Martin
Greenwood, Eric N. - Back of Stone View - born Oct 8, 1944, died Jan 18, 2001, shares stone with Peggy A.
Greenwood, Peggy A. - Back of Stone View - born Dec 12, 1945, shares stone with Eric N., married Aug 16, 1964, in loving memory,
Guldner Edwin J. - born 1895, died 1976, shares stone with Josephine D.
Guldner, Josephine D. - born 1902, died 2000, shares stone with Edwin J., Married 1919
Handy, A. J. - born April 6, 1924, shares stone with Liz
Handy, Arva M. - born April 12, 1902, died April 26, 1993, shares stone with Opal P.
Handy, Lincoln - born 1861, died 1958, shares stone with Mary L.
Handy, Liz - born Feb 4, 1924, died July 10, 2002, shares stone with A. J., Married April 3, 1959
Handy, Mary L. - born 1863, died 1932, shares stone with Lincoln
Handy, Opal P. - born Nov 16, 1904, died Feb 24, 1999, shares stone with Arva M., Married Jan 13, 1923
Harrington, Arthur R. - born Feb 4, 1940, died Jan 9, 1963, I Go To Prepare A Place For You
Harrington, Denver C. - born 1935, died 2002, A2C US Air Force
Harris, Smith D. - born 1852, died 1932
Harris, Virgil Eugene - born 1921, died 1933
Headrick, Earl Dean - born Dec 25, 1924, died Jan 3, 2000, shares stone with Verna Mae
Headrick, Verna Mae - born June 19, 1929, shares stone with Earl Dean, Married Aug 17, 1947, Our children: Connie-1950, Darrell-1954, Daniel-1956, Jeffrey-1967, Inscription: But they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Heard, Daisy V. - born 1880, died 1963, shares stone with Thomas J., Mother
Heard, Thomas J. - born 1836, died 1922, shares stone with Daisy V., Father
Henage, George H. - born 1907, died 1982, shares stone with Gladys A.
Henage, Gladys A. - born 1910, died 1983, shares stone with George H.
Holbert, Ermina - born 1856, died 1936, Mother
Howard, Anna Jean - born Nov 17, 1928, died Dec 6, 2004, Forever In Our Hearts, Loving Mother & Grandmother
Howard, Bonnie J. - born 1925, died 2001, shares stone with Jesse E., Married Dec 2, 1946
Howard, Jesse E. - born 1928, died 1970, shares stone with Bonnie J.
Inman, Kim E. - born 1953, died 2003
Jantzen, Timmy - died 1966, Son of Harold & Margie Jantzen
Jennings Doyle W. - born Nov 12, 1944, died June 4, 2003, shares stone with Carole Ann
Jennings, Carole Ann - born June 13, 1946, died Dec 23, 1999, shares stone with Doyle W., Married Aug 2, 1965
Jones, Floyd C. - born July 7, 1937, died May 13, 1989, forever in our hearts
Kane, Robert James - born Nov 5, 1927, died May 16, 1992, shares stone with Rosalie (Courtney)
Kane, Rosalie (Courtney) - born Nov 23, 1931, shares stone with Robert James
Keefe Lily M. and Babe - born May 22, 1881, died March 17, 1912
Kiley, Edward - born 1895, died 1985, shares stone with Pauline
Kiley, Pauline - born 1898, died 1989, shares stone with Edward, Married 66 yrs, parents of Ruth-1920, Irene- 1923, June-1927, Edward-1929, Patrick-1932, Anna-1943
King, Hiram G. - born 1868, died 1909
Kirk, Tom - no dates
Knowles, Lorena F. - born 1922, died 1931
Knowles, Nancy Jane - born 1855, died 1936
Koehn, Amanda - born 1903, died 1919, shares stone with Mazel
Koehn, Laverne Franklin - born 1933, died 1933
Koehn, Mazel - born 1920, died 1920, shares stone with Amanda
Laird, Frank W. - born 1885, died 1959, shares stone with Leah E.
Laird, Leah E. - born 1896, died 1957, shares stone with Frank W.
