Sherman County, one of the western tier, the second south from Nebraska, is
bounded on the north by Cheyenne county; on the east by Thomas; on the south by
Wallace and Logan, and on the west by the State of Colorado. It was created in
1873 and named for Gen. William T. Sherman. The boundaries were defined as
follows: "Commencing where the east line of range 37 west intersects the 1st
standard parallel; thence south with said line to the 2nd standard parallel;
thence west with said parallel to the west line of the State of Kansas; thence
north on said line to the 1st standard parallel; thence east on said parallel to
the place of beginning."
There were no settlers in the county at that
time. The first town was laid out at the geographical center of the county about
1880 and was called Inez. It had disappeared, in name at least, before the
county organization, which took place in 1886. The first newspaper in the county
was the Voltaire Advertiser, founded in Dec., 1885, by Ernest J. Scott. In the
spring of 1886 there was such an influx of new settlers that the population was
sufficient for county organization. The citizens of Voltaire tried to bring
about the organization before the newer settlers in the southwest part of the
county were eligible to vote, hoping in this way to have their town made the
county seat. In June they secured the appointment of O. T. McCormick as census
taker and he was instructed to make all possible haste in the enumeration so
that the election to complete the organization could be held not later than the
middle of September. He did not make his returns until Aug. 30, and the people
of Voltaire, learning that he had been given several lots in the town of Eustis,
ascribed the delay to that fact.
The returns showed a population of
2,820, of whom 975 were householders. There was taxable property to the amount
of $362,960, of which $129,320 was real estate. In order to delay the
organization the Eustis men had claimed that there were less than 400 voters in
the county. However, their petition to the governor asking that Eustis be made
county seat had 2,500 names attached to it. The opponents of Eustis claimed that
hundreds of these names were of people living in adjoining counties, but this
was not proven and Eustis was made the temporary county seat. The following
officers were appointed: county clerk, J. H. Tate; commissioners, L. J. Gandy,
O. D. Dickey and R. R. Edwards. The other candidates for county seat were,
Itasca, Shermanville and Voltaire. The first named town moved to Shermanville,
which began to be called Sherman Center. An effort was made to get Voltaire to
move, and the Voltaire newspaper was very much in favor of joining forces
against Eustis and making Sherman Center the county seat. About half of the
people of Voltaire moved but those who remained entered the town in the lists at
November election, when Eustis won by 61 votes, and the following officers were
elected: county clerk, G. W. Benson; sheriff, R. G. Albright; treasurer, J. E.
Rule; superintendent of public instruction, F. S. Palmer; register of deeds, E.
W. Penny; county attorney, W. K. Brown; probate judge, L. E. Tobias; clerk of
the district court, P. C. Brown; surveyor, L. M. Harwood; coroner, A. E. Tice;
commissioners, C. E. Bennett, John Bray and E. L. Lyons.
In the spring of
1887 Goodland was founded just south of the geographical center of the county
and not far from Sherman Center. The latter town was induced to move to the new
site. The county seat matter was again voted upon in Nov., 1887. The vote was
not properly canvassed and a mandamus was issued by the supreme court the next
spring to compel a canvass of all the returns of the election. It was found that
Goodland had a majority and that town became the permanent county seat. Eustis
moved to Goodland and the county seat contest was ended.
At their first
meeting in 1886 the commissioners divided the county into 6 townships, Grant,
Voltaire, Shermanville, McPherson, Itasca and Washington. Since that time, Iowa,
Lincoln, Llanos, Logan, Smoky, State Line and Union have been organized, making
13 in all. The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad crosses the center of the
county from east to west, a distance of 36 miles.
The general surface is
undulating prairie, with a few bluffs and some rough lands along Beaver creek
and in the western part of the county. Lamborn (railroad name Kanorado) is the
highest point in the state. Its altitude is 3,906 feet. Timber is scarce,
existing only in thin belts along the north fork of the Smoky Hill river and on
the middle fork of the Sappa. The north fork of the Smoky Hill enters near the
southwest corner and flows across the southern portion into Wallace county. The
north and middle forks of the Sappa have their source in the central part of the
county and flow northeast across the eastern boundary. Beaver and Little Beaver
creeks rise in the northern part and flow north into Cheyenne county. Limestone
is found in the southwest.
In 1885 there were 2,605 head of live stock in
the county valued at $12,138. The next year there were 4,409 head with a total
value of $100,087. The field crops that year amounted to $82,628, the wool clip
to $1,548, the produce to $2,000 and the milk sold to $100. In 1910 the value of
live stock was $1,035,082, and the number of head was 19,756. The value of
animals sold for slaughter in the same year was over $66,000; the value of corn,
the largest field crop, was $158,214; barley, $126,694; wheat, $137,569; hay,
$94,863; sorghum, $45,465; oats, $22,540; poultry and eggs, $18,203; dairy
products, $53,230. The total value of farm products in 1910 was $776,149.
The population in 1890 was 5,261, nearly twice what it was in 1886. During
the next ten years there was a decrease incident to poor crops and heavy
immigration to the southwestern states and the population in 1900 was but 3,341.
The last few years have seen an increase and in 1910 the number of inhabitants
had reached 4,549. The assessed valuation of property in that year was
$9,343,387. The average wealth per capita being $2,054, several hundred dollars
above the average for the state.
Contributed 2002 by Carolyn Ward, transcribed from Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc. ... / with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence. Standard Pub. Co. Chicago: 1912. 3 v. in 4.: front., ill., ports.; 28 cm. Vols. I-II edited by Frank W. Blackmar, Volume II, Pages 691-693.
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