Seward County


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1992 Registration of Axis Aliens in Kansas: January, 1918 through June, 1918 - not available online, 76 pages, lists unnaturalized people living in Kansas, their residence, employers, immigration info, mother, father, siblings, wife, children, fingerprints, photograph, etc.
The Registration of Axis Aliens enactment and revision of Sections 4067, 4068, 4069 and 4070 of the revised Statutes of the United States, as approved by Congress, concerning hostile nations was executed by the Department of Justice on December 31, 1917. All unaturalized males (fourteen years and upward) who are subjects of the German Empire or of the Imperial German Government must register with the Department of Justice. This also was amended to include Alsace-Lorraine in France, and Schleswig-Holstein in Denmark. On May 15, 1918, the Department of Justice enacyted the above regulation to the registration of German Alien Females (fourteen years and upward). Note that a married woman has a dual naturalization and also takes on the naturalization of her spouse. Therefore, there are a number of natural-born American citizens listed.

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