Lambert, Evelyn - born June 13, 1918, shares stone with Harold T., Married Aug 28, 1937
Lambert, Harold T. - born Sept 8, 1913, died July 27, 1995, shares stone with Evelyn
Langacher, Amos - born 1893, died 1957, shares stone with Mary
Langacher, Chrystal Pauline - born 1916, died 1916
Langacher, Mary - born 1894, died 1986, shares stone with Amos
Lee, Roberta L. - born Feb 22, 1932, died Aug 13, 1993, Mother
Leonard, Nancy - born Sept 22, 1860, died Aug 8, 1911
Lewis, Edgar D. - born Dec 8, 1920, died Oct 24, 1993, shares stone with Mary E.
Lewis, Edith Pearl - born 1924, died 1925, Daughter
Lewis, Elizabeth J. - born 1884, died 1935, shares stone with Harrison E.
Lewis, Harrison E. - born 1882, died 1953, shares stone with Elizabeth J.
Lewis, Mary E. - born Feb 13, 1924, died (13 May 2006), shares stone with Edgar D., Died in Kismet, Kansas
Lindsay, Charles G. - born Jan 24, 1892, died March 3, 1972, Kansas PVT US Army World War I
Lindsay, Elmer Dale - born 1944, died 1944
Lindsay, Joseph C. - born 1863, died 1931
Lindsay, Margaret S. - born 1865, died 1952
Louthan, Abbie C. - born 1891, died 1984, shares stone with Floy C.
Louthan, Edwin A. - born Jan 7, 1866, died April 25, 1940
Louthan, Floy C. - born 1893, died 1989, shares stone with Abbie C.
Louthan, Laura V. - born 1870, died 1933
Lucille, Vera - born 1930, died 1932
Ludwick, Bernice A. - born 1906, died 1943, shares stone with Charles E.
Ludwick, Charles E. - born 1888, died 1963, shares stone with Bernice A.
Mansell, Ila Joyce - born July 13, 1936, died March 20, 2001, shares stone with Sam
Mansell, Sam - born April 17, 1932, shares stone with Ila Joyce
Martin, Sophia - born 1917, died 2000, shares stone with Martin
Massoni, Floyd H. - born May 21, 1904, died Oct 22, 1994, shares stone with Mildred V.
Massoni, Melissa Marie - born 1955, died 1969, Our Lissy
Massoni, Mildred V. - born Sept 18, 1904, died Feb 3, 1998, shares stone with Floyd H., Married June 3, 1926, Children: Jack-1927, Robert-1933, John-1934
Maude, Mary - born Unknown, died Aug 3, 1912, Infant Daughter
McAdams Lulie M. - born July 10, 1865, died Aug 12, 1909, Wife of John W. McAdams, age 44 yrs 2d
McVey, Florence M. - born Nov 27, 1916, died Dec 3, 1996, shares stone with J. Hobart, Mother, Budded Here On Earth To Bloom In Heaven, children: Joyce Ann, Sharon Lee, Carolyn Sue, Norman Richard, Robert Dean
McVey, J. Hobart - born Feb 7, 1915, died Sept 2, 2000, shares stone with Florence M., Father
McVey, Lola Claar
McVey, Marie Renee - died April 28, 1974, Our Baby Sleeps
McVey, R. Ernest
Miller, Clara Mae - born July 25, 1910, died Nov 15, 1995, shares stone with Thomas E. "Jack"
Miller, Dorothy (Brock) - Wife of & buried next to John H. Miller. No stone, no dates, she was cremated.
Miller, John H. - born 1848, died 1909, The vacant place, the only chance we see them, day by day and oh it fills our heart with love.
Miller, John Harry - born May 20, 1914, died July 5, 1967, KS Tec 4, 695 AAA MG BTRY CAC World War II
Miller, Julia H. - born 1892, died 1954
Miller, Martin - born 1911, died 1976, shares stone with Sophia
Miller, Ralph W. - born 1886, died 1930
Miller, Thomas E. "Jack" - born Jan 12, 1910, died March 6, 1986, shares stone with Clara Mae
Miller, Unknown Baby - Buried next to Dorothy (Brock) Miller.
Mitchell, Shari - born 1964, died 2006
Monahan, Lena Lingo - born 1889, died 1988
Moore, Debra Lynn - born 1956, died 1956
Moore, Frank - born 1915, died 1967, He Who Lies Here Will Always Walk Tall Amongst Us
Moore, Karla Kay - born 1966, died 1968
Moore, Mary Thelma - born Jan 17, 1920, died May 9, 1981, All Kids Called Her Grandma
Morris Mary Elizabeth - born 1902, died 1920, shares stone with Harry Clinton
Morris, Harry Clinton - born 1903, died 1922, shares stone with Mary Elizabeth
Morris, James R. - born 1876, died 1950
Mullenix, Elmer W. - born Sept 22, 1886, died Oct 11, 1918
Myers, Harriet Anna - born Aug 1, 1916, shares stone with Virgil Eston, Married July 4, 1937, our children: Kay, Ann, Danny, David, Marla, Lynn
Myers, Infant - No dates
Myers, Virgil Eston - born Aug 1, 1911, died Jan 1, 1991, shares stone with Harriet Anna
Nelson Family Stone
Nelson, George H. - born 1857, died 1911, Father
Nelson, Myron W. - born 1895, died 1919, Pvt Battery A. 77 Field Art. US Army
Nickell, Claude - born Dec 5, 1886, died Nov 9, 1959, Nebraska WAGR 10 Co 155 Depot Brig World War I
No stone, no name, no dates.
Nosekabel, Carole - born Dec. 6, 1935, died Feb. 17, 2005, shares stone with Glen, Obituary
Nosekabel, Glen - born Oct. 11, 1930, shares stone with Carole, Married July 31, 1954
Nutt, Arthur G. - No dates
Olin, Ruth - [View 1] | [View 2] - born July 24, 1908, died July 21, 1909, Dau of A. C. & E. E. Olin, Age 11m, 27 d, Suffer little child and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Moll:19:14
Ormiston, Alvin L. (Army) - born March 17, 1910, died Aug 19, 1989, shares stone with Velna R. Johnson
Ormiston, Clara B. - born 1859, died 1940, shares stone with Oscar O., Mother
Ormiston, Dora Belle - born 1908, died 1924, We Will Meet Again
Ormiston, Francis W. - born May 22, 1923, died Feb 14, 2001, shares stone with Mildred F.
Ormiston, Katie Anna - born 1888, died 1943, shares stone with William O.
Ormiston, Mildred F. Ediger - born Oct 26, 1925, shares stone with Francis W.
Ormiston, Oscar O. - born 1854, died 1937, shares stone with Clara B., Father
Ormiston, Velna R. Johnson - born Sept 9, 1916, died March 19, 1994, shares stone with Alvin L. (Army), Married March 16, 1937, children: Gwen-1940, Gale-1944, Gay-1949
Ormiston, William O. - born 1877, died 1958, shares stone with Katie Anna
Orth, George Eldon - born Sept 14, 1940, died Feb 14, 1990, US Army
Owens, Eleanor L. - born Nov 3, 1921, died Dec 9, 1978, Wife of Earl
Owens, Vera Eloyce - born 1932, died 1934
Palmer, Cora C. - born 1879, died 1941
Palmer, Elmore H. - born Jan 18, 1877, died June 16, 1938
parents of Scott and Caralee, Krystal, Reagan, Erica, Emily, Danielle, Seth, Alyssa, Nicholas
Patrick, Clyde "Pat" - born Oct 24, 1921, died June 5, 1993, shares stone with Mary Heublein
Patrick, Mary Heublein - born Feb 20, 1928, shares stone with Clyde "Pat"
Peterman, Charles Henry - born Jan 24, 1920, died Oct 22, 1994, shares stone with Flossa Fern, Tec 4 US Army WW II
Peterman, Flossa Fern - born Aug 14, 1910, died July 7, 2006, shares stone with Charles Henry, Married Nov 5, 1955
Pinkerton, Dick "John R." - born Nov 30, 1925, died Sept 29, 1994, shares stone with Vesta, US Navy WW II
Pinkerton, Donald Ray - born Dec 9, 1928, died Nov 24, 1931
Pinkerton, John M. - born June 25, 1891, died Dec 31, 1969, Kansas CPL 355 Infantry WW I
Pinkerton, John W. - born 1862, died 1930, Father
Pinkerton, Margaret - born 1866, died 1951, Mother
Pinkerton, Marshal - born 1891, died 1969, shares stone with Nora M.
Pinkerton, Nora M. - born 1898, died 1966, shares stone with Marshal
Pinkerton, Richard Gregg - born 1954, died 1969
Pinkerton, Vesta - born Aug 21, 1926, shares stone with Dick "John R.", Married July 7, 1946, Joe-1947, Claudia-1950, Don-1951, Richard-1954-1969
Pinkerton, Wade H. - born Jan 29, 1933, KS PVT 164 Depot Brig
Powell, Baby - No dates
Quintana, Rosalia B. - born Dec 26, 1950, died Dec 13, 2002
Ralston, Walter R. - born March 22, 1892, died March 30, 1919
Ray, Hattie B. - born 1890, died 1975
Rose, George H. - born Jan 23, 1884, died Dec 29, 1955, Father
Rose, George Harold - born July 23, 1916, died May 28, 1930
Rose, Jackie V. - born Sept 11, 1925, died Dec 6, 1927
Rose, Nora M. - born Oct 20, 1891, died Oct 31, 1928, Mother
Rose, Raymond J. - born July 5, 1914, died April 17, 1918
Rush, Edward Everett - born July 24, 1935, died Nov 4, 1998, shares stone with Leona Fern Pope
Rush, Leona Fern Pope - born April 7, 1936, shares stone with Edward Everett, Married July 5, 1958, parents of Rhonda and Ramah
Sherer, Brice W. - born Feb 13, 1910, died May 6, 1994, shares stone with Waneta A.
Sherer, Frances G. - born Aug 28, 1918, died July 18, 1997, shares stone with John H., Married Sept 21, 1936, parents of: Jack-1937, Jim-1942, Kathleen-1944, David-1952
Sherer, John H. - born Dec 20, 1915, died May 30, 2002, shares stone with Frances G.
Sherer, Waneta A. - born May 15, 1912, died March 4, 1997, shares stone with Brice W., Married July 18, 1937, our sons: Richard, Bill
Simonson Family Stone
Simonson, Alvin E. - born Feb 8, 1881, died Feb 2, 1969
Simonson, Carrie A. - born Nov 20, 1882, died May 8, 1972
Simonson, John B. - born Feb 23, 1904, died Feb 14, 1923
Simonson, Robert A. - born Sept 2, 1911, died Nov 21, 1988, shares stone with Ruth A., Husband
Simonson, Ruth A. - born July 14, 1915, died *Nov 26, 2005, shares stone with Robert A., Wife, Biographical Information
Sinclair, Larry C. - born March 15, 1937, died April 22, 1983, shares stone with Shirley R.
Sinclair, Larry Scot - born July 13. 1960, died May 5, 2003, (Son)
Sinclair, Shirley R. - born Aug 20, 1938, died Feb 18, 2000, shares stone with Larry C.
Smith Ada - born 1882, died 1955, shares stone with Louis, God Alone Understands
Smith Zigg E. - born 1934, died 1986
Smith, Brandon L. - born Dec 4, 1979, died March 12, 1985, shares stone with Michael L. E.
Smith, Dustin J. - born June 15, 1982, died May 4, 1983
Smith, Harris D. - born 1852, died 1932
Smith, Jackie W. - died 1929
Smith, Louis - born 1886, died 1970, shares stone with Ada
Smith, Mabel - born 1884, died 1955, shares stone with Pete, God Alone Understands
Smith, Michael L. E. - born May 18, 1981, died March 12, 1985, shares stone with Brandon L.
Smith, Pete - born 1884, died 1951, shares stone with Mabel
Smith, Roy L. - born Feb 21, 1910, died Dec 13, 1982
Smitherman, Jerry D. - born 1933, died 2003
Snyder, David R. - born Aug 4, 1867, died June 25, 1927
Snyder, Harrisson - born July 20, 1888, died Nov 23, 1917, Husband of Edith Snyder
Snyder, Rachel Nellie - born 1913, died 1927
Spaulding, Donald - died 1931, shares stone with Ronald
Spaulding, Martha J. - born 1903, died 1966, shares stone with Virgil H.
Spaulding, Ronald - died 1931, shares stone with Donald
Spaulding, Virgil H. - born 1905, died 1981, shares stone with Martha J.
Stoll, Ann M. - born May 23, 1945, shares stone with Arthur L., Married Sept 2, 1966
Stoll, Anna - born June 16, 1868, died Jan 16, 1968, shares stone with Peter, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
Stoll, Arthur J. - born 1926, died 1935
Stoll, Arthur L. - born Jan 26, 1945, died May 8, 1997, shares stone with Ann M.
Stoll, Bonnie Marie - died Nov 14, 1930
Stoll, Carroll June - died June 15, 1938
Stoll, Harry W. - born Jan 6, 1919, died May 8, 1997, shares stone with Nora M.
Stoll, Larry Dee - born Jan 16, 1951, died Jan 18, 1951
Stoll, Lydia - born June 1, 1899, died Aug 22, 1985, shares stone with Noah, Married April 5, 1917
Stoll, Mary W. - born 1950, died 2003
Stoll, Noah - born Feb 15, 1892, died Sept 28, 1985, shares stone with Lydia
Stoll, Nora M. - born Aug 2, 1923, died Nov 6, 1992, shares stone with Harry W.
Stoll, Peter - born May 4, 1868, died Dec 26, 1934, shares stone with Anna
Suess, Carol R. - died May 18, 1970
Thompson Betty L. - born 1930, died 1930, No stone/marker
Thompson, Alice D. - born Dec 26, 1887, died July 4, 1964
Thompson, Alta Mae - born 1894, died 1966, shares stone with Laurence
Thompson, Alvin E. - born 1928, died 1928
Thompson, Infant Daughter - died 1915, Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Thompson
Thompson, Infant Daughter - died 1917, Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Thompson
Thompson, Infant Son - died 1919, Son of Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Thompson
Thompson, Infant Son - died 1921, Son of Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Thompson
Thompson, Laurence - born 1892, died 1963, shares stone with Alta Mae
Thompson, Lula B. - born 1916, died 1916
Thompson, Mary H. - born 1929, shares stone with Ralph K.
Thompson, Ralph K. - born 1926, died 1983, shares stone with Mary H.
Thorne, Frank T. - born 1882, died 1969, shares stone with Izora E.
Thorne, George R. - born March 20, 1929, died Sept 25, 1991
Thorne, Izora E. - born 1890, died 1966, shares stone with Frank T.
Thorpe, Geneva B. - born April 30, 1917, died Jan 10, 2000, shares stone with Wilbur A., Married: July 31, 1936
Thorpe, Wilbur A. - born May 12, 1916, shares stone with Geneva B.
Unruh, Ervin - born Oct 29, 1918, died June 25, 1988, shares stone with Jeaneata
Unruh, Jeaneata - born Dec 3, 1920, shares stone with Ervin, I Am The Resurrection And The Life
Unruh, Rosalie Lucille - born 1932, died 1932, shares stone with Virginia Wilma
Unruh, Virginia Wilma - born 1925, died 1925, shares stone with Rosalie Lucille
Walker, Austin Don - died Aug 20, 1994, Our Baby
Walker, Orville L. - born Feb 8, 1939, died Dec 12, 1988, The Lord Is My Shepherd Psalm 23
Watkins, Marvin N. - died Sept 27, 1924, Infant Son of Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Watkins
Wendt, Virginia F. - born Sept 18, 1937, shares stone with Wesley W.
Wendt, Wesley W. - born April 23, 1928, died July 23, 1998, shares stone with Virginia F.
Wessler, Della B. - born March 26, 1907, died Sept 5, 1991, shares stone with Edward F., Married Dec 15, 1927
Wessler, Edward F. - born Jan 13, 1903, died Aug 12, 1976, shares stone with Della B.
Wessler, Helen M. - born 1908, died 1970, shares stone with Robert C.
Wessler, Robert C. - born 1905, died 1991, shares stone with Helen M.
Wessler, Telva Lee - born Nov 4, 1929, died Dec 16, 1929, Daughter of R.C. & H.M. Wessler
White, Francis R. - born 1919, died 1919
White, Margaret L. Palmer - born June 15, 1894, died Dec 22, 1996
Williams, Peter A. - born 1856, died 1932
Wilson, Leona Bullard - born Oct 28, 1911, died Oct 2, 1986, Mother, shares stone with Allen Bullard
Woods, Esther E. - born Jan 5, 1915, shares stone with Preston H.
Woods, Preston H. - born March 24, 1910, died April 25, 1988, shares stone with Esther E.
Wyrick, Nadine - born July 20, 1932, died Nov 27, 1994, wife, mother and teacher
Young, Joseph - born Jan 31, 1923, died June 17, 1997, shares stone with Maude, Poppy
Young, Maude - born July 23, 1912, died Feb 26, 1996, shares stone with Joseph, Granny

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This page was last updated 08/31/2024